Summer 2009 Gems & Gemology Lab Notes
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Editors Thomas M. Moses and Shane F. McClure GIA Laboratory DIAMOND Bicolored Diamond GIA only rarely encounters faceted diamonds that merit two color grades because of the presence of two distinct colored areas (e.g., Winter 1989 Lab Notes, p. 237). Recently, the New York laboratory had the chance to examine just such a stone, when the 1.79 ct rec- tangular step cut in figure 1 was sub- mitted for grading. The diamond was assigned two color grades: Fancy Dark orangy brown and near-colorless, both confirmed to be of natural origin. The pronounced orangy brown color was confined to one half of the stone; a sharp boundary separated it from the near-colorless half. Some fractures Figure 1. This unusual diamond Figure 2. In the DiamondView, extended across the boundary, but the (1.79 ct) proved to be a mixed- the diamond in figure 1 showed (highly reflective) mineral inclusions type IaA/Ib, with the two types two distinct areas of growth, indicative of a natural type Ib diamond corresponding to the near-color- again corresponding to the differ- were observed only in the orangy less and Fancy Dark orangy ent colors (near-colorless, top; brown region. Both regions fluoresced brown regions, respectively. orangy brown, bottom). moderate blue to long-wave ultraviolet radiation; however, the near-colorless region displayed stronger yellow fluo- Infrared absorption spectra collect- Notes, pp. 49–50), as well as trace rescence to short-wave UV than the ed from the two regions also revealed amounts of isolated nitrogen. In addi- orangy brown region. No phosphores- clear differences. The near-colorless tion to the 3107 cm–1 peak, sharp lines cence was observed. region showed a characteristic type at 3313, 3299, 3272, 3191, 3182, and IaA spectrum with a very low concen- 3144 cm–1 were recorded. All these tration of nitrogen and a very weak observations indicated that the orangy hydrogen-related absorption at 3107 brown color was due to the 480 nm Editors’ note: All items were written by staff cm–1. In contrast, the orangy brown band defect and isolated nitrogen. members of the GIA Laboratory. section showed the “irregular” fea- None of these features were detected tures usually observed in natural yel- in the infrared spectrum from the GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 134–140. low-orange diamonds colored by the near-colorless region. © 2009 Gemological Institute of America lattice defect referred to as the “480 Most natural diamonds are type nm band” (e.g., Spring 2007 Lab Ia, with the majority of nitrogen pres- 134 LAB NOTES GEMS & GEMOLOGY SUMMER 2009 ent as IaA aggregates. Type Ib singly impurities. As is typical of natural substituted nitrogen rarely occurs in hydrogen-rich violet diamonds, the natural diamonds. When present in stone contained shallow etch pits and natural stones, it can cause an orange- cavities, and fluoresced yellow to both yellow (“canary”) color, occasionally long- and short-wave UV radiation (C. with brownish or, rarely, reddish van der Bogert et al., “Gray-to-blue-to- modifiers (e.g., Fall 2008 Lab Notes, violet hydrogen-rich diamonds from pp. 255–256). This bicolored dia- the Argyle mine, Australia,” Spring mond contained both type Ia aggre- 2009 G&G, pp. 20–37). gated nitrogen and type Ib isolated This marquise cut represents an nitrogen. While it is not unusual for a extremely rare type of black diamond. diamond to contain different forms of It was issued a “natural” color origin nitrogen aggregates, the sharply defined report. distribution of these defects with Christopher M. Breeding and respect to the distinct color zones is Kimberly M. Rockwell unusual. DiamondView imaging indicated that this stone may have crystallized Carved Diamond Crucifix during two different periods of growth It is not unusual to see carved dia- and in two different growth environ- monds submitted to the laboratory for ments (figure 2). Distinct differences in identification. Over the years, they defect configuration between the two have come in many forms, such as sections also suggest that the nitrogen carved fish (Spring 1983 Lab Notes, p. aggregation process after diamond 73) or dice (Fall 1985 Lab Notes, p. crystallization in the mantle may have 172). Carved diamonds with religious Figure 3. This 0.4 ct diamond was been affected by factors (e.g., occur- themes have also been submitted, graded Fancy black. When viewed rence of other lattice defects) in addi- including one fashioned as a Hamsa, through the pavilion (bottom), the tion to temperature and duration. symbolizing the protective hand of the stone shows deep violet color. Erica Emerson, Paul Johnson, creator (Fall 2001 Lab Notes, p. 214), and Wai Win and another cut in the image of the Buddha (Fall 1996 Gem News, p. 215). graphite) that cause the stones to In reviewing our records, however, it “Black” Diamond with appear black when viewed face-up. does not appear that we have previous- Deep Violet Color Dense, dark-colored hydrogen clouds ly examined a crucifix such as the one Black diamonds are not uncommon in have also been reported as a natural shown in figure 4. the gem trade, but naturally colored cause of black color in diamonds (see This piece consisted of a carving of examples are relatively rare. Most Lab Notes: Fall 2008, p. 254; Spring Christ on a white metal cross; the black diamonds currently in the mar- 2009, pp. 54–55). Christ figure was determined to be ket are produced by the heating of Recently, we examined an inter- diamond by Raman analysis. The fractured diamond to high tempera- esting 0.4 ct marquise brilliant in the grayish appearance of the diamond tures in a vacuum to induce graphiti- Carlsbad laboratory. The tone of the was due to numerous graphite-con- zation of the feathers and inclusions. diamond was so dark when it was taining fractures. There was also evi- The result is a nearly opaque stone viewed face-up that the stone was dence of the rough diamond crystal at that contains so much graphite that graded Fancy black (figure 3, top). one point on the carving, a corner of a the diamond will conduct an electric Table-down examination in a white trigon and some striations. current. In the past, treatments tray, however, revealed that the body- While many diamond carvings involving heavy-dose irradiation or color of the diamond was in fact a very today are created using lasers, the irradiation plus annealing have also deep violet (figure 3, bottom). This is client stated that this crucifix had been used to produce black diamonds remarkable because we had not previ- been fashioned by a now-deceased that are, in reality, very dark green ously seen a violet diamond with such Indian master carver using just hand when viewed with strong fiber-optic a dark tone. tools. Only a skilled craftsman with illumination. On occasion, we have The diamond’s infrared absorption exceptional patience could perform seen other very dark colors, such as spectrum (see the G&G Data Deposi- this type of carving, in this detail. To orange and blue. Naturally colored tory at showed our knowledge, this diamond crucifix black diamonds typically contain that it was type Ia with very high con- is unique. abundant dark inclusions (sometimes centrations of nitrogen and hydrogen Garry Du Toit LAB NOTES GEMS & GEMOLOGY SUMMER 2009 135 spectroscopy revealed features ob- served in other natural type IIb dia- monds. No evidence of artificial irradi- ation was detected. However, some unusual features were observed in the ultraviolet-visible–near infrared region (see the spectrum in the G&G Data Depository at In contrast to typical blue IIb diamonds, which often show a uniform increase in absorption from the UV toward the lower energy/longer wavelength side, this diamond displayed increasing absorption from ~500 nm toward the higher energy/shorter wavelength side. As a result, a transmission window was created from ~500 to 525 nm, leading to the dominant green hue. This increase in absorption from ~500 nm to shorter wavelengths is very like- ly caused by plastic deformation of the crystal lattice, a common feature in many natural diamonds. Figure 4. This unique crucifix (27.12 × 7.24 × 4.25 mm) consisted of a carved A natural type IIb diamond with a diamond set on a white metal cross. dominant green hue is extremely rare. This unusual color is a result of the right combination of boron concen- tration, intensity of plastic deforma- Rare Type IIb Gray-Green Diamond tion of the DiamondView, it showed tion, and influence of the cut style. Natural type IIb diamonds are very rare. moderately strong blue florescence Paul Johnson and Jason Darley Among those we have examined in the and weak red phosphorescence. GIA Laboratory, only about half showed Infrared and photoluminescence a pure blue color, with the other half Unconventional Diamond Cuts displaying an additional gray compo- In March, the New York lab received a Figure 5. This highly unusual nent due to varying levels of saturation. number of diamonds with unusual and Fancy Dark gray-green diamond Two of the most famous type IIb dia- unconventional facet distributions. (16.54 × 9.13 × 5.87 mm) proved monds, the Hope and the Wittelsbach, They ranged in shape from round and to be type IIb. were color graded Fancy Deep grayish cushion to pear and rectangular, but all blue. Occasionally, brown diamonds had one feature in common: a fully with type IIb characteristics have also faceted dome-shaped crown, with been seen (e.g., Summer 1977 Lab either no table at all or only a tiny Notes, p.