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Theses 003.Pdf STUDIES ON MOLECULAR AND GENETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF THE GENES RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MULTICARPELLARY GYNOECIUM IN Thermopsis turcica By DILEK TEKDAL Submitted to the Graduate School of Engineering and Natural Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Sabanci University Spring 2015 © Dilek Tekdal 2015 All Rights Reserved iii STUDIES ON MOLECULAR AND GENETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF THE GENES RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MULTICARPELLARY GYNOECIUM IN Thermopsis turcica Dilek Tekdal Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Ph.D. Thesis, 2015 Thesis Supervisor: Selim Cetiner Keywords: T. turcica, V. faba, hybridization, gene identification, sequencing ABSTRACT Thermopsis turcica is a critically endangered endemic plant species in Turkey. The main agricultural trait of T. turcica is having a gynoecium of 2-4 free carpellate-ovaries. Vicia faba is different from T. turcica due to having unicarpellate ovary. In this study, reciprocal crosses between V. faba and T. turcica were made. In the crosses in which T. turcica was used as the paternal parent, globular hybrid embryos were obtained but they were not rescued since embryos were too small for culturing separately from the endosperms. In histological analysis, it was found that pollen tube reached the ovary at the first day of pollination and ovule fertilization occurred on the fourth day of pollination. The data from RT-PCR and sequencing give the first molecular data on the identification of the putative partial homologues of CLV, WUS and FAS were isolated from T. turcica. Due to the sequence similarity, demonstrated that these new isolated partial genes were most probably CLV, WUS, and FAS homologues in T. turcica. In addition, dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (NADP+)-like partial sequence which has a phosphate binding domain in T. turcica was isolated. For detailed expression of each ortholog gene, quantitave real-time polymerase chain reaction was implemented and expression patterns were shown. These results might be used for other related crops of economic importance in order to obtain cultivars having polycarpellary feature and are the first scientific report about the molecular basis of the multicarpellary in T. turcica. iv Thermopsis turcica’da ÇOKLU KARPEL OLUŞUMUNDAN SORUMLU OLAN GENLERİN MOLEKÜLER VE GENETİKSEL KARAKTERİZASYONU ÜZERİNE ÇALIŞMALAR Dilek Tekdal Biyoloji Bilimleri ve Biyomühendislik, Doktora Tezi, 2015 Tez Danışmanı: Selim Çetiner Anahtar Kelimeler: T. turcica, V. faba, melezleme, gen belirleme, dizileme ÖZET Thermopsis. turcica yok olmak üzere olan Türkiye endemiği bitki türüdür. T. turcica’nın başlıca özelliği 2-4 serbest karpelli ovaryuma sahip olmasıdır. Vicia. faba tek karpelli ovaryuma sahip olması ile T. turcica’dan ayrılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, melezlemeler T. turcica ve V. faba arasında yapılmıştır ve melezleme kombinasyonunda T. turcica hem ana hem de baba olarak kullanılmıştır. T. turcica’nın baba olarak kullanıldığı melezlemeler sonucunda, globular aşamada hibrit embriyolar elde edilmiş fakat izole embriyoların küçük olmaları ve endosperm ihtiyaçları nedeni ile kültürlerinin yapılmasında başarılı olunamamıştır. Histolojik analizler sonucunda, polen tüpünün polinizasyonun ilk gününde yumartalığa ulaştığı ve 4. günde ovül fertilizasyonun gerçekleştiği tespit edilmiştir. Polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu ve dizilime çalışmalarından elde edilen veriler çoklu karpel oluşumda sorumlu olduğu düşünülen CLV, WUS, and FAS genlerinin T. turcica’daki homologlarının belirlenmesine yönelik ilk moleküler veri olma özelliğindedir. Dizileme analizi sonucunda, T. turcica’dan dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase gen bölgesine ait kısmi diziler tespit edilmiş olup, izole edilen kısmi gen bölgesinin fosfat bağlama domaini içerdiği görülmüştür. T. turcica’da tespit edilen gen ortologlarının ekspresyon düzeyleri kantitatif real-time polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu analizi ile belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen bu bulguların yeni çeşit geliştirme çalışmaları için diğer ekonomik öneme sahip türlere uygulanabileceği düşünülmekte olup tez çıktısının T. turcica’da çoklu karpel oluşumu üzerine uygulanan moleküler araştırmaları içeren ilk bilimsel rapor olma özelliği bulunmaktadır. v To my esteemed family, To my best friends forever... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my thesis supervisor Prof.Dr.Selim Cetiner for accepting me a Ph.D. student and for letting me work independently. I would like to thank Prof.Dr.Yildiz Aka Kacar, Prof.Dr.Yesim Yalcin Mendi, Assoc.Prof.Batu Erman and Assoc.Prof.Murat Cokol for being on my thesis committee, giving their time and contribution. I am deeply indebted to my mentors, Prof.Dr.Yesim Yalcin Mendi and Prof.Dr.Yıldız Aka Kacar for their encouragement, for constant help throughout my Ph.D. education and for providing laboratory facilities for histological analysis. I would like to thank Emel Durmaz Timucin for helpful suggestions concerning degenerate primer design and thanks to Stuart James Lucas for his expertise with qRT- PCR analysis. I owe special thanks to my friends and lab members. I especially thank Beyza Vurusaner Aktas for her constant support, friendship and her valuable discussion on science and academic life. There are also other people whom made my time during my Ph.D. education and made the most fun of long hours in the lab with their admirable sense of humor; Nazli Keskin, Emre Deniz, Bihter Avsar, Asli Yenenler, Meral Yuce, Melike Cokol Cakmak, and Canan Sayitoglu. I would like to thank Mustafa Atilla Yazici for his help with plant breeding in the greenhouse at Sabanci University. vii I would like to express my appreciation to all members of Nezahat Gokyigit Botanical Garden to provide me research materials and area for study. I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to Sabanci University and Yousef Jameel Doctoral Scholarship Foundation for supporting my doctoral studies. There are no words to express my deepest feelings to my dad, Ahmet Tekdal, and my mom, Saniye Tekdal. I love my family and thanks for their never-ending patience, moral support and believing in me. I also would like to dedicate this dissertation to a special person, my elder brother whom I really would have wanted to have been here; Halil Ibrahim. Thanks to my older brother, Kàmil, my sisters, Duygu and Didem and my lovely nephews, Ahmet, Naz, Fatma and Demir, for being there when I needed them most and for encouraging me in the worse moments. They are everything to me. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1. Context and Motivation ........................................................................................ 1 1.2. Structure of the Thesis .......................................................................................... 2 2. CLASSICAL HYBRIDIZATION ................................................................................ 4 2.1. General Introduction ............................................................................................. 4 2.1.1. Fundamental Aspects of Thermopsis turcica .................................................. 4 2.2. Literature Review .................................................................................................. 7 2.2.1. To date Conducted Studies Related to Thermopsis turcica ............................. 7 2.2.2 Aims of the Study ............................................................................................. 7 2.3. Intergeneric Hybridization of Thermopsis turcica and Vicia faba........................ 9 2.3.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 9 2.3.2. Materials and Methods .................................................................................. 11 Materials ................................................................................................... 11 Plant Material ...................................................................................... 11 Research Area ..................................................................................... 12 Chemicals ............................................................................................ 14 Equipment ........................................................................................... 14 Solutions.............................................................................................. 14 Methods ..................................................................................................... 16 Pollinations and Morphological Observations ..................................... 16 Results and Discussion .................................................................. 21 Histological Analysis in Pollinated Samples ...................................... 25 Fluorescence Microscopy Analysis .................................................... 25 Results and Discussion........................................................................ 26 ix 2.3.3. Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 36 2.4. Embryo Culture and Embryo Rescue .................................................................. 37 2.4.1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 37 2.4.2. Embryo Culture ............................................................................................
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