
WEEKroKJUNE i6 -22, 2QQS: SANlBEL. & CAPT!VA, FLORIDA' :^O.LU;ME -32 NUMBER 25 ^2O PAGES City council considers new waste disposal contract Sanibel Library to become

By GARY PHILLIPS [email protected]

Sanibel City Council is facing the task of choosing a company to dispose of the island's garbage. Council dis- cussed the bidding process and a protest letter submitted By JENNY BURNHAM by one bidding company at their June 7 meeting. Public jfournham@breezenews Works Director Gates Castle reported that bids had been papers.com sought earlier this year, but all were considered to be too high and were rejected. After a lengthy series of "'We received bids at the end of February and received negotiations at the county two proposals, the prices for which were in the neigh- level, and a complex state borhood of a 230 percent increase over the current rate legislative process, Gov- for residential," he said. "We came back to council with ernor Jeb Bush signed the recommendation that the city reject the bids and HB1381 to make the rebid it on the basis that there was at least one more Sanibel Public Library ah poiential bidder who was disqualified because he did not independent taxing district, attend the mandatory prebid meeting." a move that will lower Castle said Waste Services of Florida, also known as property taxes for Sanibel Florida Recycling Services, had filed a protest letter residents, said Library claiming another company, Waste Pro, had violated the Board president Tom bidding process by not attending the prebid meeting. Krekel. Florida Recycling Services currently has the island's Sanibel Library Director trash disposal contract. Pat Allen is pleased that the Castle said a prebid meeting was not intended to be a legislation passed. "This is requirement of the second bid taking, and had been not a new tax," she said. removed from advertising soliciting bids but mistakenly "We are replacing the tax had not been deleted from the bid specifications. He said we are already paying the the second bidding was in April, but the pre-proposal county, but the tax will be meeting referenced in the bid specifications was dated less." January 7, 2005, the date of the prebid meeting for the Creation of the taxing first bid taking. district is subject to voter Castle said three companies expressed interest in bid- approval -by referendum in ding the second time and all were provided the same November. Photo by Renny Severance information regarding bid specifications. Currently the library is The Sanibel Library is slated to become its own independent taxing district which is City Attorney Ken Cuyler advised the council on how funded under an interlocal expected to save island taxpayers money. to consider the bidding process and Waste Services' let- agreement with Lee ter. County. Under this agree- •'What it boils down to is, has the bidding entity main- ment, the county assesses Sanibel property owners at a maximum of .50, Sanibel tax payers will save at least 17 tained a level playing field?" Cuyler said. "Has one party millage rate of more than .60 to fund the library, said percent on their assessment for library services, accord- gained a competitive advantage or has another party been Krekel. The Lee County library system receives the tax ing to Krekel. put at a disadvantage as a result of an irregularity in your money, and returns 65 percent to the Sanibel Library. The "That's the minimum savings," said Krekel. bidding process?" other 35 percent remains with the county for county The change will be transparent to tax payers. Sanibel Councilman Steve Brown said his position is to look library system use. residents won't detect a change in the billing process, out for what's financially best for the city. With the formation of an independent taxing district, said Krekel, "except that the bill will be lower." "The bottom line to me is what's best for Sanibel, as 100 percent of the assessed taxes will go directly to the The Sanibel Library board of directors was faced with 'long as it's fair," Brown said. "We want-to be known as Sanibel Library, with a millage cap of .50, Krekel told the finding different sources of funding when the existing someone who lives up to our word and is fair and honest." Island Reporter. interlocal agreement with Lee County became due to "All of it will go back to the citizens of Sanibel," See LIBRARY See WASTE Krekel said. Because the millage rate will be fixed at a page 4 page 2 which of 29 categories, including "other," that ihe responding business fits into. Food service, retailers, property management, bike rental, interior decorators City to surrey island businesses and attorneys are just a few of the categories from which By GARY PHILLIPS are economically viable," the letter states. to choose. [email protected] The two-page survey should take only minutes to com- The survey next asks the number of the full-time and plete, but City Manager Judie Zimomra said the informa- part-time employees a business has, including the owner. When Sanibel City Council determined their primary tion can be invaluable to the city. Questions on length of time in business and whether the goals a few weeks ago, assisting and supporting small "The council or the city is not making an assumption business owns or rents their space are also included. The businesses ranked high on the list. As a first step in the that we know what the businesses need," she said. "I think survey also inquires as to whether the business is located process, the council is sending out nearly 4,500 business that can be a fatal flaw. It's extremely important for this to on Sanibel or off island and what business structure the surveys, one to each occupational license holder. be a dialogue between the city and the business communi- enterprise falls under; sole proprietorship, corporation, The cover letter which accompanies the surveys is ty and we're providing an opportunity for them to give partnership or franchise. signed by all five council members and includes a key sen- their input." Zimomra said there are two basic questions which seek tence regarding the council's concern for local business. Zimomra said it's not always apparent how diverse definite input from the license holders. "We thrive as a community when our local businesses Sanibel's economy is. The first survey question asks "What are the three greatest challenges currently fac- ing your business?" she said. "And, what are your sug- gestions and recommendations for initiatives the city could pursue." INDEX \ Juw 4"~ 1 POOL PLUS MiiYoit's MEMO; A self-addressed, stamped envelope is included for the return of the surveys. Zimomra said she expects most of • LETTERS PAGE 6 Holiday offers Planning City Council to ; the surveys to be returned quickly. Sots of fun (Commission (continue review "Usually with surveys you get the vast majority back • LOOKING BACK PAGE 8 within the first two weeks or so," she said. "Input is help- hears debate iof Segways : ful whenever you get it but the people who are going to • DATELINE PAGE 11 Islanders can look send them in will do so in the first 10 days." • PERMITS & DEEDS PAGE 12 forward to a parade, a Proposed construction ; Council seeks public : Zimomra encourages business owners to take the sur- vey seriously and respond. • TV LISTINGS PAGE 12 picnic, a pie contest, and may lead to new input on concerns about an unusual pooch ordinance. i inew vehicles. • "We hope people respond. It's going to be very impor- • OBITUARIES PAGE 14 competion. tant for us," she said. "The letter is short and the survey is short. The effort here is to take a blank canvas and hear • POLICE BEAT PAGE 15 ' j from the business community where the city can be a part- • CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 17 — See page 4 — See page 3 — See page 5 ner with them to succeed." 2 Q Week of June 16-22, 2005 • ISLAND REPORTER club and how much had been accomplished. Her goals at the beginning of her year as president} were that the club would be more focused and strategic,;would make a dif- ference in women's lives; that we could see/feel, would be Zonta installs new officers more connected to the international in Zonta International, would be strengthened and enriched by our The Zonta Club of Sanibel-Captivi held the installa- plentiful, the company superb and the raison d'etre fellowship, and would be better known and understood in tion of its 2005-2006 slate of officers at the Lighthouse momentous. After a sumptuous feast, the emcee Ginger the community. Her feeling at the end pf the year was that Point Condominium Clubhouse on asultry evening in Parker kept the lively proceedings moving along. the club had succeeded beyond her wildest expectations. late May. Incoming president Karen Pati requested a Sharing poignant reflections on her year, outgoing potluck dinner so the food and drink |were fabulous and president Darla Letourneau focused on the efforts of the Former president Susan Dunn presented Darla with a beautiful Luc Century inscribed vase, !and Darla presented the leadership team w^th wall hangings quilted by a Maine artist. Susan and Darla as past-presi- dents received a standing ovation fromj the club members. President of the 2005-2006 year, K^ren Pati accepted her installation with her usual good hupor and infectious smile. Her visions for her year, were] thought-filled and inspiring (and will involve much j good hard work for the club). Her mission for this coming year _is that of Zonta International: to improve the lives of women. Efficiency and foctas were mentioned repeatedly as part of the way to achieve the club's goals. She said, ,,I want to increase our involvement with part- ners, but through efficiency, not necessarily time com- mitment.%o The Zonta Club of Sanibei-Captiva has part- nered with three local grass-roots organizations in Lee County to focus energies on women trpnsitioning to self- sufficiency from addiction, from foster care, and from conditions of human trafficking. Both presidents praised the club members for bringing these issues to more pub- lic, prominence through their actions, i The boards of Zonta Sanibel- Captiya and of the Zonta Foundation of South West Florida board were installed. Heading the Foundation, board are! President Linda Robison, VP Esther Saltzman, Treasurer Joan "Good, Secretary Wendy West. Members kt Large include Carolyn Gray, Wendy Humphrey, and Sally Webber. The Zonta Foundation is the 501 (c) 3. charitable organization which provides an opportunity for meijnbers and the pub- lic to support Zonta and its charities with tax-deductible gifts, I Per the Zonta bylaws, the Zonta board was then installed by Zonta Foundation board president Robison. It is led by President Karen Pati, Prksident-Elect Nola furnished photo Theiss, Past-President Darla Letournejau, Corresponding (L-R) NolaTheiss, President-Elect; Karen Pati, newly installed President; Darla Secretary Nancy Dorrity, Recording Secretary Kris Ritts, Letourneau, PasJ-President. and Treasurer Annie Nachtsheim, Members at large are Barbara Cooley, Gini Jones and Maureen O'Brien. The Zonta Club of Sanibel-Captiva is a service orga- nization of professional women working together to pro- vide hands on assistance, advocacy, and funds to Sighrseeing'Sunser Cnmses strengthen women's lives on the islands, in Lee County, and around through Zonta International. Additional information is available ^t www.zontasan- Renrai & Tom Boar Imps cap.com or by calling Ginger Parker on 466-5100.

LIBRARY . From page 1 j expire and the Board of County Commissioners chose not to renew, Krekel said. j Thelma Davis, Senior Management Budget Analyst with Lee County, said the reason the county allowed the interlocal agreement to expire was that "we did not then and don't now want to enter into any longterm interlocal agreements." ! Davis authored the county's position paper regarding the interlocal agreement, suggesting a number of alter- nate sources of funding for Sanibel. \ Said Davis, "When we were to mee|t with Sanibel we wanted to have several options for their review so they could choose the one that was best-suited for them." Two of those ideas were the possibility that the city could take over the library or the library could enter the Lee County system. Neither of those alternatives would allow the Sanibel Public Library to remain independent, as it has been since its founding in 1962. \>. YACHTSMAN When the suggestion of an independent tax district was made, Krekel said, "We jumped on that one. The only risk was we were afraid it wouldn't go through." Next began the process of drafting the bill for the leg- islature. After getting approval from (the city and the county, the library board went to the committees of the legislative district, and finally to thej state legislature, where the bill was passed unanimously by both the House and the Senate. - ( I "And just last week the Governor signed it," Krekel said. Davis said the county pledged to»support the Sanibel Library during the entire time the library board was working with the legislature. t "We provided funding as the process proceeded," she said. f The 35 percent of Sanibel's properjty taxes that Lee County retains for the county library system is over $1 million, said Davis. The county will forfeit that income Taste of the Islands 2005 with the establishment of the Sanibel jLibrary indepen- dent tax district. j Best Appetizer "The budget for the entire Lee County library system Best Booth Presentation is over $25 million," said Davis. "We felt that between what we were giving up and what we Were trying to do, And for the 5th Year in a Row, it wasn't a hard decision." t THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE .WINNER^ I — " 1 - 472-8138 See LIBRARY ISLAND REPORTER • Week of June 16 - 22, 2005 • 3 Elevated pools spark sharp debate at planning commission By GARY PHILLIPS cerns about the elevated pools. Valiquette "The planning department is trying to this ordinance for the numerous reasons [email protected] said the commission needs to fully study the make a reasonable compromise so that peo- we've listed and other reasons we've been issue before making recommendations that ple who need some elevation can achieve it forced to bring public quickly," he said. "We In an attempt to keep Sanibel's "rural could become law. but they want to keep the visual mass to a have reason to believe and evidence to sup- character," the Planning Commission dis- "We are planners. This is the planning minimum," he said. "The main thing I notice port that this ordinance appears to have been cussed the issue of above-ground swimming commission and if we are going to give our on the island is not the pool itself but the proposed as a direct result of what has been pools and the possible need to restrict their recommendation to an ordinance I think it pool enclosure adds a lot of visual mass." turned into a vain attempt to build a home, height. The matter was put on the commis- needs to be thoroughly planned," Valiquette Marks added that the outdoor area of coincidentally one where we have recently sion's Tuesday agenda at the request of said. "These kinds of questions need to many homes is considered by the residents proposed a raised pool, coincidentally one Councilman Steve Brown. come up now and not after we put ourto be just as important as in the inside. adjacent to Councilman Brown, and coinci- Acting Planning Director Ken Pfalzer stamp, or not, on this ordinance. I see a lot "They spend quite a bit of time enter- dentally Councilman Brown has been the provided background information to the of big problems with this. I get the feeling taining and letting their grandchildren and spearhead of this ordinance." commission, saying that some homeowners this is being fast-tracked." families enjoy the pool," he said. "So they D'Amelio further said Brown filed a wish to elevate their pools and surrounding Commissioner John Veenschoten said he try to make a fairly large, generous area for legal action seeking to rescind a permit decking to a height at or near the level of supports the ordinance and questioned the this to occur. In some cases these pool which had been already issued by the their home's living areas, which are raised to motives of Valiquette, a professional builder. enclosures can be quite large." Florida Department of Environmental conform to flood regulations. "There's never been an ordinance written When input from the public was Protection. Brown filed the suit only "The planning staff has always wrestled that somebody couldn't find fault with. requested, a lone speaker, Mike D'Amelio days before suggesting the ordinance, with the concern of how this fits in with the Never. That's what ordinances are all about stepped forward. D'Amelio said he is D'Amelio said. Sanibel development style," he said. "We and that's why we're always changing them planning a home that he hopes can include "Even though our proposed home stepped back and looked at the mission or adding to them," Veenschoten said. "But, a raised pool. exceeds the requirements of the State of statement as a starting point. From that per- Mike, I think you're dealing with an attitude "I view this as an elimination of raised Florida, it does not meet his personal spective, this type of structure doesn't seem towards this ordinance that is respective to pools, not a modification of them. It truly requirements," he said. "A component of to be rural in character." you and your industry. I don't look at it that does eliminate the purpose for a raised that litigation stipulated, and I quote, 'that Pfalzer pointed out the proposed ordi- way at all. I look at this ordinance as some- pool," D'Amelio said. "The proposed elim- our pool remain at ground level.' That liti- nance would restrict the height of pools but thing that's keeping Sanibel the way it ination of raised pools will significantly and gation was filed only six business days prior not ban them altogether. always has been." adversely affect private citizens who are in to the May 2 memorandum outlining this "Staff's support of this ordinance is Valiquette's response was to the point. the process of designing and building their proposed ordinance." based on the fact that we feel that this does "Unless I see people lining up at that homes." The commission agreed the issue needs not place any undue burden on any property podium today I haven't heard any com- D'Amelio stated that Brown has person- further study and hopefully more public owner," he said. "The type of property that's plaints about elevated pools," he said. "I'm al reasons to introduce the height restriction input. The commissioners voted to take no being regulated would still be available to all talking about an ordinance change based on for pools. immediate action on the ordinance, but to those property owners, it would just be a what one man has said that a number of peo- "The question again becomes, why is this continue the discussion at their regularly question of the standards in terms of how it's ple have said to him about complaints." in front of the commission now? We oppose scheduled meeting on July 12. . placed on the property." Valiquette further emphatically said that Pfalzer recommended a height limit of 42 from his professional standpoint the height inches for pools and decks. of pools doesn't affect his business. Vice-chairman Mike Valiquette posed a "I take offense to the fact that you think question about the origins of the proposed I'm against this because I can benefit from ordinance. it. I couldn't care less whether I ever elevate "How many complaints are on file to a swimming pool," he said. "I make the date, in the history of Sanibel, against same amount of money on a house whether above-ground pools?" he asked. "If I have I. build an elevated pool or a ground-level an above-ground pool and somebody buys t pool. I have no benefit from this other than the house next to me and all of a sudden they ; protecting the rights of the property own- don't like it, are there any complaints of that ers." PUBLIC NOTICE nature?" Commissioner Phillip Marks said the City Attorney Ken Cuyler said while height of pools should not be the only con- officially recorded complaints have been cern, but enclosures have to be considered as few, Councilman Brown had reported at a well. Sanibe! City Council city council meeting that he had heard con- will convene a Joint City Council/Planning Commission/Vegetation sage of HB1381, "mainly because we won't have to worry about funding," she Committee LIBRARY said. She also praised the support the meeting on Monday, June 27, 2005 library board received from the county, its From page 2 commissioners, and Sanibel's at 9:00 a.m. Commissioner Bob Janes during the leg- inMacKenzie Hall Once voters approve the new tax dis- islation process. trict in November, the next step will be In the months preceding the Fall elec- 800 Dunlop Road changes to the composition of the library tion, the library board will be presenting Public is welcome. board. Boardmembers will become more information to Sanibel voters about "Commissioners," and their number will the November referendum. change from nine to seven. Said Allen, "The money will be raised Complete agendas are available at the City Web site: "It will be all Sanibel residents, serving locally and kept locally." without pay," said Krekel. "Any way you look at it, it's a good www.mysanibel.com. A copy of the agenda is also posted Allen said she is happy about the pas- deal for Sanibel citizens," Krekel said. on the bulletin board outside City Hall. Agendas subject to amendment.


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60' fesat dock, 2 fireplaces...a "must-see" Island home. MAMY LOO'BAILEY *'CHUCK BEMGSTROM * 239-472-1511 4 • Week of June 16-22, 2005 • ISLAND REPORTER island Independence Day picnic promises more hot dogs, more frozen bananas, more snow cones, more fun... 2340 Periwinkle Way P.O. Box 809. Sanibcl. Fl. 33957 For the third consecutive year, the City Last year, after Sanibel residents Sanibel Community Church of Sanibel and the Sanibel & Captiva quickly ate 4,000 hot dogs, golf carts were Island Grooming by Lisa 7 he Island Reporter h Islands Chamber of Commerce are join- dispatched to Bailey's and Jerry's, and San-Cap Lion's Club Sanibel s newspaper <>l i\\ mil. ing together to sponsor a community pic- every hot dog available was quickly pnhiishedecuh 'Ilwrvlny nic immediately following the Independ- grilled. This year, 5,000 hot dogs and buns San-Cap Rotary Club u/7// more limn 2.61)0 p.iiJ ence Day Parade. The Picnic has become have been ordered. Optimist Club

Classifieds & Subscriptions Shirlene Grasgreen Pies & Baking Contest on Independence Day Phone: (239)472-1587 (Ages 16 & under), and Adult Pie a celebration of patriotism and civic Fax: (239) 472-8398 Entries to be judged and awarded at Community Picnic Baking Contest (Ages 17 & older). A pride. e-mail: good time is ensured for all participants For more information or to obtain an [email protected] The Islands top bakers of all ages will and spectators. entry form, contact Jai Earle, Sanibel website:www.breezenewspapers.com be honored at the July 4th, Independence Last year over 2,000 people partici- Recreation Department at 472-6477, or Day Community Picnic. There are two pated in the Independence Day print the form available on the City's Hours: Monday - Friday Community Picnic. The annual event is website at www.mysanibel.com. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. categories: a Junior Baking Contest Member: I laidn l're\s.\\ w< uilnm Sanilx'l-Cttpiiui Chamberuf (tmmwiii- (ii)iiiniinil\ l\ipci\ sl Ofl'iix-. I L annual Independence Day Community REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT. 11 SPS4SI-41)01 Picnic that will allow all family members There are a limited number of entries Scud ;uMiv>> cli.irmc.i to lhc to participate. This year, family poochs available for this event so do not delay and Island Ri-porU-r P.O. Box 8

SanihAf.PaiitliMi TitlAe NOT FOR NAVIGATION "In analyzing the bids we found that June 11 -23,2005 condBons. They do not inciucfe the effects of ^o?m swge caus«fty both bidders are qualified to do the work huntenes & ote vseaSw eor^fflws WASTE Feet and Waste Pro of Florida has submitted the lowest pricing of the two," he said. 2 ''' jh •- i jk '•* >•••A r; 1 From page 1 "So the recommendation of staff is that Tidal llBl; ' Range at 0 llllilaJ council direct the city manager to nego- Redftsh it tilllllipillfip^^pl JSttiiil ^.—jfll Brown made a motion to deny the tiate a contract with the top-ranked firm, plifeill Timinnn nnn • nnmnnnn iinirnmiaiin which would be Waste Pro." Pass protest which was seconded by Vice- iiSiitll! IS illwiiiiiBilliiiiilliilli111111 mayor Mick Denham. The motion Castle said Waste Pro's bid was Sunrise 6:35 a 6:35 a 6:35 a 6:36 a 6:36 a 6:36 a 6:36 a passed by a vote of four to one, with roughly half of that from Waste Tom Rothman casting the dissenting Sunset 8:24 8:24 Services. The solid waste disposal con- 8:23 p P P 8:24 p 8:24 P 8:25 p 8:25 p vote. tract would be for a term of five years. The council then proceeded to the Castle reported that the rate would Redfish Lo 2:57 a 3:29 a next phase of the discussion, consider- increase under a new contract. Pass HL; .9:69 a > • 1:38 p ing the two bids submitted in April from "The rates as of October 1st would Waste Services of Florida, Inc. and increase by 17 percent," he said. Lo 4:40 p 5:35 P 1:13 a 2:46 a 11:56 a 12:44 p 9:54 p ; Waste Pro of Florida, Inc. Council decided to table the matter "Hl40 is '3:64 a* 4:07 a- ' 8:11 P' Castle presented a recommendation and continue the discussion at their next Lo 10:33 a 11:12a to the council. meeting June 21.

Punta Lo 2:52 a 3:24 a Rassa la" .v •":;-" :/ Lo 4:35 p 5:30 P 1:08 a 2:41 a 11:51 a 12:39 p 9:49 p SUSAM BLUEHS '"'-'" ',*, '"''"'?' w.d$&$£|* :'^:4S •& ' '.Am &: ^•1 •'.V,-; •'>:;-VJ Lo 10:28 a 11:07 a Health Care Services Sanibel Lo j2:50 a o A FULL RANGE OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES BY AN ISLAND RESIDENT Light "M. •'t&i^p? Lo 4:45 p 3:01 a 10:05 a. 10:44 a 11:28 a 9:00p 9:51 p Bathing & Personal Care • Companion Care : •1&37-p :& • 6;2?P"- * 7:t8'p. P' ' '•'"•'i-^Vi. Meal Preparation • Transportation • 24 Hour Care Lo 5:37 P Medication Management • Safety Management Blood Pressure, Cardiac Sf Pulmonary Management Captiva Lo 1:43 a 2:15 a (Outside) Hi •8:05 a 8:34 a 1.2:13 p Diabetic Care • Wound Care • Colostomy & Heostomy Care Lo 3:26 p 4:21 P 1 ;32 a 10:42 a 11:30 a 8:40 p Alzheimers Care • Terminal Illness Care & Management HI, 10:16 p 2:29 a 2:42 a 6:46 P 7:38'p

Lo -- ••- - •• • . i Susan Bluehs, R^fi. {239)472*3327 8:1* a- • -3:S8~a Lie. 5021 ) 154 ISLAND REPORTER • Week of June 16 - 22, 2005 • 5

on subdivision roads? Should EPAMD ple, is it safe to carry destabilizing bundles, parking be designated and restricted to safe- or to fasten two EPAMDs together? guard auto parking spots and protect pedes- Is it safe to travel on an EPAMD at a trian safety? speed more than nine, or 12, miles per hour? Should individual EPAMD drivers be Might safety be jeopardized when a device Memo from tioning have? Are required to have city permits that identify heavier than other non-licensed vehicles is Mayor Carla B. Johnston they a menace that their EPAMD vehicle and that validate the allowed to travel on public right-of-ways should never have driver's knowledge of safe driving rules? over certain speeds? Must EPAMDs be been invented? Is Should individual operators planning to required to use bells before passing others? Tuesday, June 21st at 9 a.m., the City it possible, or Council meets. The agenda is full. used such motorized devise on a public If EPAMDs are regulated and prohibited advisable, to total- right-of-way be required to show proof of The solid waste contract hasn't yet been ly prohibit in certain areas, what should be the penalties decided. The first round of bids were too liability insurance in order to be given this for violation of restrictions? Or—should EPAMD use on permit? Should it be prohibited to drive an expensive. Now, we are exploring whether Sanibel? Or, are EPAMDs simply be permitted or prohibit- we can gain economies of scale as part of EPAMD while under the influence of alco- ed—without the regulation? they something hol or drugs? the County contract. here to stay, but in If you can't come to the Council meeting, Tuesday at 9:30 is the key public discus- need of firm regu- Is it safe to modify EPAMD equipment please let us know your views. Email us at sion about the recreation center. While four lation to fit safely in ways that change the 'footprint' or [email protected] years of planning, considerable time and into Sanibel's way increase the weight of the device? For exam- money having been spent on envisioning Carla B. Johnston of life. this facility, some still ask, "what 'rec' cen- Under Florida ter?" Recent community-based discussion State Law, Chapter 316, these devices can San-Cap Rd. to one-lane for sewer work provided background. Now it's time for the be legally operated on streets with speed full official discussion and the decision- limits up to 25mph, on bike paths and side- Vehicular will be restricted to on the site are the primary concern. making process. walks. However, Council has some rights to one lane on portions of Sanibel-Captiva This work is anticipated to begin Three things distinguish our government prohibit use based on safety. Road as the City of Sanibel sanitary sewer Friday, June 17. Work will continue on policy meetings from community advocacy installation work resumes. The areas Monday and should be completed by June Safety for both drivers and the Sanibel where traffic will be impacted on San-Cap 21. The contractor is scheduled to work meetings. 1) The policy process requires an community need consideration. There are officially advertised meeting open to all vot- Rd. is west of Bowman's Beach Rd. to the from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through four aspects to EPAMD safety: 1) locations west end of the island. Friday. ers. 2) The format must enable the public to — right-of-ways - that are, or are not, safe hear, question, and make recommendations for EPAMD use; 2) skill levels that are Motorists are strongly urged to obey all For additional information, please call to the official staff and consultants. 3) Such needed to drive an EPAMD safely; 3) the construction signs and lower speed lim- the Department of Public Utilities at 472- discussion must occur where all decision EPAMD equipment design that is, or is not, its. The safety of motorists and the workers 1008. makers (all five Council Members) can hear safe; 4) speed limits for safe use of and participate. (By law, this only happens EPAMDs on Sanibel. in publicly-noticed meetings.) Is it appropriate for Sanibel to draft an 1 To arrive at the best decisions, all five ordinance delineating safety restrictions for VICTORIA RYAN, PH.D.< policy makers must have the same base of EPAMDs on Sanibel? Psychologist knowledge. Council will decide on the Should EPAMDs be prohibited from design and cost appropriate after this meet- some, or all, of our shared use/bicycle Island Resident ing. paths? These paths are unique and congest- Announces the opening of her practice on Sanibel Island. On June 21st, we discuss revenue alter- ed in that they accommodate 4-year olds • Medicare & Most Insurance plans accepted natives for the FY '05-'06 budget. We also with training wheels, to 94-year olds taking review departmental budget initiatives. a stroll, and everyone in-between who is •Adolescents & Adults Getting 'our money's worth' requires care- engaged in personally-powered exercise. • Individual, Couple's & Family Therapy ful and deliberative review of budget alter- Should prohibitions be year-round or •Mood Disorders, Addictions natives. only at designated times? Should tours lead- At 1 p.m., Segways (the brand name for ers be required to obtain city permits where- *•* Stress, Weight Management 'Electric Personal Assistive Mobility by the size of tours and the routes taken •Weight & Retirement Issues Devices' or EPAMDs) will be discussed. must be approved by the Planning Segways are quickly propelling themselves Commission? Should proof of insurance as (239) 472-6877 to Sanibel's center stage. Are they just well as operator training be required to another new technology changing our lives obtain such tour permits? Are EPAMDs safe 2340 Periwinkle Way Suite J1 the way personal computers and air condi-

Paradise has found a new address... PUBLIC NOTICE PINE ISLAND, f FLORIDA... t Sanibel City Council will convene the regularly f Oneoj scheduled meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 f Islands js|3nd ^ajtyi jnc f f locations! Ptnejsland, FL f at 9:00 a.m. in MacKenzie Hall f 9AatlachaTtnninsula • ^-^ f 800 Dunlop Road f Mangrove Cove f Public is welcome. t Located in historic fishing vil t Complete agendas are available at the City Web f > Main House site: www.mvsanibeLcom. A copy of the agenda is f %ey West Style f also posted on the bulletin board outside City HalL • i&Tadj Cottage Agendas subject to amendment. f > Qiiitt. secluded retreat f > Security Qate t • On a 65%400 lot f IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE BY THE COUNCIL ON ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS $2,200,000 f f MEETING/HEARING, SUCH PERSON MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, f f TO INCLUDE THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH t ANY SUCH APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES f f ACT, PERSONS NEEDING A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION TO 3366 Stringfellow Rd, St. James City PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING SHOULD CONTACT JIM (Look for the blue and yellow building 7 miles from the center) f ISOM, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES NO LATER Office: 239-282-5200 or Tollfree at 1-866-547-5263 THAN ONE DAY PRIOR TO THE PROCEEDINGS. TELEPHONE f f 239-472-3700 FOR ASSISTANCE IF HEARING IMPAIRED, f t TELEPHONE THE FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE AT 711. 6 • Week of June 16-22, 2005 • ISLAND REPORTER To the Editor: Open letter to Sanibel Council Members: In the next few weeks or months the City Council will Hurricane Seminars have to make an important decision with possible serious consequences for island bike path users and residents. To the Editor: Your Segway Human Transporter decision should be for the 2005 Season When I first moved to Sanibel, my dad told me to look based on safety andfacts because it could have enormous into the program that picks up food on the island and future injury and liability problems. takes it to a food bank in Fort Myers. He and my mother It is my hope, that you get as much information as The City of Sanibel will sponsor three hurricane did it many years ago and he said it just makes you feel possible and that you examine carefully all the evidence seminars for the 2005 season in an effort to accommo- good. Well, time went by and other things got in the way, before you make a final decision. Sooner or later, you date residents, property owners, business owners and until today when I finally did my first run as a "summer will need to be prepared to defend the City against Island workers. All seminars are free and reservations replacement" for Twelve Baskets. And I do feel good. Segway related lawsuits. are not required. It is very important to attend one of There is something really wonderful about being a I strongly suggest you take the following steps: these seminars to be sure and receive all the new infor- part of something that is all good. And no controversy! mation to the city's Hurricane Plan. The grocers et al were thrilled the food was going to a 1. Obtain the history and injury record of Segway Main topics to be discussed will be: Human Transporters. Some say they are safer than good cause, the food bank was pleased as punch to get • Evacuation the bounty of baked goods and fruits and vegetables, and bicycles, but are they really safer when you com- I, who simply drove it all from one place to another, got pare the number of vehicles used, miles traveled • Special Needs Program that warm fuzzy feeling of doing a good thing. and hours used? • Shelters I applaud all who are involved. I thank Jerry's and 2. Obtain facts from well known Trauma Centers • Hurricane Pass/Re-entry Program Bailey's in particular — your generosity filled the back around the country related to this type of equip- of my truck to overflowing. ment. Get information and opinions of trauma doc- All three seminars will be held at BIG ARTS locat- Bravo. And thanks to Twelve Baskets and to Sue tors and experts in this field of medicine. ed at 900 Dunlop Road. Carter for coordinating it! 3. Obtain information from cities that permit this Wednesday, June 22 ~ 1-3 p.m. — Peggy Newell equipment, any problems or additional needs? Thursday, June 23 ~ 9-11 a.m. Sanibel 4. Obtain a list of the cities that have banned the use PS: This is not an advertisement for the program—it was of Segways and the reasons why. Saturday, June 25 ~ 10 a.m.-12 p.m. such a nice experience, I wanted to tell someone—but if 5. Obtain advice and information from an experi- you are interested in more information: Twelve Baskets enced lawyer who specializes in this type of cases. All attendees will be provided a copy of the All is a "food rescue program" which coordinates pick-ups Most city attorneys are general practitioner lawyers Hazards Guide which includes actions to be taken before, of donated groceries, prepared foods from restaurants, with minimal lawsuit experience. It is part of the during and after a hurricane. Also includes: survival kits food left by visitors in condos, etc. and delivers it to job description of all City Attorneys to avoid law- contents, evacuation orders and routes, storm surge infor- Community Cooperative Ministries soup kitchen on suits whenever possible, but sometimes taking the mation, where you should seek shelter during the storm, MLK in Fort Myers. Sue was my contact. Her email is risk of an immediate lawsuit filed by a business and re-entry precautions when returning home. [email protected] for more information. owner who wants to expand his business will pre- vent future lawsuits from the parents of a dead or seriously injured child. "First, do no harm" is a good rationale for all City decisions, especially Independence Day Please send your letters to: when it comes to the safety of our citizens and vis- Letters to the Editor itors. Yes, the city may be sued by Segway or Billy's Rental if a permit is not granted. The main Essay and Art Contest • issue here is safety! Sanibel needs facts, some Island Reporter expert legal advice and some "backbone." for Sanibel youth P.O. Box 809, Sanibel, FL 33957 6. Do not compromise or surrender safety. If the evi- Fax:(239)472-8398 dence and facts are against the use of the mechani- Colonial Bank has again stepped forward to sponsor email: [email protected] cal Segway human transporters on Sanibel bike the Independence Day Youth Essay and Art Contest. Letters must be signed and include a paths, you have a responsibility to ban them. Colonial Bank will purchase $50 U.S. Savings Bonds for telephone number for verification. each of the first place winners. The winners will be rec- Sincerely, ognized and presented ribbons and savings bonds at the We reserve the right to edit letters Pedro P. Ponce, M.D. July 4, 2005 Independence Day Community Picnic. for style, grammar and length. Concerned Sanibel Resident All youngsters of Sanibel age twelve and under are invited to participate in Independence Day Essay and Art Contests. The theme for the written essay is "Freedom". One savings bond will be awarded for the winning essay to a youngster age eight or younger and one savings bond will be awarded for a winning essay youngster age nine to twelve. Essays are not to exceed one hundred words. The theme for the Art Contest is "Picnic". One sav- ings bond will be awarded for the wining art submitted by a youngster age eight or younger and one savings bond will be awarded for the winning artwork youngster age nine to twelve. The artwork can be in any medium. The authors and artist of the selected Best Essays and Best Artwork will be recognized at the Independence Day Community Picnic on Monday, July 4, 2005. The deadline for all submissions is Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 5:00 p.m. Entries may be submitted to Sanibel City Hall, 800 Dunlop Road or the Sanibel Recreation Center, 3840 Sanibel-Captiva Road. Essays may also be submitted by email to [email protected]. Entries must include the youngster's name, address, age and phone number.

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'> ™ LET'S TALK .* REAL ESTATE Presented by Margie Davison

M&RVIL0y$ MIDDLE • IP^M] BUILDING GOOD COMMUNICATION Good communication will enable you to obtain the best service form the Realtor who is helping you to Restonic HOTEL/MOTEL $449 buy or sell a home in the Sanibel and Captiva area. If Beautyrest you have any concerns, express them not only to your nesting Ortho $719 WINDEMERE$499 spouse and your co-workers, but also to the person St. Lucia $899 LIFESTYLE $599 FIRM $699 • PLUSH $799 who can do something about it -- yojiLageni! Soleil $UIS LIFESTYLE F9AM $649 PILLOW TOP $899 Real estate sales are extremely complex- transactions that involve large sums of money and the largest "ALL PRICES IN QUEEN SIZE SETS • FAST, FREE DELIVERY single material asset most individuals will ever own. Since the potential for misunderstanding is great, MONDAY.- FRIDAY &&SATURDAY 9-5 SUNDAY 11-5 professional Realtors work hard to ensure that the transaction will go smoothly. This requires clear communication between the buyers, the sellers and EASY TO FIND the other Realtors. Most of the breakdowns in real estate transactions result from vague or inadequate communication prior to the signing of the contract. Express any concerns that you may have and ask about anything you don't understand. The only foolish question is the one that isn't asked! 15631 SAN CARLOS BLVD FORT MYERS Margie specializes in Sanibel, Captiva and Ft. Myers real estate. CONVENIENT LOCATION FRO« S&NIBEL & FT MYERS BEAO She was named Realtor of ihe Year by Sanibel and Captiva Assn. 7 DAYS or Realtors in 2000 and 2002. Iler new book, "How To Make Your 239«489~3311 www.furnJtunB-world.net A WEEK Realtor Gel You The Best Deal-South Florida Edition" is must reading if you are thinking of buying or selling. Call Margie at PMR 472-1511, or e-mail Tier at [email protected]. ISLAND REPORTER • Week of June 16 - 22, 2005 • 7 Join in an island tradition,., 26th ANNU; RALI w jr'

. l i a «•! 011 1 • t tlU 1 ° iru -•> i' . J>li " •. i Cl path. The stress and anxiety worse and potential growth, that comes with awaiting efforts to recover by draw- For an early start time, Mail this term along with entry fee ($35.00) to: the unknown can take an ing upon own personal and Sanibei Captiva Optimist Ciub emotional and physical toll. social resources, some may P.O. Box 1370 Based on more than 50 need help in doing so. Most Sanibei, Florida 33957 years of research on hurri- individuals recover com- Team Name: cane-related human behav- pletely unless there are ior, Dr. Charles Figley, has other emotional issues or Driver's Name: but together four phases of mental disorders (e.g., pre- Navigator's Name: vious trauma, grief of loss, hurricane-related distress Where Can We Contact The Team Leader? Please Print: and tips on how to cope: depression, storm-related The four phases include: phobia). Team Leader Name: ' • Phase I: Anticipation Dr. Janice Caron Coping Strategies for Address: and Preparation: Phase I: City: State: Zip: Starts from warning to impact (if 1. Prepare as best you can. Taking Day Phone: Evening Phone: any) action to protect yourself or your • Phase II: Disaster Impact: Lasts as family can help restore a sense of long as there is perceived immediate control. Time Out: Time In: Total Time: danger (shortest) 2. Try some exercise. It'll help relieve • Phase III: Immediate Post-Disaster stress build-up. Mileage Out: Mileage In: Total: Impact: Starts with return to a 3. Realize nerves may be on edge. Be sense of safety and ends with a patient. Route Score: + Bonus: - Penalties: sense of normality (or new normali- 4. Accept that the storm will do what ty) it wants. • Phase IV: Long-term Post-Disaster 5. Be safe, but don't feel as if you have Total: Impact: Starts after a sense of nor- to put everything in your life on mality and never ends with eleva- hold. Go about your normal busi- tions. Entry Fee $35.00 Includes: ness as much as possible. Car, Driver, Navigator, Unlimited Crew, and 1 Official Road Rally T-Shirt PHASE I: 6. Keep kids busy with games, includ- (Additional T-Shirts will be available for $15) Human reactions range from panic ing those functional without elec- buying and preparing to hostile avoidance tricity Penalties: and denial. It's best to attempt to gain as 7. Be aware kids know when you are Five points deducted for each mile over or under computed mileage. much control over stress as possible by making effective preparations. Do not for- scared. Two points deducted for each minute over or under course time. get to arrange for a contact person and Coping strategies for Phase III: Entry disqualified for exceeding posted speed limit. point. Follow local law enforcement and 1. Parents must be on the same team disaster management authorities. In shel- and focus on the welfare of the chil- Entry disqualified if not at finish point within 2 hours. ters, volunteer and keep busy. The greatest dren first. Registration: From end of Parade to 12:00 Noon Monday, July 4th. interests are when will the storm hit, 2. Be patient and flexible with chil- Conducted by The Sanibei Captiva Optimist Club where, what happened to my stuff and dren's behavior and reactions (both loved ones. physical and emotional). PHASE II: 3. Kid's reactions (like adults) vary Shortest phase is associated with seek- greatly: they have suffered losses ing safety and making mental notes of too, and it's natural for them to what was done right to cope and stay safe. express disbelief, anger, sadness, Keep your mind occupied, especially if anxiety and depression afterwards. you are very fearful. Praying or some reg- ularized, ritualized activity is useful. 4. Emotions of hurricane survivors Greatest interest is staying alive. The often follow a roller coaster pattern NOTICE OF PROPOSED ENACTMENT experience of stress include rushes of of changes in mood, emotion, ener- OF ORDINANCE 05-007 & 05-008 adrenaline, we have a heightened sensitiv- gy — can change unexpectedly. ity, a hypersensitivity to whatever the Children, in particular, resent the CITY OF SANIBEL, FLORIDA stressor is and if that heightened sense of shattering of their routine. That awareness isn't quelled in a reasonable resentment may manifest itself in The Sanibei City Council will meet to continue the Public Hearing and sense of time, we can see decreases in enormous guilt, nightmares, temper discussion June 21, 2005 at Sanibei City Hall in the Council Chambers immune system, feelings of getting sick, tantrums and problems at school. (MacKenzie Hall), 800 Dunlop Road, Sanibei, Florida, at 9:15 a. m. to consider decrease in health in general, proposed enactment of the following ordinance(s) to be titled: PHASE III: Dr. Janice J. Caron This is the most dangerous phase Executive Coaching because of efforts to return home is risky. Readers with confidential questions may a. ORDINANCE 05-009 AMENDING CHAPTER 62 - TAXATION, There is a desperate need try to return to Contact Janice at [email protected] ARTICLE II. LOCAL OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAXES, SECTION normal. Greatest interests are what hap- 62-45 TAX SCHEDULE TO REFLECT A FIVE (5%) PERCENT pened to my stuff and loved ones, should INCREASE FOR ALL CATEGORIES OF THE OCCUPATIONAL we rebuild or vacate, what is best for my LICENSE TAX; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING family. FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERANCE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. GIVE YOUR PERSONAL SPACE A DECORATOR'S TOUCH b. ORDINANCE 05-010 AMENDING ORDINANCE 04-005 WHICH IN I ( R1ORS h> Decorating Den !•> in y^ut ESTABLISHED A SYSTEM FOR THE LICENSING, nt'iphfopihood* from design c^s^ept So profe^t t'ompk'tion %s.* Jo n isli Wish i>ui REGISTRATION AND REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTION professional measuring and iiKUiUttan. »e CONTRACTORS; AMENDING CERTAIN APPLICATION AND <*~t* Msro U> ^« yi"u Unw (jnd OJSIIV smsiakt's LICENSING PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND And btut of at!, out liained decorator* come SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; AND lo \ou with A huee ^election of name brand PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. proJiKT! tor everv nwi in \ our house

Said proposed ordinance(s) are on file and may be inspected by the public at the WJNDGW TREATMENTS City Clerk's office, Sanibei City Hall, 800 Dunlop Road, Sanibei, Florida. All WALL AND F10O8 COVERINGS interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES proposed ordinances. If a person decides to appeal a decision made by Council on any matter considered at this meeting/hearing, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, to include the y. .. . INT ii RIOK S 7» * I & y Decorating testimony and evidence upon which any such appeal is to be based.

Our 15th vear serving vou on Sanibei island In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special 239-472-6551 !j.i> Ki! accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Jim Isom, Director S <0JIH 4 *

I'M . "'BKl *H l.Uah iH.ll !'•(«- !• 1 \ V 1 i li Telephone 239-472-3700 for assistance. If hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service number 711. cfecde tis a n t be dearth link»o et www.Decorat»ngDen.€Qm. 8 • Week of June 16-22, 2005 • ISLAND REPORTER remedy the pollution problem emanating shell is alive. from the exhausts of standing cars, but Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum instead of moving forward with the ordi- _ Director Jose Leal points out that there are LOOKING BACK nance councilmembers voted to kill the several ways to telb suggestion before a second reading. • Snails often pull back into their shells Compiled by JENNY BURNHAM land acquisition committee of the founda- A section of proposed ordinance stat- and close the "door" or operculum to keep [email protected] tion has raised the money to buy the key. ed: "No person shall park, stop or stand a themselves safe. If that door is shut tight In March the foundation gambled motor vehicle while leaving the motor or a fleshy foot is hanging out, the snail is $10,000 on an option to buy the island for running for more than five minutes, at any alive. • 20 years ago: $200,000 from Princeton University. city parking lot, beach parking area, or • Live sand dollars are brownish and Through letters of requests for contribu- other public ground." hairy. June 13,1985 tions and pledges, media publicity and the According to City Manager Gary Price • Most starfish one sees are alive. When Custom built high rise for foundation's newsletter, they were able to it does not apply to any vehicle if the stop- they die they break apart. garner funds, both in cash and pledges. ping or parking is necessary and if it is • Most (but not all) shells on the beach ospreys The closing will be on September 29. necessary to leave the vehicle running to are dead. Most shells on a sandbar (and Ospreys are threatening to ruin TV Erick Lindblad, executive director of protect goods from damage or spoiling. the city/town limits extend well out a mile reception on the islands by building their the conservation foundation said, "We'll The proposed ordinance did not apply to into the water) are alive. bulky nests of sticks on a Cablevision give them (Princeton University) another any emergency or public safety vehicle. tower. $10,000 to exercise the second option for Council member Mark Westall said he Now Cablevision plans to lure them the September closing date." He added, thought the ordinance was too strict. war ago: away from the tower by building them "THis will allow us time to get more "If my wife goes into the post office their own luxury high-rise. pledge money and receive matching and I'm waiting in the car with the air Week of June 3- 9,2004 According to Cablevision manager grants. This means that we borrow less conditioner running for more than give Beach Stories Ward McGee, "You have to deal with money to complete the transaction." minutes, that would be illegal?" Westall By Bev Postmus those darn birds. Tearing the nests down is The borrowed funds must be repaid to said as he questioned Price. Beachcombers, beware! Especially if not the solution." the Community Bank of the Islands with According to Price, Westall would be you choose to walk from Bowman's It seems that while the trees block interest. The complete collection of all in violation of the ordinance. Beach eastward. As you bend to pick up a reception to the company's satellite dish pledges, including matching gifts, shell treasure or just stand to admire one, in the Sanibel Gardens subdivision, the remains critical in the securing of this 14- listen to the "kedeek, kedeek, kedeek" all ospreys are another big problem. acre island located on the north side of 5 ytsm tga: around you. It is the call of the least terns Removing their nests from the tower Blind Pass bridge between Sanibel and that are nesting in a colony of 75 to 100 every so often has not been effective, Captiva islands. June 1-7, 2000 pairs above the high-tide line. You can McKee said, since they're built right back. identify them most easily by their broad Now, the cable company will seek New Shell ban enacted By late July the Town of Fort Myers white foreheads, black-tipped yellow approval from Sanibel Planning bills, and y%llow legs. Commission June 25 to put up a platform 10 years ago: Beach will become the third civic entity to to suit the birds, hoping they will keep off June 9, 1995 ban live shelling on its. beaches. Sanibel If you disturb the least terns while they the tower. started the movement in the late 80's by are loafing near water's edge, all you will City council ponders pollution limiting the take of live shells to two per get from them is the call as they fly off. McKee hopes to have permission for But if you approach too close to the nest- the platform, a fence to enclose the tower problems species per person per day. Lee County adopted a similar ordinance. Then, despite ing colony, watch out. These little nine- and removal of the interfering trees by the Sanibel City Council members inch terns, the smallest of the 17 tern end of summer, after hearings by the plan- attempted Tuesday to create a new ordi- protests from commercial shelters, Sanibel banned the taking of live shells species found in North America, become ning commission and city council have nance which would make it illegal to park fighter pilots and will take direct aim at been completed. or stop a motor vehicle while leaving the completely. A few years later Anna Maria Island, a barrier island off'the coast of your head. If they are really upset, their engine running for longer than five min- call will become a harsh "chit-chit-chit, utes. But after a brief discussion, council Bradenton, enacted the same legislation. Last week the Florida Fish & Wildlife zreeek" and your best plan of action is to 15 years ago*. members believed the suggested ordi- put some distance between you and the nance would be unenforceable. Conservation Commission approved the June 8,1990 Fort Myers Beach Town Council's request nest colony. Fortunately, they aren't quite Cars infiltrate Sanibel from all over the for a similar ban. It will take effect as"S6ofF as aggressive as Arctic terns. I had a friend Albright Key is "secured" United Slates and Canada and with the as the paperwork is done. up north with a permanent part in his hair The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation major influx comes the heinous smell of According to several members of the — put there by a tern, while he monitored Foundation will be able to call Albright exhaust, not to mention the pollution that Fort Myers Beach Town Council, the most them on Gull Island in Long Island Key its own in a few months because the goes with it. On Tuesday, the Sanibel City Sound. Council took one step forward in trying to concern has been about how to tell if a

Uletf When you feed an alligator you nrc training it to appicach humans ami nic creating a life threatening situation... especially for our children. i feeding alligators is a criminal ad punishable by if fines and or imprisonment. City QfrSan#eia^nanee 75-29*Flo«da State Statute 372.667 /:#

R GmmMForA e him a S?oJf CJJU6 Free Gift FromU$l with memberships starting at SI 5,000,

Crown Colony is a realm of beaut)' and challenge. Of uncrowded play amkl sunik !ake» and rranquil preserves, Of exceptional service m a private club setting and exclusive membership privileges for yon and your family. Our elegant clubhouse features a casual formal dining room, hill-service goiFshop.'mea's and women's locker rooms, driving .range, short game practice facilitit"*, strut) Jnuck more. ivieiBhersliips are ^oieg fast.

,Ml BEACHFRONT DtNlNG, PI AY THE CROWN Contact Mw H Taste of The Islands 2004 Winner Taste of the Taste li Best: Appetizer and ^eat CROWN COLONY Entertainrrient • Weds thru Sat • Chuck Ccxjigftlin GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB §851 Crown Colony Boj.iIe.-SKi fort Myos, On. Win! 2255 W. Gulf Drive ~ Casa YBel Resort lies sftMtli of SitwraefSirs Rsi, «isi of Lee McmtilEii Kesiils ftrk. V, (239) 472-9200 ~ www.thistlelodge.coni ISLAND REPORTER • Week of June 16 - 22, 2005 • 9 Shell Point Golf Club joins Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary System Shell Point Golf Club has received cer- the benefit of the local community. These tification in Environmental Planning from projects may include placing nesting the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary boxes for birds, utilizing integrated pest System (ACSS). This international pro- management techniques, conserving For Immediate Press Release gram administered by Audubon water and maintaining food and cover for International is designed to help landown- wildlife. ers preserve and enhance the environmen- The Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary tal quality of their property. Terry Stoyer, Program of Golf Courses provides an The City of Sanibel, with continued community support, Superintendent, and Michael Mongoven, advisory service to help existing golf Director of Golf, developed the environ- courses develop effective conservation is moving forward with the implementation of the mental plan and for doing so, were recog- and wildlife enhancement programs. The Brazilian Pepper Eradication Program. On June 7, 2005, nized by Audubon International for their worldwide effort is coordinated by effort to plan for environmental steward- Audubon International and sponsored, in City Council adopted Ordinance No.05-008, which ship. part, by the U.S. Golf Association. designates Zone 4 as a mandatory Brazilian pepper removal zone. It requires that all property owners within zone 4, located between Dixie Beach Road and Casa Ybel Road west to Tarpon Bay Road (See map), remove their pepper within 90 days following adoption of the ordinance. There will be a 30-day grace period from June 13, 2005 through July 13, 2005 in which those property owners in zone 4 who have not yet removed their pepper and are not otherwise obligated to remove their pepper due to City Ordinance may still take advantage of the 20% reimbursement for the cost of removing their pepper.

In addition, City Council has also designated zone 5, which is located in the center of the island from Tarpon Bay Road west to Rabbit Road (see map), as a voluntary removal phase. During the voluntary phase, property owners may take advantage of two city-scheduled curbside pick-ups where pepper debris can be left Photo by Jenny Burnham The 7th hole at Shell Point curbside unbundled and will be picked up by the City's horticultural waste management contractor (watch local papers for details and scheduled pick-up dates). Those property owners within zone 5 that are not otherwise obligated to remove their pepper due to City Ordinance (i.e. as a condition of a Development Permit) are also eligible to receive a 20% reimbursement for the cost of removing their pepper. The reimbursement program for zone 5 will last for approximately one year beginning on July 13, 2005.

Property owners within zone 5 who wish to take advantage of the 20% reimbursement should pick up a copy of the Brazilian Pepper Removal Agreement form at the City's Natural Resources Department and submit it

Michael Mongoven, director of golf at Terry Stoyer, superintendent with a copy of their paid invoice. If you have any Shell Point questions regarding the City's Brazilian Pepper "The open space of a golf course is uti- Open to the public since 2000, the lized not only by golfers, but is habitat for Shell Point Golf Course offers 18 holes of Eradication Program, please contact James Evans at 472- a variety of wildlife species," explained championship play with five tee lengths, a 3700 ext. 377. Shawn Williams, Staff Ecologist for grass driving range and practice green, a Audubon International. "We welcome fully-stocked pro shop and snack bar. Shell Point Golf Club's commitment to Designed by top golf course architect the environment and managing the golf Gordon Lewis, the course presents many course with wildlife in mind." challenges to those of all skill levels. Call By joining and participating in the 433-9790 to reserve a tee time. The Shell ACSS, Shell Point Golf Club will under- Point Golf Club is located off Shell Point take projects that enhance habitat for Boulevard, just two miles before the wildlife and preserve natural resources for Sanibel Causeway in South Fort Myers. Hole-in-One at The Dunes

Zssiw 1, Oaten. unA 3, ISM Photo by Jenny City" Cc-jnsJi Ordinance 98-H2 Burnham

Peter Green hit a hole-in-one on Zone 4: Bated Jura ?,5035 the second hole at The Dunes on Tuesday. City of Sanibel N Brazilian Pepper Zone Map 300 Dunlop Road Location Map It's his first one Sanibel, PL 33857 in 15 years of 23&&_ _ &3t& Hi (238)478-4700 A Dates Juno 8,290$ golf. 10 • Week of June 16-22, 2005 • ISLAND REPORTER

Root fungus may be your foxtail palm's highly drought-tol- villain erant.

Dear Ron: Most recently I noticed a discoloration Examine the on the fronds of our foxtail palm. New roots of your pot- growth from the top is active, but the older ted rubber plant fronds are turning brown and dying prema- turely. I can't determine whether it is an Dear Ron: insect, fungus or a watering issue. We have a varie- gated ficus tree — Pete Roberts, Boca Grande planted in a clay pot. Island The pot is in our car- port. When we first Gardening Dear Pete: got it, it had a lot of I suspect the problem with your foxtail leaves on it. Ron Sympson palm is caused by overwatering, which cer- We've had it tainly hasn't been helped by our monsoons about two years. Although there are signs of of late. The excess water — particularly new shoots, it has lost many of its leaves and Photo of foxtail palm fronds by reader Pete Roberts. when soil drainage is poor, which results in continues to do so. Is there something we a root fungus. It can be fatal to any plant, can do to get it full and bushy again? Protect your trees from mowers and If your fruit trees are citrus, all grass, and in fact, I have a palm tree in my own weedeaters rocks, weeds and other plants should be garden that is exhibiting the same symptoms — Judy Woodruff, St. James City removed, because the fine roots are close to you describe. Dear Ron: the surface and will be deprived of water and I was told to protect my trees from the nutrients if they are covered. Tree rings or Aside from hoping that the rains subside, weedwacker. I wanted to know if I can put other barriers should be placed around the you should apply a granular fungicide to the Dear Judy: tree rings around my fruit trees without dig- tree at the drip-line, or edge of the canopy. soil around the palm tree, and spray a foliar The first thing I would do is remove the ging out the area first. Would leaving the fungicide on the fronds. rubber plant from its pot and examine the grass under the ring (which would die off) root ball. If the plant has become root- Ron Sympson publishes Florida Garden Interestingly, botanists didn't even know hurt the tree? the foxtail palm existed until 1983, when it bound, it is not draining properly, which is magazine; the current issue features 20 was discovered in its native land of the likely cause of the falling leaves. If it is great palms, growing bananas, and orna- where it is now a threatened species. It was- root-bound, gently tear apart the roots and — Karen McGee, South Fort Myers, mental natives and exotics. An annual sub- n't until 1995 that the foxtail was introduced repot it in a slightly larger container with Florida scription of four issues is $34.95, a two-year to the U.S., and it has quickly become one of fresh, porous potting soil. subscription is $49.95, and a single issue is Florida's most spectacular exotic palms. Another critical issue for you to look at is Dear Karen: $9.95. Florida residents, add 6 percent sales Many trees that grow in our subtropical tax. To ask a question or place an order, go Graceful, arching plumes of pale-green watering. Rubber plants are very drought- region have thin bark that is quite suscepti- online at www.TheFloridaGarden.com; fronds — said to resemble a fox's tail — add tolerant, so you should let the soil dry out to ble to damage by lawnmowers and send an e-mail to ronsympson® a beautiful accent to landscapes in southern- within a quarter of an inch from the top weedeaters. These mechanical injuries earthlink.net; or write to Ron Sympson, most Florida, either planted singly or in before rewatering. If you notice dark wet invite entry by insects, fungi and disease. I 11691 Dawn Cowrie Drive, Fort Myers, FL groups of three. Another showy plus is the roots when you unpot the plant, overwater- agree that you should use tree rings. 33908. bounty of bright-red fruits it produces. The ing — or poor drainage — is the problem. foxtail palm has a ringed trunk and grows The variegated rubber plant (Ficus elasti- quickly to about 30 feet when it is well- ca variegata) gets its name from the large, cared for. thick, rubbery leaves that can grow up to a BIG ARTS = BIG Fun this summer The foxtail palrn (Wodyetia bifurcata) is foot in length. The light green leaves of the BIG ARTS Summer Camp is off to a the subject for this past week. Talented a adaptable to Florida hardiness zones 10 variegated variety are streaked with white or great start with non-stop fun for kids of all instructors challenged the young actors to and 11 and is moderately salt-tolerant. It yellow. Native to India, the rubber plant is ages. The theme last week was "Surf's Up". become circus ringmasters, clowns and wild grows to 30 feet, does best in full sun, and is moderately salt-tolerant. Younger campers had a blast creating shark animals. A number of middle school stu- fins to wear and making personal aquari- dents got a headstart on earning their com- ums. They danced the hula, learned about munity service hours for the next school music with water themes, and visited tropi- year by volunteering to work with younger cal Hawaii via special storytelling. This campers for part of the day. week everyone was "Under the BIG Top" If you would like to be a part of all these making clown masks, learning to juggle, fun activities call BIG ARTS at 395-0900. Incoming Tide walking a tight rope in improv drama, expe- Cost is only $65 per week for elementary riencing the music of the circus calliope, aged students, $40 for middle and high and creating animal puppets. It was a three school students. Camper spaces and volun- ring circus! teer opportunities are still available in some Older students learned the beautiful art of weeks. fused glass with Petra Kaiser, creating pen- BIG ARTS camp is sponsored by The dants, magnets and wind^ehimes the. first Sony Corporation of America. PRINT week of camp. Improvisational drama was with each subscription Be first with the latest news and happenings on Sanibel and Captiva. Subscribe now to the Islands best, In the Cownfort of your own Home award-winning newspaper Read The Islands Community Newspaper The Island Reporter...#1 Pick up your poster at our office or add $5 postage & handling and we will mail it to you. Incoming Tide ISLAND REPORTER CO 2005 ISLAND REPORTER > 1KK1MATSUMQTO The "CrOOd News" paper featuring SANIBEL ISLAND FIORIDA ISLAM® HAPPENINGS, EVENTS TO COME, •ARTS &> ENTERTAINMENT, REAL ESTATE, HOME SECTION, Subscription Special 1 C2RQSSWQRO PUZZLE, THE ENVIRONMENT AND MORE. Keep Informed — Subscribe Today "I APT. NO.. STATE_ Zlf1. J . APT. NO.. ..STATEL_. . ZIP .. I PAYMENT ENCLOSED BILL ME -I VISA _j MASTERCARD M lOl'NI Ni > ACCOUNT NO... I MM': \IION I )\[| EXPIRATION DATE.._ SK,N \l I .HI J SIGNATURE.. ' i i I i . ' i i j Sanibel-Capiiiii L-I;iinlcr • (239)+72-.> IS3 • lax (.239)472-1372 .,..Zi;Zt PO Box 56, Sanibel, FL .33957-9986 f M(\M>,\Pi KS NEWSPAPERS 695 Tarpon Bay Road (#13), Promenade Center ISLAND REPORTER • Week of June 16-22, 2005 • 11

For a more extensive list of events, see this week's Islander, available free Dateline • Week of June 16 - 22 all over the islands. Notices of upcoming events to appear in Dateline must be received by Friday for the following Thursday s publication. Notices received by Monday will appear according SllSSii.. « Upcoming events to available space. Fax 472-8398

THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 16 Children's 1 7 Buck Key 1 8 Tour Wildlife -I Q Spaghetti San-Cap Dinner at the 20 21 22 Small Theater Kayaking Drive Play Bridge Sail & Power Legion Post Squadron Wonders

Everglades Day Tour all day Monday - pretive program on the life cycle of the Healy, from May 3 through June 25. Friday meet at 8 a.m., return around 6:30 loggerhead sea turtles that nest on our Class will explore the techniques of VISIONS OF SUCCESS at BIG ARTS, p.m. Includes air boat ride, swamp shores. 9 a.m., $5/adult, children free. $2 Classical Ashtanga Yoga, including features work by high school students in buggy tour, and more. Call for reserva- for beach parking. 472-2329 pranayama, the Yamas and Niyamas, Migrant Sunner Institutes at FGCU and tions. 472-0101. • SHORELINE DISCOVERY with the and Chakras. Series is $99, individual USF. Phillips Gallery, open daily 1 - 4 class $15. p.m. Sealife and Nature cruise on the 26 pas- Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Found- senger pontoon boat daily 11 a.m., 1 ation. Explore the fascinating marine Thursday and Tuesday classes at the SCA, A NATURAL RESPONSE: THE ART p.m., tour is approx. 90 minutes. creatures that live in this dynamic 2175 Periwinkle Way, 9 -10:15 a.m. OF M.M. PIPKIN at the Bob Evening cruise daily at 6 p.m. These ecosystem. Starts at the SCCF on San- Rauschenberg Gallery, Edison College. Saturday classes at BIG ARTS, 900 tours also include a visit to the touch Cap Rd, then proceed to Gulfside Park. Dunlop Rd. 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. Meticulous watercolor paintings of tank. Tour is approx. 2 hours. 9 a.m. $5/adult, children free, plus $2 flowers, yet much more than traditional beach parking. 472-2329. flower paintings. June 3 - July 9. Breakfast cruises include includes cof- ^ soon • YOGA with DR SUSAN PATAKY at BEST OF 2D/3D, award winner's exhi- fee, juice, and pastry. Also includes visit WATER ^MANIA at the Captiva the Senior Center on Library Way. 10 - bition at the Alliance for the Arts, 10091 to the touch tank. Tuesday - Thursday Memorial Library, June 23, 2 p.m. 11:15 a.m. All levels $13/member McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers. Exhibition 8:30 a.m. $15/non. Public welcome, 466-1558 runs through June 4. Touch Tank Exploration at 11a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Program approx. Vi hour. • YOGA at Casa Ybel Resort, 2255 W. FLORIDA ARTIST GROUP 55th Gulf Dr., with Dr. Susan Pataky on the Annual Exhibition at FGCU. June 3 Kayak/canoe rentals daily 8 a.m. — 6 Friday 17 p.m., last rental goes out at 4 p.m. lawn behind Thistle Lodge. Public wel- through 24. come. Noon- 1 p.m. $15 BUCK KEY KAYAKING with the Motorized 20' pontoons available for SCCF. No experience necessary, take a CALL TO ARTISTS Alliance for the rental, holds 8 people. 472-8900 • YOGA at Sunset with Dr Susan Pataky Arts' Art Royale 2005 is looking for naturalist-led kayak tour in and around TRAM TOUR OF WILDLIFE DRIVE, at the Holiday Inn, 1231 Middle Gulf the Pine Island Sound aquatic preserve. artists. This year's theme is "Take Dr. All levels, classes held on the beach. Flight," explore ideas ranging from but- Saturday - Thursday, 10 a.m., 11:30 Stable kayaks and paddling instruction a.m., 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. Public Welcome. 4 - 5 p.m. $15. 466- provided. $35/person. June 17 and 24. terflies to space craft, from angels to avi- 1558 ation. Artists meeting on June 23, 6 p.m Wildlife Drive is now open from 7:30 RSVP 472-2329 at the Alliance, 10091 McGregor Blvd a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday through • GAMES DAY at the Senior Center, Fort Myers. Catered by Island Cow, will Thursday. Wildlife Drive is closed on 2401 Library Way. Bridge, Mahjong, include PowerPoint presentation, meet- Friday. Reservations, 472-1351 and more. All levels welcome. $2 mem- GOURMET SINGLES SUPPER CLUB ing with architectural designers. SITTING ON THE DOCK OF THE bers, $4 non-members. 472-5743 meets every Friday in the finest restau- BAY: The naturalists at Tarpon Bay • BOOKWORMS Stories, songs, and rants in the area. For more info, call 332- Explorers will started up free lunchtime crafts for children 3-5 years old. 10 8191 J.T AND CINDY LEE at Red Fish Blu talks at 12:30 p.m. on the observation a.m. Sanibel Library 472-2483 BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER at St. Fish EXTENDED by popular demand. deck overlooking the most beautiful set- • HEALING HEARTS, support group for Michaels and All Angels. Fridays 10 "We're Still Here," featuring Broadway ting on Sanibel and last about half an loss from suicide meets the second a.m.-l 1:30; a.m. in the Parish Hall. 472- hits. June 29, seating begins at 5:30. hour. Thursday of each month at 9470 2173. ROCK 'N ROLL BEACH PARTY at the Tarpon Bay Explorers is located at the HealthPark Circle. Sponsored by Hope Hospice 6 - 7:30 p.m. 489-9149 Schoolhouse Theatre, 2200 Periwinkle north end of Tarpon Bay Rd. 472-8900. See DATELINE Way. May 19 - August 13, 472-6862 Call for reservations for all activities. • MINDFUL YOGA with Murari Brian page 16 MISS SAIGON at the Broadway Palm, 472-8900 1380 Colonial Blvd. April 28 - June 18. ADVENTURES IN PARADISE: at the $19 - $46. Call 278-4422 for times. Port Sanibel Marina, a mile past the toll THE SUGAR BEAN SISTERS at the booth, trolley service available: Florida Rep, in the historic Arcade, First Backwater Fishing, daily 9 a.m. - noon Pine Island Realty, me. Street, .downtown Fort Myers. Through Sealife Encounter Excursion, daily A team approach to offering the island lifestyle for 25 years June 19. 332-4438 12:30 - 3:30 Champagne Sunset Dolphin Cruise; For a full list of available properties visit us online at www pine-island rom where we'«e open 24/7 departs 5 p.m. daily Shelling & SUMMER POOL HOURS SANIBEL Snorkeling Cruise Tues., Wed., Thurs., 9 REC COMPLEX: Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. ••: «•*• 1 a.m. - 8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 1 Dolphin Watch 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. •• IT.' p.m. - 5 p.m. Eco Canoe and Kayak Tours, naturalist SUMMER HOURS Sanibel led 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Mon.- Fri.; Community Church: Traditional with Interpretive Nature Boardwalk open Communion 9 a.m.; Contemporary with daily. Childrens' Church 10:30 a.m. SANIBEL-CAPTIVA CONSERVA- Power boats available for rentaL.starting" TION FOUNDATION NATURE CEN- at 8 a.m. 472-8443, or www.adven- TER, 3333 Sanibel-Captiya Road (1 tureinparadiseinc.com mile west pf Tarpon Bay Road), (239) CAPTIVA CRUISES offers a variety of -472-2329 cruises and sailing charters depart from McCarthy's Marina on Andy Rosse Trails, Education Center, Nature Shop Lane. Call 472-5300 for reservations and Bookstore: $3/adult, children under and information. 17 free, members free. Dolphin & Wildlife Adventure Hours: Open 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cruises— daily 4 p.m. 1 1/2 tour. Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 3 Narrated by SCCF docents $20/adults, p.m. Saturday. $10/kids 4 - 12, 3 and under are free. Native Plant Nursery: (239) 472-1932. Island Beach & Shelling — 9 a.m. and 1 Open 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday p.m. 3 hour trip to Cayo Costa. through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. $35/$17.50 Saturday. Cabbage Key or Useppa islands ^L * LIFE ALONG OUR TRAILS Guided $27.50/$15 trail walks with discussion of natural and cultural history. Programs begin in Sunset Serenade with live music. SCCF Nature Center, proceed to $17.50/$ 10 trails. 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday- EVERGLADES ADVENTURE TOUR Friday. Free to members: $3 for non- meets at Summerlin and San Carlos, members. daily trips from 7:45 a.m. - 5 p.m. $99 TARPON BAY EXPLORERS is offer- ing naturalist led tours on the Tarpon Bay portion of the 'Ding' Darling National Wildlife Refuge for birders, naturalists, and curious people who , • "The enjoy being on the water and -learning y Rags to from an experienced naturalist. Cail for Captiva reservations for all activities. 472-8900 Memorial Library, 2 p.m. Guided trail tour by canoe and kayak: 10:30 a.m. 472-8900. Sunset Paddles tour Monday, TURTLE TRACKS at the Sanibel- Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Tour is about Captiva Conservation Foundation ... :, ! ; 2 1/2 hours. Nature Center, on San-Cap Rd. An. inter- 12 • Week of June 16-22, 2005 • ISLAND REPORTER island

SANIBEL AND CAPTIVA, FLORIDA 17 TV Guide 38 CNN Listings for 39 CNN Headline News 47 The Weather Channel Week of 26 UTV (Visitors' Television) June 16-22, 2005 22 C-SPAN2

DAYTIME MORNING 6:00 I 6:30 7:00 I 7:30 I 8:00 I 8:30 9:00 I 9:30 110:00110:30111:00! 11:30 PERMITS CE- NBC News Today. The Jane Pauley Show Fam. Feud Fam. Feud CIL PBS BodyElec. IStretch Clifford Arthur Sesame Street UrRogers JBarrie? Teletubbies [Varied Programs SL FOX News Srourfs I Paid Prog7 Paid Prog. IPaldProg. The Larry Elder Show Pat Croce |Pat Croce CBS News I News Niws The Early Show The Tony Danza Show The Price Is Right & DEEDS m. WB The Daily Buzz The Daily BuzF The Daily Buzz" Sabrina IRipiey Roseanne |Roseanne~ ABC News News Good Morning America Home Delivery The View S3 HBO Movie Varied Programs m WGN Feed Mever Changing Believers Hap Days Hap Days llblllles Hillbillies Mattock Rockford Files m_TLC Bus Peep r¥5 Save-Ums! Magic Bus ry iCIean Sweep Proposal |Sec Charic" 83 FOOD Prog, [paid Prog. [Paid Prog. |PatdProg. Paid Prog. IPald Prog- Programs IMolto Mario VH1 •Jump Start Varied Programs [Fresh Varied Pi ffiSPIKEm Paid Prog. IPaidProg. IPaldProg. [PaidProg. Paid Prog. IPaldProg. |i Stooges [3 Stooges [7 Day* Star Trek: Deep Space 9 m E! Bloomberg Television Varied Programs m CNBC [5:00) Wake-Up Call [Squawk Box Morning ball 33 LIFE Paid Prog. Fit & Lite Workout' MadAbt. [Designing (iolden The Nanny Golden [The Nanny Golden Paid Prog- Paid Prog. Rebecca Solutions TIPical Quilts iisiir Duvall Room Homes CourCountryy NICK Neutron Neutron Odd| parents Oddparents SpongeBoh BluesCIues Miss Spider LazyTown BackyarBk d Dora m DISN Pooh Doodlebop Breakfast Varied RolieJPolle [Koala Bro Doodlebop MTV MTV Video Wake-Up Hits Varied Programs m_ TNT The Lost World The Pretender I inarmed EBi m A&E Paid Prog. IPaidProg. Varied Programs Third Watch m USA Walker, Texas Ranger Coach [Varied Programs HI AMC Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs m SON Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. [Paid Prog. Public Affr Paid Prog. raid Prog. Paid Prog: | Varied Programs ESPN SportsCtr. Varied SportsCenter SportsCtr. Varied Programs - SportsCenter TBS Mama Saved-Bili Movie Varied Programs Dawson's Creek Dawson's Creek TBAV Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog: Paid Prog. j picurious Travel Cafe Varied Programs Gr. Hotels |Gr. Hotels ANPL Champions Cha Wildlife Journal Rescues Rescues /nimals Animals Pet Star Animal X m COM Paid Prog. Paid Paid Prog. IPaidProg. TMovie Show Varied Programs B3 SHOW (5:20) Movie IVaried Programs Movie Varied iros • MAX Movie IVaried Programs, IMovie varied H TMC Movie Varied |(:1S) Movie IVaried Programs Movie [Varied Programs

IOON 12j00l12:30 1:00 I 1:30 2:00 I 2:30 3:00 I 3:30 4:00 I 4:30 5:00 5:30 (33 NBC News Pays of our Lives Passions i Ben DeGenerea Show News News GD PBS Varied Pi [Boohbah Reading | Lions Eragon [Postcards Arthur Maya Cyberchase Zoom S) FOX Cagrtey& IMatlock Maury Fear Factor Simpsons King of Hill Malcolm Malcolm ca CBS Siws Young and the Restless jBold&B. As the World Turns Oprah Winfrey News S3 WB Brown Hatchett Blind Date Paid Prog. Paid Prog. jSabrlna |Pokemon Xiaolin Yu-Gi-Oh! Brown Judge Judy PROPERTIES SOLD Z3 ABC Becker Becker All My Children One Life to Live general Hospital Current The Insider fSTPhil HBO :15) Movie IVaried Movie Varied 1870WoodringRd & WON News ' nockford »agmw)rPJ. Funniest Home Videos Cosby SlartingOver' Smgjefamily Fuchs Richard M & Sharyn M m TLC IMakeover Younger jWedding Baby Story |Baby Story Trading Spaces While You FOOD Varied Programs Best Of Food Kinds Emeril Minute TSaras Cooking [Italian Varied Programsosr IfiW^p 24;flWuIfertRd . VH1 Varied Programs Single firefly MM®M Dudley D & Delores R SPIKE Star Trek: Peep Space 9 Star Trek: Next Gener. IStar Trek: Next Gener. |S lar Trek: Next Gener. |MacGyver [Maximum Exposure m EL Saturday Night Live Varied Programs $1,16&iOOO B8 CNBC Power Lunch ' Street Signs . JC losing Bell Closing Bell Kudlow & Company Single Family DWfino Susan Tr ,. BE LIFE Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Movie Strong Medicine The Nanny The Nanny aa HGTV Cratters House Decorating [Sensible Mission [Design |Cesign ' [Designers' Room Country Crafters Homes - .$870,0,00 2265 West Gulf Dr#P1e Rugrats ChalkZone Varied Programs Rock Star Neutron SpongeBob Martin Condominium Callero Lawrence & Karen DISN Jojo Life Stitch ILilo Stitch Varied Programs Sister, Sis. Proud Kim: Braceface $862,000 527 East Gulf Dr #207 MTV RoomRdr Varied Programs TRL Viried Programs Date Mom Room Rdr Varied m TNT Judging Amy Judging Amy NYPD Blue Liw& Order Law & Order Condominium Tracy Kathleen M & Dennis E Tr A&E City Confidential American Justice Varied Programs t Watch $810,000 2475 West Gulf Dr #301 USA The District [Varied Programs [Movie IVaried Programs SI AMC Movie [Varied Programs Condominium Reverse Exchange Holding Company 109 LLC m SUN Varied Programs Paid Prog. [Paid Prog- Viried Programs $750,000 2496 Palm Ridge Rd m ESPN Varied Programs College Baseball V iried Programs ffofn* * --• ,^ Interruption TBS Ed Cosby Cosby Pew Carey Drew Carey Home Imp. [HomelmjT Stores, 1 Story R L R Investments LLC TRAV Europe IChallenge" Epicurious Travel Cafe r. Hotels Europe $732,000 1291 Par View Dr m ANPL Growing Up... Bark Mad That's My Animal Miracles Ailmals Animals Pet Star IJeff Corwin Experience O COM Varied Presents Mad TV Varied Programs Mad TV Varied Movie Single Family !*E# Clifford W&LucieR SHOW Movie Varied Programs $720,000 iO72 S Yachtsman Dr m MAX (:05) Movie Varied Programs Single Family GaHoto Frank m TMC Movie Varied Programs IMovie |(:25) Movie IVaried Programs $705,000 1501 Middle Gulf Dr#204a Condominium Vanden Berg Thomas J & Darla K $642,500 685 Sea Oats Dr THURSDAY PRIME TIME JUNE 16, 2005 Single Family Spencer John W 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 . " $639,000 1683 Bunting Ln B illykissangel (W fcc) Legends of Jazz: The Charlie Rose N S cc) Single Family Cemet Walter R & Susan $575,000 845 East Gulf Dr #131 The Cut (N) (S) (cc} Without a Trace (S)(ec) 70s Show 70s Show Blue Coll Blue Coll B iauty and the Geek S) King IDharma Spirt CKy Drew Carey Condominium Croce Richard C & Donna A Game Time N SA Basketball: Finals - Sours at Pistons $555,000 1410 Albatross Rd Home Imp. | Will-Grace Will-Grace |Home Imp! Becker (S) | Becker(S) Single Family Cafkins Richard J & Marcy E aunting in Georgia Ice) $485,000 1212 Middle Gulf Dr Good Eats | Unwrapped Iron Chef "Battle Milk Single Family Vash John G Jr & Tracy A Shocking Hair Strip search (N)fS) Wildest Police Videos Wildest Police Videos $469,000 450 Birdsong PI Was Huge (Totally High What Hollywood Taught Us About Sex Answers. Howards. {HowardS. Single Family Parfsen Anthony F & France M* Heads-Up Poker Champ. Heads-Up Poker Champ. $427,500. im Isabel Dr Single Family Perry. Susan 90% Int & SpongeBob Romeo! IS) Sister, Sis. |So Raven Perry Bruce W10% Int T/C cotdpiay Live Leak (S) Chaotic True Life N) (S $380;OOO 2^;Robinwood Cir Law & Order "Harm"(S) Law & Order "Pmk" (S) City Confidential (cc) American Justice: Waco Cold Case Files (cc) Vacant Res. Kelry David P & Tammy S 1250 Tennisplace Ct #A33 $333,000 Ferrelti William E & Linda M Fishing r |Florida SportsCenter (Live) (cc) Golf U.S. Open Championship -f Best of First Round. Condominium 1303 Par View Dr Raymond | Raymond Friends fSHFriends (S) Friends (S) [Friends (S) $325,000 Guffwest Homes LLC Seinfeld fSj [Seinfeld (S) Homes | Homes Vacant Res. 695TarponBayfld#14 The Crocodile Hunter The Most Extreme fee; Funniest Animals ( $143,000 R L R Investments LLC Condominium ISLAND REPORTER • Week of June 16 -22, 2005 • 1c

FRIDAY PRIME TIME JUNE 17, 2005 PERMITS ISSUED 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Single Family $400,000 Cook Donald W. & Judith S. (2 NBC News NBC News Fortune Jeopardy! Dateline NBC (Si (cc) Trial by Jury News Tonight 1031 South Yachtsman Dr. Hahn Dan Custom Builders Inc. CS PBS BBC World Business News-Lehrei Wash Wk [Arts |N0W (Nj Wall Henry A. Wallace (cc) Charlie Rose (N) (S) (cc) m FOX Friends (S) Friends (S) Raymond Seinfeld (Si News fee) Seinfeld (S) Wilt-Grace Res. Aitn's. $230,468 Gryzmala Jean @D CBSNews (cc) CBS News Millionaire Edition JAG (S) (cc)JDVS) JAG "One Biq Boat" (S) NUMB3RS (S) (cc) News [ecl Late Show S3 WB Judge Judy King 70s Show 70s Show What 1 Like What 1 Like Reba (cc) Living-Fran King Dharma Spin City Drew Carey 2915 A302 West Gulf Dr. Kingsley Charles Builder (Tj ABC News (cc) ABC News Entertain Extra (N) 8 Rules Complete Hope Less Than 20/20 (cc) News (cc) Nightline (H) HBO WtWmfct** ant Ml IMMMI Comeback Comeback Entourage Entourage Six Feet Under (Sj (cc) Bad Boys Def Poetry Gen. Purp. $104,296 Bondurant Frederick N. & Mary C. 83 WGN Home Imp. Cubs atm MBCUCCS ic$ - ife*; *** todtMx(t&ty<l'8tiaJirti Movie Club lHallmvn4 1401 S303 Middle Gulf Dr. Cornerstone Building & Remodeling (57] SUN Klckboxing Boxing World Class Championship. Breaking [Florida Fishing Report IWA Pro Wrestling SS ESPN Golf: U.S. Open SportsCenter (Live) (cc) Golf U.S. Open Champions hip - Best of Second Round. (Same-day Tape) SportsCenter (Live) (cc) Roofing $30,600 Graves Charles & Elizabeth m TBS Seinfeld (S) I Seinfeld (S)Raymond | Raymond Friends (S) [Friends (S) aovie; ** rmi£m> m) «<*»**«« ttoifa** iS&'{fty g§ TRAV Bermuda Tri. Amelia Earhart Haunted Lighthouses Bigfootvllle (cc) Haunted New England Haunted Lighthouses 1288 Par View Dr. DGS Contracting Inc. m AN PL The Crocodi e Hunter The [.lost Extreme Ultimate Zoo Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Detroit Ultimate Zoo go) COM Mad TV IS Presents " Reno 911! Daily Show Premium Presents Romano Presents Jeff Garlin Presents Presents Non-res. Aitn's. $27,670 O'Toole Joseph & Mary M. (SI SHOW &'M) Movie * * llv h Movie. »•* Cyv..:--TCC SHO Me Penn Penn r.fovte: P. .•: •iff •*.•; : : n 1401 P204 Middle Gulf Dr. Castle Construction Group Inc. m MAX {•10) Movie: * * S:.,!'V> •".'i" :h:)jG, r;r Movie: * * •'.'•H'\ .1 /I.-. Gen. Purp. $25,000 O'Neill George & Joanne'L/E 786 Conch Court Benchmark General Contractors SATURDAY MORNING JUNE 18, 2005 Roofing $24,280 Luiszbr John & Maureen 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 9470 Balsa Court Anchor Roofing ;. CD NBC Paid Prog. Wall St Today (S) (c Paid Prog. News News Croc Files Unleash Safari GD PBS Yoga Anne Grn Dragon Arthur Zoboo Zoboo Sagwa Dragonfly Cucina Food Americas Taste This Screen End. $23,940 Talcott Ann H, j (3D FOX Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Proa. Mew Mew Winx Club Winx Club Sonic X (S) Sonic X (S) Turtles One Piece KirbYiRigM 3019 Poinciana Circle CB CBS Paid Prog. Hometime LazyTown Miss Spider Backyard Dora Saturday Early Show (S) (cc) Little Bill BluesClues fS WB Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Libertys Jackie Jackie Xiaolin Xiaolin Yu-Gi-Oh! MegaMan Pokemon Batman Gen. Purp. $20,000 White John D : m ABC Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Good Morning Good Mornir g America Lilo Stitch 1 Proud Even So Raven Phil Lizzie ; as HBO {iBlfloiie: ** Dm Ate Kmte KMtf994} ($) • Legendary MHNaMMWB %&{iW?} {$}'{&$ ~ -.-' 1581 San Carlos Bay Dr. Wolter Group Inc. m WGN Farm Rpt. Paid Prog. Enterprise Adelante Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. {Paid Prog. Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. m TLC Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Tradinq Spaces (cc) Tradinq Spaces Trading Spaces (cc) Non-res. Aitn's. $19,980 Collins Margaret m FOOD Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cooking Minute Saras Emeril LowCarb Calorie How to Boil | Cooking Sandra Lee Minute so) vm Jump Start (S) Fresh (S) Top 20 Countdown (S) Best Week Behind 1501 G401 Middle Gulf Dr. Damex Corporation (32) SPIKE Paid Prog. |PaidProg. Body-Jake Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 3 Stooges 3 Stooges Max MLB | Real TV (Sj Ride Ride (33) E! Bloomberg Television Behind Attractions Johnny Dep 3 E! News Weekend (N) Fight for Fame Totally High Was Huge . Screen End. $19,800 Raab Michael F. & Catherine M. m CNBC Outside Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog^ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 551 Hideaway Court Bartoe Aluminum Enclosures (3D LIFE Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Head 2 Toe Head 2 Toe @2 HGTV Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Old House Old House DIY Rescue Fix It Up! Spaces House Ground Spring! Landscape Yard @4) NICK Thornberr Hey Arnold! Rocket Rugrats (S) Neutron Neutron SpongeBob SpongeBob Oddparents Oddparents Phantom Avatar Roofing $17,929 Byers Frank C. Jr. & Jeanne M. SI DISN Pooh Bear Koala Bro Doodlebop Higglytown JoJo Wiggles Charlie Rolie Polie Mouse Lilo Stitch Lilo Stitch 940 Whelk Dr. DGS Contracting Inc. m MTV Music Videos (S) Weekend Dime (N) (S) Punk'd Laguna Laguna Laguna Laguna Laguna Laguna ET on MTV 83 TNT In the Heat of the Night MovtK *#i YiMiKnowMyName'ftgSff) Movie: •***.Cona$ief(1991) (Sam Emt, Katharine Ross) Gettysbuig_ Gen. Purp. $15,381 Schwartz June Schure m A&E Paid ProjL Paid Prog. Ask This Ask This Movie: *** iti$]2goijjj «ff Dench) let) Old House Ask This Hsk This Sell House (52) USA Coach (cc) Coach (cc) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 6~Seccnd Monk lee) Movie: it*** Flaide-.- . • }981f i 590 Boulder Dr. Thomas Jeffrey S. §3) AMC Movte:*** River at No i•ietm(tSS4, Western) Stoker**"* * "H&/J Naoh (1952) (;45) Movie: **;- 100 Rifles 11969, ••..•-. m SUN Paid Prog^ Paid Prog, j Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Outside Florida Fishinq Repci! Golf Life Non-res. Aitn's. $14,000 Homer Richard F. & Anne H ESPN SportsCente1 (CC) SportsCenter (cc) SportsCenter (cc) SportsCenter (cc) SportsCenter /Live) f. SportsCtr" 1401 P403 Middle Gulf Dr. Cornerstone Building & Remodeling 1 (62) TBS BosomBud BosomBud Saved-Bell Saved-Bell Real Gilligan Real Gilligan !(:10) Movie: *•*•! ihi' !•• •.- ...i','. • • !•; (66) TRAV Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Haunted Lighthouses Bigfootville CC) Hnunled Ncii England gg ANPL Ciuftr. Dog Show 2003 Ainrruls [Animals Animal Animal Tim MoVi £xireme Roofing $13,074 Burns Roger W. & Jacquelyn J. m COM Paid Prof) Psiid Pi on The Clitic The Cntic Duclrnnn Mad TV ,-i icel Mad TV (Sj (cc Movie: *» 733 Durion Court Speigle William P. Roofing : ;T ; E) SHOW Movie: » * •'v •'••'"' •• • ":. VJSi (-15) Movie: * * . .'•;•. _• J' • . "I,- • " ?' V "? ~ SHO Me """"Movie: C\r- • : •"..•> -I •! ,•„-,, ,•"•" 1 f r m MAX (5:15) Movie: Vy.-.*"- . Movie: •**Frame. i)'"s" J' -•.:-" Movie: *** v"j •..•••. - i.1"- .•;.•..•.'• .•'•>!;••- Movie: • .•?'. ••• IV'.':.".-: • Screen End. $12,490 Jenks Bert L. & Joan L. ib:30)Movie: *•* ••-.= 4." ".- Movie: * .'.j ;'..(,• •>!-.: Movie: *** r<.,•).-• .r*., :•;!:'•;.' :•.. ,-. w; •<•• • 13 TMC 5838 Pine Tree Dr. Screen Enclosure Services Inc. Gen. Purp. $10,000 Kfoury Edward J. & Patricia A. SATURDAY AFTERNOON JUNE 18, 2005 1272 Isabel Dr. Wolter Group Inc. 12:00 12:301 1:00 I 1:30 2:0012:30 I 3:00 3:30 4:00 ] 4:30 5:00 I 5:30 Gen. Purp. $10,000 Smith William Jr. & Diane C2 NBC Trading Golf U.S. Open Championship -- Third Round. From Pinehurst Golf Club in Pinehurst, N.C. (Live) (S) (cc) Old House jWorkshop |MotorWeek |Florida |McLaughlin |Journal 4633 Rue Belle Mer Wolter Group Inc. f MLB Baseball Florida Marlins at Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, (cc) Nicklaus [Paid Prog, Paid Prog. |Paid Prog. [Gardens College Track and Fieldied : NCAC A CChampionshiph s Rebels on~the~Run: UNLV Basketba Roofing $9,075 Koch Verne M. & Sara E. WWE Bottom Line (Sj JWfWafkerk , Texas RRang e | Sh |StargateSG-1 "Heroes 1212 Par View Dr. Aspen Construction Co. Inc. inside Stuff |Paid Pro^ [Celebrity Justice'(A/j WNBA Basketball: Mercury at Liberty

Funniest Home Videos Boat Dock/Lift $8,500 Burroughs Jonathan E. II Trading Spaces (cc) Trading Spaces (cc) What Not to Wear (cc) Operation Homecoming 1552 Royal Poinciana Dr. A-Salo & Salo Inc. Entertain Good Dea Secret Life |SecrefDfe Unwrapped [Best Of 100 Greatest Kid Stars 100 Greatest Kid Stars Gen. Purp. $8,000 Adams Richard J. Jr & Nancy C Xtreme 4x4 |Trucks! (N) Lindsay Lqhan Mary-Kate & Ashley 1501 F403 Middle Gulf Dr. McGinn Michael J. Inc.. Paid Prog: iPaidProg Paid Prog. I Paid Prog Movie: '-tic* Seam Ste <$&& Fatmr TiW4~) Screen End. $7,990 Dolinar Edward F. & Jean K. Mission | Design Decorating Designers' Sensible reDesign 807 Limpet Dr. Screen Enclosure Services Inc. Nicktoon [Nicktoon Nicktoon Nicktoon Pool Fence $7,846 Linsmayer J. Nicholas & Lind ftifffl} W^C****-0etfys^(i^t)mmi3 (TmBerenger, Mom gligenj The fM War's biggest battle as sem-frm both swtes. .. 4641 Rue Belle Mer Tropical Fence Caesars |Caesars [Investigative Reports [Investi WMF**** fn^ma jmws.mi the tastfirusade, jtm} Movie: *•« Hudson ffa« (S). Roofing $6,200 Altieri Ralph P. & Dianne H. 560 Piedmont Road DGS Contracting Inc. SATURDAY PRIME TIME JUNE 18, 2005 HVAC $6,185 Metcalfe J.M. & R. Kay 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 I 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 3055 Poinciana Circle Modern Air Conditioning Inc. S3 NBC Golf; U.S. Open News Jeopardy! Dateline Movie: **« The News Sat. Night PBS Find! (cc) Arts Lawrence Welk Show Antiques Roadshow As Time Goes Keeping Up | Keeping Up EastEnders EastEnders HVAC $5,270 Shannon Frederick Breit & Toni IS) FOX Friends (S) Seinfeld (S) Raymond Seinfeld (S) Cops (cc) I Cops (cc) America's Most Wanted News (cc) Mad TV (S;Ycc; CBS News CBS News Edition America NCIS "UnSEALed" (cc) NCIS "Split Decision" (S) 48 Hours Mystery (cc) News (ccj [Andromeda] 605 Lighthouse Way Modern Air Conditioning Inc. S3 WB Just Shoot King 70s Show 70s Show Movie: »** Forget Paris (imSHBSy Crystal) The Twilight Zone (cc) The Outer Limits (cc) (33 ABC ABC News News Entertainment Tonight [tatovie: »*• titoS Stitch {200® 0} (ec) (DVS) Funniest Home Videos News (cc) | Extra (N)~ Non-res. Aitn's. $3,585 Anderson Ralph E. & Mary L. W HBO Along Came Potty {Sj \ Movie: -M Sawing Christmas Romano-James Boxing Glen Johnson vs. Antonio Tarver. (cc) 1501 F302 Middle Gulf Dr. Castle Construction Group Inc. (23) WGN Home Imp. | Will-Grace MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at Chicago White Sox. (Live) (S) (cc) WGN News at Nine (cc) Becker is) sMurphy's Moving Up ice) TLC While You Were Out What Not to Wear "Will" Moving Up (cc) Trading Spaces iAf) Property Ladder HVAC $3,500 Wilson G. I. & Celeste m FOOD Inside Dish S40-a-Day Iron Chef America Emeril Live Ice Cream Unwrapped Frosty Treats Iron Chef "Battle Tuna" VH1 Behind the Music (cc) Celebrity Showdown 2 Celebrity Beefs .Caught on Tape ASj Gamesnow Moments 623 A Nerita Street Carroll Jerry SPIKE Wildest Police Videos Most^mazing Videos Movfe;* Mortal'KdimtAnnihilation imff~§)^ |l Dare You! WWE Velocity (N) (cc) E! E! News Weekend Fight for Fame Slimdown Meg Ryan: The E!THS ; Saturday Night Live (cc) Palms ITotally High" HVAC $3,100 Temesvari Agnes K. m CNBC Paid Prog. |PaidProgT Tim Russert The Suze Orman Show The Suze Orman Show [Tim Russert The Suze Orman Show m LIFE Wbvlei. Limd Father (W 7} {Brian Austin Gman) i: Abduclfxt-A Father'$~i.QV${fW6)~(&>) Wild Card (Sj (cc) 2840 35 West Gulf Dr. Carroll Jerry m HGTV Debbie Travis' Facelift Get Color Design Design TBecorating Designer reDesign Design Design City Grdn Trading Up NICK Nicktoon Nicktoon Nicktoon Nicktoon Jimmy Neutron: Gen [All That (N) |Drake" Full House Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. Cosby Electric $2,500 Edison National Bank m DISN Lizzie Phil Suite Life So Raven Click It to Pick It Dragon Suite Life Phil So Raven 1699 Periwinkle Way Molnar Electric Inc. MTV Challenge | Challenge Challenge ^Challenge Challenge [Challenge [Challenge |Challenge Punk'd | Pimp Ride Pimp Ride Pimp Ride TNT Into the West Manifest Destiny (cc) Movie: •*•* Dances With Wolves (1990) A&E The Big House (cc) City Confidential (cc) City Confidential (N) Cold Case Files (cc) American Justice Roofing $2,200 O'Brien Dorothy m USA The Dead Zone (cc) Voices Carry Law & Order SVU Law & Order- SVU Law & Order SVU " Law Order Ci 2351 Troon Court Smart Roofing Inc. m AMC : »** Movie •»** flip Bravo (t9SS) (John Wayne Dean Martin} Premiere Movie: North to Alaska SUN Breaking |College football 2003 North Carolina State at Florida State |College Football 1993 Mississippi State at Florida (53) Roofing $780 Raizk Alexander & Marilyn Horse Racinn [College Baseball NCAA World Series Came 4 learns TBA Uveh^yl jBaseball Tonight d.c> ESPN 1399 Albatross Road Owner/Builder J3L TSS _THAV IJV-i'c F lour T, ^ nirnal Cop Irrigation n/y/g Wexler Duffey Ann CUM i."t J "I V i? 1371 Jamaica Dr. Performance irrigation Sys, Inc. MAX I Movie: *> ••• TMC 1 Hmison 'jiavie 14 • Week of June 16-22, 2005 u ISLAND REPORTER

rfii SUNDAY MORNING JUNE 19, 2005 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 1 8:30 9:00 1 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 f 12L NBC Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Adventure Wild About Today (S) (cc) News Meet the Press (cc) Matthews Paid Prog. CT, PBS Plaza Sesa Thomas Dragon Arthur Cliff Pup Clifford GeorgeS. IBerenstain Fla. Face Capitol NOW (cc) Journal l'4'l FOX Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Mass Paid Prog. Fox News Sunday Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. fs) CBS Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Nutrition 01 Discovery The Coral Ridge Hour CBS News Sunday Morning (S) (cc) Nation Paid Prog. On Course Paid Prog. Awakening [Paid Prog. I Believers Van Impe jD. DeMola Victory | Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid ProgHPaid Prog. [7] ABC Life_Church_ Paid Prog. Good Morning Good Morning America This Week With George Home Buy Owner ExtraJN)jS)(cc) Robert C. Howard, i! HBO (:45) Shelter Dogs iSjjcc) W WGN Tomorrow Feed jChangihgTBill WinstonJKey-DavTd Ronnie F. NightMan -Chrome' (S) Mutant X (cc) The X-Files (S) ,cci Rob passed away suddenly after a motor vehicle JtQ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Comfort |Paid Prog. .Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Trading Spaces: Family In a Fix While You Were Out tag" Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cooking _[Puck Class ; Saras Minute LowCarb I Calorie How to Boil Cooking Sandra Lee {Minute accident in Fort Myers. Wednesday, June 8. VH1 Jump Start iSi iTop 20 Countdown (S) Best Week Motormth Kept (Si He was born in Wayne. New Jersey on August 3, (32) SPIKE Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid PrdgT [Paid Prog, jPaid Prog. |Paid Prog. 3 Stooges 13 Stooges" I Dare You! The WWE Experience (33) E! News Weekend 1969 to Elsie and Robert Howard. Paid Prog. TPafd Prog A graduate of Cypress Lake High School, Rob was a Captain in the Junior ROTC. He won a scholarship to Platt College in Tampa, Fla. Later he attended Pilot Training School in Fort Date Mom Date Mom Myers and became an airplane pilot. He was owner Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Old House Breakfast With the Arts (N) (cc) and manager of Advanced Computer Engineering in Body-Jake Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. yvy PGA Tour Sunday (cc) Cape Coral, Fla. He is survived by his loving and devoted wife, Connie, his father Robert C. Howard, Public Affr ] Paid Prog. |College Football 2004 Florida at Tennessee. From Senior, two sisters, Candus Bouden and Tamson SportsCtr. jLines jReporters |SportsCentet(LiveUcc) JSportsCtr Howard both of Virginia. Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. Body-Jake | Paid Prog. Girl-Hawaii I Vacation Gr. Hotels Gr. Hotels A memorial service will be held Friday, June 17, at Animal Miracles (cc) Who Gets the Dog? Animals I Animals The Most Extreme (cc) 1:00 p.m. at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Hollow Men Hollow Men Church, 2304 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Island.

Carol C. Crawford [SUNDAY AFTERNOON JUNE 19, 2005 12:00 12:301 1:00 I 1:30 I 2:00 I 2:30 I 3:00 I 3:30 I 4:00 I 4:30 i 5:00 I 5:30 Carol Crawford, 83, died on April 30, 2005 in |TJT_ NBC Wimbledon GoH U.S. Open Championship -- Final Round. From Pinehurst Golf Club in Pinehurst, N.C. (Live)p. (S) (cc) Winter Park, Fla. She was a long-time resident of S3 PBS Mark Twain S) (Part 1 of 2) (cc) (DVS) [Hemingway in Cuba |Lawrence of Arabia B[Lawrence of Arabia I Father Fate GEL FOX Woman Will-Grace lAutovision [NASCAR Racing Nextel Cup Series - Batman Begins 400. (Live) (S) (cc) Autovision Cape Coral and the loving wife of the late Col. Marktwtch Nicklaus Paid Prog. IKickin'lt (N)(S) Paid Prog. IChamp Car World Series Racing Grand Prix of Portland, (cc) Richard C. (Dick) Crawford, founder of the Cape Coral Daily Breeze. She was also a true servant of her Paid Prog. JThc Entertainers IN) Celebrity Justice (N) I Action Sports Hawaii An American Anthem Heavenly Father. Andromeda (S) (cc) i i" ir r*"^i fii*.i HT rm •~\ •• i • r .r *i — tt Crawford's Southwest Florida roots ran very deep. Trading Spaces - Drydock: Ship Reborn Drydock: Ship Reborn Drydock: Ship Reborn IContessa Entertain Weighing In "Vasquez Wedding Cake Classic Unwrapped I Best Of Her grandmother was the wife of the lighthouse keep- I Love the '70s "1974 100 Greatest Kid Stars er on Sanibel in the late 1800s; her Aunt Pearly built SPIKE Car 1(33 E! Fight for Fame ITotally High | Was Huge [Uncut "Mariah Carey" [50 Most Outrageous TV Moments Taught Us the first hotel on Sanibel; and her uncle, Clarence Paid Prog. I Paid Prog. a. !Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. | Paid Prog- 3oslev Hair Paid Prog. Rutland, owned property and lived on Periwinkle in a HP house since moved to the Sanibel Historical Village. HGTV Curb Spaces Want That Kitchen Designing Decorating Designers Design I Design House Hunters: Coast Om NICK Robot ChaikZone Hey Arnoldl Rock Star |Nicktoon Nicktoon Nicktoon Nicktoon Jimmy Neutron: Gen. Neutron Neutron Survivors include her daughter, Sandra Stockberger DISN So Raven So Raven Suite Life Phil So Raven Even Lizzie Phil Sister, Sis. Proud Kim Maggie of Orlando; a son, Kenneth D. Cox, of Bokeelia; two 33 MTV Flavorite Punk'd Punk'd (S) Punk'd (S) |Punk'd (S) [Punk'd (S) Pimp Ride | Pimp Ride Pimp Ride | Pimp Ride Pimp Ride | Pimp Ride sisters, six grandchildren, two step- grandchildren and Law & Order 'Deceit" Law & Order "Disciple' Law & Order "Return" Law & Order (cc) (DVS) P. McCartney eight great-grandchildren. USA The 4400 Voices Carry" Memorial contribution may be made to Hope AMC SUN College Football 2004 Alabama-Birmingham at Florida State. From Sept. 18, 2004. (cc) iCheerleading: U.S. Open Cheer and Dance Hospice, 9470 HealthPark Circle, Fort Myers 33908. ESPN SportsCtr IBaseball |Classic Wiley (N) |College Baseball NCAA World Series Game 5 - Teams TBA. (Live) (cc) Baseball Atlanta Braves at Cincinnati Reds. (Live) (cc) I Super Yachts (cc) ITravel Spies '•Hawaii" |Ultimate Travel: Cars [Jeff Corwin Experience Barking Mad Profiles of Nature Jane Goodairs When Animals Talk I Animal Cops (cc) Gray Fitch Scariot

Gray Fitch Scariot, 64, of Indian Lake, Pennsylvania and Sanibel, Florida, died Saturday, June 04, 2005, after a brief illness. She was the daughter of the late Janet Reed Fitch SUNDAY PRIME TIME JUNE 19, 2005 6:00 i 6:30 7:00 I 7:30 I 8:00 9:00 9:30 10:00110:30 11:00 11:30 and T.S. Fitch, founder of Steel NBC Dateline NB Law Order: Cl Crossing Jordan (S) (cc) News Sports Corporation. PBS Ballykissangel (S) (cc) In Search-lrln Forces of the Wild Mystery! "Dead Gorgeous" (S) (cc) (DVS) Arts Amusemnt ! FOX Simpsons Simpsons Malcolm IKingofHill Simpsons [Simpsons Family GuyTArner Dad CSI: Crime Sen Gray attended East Washington schools and gradu- ^fc V J ^h . ((rt I _ — .— '-.' M If CBS CBS News News 60 Minutes (S) (cc) Cold Case "SleepoVer" News (cc) Fins TV ated from Winchester Thurston School in Pittsburgh. WB Charmed (S) (cc) Steve Harvey Dharma Just Shoot She attended Vassar College and graduated from the ABC NBA Basketball: Finals - Spurs at Pistons HBO Entou Six Feet Under (S) (cc)- University of Pittsburgh. She also earned her private WGN Funniest Home Videos Will-Grace [Home Imp. WGN News |Replay Maximum Exposure pilot's license. TLC Drydock: Ship Reborn Trading Spaces: Family To Be Announced Rocket Rigs Trading Spaces: Family She was an avid reader and for many years operat- FOOD Kitchen Accomplished Unwrapped | Unwrapped Next Food Star Nextf JStar Build a Better Burger (N) Unwrapped [Unwrapped VH1 100 Greatest Kid Stars 100 Greatest Kid Stars Strip Search (S) ed a bookstore on the South Side of Pittsburgh. She WWE Heat am was an active volunteer throughout her life, serving on loatupgay wigni uve (ccj ngm Tor rame [n Jennifer Amston the board of the Washington YWCA, and she was Diabetes WailSt Wal-Mart: America's Most Powerful Co. Age of Wal-Mart: Inside WiiPii— mmrona Medicine (N) (cc) Missing "Puzzle Box" instrumental in the formation of the Washington Designed Want That Great outdoor Kitchens Renovation Kitchen Women's Shelter. She supported a wide range of Fatherhood Fatherhood Fatherhood Fatherhood suite Life so Raven women's causes. Flavorite I Bam I Viva Bam Bam Pimp Ride IPimpRide [Challenge [Challenge In her later years, she spent much of the year on Into the West "Wheel to the Stars" (cc) Into the West "Manifest Destiny" (cc Into the West "Manifest Destiny" (cc) Sanibel Island, where she was a docent for the Sanibel Crossing Jordan (S) (cc) Historical Museum and a volunteer at the Sanibel Public Library. She enjoyed giving birding tours of the Inshore Sportsman portsman ISaltwater I Fishing [The Bite | Portraits Shipshape | Fishing Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge. BassCenter Baseball Tonight (cc at Chicaao White Sox. (Live) (cc Her summers were spent at Indian Lake in Wide Open Spaces cc Wonders West Alaska's Arctic Wildlife Alaska Wide Open (cc) National Parks Somerset County, where she entertained extensively Animal Cops Detroit : A Fantasy Made Real Mythical South Park | Reno 911! and taught friends and family to water-ski. All who Queer as Folk iTV cc) visited found peace and support. Surviving are her husband, Louis A. Scariot of Washington, PA, and her daughter, Janet Reed Scariot of Sanibel, FL; two brothers, William T.S. Fitch and Thomas E. Fitch; three sisters, Mary Fitch Keliikipi, MONDAY PRIME TIME Rosamound Fitch Fergus, and Madeleine L. Fitch; JUNE 20, 2005 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 18:30 9:00 9:30 10:00110:31 0 11:00 11:30 numerous nieces and nephews and 3 great nieces and NBC News NBC News Fortune Jeopardy! Fear Factor IS) (cc) Las Vegas (S) (cc) Medium 'Jump Start News Tonight 1 great nephew. PBS BBC World Business News-Lehrer Antiques Roadshow Great Performances (N) (S) (cc) Charlie Rose (N) (S) (cc) FOX Friends (S) Friends (S) Raymom Seinfeld (S) Nanny 911 (S) (cc) Hell's Kitchen (N) (cc) News (cc) Seinfeld (S± Will-Grace She is preceded in death by one brother Colin Reed en CBS News (cc) CBS News Millionai Edition Still Raymond |Two Men CSI: Miami "Pro Per"(S) News (cc) Late Show Fitch WB Judge Judy King 70s Show 70s Show 7th Heaven -Fathers Summerland (N) (S) (cc) I Dharma Spin City Drew Carey A memorial service was held on Saturday, June 11, ABC News(cc) ABC News Entertain Extra (N) The Scholar (N) (S) (cc) News (cc) Nightline HI friS^ Comeback [Entourage Def Poetry Cathouse 2005. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may WGN Home Imp. [Will-Grace Will-Grace [ Home Imp. WGN News at Nine (cc) Becker (S) Becker (S) be made to the Washington Women's Shelter or the m TLC Clean Sweep (cc) In a Fix (cc) Trauma: Life in the E Operation Homecoming Trauma: Life in the ER Sanibel Historical Museum. m FOOD Minute Minute Good Eats | Unwrapped" Emeril Live "Shrimps' Secret Life ISecretLife Iron Chef VH1 Best Week Beach Driven (S) Paris' Most Shocking (S) Behind the Music (cc) Best Week [KeptfS, SPIKE Wildest Police Videos CSI: Crime Sen CSI: Crime Sen WWE Raw (Live) (S) fee) (:05) NBA Rookies (N) Child Stars of the'80s E! News (N) jGastineau What Hollywood Taught Us About Sex Answers. I Dr. 90210 | Howards. | Howard's. CNBC Mad Money [Late Night |The Contender IS) Ice) |Mad Money JThe Big Idea |The Contender (S) (cc) LIFE Golden ^^^mm-iiMJty^¥l Charades \m>»'m Colors Available Manufacture & Supply McCarver IShipShape I Sports Talk Live (Live) [College Football 2003 North Carolina State at Florida State! [Anatomy-Bobby BowdenjTalk SportsCenter (Live) (cc) College Baseball NCAA World Series Game 8 - Teams TBA. (Live) (cc) Atlantic-Pacific Int'l. Mktg. Inc. Seinfeld (S) [Seinfeld (S) Raymond [Raymond Friends (S) [Friends (S) Friends Disney Cruise Line (cc) Bonih, springs, FL Toll Free: 1-800-2260507 Who Gets the Dog? fhat's My Baby (cc) Animal Cops Houston Who Gets the Dog? Phone:239-390-2006 Daily Show | Reel Cdy [Presents I South Park Blue Coll Blue Coll Daily Show Daily Show All Major Credit cards accepted FOX! 239*390-2007

!i:V,Vi ISLAND REPORTER • Week of June 16 - 22, 2005 • 15 TUESDAY PRIME TIME 'JUNE 21, 2005 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 18:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 News NBC News Fortune Jeopardy! Dateline NBC (S) (cc) I Want to Be a Hilton (S) Law & Order: SVU News Tonight ) PBS BBC World Business News-Lehrer Nova (cc) (DVS) Frontline (N) (S) (cc) P.O.V. (N) (S) (cc) Rose HI FOX Friends (S) Friends (S) Raymond Seinfeld (S) Trading Spouses House (S) (PA) (cc) News (cc) Seinfeld (S) Will-Grace News (CCJ CBS News Millionaire Edition AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movie Quotes The institute's top-100 movie quotes. News (cc) Late Show WB Judge Judy 70s Show 70s Show Gilmore Girls (S) (cc) One Tree Hill (S) (cc) |King Dharma Spin City Drew Carey Blotter for week of June 7-12, 2005 C?] ABCNews (cc) ABC News Entertain I Extra (N) News (cc) SO HBO Compiled by JENNY BURNHAM E3) WGN Home Imp. Will-Grace MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Milwaukee Brewers. (Live) (S) (cc) WGN News : Becker (Si [email protected] [24) TLC Clean Sweep (cc, In a Fix (cc) Mega Machines Overhaulin' Rides "Tonight's Ride' Mega Machines Bg) FOOD Minute Minute Good Eats | Unwrapped Emeril Live Roker Rd IRokerRd $40-a-Day S40-a-Day Iron Chef B6) VH1 100 Greatest Kid Stars 100 Greatest Kid Stars Kept (S) VH1 -Inside InsideOut Fab Life Totally Gay The blotter contains public information obtained from 32 SPIKE Wildest Police Videos CSI: Crime Sen CSI: Crime Sen PoliceVids Full House: True Story E! News (N) | Good to Be TV Star [Was Huge Fight for Fame Gastineau Gastineau Howard S. Howard S. the Sanibel Police Department. All persons arrested are [37] CNBC Mad Money The Contender (S) (cc) innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Bl) LIFE The Golden Girls (cc, Golden Golden 82) HGTV Weekend Landscapr Curb House Designed Get Color Decorating Cents Designers' Designers' Design House m NICK Amanda Grown Up Oddparents Neutron Full House Fatherhood Boss? GrowPains Moonlighting (S) (cc, Arrests SB DISN Lizzie Sister, Sis. So Raven So Raven «';* . Kim Maggie Sister, Sis. So Raven So Raven 06/12/09 gg) MTV Pimp Ride Diary (N) Direct Effect (S) Challenge | Challenge The Real World "Austin" Date Mom Date Mom W) TNT Charmed "Used Karma" Law & Order (cej (DVS) Law & Order (cc) (DVS) Law & Order "Ego" (S) The Closer Possession of Marijuana A&E City Confidential (cc) American Justice Cold Case Files (cc) Knievel's Wild Ride (cc) Crossing Jordan (cc) Billy Eugene Hubbard, 57, of 2955 19th Place, Largo, g2) USA Law & Order: SVU Fla., was arrested on a charge of possession of marijua- Charades na in an amount less than 20 grams. EL SUN Sports Talk Live TGatorZone 2 Xtreem SportsCtr. I ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (cc) College Baseball NCAA World Series Game 10 - Teams TBA. (Live) (cc) Baseball Tonight (Live) (cc) Seinfeld fS] | Seinfeld (S) Raymond Raymond Friends (S) I Friends (S) I Sex & City Sex & City Real Gilligan Real Gilligan 168 TRAV Hidden Yellowstone Made Made Taste Taste Made Made Colorado: River Taste ITaste 06/12/09 \m ANPL The Crocodile Hunter The Most Extreme (cc) Eaten Alive (cc) Animal X Animal Cops Houston Eaten Alive (cc) DUI Second Offense Bj) COM Mad TV (S) (cc) Presents | Reno 911! Daily Show [Presents I Presents I South Park | Reno 911! | Reno 911!~ Daily Show | Kathie Lee McCoy, 43, of 8270 Breeze Drive, North ;J2ZL_SHO\,V (5:45) Movie: .''.;&:y *one " liS1' . f fcjl Dead Me ::45iDead Like Me * TMovfe: »• 8tMe!pmofMank(S0Q3b Rii5) Queer as Folk (iTV) B MAX i:15) Movie: &•:„•.; Lr. i /.' .-::• :'0U Movie: *•_ Spoken Fort Myers, was arrested on a charge of driving under the : ; Motfie: *** $ptder-MmS(20W{Wlc<$ ig3) TMC i" :J.' bj.\" ",MoW: ** Movie: * "'. • i'!i-j h: _ Movie: *** Pi {199$) (S) (cc) jppvSer influence. McCoy was previously arrested for DUI in 2001. WEDNESDAY PRIME TIME JUNE 22, 2005 Incidents 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 06/07/05 f.2) NBC News NBC News Fortune Jeopardy! Psychic Detectives (N) Law & Order "Fixed" (S) Law & Order "Mammon" News Tonight Grand Theft, Burglary C3) PBS BBC World Business News-Lehrer ARFYI Cooking American Masters: Quincy Jones [Concerto Charlie Rose (N) (S) (cc) In the 5600 block of Baltusrol Court, unknown per- S) FOX Friends (S) Friends (S) Raymond Seinfeld 70s Show Stacked (S) The Inside "Pre-Filer" News (cc) Seinfeld (S) Will-Grace :§•) CBS News (cc) CBS News Millionaire Edition 60 Minutes Wednesday Kin£ | Yes, Dear CSI: NY "A Man a Mile- News (cc) Late Show son(s) reportedly made an unauthorized entry to a pool [6) WB Judge Judy King 70s Show 70s Show Beauty^and the GeekjW^ Smallville "Spell" (cc) King | Dharma Spin City Drew Carey patio area and removed a Mosquito Magnet valued at [71 ABC News (cc) ABC News Entertain Extra (N) Supernanny (S) (cc) Dancing With the Stars Lost "Walkabout" (cc) News (cc) Nightline $1500. (Ml HBO ttrStoE •mYw J&w!*:*** HrniyPkabant$} • Entourage Comeback Six Feet Unc er (S) (cc) m WGN Home Imp. Will-Grace Will-Grace Home Imp. Hovjss:.** 0wg> am*}099% times Belushii • WGN News at Nine (cc) Becker (S) Becker(S) 124) TLCClean Sweep (cc) In a Fix (cc) While You Were Out (N) What Not to Wear/While You Were Out While You Were Out Beach Patrol C28) FOOD Minute Minute Good Eats Unwrapped Emeril Live Bobby Flay Foodnation Good Eats Good Eats Iron Chef America (30) VH1 Total Gay Beach Thin Is Thin Embarrassing Moments Celebrity Beefs Hollywood The Adventures ef Pf&o&, Queen of the Deswt ' 06/08/05 (33 SPIKE Wildest Police Videos CSI: Crime Sen CSI: Crime Sen JMovie; ***s PutgRcSor 0894, Orama) (JghnTravotia} (S) (oc) Officer J.P. Holovacko summoned medical assistance S3 E! Dana Plato: THS E! News (N)\Dr. 90210 Rock Star Daughters: True Story Palms Totally High Howards. |Palms at the Tarpon Bay beach access for a male who was bit- m CNBC Mad Money Late Night The Contender "Series Finale" (S) (cc) The Big Idea The Contender (S) (cc) (41] LIFE Golden Golden •MNMNfiMMMmM WWmAeam(S0<&.0nmajJJohnHi VWWHHB Golden Golden ten in the foot, possibly by a ray. Sanibel Fire and Rescue @2l HGTV Weekend Landscapr Curb House Kitchen [Weekend Want That Landscapr Curb 1What Get Design House responded. 144) NICK Amanda Grown Up Grown Up Neutron SpongeBob | Unfabulous Full House Fresh Pr. Spoons Facts-Life Kate-Allie Benson (S) Officer Holovacko also reported both bird and sea tur- m DISN Lizzie Sister, Sis. So Raven So Raven mm&TimoarMe mSjMiidy latmrioe} (co) Suite Life Sister, Sis. l5o Raven So Raven an MTV Pimp Ride Pimp Ride Direct Effect (S) Challenge Challenge The Real World -Austin' Made (N) (S Date Mom Date Mom tle nesting areas all secure. 3?} TNT Charmed (S) (cc) Law & Order (ccJIDVS) Law & Order "Killerz" Movie; ** 90ngerou$Mids (I'M. Dn Law & Order (cc) (DVS) (50) A&E City Confidential (cc) American Justice: Cops World-Dietz Parole Squa i lecj Airline (ecl Airline (cc) Crossing Jordan (S) (cc) @2) USA The District (S) (cc) JAG "Fortunate Son" (S) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order :SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Alligator/Wildlife Reports g3| AMC mm The mom m ' Charades \Mov\e: National Lampoon's Animal Hous»{W8) -• j£fe Sanibel Police received reports or complaints about m SUN Hemingway | ATP Tennis Under the Lights [College Football 1993 Mississippi State at Florida. . | Breaking Boxing £_8] ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (cc) MLB Baseball Teams to Be Announced. (Subject to Blackout) (Live) (cc) Baseball Tonight jee) SportsCenter (Live) (cc) alligators in the following locations: @2) TBS Seinfeld (S) |Seinfeld (S) Raymond | Raymond Raymond Raymond Real Gilligan Real Gilligan Sex & City Sex & City • 3200 block Twin Lakes Drive m TRAV Las Vegas: Cheaters Vegas Cheaters American Casino (cc) World Poker Tour (NJ American Casino (cc) (68) ANPL Crocodile Hunter Diaries The Most Extreme (cc) Buggin' With Ruud iNi Corwin's Quest (N) Animal Cops Houston Buggin' With Ruud • 4200 block Old Banyan Way (70) COM Mad TV (S) (cc) Presents | Reno 911! Daily Show | Howie Mandel on Ice (S) South Park South Park Drawn Daily Show Daily Show m SHOW Movie: ** Against fes ftpes {SOM} OV. {$} Movte: *** Barbershop £ Back fo Business «ovife: Swim &00S, AcSm} M PrwtmtL In the 1100 block of Periwinkle Way, officers f82) MAX Naked dim Movie; #* Tht PmtMBn {18$ff) {Kevin Gomm HSff Pamnj ($} (cc) $ovi; *** Ti» T&mhmt{g804 flom Hmfmi removed a three foot alligator from a garage area and 183) TMCBa'rtleby (S) |(:2S) SAmte *<4 Boat Tito 0m |HwN«: *** Otofe tim 0fM *+i W>'£SskaniSitMl)m}{$} mam mm* relocated it to Conservation land on Island Inn Road. a broke Traffic Citations Give wildlife Sanibel Police issued the following speeding citations: " Casa Ybel: one • Sanibel-Captiva Road: 11

Police also issued citations for the following: • Safety belt violation: one • Driving on a suspended driver's license: one • Improper left turn causing a crash: one • Expired tag: one • Improper passing: one • Driving on a suspended license (Texas): one • Improper lane change: one

JCigfci Up ^m Ifje ill '. ••J:'IIII'II!IIII WITH SOLAR SOLUTIONS Install NOW before (or after) SERVICE WHEN YOU NEED IT!!! roof replacement THE ONLY ISLAND BASED AIR CONDITIONING COMPANY EMERGENCY SERVICE • perfect for dark bathroooms, kitchens, family rooms, hallways • Family owned & operated Since 1988 • hurricane tested & approved • Major Appliances Repair « ~. y.vr Ir-'ik-frc-g iviMry-'y • Duct Cleaning SOLAR SOLUTIONS S50 OFF (239) 472-3033 466-8605 I'SOlATUBi, 1213 Periwinkle Way » Sanibel Florida 33957 • Non-Surgica; Relief , • Clinically tested • Doctor prescrioec! 1 local specialists in ^i Relief lasts for yearn orthopedic and required no further treatment. DR. LINDA STEVENS rehabilitation. 728-DISC (728-3472) 4301 Sanibel-Captiva Road 12951 Metro Pkwy. • Suite 5 Sanibel island, Florida 33957 Fort Myers. FL 33912 For evaluation, Call: (239) 395-1097 Spine & Disc Care Center www.vax-dfm.com www.DnvsicaJtheraDvofsanibel.com 16 • Week of June 16-22, 2005 • ISLAND REPORTER Fee: $5 per session, includes materials. bets. No partner needed all levels wel- MINDFUL YOGA WITH MURARI Registration and payment at City of come. 472-5743. AND BARBARA at the SCA. Kripula Sanibel finance department, 800 Dunlop SHELLCRAFTERS 10 am. to 3 p,m. yoga, Tues/WedYThurs 9 a.m. - 10:15 DATELINE Rd. 472-0345 every Monday at the Community House a.m. Member $12/ non $13. 395-1100 From page 11 on Periwinkle. YOGA/PILATES FOR FUN AND BOOKWORMS stories and crafts for HEALTH at the SanCap Medical Center, 4301 Sjan-Cap Rd. 6 p.m. children aged 3-5, Sanibel Literary 10 • TERRIFIC TWOS stories, flannel board (weaflier permitting, will be held on the stories, songs, for two year olds, Sanibel a.m. Mon/Wed. 472-2483 beach- call for kication.) $10, space is Library. 10 a.m. 472-2483 4TH TO 8TH GRADERS, read, play limited. 472-0116 • KWLF (Kids Who Love Fun) stories, Every week board games, fun contests at the Sanibel • SUNDAY JAM SESSIONS at the Library. 3 p.m. YOGA with Dr. Susan Pataky, Senior activities, games, for K - 3rd grade grade Center on Library Way. Moderate level, American Legion Post 123. Bring your STORY TIME for all ages at the Sanibel at the Sanibel library. 3 p.m. 472-2482 10 - 11:15 a.m. $13/member $15/non- instrument and join in the fun. 3 p.m. Library, 6:30 p.m. member. | until closing. Mile marker 3 on San-Cap SCA DUPLICATE BRIDGE at the OPEN PORTRAIT STUDIO 1-4 p.m. Rd. 472-9979 Sanibel Community Association on Saturday 18 • SUNDAY ITALIAN SPAGHETTI DIN- Mondays at 7:30 p.m. The game is open $4 per session, open to all artists. Model NERS at the American Legion Post 123. to all regardless of ability. Partners will provided. 472-5267. • GRAND MASQUERADE BALL at The first Sunday of the month, 5-9 p.m. be provided if necessary. Fees $4 for TROUBLESTARTERS AT THE Harborside Convention Center, Mile marker 3 on San-Cap Rd. SCA members, $5 for non-members. AMERICAN LEGION Every Tuesday medieval masquerade and art auction to • KORESHAN STATE HISTORIC SITE YOGA WITH SUSAN PATAKY on the evening 7:30 pni. to closing. San-Cap benefit ICAN (Island Coast AIDS guided tours.10 a.m. Sat. and Sun. $3.25. lawn behind the Thistle Lodge. Casa Rd. at mile marker 3.472-9979. Network), ARC (AIDS Resource per vehicle. Ybel and West Gulf, 9:30 a.m. $15, and SCCF BUTTERFLY HOUSE TOURS Council), The MacGregor Clinic (AIDS at the Sanibel Fitness Center on Rabbit A guide will teach about the life cycle Clinic), SPECTRUM, and MCC (AIDS Rd., noon -1:15 p.m. For Fitness Center, and behavior of butterflies. The house is patient support). June 18. For more info, $12 all-day pass needed + $5 for class. also open to visitors without a guide. contact [email protected]. 466-1558. 10:00 a.m. $1 donation CULTURAL HISTORY OF FLORI- Every week DA'S NATIVE PLANTS Ethnobotany • FAMILY FUN AT THE REFUGE guid- Every week ~ garden at SCCF {Nature Center. Learn ed tour of Wildlife Drive for the family. • CPR/AED classes the second Monday how native plants have been used by 9 a.m. RSVP 472-1100 x222. of every month, with the Sanibel Fire humans through history. Tuesdays at • 2005 SPRING SPLASH Learn To Swim and Rescue District. Classes at the • SAN-CAP SAIL AND POWER 10:30 a.m. Free to members and chil- Program, Saturdays, May 1 - June 25 at Sanibel Library, 770 Dunlop Rd. SQUADRON meeting with guest speakr dren; $5 for nonmembers. the Sanibel Rec Center. Register on the first Monday of the er John Kinney, director of Standing month, $20/person. 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. 472-- Watch and member of the Lee County Level 1 & 2 Preschool: 1:30-2 p.m. 5525. Levels 3 & 4 Beginner: 2:15 - 2:45 p.m. Local Rule Re'view Committee. 6 p.m., • SMOOTH SWING AND FOXTROT at the Sanibel Community Center on Levels 5 & 6 Advanced: 3-4 p.m. lessons at the Waterford Ballroom in Periwinkle Way. Session 2: June 4-25. Cape Coral. Mondays 6-7 p.m., $25 per level $6/person 945-0034 Eveiy week Every weeks BABY AND ME SWIM LESSONS • HEALING MEDITATION at the SCA. • S.W.A.T. (SANIBEL WATER ATTACK • SMALL WONDpRS for newborns to 7-8 p.m. Members $12, non $13. TEAM) for swimmers 5 to 14 years. children aged 12} months. Lap sitting, 6 months to 26 months with an adult, 9 finger plays and songs. 10 a.m Sanibel • BRIDGE FOR FUN Senior Center 2401 Practice starts at 2:30 p;m., Sanibel a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Recreational Complex 472-0345 Library. 472-2483[ Session 4 begins June 4 Library Way. $2 members, $4 non-mem- • TUESDAY NIGHT SWING AND • TINY TOTS for children 12 to 24 LATIN DANCE with Buddy Stotts. of months, no longer lap babies but resist - First Dance Productions, at Ron Dao's, sitting still. Stories, flannel board activi- 15320 McGregor Blvd. 8:30 - 11:30 ties, songs, finger jplays. 11 -11:30 a.m. p.m. $5/person. 415-1951 Carton Roofing www.carlonroofs.com FREE ESTIMATES 239-693-1776 or toll free 866-693-1776 m d x QB#34058 Lic#CCC1326086


The island Reporter

ne book for Sanibel and Captiva photographs and recollectioncollections from local residentresidenst with firsthand experience GUARANTEED RESULTS - documentation from the local fire department and police officers a look at the tragedy and a tribute to the triumph of the community afterwards OPTION #1 OPTION #2 LINE AD W/PHOTO REGULAR LINE AD Only those sre-oreen.no BOOB .ire guaranteed deliver•/ $mce quantities me limited A portion of the proceeds wi go to the sanibei- - Advertise Captiva Community Foundation Disaster Fund. where hundreds Place your orders to guarantee delivery of your book. Stop by or send In your order form to the island Reporter. The books are $40.00 each and are of people, just a great way to commemorate Sanlbers strength during a time of tragedy. like you, sell their vehicles copyte) of the commemorative STREET: hurricane book at $40 00 each lam every day! enclosing payment in full CITY-. "YcJ1 vi would run fc 6 day? -p Ihc v locna. SWi^ier. breeze ird iv v.eos- o Please mail my books to the address at the right. I have enclosed PHONE:' IVAV.V b^ozenewspdpeis cort> uf,M you' vehdo .-els HU to exceed '3 norchs an additional $5 00 for each book to be shipped ALSO INCLUDES MARINE & MOTORCYCLES

Please charge my American mail to: The Island Reporter office in "The Village"

Express/Discover /Visa/Mastercard 2340 Periwinkle Way 239.472.1587 (telephone))

*xp Date ~ Sanibef island, FL 33957 239.472.839S (fax) [email protected] ISLAND REPORTER • Week of June 16-22, 2005 • 17 island CLASSIFIEDS. (239)472-1587 ADVERTISE LOCALLY REACH YOUR TARGET CUSTOMER IN Reach over 5.700 homes on Sanibel and Captiva. Your ad will run in ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS: both the Island Reporter and $eoo and up I Gapriva Current, if your item is ,. vrfT. r <- being sold for under $50, we wil! 1 ITEM 528 WORDS OR LESS publish your ad absolutely FREE! SSI • S ICO

Island Reporter r* TARGET SELLER PACKAGE Captiva Current The Lee County Shopper Sanibei's official city Delivered to consumers in Home delivered every newspaper with a paid Your 28 word classified ad can the Captiva area every Wednesday with a distribution of 4,500+ Friday run in The Island Reporter, The $ 50* circulation of 105,000 Captiva Current & your choice of any 8 papers listed in the i '•• publication list to the right. 41 *Business Ads start at "58.00 REACHES OVER 150,000 HOUSEHOLDS! v. A "£•• ... North Fort Myers Beach Bulletin Fort Myers Beach Observer SUPER SELLER PACKAGE Neighbor The area's visitor and A circulation of over 14,000 in Your ad will appear in ALL of the Home delivered to 9,500+ entertainment newspaper the San Carlos Island and Estero every Wednesday delivered every Friday Island area every Wednesday Breeze Newspapers in Lee & Charlotte Counties, with circulation $eooo V. in Pine Island, Cape Coral. Ft. Myers. N. Ft. Myers, Lehigh, Sanibel. 53 Captiva. Ft Myers Beach, Boca REACHES OVER 250.000 HOUSEHOLDS! CO Grande. Port Charlotte & Punta The Pine island Eagle Cape Coral Daily The Saturday Breeze Sanibel Captiva Islander s Gorda. " Business Ads start at 80.00 Pine island s only Breeze is delivered to 38,0p0 Delivered on Friday to community publication Reaching homes homes in Cape Coraf every home and business with a distribution of in the Cape Coral every Saturday on Sanibel & Captiva PHOTOS BRING RESULTS! over 7,000 Community daily morning Get the advantage and reach your tatget customer fast with the addi- tion of an eye catching photo! Only Cf SI3 additional charge per week! * iSLJbttLL The Lehigh Acres Gasparilla Gazette ".* CHECK US OUT ON THE WES! Citizen Reaching over 4 000 Sanibel Captiva Reaching 7,000 homes in Boca Charlotte Reach the worM! Your ad will appear on the Shopper's Guide every Wednesday Grande and Shopping Guide world wide web at www.flguide.com! Reaching over Gasparilla Island Published every 7,500 every Wednesday in Port Thursday Charlotte & Punta PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD IS FAST & EASY! Gorda Contact us by phone or fax. HOURS: Mon - Fri 8:30am-5pm • PHONE: (239) 472-1587 • FAX: (239) 472-8398 The Island Reporter & Captiva Current: 2340 Periwinkle Way • Sanibel, FL 33957 PERSONAL SERVICE BUSINESS GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL OFFICE/CLERICAL DIVORCE $275- $350* COVERS chil- OPPORTUNITIES HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED dren, etc. Only one signature required! "Excludes gov't. fees! Call AUTHENTIC $150k- $200k 1st Yr. weekdays (800) 462-2000, ext. 600. Potential 24/ 7 Msg (888) 783-7182 (8am- 7pm) Divorce Tech. Or Part-time WEB Established 1977 www.freedomroad.biz • • • • • Receptionist/ "Only Serious Inquires Only" NEED Circulation DESIGNER/SALES Telephone ANNOUNCEMENTS FREE CASH GRANTS $50,000 ***** Dept. RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE Sales 2005! Never Repay! For personal EXTRA NEEDS PART-TIME HELP ASPECTS OF CREATION bills, school, new business. $49 BIL- AND MAINTENANCE OF Alone?? Seniors Dating Bureau. MISC. DUTIES. LION Left unclaimed from 2004! MONEY? TUES.-SAT., EXISTING AND NEW F/T POSITION Respected since 1977!! (Ages 50- Live Operators! (800) 856-9591 Ext. WEBSITES. DAY-TO-DAY 8:30am-5:00pm (Mon-Fri) 90) 1 -800- 922-4477 30 HRS A WEEK. #113 BE A MUST HAVE TASKS CONSIST OF THAT GIVES YOU RELIABLE VEHICLE. UPDATING SITES WITH THE OPPORTUNITY FREE CASH GRANTS $50,000 ***** NEW CONTENT AND TO DO A LITTLE BIT 2005! Never Repay! For personal NEWSPAPER APPLY: ARE YOU SELLING 2510 DEL PRADO BLVD. S. IMAGERY AND BE OF EVERYTHING IN OUR bills, school, new business. $49 BIL- CARRIER! RESPONSIBLE FOR AD BUSY LEHIGH OFFICE! 1 ITEM FOR LION Left unclaimed from 2004! BREEZE NEWSPAPERS ATTN: SALES FOR WEB PAGES $50. OR LESS? Live Operators! (800) 856-9591 Ext AND WEB PAGE PREVIOUS RECEPTIONIST THEN YOUR #75 • DELIVER THE URSULA McLAWRENCE (no phone calls please). MARKETING. EXPERIENCE AND BASIC AD IS NO. 1 CASH COW! 90 Vending SATURDAY ADDITIONAL COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE FREE Machine units/ You OK Locations BREEZE RESPONSIBILITIES MAY REQUIRED. SALES SKILLS Entire Business $10,670 Hurry! OR INCLUDE WORKING WITH A PLUS BUT WILL TRAIN. YOU MUST TEAM MEMBERS TO FAX IT, MAIL IT (800) 836-3464 #B0 2428 TUES/WED PRESSROOM WE OFFER HOURLY PLUS PROVIDE DESIGN AND COMMISSION AND A OR BRING IT IN Professional Vending Route and SHOPPER TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. BEFORE NOON HELP COMPLETE BENEFITS Equipment. Brand name products, IN YOUR AREA QUALIFICATIONS: PACKAGE INCLUDING: ON SATURDAY. all sizes. Financing Available w/ WANTED THE IDEAL CANDIDATE $7,500 Down. (877) 843-8726 (BO "JOGGER" WOULD HAVE 1-2 YEARS LIMIT ONE • PAID VACATIONS 2002-37) (BEGINNER PRESS WEB EXPERIENCE. & HOLIDAYS PER HOUSEHOLD HELP) PROFICIENCY IN HMTL, PER WEEK. CALL • MATCHING 401K PLAN HEAVY LIFTING. JAVASCRIPT, ASP, • INSURANCE BENEFITS DRIVERS 574-1116 HOURS CAN VARY, DREAMWEAVER MX • A GREAT PLACE TO FULL TIME, AND AD0B€ PHOTOSHOP WORK! SCHOOLS/ Auto Transport, The Waggoners BREEZE DAY, IS PREFERRED. Trucking: Hiring Exp & Non- NEWSPAPERS EVENING & NIGHT SOME SALES SO IF YOU SEEK A INSTRUCTION Experienced drivers for Auto SHIFT POSITIONS. EXPERIENCE NEEDED. POSITION WITH PLENTY Transport in South East Regions. • ••**' ROOM FOR FAX RESUME TO: OF VARIETY IN A ADVANCEMENT. EARN DEGREE Online from home. Must have valid Class A CDL and ATTN: FRIENDLY "HOMETOWN" verifiable 2 yrs OR 200K miles OTR. DAVE WARREN OFFICE ENVIRONMENT, "Business, "Paralegal, "Computers. PLEASE FILL OUT Job Placement Assistance. Need stable work history and clean JOB BREEZE NEWSPAPERS FAX YOUR RESUME TO MVR. High Earning Potential, Great AN APPLICATION (239) 574-3403 (239) 574-3403, Computer & Financial aid if qualify. OPPORTUNITIES AT THE (866) 858-2121 Benefits and matching 401K. CON- NO CALLS PLEASE ATTN: KAREN, TACT Susan at (866) 413-3074 AT THE CAPE CORAL 2510 DEL PRADO BLVD. or EMAIL www. DAILY BREEZE tidewatertechonline.com EOE CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL, FL kmoore DAILY BREEZE 2510 DEL PRADO BLVD. 33904 @breezenewspapers.com FREE LESSON. Saturday, 6/25. CFI HIRING RECENT STUDENT CAPE CORAL, FL Experience the power! Diesel GRADS! Staring $.26, increases to 33904 Semis, Heavy Equipment. $.35 in 1 year. Class A CDL MAILROOM "NO PHONE CALLS OFFICE/CLERICAL Employers onsite, free hotdogs, fun Required. Local ORIENTATION! PLEASE" PART TIME for all. National Truck & Heavy (800) CFI-DRIVE (800- 234-3748) INSERTER Equipment Operator School. (800) or HAND AND MACHINE HELP WANTED 488-7364 www.cfidrive.com INSERT FLIERS HELP WANTED Driver - COVENANT TRANSPORT INTO OUR PROPERTY MANAGER Real Estate School Made Easy LLC. PUBLICATIONS. CAPTIVA Pre- sales licensure classes now Excellent Pay & Benefits for Experienced Drivers, O/O, Solos, THIS IS OUR PLATE forming. Day and night classes. Call Seasonal owner needs (239) 274-2000. Free foreclosure Teams & Graduate Students. BEGINNER/ FULL TIME MAKER seminar for students. Bonuses Paid Weekly. Equal GROUND FLOOR Property Manager for Opportunity Employer. (888) MORE OPENING. Gulf to Bay residence. PART TIME WEEKENDS [email protected] RECEPTIONIST SAT. & SUN. NIGHTS PAY (888- 667-3729) LIFTING AND LOADING Applicant must have FAX RESUME TO: IS REQUIRED. previous experience securing LOOKING FOR A S/E & 3-State Run: T/T Drivers. ATTN: PART-TIME, best value and performance FULL TIME DAVE WARREN FINANCIAL SERVICES HOME WEEKENDS, Mileage Pay, DAY & NIGHT SHIFT from service providers RECEPTIONIST Benefits, 401K. Trainees Welcome/ BREEZE NEWSPAPERS OPENINGS. and be capable of MON.-FT., (239) 574-3403 IMMEDIATE CASH!!! US Pension Miami area- exp. req. 21 min age/ performing minor repairs. 8AM-5PM Funding pays cash now for 8 years Class- A CDL Cypress Truck Lines NO CALLS PLEASE PLEASE FILL OUT AN May be best suited for FOR A BUSY 2510 DEL PRADO BLVD. of your future pension payments. (800) 545-1351 APPLICATION AT THE retired or semi-retired person. NEWSPAPER OFFICE. Call (800) 586-1325 for a FREE, no- CAPE CORAL, FL CAPE CORAL Part time position, 33904 obligation estimate. DAILY BREEZE: monthly salary, and DUTIES INCLUDE www.uspensionfunding.com GENERAL 2510 DEL PRADO BLVD. mileage reimbursement. ANSWERING CAPE CORAL Hurricane damage recovery PHONE CALLS, HELP WANTED is complete. GREETING CUSTOMERS, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL HIGH SCHOOL EXCHANGE STU- Help wanted. Small Sanibel Resort. Submit resume and SOME LIGHT TYPING. OPPORTUNITIES DENTS arriving August need Host English speaking housekeepers^ references to: HELP WANTED Families. Has own insurance and F/PT. Tolls plus benefits. (239) 472- Mr. Jim Aussem, Esq. FAX RESUME TO spending money. Promotes World 4526. 2500 Terminal Tower (239) 765-0846 COURT RECORDS CONTRACTOR: ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you Peace! American Intercultural earn $800/ day? 30 Machines, Free •MOVIE EXTRAS* Earn $150- $300/ 50 Public Square ATTN: Nationwide company seeks experi- Student Exchange. (800) SIBLING - Cleveland OH 44113 enced Independent Contractor to Candy All for $9,995. (800) 814- www.aise.com Day. All Looks/ Types Needed. No STEVE DUBOIS 6323 BO 2000033. CALL US: We experience Necessary. TV, Music OR E-MAIL collect and research public records will not be undersold! Videos, Commercials, Film, Print. sbubois® in Florida courts. Laptop preferred. Call Toll Free 7 days! (800) 260- breezenewspapers.com Pay based on production. Fax Message therapist p/t on call evenings 3949 Ext 3023 Sanibel Resort now hiring part time resume to Kassie (866) 322-8246 or and weekends for established cleaners. Tolls paid. Call (239) 472- Email: SHIRLENE. Sanibel practice. Experience pre- 3382. ADVERTISE TODAY! Kassie.Miller® ferred. (239) 395-1100. choicepoint.co 472-1587; ; 18 Q Week of June 16-22, 2005 • ISLAND REPORTER

RESTAURANT BUILDING AUCTIONS & BAZAARS TRUCKS & VANS REAL ESTATE VACATION RENTALS HELP WANTED SUPPLIES DISTANT PUBLIC AUCTION FORD AEROSTAR LTD CAPTIVA ISLAND BUILDING SALE! "Rock Bottom SATURDAY- JUNE 25- 1994, PS, PB, CC, BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. Prices!" 20x30 Now $2900. 30x40 MUST SEE THE BEAUTIFUL 10am TILT STEERING, PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF One bedroom cottages "UNO CHICAGO GRILL" $5170. 40x50 $8380. 40x60 15933 Glen Eagle Ct. DUAL AIR, AM/FM on NOW HIRING $10,700. 50x100 $15,244. Others. Ft. Myers, WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. STEREO, 3/SEATS, Homes, Cabins, Acreage & Pine Island Sound. All positions Ends/ accessories optional. "Priced McGregor Woods (7 PASSENGER) Village area. Apply In person to Sell!" Pioneer. (800) 668-5422 Visit our website Investments. EXCELLENT CONDITION Cherokee Mountain Walk to Beach. Monday- Friday 10am-6pm http://Scottauctions.com 110M MILES Flexible scheduling: Saturdays 10am-3pm METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Realty GMAC Direct From Manufacturer. 20 colors for color photos and terms. $2,900. Nightly located at Reserve bid on home, Real Estate, Murphy in stock with all Accessories. Quick (239) 542-1456 www.cherokeemountain Weekly Daniels Pkwy. & 1-75 Household Hems sold Monthly Next to Bob Evans turn around! Delivery Available Toll realty.com Free (888) 393-0335 separately Minivan, GMC Safari 1998, 114k, 9510 Marketplace Rd. Fine furnishings, tools, excellent condition, loaded, very Call for Free Brochure (800) 841-5868 AMERICAN REALTY Ft. Myers Steel Arch Buildings! Genuine patio furniture. clean, one owner, tan in & out. OF CAPTIVA, Inc. (239)693-8667 SteelMaster (trademark) Buildings, LOOK FOR FULL AD Asking $6400 will consider offers. East Alabama Mountain Property 1-800-547-0127 E.O.E. factory direct at HUGE Savings! NEXT WEEK. N. Fort Myers,' (239) 995-9972. For Sale One hour west of Atlanta in 20x24, 30x60, 35x50. Perfect Lic#AU415AB157 Piedmont, AL Great for enjoyment Garage/ Workshop/ Barn. Call (800) BRUCE C. SCOTT or investment 15- acres- $54,250. SALES HELP WANTED 341-7007. AUCTIONS & REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 512- acres- $1,485,000. More infor- LOGGERHEAD-CAY www. SALES mation Call - Gary McCurdy (526) Fully Furnished SteelMasterUSA.com (239) 242-7661 239-8001 Two bedroom/two bath or toll free Condo. AAAAAAA (888) 283-7058 Grand Opening! Lakefront Acreage Pool-Tennis-Cable-VCR HOME FURNISHING from $69,900. Spectacular new RENTING: ADVERTISING waterfront community on one of the NOW THRU JANUARY 2006 SALES largest & cleanest mountain lakes in BY OWNER A absolute all brand all new queen pil- GARAGE SALES America! Large, estate- size 1-516-628-1801 low-top mattress set $130, king size parcels, gentle slope to water, gor- [email protected] $225. 7-Pc. bedroom set w/sleigh Garage sale, Sanibel, Saturday, 6/18, geous woods, panoramic views. BUSY LOCAL Paved roads, county water, utilities. NEWSPAPER GROUP bed, new, all in boxes, sacrifice, 8 - 5pm. 1682 Sabal Palm Dr.(Dixie $875.(239)340-1475. Beach to Royal Poinciana to Sabal Low- financing. Call now (800) 564- LOOKING FOR Palm). Tools, housewares, boating, 5092x198 LOGGERHEAD CAY F/T A absolute all new Queen Orthopedic canoe, garden, misc. Two bedrooms/two baths. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Mattress in plastic with warranty. EQUAL HOUSING LAKEFRONT BARGAINS Starting at $89,900. Gorgeous lakefront Sleeps four. Can deliver. $130.00, full size $120. OPPORTUNITY First floor convenience. Call (239) 349-0697 parcels. Gently sloping, pristine DOMESTIC AUTO shoreline, spectacular views. NOW AVAILABLE: A absolutely all brand new King All real estate advertised Across from national forest on $925/week Double Pillow Top mattress set. In in this newspaper is 35,000 acre recreational lake in By owner plastic with warranty. Must sell subject to the East Tenn. Paved roads, under- (513) 922-2378 (business) $225.00. Can deliver. Call (239) •*•••• Federal Fair Housing Act ground utilities, central water, (513) 922-7882 (home) 349-0697 of 1638 which makes it sewer. Excellent financing. Call now e-mail: MUST rfAVE SALES illegal to advertise any [email protected] EXPERIENCE, A absolutely all brand new Memory (800) 704-3145 ext. 617, Sunset preference, Bay, LLC - ADVERTISING A PLUS. Foam Set in plastic with warranty. AUTO limitation or FULL BENEFIT $370. Can deliver. Call (239) 349- discrimination based LAND AUCTION - Calhoun County, Ocean's Reach Gulf Front Condo. PACKAGE. 0697 on race, color, SC. June 23, 6:00PM. 960 +/- One bedroom. Sleeps four. Newly SPECIALS religion, sex, decorated. Shelling, pool, tennis. A brand new 7 piece bedroom set with acres offered in 14 tracts. Located Top floor for best view. Call owner TN: sleigh bed. Still in boxes, sacrifice handicap, familial status near 1-26 between Columbia and STE OUBOIS or national origin, or an for discount. (612) 730-2728 or $875. Can deliver.. Call (239) 349- Charleston, near Lake Marion. email: [email protected] 0697 intention to make such Timberland, Cropland, Hunting, FAX I .UME TO *$39.95 preference, Homesites. Previews: June 18 &22 (23 .5-0846 limitation or from 11:00AM- 2:00PM. Call (800) O MAIL PUBLIC AUCTION discrimination. 551-3588 for more, information or SANIBEL-LIGHTHOUSE SATURDAY- JUNE 25- WITH This publication will not visit WALK TO BEACH breezen papers.com 10am knowingly accept any www.woltz.com Deluxe 15933 Glen Eagle Ct. advertisement for real Woltz & Associates, Inc., Brokers & 3 Bedroom/3 full Bath Condo. Ft. Myers, PHOTO estatewhichisin Auctioneers (SC #3663R) Newly Furnished. . McGregor Woods violation of the law. Near Lighthouse. Our readers are hereby Montana River Frontage, Log Home, Pool-Tennis. Visit our website Guest House, Horse Barn, plus/ http ://Scottauciions.com ***************** informed that all Fully Equipped Kitchen. dwellings minus 4941 acres. Witt & Spacious-Furnished ADV USING for color photos and terms. Associates Realty, Box 1273, Beautiful home for sale at *SHOPPER, advertised in this Screened Porch. newspaper are available Bozeman MT, Russell Pederson, GREAT RATES! S .ES 15933 Glen Eagle Ct., Agent. (406) 485-2399 Ft. Myers. r±. *6 DAYS on an equal opportunity OWNER: basis. If you feel www. (216) 932-5136 In McGregor Woods. MontanaLandAuctions.com ;SSIVE Household items sold CAPE CORAL you have been email: [email protected] c JNITY separaSHy. discriminated against NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS! BREEZE, you may file a NE PER IN Fine furnis! ings, Spring is blooming and is beautiful! Smoky Mountains Franklin, NC, effi- SOU! :COUNTY tools, patio v "liture. complaint by calling A wonderful time to look for real *6 DAYS WEB The Florida Commission ciency for two. Quiet country loca- LO' 3 FOR A LOOK FOR F-, LL AD estate. See Photos: tion. Heat, Air, Satellite TV, kitch- r NEXT WEEK'S . HOPPER! on Human Rights at www. 1-800-342-8170or enette. Sightseeing, hiking, rafting, ACCC XECUTIVE. Lic#AU41;" 3157 ***************** NorthCarolina golf, biking, mining, gambling, shop- BASF ,RY PLUS BRUCE C. OTT HUDat1-800-669-9777. MountainRealty.com For more info please ping, dining nearby, $300. per JS, AUCTIONS & R? - ESTATE or call (800) 293-1998. Free week. (828) 369-8352 FL MEFITS SALL *$29.95 call the Lee County Brochure \GE. (239) 24 - 31 office of Equal Opportunity Tennessee Lake Property from STAF, 2DIATELY. or toil WITHOUT SUMMER VACATION .'FA r (239)335-2267 $24,900! 6-1/2 Acre lot $59,900. 27 JMETQ; :. (888) 2P, >8 Acre Lake Estate $124,900. Lake ON SANIBEL 5-0646. ~. PHOTO Parcel and Cabin' Package. M: :\f One bedroom/one bath condo: O Available $64,900. (866) 770- 5263 s- MEDICAL :ALTH IN LOTS FOR SALE ext 8 for details Bright and clean. East end. 1AIL WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North AFFORDABLE K SAME Lehlgh Acres lots 1303 and 1305 Short walk to beach. breez Moore Avenue (1acre) $130,000. Carolina Where there is: Cool Available monthly apers.com From $89.9i Mountain Air, Views & Stream, Hospital, Doc1 2500 and 2502 Meadow Road (1/2 May - December ALES Ri SALES MAN- PUBLICATIONS acre) $210,000. Serious buyers Homes, Cabins & Acreage. CALL Rent negotiable. Dental Ind* FOR FREE BROCHURE OF AGERS i er week is what Exclusions! C please call (215) 219-0261 www.Sahibelonebedroom.com our Top S ople earn! Highly The Public Ena MOUNTAIN PROPERTY SALES. successfu. al co. expanding. 3739 ****************** (800) 642-5333. Realty of Murphy. Also available: Will train. , i(800) 685-8004 WE WILL RUN WATERFRONT 317 Peachtree St.. Murphy, N.C. Gulf view condo Is Stress Ruining •t Life? Read 28906 2-bedroom/2-bath quiet com- DIANETICSbyt; . Hubbard Call YOUR AD FOR www.realtyofmurphy.com plex .ZP sr « (813) 872-0722.-: and $7.99 to UP TO LOTS May - December Habana Ave., INSlI Dianetics, 3102% 3 MONTHS Lehigh oversized water lot, approx 3/4 Rent negotiable iALES Tampa, FL 3360T. CALL CLASSIFIED acre with easement, beautiful 150' TIME SHARE www.Sanibelrlcondo.com wide able canal, 3015 24th Street DEPT. AT FOR SALE 1-800-499-1392 BUS'' IPAPER MISCELLfeOUS west. $109,000 o.b.o. (239) 671- /ON 574-5644 0021 or 292-7948. FT. M ,-d BEACH Spa, Leisure Bay, | $3799. sacri- ficeat$1595. " >r, light, main- TORTUGA BEACH CLUB SUNSET-CAPTIVA sou| lUNTY tenance fr< fitnet, cover. **••*• WATERFRONT TIMESHARE FOR SALE Newly renovated Ford Fairmont, 1983. Runs fine. 3 Bedroom/2 Bath Home Warranty for 30 Needs minor work. Good WEEKS 3 AND 4 LOt FORA excellent conditii HOMES (JANUARY) in MONf flVATED around town car. $550 or OBO Private Call (239) 878-4197. TE, »YER Spa, seats 5 peopl > new, warran- Two story condo. Beachfront-Community. Waterfront Homes FOR;: ISALES ty transferable, cabinet, Wanted Dead Or Alive: Title or no title: Two bedrooms, two baths. Fully furnished. loaded. 220v pment. Must Trucks, Cars, Vans. Seven days a Sleeps six. 2CATVs, VCP, SPECI/j IIODUCTS. move, must sell!! 5. Call (239) week. (239) 633-5080. Ask for Chris CD/Stereo, W/D. 634-7002 or leave message. Call owner: Pool - Tennis - Boat bock. WWW. (802) 464-5467 . Call owner c* llON. (615)371-9029 FA: ^EO PETS &S0f LIES http://mywebpages.comcast. (£ J0846 SPORTS & IMPORTS ANDi net/sallytom ' Baby Bunnies, dwajf... :;;o. Pedigreed VACATION RENTALS SI JBOIS Mini Rex, Encfc • Lops and AIL Lionhead babies.J and up. Pets, Toyota Celica ATRIUM •3@ 4-H and show qi>; N. Ft Myers GT, 2000, Exclusive Gulf front Sanibel condo THE-VACATION-HOME breez' pers.com (239)543-5411 .:' 4-Cyl. 1.8 liter residence. Two week minimum. YOU'VE Bengal leopard petr ,'oung adults, 5-Speed Manual. AVAILABLE FOR 2006 SEASON. ALWAYS WANTED fixed & shots Savannah Power Windows/ Please call (608) 363-7669 TRADES female cat,, F2 9d & shots, Locks, Most-private-beach. $2,500. (239) 46-: Cruise Control. REALTY Atrium. Lovely 2 Br/2 Ba condo Dock-on-Bayou. \NTED Excellent condition, on the Gulf. All amenities. Two Heated-Pool. 94,300 miles. .COM week minimum. Owner, Wide-Porches. Great opportunity HORS A $9,000 O.B.O. (313) 886-4757. Open-Sunning-Decks. ;on. Busy Shop. KBB Worth UPPER CAPTIVA Chateau Sur Mer area. 3 skills a plus, LIVES? < $10,395 plus. Idyllic luxury/comfort. id vacation. Also (239) 370-0629 Easy-care, no-effort ISLAND BAY/BEACH-VILLAS Vacation-Home. • Must have own Registered Brahma. • 2 years old, g Record. Please NOBRIDGESTO SOUTH-SEAS-RESORT Three-Bedrooms/Three-Baths. dehorned, reac; iond, great Monthly Rentals. blood lines, gen 1150. (239) TRUCKS & VANS THISUNSPOILED 1-3 Bedroom Bay Villa. 693-1462. PARADISE. 2 Bedroom & 2 Bedroom w/Loft Beach Villas. Call for rates. £ SALES HOMESAND Seasonal Rates. (239) 472-8248 SPORTING ODS VINTAGE!!! HOMESITES SAVE THROUGH OWNER! (505) 982-9242 INTED FROM $200,000 TO 1-800-878-7495 Sportsmans P?. :e Yearly $2,250,000 Memberships. ; lg, fishing, SEASONAL RENTALS lodging and re- :onveniently (239) 472-3000 BEAUTIFUL located in White !gs, Florida. POINTE-SANTO Adorable 2 Bdrm/1 Bath SALES Sign up before ,\ crease. For GULF-FRONT •jt ** ******** information call: /•' 55-6661 Duplex. Walking distance PENTHOUSE-CONDO. to Beach. Easily 1977 OR 1978 GENERAL REAL 2-Bedrooms/2-Baths. Accessible to Causeway/ •SUSY >ER GROUP Screened lanai with ON S BEACH GMC SIERRA 35 Bikepath. $2700/month AUCTIONS* ?AARS •READING TOOL BOX ESTATE spiral staircase to Nov. - Dec. private rooftop sundeck. COUNTY BED $3000/month Jan. - April. IRS auction sale :ie Orlando •DUALLY REAR END Cash paid for houses, lots, and Gorgeous sunrises/sunsets. Water Included/Ground area residence- 5600 + ft, •4-SPEED acreage. Quick and discrete offers!! Luxurious. Level Unit. fORA pool on 1 ac; . Markham WITH NEW CLUTCH (239)248-5155- Fully equipped. 'IVATED Furnished Unit Available. Woods Rd, Lo- FL 6/30 at •350 V-8 Call Owner: (239) 277-3184. 10AM. Visit •TRAILER ELECTRIC Three Building Lots Substantial savings. SALES www.ustreas. BRAKE CONTROLLER off Bowman's Beach. (610) 664-2371 gov/auctions/i; •NEW BRAKE LINES $299,900 each, email: [email protected] Sanibel/Gulf Pines by owner. Private SP tODUCTS. or call Gary ai •!'. S990 x 249 •GOOD TIRES Discount all three. home, July through January. Water for info. /& S3.475. views, amazing nature, tennis, pool, ; TOOL BOX BED ALONE 8.5 acres on Sanibel Find it in the classifieds beautifully furnished. Reasonable .•ION: CLASSIFI1 > ORK! WORTH S3k! Residential. rates. (405) 210-2341 or.(405) 321- VIE TO ALL MONEY WILL BE today! 0846 PLACE \ AD DONATED TOA 1151. AT Call Wil Comptonat Call to place your ad SDUBOIS TOE WILDLIFE SANCTUARY (239)' 209-6171: OH ?bubois@ CALL (239) 472-1587 bre Call for list of Island properties. ipeFs.com 472-1 1 (239)283-1726 RE/MAX of the Islands. ISLAND REPORTER • Week of June 16 - 22, 2005 • 19

APARTMENTS & DUPLEXES ANNUAL RENTALS ANNUAL RENTALS ANNUAL RENTALS CONDOS FOR RENT HOMES FOR RENT On Sanibel, waterfront, fabulous view, lona/ Peppertree, 2/2, 2story town- FOR RENT Adorable 2 Bdrm/1 Ba NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS in a small quiet community. 2 SR, house. Fireplace, lanai, den, fenced Duplex. Walking Distance FOR FUTURE fully furnished, turnkey, pool, tennis, Apt. & Dup. tor rent. 2 BR/2 BA + den yard, w/d, cable included. Condo on canal with boat davits. to Beach. Easily TWO BEDROOM VACANCIES fishing. Long or short term. No pets. application required, no trucks, Close to causeway. Accessible to Causeway/ IN THE Reasonable rates. (239) 415-7565 motorcycles, pets. $1100. month S1800/month. Bike-path. $1475/month BELOW MARKET RATE or (239) 896-7246. $600. security. Call Rick (239) 463- Annual Rental. $2000/ HOUSING PROGRAM. 3309 4 BR/3 BA home month May-October. RENT IS BASED ON INCOME. m *™ I Lehigh Acres 3/2/2% car garage, pets with pool on Water Included/Ground NO PETS. Level Unit CONTACT SANIBEL okay, fenced backyard, close to I- HHHBHHHHi river and sanctuary. 75, $1250/mo. (631) 960-5291. EQUAL HOUSING Nature lovers Furnished Unit Available. COMMUNITY HOUSING & LIGHTHOUSE BAY VIEW OPPORTUNITY paradise! (239)277-3184. RESOURCES. 500 ft. to Beach. All real estate advertised $200Q/month. 2401 LIBRARY WAY 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. In this newspaper is CAPTIVA: ONE BEDROOM GUEST 472-1189 2100 sq. ft. furnished. subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act 2 BR/1 BA condo HOUSE w/beach access. 2nd floor condo. of 1638 which makes it on canal. Great Completely equipped kitchen Fully equipped kitchen. illegal to advertise any CONDOS FOR RENT Pool - tennis. preference. views, close to with washer/dryer. Living room limitation or with sleeper sofa and working Parking below. discrimination based causeway. on race, color, fireplace. Pool privileges. Kayak $1,000/first month. S1300/month. 2nd to 5th month/$850. handicap, familial status rack. Boat lift available. CONDO RENTAL or national origin, or an Unique 2 BR/2 BA $1200/month. Call (239) 395-3264 Quiet Sanctuary .while yours Plus electricity. intention to make such Call owner: Subscribe Today. preference, home that backs on to after 5 p.m. is being renovated. limitation or sanctuary land. (800) 893-6551 discrimination. FULLY EQUIPPED EFFICIENCY ON Newly remodeled Middle Call This publication will not Close to everything! Gulf Condo, 2Bd, 2Ba, knowingly accept any CAPTIVA. $600/MONTH 941 -472-1587 advertisement for real $1700/month. INCLUDES UTILITIES AND walk to the beach. estate which is in violation of the taw. CABLE T.V. Please call (239) Available May, June Our readers are hereby Call Jamie at RE/MAX of and July. Rent negotiable HOMES FOR RENT informed that all 395-3264 after 5 p.m. dwellings the Islands. 472-2311. for 2 or 3 months advertised in this call 508-785-1134. 3 BR/2 BA. two car garage, dining newspaperare available room and den or fourth bedroom. on an equal opportunity basis. If you feel Fort Myers Beach, newly renovated Coconut Creek, gated community, you havebeen 2Bedroom, "Ibath. Gulf view, fur- close to Sanibel. Yearly lease discriminated against you may file a CALL nished, garage, W/D, beach $2200/month. (573) 881-3053. complaint by calling The Florida Commission access, utilities paid. $1,625 month on Human Rights at SHIRLENE Available now. (608) 347-6999, 1-800-342-8170 or CLASSIFIEDS HUDat1-800S89-9777. For more info please call the Lee County 472-1587 office of Equal Opportunity WORK! (239)335-2287

Free banners for Lee boaters this 4th of July Brutus prefers Help protect manatees this holiday weekend manatee's snout, back, tail, or flipper breaking the sur- They're being used more and more on the waterways face of the water; a swirl or a flat spot on the water sig- life in the by concerned citizens - bright yellow banners from nals a manatee may be swimming below. And if you Save the Manatee Club, designed to make it quick and see a manatee when operating a powerboat, remain a easy to communicate with approaching boaters when- safe distance away - about 50 feet. If you want to slow lane ever manatees are spotted in the area. The free water- observe the manatee, cut the motor, but don't drift over proof banner which reads, "Please Slow: Manatees the animal. Below," alerts boaters to the presence of manatees with Also, if you spot an injured, dead, tagged or the intent to slow boaters down to help prevent mana- orphaned manatee, or if you see a manatee who is tee injuries and deaths. being harassed, call 1-888-404-FWCC (3922) or "The 4th of July weekend is one of the busiest holi- #FWC or *FWC on your cellular phone, or use VHF day weekends of the year, and the county waterways Channel 16 on your marine radio. will be very active," said Judith Vallee, Save the According to research from the Florida Fish & Manatee Club's Executive Director. "Manatees face Wildlife Conservation Commission, 193 manatees were killed by boats from 1974 through May 31, 2005 ever-increasing threats mostly from human activities, "*.- / -fS ""' and the largest known cause of manatee mortality is in Lee County. There are only about 3,000 manatees from collisions with boats. Hopefully, people will left in the . watch out for manatees, and those who have the ban- Florida boaters can request a free "Please Slow: ners will use them to help slow down boat traffic if Manatees Below" banner by contacting Save the manatees are spotted." Manatee Club via e-mail at education @ savethemana- tee.org, by regular mail at 500 N. Maitland Ave.,- Manatees can be found anywhere in Lee County, Maitland, FL 32751, or by calling toll free at 1-800- however there are a number of waterways that have 432-JOIN (5646). Just include your name, mailing and been documented as having high manatee use, and they e-mail addresses, and the area where you boat in include the Caloosahatchee River, San Carlos Bay, Florida. Also, if you are a Florida shoreline property Matlacha Pass, Estero Bay, Mullock Creek, Pine Island owner, you can get a free aluminum sign for your dock • ••••:•',!.;-':'. : Sound and the vicinity of Sanibel Island and the which reads, "Please Watch for Manatees: Operate Bokeelia Point area. With Care." Be sure to include your name and mailing Those who plan to be out on the waterways this 4th address and the address where the sign will be posted, of July weekend should follow some general guide- if different. lines to help protect these fascinating, endangered ani- mals. Wear polarized sunglasses as they can help elim- Manatee protection tips are available on the Club's inate the glare of the sun and can help you see below web site at www.savethemanatee.org/boatertips.htm. the water's surface. Stay in deep water channels and For more information on manatees, the Adopt-A- follow all posted boat speed regulations. Avoid boat- Manatee program, or Save the Manatee Club programs ing over shallow vegetation beds and activities, visit the Club's web site at www.savethemanatee.org, call the toll free number where manatees might be feeding. Look for the listed above, or send a request via regular mail.


A low, but possible chance of Partly cloudy and warm with only LEE showers in the late afternoon. a slight chance of rain. BOCA GRANDE COUNTY 89/75 Sat LEHIGH • Sun ACRES WEEKEND TIDES CAPE 89/74 Sat GET YOUR FORECAST FIRST OH FOX. PINE - Sun City Sat.High Sat. Low Sun. High Sun. Low ISLAND CORAL WATCH FOX 4 NEWS at 10:00 89/77 Sat 87/75 Sat FORT Cape Coral • Sun • Sun STATE FORECAST-SATURDAYJ Bridge 7:51 p.m. 4:32 p.m. 9:23 p.m. 5:43 a.m. MYERS CAPTIVA 89/75 Sat w " HO- O'.V IMMOKALEE CAPE CORAL 89/75 Captiva at 5:41 a.m. 1:16 a.m. 2:27 a.m. ISLAND • Sun Redfish Pass 7:13 p.m. 83/78 Sat 90/74 Sat DAYTON A BEACH 92/73 - Sun - Sun FT. LAUDERDALE 88/77 Fort Myers 4:53 a.m. 10:04 p.m. 6:04 a.m. FT. MYERS BEACH 88/73 8:32 p.m. SANIBEL BONITA SPRINGS GAINESVILLE 88/67 SATURDAY 3'?'. Matlacha Pass 3:58 a.m. 5:09 a.m. ISLAND FORT MYERS 87/75 Sat JACKSONVILLE 87/68 SUNRISE v" KEY WEST 90/80 7:19 p.m. 8:51 p.m. Gulf 79/66 Sat BEACH -Sun 6:35 AM ''<> -• 84/79 Sun 88/76 Sat KISSIMMEE 91/73 Pineland 2:56 a.m. 4:07 a.m. ESTERO/SANCARLOS MIAMI 87/76 of • Sun 87/72 Sat 6:17 p.m. 7:49 p.m. ORLANDO 92/73 88/70 Sun Point Ybel 1:18 a.m. 2:29 a.m. Mexico PANAMA CITY 88/71 4:46 p.m. 6:18 p.m. PENSACOLA 85/72 BOATING FORECAST COLLIER SARASOTA 87/74 Punta Rassa 1:11 a.m. 2:22 a.m. Wind: East/Southeast ST. PETERSBURG . .. .88/76 5:35 p.m. 7:07 p.m. Seas: COUNTY TALLAHASSEE SS/67 St. James City 1:46 a.m. 2:57 a.m. MARCO ISLAND MAPLES TAMPA 83/7S SUNDAY Bay & Inland: 84/7S Sat 6:06 p.m. 7:38 p.m. 84/77 Sat VERO BEACH 91/73 SiJNSuT • Sun • - Sun WEST PAI M BEACH 8S/7S 20 • Week of June 16-22, 2005 • ISLAND REPORTER

Lee Loretta Joe John Janie Ron Gus Aida Mary Lou T , Andy Don Judy Sandi Jim Jay Jack i Margie Siniley Horton Simmons Geiger Ramsey Hoffmarm u-ii™ Smith Gelberg Peters CookT Pritchard George Suter Branyon Branyon Judy jDavison Tom Tom Chuck Samler msabeth Mary Veillette Deb y * Reddington Phil Krekel Claudia „ , Frese Wiley Bergstrom - Smith O'Leary Nolden p Gleason Barbara Kelly Petty George Lawson Kohlbrenner Albrecht Glen Simmons Over 50 Years Of Real Estate Excellence ALMOST GULF CONDO WITH NEW LISTING FRONT! BOAT DOCK Estate size, Perfect balance of subdivision boat formality and launch, quiet end friendliness, this of Sanibel, near 10th floor Ocean Captiva. The best Harbor condo Gulf views features bay or gulf without being on views from every the Gulf! Priced to room. More rare, the the market. unit includes 2 deeded parking spaces and a 40' dock with lift. $729,000. j Calljanie Pritchard today for an Call Mary Lou Bailey or Chuck Bergstrom at 472-1511. appointment to -view at 980-7474.

UPGRADED EXTRAORDINARY! WEST END ; CONDOL Top of the line, custom design BAYOU BEAUTY Large top floors 2/2.5 w/Island flair. 4 BD/4 BA. This outstanding lot, w/new cabinets & Panoramic view of the Gulf of with over 32,000 s.f., counter-tops. Huge Mexico Oversized kitchen w/ offers incredible views wfrap around screened center island, GE appliances, of Clam Bayou and porch offers spectacular custom cabinets and granite it's beautiful protected views of lake & 18th counter tops. Living room wildlife habitats. Not fairway, Large master features a Walk-in bar with wet far from either Blind siiite w/3 closets. Large bar and wine cooler. Large " Pass or Bowman's living, family & dining screen porch, featuring a built Beach; this estate-sized room. Breakfast area. Guest bedroom & bath with private in Jenn Air grill. Surround sound System, a TV in every room + more. A perfect lot has lots of privacy, • balcony. Parking space & storage room under bldg. beach retreat. is high dry and will accommodate the largest of homes. $739,900. $499,000. \ Call Glen Simmons at 472-1511. Call Margie Davison's hotline at 800-527-8314, Code 2242. Call Loretta Geiger for details at 472-4121.

SANIBEL ACCESS TO BED & BREAKFAST MARINA CANAL DINKINS BAYOU! In "Old Town Sanibel" Exceptional craftsmanship Oversized lush lot on this 5 unit inn is only in the construction of this West End of Sanibel. steps to the beach and 3 BD/3 BA pool home. Offering privacy and bay. This is truly a Direct views of San Carlos access to Oinkins Bayou unique property. Bay from the master at the end of a cul-de- bedroom, 60' boat dock, 2 sac. This beautiful piece Completely remodeled + fireplaces, wood flooring, of land offers everything landscaped with hot tub wonderful floor plan, this needed for your dream & fully furnished is a "must-see" Island home or vacation island rooms. Great investment home. getaway. Lot is partially with current website cleared! included. - j $1,695,000. $699,000. Call Mary Lou Bailey at 472-1511. Call Kelly Loyvden at 472-1511. Call Judy Reddington for more details at 472-1511.

BUSINESS CANAL FRONT GORGEOUS OPPORTUNITY HOME GULF VIEW Desirable Island Beach Successful & ready to This canal front 4 BD/3 BA 1 grow to the next level, home has been completely dub. 2 BD, 2 BA. Steps to this Island business is remodeled w/in the past 3- the beach. Unobstructed being offered by the 4 years! New tiled roof, Gulf view. Fully furnished. original owners. new plumbing, gourmet Enjoy the sound of the Established accounts, kitchen w/double surf, sugar white beach, new equipment, six- dishwasher, double oven, sparkling pool, and figure income. Call now, new tile and carpet. Easy excellent rental potential. this will sell quickly! care yard. 30 ft mooring area and 10,000 lb boat lift. Affordably priced. $199,000. $1,199,000. Call Margie Davison's 24-hr prerecorded hotline for Call Mary Lou Bailey or Chuck Bergstrom at 472-1511. Call Glen Simmons at 472-1511. details at 800-527-8314, code 2042.

"TRIE HOUSE DUNES DELIGHT PARTIAL GULF ATMOSPHERE" VIEW Great opportunity to Completely refurbished Live simply or . own a furnished near ground level 3 BD/2.5 expand on a large beach home. Renovated BA in the Dunes. lot in private, gated '04, well maintained 4/2 Upgrades, quality east end location. + den; two screened workmanship and Vintage 2 bedroom, lanais, and '05 new roof. attention to every detail 2 bath cottage only Large 2/3 acre land throughout this lovely steps from the parcels will home. Solar heated pool. beach. Truly a rare accommodate additional Property adjoins opportunity! impervious coverage (verify w/Sanibel building dept,) Sanctuary land. Move right in. $544,500. $724,000. $799,000. ! Call Glen Simmons at 472-1511. Call Sandi Suter at 472-1511. Call Deb Gleason at 472-15^1.

SUNDIAL Easy Island living with all the amenities. Breath-taking INTERNET view of the Gulf, court yard ESTATE and pool. Large 2 bedroom www.pmrrealty.cortr and den, fully furnished with updated kitchen, FORMERLY PRISCILLA MURPHY REALTY screened lanai,tile Toll Free (800) 233-8829 throughout and beautifully decorated, turn-key Main Office (239) 472-1511 condition. Great rental with Causeway Office (239) 472-4121 •weekly on-site rental program. Captiva Office (239) 472-5154 $899,000. PO BOX 57 SANIBEL, FL 33957 Call Don Peters at 472-1511 www.pmrrealty.com 800-233-8829