·The Performance Group in India February-April 1
·The Performance Group in India February-April 1 976 Richard Schechner Program Tour funded by J DR 3rd Fund, New York, who paid for overseas transportation, and contributed towards production and TPG living and travel expenses in India. Local sponsors in India paid for most of the local production costs and provided most of the living accommodation for TPG members. Local sponsors also donated in-kind work on publicity, the environments, and day to-day running of the shows. United States Information Service paid for much of the advertising in India; also USIS paid TPG members for leading workshops in Calcutta and Bombay. TPG contributed money toward salaries while on tour and production expens; s. • • The Company, in order of speaking: STEPHEN BORST as Recruiter, Chaplain, Lieutenant JAMES GRIFFITHS as Sergeant, Cook, Poldi, Soldier JOAN MACINTOSH as Mother Courage (Anna Fierling) JAMES CLAYBURGH as Eilif, Man With A Patch Over His Eye, Clerk, Soldier SPALDING GRAY as Swiss Cheese, Soldier, Peasant . ELIZABETH LECOMPTE as General, Yvette, Peasant RON VAWTER as Ordnance Officer, Townspeople BRUCE RAYVID as Soldier, Another Sergeant, Peasant LEENY SACK as Kattrin Environment designed by JAMES CLAYBURGH Musical director & pianist, MIRIAM CHARNEY Technical director, BRUCE RAYVID Costumes, THEODORA SKIPITARES Technical director in India, V . RAMAMURTHY Associate technical director for Bhopal and Bombay, BENU GANGULY Technical assistants, KAS SELF, MUNIERA CHRISTIANSEN General Manager & drummer, RON VAWTER Director, RICHARD SCHECHNER Music by PAUL DESSAU Translated from the German by RALPH MANHEIM MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN by BERTOLT BRECHT (Written 1938; World Premier, Zurich, 1939) • • 9 Tour Outline: 6 Localities, 23 Performances, 56 Days Place Date.s Sponsors New Delhi February 1 0 , 11 , 1 2 , 1 3 , Abhiyan Modern School 14, 18, 19, 20,21 : Rajinder Nath Gymnasium 9 performances Som Nath Sapru M.
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