A crisis with no end in sight How the ongoing crisis in Taiz Governorate continues to put civilians at risk www.oxfam.org OXFAM BRIEFING NOTE – DECEMBER 2020 Despite a UN-brokered peace agreement in December 2018, the conflict in Yemen has run into its sixth year. In Taiz Governorate, civilians continue to bear the brunt of conflict. Every day, they face death or injury from indiscriminate attacks, gender- based violence in their homes and poor access to food, water and medical care. As people’s resources are further exhausted, their safety, security and well-being are only likely to worsen. The COVID-19 pandemic has added an additional layer to the ongoing crisis. The people of Taiz – and across Yemen as a whole – desperately need a lasting and inclusive peace process to end the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. © Oxfam International December 2020 This paper was written by Abdulwasea Mohammed, with support from Hannah Cooper. Oxfam acknowledges the assistance of Amr Mohammed, Georges Ghali, Helen Bunting, Martin Butcher, Nabeel Alkhaiaty, Omar Algunaid, Marina Di Lauro, Ricardo Fal-Dutra Santos, Ruth James and Tom Fuller in its production. Particular thanks go to the organizations and individuals that Oxfam spoke with as part of the research for this briefing note. It is part of a series of papers written to inform public debate on development and humanitarian policy issues. For further information on the issues raised in this paper please email
[email protected] This publication is copyright but the text may be used free of charge for the purposes of advocacy, campaigning, education, and research, provided that the source is acknowledged in full.