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DNA-Pairing and Annealing Processes in and Homology-Directed Repair

Scott W. Morrical

Department of , University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, Vermont 05405 Correspondence: [email protected]

The formation of heteroduplex DNA is a central step in the exchange of DNA sequences via homologous recombination, and in the accurate repair of broken chromosomes via homol- ogy-directed repair pathways. In cells, heteroduplex DNA largelyarises through the activities of recombination proteins that promote DNA-pairing and annealing reactions. Classes of proteins involved in pairing and annealing include RecA-family DNA-pairing proteins, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding proteins, recombination mediator proteins, anneal- ing proteins, and nucleases. This review explores the properties of these pairing and anneal- ing proteins, and highlights their roles in complex recombination processes including the double Holliday junction (DhJ) formation, synthesis-dependent strand annealing, and single- strand annealing pathways—DNA transactions that are critical both for genome stability in individual organisms and for the evolution of species.

central step in the process of homologous The ability to form heteroduplex DNA us- Arecombination is the formation of hetero- ing strands from two different parental DNA duplex DNA. In this article, heteroduplex DNA molecules lies at the heart of fundamental bio- is defined as double-stranded DNA that arose logical processes that control genome stability from recombination, in which the two strands in individual organisms, inheritance of genetic are derived from different parental DNA mole- information by their progeny, and genetic di- cules or regions. The two strands of the heterodu- versity within the resulting populations (Amu- plex may be fully complementary in sequence, or nugama and Fishel 2012). During meiosis, may contain small regions of noncomplemen- the formation of heteroduplex DNA facilitates tarityembedded within their otherwise comple- crossing-over and allelic exchange between ho- mentary sequences. In either case, Watson- mologous chromosomes; this process ensures Crick base pairs must stabilize the heteroduplex that progeny are not identical clones of their to the extent that it can exist as free DNA fol- parents and that sexual reproduction between lowing the dissociation of the recombination individuals will result in a genetically diverse proteins that promoted its formation. population (see Lam and Keeney 2015; Zickler

Editors: Stephen Kowalczykowski, Neil Hunter, and Wolf-Dietrich Heyer Additional Perspectives on DNA Recombination available at Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a016444 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2015;7:a016444

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S.W. Morrical

and Kleckner 2015). Heteroduplex DNA gen- ing bacterial conjugation (Cox 1999; Thomas erated by meiotic COs also ensures proper and Nielsen 2005). segregation of homologous chromosomes, so Fundamentally, heteroduplex DNA genera- that each gamete receives a complete but genet- tion involves the formation of tracts of Watson- ically distinct set of chromosomes (Bascom- Crick base pairs between strands of DNA de- Slack et al. 1997; Gerton and Hawley 2005). rived from two different progenitor (parental) In mitotic cells, heteroduplex DNA formation DNA molecules. Mechanistically, the DNA between sister chromatids is essential for ho- transactions giving rise to heteroduplex may mology-directed repair (HR) of DNA double- involve two, three, or four strands of DNA strand breaks (DSBs), stalled replication forks, (Fig. 1). DNA annealing refers to heteroduplex and other lesions (Maher et al. 2011; Amunu- formation from two complementary (or nearly gama and Fishel 2012; Mehta and Haber 2014). complementary) molecules or regions of single- Prokaryotic organisms also generate heterodu- stranded DNA (ssDNA) (Fig. 1A). DNA anneal- plex DNA to perform HR transactions, and to ing may occur spontaneously, but it is promoted promote genetic exchanges, such as occur dur- in vivo by certain classes of annealing proteins.

A C + +

B D + +

i i


ii iii

+ +

Figure 1. Common DNA annealing and pairing reactions. (A) Simple annealing between two complementary molecules of single-stranded DNA to form a heteroduplex. (B) Three-stranded DNA-pairing reaction of the type used for in vitro assays of RecA-family DNA-pairing proteins. The single-stranded circle is homologous to the linear duplex. Formation of heteroduplex (red strand base-paired to black) requires protein-promoted invasion of the duplex by the ssDNA to form a joint molecule or D-loop (i). The length of the heteroduplex may be extended by branch migration (ii). (C) Three-stranded DNA-pairing reaction of the type used for high-fidelity repair of DNA DSBs in vivo. The invading strand is the ssDNA tail of a resected DSB. The 30 end of the invading strand is incorporated into the heteroduplex within the D-loop intermediate. (D) Example of a four-stranded DNA-pairing transaction that is initiated by a three-stranded pairing event and extended by branch migration. The ssDNA in a gapped duplex serves as the invading strand to generate a joint molecule (i), reminiscent of the reaction shown in panel B. Protein-directed branch migration may proceed into the duplex region adjacent to the original gap, generating a-structure intermediates (ii), or eventually a complete exchange of strands (iii).

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DNA Pairing and Annealing

Three-stranded reactions yielding heteroduplex in Figure 2A. Following resection of ends at a DNA proceed by a different mechanism referred DSB (see Symington 2014), a pairing reaction to as DNA pairing, strand invasion, or strand occurs between the 30 ssDNA tail of one end and exchange. These reactions involve the invasion the homologous duplex. In the resulting hetero- of a duplex DNA molecule by homologous (or duplex, the 30 end of the invading strand primes nearly homologous) ssDNA. The invading DNA DNA synthesis to extend the D-loop intermedi- may be completely single stranded, as is often ate. Subsequently, in a process referred to as sec- the case in in vitro assays for DNA-pairing ac- ond-end capture (Nimonkarand Kowalczykow- tivity (Fig. 1B) (Cox and Lehman 1981). Under ski 2009; Nimonkar et al. 2009), the displaced physiological conditions, however, the invading ssDNA in the D-loop undergoes an annealing ssDNA is contained as a single-stranded tail or reaction with the ssDNA tail of the remaining gap within a duplex (Fig. 1C,D). DNA-pairing end, generating a second region of heteroduplex reactions are promoted by DNA-pairing pro- DNA that is also extended by DNA synthesis teins of the RecA family (Bianco et al. 1998), (Fig. 2A). Ligation generates a classic dHJ struc- and proceed via the formation of D-loop or ture inwhich the regions of heteroduplex may be joint molecule intermediates that contain the further extended by branch migration, resulting heteroduplex DNA (Fig. 1B–D). Three-strand- in the COs and extensive GC tracts associated ed reactions may also be promoted by exonucle- with this pathway (Szostak et al. 1983). ase/annealing protein complexes found in cer- tain viruses. Four-stranded reactions generating Synthesis-Dependent Strand Annealing heteroduplex DNA involve branch migration of a Holliday junction (Fig. 1D). In practice, The synthesis-dependent strand annealing a four-stranded reaction must be initiated by a (SDSA) pathway of HR also includes both pair- three-stranded pairing reaction catalyzed by a ing and annealing steps (Fig. 2B). Unlike the DNA-pairing protein, after which the heterodu- dHJ pathway, however, SDSA generates pre- plex is extended into duplex regions through the dominantly noncrossover (NCO) recombinants action of the DNA-pairing protein or of an as- with relatively low frequencies of GC (Haber sociated DNA /translocase (Das Gupta 1992; Ira et al. 2003). First inferred from studies et al. 1981; Kim et al. 1992; Tsaneva et al. 1992). of recombination in the T4 bacteriophage (For- mosa and Alberts 1986; Mueller et al. 1996; Kreuzer 2000), SDSA appears to be the preferred ROLES OF DNA PAIRING AND ANNEALING mitotic HR pathway in higher eukaryotes (An- IN HR OF DNA DSBs dersen and Sekelsky 2010; Mitchel et al. 2013). HRof DSBs illustratesthe biological significance Like dHJ, the SDSA process begins with a pair- ofDNA-pairingandannealingreactions(Fig.2). ing reaction between one of the resected ends of The pairing and annealing components of these a DSB and the homologous duplex region of pathways are conserved across the phylogenetic the sister chromatid. The heteroduplex/D-loop spectrum (see Mehta and Haber 2014). structure generated in SDSA is more dynamic than the one formed in dHJ; however, DNA synthesis extends the heteroduplex in the 30 di- The Double Holliday Junction Pathway rection, but the heteroduplex is rapidly resolved of DSB Repair by branch migration of the trailing edge of the The double Holliday junction (dHJ) pathway, D-loop (see Daley et al. 2014). The result is a D- also referred to as the DSB repair (DSBR), cross- loop that translocates along the sister duplex, over (CO), or gene conversion (GC) pathway, and an extended invading strand that is only involves both pairing and annealing steps, and transiently associated with its template (Fig. is the pathway used to generate meiotic COs 2B). Second-end capture, therefore, involves (Szostak et al. 1983; Symington 2002; San annealing of the second end not to the displaced Filippo et al. 2008). This process is illustrated strand of the D-loop as in dHJ, but rather to the

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S.W. Morrical

A 3′ 3′

Pairing— a first-end invasion BC

e i Resection D-loop D-loop migration b f D-loop extension collapse ii Annealing

Annealing— Annealing— c g second-end capture second-end capture iii Flap removal

Second-end Second-end d h extension extension iv Ligation

Ligation, resolution Ligation

dHJ SDSA SSA (crossovers) (noncrossovers) (deletions)

Figure 2. DNA-pairing and annealing steps in the repair of DNA DSBs. (A) The double Holliday junction (dHJ) pathway. A resected double-strand break (DSB) 30 end (black) pairs with and invades a sister chromatid (blue/ red dotted) to generate a D-loop (a). DNA synthesis (dashed arrow) extends the D-loop (b), exposing ssDNA (blue) that is complementary to the 30 ssDNA tail of the second resected DSB end (gray). The second end is captured by annealing (c), and extended by replication (d). Ligation generates the characteristic dHJ, which may be cleaved by HJ resolvases into either CO or NCO products. (B) The synthesis-dependent strand annealing (SDSA) pathway. Pairing as in panel A generates a D-loop that translocates owing to simultaneous replication and branch migration (e). The translocating D-loop is inherently unstable, leading to collapse as branch migration overtakes replication (f ). The extended first end (black dashed line) may anneal to complementary ssDNA in the resected second end (gray), resulting in second-end capture (g). Replicative extension of both ends (black and gray dashed arrows) (h) and ligation generates NCO products. (C) The single-strand annealing (SSA) pathway. Resection of a DSB that occurs between two direct sequence repeats (white boxes) exposes comple- mentary sequences in the ssDNA tails of the two ends (i). The complementary portions anneal (ii), leaving flaps of noncomplementary ssDNA on the 30 ends. Nucleolytic flap removal (iii) and ligation (iv) generates a deletion product lacking one of the repeats and the intervening sequence.

extended strand of the first end (Fig. 2B). This COs occur via the SDSA mechanism (McMahill mechanism allows second-end capture without et al. 2007). the formation of a CO. SDSA appears optimized for recombination between sister chromatids in Break-Induced Replication S/G2 cells, to promote high-fidelity repair of mitotic DSBs with lower risk of loss of hetero- Break-induced replication (BIR) (see Mehta zygosity (LOH). Evidence also suggests that and Haber 2014) is a third type of HR transac- meiotic GC events that are not associated with tion that is initiated by a pairing reaction be-

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DNA Pairing and Annealing

tween the ssDNA tail of a resected end and the process that relies exclusively on two-stranded homologous duplex region of a sister chromatid annealing reactions to generate heteroduplex. (Llorente et al. 2008; Anand et al. 2013). There is In contrast, dHJ, SDSA, and BIR are high-fidel- no second-end capture by annealing in BIR, un- ity, interchromosomal recombination processes like in dHJ and SDSA. In BIR the heteroduplex/ that rely on three-stranded pairing reactions for D-loop structure is stable, but second-end cap- the first round of heteroduplex formation. The ture fails owing to loss or inaccessibility of the latter three pathways avoid the deletion muta- second end. Instead, replicative extension of the tions that occur during SSA by using the homol- invading strand is coupled to replisome assem- ogous chromosome or sister chromatid as a bly, resulting in the initiation of both leading template for repair synthesis. and lagging strand DNA synthesis from the site of heteroduplex formation (Lydeard et al. PROPERTIES OF DNA-PAIRING PROTEINS 2010). The recombination-dependent replica- tion pathway of bacteriophage T4 is an excellent Classic pathways of homologous recombination example of BIR, which is used as the major and HR involve a core set of proteins that pro- mechanism for replicating the terminally re- mote DNA-pairing reactions, including a RecA- dundant phage chromosome (Kreuzer and Bris- family DNA-pairing protein, ssDNA-binding ter 2010; Liu and Morrical 2010). BIR may pro- protein, and recombination mediator proteins ceed for many kilobases, resulting in extensive (San Filippo et al. 2008; Liu et al. 2011a; Zelen- GC tracts or in the duplication of an entire chro- sky et al. 2014). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mosome arm. For this reason BIR is associated most of these proteins are encoded by genes in with extensive LOH (Sakofsky et al. 2012). the RAD52 epistasis group, and the key players are highly conserved across all kingdoms of life (Symington 2002). Here, we explore some of the Single-Strand Annealing properties of these proteins, and how their pair- In contrast to BIR, single-strand annealing ing and annealing activities contribute to DNA (SSA) is an HR pathway that relies on annealing recombination/repair pathways including dHJ, but not on pairing (Symington 2002). The SSA SDSA, BIR, and SSA. process is illustrated in Figure 2C. SSA is unique compared with the other HR pathways in that Classic DNA-Pairing Proteins: The RecA it does not require a homologous chromosome Family or sister chromatid for templating purposes. SSA is a mechanism for rejoining DNA ends DNA-pairing reactions required for dHJ, SDSA, when those ends contain direct sequence re- and BIR repair pathways are promoted by DNA- peats (or near repeats). If a DSB occurs between pairing proteins of the highly conserved RecA the repeats, then resection of the ends can ex- family (Table 1). This enzyme family has repre- pose complementary sequences in the resulting sentatives in all kingdoms of cellular life as well ssDNA tails. These complementary ssDNA se- as in viruses. Well-characterized representatives quences anneal to form a heteroduplex, after include the Escherichia coli RecA protein in pro- which noncomplementary ssDNA “flaps” are karyotes, the bacteriophage T4 UvsX protein removed, any gaps are filled in by new DNA in viruses, the S. cerevisiae and Homo sapiens synthesis, and nicks are ligated (Fig. 2C). SSA Rad51 proteins in eukaryotes, and the Sulfolo- restores the continuity of the duplex; however, bus solfataricus RadA protein in archaea. Eu- the repair process is mutagenic because dele- karyotic Dmc1 proteins are meiosis-specialized tions are introduced in the DNA sequence. paralogs of the Rad51 DNA-pairing protein. (One copy of the repeated sequence is deleted, The physical and biochemical properties of along with all sequences that were located these and related enzymes have been reviewed between the original repeats.) Thus, SSA is an extensively elsewhere (Bianco et al. 1998; Shin error-prone, intrachromosomal recombination et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2011a).

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S.W. Morrical

Table 1. Representative pairing and annealing proteins Protein type Functions Human Yeast E. coli T4 Classic homologous recombination systems RecA-family DNA-pairing ATP-dependent 2-, 3-, and 4-stranded RAD51 Rad51 RecA UvsX protein pairing and annealing reactions DMC1 Dmc1 ssDNA-binding protein (SSB) Stimulate activities of cognate pairing and RPA RPA SSB Gp32 annealing proteins Recombination mediator Promote presynaptic filament assembly on Rad52 RecO UvsY protein (RMP) with SSB-ssDNA; anneal complementary annealing activity ssDNA strands and SSB-ssDNA complexes RMP without annealing Promote RAD51 filament assembly on BRCA2 activity RPA-ssDNA Annealing protein without Annealing, second-end capture RAD52 RMP activity RMP—Rad51 paralogs Stabilize Rad51-ssDNA presynaptic RAD51B Rad55 filaments RAD51C Rad57 RAD51D XRCC2 XRCC3 RMP—Rad54 Assembly, stability, and turnover of RAD54 Rad54 Rad51-DNA filaments

Exonuclease/annealing protein systems E. coli l HSV1

Exonuclease Process DNA ends to expose ssDNA RecE Reda UL12 (Exo VIII) (l exo) Annealing Anneal ssDNA exposed by exonuclease action; promote RecT Redb ICP8 protein ATP-independent pairing

All DNA-pairing proteins of the RecA fam- aments on ssDNA in the presence of ATP,which ily share a common protein fold in theircatalytic are referred to as presynaptic filaments for their core domains (Story et al. 1992; Pellegrini et al. role as precursors to synapsis (homologous 2002; Conway et al. 2004; Wu et al. 2004; Chen pairing). The architectural framework of pre- et al. 2008, 2010; Gajewski et al. 2011), which synaptic filaments is highly conserved, consist- corresponds to the region of highest amino acid ing of an open, right-handed helix, with each sequence identity/similarity between divergent helical turn containing six protein monomers orthologs. This region includes the Walker A bound to a total of 18 nucleotides (base pairs) and B motifs as well as DNA-binding loops des- of ssDNA (dsDNA) (Chen et al. 2008). The ignated L1 and L2. Structural details of the RecA DNA is bound via interactions with loops L1 fold appear in Schiller et al. (2014). Species-spe- and L2 to the inner filament surface, with cific amino- and carboxy-terminal extensions ATP-binding sites located at the interfaces be- found in different DNA-pairing proteins, such tween subunits (Conway et al. 2004; Chen et al. as the large amino-terminal extension found in 2008). Presynaptic filament assembly activates yeast Rad51, or the carboxy-terminal domain of the catalytic activities of the DNA-pairing pro- E. coli RecA, contain binding sites for accessory tein, including ATPhydrolysis, plus ATP-depen- proteins or perform other regulatory functions. dent pairing and strand exchange reactions with All RecA-family DNA-pairing proteins form fil- a homologous duplex. The binding and hydro-

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DNA Pairing and Annealing

lysis of ATP modulates the structure of presyn- for DNA strand exchange by the addition of ho- aptic filaments between ATP-bound “active” mologous, but not of heterologous, ssDNA and ADP-bound or nucleotide-free “inactive” (Maher and Morrical 2013). conformations: The active filament has a high Tocarry out pairing reactions, DNA-pairing helical pitch in which the bound DNA is sig- protein filaments must interact with two DNA nificantly stretched (helical pitch of 95–99 A˚ , molecules simultaneously. Presynaptic filament depending on species), whereas the inactive fil- assembly on ssDNA also reconstitutes a second- ament has a low helical pitch (70–76 A˚ , depend- ary DNA-binding site that can accommodate ing on species) (Griffith and Formosa 1985; Yu either ssDNA or dsDNA (Mazin and Kowalczy- and Egelman 1992, 1993; Ogawa et al. 1993; kowski 1996, 1998). Two-stranded annealing re- Yanget al. 2001; Yu et al. 2001). These and other actions may occur when the secondary site is factors influencing the dynamics of presynaptic occupied by a complementary ssDNA molecule, filaments are the subject of a recent review (Liu as has been observed with E. coli RecA, T4 UvsX, et al. 2011a). human RAD51, and other enzymes (Bryant DNA-pairing proteins also form filaments and Lehman 1985; McEntee 1985; Yonesaki ondouble-strandedDNA,eitherthroughintrin- and Minagawa 1989; Gupta et al. 1997). Pairing sic dsDNA-binding activity, or in the course of and strand exchange occurs when homologous DNA-pairing reactions (Pugh and Cox 1987a,b; duplex DNA binds to the secondary site (Mazin Zaitseva et al. 1999; Solinger et al. 2002). Intrin- and Kowalczykowski 1998). DNA-pairing pro- sic DNA-pairing protein-dsDNA-binding activ- teins by definition are proficient in ATP-depen- ities vary significantly between species: For dent three-stranded pairing reactions, the typi- example, E. coli RecA protein forms filaments cal in vitro assay for which is shown in Figure on dsDNA only at low pH or when the duplex 1B. The distribution of heteroduplex products contains regions of ssDNA or other structural differs from enzyme to enzyme, however (Liu et distortions (McEntee et al. 1981; Pugh and Cox al. 2011a). E. coli RecA contains a robust branch 1987a, 1988; Rosenberg and Echols 1990). Once migration activity that converts D-loop pair- assembled, however, RecA-dsDNA filaments ing intermediates into extended heteroduplex show high rates of ATP hydrolysis. In contrast, products (Fig. 1B) (Cox and Lehman 1981). the T4 UvsX protein binds spontaneously to Eukaryotic Rad51 enzymes are much less effi- dsDNA, but the resulting UvsX-dsDNA com- cient in promoting branch migration; therefore, plexes do not have ATPase activity (Maher and heteroduplex joint molecules tend to accumu- Morrical 2013). Eukaryotic Rad51 enzymes also late (Sung 1994; Baumann et al. 1996). In con- bind spontaneously to dsDNA, but the resulting trast, T4 UvsX has a promiscuous pairing activ- complexes are inhibitory toward DNA pairing if ity that generates branched networks of ssDNA they are allowed to form before the introduction and dsDNA (Kodadek et al. 1988). of ssDNA (Sung and Robberson 1995; Solinger All pairing and annealing reactions promot- et al. 2002). The redirection of a duplex-bound ed by RecA-family DNA-pairing proteins are DNA-pairing protein into pairing-compe- ATP dependent. Evidence indicates that pairing tent presynaptic filaments is accomplished by activity requires ATP binding but not ATP hy- species-specific mechanisms involving the ac- drolysis (Menetski et al. 1990). This reflects the tions of accessory proteins. For example, the requirement for ATP binding to induce the ex- Swi2/Snf2-related Rad54 protein disassembles tended, active form of the presynaptic filament. Rad51-dsDNA complexes to relieve the inhibi- On the other hand, ATP hydrolysis appears tion of DNA pairing (Solingeret al. 2002; Li et al. to regulate filament activity and to provide for 2007). Alternatively, recovery from dsDNA may filament turnover or dynamic instability (Ko- involve ligand-induced allosteric effects on the walczykowski 1991; Cox 2003; Liu et al. 2006, DNA-pairing protein itself. This is observed 2011a). In addition, DNA-pairing protein-pro- with the T4 UvsX protein, in which ATPase-in- moted pairing reactions are stimulated by active complexes on dsDNAare rapidlyactivated ssDNA-binding and recombination mediator

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proteins, which are described below (see Daley its conformation for handoff to the DNA-pair- et al. 2014; Zelensky et al. 2014). ing protein, a transaction that typically requires a cognate recombination mediator protein in addition to DNA-pairing protein and ATP ssDNA-Binding Proteins (Umezu et al. 1993; Sung 1997b; Sugiyama and ssDNA-binding proteins, or SSBs, are ubiqui- Kowalczykowski 2002; Liu et al. 2006) (see be- tous proteins that play fundamental roles in low). Second, SSBs stabilize the D-loop product DNA recombination, replication, and repair, as of the pairing reaction by sequestering the dis- well as in DNA damage signaling, cell-cycle con- placed strand (Kodadek 1990). SSB proteins trol, and regulation of gene expression (Wold also stimulate two-stranded annealing reactions 1997; Lohman et al. 1988; Lohman and Ferrari that are promoted by cognate recombination 1994; Binz et al. 2004; Bochkarev and Bochka- mediator proteins of the type described in reva 2004; Richard et al. 2009). Well-charac- the following section (Sugiyama et al. 1998; terized examples include E. coli SSB protein, Kantake et al. 2002). For these reasons SSBs bacteriophage T4 Gp32 protein, and the RPA are seen as important for both the first-end in- proteins of yeast and humans (Table 1). Com- vasion and second-end capture steps of the mon properties of SSBs include stoichiometric, error-free dHJ and SDSA pathways, as well as sequence nonspecific binding to ssDNA, high- for the annealing step of the mutagenic SSA affinity and (typically) cooperative binding to pathway. ssDNA, weak or nonexistent affinity for dsDNA, and the ability to stimulate cognate replication Recombination Mediator Proteins and recombination enzymes. SSBs all contain one or more copies of the oligonucleotide/oli- Recombination mediator proteins, or RMPs, are gosaccharide-binding (OB) fold motif (Arcus defined as proteins that promote presynaptic fil- 2002; Bochkarev and Bochkareva 2004). SSB se- ament assembly or that stabilize presynaptic fil- quences are divergent, however, and their tertia- aments on ssDNA in the presence of cognate SSB ry structures vary dramatically between species. (Beernink and Morrical 1999; Liu et al. 2011a; For example, the fundamental ssDNA-binding Zelensky et al. 2014). The diversity of known units of T4 Gp32, E. coli SSB, and eukaryotic proteins that perform this function is growing; RPA proteins are monomers, homotetramers, examples include (Table 1) the following. and heterotrimers, respectively. Stoichiometric and cooperative binding allows SSBs to saturate Annealing Proteins with RMP Activity regions of ssDNA, which maintains the DNA in an unwound state, protects it from inappropri- These are DNA-binding proteins that show ate degradation by nucleases, denatures ssDNA strong affinity for cognate SSB-ssDNA (Umezu secondary structure, and optimizes ssDNA and Kolodner 1994; Sweezy and Morrical 1999; structure for recognition by other recombina- Beernink and Morrical 1998; Sugiyama and Ko- tion and replication proteins. These properties walczykowski 2002), and that lack any sequence allow SSBs to perform key functions in both homology with the RecA family. They possess DNA-pairing and DNA-annealing reactions, as intrinsic annealing activities (discussed below) described below. that play separate and distinct roles in re- SSB proteins participate directly in three- combination from RMP activity (Kantake et stranded pairing reactions promoted by the cog- al. 2002). Well-characterized examples include nate RecA-family DNA-pairing proteins (Fig. 3) the T4 UvsY (Harris and Griffith 1989; Kodadek (Bianco et al. 1998; Liu et al. 2011a). SSBs stim- et al. 1989; Yonesaki and Minagawa 1989; Morr- ulate these reactions by at least two different ical and Alberts 1990; Hashimoto and Yonesaki mechanisms: First, SSBs facilitate presynaptic 1991), E. coli RecO (Umezu and Kolodner 1994; filament assembly on ssDNA. The SSB removes Shan et al. 1997; Morimatsu and Kowalczy- secondary structure from ssDNA, optimizing kowski 2003), and S. cerevisiae Rad52 proteins

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DNA Pairing and Annealing


ATP Rad51 filament Rad52 assembly Rad59


Rad55/57 First-end invasion Rad54

Removal of postsynaptic filament by Rad54

DNA replication; D-loop translocation

Sgs1 Sgs2

Rad52/59-promoted annealing; second-end capture

Figure 3. Model for the molecular mechanism of synthesis-dependent strand annealing (SDSA). S. cerevisiae proteins are shown. Resected DSB ends are bound by a complex of RPA and Rad52 proteins. Rad52 recruits Rad51 DNA-pairing protein and promotes presynaptic filament assembly on one of the resected ends. Rad54 and Rad55/57 proteins stabilize the presynaptic filament. The filament continues to interact with Rad52, suppressing the latter protein’s annealing activity. Rad51 promotes homologous pairing and strand invasion of the first end to its homologous sequence in the sister chromatid. The resulting heteroduplex is covered with a postsynaptic filament of Rad51. Removal of this filament via the activity of Rad54 protein allows replication proteins to access the 30 end of the invading strand and to initiate DNA synthesis. Translocation of the D-loop extends and releases the invading strand from the heteroduplex. Rad52 and Rad59 promote annealing and second-end capture. Replicative extension and ligation of the annealed strands completes the repair process, which generates NCO products exclusively.

(Sung 1997b; New et al. 1998; Song and Sung promoting the displacement of SSB by the in- 2000; Sugiyama and Kowalczykowski 2002). coming strand exchange protein (Liu et al. UvsY, RecO, and Rad52 participate directly in 2011a). For example in the T4 recombination three-stranded pairing reactions (Fig. 3). Their system, UvsY binds tightly to Gp32-covered primary role is to facilitate the formation of pre- ssDNA, where it promotes the nucleation of synaptic filaments on SSB-covered ssDNA by UvsX-ssDNA presynaptic filaments with con-

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comitant displacement of Gp32 from ssDNA spontaneous filament turnover linked to the (Liu et al. 2006, 2013). The yeast Rad52 protein ATPase cycle, or by the action of antirecombina- promotes a similarexchange of Rad51/RPApro- tion , such as Srs2 (Fig. 3) (Sung 1997a; teins on ssDNA during presynapsis (Sugiyama Liu et al. 2011b). The fact that Rad55 and Rad57 and Kowalczykowski 2002), and this mechanism are both Rad51 paralogs suggest that they could likely applies to all RMPs of this subclass. This cap the ends of presynaptic filaments, or be conserved activity is important for pairing reac- integrated into the interiors of filaments, an tions in mitotic dHJ, SDSA, and BIR pathways, idea that is supported by EM observations and likely in meiotic recombination. (Liu et al. 2011b). The five human Rad51 para- logs associate into two different complexes—the heterotetrameric BCDX2 (RAD51B-RAD51C- BRCA2 RAD51D-XRCC2) complex, and the heterodi- Human BRCA2 protein performs the classic meric CX3 (RAD51C-XRCC3) complex (Mas- RMP function of loading RAD51 protein onto son et al. 2001). Both are observed to form ring- RPA-covered ssDNA (Jensen et al. 2010; Liu et al. shaped complexes on DNA and to bind with 2010). It appears that BRCA2 has superseded high specificity to Holliday junctions and other RAD52 as the major RMP used for presynpatic branched DNA structures (Compton et al. filament assembly and to promote DNA pairing 2010). in humans (Liu et al. 2011a). Unlike RAD52, BRCA2 does not promote the annealing of com- Rad54 plementary RPA-covered ssDNA strands (Jen- sen et al. 2010). Therefore, there appears to be Rad54 is an ATP-dependent DNA translocase a division of labor between the human BRCA2 that plays multifaceted roles in homologous re- and RAD52 proteins, with the former special- combination (Heyer et al. 2006; Ceballos and ized for presynaptic roles leading to first-end Heyer 2011). Evidence indicates that Rad54 invasion, and the latter specialized for roles in acts at the presynaptic step by stabilizing Rad51- annealing, second-end capture, and SSA. This ssDNA presynaptic filaments (Fig. 3) (Mazin stands in contrast to the budding yeast system, et al. 2003). Other evidence indicates that which lacks BRCA2 and, therefore, uses Rad52 Rad54 also acts downstream from filament as- both as a mediator of Rad51-promoted pairing sembly (Van Komen et al. 2002; Raschle et al. and as the major annealing protein used for sec- 2004). Recent studies showed that Rad54 may ond-end capture and SSA (Fig. 3) (Nimonkar disrupt the postsynaptic filament of Rad51 that et al. 2009). is bound to the heteroduplex DNA—a key step in the recruitment of DNA replication machin- ery that is needed for D-loop extension (dHJ, Rad51 Paralogs BIR) or translocation (SDSA) (Li and Heyer The S. cerevisiae Rad55 and Rad57 proteins are 2009). the best-characterized examples of this group, which also includes the human RAD51B, DNA-ANNEALING PROTEINS IN HR RAD51C, RAD51D, XRCC2, and XRCC3 pro- teins. The mechanism of Rad51 paralog RMP Annealing between complementary strands of activity is still poorly defined, but appears to ssDNA is a central process in the SSA pathway, differ substantially from RMP/annealing pro- and is also critical for second-end capture dur- teins, such as UvsY, RecO, and Rad52. Recent ing HR involving dHJ formation or SDSA (Fig. studies of Rad55 and Rad57 proteins indicate 2). The ability to anneal two complementary that these RMP proteins, which together form strands of ssDNA constitutes a separate and dis- a heterodimer, promote homologous pairing by tinct function of certain proteins with recom- stabilizing Rad51-ssDNA presynaptic filaments bination mediator activity including S. cerevi- against dissociation that is caused either by siae Rad52, E. coli RecO, and T4 UvsY (Yonesaki

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and Minagawa 1989; Mortensen et al. 1996; nealing involves the simultaneous interaction Reddy et al. 1997; Kantake et al. 2002). A re- of ring-shaped RAD52 oligomers with two markable and conserved activity of these pro- strands of ssDNA or RPA-ssDNA. Within these teins is their ability to anneal complementary complexes, wrapping of ssDNA around the ssDNA strands that are complexed with cognate RAD52 rings induces a conformation of ssDNA ssDNA-binding protein (RPA, SSB, or Gp32, that is favorable for annealing (Grimme et al. respectively) (Shinohara et al. 1998; Sugiyama 2010). RAD52-RPA protein–protein interac- et al. 1998; Kantake et al. 2002). This activity is tions and posttranslational modifications may important for the second-end capture phases of also play important roles in the annealing dHJ and SDSA pathways, as described below. of complementary RPA-ssDNA complexes. For The mechanism of Rad52-promoted annealing example, phosphorylated RPA, on interaction of RPA-ssDNA complexes involves the forma- with RAD52, induces the handoff of ssDNA tion of a ternary Rad52-RPA-ssDNA complex from RPA to RAD52 (Deng et al. 2009). This (Shinohara et al. 1998; Sugiyama et al. 1998). suggests that there is a pathway for coupling This mechanism appears to be conserved as the initiation of SSA or other annealing-depen- both RecO and UvsY show similar interactions dent recombination processes to DNA damage with cognate SSB-ssDNA complexes (Sweezy signaling. and Morrical 1999; Ryzhikov et al. 2011; Ryzhi- kov and Korolev 2012). The annealing activity of S. cerevisiae Rad52 COORDINATION OF PROTEIN ACTIVITIES DURING DSBR BY SYNTHESIS-DEPENDENT protein is stimulated by Rad59, a paralog of STRAND ANNEALING Rad52 (Davis and Symington 2001; Wu et al. 2006). Rad59 has its own intrinsic annealing The SDSA pathway serves to illustrate the coor- activity that is kinetically distinct from Rad52 dination that is necessary between different (Wu et al. 2006). Unlike Rad52, the annealing pairing and annealing proteins to bring about activity of Rad59 is not stimulated by RPA (Pe- the desired high-fidelity repair of a DSB without tukhova et al. 1999; Wu et al. 2006). Rad59 also introducing potentially genotoxic COs. Key lacks recombination mediator activity, but it is steps in the pathway and roles of the major pro- biologically important in recombination path- tein players are illustrated in Figure 3, using ways that do not require Rad51, such as SSA examples from the recombination system of (Sugawara et al. 2000; Pannunzio et al. 2008, the budding yeast S. cerevisiae. After the resec- 2010). Rad59 conceivably acts as an accessory tion of DSB ends by the MRX nuclease complex protein for annealing reactions promoted by and associated machinery (Mimitou and Sy- Rad52 during the second-end capture phases mington 2009; see Symington 2014), the ex- of dHJ and SDSA. posed 30 ssDNA tails are sequestered by RPA Human RAD52 promotes annealing but is protein, which controls the access of other re- unable to promote RPA displacement from combination and replication proteins to the ssDNA by RAD51 (McIlwraith et al. 2000). ssDNA. The next critical step in SDSA is the Therefore, human RAD52 lacks the recombina- assembly of a presynaptic filament of Rad51 tion mediator protein activity of the yeast Rad52 DNA-pairing protein on one of the RPA-cov- ortholog. In humans, RPA displacement by ered ssDNA tails, which will be designated as RAD51 is promoted instead by BRCA2 (Jensen the “first end.” The loading of Rad51 and dis- et al. 2010; Liu et al. 2010); thus, there has been a placement of RPA from ssDNA requires ATP specialization of function in human RAD52 and the mediator activity of Rad52 protein, compared with yeast Rad52, with the former which binds tightly to the RPA-ssDNA complex likely reserved for SSA and second-end capture (Fig. 3) (Davis and Symington 2003). From this events. Likeyeast Rad52, human RAD52 anneals position, Rad52 directs filament assembly by complementaryssDNA strands coated with RPA promoting Rad51/RPA exchange. The resulting (Grimme et al. 2010). The mechanism of an- presynaptic filament may be stabilized against

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inappropriate dissociation through the media- ing different, distinct roles are required to pro- tor activities of Rad54 and Rad55/57 proteins. mote SDSA at the expense of COs. The Rad51 filament continues to interact with The extended ssDNA tail that is generated as Rad52 via protein–protein interactions (Wu the result of D-loop translocation and dissolu- et al. 2008). The Rad51 filament now promotes tion is rapidly sequestered by RPA, which can pairing and invasion of the first end to its ho- attract Rad52. This Rad52 is no longer inhibited mologous sequence on the sister chromatid by the presence of a Rad51 filament, owing to (Fig. 3). turnover of the latter catalyzed by Rad54. There- Following strand invasion, Rad51 remains fore, Rad52 is free to promote annealing be- associated with the heteroduplex DNA in a post- tween the elongated first end and the second synaptic filament that plays several important end, an activity that may be stimulated by its roles (Fig. 3). First, the postsynaptic filament accessory protein, Rad59 (Fig. 3) (Davis and stabilizes the D-loop against dissolution caused Symington 2003). The result is second-end cap- by spontaneous branch migration or by the ture (Davis and Symington 2001; Wu et al. 2006, premature action of a DNA helicase. Second, 2008) and the completion of DSBR by the NCO the postsynaptic filament blocks premature ex- mechanism. In summary, sequential handoffs tension of the D-loop by replication proteins. and coordinated activities between DNA-pair- Third, Rad51 in the postsynaptic filament in- ing and annealing proteins and their partners teracts locally with Rad52 and suppresses its an- explain how SDSA effects the repair of DNA nealing activity (Fig. 3) (Wu et al. 2008). The DSBs while minimizing risks associated with latter effect suppresses the formation of dHJs COs and LOH. and, thus, avoids accidental formation of geno- toxic COs. In response to appropriate signals, Rad54 eventually removes Rad51 from the het- MECHANISM OF RecA-PROMOTED eroduplex (Li and Heyer 2009; Wright and Heyer HOMOLOGOUS PAIRING 2014), which allows replication proteins to ac- Target Location cess and extend the invading first strand. This also releases Rad52 to participate in downstream The efficacy of SDSA and other HR processes annealing events. depends on the ability of a presynaptic filament An unstable D-loop isthe hallmarkof SDSA, containing a few hundred to a few thousand which requires the active unwinding of the in- nucleotides of DNA-pairing protein-bound vading strand from its template, D-loop trans- ssDNA to locate a homologous target sequence location, and eventually D-loop collapse to re- within a sister chromatid containing many lease the elongated first end as single-stranded millions of base pairs of dsDNA. Until recently, DNA (Fig. 3). Evidence suggests that in yeast the mechanism by which presynaptic filaments cells, the DNA helicases Sgs1 and Srs2 promote find their target sequence was unknown. The the formation of NCOs via SDSA, and also sup- complexity of the problem, and large diffusion press COs by dismantling Holliday junction- coefficients of the reactants, argued for some containing intermediates (Ira et al. 2003; Miura manner of facilitated diffusion. Recent single- et al. 2012; Daley et al. 2013, 2014; Mitchel et al. molecule studies of E. coli RecA protein pro- 2013). Sgs1 promotes the dissolution of dHJ vided detailed evidence for a facilitated search structures in collaboration with Top3 and mechanism called “intersegmental contact Rmi1 (Cejka et al. 2010; Hickson and Mankouri sampling” (Forget and Kowalczykowski 2012). 2011; Mankouri et al. 2011). Srs2 is proposed to An illustration of this mechanism is shown in dismantle nicked HJ structures (Mitchel et al. Figure 4. The mechanism hinges on the fact that 2013). Srs2 is stimulated by Rad51 to remove dsDNA that is not under tension exists as ran- Rad51 from dsDNA, suggesting that Srs2 could domly coiled domains in three-dimensional promote SDSA by destabilizing D-loops (Du- space, and that random fluctuations occasional- paigne et al. 2008). Thus, multiple helicases play- ly bring distant segments of the linear sequence

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Figure 4. An illustration of the intersegmental contact sampling model for homology searches performed by RecA-ssDNA filaments. (A) A three-dimensional domain of randomly coiled duplex DNA (thick royal blue line) contains a target sequence (thick, cyan line) for homologous pairing with RecA-covered ssDNA (small yellow circles connected by a thin black line). The polyvalent RecA-ssDNA filament makes multiple weak contacts with nontarget sequences in the duplex. (B) Filament contacts with nontarget duplex are unstable and rapidly dissociate, allowing facilitated diffusion of filament segments to other distant parts of the duplex. (C) When a segment of the filament contacts homologous duplex, it forms a stable complex that effectively anchors that segment to the target site. This greatly increases the probability that other filament segments will diffuse to a homologous sequence after they dissociate from nontarget DNA (D). (E) Propagation of this effect leads to the complete localization of the filament at its target sequence.

into closer proximity. The RecA-ssDNA fila- tively localized at its target (Fig. 4E). The inter- ment may be thought of as a polymer of weakly segmental contact sampling model potentially sequence-specific binding sites for dsDNA. This explains how RecA can pair sequences contain- property means that the filament may interact ing mismatches (Bazemore et al. 1997), because nonspecifically with and “bridge” multiple seg- the increase in the energy minimum would be ments of the duplex that are brought together by damped by multiple favorable contacts sur- three-dimensional diffusion. In this way the fil- rounding the sites of local heterology. Likewise, ament may sample and release many different the ability of filaments to bridge distant seg- segments of the duplex while searching through ments of the duplex could explain how RecA a relatively small volume (Fig. 4A–D). The most pairs sequences containing heterologous inserts stable contacts occur between filament segments or deletions (Morel et al. 1994). and duplex segments of the correct sequence homology, however. Finding one or a few se- Homology Detection and Strand Exchange quence matches, therefore, constrains the search and greatly increases the probability of other fil- The mechanism(s) by which homologous se- ament segments locating regions of homology quences in the target duplex are detected by in the duplex. As the number of correct matches the RecA-ssDNA filament, and subsequently increases, and correspondingly the cumulative driven to exchange strands to form a heterodu- strength of the interactions, the free energyof the plex, have been argued for decades. In recent system is minimized and the filament is effec- years there has been some convergence toward

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the idea that the filament senses both Watson- clease/annealing protein complexes promote Crick base pairing and DNA conformation in DNA-pairing reactions that require neither a the recognition process, a mechanism referred RecA-family protein nor ATP (Hall and Kolod- to as “conformational proofreading” (Lee et al. ner 1994; Kolodner et al. 1994; Passy et al. 1999; 2006; Takahashi et al. 2007; see comments in Reuven et al. 2003, 2004; Maresca et al. 2010). Rambo et al. 2010; Savir and Tlusty 2010; Ragu- Examples include the E. coli RecE (Exo VIII) nathan et al. 2011). The atomic structure of the and RecT proteins, the bacteriophage l Reda RecA-ssDNA filament, in its active, ATP-bound (l exo) and Redb proteins, and the herpes sim- form, revealsthatthe ssDNAexistsin adeformed plex virus-1 UL12 (alkaline nuclease) and ICP8 conformation, with the sugar-phosphate back- proteins (Table 1). The annealing protein com- bone extended between trinucleotide units, ponents (RecT, Redb, and ICP8) are not related which are held in a B-like conformation (Chen to the RecA family, but are related to Rad52 et al. 2008; see comments by Kowalczykowski (Passy et al. 1999; Iyer et al. 2002; Erler et al. 2008). Thus, the targeted duplex sequence 2009). Specific protein–protein interactions be- must undergo a large conformational change tween the exonuclease and annealing protein to match both the Watson-Crick base pairing partners appear to be important for recombi- and local conformational requirements im- nation, even when the need for exonuclease ac- posed by the RecA-ssDNA filament. The strin- tivity is bypassed by using previously resected gency of conformational proofreading, there- substrates (Muyrers et al. 2000; Reuven and fore, derives from the combined free energies Weller 2005). This suggests that the activities of sequence-specific binding and deformation of the cognate exonuclease and annealing pro- of the duplex. ATP hydrolysis is not needed for teins are coordinated during recombination, as either step, because the spontaneous breathing suggested by the observation that the ICP8 an- of the duplex appears to sample all of the re- nealing protein increases the processivity of the quired conformational space (Savir and Tlusty UL12 exonuclease (Reuven and Weller 2005). 2010). Rapid kinetics data support the idea that The coordination of activities may provide a the RecA-ssDNA filament binds to a deformed means to prevent the inhibition of recombina- conformation of the duplex in which the se- tion by SSB proteins, by excluding them from quence may be sampled via the formation of the resected intermediate. Watson-Crick base pairs (Lee et al. 2006). The Figure 5 illustrates a typical in vitro DNA- propagation of heteroduplex formation occurs pairing reaction that is catalyzed by an annealing in three-base-pair increments (Ragunathan et protein in combination with an exonuclease. al. 2011), consistent with the organization of Limited digestion of dsDNA ends by the exonu- the ssDNA observed in the RecA-ssDNA-ADP- clease generates ssDNA tails, which the anneal- AlF4 crystal structure (Chen et al. 2008). ing protein anneals to a complementary ssDNA circle to generate a s-form joint molecule. The annealing protein then promotes an ATP-inde- HOMOLOGOUS RECOMBINATION BY pendent DNA branch migration that converts EXONUCLEASES AND DNA-ANNEALING the s form into an a-form joint molecule. In PROTEINS some cases branch migration goes to comple- As illustrated by the dHJ and SDSA pathways, tion, generating a gapped circular heteroduplex the relative simplicity of DNA annealing belies and a free linear single strand (Fig. 5). RecE and the complexity of DNA rearrangements that can RecT form part of a minor recombination path- be achieved when it is coupled to other process- way encoded by a cryptic lambdoid prophage es. A case study is provided by reactions that present in some strains of E. coli that is manifest occur when the activity of an annealing protein in the absence of afunctional RecBCD nuclease/ is coupled to that of an exonuclease. Several of helicase complex (Clark et al. 1993; Kolodner these systems have been exploited for recom- et al. 1994). Studies of RecTsuggest that despite bineering applications (Murphy 2012). Exonu- its independent evolution, it shares with RecA

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of DNA (Thresher et al. 1995; Passy et al. 1999; + Makhov and Griffith 2006; Makhov et al. 2009). The ring form of Redb binds to ssDNA, whereas Exonuclease the helical form binds with higher affinity to the heteroduplex product of annealing (Karakousis et al. 1998; Passy et al. 1999), suggesting a mech- + anism for stabilizing the heteroduplex product of DNA strand exchange. These and many other Annealing protein observations support the notion that homology recognition provides such an evolutionary ad- vantage that it has been selected for in complete- Joint molecule ly different classes of proteins. σ form

CONCLUSION Joint The formation of heteroduplex DNAvia pairing molecule α form and annealing reactions is a fundamental bio- DNA logical process that is, paradoxically, necessary strand both for genome stability and for genome evo- exchange lution. DNA-pairing and annealing reactions Gapped circle performed by RecA-family DNA-pairing pro- teins and their accessories (SSBs and RMPs), + annealing proteins, and exonucleases are neces- sary for the high-fidelity repair of lesions, such as DNA DSBs using pathways, such as SDSA. Conversely, these same proteins may participate Figure 5. DNA pairing by exonuclease and annealing in repair processes, such as SSA that are directly protein. The combined actions of an exonuclease and mutagenic. The COs generated by pairing and an annealing protein may give rise to DNA-pairing annealing proteins during the dHJ process are reactions that do not require a RecA-family recombi- desirable for meiotic recombination, but may be nase or ATP.The schematic shows a standard in vitro assay system for measuring pairing promoted by an genotoxic in mitotic cells. The new frontier in exonuclease and annealing protein. A linear duplex understanding biological reactions that pair and moleculeundergoespartialdigestionby theexonucle- anneal DNA is to understand the mechanisms ase component to generate ssDNA tails. One of these that choose the correct recombination pathway tails (red) is complementary to a circular ssDNA sub- for a given cellular context, and perhaps to ma- strate (black) in the reaction mixture. The annealing nipulate recombination pathway choice for the protein component promotes annealing between the betterment of human health. complementary ssDNA regions, generating a s-form heteroduplex joint molecule. The annealing protein promotes branch migration of the s form to generate a forms and eventually a complete strand exchange REFERENCES with gapped circle and linear ssDNA as products. Reference is also in this collection.

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DNA-Pairing and Annealing Processes in Homologous Recombination and Homology-Directed Repair

Scott W. Morrical

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2015; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a016444

Subject Collection DNA Recombination

Meiotic Recombination: The Essence of Heredity An Overview of the Molecular Mechanisms of Neil Hunter Recombinational DNA Repair Stephen C. Kowalczykowski Regulation of Recombination and Genomic Recombination, Pairing, and Synapsis of Maintenance Homologs during Meiosis Wolf-Dietrich Heyer Denise Zickler and Nancy Kleckner Initiation of Meiotic Homologous Recombination: DNA Strand Exchange and RecA Homologs in Flexibility, Impact of Histone Modifications, and Meiosis Chromatin Remodeling M. Scott Brown and Douglas K. Bishop Lóránt Székvölgyi, Kunihiro Ohta and Alain Nicolas Mechanism and Regulation of Meiotic Meiosis and Maternal Aging: Insights from Recombination Initiation Aneuploid Oocytes and Trisomy Births Isabel Lam and Scott Keeney Mary Herbert, Dimitrios Kalleas, Daniel Cooney, et al. Homologous Recombination and Human Health: Mismatch Repair during Homologous and The Roles of BRCA1, BRCA2, and Associated Homeologous Recombination Proteins Maria Spies and Richard Fishel Rohit Prakash, Yu Zhang, Weiran Feng, et al. Cell Biology of Mitotic Recombination Mechanisms of Gene Duplication and Michael Lisby and Rodney Rothstein Amplification Andrew B. Reams and John R. Roth DNA-Pairing and Annealing Processes in The Role of Double-Strand Break Repair Pathways Homologous Recombination and at Functional and Dysfunctional Telomeres Homology-Directed Repair Ylli Doksani and Titia de Lange Scott W. Morrical

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Mediators of Homologous DNA Pairing Regulation of DNA Pairing in Homologous Alex Zelensky, Roland Kanaar and Claire Wyman Recombination James M. Daley, William A. Gaines, YoungHo Kwon, et al.

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