
Asian Tiger Mosquito There are many types of mosquitoes. Asian Tiger and House Mosquitoes can carry . Help to reduce the population by dumping standing water to help control these .

Crane Crane are often mistaken for mosquitoes, however, they are not mosquitoes and they do not bite.

Black Fly Black Flies or Gnats are pests to both human and livestock. larvae and pupae require the running waters of streams, creeks, and rivers to develop. Adults are very small with a distinctive humpback. Although they are biting nuisances, these insects are not vectors or part of the mosquito .

Size Comparisons Black Fly Mosquito actual size in inches 1/20 - 1/3 up to 5/8 1 3/16

All mosquitoes have a needle-like on the front of their faces. If it doesn’t, it’s an IMPOSTOR! Protecting Your Health and the Environment Cumberland County Control uses Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM) to control the mosquitoes that are likely to carry . Additionally, IMM limits the effects on our residents and the environment.

Need Help? Contact Cumberland County Submission forms can be found at ccpa.net/vector or Specialist 717. 240.7808 [email protected]

More Information:

Department of Environmental Protection dep.pa.gov/westnile

Center for Disease Control and Prevention cdc.gov/westnile vector [vekter] noun an organism, typically a biting such as a mosquito or , that carries disease-causing microorganisms from one to another.