Readings in Modern East Central Europe Readings in Modern East Central European History Professor T. Mills Kelly Office Hours: MWF 10-11 or by appointment Holden Hall 139 742-3744 (o) or 799-7652 (h) e-mail:
[email protected] web: Overview This seminar is designed to give you the opportunity to develop a working knowledge of the historiography of modern East Central Europe. Because we meet only a dozen times during the semester, there is a limit to what we can cover from the rich bibliography on nationalism. As a result, I have selected what amounts to a greatest hits list for us to work our way through. However, I am fairly flexible about what we will cover, so if there is a particular topic or author that you would like to see us address in more detail, let me know before the third week of the semester and we can negotiate a revision in the topic list. My objectives for this seminar, over and above introducing you to the historiography, are to work with you on the skills you need to be successful in the study of modern European history at the graduate level, for all of us to develop new insights into the material we will be discussing, and to have you leave the course with the sorts of bibliographical materials you will be able to use in your further study of European history. Readings We will read four books in common this semester, all of which have been ordered through the University Bookstore: Robert Bideleux and Ian Jeffries, A History of Eastern Europe: Crisis and Change Ivan T.