Special Maori traditions integral part of celebrations

Every year on Feb. 6, cel- sight of New Zealand was Dutch explorer wooden vessel, with room for 80 paddlers In geothermal Rotorua, Waitangi Day ebrate Waitangi Day, a public holiday to Abel Tasman. He was on an expedition and 55 passengers, is an impressive sight is commemorated at Whakarewarewa commemorate the signing of New Zea- to discover a great southern continent both on land and afloat. Waitangi also — a living Maori village — with an event land’s founding document — the Treaty “Great South Land” that was believed to hosts a festival on the day that includes known as whakanuia, which literally of Waitangi — between the British Crown be rich in minerals. In 1642, while search- music, dance, food and traditional Maori means “to acknowledge, promote and and the Maori in 1840. ing for this continent, Tasman sighted a customs. celebrate.” The day’s activities center on The national holiday was first declared “large high-lying land” off the west coast learning about Maori cultural activities, in 1974. Since then, it has grown in sig- of the South Island. Celebrations across the nation including kai, crafts, Maori medicine, nificance in New Zealand through the Prior to 1840, it was mainly whalers, In Auckland — New Zealand’s largest city local legends and history. Maori renaissance that has fostered bet- sealers and missionaries who came to — the is celebrated near the Elsewhere, Waitangi Day celebrations ter understanding of the treaty’s ramifi- New Zealand. These settlers had consid- city’s birthplace at Bastion Point. It was at offer a wide variety of activities from cations. Official celebrations are held at erable contact with Maori, especially in Orakei, in 1841, that Auckland Maori chiefs major sporting events to rodeos and a the Waitangi Treaty Grounds in the Bay coastal areas. The Maori and Europeans invited Gov. to establish folk music festival. of Islands, Northland, but many other traded extensively, while some Europe- the city. This family-focused event features events are held throughout the country. ans lived among the Maori. live entertainment, kai (Maori food) and The article is an edited excerpt from the kite flying against the spectacular coastal official website of Tourism New Zealand. History of Maori Waitangi activities backdrop of Waitemata Harbour and Ran- For more information, visit http://media. Waitangi Day is celebrated all over New Zealand on Feb. 6 and festivities include a folk music Maori have been in New Zealand since Each February, the ngatokimatawhaorua, gitoto Island. newzealand.com/en . festival. tourism new zealand approximately A.D. 1350. one of the world’s largest Maori ceremo- Moreover, family-friendly events such According to the Maori, the first nial (war canoe) that sits on the as picnics; local food stalls; traditional explorer to reach New Zealand was the grounds at Waitangi, must be prepared kapa performing arts shows, which legendary figure Kupe. Using the stars for its Waitangi Day outing prior to the big incorporate harmonious singing, rhyth- and ocean currents as his navigational event. Made from the trunks of New Zea- mic dancing and ferocious Maori war Congratulations guides, he is said to have ventured across land’s giant kauri trees, the gigantic waka, dances; music and entertainment can be the Pacific on his waka hourua (voyag- which weighs an incredible six tons when found in abundance on Waitangi Day in Congratulations on the 180th Anniversary ing canoe) from his ancestral Polynesian dry, must first be moved across the treaty Auckland. homeland of Hawaiki. It is thought that grounds to the sea. It is then moored in In addition, an event celebrating Wait- on Waitangi Day of Waitangi Day Kupe made landfall at the Hokianga Har- the water for up to two days, allowing the angi Day takes place at Waitangi Park bour in Northland, around 1,000 years wood to swell and become airtight, dou- on ’s waterfront. Traditional ago. bling its weight. Maori culture is showcased through a Keidanren Kaikan, 3-2, Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, More waka hourua followed Kupe over Carried out and blessed by members range of activities, including a waka fleet Tokyo 100-8270, Japan the next few hundred years, landing at of the local (tribe), this is a tradi- exhibition, Te Aro Pa walking tours, various parts of New Zealand. tion that happens only once a year to weaving, waka building, Maori myths and P.O. Box 3049, Lower Queen St., Richmond Nelson, New Zealand Meanwhile, the first European to catch celebrate Waitangi Day. The enormous legends storytelling, as well as .