Subscriptions: Free unit subscriptions are available by emailing the editor
[email protected]. Include the com- plete mailing address (unit name, street address, and building number). Don’t forget to email the editor when your unit moves, deploys, or redeploys to ensure continual receipt of the bulletin. Reprints: Material in this bulletin is not copyrighted (except where indicated). Content may be reprinted if the MI Professional Bulletin and the authors are credited. Our mailing address: MIPB (ATZS-DST-B), Dir. of Doctrine and Intel Sys Trng, USAICoE, 550 Cibeque St., Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-7017 Commanding General MG Laura A. Potter Purpose: The U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence publishes the Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin Chief of Staff (MIPB) quarterly under the provisions of AR 25-30. COL Peter J. Don MIPB presents information designed to keep intelligence Chief Warrant Officer, MI Corps professionals informed of current and emerging devel- CW5 David J. Bassili opments within the field and provides an open forum Command Sergeant Major, MI Corps in which ideas; concepts; tactics, techniques, and proce- dures; historical perspectives; problems and solutions, etc., CSM Warren K. Robinson can be exchanged and discussed for purposes of profes- STAFF: sional development. Editor Tracey A. Remus
[email protected] Associate Editor Maria T. Eichmann Design and Layout Emma R. Morris Cover Design Emma R. Morris Military Staff CPT Emily R. Morrison 1931007 From the Editor The following themes and deadlines are established: July–September 2020, Collection Management. This issue will focus on how the intelligence staff executes the tasks of collection management in support of information collection.