About Artur Kaganovskiy

Recognized for his intense richness of tone, remarkable technique and exceponal musicality, the Russian- born violinist Artur Kaganovskiy was discovered at the age of six and mentored by the renowned violinist .

A graduate of The , his primary teachers include Grigory Kalinovsky, Lewis Kaplan and Masao Kawasaki. First prize winner of the Waldo de Mayo Internaonal Compeon and recipient of the Fritz Kreisler and Joseph Fuchs scholarship awards at The Juilliard School, Artur Kaganovskiy made his debut at the Stern Auditorium in 2007, performing Elgar’s Violin Concerto with conductor David Gilbert and members of the New York Philharmonic. Since then, his solo engagements have taken him throughout Europe, North and South Americas and China, collaborang with orchestras including the Napa Valley Symphony, Bilbao Symphony Orchestra , The Naonal Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, Serbian Naonal Philharmonic, Transylvania Philharmonic Orchestra, The Naonal Chamber Orchestra of Moldova, Oradea Philharmonic Orchestra, Csik Chamber Orchestra and the Salzburg Chamber Soloists amongst others.

As a chamber musician he has collaborated with such arsts as , Grigory Kalinovsky, Zachar Bron, and Michael Tree.

His recordings of the Brahms and Tchaikovsky Violin Concertos, recorded with the Naonal Symphony of Ukraine was released by Centaur Records in 2018, the same label on which his Schubert Sonanas Album for violin and piano with pianist Ala Székely will be released in Spring 2020; as well as David Chesky’s Joy and Sorrow Album including his Third Violn Concerto and other pieces for violin and orchestra. Highlights of his recent performances include performing James Newton Howard’s music for violin and orchestra with the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra at Palacio Eskalduna with James Newton Howard conducng and a Spanish tour with the Salzburg Chamber Soloists, performing Bach’s Double Concerto with acclaimed violinist Schlomo Mintz.

Since 2018, Artur Kaganovskiy was named the Music Director and Principle Conductor of the Csík Chamber Orchestra in Transylvania, Romania.

Besides his extensive career as a violin soloist and conductor Mr. Kaganovskiy has taught masterclasses at IKSEV Foundaon for Arts in Izmir, Turkey; ESRA Foundaon program in Budapest, Frost School of Music at Miami State University, USA; Guadalajara University, Mexico and in his free me makes , many of which are used by concersing professionals.

Mr. Kaganovskiy alternavely performs on the “Rogge” 1730 Pietro Guarneri of Venice violin and on his 1725 Carlo Antonio Testore “Ex-V.Pikayzen” violin.