Methodist Chapel, St Mary Bourne, Andover, Sp11 6El Planning, Design and Access Statement Prepared by Pegasus Group | York Associates | March 2018 | P16-1353
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METHODIST CHAPEL, ST MARY BOURNE, ANDOVER, SP11 6EL PLANNING, DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT PREPARED BY PEGASUS GROUP | YORK ASSOCIATES | MARCH 2018 | P16-1353 FEBRUARY 2018 | DM | P16-1353 PLANNING APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF USE AND EXTENSION OF METHODIST CHAPEL TO CREATE 1NO. DWELLING PLANNING DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT METHODIST CHAPEL, ST MARY BOURNE, ANDOVER, SP11 6EL ON BEHALF OF YORK ASSOCIATES TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 (AS AMENDED) PLANNING AND COMPULSORY PURCHASE ACT 2004 Prepared by: Daniel Millward Pegasus Group First Floor | South Wing | Equinox North | Great Park Road | Almondsbury | Bristol | BS32 4QL T 01454 625945 | F 01454 618074 | W Birmingham | Bracknell | Bristol | Cambridge | Cirencester | East Midlands | Leeds | Liverpool | London | Manchester ©Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Limited 2011. The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Pegasus Planning Group Limited York Associates Methodist Chapel, St Mary Bourne, Andover, SP11 6EL Planning, Design and Access Statement CONTENTS: Page No: 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. SITE CONTEXT AND SURROUNDINGS 2 3. THE PROPOSAL 4 4. PLANNING HISTORY 5 5. PLANNING POLICY 6 6. PLANNING STATEMENT 16 7. DESIGN AND ACCESS 20 8. CONCLUSION 21 APPENDICES: APPENDIX 1: PHOTOSHEET York Associates Methodist Chapel, St Mary Bourne, Andover, SP11 6EL Planning, Design and Access Statement 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Planning, Design and Access Statement has been prepared by Pegasus Group in support of an application to change the use and extend a chapel to create 1no. new dwelling. 1.2 The detailed description of development is as follows: “Change of use of Chapel and Schoolroom (Use Class D1) to 1no. 2- bedroom dwelling (Use Class C3); demolition of existing link section and erection of new extension and associated works.” 1.3 This Statement sets out the context of the application by reviewing the site and its surroundings in terms of the relevant physical, social, economic and planning context, as well as, the relevant planning history and local and national planning policies. It then goes on to describe the proposed development in detail. 1.4 The main justification section then explores whether the proposal is compliant with the policies in the adopted development plan and considers the proposal against other material considerations including the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), to which the appropriate weight is given. Further, this assessment includes a Design and Access Statement which outlines the process, physical context and strategy that has led to the design of the proposed dwelling. 1.5 This Statement should be read in conjunction with the associated drawings, prepared by York Associates Ltd. FEBRUARY 2018 | DM | P16-1353 Page | 1 York Associates Methodist Chapel, St Mary Bourne, Andover, SP11 6EL Planning, Design and Access Statement 2. SITE CONTEXT AND SURROUNDINGS 2.1 The Chapel is located within the village of St Mary Bourne (St Mary’s). St Mary’s is a small village and civil parish in northwest Hampshire. 2.2 The site is bound to the north and west by existing agricultural land, to the east by a row of cottages and to the south by the B3048 (Stoke Lane). 2.3 The Bourne Rivulet (EA Main River) is located approximately 40m north of the site. The majority of the Chapel lies within Flood Zone 1, however some of its curtilage and the immediate surroundings lie within the fluvial floodplain (Flood Zone 2 and 3) which is the area at greatest risk of flooding. An extract from the Environment Agency’s flood risk map is included below with the site outlined in red. IMAGE 1: ENVIRONMENT AGENCY FLOOD MAP 2.4 The site lies within the designated settlement boundary for St Mary Bourne where the principle of development and redevelopment is established. 2.5 The site also lies within the St Mary Bourne Conservation Area and the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). 2.6 Whilst the building and surrounding wall are not themselves listed, they are both considered to be “notable” heritage assets of value within the St Mary Bourne Conservation Area Character Appraisal. A group of Grade II Listed cottages lie adjacent to the appraisal site. FEBRUARY 2018 | DM | P16-1353 Page | 2 York Associates Methodist Chapel, St Mary Bourne, Andover, SP11 6EL Planning, Design and Access Statement 2.7 The building has not been in use for some years and has, as a result, fallen into a state of severe disrepair. The interior has suffered from significant degradation and would require extensive renovation to convert into an attractive, habitable space. The courtyard is also heavily overgrown and some of its vegetation has penetrated into the Chapel itself through gaps in the building’s fabric and broken windows. Many of the windows are boarded up and the paintwork on the exterior is chipped and patchy. A photosheet is attached at Appendix 1 showing the nature of the decay to both the exterior and interior of the Chapel. APPENDIX 1: PHOTOSHEET 2.8 Whilst the Chapel has retained is structure and a handful of features of architectural interest, it is, currently, an eyesore which ultimately detracts from the appearance of the surrounding area and the setting of the nearby listed cottages. 2.9 The existing layout comprises the main Chapel, the Schoolroom and a link building. The latter was added after the erection of the former two. FEBRUARY 2018 | DM | P16-1353 Page | 3 York Associates Methodist Chapel, St Mary Bourne, Andover, SP11 6EL Planning, Design and Access Statement 3. THE PROPOSAL 3.1 The proposal is to renovate and convert the Chapel to a two-bedroom, four-person dwelling. To facilitate this conversion, the existing link section will be replaced with a new glass link and a new mezzanine floor will be installed within the main Chapel building. 3.2 The detailed layout is shown on the accompanying drawings. However, to summarise, the following will be contained within each part: 1. Chapel Building: Living/Dining Area and kitchen on ground floor and a bathroom and two bedrooms within the mezzanine floor; 2. Link Building: Living space and new entrance to property; 3. Schoolroom: Ground floor WC, lobby area and additional living space. 3.3 The porch of the existing chapel, which forms the main entrance to the building at present, will be replaced and converted into storage space. 3.4 There is no parking provision proposed on the site. This is because of the desire to retain the wall along the site’s southern boundary (a heritage asset identified within the Conservation Area Character Appraisal) and also because appropriate visibility splays could not be achieved for an off-street parking space within the site. 3.5 A detailed Access Statement has been included as part of the application justifying why no off-street parking has been provided as part of the application and why on- street provision will be acceptable. FEBRUARY 2018 | DM | P16-1353 Page | 4 York Associates Methodist Chapel, St Mary Bourne, Andover, SP11 6EL Planning, Design and Access Statement 4. PLANNING HISTORY Application Site 4.1 The site has no recorded planning history. Other Relevant Applications 4.2 Planning permission (16/02245/FUL) was granted on 23 August 2016 for the, “Change the use from D1 nursery to C3 residential at Cottage Day Nursery North Sydmonton Hampshire.” 4.3 Whilst there were not the same heritage considerations as is the case with this proposal, it is an example of a conversion from D1 to C3 on the grounds that the D1 use had ceased to function thus making the change of use application acceptable. 4.4 Planning permission (15/01424/FUL) was granted on 22 June 2015 for the, “change of use of a former church (class D1) to a Dwelling (class C3). Erection of single storey side extension with glazed link, detached car port/store and internal alterations” at Mission Hall, Sydmonton Road, Hampshire. 4.5 The application site was Grade II Listed and within the North Wessex Downs AONB. It also lay outside of a designated settlement boundary. FEBRUARY 2018 | DM | P16-1353 Page | 5 York Associates Methodist Chapel, St Mary Bourne, Andover, SP11 6EL Planning, Design and Access Statement 5. PLANNING POLICY 5.1 The national and local planning policy considered relevant to the determination of this application proposal are set down below. i) National Policy and Guidance National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012) 5.2 National policy and guidance is set out in the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) published in March 2012. The NPPF replaced the previous suite of national Planning Policy Statements, Planning Policy Guidance notes and Circulars into a single, streamlined document. 5.3 Paragraph 14 states that at the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. For decision taking this means approving development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay and where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out-of-date, granting permission unless: • Any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in the Framework as taken as a whole; or • Specific policies in this Framework indicate development should be restricted. 5.4 The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and the NPPF sets out three ‘dimensions’ to sustainable development: an economic role, a social role, and an environmental role. The presumption is key to delivering these ambitions, by creating a positive pro- development framework which is underpinned by the wider economic, environmental and social provisions of the NPPF. 5.5 The NPPF also sets out 12 no.