Connecticut College News Vol. 27 No. 1

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Connecticut College News Vol. 27 No. 1 Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1941-1942 Student Newspapers 10-19-1941 Connecticut College News Vol. 27 No. 1 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Connecticut College News Vol. 27 No. 1" (1941). 1941-1942. 7. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1941-1942 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. G? 2>1'6~I"'\{p .C--\G2Qr c.C Dc~\0.""\- 'm..,/ Iq"'A- ,. ONNECTICUT EWS Z86 OLLEGE Vol. 27-No. 1 lew Loudon, Connecticut, eduesday, 50 per Copy Noted Philosopher Thirty-nine ewMembersJoin To Be Lecturer At Faculty And Administration Important Appointments First Convocation Students To Tr)· Made In Almost Every Out For Fall Play Dr. Lowith, Professor, 'Trv-ours for the Fall Play, Department On Campus Author, Theologian, "Superstition," will be heid Along with new freshman faces Thursday, {:30-5 :30; Thurs- To Speak On Oct. 7 on campus, there are new faces day, 7 :30-8 :{5; Monday, among the faculty. According to Dr. Karl Lowirb, one of the 8: 15-9 :00, in speech room the fall announcement thir-ty-nine leading younger German philoso- 202, auditorium. new faculty and administrative ap- phers, will open the 19.P-.P con- Freshmen and transfers pointments and assignments have vocation series in Palmer Auditori- may not have speaking parts been made. um on Tuesday, October 7. at 4- before second semester but are Miss Florence L. King is Asso- o'clock. welcome to help back stage. Dr. Lowirh, who formerly Any Freshman or 'Transfer ciate Librarian with rank: of Asso- ciate Professor in the Palmer Li- taught at Marburg, was recently a desiring to read, present II professor of philosophy in Japan monologue, read a part of a brary. An A.B. from 'Syracuse and for two years. Last winter he was play, or any similar presenra- an ,M.S. from Columbia, Miss King has had much experience as associated with Union Theological tion on Thursday aftcrnoon a teacher, experimenter, and li- Seminary, and at present he is pro- or evening will be most wel- fessor of philosophy at Hartford come. brarian. From 1937 to 1940 she was assistant librarian and in Theological Seminary. Among his philosophical works 194-D-4r librarian of the under- graduate college libraries at Co- are: Das l ndiuiduu m in tier Rolle des Mit mensrhen, 1928; Kierk- '45er Relates lumbia University. aaard und Nietzsche, 1933; Nierx- The English department has a sches Philosophie der Ewigell Wif- Experiences Of new assistant professor, Dr. Bea- derkun]t des Oleichen, 1935; J. trice Daw Brown, the wife of the Burckhardt, der If/lellsth in mitten late Chaucerian authority, Dr. -- de!" Geschichte. 1936, and his most First Week Carleton Brown. Dr. Brown re- recent work, Von Ilege/ his Nierz- ceived her doctorate from Bryn 8y Pat Manning '45 Mawr, having been a graduate of schr, 1941. By Eleanor King '42 A pair of timid but very friend- Vassar and a graduate student at -'--'----- ly eyes peer at you eagerly from the the University of Pennsylvania. Enthusiasm Greets C lleei T l V· . doorway of room - in East She has been an instructor in Eng- --First Aid Course 0 House. A shyly hesitant grin sim- lish at Smith College, a lecturer at eguue rave ers isit ultaneously appears as you Hash Hunter College, and an author of forth your best welcoming smile. several publications . Started Tms Week Alaska, Cuba, And The West . , Wt: must be rocrnmates, they Dr. Emma Dietz, assistant pro- The Red Cross first aid courses By Elizabeth L. Shank '43 "Wils" tells tales of horses, seem to say. And thus the stage is fessor of chemistry, received her to be offered this year were des- blue jeans, and brass rails while happily set for another Freshman Ph.D. from Bryn Mawr after un- From Alaska to Cuba, the W k I W· I I cribed by Miss Ruth Stanwood, from visiting Diz Fizell in Red River. ee· c rama. It 1 your new y dergraduate days at Barnard Col- professor of physical education, at west coast to Nova Scotia, come Eleanor Counselman '+4, Carolyn fouu d I· rtencI you are rcad y to face lege. For five years she was assist- a meeting held in Palmer Auditori- great tales of C.C. summer way- Townley '44, and Jane Day '44 tIie worId ... weII ,anyway,th e ant to Professor James B. Conant fa rers. Vacation time found our II Id I· um on Tuesday, September 30. went to Colorado. Dorothy Chap- co ege wor.'T wo against . t us at Harvard University, then an colleagues scattered across the COI1- b I I· hit ifvi b t Miss Stanwood pointed out that man '44 spent two months on a ranc new, s tg t Y ern ylllg, U A.A.U.W. Research Fellow at tinent with California, the West, I ' . .. a knowledge of first aid is a valu- horse in Cora, Wyoming-Cora extreme y exerting experience IS a Munich. Since that time she has and Canada as the favored spots. fi f able prerequisite for many things, having a population of four people. lrst rate cou,rage toniC.,. 0 been engaged in research in com- Red Cross, and otherwise. She ex- Among unusual trips was the Bobbie Martin '45 SPCllt her time course a crowd IS even be~ter. mercial companies. plained that she and Miss Priest expedition of Fran Homer '42 and on a ranch in Flagstaff, Arizona, I The day of your arnv~l, t~at Miss Fredlyn Ramsey, A.M. are qualified to teach two courses, Eloise Stumlll '42 to the University cindering highways she says, menlOra~le Sep~ember l~, IS ma~n- from the University of Missouri standard and advanced, having of Mexico for summer study. Imag- a seasonal trip to Arizona, return- ly spent 111 gettlflg aCQualllted With and working on her doctor's de- taken instructors training in both inc their surprise one day when ing by plane. A month with In- your room and house .mates. ~~ur gree, University of Chicago, takes this summer. they bumped into 1\tIarge l\IIeyer dians III Arizona-that's Sally fond p~rents are a.nxlouslr glVlllg her place as assistant professor of The standard course requires a '42 on the streets of l\Ilexico. Clark's '42 vacation exploit. out pnceless adVice which you economics. Besides teaching at the IVlarge was touring with her fa111- half heartedly try to absorb meall- University of Chicago and Gouch- minimum of twenty hours, and it Canada had its usual appeal lor 'h·'- k· k· 11'11 I ily. .. M· B· b ' W Ie 'IC ·Illg yourse menta y or includes the teaching of the needs vacationists. anan IS ee +2, I. b . d·· h er College, she was an assistant ane Worley '42 saw America La· 5 'B Z 5 . h orgettlllg to nng your ra 10 Wit statistician with the T.V.A. and an and purposes of first aid, a neces- J ulse penseI' 42, • . 1111t L ·f I I h 011 Y }'OU. sary knowledge of anatomy and via bicycle the Rolling outh,42, B ar b ara Pf 0 hi' 44,K ath ey ate. I'1 on, - I you. ee t. at associate specialist in school finance physiology, treatment of wo~n?s, Hostel, traveling from 0!"orth fic Id h'l ~1' D d' . your menta equipment IS up to It, See "Faculty"-Page 4 shock, control of bleeding, artlfi~Jal up through Canada, across the w I e I anon ?w en 4,4 was In you battle with an exam or two to Rockies, to the Pacific, and back Montana,' Lee Richmond 43 n~ade show the college just how good you respiration, treatment of sprall1S, Hadley 43, Jane, Geckler ~3, are. That night there is dinner for str:-.:lls, fractures, burns and scalds, East. Dorothy Green 42, ]acQuelll1e . Th d f d Sunday Vespers To Sl"ll and heat stroke, and many oth- Our Alaskan traveler was Ann p. , EI· b h W·jj· everyone III ames an a tenvar I mney 44 lza et I lams I· II I· h d er things. Magill '43 who went th roug 1, Me' ~I ] nene y we coming speec es ma e Have Dr. Pomeroy 114 1 Both courses combine lecture, Canada via \he Rockies then from' }, ~ry oX D4~' Gary ~an by President Blunt, Dean Burdick, '. ;\'.loran 44-, and lana oes 44 0 P k l\t1y A Le discussion, demonstration, and Vancouver to Alaska, stopplllg at made excursions across our north- , can daHl'·"Id ar '1nnj~' mOAnAs ext Speaker 2 d practice. The minimum size of the many of the small northern towns. b I h L k 4 an I egar 1\ el I 43· Dr. Vivian T. Pomeroy, native :rry Hanning '43 hit 0!"ova Sco- eLafll. oreBer tffosLuck spoftsBas a de housemeeting finally ends your first classes is eight, the maximum, J U1SC, an, a 'e 0 ays, an d II did j of London, England, and now Pas· t,·a on her tf'lvels A reportI rom '1 I M 5 ,ay at co ege an , a rea y g ow- twenty-five.
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