Valerie Payre Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences Email:
[email protected] Rice University Phone: +1(702)-957-3197 6100 Main Street, MS-126 Houston, TX 77005-1892 USA. Research Experiences 2018 - today Wiess Postdoctoral Research Associate, EEPS, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA Oct. 2017 – Mar. Staff Scientist, MSL Science Team Collaborator, ChemCam 2018 Playload Downlink Lead, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) – IRAP - GeoRessources, Nancy, France 2014 – 2017 Ph.D., MSL Science Team Collaborator, ChemCam Playload Downlink Lead, GeoRessources, Nancy, France Advisors, Cécile Fabre and Violaine Sautter. ‘ChemCam contribution to the understanding of the primitive martian crust and alteration processes occurring at the surface of Mars – Alkaline and metal trace element quantifications using LIBS (Li, Sr, Rb, Ba and Cu)’ Feb. – Jun. 2014 Grad. Student Research Assistant, Isotope Stable, IPGP, Paris, France Advisors, Isabelle Martinez and Mathilde Cannat. ‘Carbonation of natural serpentines dragged in the Indian Ocean ridge.’ Mar. – Aug. 2013 Grad. Student Research Assistant, GPS, Caltech, CA, USA Advisors, Sarah Lambart, Mike Baker & Ed Stolper. ‘Characterization of volcanic samples collected during the deepest phase of the Hawaii Drilling Project (HDSP-2).’ Jun. – Jul. 2012 Undergrad. Student Research Assistant, ISTEP, University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris VI), France Advisors, Benoît Villemant and Benoît Caron ‘Characterization of volcanic samples collected during IODP 340 in the Caraiibean sea.’