Try Edmonton Telephone Directory

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Try Edmonton Telephone Directory 84 MOVERS EDMONTON CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE DIRECTORY MUSIC SCHOOLS MOVERS & TRANSFERS—Continued MOVERS & TRANSFERS—CoDtloucd Music Schools & Teachers Eran's Delivery H325 79 st TTm WESTERN CARTAGE ft STORAGE LTD ACCOROIAHA COLLEGE — eATlWAY BARTASE GO "ALBERTA'S ACCORDION CENTRE" "WE MOVE ANYTHING" Agents CITY OR COUNTRY Theory St Practical InstrucUoo Combiaed W. M. DAVroSON. Mgr. ALLIED VAN LINES LTD. Individual Teaching — Graded Courses 10439 • 105 Ave. Phone 21B05 Starter Course $8 00 "Nation Wide Movers" After Hours 27428 New and Used Accordions Sold on Terms I \ Accordions Rented—Repaired—Overhauled 12010 111 Ave. PHONE 86175 Gateway Cartage Co 3 - 10510 90 st . .2742S "We Know Accordions—Try Us First" OLOBE EXPRESS A TRANSFER CO 8511 118 Ave. Phone 75408 ANY TIME — ANYWHERE Western Cartage & Storage Ltd CPQ Sbeds 21631 ED. CURTIS and S. CHUBCU Adams Alec H 1052S 126 st 84287 11344-93 Street PHONE 77765 Moving (Furniture) Alberta College 10041 101 st 42545 Glover H A 8629 103A ava ... BARCELONA STUDIOS' 24506 BIG 4 VAN LINES LTD1Q625 92 st .. .21414 HARRY'S EXPRESS A TRANSFER CONQDGN VAN & STORAGE LTD Spanish Guitar 9417 ni ave..21335 10588 101 St PHONE 21847 "EFFICIENT (24.H0UR) SERVICE" MCNEILL'S VAN & STORAGE LTD 9611 107 Ave. PHONE 20647 10112 114 Et. .84848 Barlbtau Miss Irene 9809 82 are 34519 BOON HARRY PIAHO SCHOOL OF MUSIC Horwood Transfer 9945 69 ave 31844 Multigraphers JIM'S EXPRESS ft TRANSFER Ace Letter Service 333A Teelcr btdg. .. 26621 We Teach 9639 I03A ave..26669 WATTS MULTIORAPHIHO COMPANY Popular and Classical Music and Kenn's Tfamfer G628 102A ave 27536 Theory Subjects HrNEILL'S van ft STOAAQE LTD MIMEOGRAPHING, 10 Years Teaching Experience 10112 114 st 84848 MULTIGRAPMING and Merrtianti Truck Service 8702 78 ave ....33588 LETTER SERVICE Harry Boon, A.T.C.M. Motor Truck Exgrcss i06C2 96 st 254SS Oii City Transfer & Deiivary Service E3ibossIr.a "B" Plates—Elite CJCA Feature Artist — CBC Artist 10718 Jasper ave. 20711 Basement Agency BIdg. Phone 22413 Trocadcro Pianist QUIBK SERVICE EXPRESS 10614 105 St Phone 25780 CITY CARTAGE Willis C W 338A TcgUr bldg 26621 Campbell Miss Grace May 1U128 117 st ..83293 FURNITURE MOVING Municipal Districts Carroll Richard J upst 11226 123 st 84641 PARCEL DELIVERY Craig Marion School of Music 9234 117 st. .37164 BAGGAGE & EXPRESS Alberta Asioc of Municipal Districts Crawford Miss A Beatrice 10042 109 st..25037 10426 81 ave 390350 Dominion Institute of Music & Arts W J. Saunden Jr., Mgr. Phom 33438 Beverly Town of Beverly 24434 0926 103 8t 24324 If no Ans-wr Call 32653 Jasper Place (Town of) Dowling Mrs Myrtle 10625 69 are 37710 15625 Stony Plain rd..84757 Duslerhoft E 10820 74 ave 37444 Rusty's Transfer 10329 101 st 21364 Municipal District of Stralhcona No 83 Foster M L 2 Munroc spts 28216 10426 81 ave. 31607 Hendra W J Alberta College North 26652 SAM'S EXPRESS ft TAXI Jackson Fred G LBSM 8731 111 arc 74323 10031 104 ave..24520 Municipal District of Strathcona No 83 10434 81 ave. .37159 Jackson Shirley M 10154 114 st 84762 Municipal District of Sturgeon No 90 Letourneau Jean 8S06 80 ave 35697 SAUNOERS TRANSFER VAN ft STfiftAflE" 25 Bk of Montreal bidg. .26303 McEachern Mrs D S Alberta College .. .27232 McKenzie Miss Shirley ATC.M 10219 113 St.82746 CITY CARTAGE McMullin Bob 11008 87 ave 33077 Municipal Stationers Morris Ronnie 11314 83 st 77075 SAUNDERS Reliable Printing Co Ltd 9920 101 st 24073 VAN ^ STORAGE Wiflson Stationery Co Ltd The MORRIS RONNIE SCHOOL OF MUSIO & ARTS lOOSO Jasper ave..23474 COURSES Phone 32748 Piano Accordion — Piano — Violin Music Dealers Saxophone'-— Trumpet, Etc. SCONA TRANSFER (0616 73 ave 31703 Accordiaru College 8511 118 ave 75408 RONNIE MORRIS, Principal Scott W 12535 125 st 86769 EATON T CO WESTERN LTD THE 10023 102 Ave. Phone 28597 10220 101 St.. 912 (Union Buildini:) STAN'S TRANSFER Fisher's Music Store 10303 82 ave 31427 Gaby's European Music Shop Musicians' Association 303 Alexandra blk 22449 NEED A VAN? bsmi 10219 97 st 200S7 Newcombe Arthur P 11147 65 ave 31662 HEINTZMAN ft GO LTD 10139 Ja.M>cr ave 29431 Nichols Mrs Edna 11439 93 st 75172 "CALL STAN" Hutchinson Music Store Nicol Alexander 11022 107 ave 27570 .Stony Plain rd 84571 Olson School of Music 9926 103 £l 24324 PHONE 74497 National Music Co 10168 101 st 21315 Owren Mrs B E 11615 95 st 73728 Policy Mrs A E 8722 110 st 37517 GENERAL & LONG DISTANCE HAULING Quattrccchi Miss S 10329 98 st 23273 Roberts Stewart School of Music Anything — Any Place — Anywhere 400 Birks bldg .22546 For Results .. Rychel Paul 11339 CO st 75126 11844 105 St. 'B4.Hour Service Smart Mrs J M 11 - 11935 Jasper ave ....86796 Try Edmonton Turnbull Jean ATC.M LAB 8340 Jasper ave. .27415 Tom's Transfer 10350 108 at 41353 Telephone Directory Ulmer Minnie 11336 91 st 76834 Triangle Truck Transfer 11948 82 at ....71171 Walmsley Donald 9348 91 st 390447 Advertising Williams Edgar 10725 67 ave 37678 TURNEV'S TRANSFER rear 9410 118 are 72798 Uneeda Transfer 11515 82 st .. 72833 m United Truck Depot 11050 90 st 75538 Veteran Transfer Co (Reg) 10509 95 at. .27535 'Pfsone for Advertising 'Plione for Advertising U0VSR5 A TRANSFEBS—CooUoued Rates Rates ) jnJSICAL "WHERE TO BUY IT' NURSES 85 IViusical Instruments Notions (Wholesale) NURSES—Continued Cufaitt Miss J 10216 113 st 84664 Merchants Wholesale Ltd The Actordiana College S511 llS are 7540S Currie'F RN 7-11317 100 are ...86526 Acme Clothing Co Ud 10322 101 st 27815 10112 105 are..27255 Sun Specialty Co Ltd 10147 112 st .. 22505 Dalphond Mrs Harriet M RN 8531 76 are 37D06 KEINTZMAN & CO LIMITED Weisler's Ltd McFarland bldg 26435 Delany Mrs Myrtle RN 10139 J&spcr BTC. .29431 19 Rene Lc Marcband mans..81073 Robinson & Sons 10247 Jsspcr kto 22456 Doris I M RN S - 10216 109 st 21880 Novelty Companies Drysdaie Mrs J M RN 10114 86 are 34852 Dumas Miss S RN 9614 I08A are 27529 National Cash Registers ACME NOVELTY LTD Dyck Mrs lleen RN 11913 93 st 77667 Edgar M A RN 13302 106 are 85289 Look on "C" pages under headings We Import and Job "Cash Registers" "Cash Registers- Eickmeyer E RN 10934 85 are ^ .31568 English Mrs R A bsmi 11339 75 are 33476 Used" CARNIVAL EQUIPMENT AND Filippini Y RN 11203 100 are 41020 MERCHANDISE. DANCE NOVELTIES Flynn Doris Anne RN 12041 89 st .73911 Neon Signs PAPER HATS—BALLOONS. ETC. Fortier M RN 1002S 119 st 85148 Caeti Mrs H RN 11207 57 8t 74917 10147 112 St. Phone 22761 —See also Signs Gaudart Miss Theresa RN 9537 108A are 22031 Gilchrist Mrs Frances RN 11930 126 st . S5SS6 ALBERTA SPECIALTY CO Gillingham I4iss E M RN 11405 100 ave. .85842 News (Wholesale) Grace Bernice Ann RN 10730 106 arc :...22069 WHOLESALE Gummeson J RN .A - 12330 104 arc SSS61 American News Co Ltd The JOBBERS and IMPORTERS Hamilton Mrs Eileen RN IC992 12? at 84419 10433 93 8t 24802 of Hannas A K RN 11407 100 are 85473 Curtis Distributing Co Ltd 9931 lOlA arc. ,26068 SMALLWARES - NOVELTIES and Karle Mrs P RN bsmt 11714 94 st 74380 , PROVINCIAL NEWS CO LTD GIFTS Harris Mrs M G RN 10839 67 are 33497 9931 lOlA sse..22312 PERCY ROPER. Mgr. Harvey Alice G RN 7607 111 st 390405 Hebert V H RN Unit 2 12815 115 arc ...82355 1C544 101 St. Phone 29611 Hegland Mrs Annie RN 1151S 100 are ...869SS News Service Holroyd Miss D RN 1-8410 109 st 35933 General Western Supply Co 10028 102 st 25479 Hughes Mrs C E RN 9626 95 are 33110 " British United Press 1st fir CPR bldg .. 27421 Mac Novelties 12 l-l.-tston bldg 41437 Hutchings Margaret RN K - 0901 104 st . 28498 North West News tc Photo Service Magic Shop The 10012 lOlA are 22584 Hutton Mrs Jane Eliiabeth RN 10T51 72 ate .33411 10944 70 are..37603 MAGIC SHOP THE Irwin Audrey K SRN 4 Manhattan apis ...85245 "Magic Tricks" — "Jokers Novelties" Jackson Miss Virginia RN 11029 90 ave ...33068 News Stands Wholesale and Retail Johnson Mrs J 9738 85 are 33162 Bob's News Stand 10S13 VThyte ate .. .,34227 10012 lOlA Ate. PHONE 225S4 Jones Mrs Margaret RN 100278 110 st . 41526 Jerry's News 9052 Jasper ate 26862 Keating Helen RN 7 Evergreen apU 8143S Paul's Service Stand grd llr Tower bldg . 23372 SUN SPECIALTY CO LTD Kiteley Mrs H C RN 10- 10026 118 St..82410 Kloshinsky Mrs A RN 9S0S €9 are 32872 Kollhatnmer H M RN 10G25 110 si 41942 Newspapers & Publishers IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Kruger G RN 10125 113 st 28229 Kunchenko G RN 11107 63 are 36261 —See also Printing SMALLWARES—GIFTS—SMOKERS' LacusU Miss Helen 30- 9023 105A arc 23777 Canada Railway News Co CNR Depot .., 26574 SUNDRIES—CLOCKS—WATCHES, Leckic I RN 10310 81 arc 375Q7 JEWELLERY Lee Mrs J E P RN 11317 68 st 76930 Canadian Press The 105-6 CPR bldg 26384 Lcmare Mrs E RN 11844 ,95A st 76423 CAHADIAM SOCIAL CREDITER 10147 112 St. PHONE 22505 Lingjerde Mrs S K RN 0008 89 st 3S3S6 U974 Jasper ate. .26224 Lockhart Mrs E A RN 9362 103A are 26516 COMMUNITY PUBLICATIONS (2u Weekly Sun Specialty Co Ltd I014T 112 st 288S6 Logan B P RN llnlS 101 st 74672 Country Papers) 10815 82 ate..34863 Lohsc Mrs M C RN 10244 146 st ,86469 Lucas Mrs E J RN 11160 96 st 73127 EDMONTON JOURNAL Nurseries McCarthy E A RN 11023 95 St 25741 101 St & Macdonald dr..25171 MacDanald Mrs Alice RN Journal Edmonton 101 st & Macdonald dr 25171 ABENDS H ROSE GARDEN 5612 104 >t .31124 4 - 9860 88 arc.390419 JOURNAL (EDMONTON) WANT ADS Buena Vista Nursery 8502 136 st 31732 HacDonald Mary M RN S719 09 st 34466 101 st & Macdonald dr..29331 LACCMBE NURSERIES Mackay Mrs Florence RN 12215 103 st 76621 Langdon B A 0807 82 arc 31903 COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE McLaughlin F J RN 12315 104 st 76922 La Survivance Weekly 10010 109 st 24702 Hardy Trees—Hedging—Fruits McLeod Miss Mary T RN 11321 94 st ..
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