Morehead State University 2004 Eagle Football
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I - - ------------------------------- - - - - MOREl~EAD ST ATE UNIVERSITY J~aJj~a Matt Ballard, the winningest football coach In Morehead State University history, has led the Eagles to back-to back Pioneer Football League South Division Championships. In 2003, linebacker Craig Unger earned CoSIDA First Team NCAA Division I Academic All-America honors. .... ,~,, I IU Ull 1 I 1111 111 I IIIUl~UI 111111 Bl I (________ C_o_n_te_n_ts_,_C_r_e_di_·t_s_, Q_m_· c_k_F_a_c_ts ____________ ) Contents I 2004 Football Schedule Assistant Coaches .................................................................... 5-7 Date Opponent Time Athletic Staff ........................................................................ 31-35 SepL4 Coastal Carolina 7:00 Head Coach ................................................................................ 4 Sepl 11 at Dayton 7:00 Media Infom1ation .................................................................... 40 SepL18 Butler (Family Weekend) 7:00 Morehead State University ...................................................... 2-3 Sept. 25 at Drake 2:00 OcL2 Valpariaso 1:00 Opponents Information, Schedules ...................................... 36-37 Oct. 9 *at Austin Peay 2:00 Pioneer Footbal I League ........................................................... 38 Oct. 16 *at Davidson 1:00 Players ................................................................................. I 0- 17 Oct. 23 *Jacksonville (Homecoming) 1:00 Records ................................................................................ 20-29 Od.30 SL Francis (Pa.) 1:00 Roster .. ......................... ................................ ............................ 8-9 Nov. 6 Charleston 1:00 Schedule ................................................................................. 1, be N'ov. 13 al Duquesne 1:00 Series Records .......................................................................... 25 All times Eastern and subject to change Statistics (2003) ................................................................... 18-19 Home games in bold University Administration ........................................................ 30 *PFL Southern Division Game Year-by-Year Results ........................................................... 25-29 Quick Facts Location: Morehead, Ky. 40351 Assistant Coaches: Founded: 1887 Gary Dunn, Offensive Coordi1iator/Offensive Line Enrollment: 9,509 John Gilliam, Defensive Coordinator/Linebackers Colors: Blue & Gold Zack Moore, Defensive Backs/Recruiting Coordinator Conference: Pioneer Football League Rob Tenyer, Runningbacks/S1rength & Conditioning Coord. Stadium: Jayne Stadium (l0,000) Chris Garner, Defensive Tackles Field: Jacobs Field Toby Moeves, Wide Receivers Surface: AstroPlay Trevor Miller, Graduate AssistanVOffensive Line 2003 Record: 8-3 Jeremy Overfelt. Graduate Assistant/Defensive Backs Basic Offense: Mulliple Kelly Ford, Assistant Linebackers Basic Defense: 4-3 President: Dr. Ronald G. Eaglin Lettermen Returning: 38 Vice President for Student Life: Madonna Weathers Offense-15; Defense-21 ; SpeciaList-2 Faculty Representative: Peggy Osborne Lettermen Lost: 15 Interim Director of Athletics: Brian Hutchinson Offense-IO; Defense-5: Specialist-0 Assistant Director of Athletics: David Starters Returning: 15 (Olfense-5; Defense-8; Specialist-2) Assistant Director of AthJetics/SWA: Paula Jackson Starters Lost: 9 (Offense-6; Defense-3, SpeciaList-0 ) Athletic Academic Coordinator: Valeri e Ousley Head Coach: Mall Ballard Athletic Department Phone: (606) 783-2088 Alma Mater: Gardner-Webb -79 Head Athletic Trainer: Richard Fletcher, A.T., C. Coaching Record: 93-72-1 ( 16 years) Sports Information Director/Football Contact: Randy Stacy Record at MSU: 58-47 ( 10 years) Office Phone: (606) 783-2500 Office Phone: (606) 783-2020 Home Phone: (606) 784-2922 Best Time to Reach: Weekday mornings Fax Phone: (606) 783-2550 Press Box Phone: (606) 783-2500 E- mail: [email protected] Credits Assistant Sports Information Director: Brad Laux This publication was edited by MSU Sports Information Direc tor Randy Stacy. Special writing and/or editorial assistance was provided by University Communications. University Market Gt'l information ahout l\'lorl'l1t'ad Stall' Athll'lics on ing and Sports Information Secretary Brenda Kissinger. Pho tography by MSU staff photographers Tim Holbrook and Guy thl' World Widl' Wt'b. Point )'Our browst'r to: Huffman. Cover design by Trevor Griffith, Graphic Designer. Printing by MSU Document Services. 2004 Eagle Football,,, 1 (_____ _ _____ Th__e_U_n_i_v_er_s_it_y _____ ________J Morehead State University In 117 years, the sweep of history has carried More through an annual budget of more than $96 million. head State University and its predecessor institution, the Morehead State was the first institution in Kentucky Morehead Normal School, from one makeshift classroom to offer a complete degree program, the Master ofBusi to the high-tech world of lntemet-based classes and a ness Administration (MBA), totally through the World radio telescope which reaches from a campus hillside Wide Web. In addition, the Unjversity hosts graduate literally to the stars. level programs for nurse practitioners and physicians One student appeared on the first day of class in Octo assistants through the University of Kentucky. The Uni ber, 1887, in a Little, rented cottage where the Adroo versity is acquiting a satellite tracking system in part- Doran University Center now stands. Tens of thousands of students have come from the foothill s and mountains, the river towns and the hillside farms of East Kentucky and be yond to seek the means to a better life in thi.s beautiful, forested valley. Our first president, Frank Button, and his widowed mother, Phebe, literally spent their lives bringing "a light to the mountains" by founding a chw-ch- ~ sponsored school to train teachers. The in- ~ stitution came under state control in 1922 ~ and achieved university status in 1966. ~ Today, Morehead State University has ~ more than 9,500 students from 100 Kentucky ~ counties, 42 states and 37 nations. They are ~ enrolled on campus, at extended campus cen- ~ ters in Ashland, Jackson, M t. Sterling, Prestonsburg and West Liberty, and several other locations in East Kentucky and across the globe through the World Wide Web. MSU has the state's best computer-student ratio in its computer laborat01ies and the campus is ranked among the safest in the nation. Almost 50,000 persons have received de grees from MSU. Nearly 80 degree progran1s are available on the two-year, four-year and g raduate levels through four colJeges (Caudill College of Humanities, College of Business, College of Education, and College of Science and Technology) and the Insti lute for Regional Analysis and Public Policy. Two-thirds of the faculty hold doctoral de grees. MSU supports its missions of teach ing, applied research and public service 2 Morehead State University (__ _________T_h_e_U_m_·_ve_r_s_it_y __________ ) nership with NASA in the ongoing de velopment of the new Space Science Center. Also, the University has the state wide mission of preparing adult edu cators through the newly-established Adult Education Academy for Profes sional Development. Preserving the region's cultw-al heritage is the p1imary responsibility of MSU's Kentucky Folk Art Center and Kentucky Center for Traditional Music. Dr. Ronald G. Eaglin took office July I, 1992, as the 12th president of the University. He previously served as chancellor of Coastal Carolina Univer sity and vice chancellor of the Univer sity of South Carolina at Spartanburg. Dr. Eaglin currently serves on the Di vision I Board of Directors of the NCAA and is the senior state univer sity president in Kentucky. The University is located in the foot hills of the Daniel Boone National For est in Rowan County, midway between Lexington, Ky., and Huntington, W. Va. , on Interstate 64. MSU is a char ter member of the Ohio ValJey Confer ence in NCAA Division I and sponsors 18 intercollegiate sports for men and women. The football Eagles compete in the Pi oneer Football League. Our coed cbeerleading squad bas won 14 national championships and the all-girl squad has fow- national titles. Affirmative Action Statement Morehead Slate University is commllled 10 providing cqunl educational opportunities 10 all persons rcgnrdlcs~ of race, color, nnlionlll origin, age. reUgion, sex, or-disability in its cducnlional programs. services. activities. i:mployment policies, andadm1ssion of students to any program of study, In this reg,\fd the Universi1y conform~ to all the laws, sta1u1ci;, and regulation~ concerning equal employment opportunilics ond lifllrmarlve oction. This includes: 11tle VI anti 'DUc VII of the Civil RlghlS Act of 1964, 1i1le IX of lhe Educa1ion Amcndmenis of L972. Executive Orders 11 246 and 11 375, Equul Pay Aot of 1963, Vietnam Era Velerans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, Age Discrimlna1ion in Bmploymcnt Act or 1967, Section.~ 503 and 504 or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Americans with Disabilities Acl of 1990. and Kentucky Revised S1a1u1es 207.130 to 207.240. Vocational educational programs 01 Morehead S1ate University supported by federnl funds include indll!!lrinl education, vocational agricullure, busines,~ education. home economics education and U1e ns.~ociale degree prO"gram in nursing. Any inquires should be addressed to: Francene L. Bolts-BuUer. Afiirtnntive Action Oflker, Morehead State