September 50 Cents
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SEPTEMBER 1958 r) GOLDEN KNIGHT '.~"L''-/ 50 CENTS 511Dscriptlol'l Ratc ONE YEAR 55.50 1 It Is F rank J . M·arshall 2 A lekhi lle r ips crit k ally ( W hi te) agalnn Ewrlm 80· into e very dec is io n. justly goljubov (some thing of II says Blac k was (ar too bem LETS KICK UP AN OLD 9UARREL! goat as Rett's brillia ncy also on setting up .a Cambridge New York, 1924. was a great tournament wi th many top wa.s aga inst h im) and, so fa r , S prings Variation, even wHh rate fealm'u. H mllY be fOrgotten loday, therefore, lba: all is Qu iet. H not well. 7 ... Q- R ~ . One se nses some there wal! It near-feud over the ,a.wal'd of rh'st Bl'llllancy Prize. A lekhlne. wh o fUIllol ated all errort to jus tify the R etl Richard Rati, backed by AJ ekhlne. got It fOr It game with the games nr ~ e r the tourna· awat"d het'e and throughout. one spark o[ genius, a fine move, a gl'ent move, indeed a m ent (nne! the neal··f eud), 9 Q-B2, N xB 10 NxN, P-K R3 problem move and justly famous. T h e follow ing game, H el" fairly laid Into this one . 11 N- B3, B-K2 12 0-0, 0 -0 manit H elms' electIon, begins w it h 1 P-Q4, N_KB3 2 N_ KB3, 5 P-B4. P- B3 6 PxP, [ ~ PxP Bogol has been bombarded P-K3 3 B-N5, P-Q4 4 P-K3, Q N-Q2 (lse e diagram 1). 7 N-B3, Q- R4 8 B-Q3, N_ K5 by Alekhlne's a n notations. 3 But Frank, subject to a 4 A lekh lne has positively 5 Watch ho \\" Fl'an l; 's 1, lng 6 Don't get us \\" rong : t he bit of honest cr it icism , pe l', raved t hat Bogol ('ould hal'e Rook 11ll (" hor;s hl)\ po si t ion notes In A lekhine's book or haps, k nows wha t lie 18 prevented '''~ ra n k 's N-K5, bu t f l'om here 011. A lel; h l ne In t he tournamen t are possi· anel', A nd, tr Dogo\jubo v now F rank sock s it home, h is nail i ngs \·nlled H QR bly still t he bes ~ of any, drifts Into It posltlon fO!' the fortifies It and thl'eatens K ! obs("lIre. :\ow he (:red !u a ny time. You ('ould stlldy kill, it stands t o l'eiI.B O)\ that B- N t , Q-QB 2 and P- K'N4- 5 to Fmnk u new /l nd subtle e ven Ihis game t here. lind he mu st have done Il kew\se fOI" a kil l. Bogol from hel'e twist in t he II t\Ack ("not tlt"ofit: And. liS he slIl d. vel'S Il S Re ti. No bdlllancy on h as to act from despel·a· IIltogether !)et· fel:l." he sa ys Bogo! na ~ been and Is in al'ises without unequal vl ay. t lon and does find yet does thong-h ) whkh tloes th w(ll·t loeal trouble. We IHl\'e no 13 P- QR3! Q-Ql 14 Q A- Kl, not enough, possibly j nst B ogor!! IIhul! . 20 Px P, BxP l'oom fOI' \'lu ·llIn.ts. 24 P- K5, P-QR4 15 Q- K 2, N_B3 16 ca n' t. 17 P_B4, P-B4 18 e 21 K_Rl , R_K 1 22 P_K4, B_ N- N5 23 Q-R7t. K-Bl 26 P N_K5, 8- Q3 N 1, B-Q2 19 Q-Q 82, B-B3. Q5 23 NxB, Px N K N3, Q-N3 27 B-B5, N-B7t 7 28 RxN, Bx R A nd )'OU 8 F ra nk is thorougbl)' en, 9 We ll, a Queen aacl"m Ce 10 Notes \\"ould hal'e n m need to study l'arlanu ! An Joy ing himse lf : t his is bis may not be e\'er ythl ng, even orr mates a nd wins of Ihe unnecessary sacr lrlce, says e le menl. ! I( Alekblne's a l· i n or ror a brilliAncy ; but Queen galo re. B ut here ii!- a Alekhi ne, and gives a fine terna te li ne earlier t r uly Fl'ank has scored one, and las t to ll c h ~ The "book" ~a y s alter nate line, But wllit to Willi be~ t . you may still be IlInl t!ltle other saCB, too, Bla ck resigns; but ;\/ arshal] see w h al F ran k I~ up to, sure t han F'l'an k knows jUst In the mallY footnote vad, h ad al read y lllltlOutWN I mal e then jndge! T o Het l's on e what h e'll !tfter. E xchang e a t iO!l5. Once aga in, we ~a y in fj ve : 38 .. K - B4 311 :\ sharp expl osIon, t his game down a nd Hook en prise, is w e can give only ac t ion, R 4t . K - B5 (39 , . 1\-:--;-4 40 offen a !;I" acld l llll: r un of he to save that Rook, a nd !lot va riants In R. " Movie: ' Q- K 2t . KxN ·11 B- B2 mate ) many pyrotech ni CS . ' Va t e]l ! yet win? 'Doea it look i t ? b ut t hill II! vnl"ia nt'r lch ! ·10 Q- B3t , K-N4 41 ll-{)3t . 29 Q- RSt, K-K2 30 QxN P, 32 P-K6!! B-Q5 33 PxP!! 35 RxRt, Bx R 36 QxR, K_Q3 et c. Let 's endol"~ e H elms' K-Q1 31 Q-B6t, R-K2 BxQ 34 P"B8(Q)f, K-B2 37 Q- R8, Q-Q1 38 Q-K5t l'ot e! - J,S,B, CHESS REVIEW ,H" ".cur., CHUS ....OAZ'''' Volume 26 Number 9 Septe mber, 1958 EDITED & PUBL.ISHED BY I. A. Horowitz NO SLUR MEANT very nnticeable. Gutierrez was Ihe hero I have been an ardent reader of your of the tournament. He ll Ot only inflicted TABLE OF CONTENTS wonderful magazine for a large number Kotov's only loss; bul, with u little more FEATURES of years. I consider it the best informed nerve-control, he could even have won the Fancy Flights in the Two Knights __ 272 and onc of the m051 ins tructive and amus· event. Flores' case was even more regret Game of the Month __ ______________ 266 ing of its type. T he complete collection table. He played ingeniously, forcing his of CHESS REVIEW si nce 1935 on is in my opponent, Keres, into an inferior position, DEPARTMENTS Chess Biscuits ______ __ ____ ____ __ __ 270 house 10 prove the ~ e a s sertiun~. So I then (also in time.pressure) played auto· Chessboard Magic! ________ ______ __ 273 have been surprised to see the monthly matically to win a piece, instead of mating Chess Caviar ____ ______ __ _____ ____ _ 263 copies pass withottt any mention of the in Iwo. After adjournment. he failed to Chess Club Directory __ ____________ 265 chess tournament held In Santiago in May make the most of it. losing ill 45 moves. Chess Quiz __ _. _____ _______ ______ __ 274 "f 1957. His ehess had been excellent. but his per· Games from Recent Events __ ______ 275 It was, to be sure, a very small com· formanee, like Gutierrez', was affected by On the Cover ___ ___ ____ ____ __ __ __ _ 259 petition, bUl I think that the parlicipation Ihe missed win against Keres. Past Masterpieces __ __ __ ___________ 282 nf lwo Soviet grandmasters. Paul Keres The final standing was: Keres 7·0; Postal Chess ____ __ ____ __________ __ 283 and Aleksander Kotuv. 8hould deserve at Kotov 5·2; Gutierrez 4y:!.2y:!; Flores 4·3 ; Readers' Games __ __ _________ ___ ___ 280 least a short notice. 1 Gan offer you Illy Letelier 31jz·3Yz ; Gordon 2.5; Salas and Solitaire Chess __ . ______ __ __ _, ______ _ 288 own inexperienced view of the event us un Jimenez P/2·5ljz. Spotlight on Openings _____ _______ 268 onlonker. CARLOS V~; 1'i ANT BLANCHARD Tournament Calendar _____________ 260 The main feature of the tournament was Santiago. Chile World of Chess __ . ___ ________ ____ _ 259 its success in respect to public attendunce after it had ulmost been cancelled since Sixth Round EDITOR Bill Lombardy of dlC U. S. A. and Argen. I. A. Horowitz linian champion Raul Sanguinetli were (ALEKHINE'S DEFENSE) EXECUTIVE EDITOR [MeO: page 81; cotUtnr. 12] Jack Straley BatteH invited 100 late to c"mpete. Su Ihe entry CONTRIBUTING EDITORS I P. Keres R. Flores A. B. Blsguier, I. CherneY, J. W. CollIns, was limited to the wo Soviet Sial'S, former '1'. A. Dunst, Dr. M. Euwe, Hans Kmoch. Costa Rican champion Joaquin Gutierrez White Black W. Korn, Fred Relnteld, Aben Rudy. (who had been livin g in Chile for, at 1 P-K4 N-KB3 18 P-QR4 B_B3 CORRESPONDENTS least len years) [and who played for a 2 P- K5 N-Q4 19 N-Qf\l5 Q,P Collegiate F. H. Kerr 3 P- Q4 P-Q3 20 N-Q6 R_N1 Alabama E. M. Cockrell. year 01" two ill Ne w York, also] and ~.