Acts • Port Fairy Folk MUSIC Festival – 1977 to 2016
International Boys of the Lough (Scotland) Acts • Port Fairy Folk MUSIC National Abominable Snow Band, Acacia Trio, Boys of The Lough, Barefoot Nellie, John Beavis, Festival – 1977 to 2016 Ted Egan , Captain Moonlight, Bernard Carney, There are around 3500 acts that have been Elizabeth Cohen, Christy Cooney, Alfirio Cristaldo, booked, programmed and played at Port Fairy John Crowl, Dave Diprose, Five N' A Zak, Fruitcake since 1977. of Australian Stories, Stan Gottschalk, Rose No-one has actually counted all of them. Many Harvey, Greg Hastings, High Time String Band, Street Performers and workshop acts have not Richard Keame, Jindivick, Stephen Jones, been listed here. Sebastian Jorgensen, Tony Kishawi, Jamie Lawrence, Di McNicol, Malarkey, Muddy Creek December 2 - 4th 1977 Bush Band, The New Dancehall Racketeers, Tom Declan Affley, Tipplers All, Poteen, Nick Mercer, Nicholson, Trevor Pickles, Shades of Troopers Bush Turkey, Flying Pieman and many more Creek, Gary Shields, Judy Small, Danny Spooner, Shenanigans, Sirocco, Tara, Mike O'Rourke, Tam O December 1- 3rd 1978 Shanter, Tim O' Brien, Ian Paulin, Pibroch, Shirley Declan Affley, Buckley's Bush Band, John Power, Cathy O'Sullivan and Cleis Pearce, Poteen, MacAuslan, Poteen, Rum Buggery and The Lash Tansey's Fancy, Rick E Vengeance, Lisa Young Trio, Kel Watkins, Tim Whelan, Fay White, Stephen December 7 -9th 1979 Whiteside, Witchwood, Geoff Woof, Yabbies Redgum, Finnegans Wake, Poteen, Mick and Helen Flanagan, Tim O'Brien and Captain Moonlight, March 8 - 11th 1985 Buckley's Bush Band,
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