Study on remuneration structures of financial services intermediaries and conflicts of interest (MARKT/2012/026/H) Final Report by Prof. Dr. jur. Udo Reifner, Prof. Dr. Doris Neuberger, Dr. Roger Rissi, Dr. Christine Riefa, Michael Knobloch, Sebastien Clerc-Renaud and Christian Finger Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen e.V.(iff) Rödingsmarkt 31/33 20459 Hamburg Tel.: + 49 40 30 96 91 0 Fax: + 49 40 30 96 91 22 Email:
[email protected] Hamburg, 15 October 2013 Study on remuneration (MARKT/2012/026/H) ii Executive Summary The study has been conducted at a time where according to national discussions, despite the lessons from the financial crisis and a dented consumer confidence in the financial sector, unfair practices of the financial industry as well as the sale of inadequate products like payment protection insurance (PPI) have persisted. It especially considers the effects of certain remuneration systems on the willingness and ability of intermediaries to provide the best advice and to sell the most suitable products to consumers in the retail insurance markets. It covers ten EU Member States and examines the legal, economic and sociological information available through official statistics and publicly available materials, together with the results of the consultation of national experts and a variety of stakeholder groups in the member states covered by this study. The research was done in association with the Financial Services User Group of DG Internal Market and it aims to support the work of this Group in making recommendations to the Commission. The study spans a number of areas, including existing remuneration models, the variety of financial and non-financial incentives available to intermediaries, problematic areas such as the mis-selling of insurance products and the professions involved in intermediation.