THE EVENING STAR TODAY funrinfl gfof Miss Covel TV KEY PREVIEWS WsiHaglss, P. C, Setmdo,, May 3, 1959 A-11 pr fht ¦"MMMMasMmHmaMssMMassmMMmMSHmsHMmwManMM Makes Bow Tonight') to* iAowa «* prrvtrawd b* TV Jfgp's it*/, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Ed- who attend rehear emit. watch screentngt awl analyte TELEVISION-RADIO scripts York, monson Covel. entertained tn Now and eltewhtre. Their opinion* guide viewer). 2, \m at an afternoon "at home" art offered at a to area Television Today—m*, oOCIETY ye*unday for their debutants FM.WRC iCb. 41 IWTT6 iCk. JIiWMAI lCfc.l»fWTO* tun I " " 3H| * •* * L A I ‘ WLj& the former Dennis Covel. was murder trial, a reenactment of the murder at the scene |Un latest nmtau ui u*n.rti | there with her husband ,44 Mn | rut I urn atm rtttui / h 1 ' and. of crime, and every other cliche In the book. Entire f i their Infant son. the MS Stitt; Start! I ‘‘Stn U Mult: 11 *SI. ttttrt The Covets’ grandson. cast: Oeorge Montgomery, John Smith. Linda Darnell. 1titan Fttllttl (IM" "(MtmStt Tia-TSirU TSttttr Campion Acheson Platt Is Dean Btockwell, Edgar Buchanan and the rest play it n:tsM "Strutat Clera Tram til S>l "Srttt Stltl'S >44 at My Star" ; Lmraatt Titian lata Piyat Mint" being christened this after- the hilt. WRC—4. to 9:30 p.m.. tJMI MnStatU Ctrtr Ittti tndaai ~t. CtlStrt lata Tarati [ noon Which is the purpose of n- Gunsmoke—A good tale for the menfolk. The story Is a (BJl.\ wVSrIIVm prlffglPlMiuana irninttlataal IBla t^ta family's trip 188. the Platt to grim affair, about a buffalo hunter who kills men JSJjjflET' ' v .^: Washington. rather i^nr as easily as he shoots buffalo. Marshal Dillon, filled with Radio Today—Soturdoy, Moy 2, 1959 range to his disgust for the hunter, goes out on the get S.M. WMAL—43O WRC—99O WTO*—lsoo WOL—I4SO fc man and doesn't move quite fast enough. Harold J. Stone MS Stunts Nttrt: Maaittr SnaSaM Start; Itrt' * J " MilUt I. tn* does a fine as the 10 p.m., SSta Mullti Job buffalo hunter. WTOP—9. " " IS Stan: Mura Ntai: Mtl.tti atat. ftltm " “ Baseball show offers a cute little nov- 4:11 " -rT, Sammy Kaye Show—Tonight’s ,41 •i Htara, Iturllt iHtH 31' -Tl Shoe elty bit. Lynn Roberts and Larry Ellis duet to “Pink ;§§ Sttvfiiy Web - Btss, CSt Heart: Mum Still. Mantall / - - \ £s| Laces,” but gimmick has Larry all dressed up as a Mia,lt, (tatacu MillttI fan *" the " To the - ;M ! Mini; MtaiUr | Bert! Start!. SaatU «$$H :i v . - puppet In suit, shoes, and pink shoelaces, with I w* 41 !^sTm T soot tan 511,4S Sat. Stan; atm Mia,it, tian, Mnt Tran SttiiSlt SaatU manipulating them during ' Lynn pulling his strings and M*U Mtai Nttn Mtm at 4; Usu Mini; MHUU CHATTING AT THE BALL—Among the 300 guests ot the fourth annual ForeFore m " *. Sit,u arislracui StmSltSwaU ' the song. Also of interest is a band number highlighting Symphony 801 lot the Sheraton-Pork Hotel lost night were I left-to right) One woman came so she :34 j Sat. Stan 41 Em Mtm Statn Mtm; *ttt,tt Impersonations of "800 Hoo." Clyde McCoy's " Lombardo's 6:11!,45 "; Him 1 Slut Livraaca S. llviM;Salt. Miltta I. lira Celeste Holm, Secretory of the Cabinet Robert Gray and Mrs. Wilisy could learn to discuss base- Welk's champ style. ball with her son-in-law. “Sugar Blues,” and Lawrence 10 M Frattit Sttltt iltm; MtaltM Mtm; S/l **4 Cl. Ntni Mttt, Buchanan.—Stor Staff Photo. WMAL—7. Stan Mat,la, M/I ill Ct. Slant la SattU Another came at the be- p.m., " " Sttrti; Stan Mtm; Mialttr Sm. Cilft N “ hest two young Fighter.” A pretty good glimpse Into the " " of her sons, D. A.'s Man—"Club 7is,44 Stan; Mtm MiMlar i aged eight “ and ten. to find seamy the fight racket. Shannon poses as a punk Ni(M Maaftar Ntm; Mull Him; taltltt side of .n Sitartai . Mini: AFTER HECTIC DAY how they join tai out could the club-fighter in order to involve himself in a fight- M Stain U MtaiUr a Snutaat US4 Washington Senators. M | Sa! Stan Maaitar Satartu Mam; Dantt fixing are some exciting moments, but this ' Two came to take notes racket. There 811,as Stan; Mem Maallii Miftt SaallUa* V.t.4. to expose itself as a penny-pinching pro- To Hold for their husbands. show continues M.SatrmiSt Him; MatlUr Mam; Mailt Sltl Malic Tint Symphony Ball They came, in all, about a duction. Week after week, the action takes place on the U Stall IU Mnitii Ufa taal Maat Mam; Stalia Mtaittf Sitanu SttUuet hundred strong yesterday clumsily masked. 10:30 :M! * “ to same sets and locations which are 9:15' IS; M,|tl Benefit the In ,41 i Nam Pint Siam I flrst a series of lectures p.m., WRC—4. Him; Mam; Tna on baseball. Washington raa Sitartai Maaftar Imtatru Catt Maiie Huge Mr*. William P. Creigton, The a,|tt => Is Success 4n il Maaittr U Levant Paal Nana wife of the new Bishop Co- Senators and Woodward and 111 ta iraat Hilary Claim aratafiti TV m " " By AMELIA YOUNG featuring broiled tournedos adjutor of Lothrop are jointly sponsor- OTHER 1 ,45 suaiais ClaatntM Snaataai Ma 4 i the Protestant * being ¦tar Staff Writer of beef and accompanied by Episcopal Diocese of Wash- ing the course, which is HIGHLIGHTS ill btartn NifM Mini; MatiUr TttWarll Mem: frtatt The conductor of the Na- ington. will held at the store's Chevy GSA Opens 4th il • - Mat,tar Ttalatl Dim. Clwt champagne. cut the ribbon * " branch, at Western :1S Nam; St. IS Maiie TM Mam; ftrt tions! Symphony Orchestra. officially opening Chase WTOP (#)—Perry Ma- ” ’’ the Wash- 7:3*. n1 ,41 i ¦•»• Oant Clart The bandstand was occu- and Wisconsin There Stalia IS _ Dr. Howard Mitchell, had his ington Cathedral P1 ow e r avenues. Office Supply son: “The Case of the Rest- _ pied by and his be six lectures. —11:11 Si|t oft iut itMitalfM iMem itl Muit I Sica ESff headaches yesterday after- Meyer Davis Mart at 11 a.m. on May 8. will more less Redhead.” Mason i* _ The series was planned, noon. But they were abund- orchestra, who kept most Seventeen garden clubs its Store Monday confronted with a Jewel by early sponsors said, “to accommo- antly soothed this people and thirteen specialty theft, a murder, and a on their feet most of booths date the women who, The General Service* Ad- morning. gay are participating as frame-up (repeat). Other AM Stations the evening with a and in the Mart, mothers, ministration will open its M.-M-Imi istratiM. TODAY'S RADIO "headaches” developed, through wives or date-bait, 5)—Playhouse MVINX—INS The varied selection of dance which will be held fourth self-service office supply 18:38, WTTG 1 artl«-7St M.-Stfli(4t Ml! remotely enough, the afternoon desire to learn more abmit Claire over numbers, even a pasadoble. the in the Oak the National Game store Monday on the first floor Five: "Born to Kill.” Wltt-m Kc.—DafHtll Mtj. HIGHLIGHTS in Panama: Dr. Grove of Cathedral, and their 4fSIT—IIS4 Kc.-SailHit Ml!- situation Among those seen on the floor the rain Washington Senators.” of the GSA central office Trevor and Lawrence Tier- Mitchell and members of the or shine. ney. Killer, fleeing from a WUST-11S4 Ke.-Sai'i|4t ttiy. 5:15, WTOP—Racing: Ken- were the President of the Na- Not all the women who building at Eighteenth and •FIS-ISM K«.—SiyHftt Mb symphony, who were to give tional Symphony Orchestra Following this year’s Greek double murder, marries a •aantiM, tucky Derby. Young turned out for yesterday's P streets N.W. WWDC—II44 Me.—M-taaf ncaat a “Music For Ameri- : Association and Mrs. Carson theme, gaily costumed wo- lesson, self-service concept of lovely girl for her money Strait! milt-sat »iT I t MHli>. 8:30, WRC—At Ease: Musical ca” last night the flrst billed as a dis- The concert in Frailey, Mrs. Perle Mesta and men at brightly decorated cussion of the history of base- supply distribution was lnaug- < 1847 >. wEEi-tna kc -intuit •mi show featuring Pvt. Steve. Hall of the Americas at the WMK-IS4S Kc -14 iMr MiritiM. Mr. Robert Gray of the White booths will sell the flowers. ball, came to learn the abc's urated a year ago at a store ] 18:38, WTOP (B)—Ten-Thirty Lawrence and the Army Pan American Union, learned (who Plants, WUM-ISMKc. —14-Mar unitraa. curat House squired stage specialty foods, gifts of the game, it apparent. in the Lafayette Building. Fif- Theater: “Green Dolphin Ia t Band. a few hours beforehand they was SMln aMa 1(41 ta Matin. and screen star Celeste Holm and garden gadgets for which they fans, teenth and Vermont av-l Street." Lana Turner and MOON—IS4I Kc.—Oiyliatl Mb" 7:05, WWDC-Report to the would have to perform else- Some said were street to the ball), Senator and Mrs. the Flower Mart is famous. who couldn't stay away from enue N.W. Other stores were Van Heflin. A mixup of ante -ism Kc.-oniifit cab. People: Brig. Gen. Alvin C. where. The Council of the Mike Monroney, the Secre- Mrs. anything opened later at the GSA’* names brings the wrong WMW-UM Kc —Ontimt Mb Welling will be Interviewed Organization Atreus von Schrader, connected with WSMS—STO-Kc.-i a.m. tt ai4ai|tt. S!ta, of American tary of Defense and Mrs. Neil jr„ Mart chairman, the game. Region Three building, Seventh bride to a young New Zea- by two Washington news- States needed the hall for an has an- In T a.m. tt 1 a.m.. Stain I l.a. ta McElroy and numerous Am- nounced that 13 Herb Heft, public rela- and D streets S.W.. and at land pioneer (1847). milai|M emergency to wives of men. session deal bassadors with their wives. Senators, members, Senators, Navy in Arlington. with the Panamanian crisis. cabinet tions man for the the Annex 11:00. WMAL (7) Saturday 10:05, WTOP—.lnvitation to An especially fetching sight and residential society will gave the history lesson and Designed to save the Gov- Night Movie: “Remember Learning: Samuel Johnson's In one furious operation, questions money by eliminating FM Stations many was Mrs. Kelchlro Asakai, serve as judges. Mrs. Frank answered a host of ernment the Day.” John Payne and ( Me.—l:ll c m. tc 1 c m. treatise, “Rasselas,” will be the and cumbersome Wisner afterward. need individual agen- ariC-FM-M I orchestral instruments were wearing a lovely kimona and is chairman of the the for . Story of WTOP-FM—M.S« Me.—l4-tMf Camilla discussed by Louis a judging committee. The next lesson is scheduled cies sizeable stocks, a WKSH-FM—ll.l Me —7 c.m. «• 11:15 !•¦., moved to the Department of i doing neat fox-trot with to maintain teacher s life, her guidance * berger and Charles Poore. ' husband, for next Thursday, at 10:30 the stores are operated in much of pupil McMi!-SmC>! Commerce and her the Japanese Mrs. Liatis, wife of the one and her un- a.m. 4c milantt. Auditorium a.m. Baseball Radio - TV the same way as a neighbor- VOL-FM-M.T Me -I:JC announcements of the change i Ambassador. Greek Ambassador, will award happy romance (1841). ( WF4N-FM-IM.S Me.—l 4 (Mr taint,M. Broadcaster Bob Wolfe and hood supermarket. were delivered by radio. Before the drawings for the prize to the booth judged 11:15, WRC (4)—Feature Pest- arwoc-FM-1111« Me.—7 am.ta 1¦ ¦ Washington Post - Times Agency buyers select items Somehow, prizes, the gathering was en- most typically Greek. ival: "Stranger at My WCMS-FM— 113.5 Me. -4 C.B tc milailM LATEST TV the concert drew Herald Sportswriter Shirley open and roll 1 tc; SMln 4 «J by from shelves Carey. Satarlar T c.m. 1 an overflow audience. tertained Gallic charmer Included on the commit- Povich will speak on rules in cart to a checkout Door.” MacDonald ta mi4«i|M INFORMATION Maurice Chevalier, who first tee are them a A notorious outlaw takes ; And after it was all over. Mrs Prescott Bush, and scoring, baseball terms, counter. am FM-IM.I Mc—Mitan ttracia Satcr Dr. Mitchell hurried to the owned up to being 70, then Mrs. John refuge in a preacher s home an 7:31 a.m. ta milciltt. Sherman Cooper, how to score a game, how to Instead paying the bill as| programs for Sheraton Park Hotel to at- demonstrated remarkable Mrs. William Fulbright, Mrs. of (1856). W4TS-FM—ll.l• Me.—l ti II|.a SMln Television read a box score and how shopper would, however, the (Strain. Sym- by running through a a.m., WTOP (B)—Shock: ttraacl the week are carried in the tend the fourth annual stamina Christian Herter. Mrs. Hubert newspapers cover baseball. representative presents a 1:36 ,as i Me.-satin ia c.m ta « phony about 20 numbers without Humphrey, Mrs. Lyndon "Son of Frankenstein.'’ ariva-FM-' TeleVue Magazine with Ball. Subsequent sessions will be charge-a-plate, and the cost |.m.; MiMn-Sattrln. 4 *¦ tc *!¦• The benefit pausing for breath. Johnson, A. Boris Karloff. The . c m. dinner-dance He de- Mrs. S. Mon- held May 15, May 21, May 29. is put the agency’s account. new WMAL-FM—IST.SMe. —4 c.m. ts 1:45 Sunday's Star. Following huge success, socially lighted diplomat-studded roney on wust« fm—l4.7 Me —7:l* c m. tc I a ¦ was a the and Mrs. Lewis Strauss. June 4 and June 12, all at stores planned ' Frankenstein learns that is supplementary informa- financially. funny Additional are monster * WICt-FM-M.S Me.—7 |.m. tl miil,|tt. and About 800 audience with a take- Others are Mrs. C. Doug- Woodie's Chevy Chase store, Richmond and Baltimore, his father's is run- tion today’s programs accents, las Dillon. for loose (1939). on friends and supporters of the off on foreign as Mrs. Arthur Gard- starting at 10:30 a.m. District. ning |_ after TeleVue they jr„ as well as the received orchestra, at S3O each, turned sound to one who can’t ner, Mrs. George Gar- went to press. out for the white-tie soiree. understand the language: rett, Mrs Philip Graham and The party began with a later sang “I'm Glad I’m Not Mrs Nathan Twining. Dinner to Honor 10:30, WTTG (s)—Play- cocktail hour, then guests Young Anymore,” but told Proceeds from TODAY'S GOOD house Five: “Born to Kill” the event Goodwill Worker originally moved into the ballroom for his audience, with a wistful are used for the planting and Alumnae Day Narcotics Seller replaces the MUSIC DIAL William Junker, a Dallas scheduled movie. dinner, a delectable meal grin, “It's not true.” maintenance of the Bishop's : c(Tex.) accountant, will be hon- Garden and 8 Years 12.40 a.m., WRC (4• Cathedral Close. Set at School Given 6:00, WASH-FM (97.1 Me.)— oiored as the Goddwill was yester- National Goodnight Show is The Hannah Harrison A man sentenced Saturday Symphony: La v\ of at a Goodwill! can- Court Judge Worker 1959 School of the YWCA will hold day by District Traviata for Orchestra by'iiIndustries awards dinner at celled. to Alumnae Day at the James W. Morris serve a Verdi Violin Concerto Monday at the Hotel May- Admiral Florez an of years and 6:8:15 School, 4470 MacArthur straight prison term 8 in D by Prokofiev. fl,flower. making of nar- Is Decorated Blvd., N.W., on Sunday from for two sales a 7:00. WMAL-FM (107.3 Me.)} The organization also will cotic. —Music of the 20th Cen- present Rear Admiral Luis de 9.30 to 5.30. This is the first Smith, 43, p] Goodwill awards to NEW TIME! anniversary of the formation He is John Mack tury: Symphony No. 3 by!*Artist Norman Rockwell; Dr.: Florez, USNR, retired, was of the 600 block of Quebec place | Distinguished of the Hannah Harrison i Peter Mannin and Cinder- AArthur A. Schuck. chief execu- i By awarded the n.w., who had pleaded guilty. by Prokofiev. SHEILAH GRAHAM Flying Cross for his Alumnae Association. 1 ella i titive of the National Council contri- In another District Court 8:05, WGMS (570 yes- On this day, over one hun- AM-FM Ke. 0]of Boy Scouts of America, and The Hour of bution to Naval aviation case, Judge Burnita Shelton Me.)—Festival 1 terday at a commemorative dred women, varying in age and 103.5 oft(to Dr. Howard A. Rusk, presi- sentenced Gary W. •. at from 20 to 70, will return to j Matthews Music: Symphony No. in jjdent of the Institute of the ; ceremony Naval Air Sta- ! Adamson, 18, to serve from 1 to tion, Anacostia. the school from all parts of j B Flat by Beethoven. Sym- j,International Society for the j Temporary TV Lull 4 years for a $166 holdup-rob-J phony Flat, Opus ¦HOLLYWOOD Making the . Some of i No. sin E wWelfare of Cripples and direc-' presentation the bery last January at the cock- 82 by POWER < begun Sibelius and Piano Physical HOLLYWOOD NANA) . Wreck of the Mary Deare” t< was Secretary of the Navy them have active and tor of the Institute of ’ age | tail lounge at the Ebbitt Hotel. Concerto No. ! in B Flat y Are motion pictures coming play "Macbeth at the Anr Gates. Also on hand was successful careers at -an in Medicine and Rehabilitation of WMAL (630) 'Arbor, Mich., festi people begun Adamson's address was listed Minor by Tchaikovsky. u University-Bellevue back? At Warner Brothers' dramatic Vice Admiral H. Page Smith, when most have block of North Barton New York to the 1300 9:00, WOL AM-FM (1450 Ke. HHospital. studio last week, there wasn’t val. This was Heston's condi Chief of Naval Personnel. think of retirement. Arlington. doing the movie witt street, and 98.7 Me.)—Good Music a single television film going tion for - 10 P.M.—Sundays 2 good . Time: Piano Sonata No. on the sound stages—just by Beethoven and Sym- Auspices Summer Kay Kendall is giving ui old movies: “A Place” phony No. 5 by Prokofiev. Dorothy is pity: shi to with Richard Egan, comedies—which a Kind Animals 19:00, WMAL-FM (107.3 Me.) McGuire, Sandra Dee and Ar- does them well. Says her “Ona Commissioners RENT TV CENTRAL Hammer The District —Nocturn: Violin Concerto thur Kennedy, and “The More With Feeling” movii Star Ad Man As- and the Animal Protective Major by 21" Screen comedy Brynner i; designated May No. 2 in E Bach. UNION Bramble Bush” with Richard with Yul sociation have Enigma Variations. Opus 36 her last. 1 hope she isn’t plan Brand-New Burton, Barbara Rush, Angie 3-8 as "Be Kind To Animals by Elgar and Symphony No. (OPTION to HOT)

. to “Hamlet. Dickinson and Jack Carson . . ning do Ophelia in 1 Years Week.” C Minor, Opus MISSION » * Retires After 37 5 in 67 by ** Beacon TV Rental It was, however, a week with Beethoven. 624 Indiana Art. a temporary lull in the TV Gavin Gordon, who once wa An advertising man who has AD. 4-4688 tide. 's