The of St. John the Baptist Iglesia Católica de San Juan Bautista

Sunday, February 14, 2021


Sunday/Domingo 8 & 10 AM Misa en Español 12:30 & 3 PM


Adoratino/Adoración Mon-Fri 6 til 10 AM Sat 6 AM until 8 AM Mass

CONFESSIONS/ CONFESIONES Wednesday/Miércoles: after 8 AM Mass Saturday/Sábado 3 - 4:30 PM Or by appointment/o con cita

Overflow Available in Hall for 10 AM Mass

Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, in charity and eternal truth, since 1908.

Parish Office Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Mon - Fri (Closed Noon Hour) We are here, call or come by to talk, pray, we are family. Please wear a mask when visiting the office

Rev. George Sanders Pastor/Párroco

Rev. Eliseo Noel Associate Pastor/Párroco Asociado

589 West Grand Avenue ~ Hot Springs, Arkansas 71901 Phone 501-623-6201 Facebook @stjohnthebaptisthotsprings Our Sister Parishes DEACONS : Bob Standridge, Robert Wanless St Andrews Parish & School Colladare, Haiti Most Holy Mother of God Catholic Church SISTERS OF MERCY : St. John’s Catholic School: Vladivostok, Russia Noeline Banks, CarolAnne Corley, Cheryl Quave

Receptionist & Facility Scheduling Shelly Dvorak, Ext 7 [email protected]

Communications & Membership (Bulletin, Social Media, etc.) St. John’s Catholic School Kelly McClintock, Ext 6 [email protected] 501-624-3171 Bookkeeper Principal: Janet Edgar Carolyn Wethington, Ext 5 [email protected] 501-802-3358 [email protected] Secretary (Asistencia y boletín en Español ) Amparo Patterson, Ext 3 [email protected] Advancement Director: Marianne Layne [email protected] Director of Faith Formation Edith Ochoa [email protected]

Secretary: Youth Director Mayra Godoy [email protected] Patty Owens [email protected] Music Director John Jordan [email protected] 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

2/13 SAT 5 PM Juan Oseguera + 2/14 SUN 8 AM Louis Baksa + 10 AM Ellie Halm + Span 12:30 PM St. John’s Parishioners 3 PM Juan Oseguera + 2/15 MON 8 AM Anjel y Guadalupe Vasquez + 2/16 TUE 8 AM Jim Obenhin 2/17 ASH WED 8 AM Intentions of the Holy Father 5:30 PM Fallen Away Catholics Send your questions for Fr George to Span 7:30 PM St. John’s Parishioners [email protected] 2/18 THU 8 AM Mason & McClintock Families Via Facebook message @StJohnTheBaptistHotSprings or call 501-623-6201. 2/19 FRI 8 AM Dierks & Solomon Families 2/20 SAT 8 AM Special Intentions 1st Sunday of Yolanda Caver Those Suffering From COVID 2/20 SAT 5:30 PM Dave Urbston + Mildred Giompoletti Bob Fiedler Mary Morrison 2/21 SUN 8 AM Richard Levesque + Loyola Stuart Clara Newton Carla Presley Keaton Terry Edward and Mary Ann Strohmayer 10 AM Steve Matijevic + Mary Wanless Span 12:30 PM Luz Maria Del Carmen Camaño + 3 PM St. John’s Parishioners

“+” indicates Mass is for the deceased On Ash Wednesday, February 17, the distribution of the ashes will take place with some modifications from the way we have received in prior years.

When you approach, incline your head forward English Masses or bowed at the neck. A 8 AM & 5:30 PM very tiny amount of ashes will be sprinkled on your Spanish Mass head (as pictured below Go to the App Store or Google Play and search for 7:30 PM from the Vatican). “GivePlus Church” to download for FREE Enter zip code 71901 and tap “Find Churches Near Me”. Select our parish, then tap “Give Now”. Follow the on screen instructions, it only takes a few minutes to create an account with an email address and password . After the initial set up, you will not have to set up your account the next time. Call Church Office 501-623-6201 during business hours .

Our Charity Rummage Sale committee is badly in need of some donated storage space, preferably in reasonable proximity to Knights of Columbus east of downtown or to central Hot Springs. Because COVID has prevented our having a public sale since October of 2018, we consequently have collected donations far in excess of what we've been able to sell. In one sense, this is a very good problem to have, unfortunately we have run out of shelf space! Hopefully, the day will soon come when our twice-a-year sales can resume and we can serve more local charities. With decreased revenue, we are now able to serve only four food-related charities. We are always grateful for the many donations we receive and do not wish to discourage any of them. We simply need more storage space as we wait for the day that our Charity Rummage Sales can return to its former success. If you have such unused space and are willing to let us use it potentially a few months, please call Jim at 501-282-7027.

St. John’s NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY ON YOUR MOBILE DE- VICE! FREE App for iPhone, iPad & Android

Our NEW church directory is a great resource tool that allows you to get to know our parish family better! Simply go to the App Store, search for Instant Church Directory and download the FREE app OR visit This lent,

You will use the email address that you make peace with your past provided to the parish office when you Come back to God, registered to CREATE A LOGIN the first time you use the directory app. Next, scroll down who is Love and Mercy on the menu to find “Edit My Family”. Upload Project Rachel Ministry your picture! Update your information! All There is Forgiveness from the app or webpage. Have you moved or changed phones? Had a birth in the and hope after abortion. family? Keep your info up to date with this Call or text: (501)663-0996. app! Confidential. Non-judgmental If you’re not listed in the directory, if you do NOT want to be listed OR if you have trouble logging into the app, contact the church office 501-623-6201 or on Facebook @StJohnTheBaptistHotSprings Lent Q & A by Father Erik Pohlmeier director of faith formation

Q. Is Ash Wednesday a ? A. Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation. The days of obligation all celebrate an event in the life of Jesus or Mary or a person (or persons as in the case of All Saints Day). Ash Wednesday does not, but it marks the beginning of a season. The day is chosen based on the fact that it’s 40 days before Good Friday. It is, however, a day of fast and abstinence.

Q. Why do we receive ashes on Ash Wednesday? A. The prayer that is said as ashes are given explains it very well. The words are a reminder of our origins, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” The ashes and the whole season of Lent are a time to refocus on our relationship with God and that relationship starts with a dependence on God for our very existence. To recall that only with the breath of God can we have life is motivation to reorder whatever part of life needs it. As God breathed life into the dust at the beginning he can breathe new life into those who have fallen into sin. The ashes are a sign of mortality and a sign of renewal in Christ.

Q. What are the rules about fasting, abstinence? A. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. The law of fasting allows one full meal and two smaller ones. The law of abstinence prohibits the eating of meat. Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence in the United States. The obligation of abstinence begins at age 14. The law of fasting obliges all between the ages of 18-59. Pastors and parents are to see to it that minors, though not bound by the law of fast and abstinence, are educated in the au- thentic sense of and encouraged to do acts of penance suitable to their age. All members of the Christian faithful are encouraged to do acts of penance and charity beyond what is prescribed by the law.

Q. Are Sundays part of Lent? A. Sundays most definitely are a part of Lent as they are listed the first through fifth Sundays of Lent, and not of some- thing else. The Sundays do, however, take on a different character than other days because Sunday is always a cele- bration of the resurrection. There is no rule on whether Lenten practices continue on Sundays since such practices are voluntary anyway. Without a doubt we should maintain our preparation for the Triduum on Sundays, whether or not that includes acts of penance.

Q. Why should we perform acts of penance? A. The primary reason is that we take Christ as our model and he himself undertook acts of penance in preparation for his ministry and before his passion. Acts of penance are theological in following the example of the Master. They are also practical in helping to accomplish goals of certain days and seasons. In particular Lent is a season to reorder priori- ties and penance helps to be sure that created things are subordinate to divine realities in our lives. As it says in the Church’s documents “Penance is a religious, personal act which has as its aim love and surrender to God” (“Paenitemini” chapter 1). Of course Scripture is clear as well that the rending of our hearts is the sacrifice the Lord desires. The various acts of penance put into physical reality what should be happening in our hearts. Of course, in the season of Lent it all works together to prepare for the passion of our Lord that will lead to resurrection.

Q. When we abstain, what does that include? A. All Catholics 14 years of age and older are to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and each Friday of Lent. This is an act of penance in keeping with the Lenten season and Fridays are given special attention be- cause it is the day of our Lord's death. In fact each Friday of the year retains a penitential character according to Church rules and some form of penance, such as abstaining from meat, should be practiced year round. The rule of abstinence from meat includes all flesh and organs from mammals and fowl. This also includes soups and gravies made from them. Current practice in the Church is guided by the document “Paenitemini,” given in 1966 by Paul VI. In previ- ous documents the question of soups and gravies was spoken of specifically. In “Paenitemini” the question is not specif- ically included. That has led to some discussion of the issue in Catholic circles. For the practice in the Diocese of Little Rock, Bishop Anthony B. Taylor has interpreted the practice to include abstaining from soups and gravies made from meat. By-products such as eggs and cheese are permitted. Fish and other cold-blooded animals have traditionally been the acceptable substitutes on days of abstinence.

Q. Why can’t we eat meat on Fridays? A. This practice is one of the disciplines of Lent that has the goal of love and surrender to God. It requires a break in the normal routine of our day and serves as a reminder that the basic needs of life should point us to the goodness of God. Scripture has a long record of abstaining from certain foods as part of religious practice. In our day that practice contin- ues, not because eating meat is bad, but as a discipline to turn the mind more consciously to God.

Read more at Fridays of Lent 6 PM English & 7 PM Spanish Masks and Social Distancing Lenten Required Reading You can be part of the solution to the foster care crisis in Arkansas right here at home. “The Grace of Lenten Season” We have established two CALL MALL locations to serve foster and adoptive families in Garland and Hot Spring Counties. This small book provides not only reflections

Diapers and wipes are always a big need, right & Scripture for each day of Lent, but also a now specifically sizes 4 to 6. guide to Confession and more. Written by our

We are low on boys size 5T and girls size 3T own Padre Eliseo, this book is available in clothes. English or Spanish for everyone. Available at Gift cards for WalMart allow foster parents to the back of Church or at the Office. purchase needed things immediately when children are placed with them. More info 501-772-2522


If you’ve struggled to read the Bible, this podcast is for you.

Ascension’s Bible in a Year Podcast, hosted by Fr. Mike Schmitz and featuring Jeff Cavins, guides Catholics through the Bible in 365 daily episodes.

Each 20-25 minute episode includes:

• two to three scripture readings • a reflection from Fr. Mike Schmitz • and guided prayer to help you hear God’s voice in his Word. Unlike any other Bible podcast, Ascension’s Bible in a Year Podcast for Catholics follows a reading plan inspired by the Great Adventure Bible Timeline® learning system, a groundbreaking approach to understanding Salvation History developed by renowned Catholic Bible teacher Jeff Cavins.

Tune in and live your daily life through the lens of God’s word. Sign up for FREE at: https:// After that, you might want to check out our Parish Facebook page to join the St. John’s discussion group. The following explains the guidelines during Lent. For more information, see "Your questions about Lent answered," or "Fasting: The goal is a transformed heart" to find out the benefits and reasons to fast.

1.) Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. 2.) The law of fasting allows one full meal and two smaller ones. 3.) The law of abstinence prohibits the eating of meat. 4.) The Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence in the United States. 5.) The obligation of abstinence begins at age 14. 6.) The law of fasting obliges all be- tween the ages of 18-59. 7.) Pastors and parents are to see to it that minors, though not bound by the law of fast and abstinence, are edu- cated in the authentic sense of pen- ance and encouraged to do acts of penance suitable to their age. 8.) All members of the Christian faith- ful are encouraged to do acts of pen- ance and charity beyond what is pre- scribed by the law.

Normas de Ayuno y Abstinencia Para más información, ver Respuestas a sus preguntas sobre la Cuaresma o Recursos de Cuaresma. 1. Miércoles de Ceniza y Viernes Santo son días de ayuno y abstinencia. 2. La ley del ayuno permite una comida completa y dos más pequeñas. 3. La ley de la abstinencia prohíbe comer carne. 4. Los viernes en Cuaresma son días de abstinencia en los Estados Unidos. 5. La obligación de la abstinencia comienza a la edad de 14 años. 6. La ley del ayuno obliga a todos entre las edades de 18-59. 7. Los párrocos y padres de familia deben asegurarse de que los menores, aunque no son obligados por la ley del ayuno y abstinencia, sean educados en el sentido auténtico de la penitencia y alentarlos a realizar obras de penitencia de acuerdo a su edad. 8. Se alienta a todos los miembros de los fieles cristianos a realizar obras de penitencia y caridad más allá de lo prescrito por la ley. Las lecturas de la semana del 14 de febrero de 2021 Domingo: Lv 13, 1-2. 44-46/Sal 31, 1-2. 5. 11 [7]/1 Cor 10, 31—11, 1/Mc 1, 40-45 Lunes: Gn 4, 1-15. 25/Sal 49, 1 y 8. 16-17. 20-21 [14]/Mc 8, 11-13 Martes: Gn 6, 5-8; 7, 1-5. 10/Sal 28, 1 y 2. 3-4. 3 y 9-10 [11]/Mc 8, 14-21 Miércoles: Jl 2, 12-18/Sal 50, 3-4. 5-6. 12-13. 14 y 17 [cfr. 3]/2 Cor 5, 20—6, 2/ Mt 6, 1-6. 16-18 Jueves: Dt 30, 15-20/Sal 1, 1-2. 3. 4 y 6 [Sal 40, 5]/Lc 9, 22-25 Viernes: Is 58, 1-9/Sal 50, 3-4. 5-6. 18-19 [19]/Mt 9, 14-15 Sábado: Is 58, 9-14/Sal 85, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6 [11]/Lc 5, 27-32 Domingo siguiente: Gn 9, 8-15/Sal 24, 4-5. 6-7. 8-9 [cfr. 10]/1 Pe 3, 18-22/Mc 1, 12 -15

Las conmemoraciones de la semana del 14 de febrero de 2021 Domingo: 6º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Día Mundial del Matrimonio; Día de San Valentín Lunes: Día de los Presidentes (EEUU) Miércoles: Miércoles de Ceniza Domingo siguiente: 1er Domingo de Cuaresma



Misa de las 12:30 p.m. Misa de las 12:30 p.m. Día Primera Lectura Segunda Lectura Día Hostia Hostia y Salmo y Peticiones Febrero Febrero 7 Filomena Vázquez María Desiderio Z. 7 Julissa Martinez Roberto Altamirano 14 Evodio Desiderio María G. Álvarez 14 Roberto Altamirano Petra Ramos 21 Angela Oseguera Verónica Solís 21 Petra Ramos Irene Desiderio 28 Irene Deciderio María C. de la Paz 28 Irene Desiderio Marisol Orellana

Misa de las 3:00 p.m. Misa de las 3:00 p.m. Primera Lectura Segunda Lectura

Día y Salmo y Peticiones Día Hostia Hostia Febrero Febrero 7 Blanca H. Barragán María C. de la Paz 7 Alejandro Desiderio Miguel Desiderio Miguel Desiderio Nelson Orellana 14 Angela Oseguera Arnoldo Robledo 14 21 Nelson Orellana Evodio Desiderio 21 Nelson Orellana Lourdes Nava 28 María G. Álvarez Filomena Vázquez 28 Lourdes Nava Francisca Vasquez Iglesia Católica de San Juan Bautista “Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario “ - 14 de Febrero del 2021

MEDITACIÓN DEL EVANGELIO “Pero la gente venía a el de todas partes” (Marcos 1:45). Tengo presente en mi mente, los inicios de la pande- mia que azota al mundo desde el 2019. Conforme llegó el 2020, los casos se multiplicaron en todo el mundo. La angustia se apoderó de muchos de nosotros por la enfermedad, la falta de trabajo, la pérdida de viviendas, y más. También, fluye el recuerdo del Papa Francisco haciendo oración por el fin de la pandemia. Acudimos a orar gente de todos los lugares de la tierra. Cada país, cada gobierno encontró la forma de orar juntos, Misa, Hora Santa, y el Rosario. ¿Lo recuerdas? Nuestra oración continúa sin cesar. ¡Sananos, Señor, como aquel leproso del Evangelio! Límpianos, necesitamos tu compasión. La Iglesia tiene grandes santos y santas que se han dedicado al cuidado de los enfermos. Uno de ellos es San Camilo de Lelis. Nació el 25 de mayo de 1550 en Abruzzo, Italia. Fue sacerdote. Murió el 4 de julio de 1614. Es el Santo protector de los enfermos, a quie- nes cuidaba y atendía con amor. Parte de su oración dice así: “Haznos, como San Camilo, conscientes de que, en el rostro del enfermo, del que sufre y está agobiado o del que padece grandes necesidades, está tu mano acariciando a nuestro corazón”. Ojalá, que el ejemplo de este santo católico nos ayude, ahora, a nosotros, a girar nuestro corazón y la mente hacia a Dios. Para, lograr así, ser personas de compasión y servicio. Dejarse tocar por Jesús tiene su compromiso. Arrodillarse, pedir, y lo más importante querer. ¡Quiero Señor, no me dejes! ©LPi

2021 Campaña Católica de Arkansas a Compartir Segunda Colecta para el 13-14 de Febrero,2021 Adoración al CASA se inició en 1990 para ofrecer fondos fundamentales para las necesida- Sagrado Sacramento des pastorales, educativas y sociales de la Diócesis de Little Rock. A través de la Tenemos Adoración de generosidad de los Arkansenses, hemos Lunes a Viernes en la Igle- podido ayudar a los pobres, desarrollar sia de San Juan desde las 6:00 a.m. hasta las parroquias y nuestras escuelas católicas 7:45 a.m. y empieza de nuevo al finalizar la continúan sus ministerios para promover Misa de las 8:00 a.m. hasta las 10:00 a.m. las enseñanzas de Jesús. Los donativos también han ayudado con la formación “Vengan a mi todos los que están cansa- de los diáconos, ministros laicos y seminaristas al igual que hacer dos y agobiados, y yo los aliviare. Car- que tengan éxito todos los ministerios de la diócesis. guen con mi yugo y aprendan de mí, que soy manso y humilde de corazón, y en- Promoción para Suscripciones del Arkansas Catholic contraran descanso. Porque mi yugo es 27 - 28 de Febrero suave y mi carga ligera.“ Mt 11, 29-30 Contacto: Malea Hargett (501) 664-0125 Arkansas Catholic, el periódico semanal de la Horarios para el diócesis, lanza su campaña anual de promoción de suscripciones a finales de febrero en todas las Miércoles De Ceniza 17 de Febrero parroquias en Arkansas. Esto es un cambio de la primera semana en febrero en años anteriores. 8:00 a.m. Misa en Ingles Los suscriptores nuevos pueden obtener un so- 5:30 p.m. Misa en Ingles bre de suscripción en sus parroquias o en el pa- 7:30 p.m. Misa en Español quete de sobres para las colectas para obtener la edición impresa. Se les otorga un descuento a los feligreses de 65 años o mayores. Colecta del Miércoles de Ceniza La edición digital es gratis y pueden suscribirse en digi- La Colecta del Miércoles de Ceniza Los suscriptores pueden elegir la edi- apoya la misión de evangelización de ción impresa o digital o ambas. la Iglesia en Arkansas. Incluye proveer Fin de Semana de Formación para el Diaconado Permanente sacerdotes, órdenes religiosas y perso- Del 26 al 28 de Febrero Lugar: Centro de Retiros Coury nal laico para proclamar el evangelio House, Subiaco - Jasmine Hogan (501) 664-0340, Ext 323 de Jesucristo al servir a la gente de Este evento es parte del programa bi- lingüe de formación para el diaconado nuestra diócesis que carece de los re- permanente de la diócesis que comenzó cursos financieros para sostener total- en el otoño de 2017. Los candidatos y mente a los sacerdotes, órdenes religiosas y personal laico que les sus esposas que hablan español asisten sirve. Para más información, comuníquese con Dianne Brady, a las clases un fin de semana al mes en directora de la Oficina de Corresponsabilidad y Desarrollo dioce- el Centro de Retiros Coury House en sana, al (501) 664-0340. Subiaco. Se espera que la ordenación ocurra en el verano de 2022. ¿Qué es Miércoles de Ceniza? El Miércoles de Ceniza es el día que se da inicio a la Cuaresma.Son los cuarenta días an- tes de la Semana Santa, la cual comienza el Domingo de Ramos. Esta celebración que no tiene una fecha fija en el calendario litúrgico, por lo tanto es va- riable de en año en año y se celebra entre el mes de febrero y marzo. El Miércoles de Ceniza es un día en el cual se debe poner en práctica el ayuno y la absti- nencia, para dar inicio a los cuarenta días de penitencia en los cuales los católicos buscan purgar sus pecados y dedicar tiempo a Dios. El empleo de la ceniza deriva de una antigua costumbre judía en la cual las personas que habían pecado acostumbraban a cubrir parte de su cuerpo con cenizas. Era una forma de demostrar su deseo por alejarse de lo malo y acercarse a Dios. Dicha tradición fue modificada hasta la que se practica actualmente, en la cual los fieles asisten por iniciativa propia a la misa de Miércoles de Ceniza y en actitud de reflexión para reencontrase con Dios durante la Cuaresma. La ceniza que se utiliza para la imposición de la de la cruz en la frente de las personas, deriva de la incineración de los ra- mos bendecidos durante el Domingo de Ramos del año litúrgico anterior. Durante la imposición de la ceniza el sacerdote pronuncia una de las siguientes frases, con el fin de recordar que la vida en la tierra es efímera y que la vida definitiva se encuentra en el cielo: “Recuerda, que polvo eres y en polvo te convertirás”. “Arrepiéntete y cree en el Evangelio”. Concé- denos, Señor, el perdón y haznos pasar del pecado a la gracia y de la muerte a la vida”. El Miércoles de Ceniza, cualquier persona bautizada o no, incluso, fiel creyente o no, puede recibir la imposición de las cenizas. Asimismo, no es un día de precepto, es decir, obligatorio, ni es necesario haberse confesado recientemente.

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