SPORT Thursday 28 June 2018

PAGEE | 1199 PAGPAGES | 20-21 Mexico sufferfer at FightFight for top spot as Sweden’s hands but both EngEnglandla meet Belgium qualify for lastast 16 iinn ‘strange‘st match’

GERMANY S. KOREA 0 2 Y G KIM - 90'+3' H M SON - 90'+6 Holders Germany sent packing after loss to South Korea

AFP Germany stumbled to a 2-0 loss to South Korea 2018 FIFA WORLD CUP - GROUP ANALYSIS that left them rooted to the bottom of Group F. Timo Werner, Marco Reus, Mesut Ozil and second-half Holders Germany suffer the biggest shocks in the M W D L GF GA PTS KAZAN, RUSSIA: Holders substitute Mario Gomez were Germany sensationally crashed tournament’s history - failing to make it past the among the Germany stars who GROUP A out of the World Cup yesterday opening round for the first time since 1938. failed to take goalscoring URUGUAY 3 3 0 0 5 0 9 in one of the biggest shocks in chances as the South Koreans RUSSIA 3 2 0 1 8 4 6 the tournament’s history -- defender Mats Hummels told “We’ve done a fantastic job defended with SAUDI ARABIA 3 1 0 2 2 7 3 failing to make it past the German broadcaster ZDF. today with this match,” he said determination. EGYPT 3 0 0 3 2 6 0 opening round for the first time Germany qualified for in Yekaterinburg, ahead of a The Asians, however, were since 1938. Russia with a perfect record of last-16 clash against either also dangerous on the counter- GROUP B Germany’s Julian Brandt, Marco In a stunning reverse by the 10 wins, but Hummels said the Brazil, Switzerland or Serbia. attack and more than once Reus and Mario Gomez look footballing superpower who last time the team had played Germany are the sixth carved opportunities to keep SPAIN 3 1 2 0 6 5 5 dejected after being defeated by haveave reached eac ed eeither t e tthe e final a wellwe was wwhen e tthey ey wwrapped apped holderso de s in history sto y to fall a at the t e GermanyGe a y goagoalkeeper eepe MaManuel ue PORTUGAL 3 1 2 0 5 4 5 Korea Republic in their FIFA 2018 or semi-finalssemi-finals ofof evereveryy WorldWorld up quaqualificationlification latelate lastlast year.year. firstfirst hurdlehurdle anandd theirtheir demisedemise NeuerNeuer on hhisis toestoes.. IR IRAN 3 1 1 1 2 2 4 World Cup Group F match played Cup since 2002, tthehe Germans HHummelsummels said came fourfour yyearsears aafterfter GermanyGermany suffered the first MOROCCO 3 0 1 2 2 4 1 at the Kazan Arena, yesterday. stumbledstumbled to a 2-2-00 loss to South thethe warninwarningg signssigns defendingdefending championschampions Spain of seseveralveral scascaresres afteafterr South Korea that left them rooted to hadhad been there alsoalso failed to make it out ooff Korea won a free kick on the GROUP C thet e botto bottomm of o GGroupr oup FF. . afterateafter Germany Germ any thet e g grouproup stage in Brazil.Br azil. . quarterquarte r houhour our whewhen w en Sami Sami YESTERDAY'S RESULTS lost theirtheir Loew’sLoew’ss side side beganbeganthn ththeireir Khedira’sKhedira’ira s bobootot cconnectedonnected withwith FRANCE 3 2 1 0 3 1 7 GROUP F openingopenp iingg gamega e campaigncamppaign witwithi hha a 101-0 dfdefedefeatat ttoo theth head of Jung Wooyoung.WooWo youny ung. DENMARK 3 1 2 0 2 1 5 KOREA REP. 2-0 GERMANY MexicoMiMexico bbeforeeforf eere rerekindlingkindlingg thetheirh ir FromFr 30 yardyardss ouout,ut, iitt PERU 3 1 0 2 2 2 3 bidbd withih aal llast-gaspastast-gaspgas 2-121 win shouldshould hhaveaveav been fodfofodderodderd forfo AUSTRALIA 3 0 1 2 2 5 1 GROUP F over Thee WorldWorlW rlldCud CuCup-winningpwip-wipp-winnnninnniningNeg NeNeuer,euerueuer,rr, butut MEXICO 0-3 SWEDEN SdSwedSwedesessw wonw on thet heh he ffumbled umblu bled J Jung’sung’ungng’s didippingppinpp g drddriveriveivivee GROUP D NeuerNeNeueueeu r anandnd scsscrambledramrambambbledle dedesper-espspperr- GROUP E CROATIA 3 3 0 0 7 1 9 SERBIA 0-2 BRAZIL GermanyGeGermmannyy wenwententnt inintintoo ththee atelyately tot gameggamgaame kknknoknowingnoowwiwingngg thatththathaat a wwininn by AfterAfteA er fafailingiling to findfinffiind a waywwaaayy ARGENTINA 3 1 1 1 3 5 4 GROUP E twottwwwoo clecleaclcclearlear goggoalsalsallss wowouwwouldoulouullddh hahhavevee pastpaspa subsuberbubeererbrbb KoKorKoreKoreaea ‘k‘keepereeepepper JoJo NIGERIA 3 1 0 2 3 4 3 SWITZERLAND 2-2 COSTA RICA seensseeenn tththethemhem inintontoo thethhee llastaasast 16.1666. ButBBuutu HyeonwooHyeHyeoeoonwon ooo inn ththehe secssecondeccocondnd ICELAND 3 0 1 2 2 5 1 insteadiinnsteaeadadd iti wwasaas SSwedenwwededeen anandnd half,halfhalh f, GeGGermanyermmmaaanny TODAY'S FIXTURES MexicoMMeMexixico wwhohoo aadvancedddvavananncecedd aafaftafterfteteer ththehe couldcocoulouulld onlyononlly GROUP E SwedesSSweSweddess rrompedommmpeed tto a 33-0--00 wwiniin grogrougroupp on looklolooookk BRAZIL 3 2 1 0 5 1 7 GROUP H overooveverer thtthehee MMeMexicanseexiicacananns in WednWednesdayesdaday afafterter onon iinn JAPAN VS POLAND SWITZERLAND 3 1 2 0 5 4 5 5.00PM Yekaterinburg.YYekaYekekekakakatetereriinbnbunbbururrgg. beating MexiMexicoxiico 33-0,-0-0, GermanyGGeererrmmaanyy cocoaccoachacch JoachimJJooaachim butbut thethe centralcentral Amer-Amemer- shockshohock asas UUS referefrrefereeefefeerreereeeee MarkMarkrkk SERBIA 3 1 0 2 2 4 3 COSTA RICA 3 0 1 2 2 5 1 GROUP H Loew,LoeLLooeoeww, whowwhho ledleed hishihis sidesisided toto icansiicans also went throthrough.ughgh. GeigerGeigiger ccalledaallealllleed ffoforr ththehe vvivideoideeoeo SENEGAL VS COLOMBIA victoryvvicvivictiicticctctooryorrryy inintn tthehehe 22014014014 WWoWorlWorWorldorloorrldCdCud CupCuC p “First“First we needneed to con-con- assistantassia siistanssta t rrerefereeefereee toto interveneinnntteervrvveennee 5.00PM final,finffiininanaal,lwl, wwillillll bbee u undernndeerr preppressureessurs ure to gratulateggratulate our two opopponentsponeents afterafteftetteer ththehe unuunmarkednmmaaarrkkeded KKimiimm GROUP F quit,qquuuiiitt, ddedespiteesspispitpipitittehaehe hhahavingavvinving onlyonnln y ssisignedgnedgnnenededed whow made it out of the ggroup,”rououp,” YounggwonYounY unggwog wow nnha hahhadaddb bbubundledunndddleleddhi hhihisis SWEDEN 3 2 0 1 5 2 6 GROUP G aacoac ccocontractontrnntratrtraaccttte eextensionxxtexttetenenssioonn uuntuntililil 2 20220022222 saids Loew.Loew. shothott ppapastasstNt NeuerNNeuueruer fromffrroromomom aac cornercorornrrnnneer MEXICO 3 2 0 1 3 4 6 PANAMA VS TUNISIA lastlallasastasst mmomonmonth.onnthth.thh. “For“For us it’s a hugehuge disap-disasap- earlyeearlrly inn sststoppagetotopppagpagageet time.tit mmeee.. SOUTH KOREA 3 1 0 2 3 3 3 9.00PM “It’s“I“It“It’It’IItt’t’stos toototoo soonssoononf forf or me meeto to pointment.pointment. At ourour trainingtrt aining TheThhee ggoalgoa wwaswaaass aawawaawardedwwaarrderdddeddeeded answer,answannswwer, ittw willwillilill taketake a fewfeww camp we preppreparedparedd wwewelwelll anandnd wwe becausebecabebececacaausee TTonini KKroKroos’ooos’s’s ttotouchoucoouucchhhhha hhahadd GERMANY 3 1 0 2 2 4 3 GROUP G ENGLAND VS BELGIUM hourshohouhourours to sseese thithingshingsngs cleaclclearly,eaarly, camecam herhheree readyready to ttakeakkee onn tthehe playedplapllaayed hhimimm oonside,nsinsididde,, a andndnd 9.00PM thet disdisadisappointmentsasappopppoipopoiointmmentt iiss rolerole ofof defendingdefendingchg champions.chammpioons. minutesminmiinnun teses latellatererrGe GGeGermanyermanrmrm yyw wwewereere GROUP G veryeryr deededeepeeeppipin in me,memme,”” sasaidid “But we didndidn’t’t pplaylayy thetthhee top- 2-02-00 ddown aftafterer NNeuereeueruerr rranran uupp ENGLAND 2 2 0 0 8 2 6 558-y58-year8-y-yeareaar LoewLoeew whenwhewwh n classclass ffootballootball we neneedededededdeeded totto.oo. WeW thethhhee pippitpitchititch in aad ddesperateespeespes erate attatattempttemptempmptmppt BELGIUM 2 2 0 0 8 2 6 askeaskasaaskedskek d iff hehe wouldwoulwowoulu d createdcreaatedt chanchanceshances agaiagainstnstns KoreKKoreaa too g grabrabrab an eequaliser.qualq iserisserer. TUNISIA 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 resign.resiess gn.gngn butbu we ccouldn’toulduldn’tnt relarelaxelaxxan anandddsc scoresccorerer AAlo longloongng puntp untt upfieldupfififieldeldd sawaww PANAMA 2 0 2 1 1 9 0 “We“W“WeW willwilwiwilll hhavhahaveeetoet to 1-0101 tottM Mexico.M exicxicxi o.o SwedenSwedewededd n the goalgoalssswe we neeneeded.eeeded.d TottenhamTottottotot enham forwardffoorwarwarwarw d SonSoS n havehahava e disdidiscussionsscusscucuscussionsons coachcoaccoacach JanneJanne AnderssonAnderssorss n spokesppoke “Since“Sin“ cec 2006 2006 we’vwe’ve’ e beenbbeenn Heung-minHeunung-mig nnch chchasease aacl clearancecclearancennccec tomotomttotomorrow,omom rrowrrorowoww, wwewe’ll’ll’lll ofof hhisiss prideprideridiidde afteraftaffterr hishiss sidesideided amongamonmonmonng thtthee lalastastt ffourouroour orrir iinnnth ththehe too firefireiree intonton o anan emptemptymptptptyyne nennetet anaandd GROUP H South Korean defender Kim seessee howh w itttg ggoes.” oes.oeoeess.” toppedtoppoppppppeded t theheeeg groupgroupr up withwwitwiitthhse second-seecondconcond- final.finaffininanal.lTl ThisT hishhis timeimm wew didndidn’tididdnn’t’t KoreaKoreKKororeahahua huhhungungnggo o onn foforr a famofamffamousamomom usus JAPAN 2 1 1 0 4 3 4 Young-gwon celebrates after “ItIItt isis a reareally,eally,lllyllyy halfhalalflfl goalsgoagogoalsssf from fromroomm LudwigLudwLudwudwwigig performperfperppeere ormrm tot a levellevlleevvele ssufficientuffiuffuffiiciencieieni nttto tot winwwi thatthhathatat wilwwiwillilllbel be aca cconsolationonsooononsn olatilatlatationon SENEGAL 2 1 1 0 4 3 4 scoring against Germany reallyrealrearerealeaeala lyly bbitteritteittttetteer Augustinsson,AuguAuAugAug ststinstitintinnssonsonsosoonn,,A AAnAndreasndread assGrsG GrGGran-ranan- allowalloallaallloowwuswu usu ttoo dodtdot t that.hat.hahathat.a . forffoo ththeithettheirhehheii rrorow owownownnelne eleelimination.iminimiimimiminnatioataatittioion.n COLOMBIA 2 1 0 1 4 2 3 yesterday. eveneveeveeveningvenveveneninginngg forfoforor qvistqvisqvqqvivisvisttanta anaandnddanda aann ownowowwnn goagoggoaloaoallfrlf frfromfromom “We““WWWee havehhavhaaveavavee toto admitadmiadmaddmdimimittthtt thistthhisiiis isi ssa a LoewLoeLoewoeoeww sasaissaidaaiiddhedh hehe hadhahdhadd notnonotot yetyyeeett POLAND 1 0 0 1 1 5 0 us,”usus,s,”s,s , ” EdsonEdsoEdsEdEdsdsodsos nnAlnA Alvarez.AAllvarevavarvaarearrez.z. defeat.”defeddefdfdeefeefeffeat.””t..”. ” reflectedreflrrefeflefeflecteectectecctteteddondo onon thetthtehhee futfuffuture.uutture.ureururree 18 SPORT THURSDAY 28 JUNE 2018

Switzerland qualify, to meet Sweden

AFP The draw ensured Swit- zerland finished second in the NIZHNY NOVGOROD, RUSSIA: group behind Brazil. Switzerland moved through to But Switzerland will be left the World Cup last 16 yesterday, counting the cost after yellow after a draw over Costa Rica but cards for experienced defenders will be without captain Stephan Lichtsteiner and Fabian Schaer Lichtsteiner because of means they will miss the game suspension. against Sweden in Saint A 93rd minute own goal by Petersburg on July 3. the unfortunate keeper Yann Lichtsteiner received a Sommer from a Bryan Ruiz yellow card for a late tackle on penalty gave the central Daniel Colindres in the 37th American side a deserved 2-2 minute. draw on a night of late drama in It was the Arsenal player’s Nizhny Novgorod. second yellow of the tournament That wiped out a Swiss lead after being booked in the which had lasted only two opening game against Brazil. minutes after substitute Josep He was one of three Drmic slotted home to appar- players who had escaped a ently give the Swiss an unde- ban going into the match after served victory. the controversial “double Earlier Blerim Dzemaili had eagle” goal celebrations in the thumped home in the first half fevered 2-1 victory over to give Switzerland the lead Serbia. against the run-of-play in the Then late on Schaer also 31st minute against the team received his second yellow card who finished bottom of Group of the tournament, also ruling E. him out of the Sweden match. That goal was cancelled out The point was no more than by Kendall Waston’s header in Costa Rica deserved for a fine the 56th minute, the central performance. Americans first goal of the They continually stretched tournament. the Swiss defence in the first half and looked the most likely to take all three Switzerland’s midfielder Blerim Dzemaili (left) celebrates after scoring the opening goal during their 2018 FIFA World Cup Group E points in the second. match against Costa Rica at the Nizhny Novgorod Stadium in Nizhny Novgorod, yesterday. Switzerland took the lead when Dze- SWITZERLAND COSTA RICA maili emphatically goal Switzerland have so far sions, hitting the post and bar. hit the bar with a fine shot which rewarded by defender Waston’s converted from close scored in the first-half at the As early as the sixth minute, beat the excellent Sommer but header from a second-half 2 2 range after a fine tournament. Celso Borges’ header was bril- hit the bar. Campbell and Oviedo corner. The goal ensured that DZEMAILI - 31' WASTON - 56’ headed knock-down The goal was harsh on Costa liantly turned on to the post by also went close as the Costa Costa Rica would not be the only DRMIC - 88' SOMMER - 90+3-OG by Breel Embolo. Rica after a frantic start saw Sommer. Ricans dominated. team who did not score at this It was the only them go close on several occa- Four minutes later Colindres But finally they were World Cup.

South Korea’s goalkeeper Cho Hyun-woo celebrates Mexican fans celebrate after his teammate South Korea’s forward Son Heung- min (unseen) scored a goal South Korean victory during the FIFA 2018 World Cup Group F match against AP Germany at the Kazan Arena simultaneous game in Kazan. “We lost but we’re in the in Kazan, yesterday. In a wide open Group F, all next round,” Alcocer said, “So, YEKATERINBURG, RUSSIA: It they could hope was an upset we’re very happy.” Mexico has was a surreal atmosphere at the result in the other match fea- reached the round of 16 for the end of Mexico’s World Cup game turing defending champion seventh straight World Cup, but against Sweden. Germany against South Korea. this one will long be In the dying minutes, the Mexico fans were hoping for a remembered. Mexican fans - who well out- shocking upset - and the South “I never felt such hap- numbered the Swedes in the Koreans delivered that with two piness,” said Carlos Preciado, a packed arena - erupted in wild goals in stoppage time for a 2-0 Mexican who lives in San celebrations. victory. Francisco.” Plastic cups and beer were That result sent the Mexican I cannot explain this hap- flying high as the fans were squad into the knockout round piness that exploded in one jumped and danced and sang. along with Sweden, despite their second. I never felt like that. It was the kind of cele- loss yesterday. Honestly, it was the best cele- brating supporters from the “We advanced to second bration of a Korean goal. It was soccer crazy country would do phase, and thanks to Korea!” the best thing, we just passed to for a World Cup victory by El Tri. said Mexico City resident the next round, and the World But this was different. Edmundo Robert, who was at Cup champion is out.” Mexico was trailing Sweden 3-0 the game with his son and father Germany became the fourth on Wednesday and moments of law. defending champion in the last S Korean players thought earlier the mood of the Mexicans “Yes, it was sweet. A victory five tournaments to be elimi- had been bleak. is sweet - and this is a kind of a nated in the group stage, fin- Yet the feelings of joy were strange victory.” ishing with a one win - in genuine and spontaneous. Groups of Mexicans were stoppage time against Sweden they had qualified! With Mexico’s chances of still chanting “Korea, Korea,” as - and losses to Mexico and South advancing to the knockout stage they left the arena. Korea. REUTERS scenes among Korea’s players was only one per cent chance, under dire threat, the fans had Jose Alcocer was jumping Mexico next faces the and Cho said he and his team so I told my players it was a turned their attention from the with friends in a circle long after winner of Group E and, Alcocer mates thought they were going last-ditch effort for them. I pitch in Yekaterinburg to their the match, chanting: “Bye-bye concedes, “We have to more KAZAN, RUSSIA; South through until they learned of the told them to fight until the smart phones to watch the Germany.” careful about everything.” Korea’s players were unaware result from Yekaterinburg. very end.” “They (Germany) they had been eliminated from “We did not know (the are the defending champions, Mexican fans during the FIFA 2018 World Cup Group F match against the World Cup when the final Sweden score), it was only number one on the FIFA Sweden at the Yekaterinburg Arena in Yekaterinburg, Russia, yesterday. whistle went after their after the game was over that rankings and they probably remarkable 2-0 win over we knew,” Cho told a news felt they would be able to beat Germany which also sent the conference. us, so I felt we could use that champions crashing out of the “All the Korean players as a reverse strategy and we tournament, goalkeeper Cho and the head coach here, we hit the nail on the head.” Shin, Hyun-woo said. were playing for the Korean heavily criticised back home The Asian side needed to people. It was only after the for the 1-0 defeat to Sweden beat Germany by more than match was over that we knew and the 2-1 loss to Mexico in two goals to stand a chance of the score, that was why a lot their previous outings in qualifying from Group F as of us cried.” Russia, said the win over runners up and hope Mexico Korea coach Shin Tae- Germany was all due to his beat Sweden but their already yong said he had mixed meticulous preparation. slim hopes ended when the feelings after the win over “As we won we can say Scandinavians raced into a 3-0 Germany as it was not enough everything went as planned. lead in the second half. to take them through. For two days we looked at The stoppage time goals from “I feel great but at the same their strategy, worked out that Kim Young-gwon and Son time I feel a little bit empty, I they would probably play Heung-min which gave Korea feel a little ambivalent,” he 4-4-2 and then 5-4-1 when their first win in this World Cup said. crossing the halfway line,” after two defeats sparked jubilant “Yesterday we said there Shin explained. THURSDAY 28 JUNE 2018 SPORT 19

Sweden’s scores their second goal from the penalty spot during their 2018 FIFA World Cup Group F match against Mexico at the Yekaterinburg Arena in Yekaterinburg yesterday.

Mexico suffer at Sweden’s hands but both qualify for last sixteen AFP of hand by their outspoken Swedish midfielder Albin Ekdal heads former star Zlatan Ibrahimovic. the ball past Mexican defender Edson YEKATERINBURG, RUSSIA: Needing only a draw to be sure Alvarez at the Yekaterinburg Arena Sweden thumped Mexico 3-0 of advancing, Mexico started ten- in Yekaterinburg yesterday. yesterday, overcoming their SWEDEN MEXICO tatively but somehow opponents after a scoreless managed to reach the break first half in a result that means on level terms after surviving both teams advance to the 3 0 a Swedish aerial bombardment World Cup last 16 at the AUGUSTINSSON - 50 and a VAR review when Javier expense of defending cham- GRANQVIST - 62-PEN Hernandez appeared to handle pions Germany. ALVAREZ - 74-OG the ball in his penalty area. Sweden finished top of The game was packed with Group F on goal difference, with the leg of Edson Alvarez for a incident from the opening both teams on six points ahead tame own goal on 74 minutes. whistle, with Mexican midfielder of South Korea and Germany on “This is something I dreamed Jesus Gallardo booked within three apiece, after the champions of. The insane thing is I really had seconds of the start for mis- went down 2-0 in a shock result this feeling that I would score at judging an aerial challenge on in Kazan. the World Cup,” Augustinsson . After pressing hard for most told reporters. The Swedes were guilty of of the first half and wasting Granqvist, who also scored wasteful finishing in the opening numerous chances, Sweden from the spot against South 45 minutes, with finally found the net when left Korea, said: “What a per- in particular blazing several back formance we did - it could have shots over the bar. charged up the field in the 50th been 5-0 or 6-0.” Berg posed repeated minute and angled home a left- The Mexicans were a shadow problems for the Mexican footed volley. of the team that had beaten defence, his best chance coming Twelve minutes later, captain Germany and South Korea and when his well-struck shot was Andreas Granqvist kept his con- had pundits speaking of them as acrobatically turned over the bar centration in the face of deaf- potential world champions. by goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa. goal. Hector Herrera had a long- to the last 16 with their stunning Group E in Samara on July 2, ening boos and whistles from the Sweden, by contrast, look The Mexicans’ best efforts range shot fumbled, then saved win over Germany. But without while Sweden will play the Mexican fans to blast a penalty like a side capable of going came through Carlos Vela, with by , and Lozano an improvement on this per- runners-up the following day in into the top left corner after further in the tournament - a three shots in the first half, and struck a low shot into the formance they risk falling once St Petersburg. The Swedes will Hector Moreno had brought turnaround for a team that in the later stages through a Her- keeper’s arms in the final frenetic again at the same stage where be without midfielder Sebastian down . struggled to score in their pre- nandez header and a cross from minutes. Mexico’s desperation they have been knocked out in Larsson, who picked up his Mexico’s misery was com- World Cup games and whose the striker that flew straight proved unnecessary, as South the last six World Cups. Mexico second booking of the plete when the ball trickled in off chances have been dismissed out across the face of the Swedish Korea gave them a helping hand will now face the winners of tournament. Germany’s World Cup exit is ‘bitter’ shock, says Hummels AFP net, even though we had plenty of “We put ourselves in this sit- said that the world champions opportunities, including myself in uation after the Mexican game,” have to lead the way. KAZAN, RUSSIA: Mats Hummels the 86th minute -- I have to score Hummels said. “That is not easy to do, but we said defending champions from chances like that. “The last game we delivered a didn’t take on the task. Germany’s group stage exit from “It is a very bitter evening for good performance was in the “Personally, I am one of the the World Cup finals for the first us and for all German football fans. autumn of 2017.” first to take responsibility and we time since 1938 was a “bitter” “We believed in it until the Midfielder Sami Khedira said now have to live with the shock for the team. very end, we tried to shoot, but we Germany had simply failed to live consequences. The Germans’ 2-0 defeat to just couldn’t get the ball in. up their status as defending cham- “The last 10 years have been South Korea in Kazan yesterday “We had plenty of opportu- pions in Russia. sensational,” he added. means they finished bottom of nities, we broke our necks trying “This is one of the most dif- The four-time winners came Group F and sends Joachim Loew’s out there today.” ficult moments for the team and to Russia as one of the favourites side home after two defeats and a Germany qualified for Russia me personally,” the Juventus mid- but became the fourth side this single victory. with a perfect record of 10 wins, fielder said. century to lose in the group stage “It is a really, really bitter but Hummels said the last time Khedira was recalled to the after winning the previous tour- Germany’s Mario Gomez, evening for us,” admitted the team played well was when team against South Korea after nament following a 2-0 defeat Mats Hummels, Joshua Hummels, who squandered a late they wrapped up qualification being dropped for the narrow win against unfancied South Korea. Kimmich and Thomas chance when he headed over. late last year. over Sweden, but produced Sweden topped the group after Muller react after losing “The situation is very difficult Their problems in Russia another ineffective a 3-0 win against Mexico, who join to South Korea yesterday. to put into words,” he told ZDF. began when they lost 1-0 to performance. them in the next round despite the “We did not put the ball in the Mexico in their opening match. “Before the tournament, we heavy defeat. 20 SPORT THURSDAY 28 JUNE 2018 THURSDAY 28 JUNE 2018 SPORT 21

Japan coach aware Fight for top spot as England of Lewandowski scare at Volgograd meet Belgium in ‘strange match’

AFP REUTERS Southgate    acknowledges there VOLGOGRAD: Japanese coach Akira Nishino called on his ST PETERSBURG: is a balance to be players to play smart football against Poland in the heat of England and Belgium,   .#! struck between Volgograd today and be wary of the “world-class” Robert already qualified from      keeping his side     Lewandowski if they want to reach the World Cup last 16. World Cup Group G, fresh and injury-free Poland are already eliminated and Bayern Munich striker meet today in what and maintaining the Lewandowski is yet to find the target in Russia. Belgian midfielder momentum they But Nishino said his side could afford no complacency if Marouane Fellaini says have gained, partic- they want to secure the point they need in expected furnace- could be a “strange ularly from the 6-1 like conditions to reach the knockout phase from Group H. match”. crushing of “There’s no such thing as a match that doesn’t matter,” Depending on the Panama. Nishino told reporters at the Volgograd Arena yesterday. outcome of other games,     “I’ve got to think “I am sure Poland will play for pride. Lewandowski is a it may not be an advan- ,-  +   through all of those world-class marksman and I am sure he will come out want- tage to finish top of the    +  ),- things: competition ing to score a goal. So we have to be mentally prepared for group, but both sides for places, players that.” insist they won’t take   who need match Nishino also expressed surprise at encountering such fierce such calculations into  .) + &/$ minutes, and keep- heat and humidity on arrival in Volgograd, where tempera- account. ing the unity of the tures at Thursday’s 5:00 pm kickoff (1400 GMT) are expected What is likely, how- squad,” said the Eng- to be nudging close to 40 Celsius. ever, is that Belgium land manager. “I was surprised how humid it was,” he said, adding that coach Roberto Martinez Harry Kane’s his players need to be clever in possession and conserve their and his English counter-   involvement is one energy in the sapping conditions.    part Gareth Southgate   !") of the tricky deci- “The quality of the movement needs to be well coordi-   !"# will rest some of their (  .  + &/$ sions facing nated and we have to be as efficient and as effective as regular starters and give Southgate. ‘Africa’s pride’ Senegal out      000  .  + &/$ possible.   match time to back-up The England cap- “The ball doesn’t get tired. We need to make our sprints squad players. $% &'$ $ tain has scored five when they will be effective. Unless we keep doing it, in sec- Both teams have  &"  goals in two games, ond half we will tire but I think Japan players have good beaten Tunisia and Pan-  !" * including his hat- stamina. ama to reach six points  #"""  trick against “Players coming off the bench will be more important than to spoil Colombia’s hopes and secure passage to ( # "*#' (+ Panama, and while previous matches.” the last 16, so the antic- (* # "&"' () his manager will be Japan top the group by virtue of having a better discipli- AFP “I think it should be more of a The 42-year-old Cisse, who was     ipated battle between reluctant to leave nary record than Senegal, after beating Colombia 2-1 and positive thing rather than pressure,” captain of the Senegal side at the the two strongest sides '$ '   him on the bench,       drawing 2-2 with the African nation, meaning avoiding a defeat SAMARA: Senegal defender Kalidou Napoli centre-back Koulibaly told 2002 finals, said the brief for his  in the group has lost its his centrality to Eng- to the Poles will set up a last-16 encounter with either Bel- Koulibaly believes the fact his team reporters yesterday. players will be a straightforward one.        edge. land’s hopes is such that he may be wary gium or England from Group G. represent Africa’s last World Cup “We know we have the whole “Tomorrow when we get onto the   “I think it will be an interesting game, of him picking up an injury. Even a loss could see them through, but they would have hope should motivate the players continent behind us. They’re all pitch, the instructions to the players   # #$%& a 50-50 game, and both teams are qual- Topping Group G means playing to rely on Senegal beating Colombia. rather than increase the pressure going to support us and we know will be to play to win,” said Cisse, ified so it will be a strange game,” said whoever will have finished second in Japan goalkeeper Eiji Kawashima looks set to retain his going into their final game in Group we can do it.” with Senegal trailing group leaders Fellaini, who plays in England for Man- Group H earlier on Thursday - Colom- place despite his blunder that led to Senegal’s opening goal H against ColombiaColombia.. “We know we already have 15 impressing in a 3-0 victory over Japan only on disciplinary record. chester United, having made his name bia, Senegal or Japan. and he agreed stopping Lewandowski would be key. ItIt is just Senegal’s million Senegalese behind us and Poland last time out. “I think Colombia and Senegal for another Premier League club But the path to the quarter-final “I know that Poland is full of good players starting from seconds appappearancee at now we have all the continent. It’s “We know it’s a very strong have practically the same style of Everton. could see a match against Germany or Lewandowski and we need to mark him well,” said Kawashima. thet totournament,urnam after up to us to make them proud, to fly Colombia team,” said Koulibaly. play. I think it’s to going to be a   Martinez has suggested he could Brazil for the winner - a question which Poland came into this World Cup ranked eighth in the reachingreaching the quarter- the flag for Senegal and Africa at this “But we have our own weapons and keenly disputed match, a very   !" make wholesale changes to his side but will be determined before England and () # #$%&   world and with high hopes, but they will make the short plane finalsf on ttheirheir debut in World Cup.” we’ll give our all to win and not interesting match with two teams at the very least is expected to rest Belgium clash in Kaliningrad. ride back to Warsaw after Thursday’s match having again not 2002,2 and they neneed a point Senegal defeated Poland 2-1 in concede. who could be in the last 16.” $% &'$ $ defender Jan Vertonghen, winger Tho- This will be the fourth meeting of the reached the knockout phase, something they haven’t achieved todaytoday to secure a pplacela in the their opening game and twice led “If we do that we’ll qualify. We “I think Colombia could pose  &"  mas Meunier and midfielder Kevin De two nations in major tournaments. They since 1986. lastl 16.16. Japan before settling for a 2-2 draw know in attack we have magicians us some problems but we have a have drawn twice in group stage games,  !"  Bruyne, who have all picked up a yel- AliouAliou Cisse’s sisidede wiwill attempt that left both countries with four who are capable of scoring at any few tricks up our sleeves as well,” low card. A second yellow would mean and their last-16 match in the 1990  to succeed where the restre of their points. moment. added Cisse, who said Mbaye #"""  they would be suspended for the round World Cup saw England win 1-0 after England players in action continentalcontinental riva rivalsls f aifailed,led, w with Egypt, Colombia must win in Samara “We’re going to do our utmost Niang will be fit after limping off () # "*#' () of 16 game. extra-time. during a training camp at Saint Morocco,Morocco, NiNigeriageria and and Tu Tunisian all set to guarantee a spot in the knockout to get to the last 16 and I think we in the closing minutes against (* # "&"' (+) Petersburg, Russia yesterday. '$ '   to bbowow out aafterfter tthehe grogroupu phase. rounds, with Jose Pekerman’s men have everything we need to do that.” Japan. JapanJapaJapapan favourites over Poland in Group H decider Panama, Tunisia fight

REUTERSREUTERS Lewandowski, who scored 16 goals    in qualifying and came to Russia for third place finish SAMARA:SAMARA: AA reviverevivedd Japan go into as Poland’s main man. /   '  REUTERS today’stoday’s decisive GGroupr H match He has failed to live up to that      had a lot of catching up to do to present a    aagainstgainst an alreadalready-eliminatedy billing, drawing a blank in his first   challenge at the highest level. Morocco, PolandPoland kknowingnowing a ddraw would be two matches in Russia, lending cre- SARANSK: Panama and Tunisia have Saudi Arabia and Egypt all failed to move '  !  #,# sufficientsufficient toto ad advancevance to the knock- dence to doubts about his ability been the fall-guys in the two top-scoring to the next stage in Russia.      out roundsrounds aafterfter they beat to perform on the biggest of stages. matches of World Cup 2018, but both Maaloul said. “We need two more gen-     ColombiaColombia and dredreww with Senegal Nishino promised attacking “Many things did not go as they teams will hope to show they have learnt erations to reach (the top) level of in their opening fixtfixtures. football when he took over in April should today, during this World some lessons from their efforts in Russia performance in terms of fitness and phys- GivenGiven llittleittle hhopeope coming into and his side have obliged in Rus- Cup,” Lewandowski said after their before they head home after their Group ical strength. We are far from the required thethe tournamenttournament,, aa ccombinationo of sia, with four goals scored and a 3-0 loss to Colombia.     G match today. level,” Maaloul said. luck,luck, CoColombialombia hhadad a a man sent off hatful of chances created. “I was alone, we fought, I Tunisia, ranked 21st in the world and Captain Wahbi Khazri also said the      and ggaveave awaawayy aa pepenaltyn after just “I really wanted to win,” the fought, I did everything I could, but representing the Arab world as well as gap between European and Arab teams        threethree minutes, organisationorga and coach said after their 2-2 draw fighting is not enough to win World Africa, are probably more anxious to sal- was too wide. ))    clinicalclinical ffinishinginishing hhasa put Japan in against Senegal on Sunday, when Cup matches, you also have to have   vage some pride from the campaign. “The level was too high, too elevated    +   ,-   prime position to pprogress.r they came from behind twice and quality, and we had too little of 1 # . Panama, making their debut in the tour- over the two games,” Khazri said. Although a drawdra would be equalised in the 78th minute. “We that.” nament, at times have seemed happy Coming from a continent that boasts     ,- ) +  enough, Japan’s phiphilosophyl under wanted to get the lead even though enough just to be here. perennial powerhouses Brazil and Argen-   newnew coach Akira NiNishinos has been there was only a short period of This will be the first time the two tina and from a country where baseball Japan’s task is #,-!-# ana attackingattacking one one an andd they are likely time left.” nations have faced each other and a robust is the most popular sport, “los Canaleros” tot go forfor thethe winwin aagainstg the dis- Japan’s task is likely to be made likely to be   game can be expected, with both sides (Canalmen) of Panama always had more $% &'$ $ appointingaappointing PolesPoles.. easier by the bitterly disappoint- made easier   !" prone to indulge in wrestling bouts in modest ambitions. &"  “Japan“Japan are nnoto the kind of ing form of their opponents, who defence. Overwhelmed in their first match 3-0 (( # .  1 !" + team that can aimf for a point and have lost both their games and by the bitterly The North Africans played well by Belgium in Sochi then 6-1 to an Eng-  #""" * gogo anandd carry tthathat pplanl out,” cap- have scored just once. 002 1  # . enough in their opening game against a land team hitting its stride in Nizhny disappointing form () # "*#' (* taintain MMakotoakoto HHasebease said on Poland, eighth in the FIFA $% &'$ $ stuttering England, going down 2-1 to a Novgorod, their celebrations when Felipe Monday. rankings, have failed to live up to of their opponents, late Harry Kane goal, but they then got Baloy scored against England might have +() # "&"' ( ) &" ) '$ '   “I“I think we havehav to focus on their strong World Cup qualifying thumped 5-2 by a rampant Belgium. given the impression they had won the who have lost both ) !" ) getting three pointspoint rather than campaign when they topped their Making their fifth appearance in the game. * #"""  makemake cacalculations.lculations. WWe have four group with just one loss. their games and have A Japanese player training at the World Cup, Tunisia have yet to get beyond Coach Hernan Dario Gomez said that England. “I’ve really enjoyed watching the (*) # "*#' ( Volgograd Arena in Volgograd, the group stage, but securing third place Panama, ranked 55th by FIFA, had learned games at this World Cup and been very, pointspoints after two gagames but we A large part of their success scored just once. ( # "&"' ( hhaven’taven’t accomplisaccomplishedh anything had come courtesy of Bayern Russia ahead of their their FIFA in the group would be a shred of some harsh lessons and should use the very happy to be here. It’s just such a pity yet.”yet.” Munich striker Robert '$ '   2018 World Cup Group H match compensation. baptism of fire as a foundation for that we’ve been knocked out,” said Gomez, against Poland. After the Belgium match, Tunisia improvement. The Colombian spoke hum- who coached his native Colombia at the coach Nabil Maaloul said Arab soccer still bly and honestly after the drubbing by 1998 finals and Ecuador four years later. 22 SPORT THURSDAY 28 JUNE 2018

Who needs Suspended Zimbabwe official football? Cricket refused to hand has billion-plus over cellphone fans: Survey AP

AFP HARARE: A senior official at the Zimbabwe cricket board refused NEW DELHI: The football World Cup to hand over his cellphone to may be attracting viewers across the ICC investigators and then planet but cricket has a huge audience deleted information on it, too, with a fanbase of more than a leading to him being provi- billion people, a major new survey says. sionally suspended under the The report, conducted by Nielsen anti-corruption code. Sports for the International Cricket Enock Ikope, a director at Council, put the number of fans at 1.039 Zimbabwe Cricket, admitted billion -- mostly male, living in South those actions in legal documents Asia, and with an average age of 34. but claimed it was because the However, 39 percent are female, phone was his “private property.” the survey says, adding that the ven- Ikope said he later sent the phone erable, five-day Test format remains to the International Cricket popular, attracting interest from 70 Council after consulting with his percent of fans. lawyers. The ICC said it was the biggest He said he had deleted infor- market research project into the sport, mation that was “personal, involving 19,000 interviews around the private.” world with fans aged 16-69. In a statement to The Asso- ICC chief executive Dave Richardson ciated Press on Tuesday, the ICC said it showed the sport needs to retain said Ikope is bound by the world its focus on all three international England’s Jos Buttler hits a six at Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Birmingham, Britain, yesterday. body’s anti-corruption code as a formats: Tests, 50-over one-day games cricket official and so was and Twenty20s. charged with three offenses “We get a number of doomsayers relating to obstructing or delaying predicting the death of Tests, even an investigation that related to 50-over cricket, but actually the strategy Buttler shines with the bat “possible corrupt conduct.” He to focus on all three formats is still will now face an ICC hearing. probably the right way to go,” Rich- Ikope is the latest target of an ardson said in a conference call from investigation in Zimbabwe by the Dubai. as England crush Australia ICC’s anti-corruption and security He added that the upcoming World unit. Test Championship, starting in July next The ICC has already banned AFP year, will only enhance the popularity BRIEF SCORES sixth ball for a soaring straight another Zimbabwean official, of the game’s traditional format. England 221/5 (JC Buttler 61, AD Hales 49, JJ Roy 44) MJ Swepson 2 for 34 six. Rajan Nayer, for 20 years for “I hope it (Test championship) will BIRMINGHAM: Jos Buttler hit Australia 193 all out in 19.4 overs (AJ Finch 84, AC Agar 29, AJ Tye 20) AU Rashid 3 for Roy should have been out involvement in a match-fixing be a significant rise in interest around the fastest fifty by an England 27, CJ Jordan 3 for 42, LE Plunkett 2 foe 34). for 27 when he drove left-arm approach made to Zimbabwe the world and will add to the number batsman in a Twenty20 inter- spinner Ashton Agar straight to test captain Graeme Cremer of fans following Tests,” Richardson national as the hosts beat long-off only for Kane Rich- last year. Nayer was a go- said. Australia by 28 runs in the only of Australia, including a match- made against South Africa in ardson to drop a simple catch. between for match-fixers and The ICC also said that a “global T20 clash between the two winning 110 not out in a dra- Mumbai two years ago. England ran a single and offered Cremer $30,000 to fix strategy” was in the works to make sides. matic one-wicket victory in the But Australia debutant leg- the next two balls saw Buttler parts of a match against West cricket “an easier sport to follow” -- the Yesterday’s impressive win series finale at Old Trafford on spinner Mitchell Swepson (two scoop a four and smash a six. Indies. arcane “Laws of Cricket” published by came on the heels of England’s Sunday, was promoted to open for 37) helped prevent them An ‘inside-out’ six over Cremer refused to take part Lord’s Cricket Ground has 82 pages. 5-0 win over Australia. in this one-off T20 clash. compiling an even bigger extra cover off fast bowler in the fixing and reported the Jargon such as googlies, jaffas, Opener Aaron Finch He responded with a score. Stanlake even more audacious. approach. maidens and chin music make cricket smashed 84 but the remaining 22-ball fifty, including six fours After Australia captain The next ball saw Buttler go to Ikope and Nayer worked notoriously inaccessible to newcomers, Australian batsmen could not and four sixes, on his way to 61. Finch won the toss and fielded, fifty with a scooped four just together at the Harare Metro- while the sport’s support remains rooted match the asking rate. Alex Hales made 49 after Roy delighted a packed and beyond the reach of wicket- politan Cricket Association, in its traditional markets. Earlier England made 221 Jason Roy (44) put on 95 for the sun-drenched crowd with keeper Alex Carey. where Ikope is the chairman. “Passion for cricket in the sub-con- for five. first wicket with Buttler. three fours in the first over, Buttler eventually became Nayer was the marketing tinent drives 90 per cent of the fans,” Buttler, fresh from his man England’s total was their from fast bowler Billy Stanlake. Swepson’s first international manager for the association said Aarti Dabas, the ICC’s head of of the series heroics in a 5-0 second-highest in this format, Buttler was soon into his wicket when he holed out in working under Ikope before he media rights, broadcast and digital. one-day international sweep behind the 230 for eight they stride too, launcing Swepson’s the deep. was banned for his role in The survey also identified almost attempted match-fixing. 300 million active participants over the In his legal documents, Ikope age of 16, and said 87 percent of fans claimed the ICC investigators want T20 cricket included in the acted unlawfully by asking him Olympics. Boundaries galore in Dublin to hand over his phone when they visited Zimbabwe to interview him. The ICC charged him with as India cruise to 76-run win failing or refusing to cooperate with an investigation without Pakistan to AFP “compelling justification,” continue playing SCOREBOARD delaying an investigation and DUBLIN: India celebrated their India J Shannon lbw b Yadav ...... 60 obstructing an investigation. 100th T20 international with Rohit Sharma b Chase ...... 97 A Balbirnie st Dhoni b Chahal ...... 11 home games in Shikhar Dhawan c Thompson b O’Brien ...... 74 Simi Singh c Kohli b Yadav ...... 5 a 76-run victory against Ireland Suresh Raina c O’Brien b Chase ...... 10 G Wilson st Dhoni b Chahal ...... 5 in front of around 5,000 of MS Dhoni c Thompson b Chase ...... 11 K O’Brien c Dhawan b Chahal ...... 10 the UAE: PCB their adoring fans at a sun- Hardik Pankya (not out) ...... 6 S Thompson c Pandya b Yadav ...... 12 Farbrace keen to kissed Malahide yesterday. Virat Kholi c Thompson b Chase ...... 0 S Poynter b Yadav ...... 7 REUTERS Manish Pandey (not out) ...... 0 G Dockrell b Bumrah ...... 9 After posting 208-5, having Extras (4lb 6w) ...... 10 W Rankin (not out) ...... 5 succeed Bayliss been put into bat, India Total (5 wkts, 20 overs)...... 208 P Chase (not out) ...... 2 LAHORE: Pakistan will continue playing restricted Ireland to 132 for Fall of wickets: 1-160; 2-186; 3-202; 4-202; 5-202 Extras (2lb 1w) ...... 3 its international ‘home’ games in the Bowling: Rankin 4-0-34-0 (1w), Chase 4-0-35-4 Total (9 wkts, 20 overs) ...... 132 as England coach nine, but the first game of the (3w), Thompson 2-0-31-0 (1w), K O’Brien 3-0-36-1 Fall of wickets: 1-4, 2-45, 3-72, 4-85, 5-96, 6-96, United Arab Emirates (UAE) at reduced two-match series was all about (1w), Dockrell 4-0-40-0, Simi Singh 1-0-12-0, Stir- 7-114, 8-123 ; 9-126 REUTERS costs, Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has the occasion and the 9,000 ling 2-0-16-0 Bowling: Kumar 4-0-16-0, Bumrah 4-1-19-2 (1w), said after reaching an agreement with supporters left well satisfied. Ireland Pandya 4-0-36-0, Chahal 4-0-38-3, Yadav 4-1-21-4 its Emirati counterpart. It was 2007 when India last P Stirling c Yadav b Bumrah ...... 1 Results: India won by 76 runs LONDON: Paul Farbrace said he Pakistan has been hosting most of visited Ireland and three years would be “thrilled” to take over its international matches in Dubai, Abu since the teams last met, at the as England coach when Trevor Dhabi and Sharjah since 2009 when a 2015 World Cup when Rohit Bayliss leaves the job after next gun and grenade attack injured six Sri Sharma and Jasprit Dhawan year’s Ashes series against Lankan players in Lahore, while killing put on 174 for the first wicket Australia. eight Pakistanis. in their eight-wicket victory. Farbrace, currently Bayliss’ Uncertainty arose following reports It took them only 16 overs deputy, will take charge of the that the Afghanistan Premier League to score 160 together yes- team in their Twenty20 matches would be played in UAE in October, coin- terday, the fourth highest in against Australia on Wednesday ciding with Pakistan’s home series T20 internationals and just five and India next month, while against Australia and New Zealand. runs short of India’s best Bayliss takes time out to watch “The PCB and ECB (Emirates Cricket between Sharma and KL Rahul, county cricket. Board (ECB) have held fruitful discus- set just six months ago against India’s Shikar Dhawan plays a shot during a Twenty20 International cricket match against Ireland When asked if he wanted to sions on matters of mutual interest,” a Sri Lanka. at Malahide Cricket Club in Dublin yesterday. take over from Bayliss, Farbrace joint statement read. “The ECB has com- The only surprise was that said: “Of course. If, next Sep- mitted to a significant reduction of the India added just 48 more runs tember, Andrew Strauss said, ‘we costs to Pakistan Cricket Board of in the last four overs but that three catches on the boundary runs in T20 internationals but But leg spinner Yuzvendra want to offer you the job as holding tournaments with immediate was entirely due to Ireland to Stuart Thompson who had he delayed his arrival until the Chahal took a wicket with the coach’, or, as has been discussed, effect.” pace bowler Peter Chase who an eventful day in the field -- dismissal of Sharma with just third ball, the first of his three splitting it and me looking after The agreement also states that the took the wickets of MS Dhoni, he also dropped Sharma on 66 three balls remaining. victims, as did spinner Kuldeep one of the teams, it would be so ECB will not host any league during Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli and 73. But, much to the disap- Yadav who finished with 4-21 difficult to say no. I’d be thrilled.” Pakistan’s international or domestic T20 in the last over, although The fall of the second pointment of the crowd, he to win the man of the match Farbrace decided to promote matches in the UAE. Earlier this month, Hardik Pandya finished it with wicket, Suresh Raina, led to the didn’t even stay to the end of award. in-form wicketkeeper-batsman the ECB had announced it would partner a straight six, the 12th of the biggest roar of the day for the the innings, caught second ball James Shannon dominated Jos Buttler to open the innings for a T20 cricket league in the UAE, a devel- innings, to go with 16 fours. entrance of Dhoni and fans by Thompson. the Ireland batting after being England. opment the PCB was unhappy with. The Sharma finished just three went ecstatic when he hit his Ireland lost the big-hitting dropped on 17 by Sharma, “You need to get these players PCB wanted the ECB to keep the winter runs short of his third T20 first ball for four and a six Paul Stirling early and had bringing up a 29-ball 50 before in and let them do as much window reserved exclusively for century, from 61 balls, and shortly afterwards. scored 43 from the six pow- he was leg before to Yadav for damage as possible,” Farbrace Pakistan. Dhawan, dismissed for 74 from Kohli needs just 17 runs to erplay overs against the India 60, having hit five fours and said. “The great thing with him is just 45 deliveries, gave one of become the quickest to 2,000 pacemen. four sixes. that he (Buttler) is a not a slogger.” THURSDAY 28 JUNE 2018 SPORT 23

Motor Racing: Grand Slam star Serena at No. 25 in Hamilton hopes to pull away at post-pregnancy Wimbledon return Austrian GP AP REUTERS two-time Wim- bledon quarterfi- LONDON: Serena Williams was nalist and the 2014 SPIELBERG: The Formula seeded No. 25 for her return to Australian Open One lead has changed hands Wimbledon after having a baby, runner-up, will not four times in eight Grands Prix a decision by the All England benefit from a so far this season but Lewis Club announced yesterday that seeding and could Hamilton hopes to put more elevates the tournament’s seven- play anyone in the daylight between himself and time champion above her field in the first Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel in ranking of 183rd. round. Austria this weekend. The While WTA rules allow “I don’t think it’s Mercedes driver is 14 points women who miss time because the right thing to do,” clear of his rival and fellow of a pregnancy to enter events Cibulkova told four-times world champion based on their pre-absence British broadcaster after winning in France on ranking, there is no guarantee of BBC ahead the Sunday and heads to Spielberg a seeding, a policy which has announcement. “I confident of continuing the been the subject of much debate think it’s just not momentum. in recent months because of Wil- fair.” Mercedes have not been In this file photo taken on July 9, 2016, Serena Williams liams’ status. No unseeded beaten at the scenic circuit, Red of the US poses with the winner’s trophy, the Venus The 36-year-old American woman has won the Bull’s home territory, since the gave birth to a daughter last Sep- Rosewater Dish, after her victory over Germany’s Wimbledon singles race returned to the calendar tember and was off the tour for Angelique Kerber at The All England Lawn Club championship. Only in 2014 -- four victories in a more than a year. By moving in Wimbledon, southwest London. Serena is ready to two unseeded men row. Last year’s win went to Williams into the top 32, the All start her bid for an eighth Wimbledon title next week have raised the Finn Valtteri Bottas, who started England Club afforded her “pro- at the 2018 Wimbledon Championships. trophy at the All from pole after his British team tection” from facing any other England Club: Boris mate was demoted to eighth by seeded player in either of the Becker in 1985, and a grid penalty for a gearbox first two rounds - and, of course, Goran Ivanisevic in change, though Hamilton tri- allowed the other seeds to avoid 2001. umphed in 2016. facing her that early, too. Slam tournaments have leeway French tennis federation. She Times, to take into account if a Aside from the All England That 2016 podium was Williams is a former No. 1 to stray from strictly following wound up beating the women pregnancy affected a player’s Club’s placing of Williams, the exactly the same as last week- whose 23 major singles cham- the WTA and ATP rankings when ranked No. 11 and No. 17 en route ranking. women’s seedings align with the end’s at Le Castellet, with Red pionships are a record for the determining seedings. That’s to reaching the fourth round. But “Pregnancy will not be rankings. So French Open Bull’s Max Verstappen second professional era, which began in why, for example, eight-time because of an injured pectoral penalised,” USTA spokesman champion Simona Halep is No. and Ferrari’s Kimi Raikkonen 1968. She missed Wimbledon in Wimbledon champion Roger muscle, Williams pulled out of Chris Widmaier said. “If Serena 1, Australian Open Caroline Woz- third. Hamilton hoped it would 2017, but won the title the last Federer’s success on grass courts Roland Garros before what Williams enters the 2018 US niacki is No. 2, reigning Wim- be business as usual for Mer- two times she was in the field, in was taken into account when the would have been a showdown Open, the USTA will recognise bledon champion Garbine cedes at Spielberg. 2015 and 2016. All England Club bumped him against five-time major her accomplishments, recognise Muguruza is No. 3, and US Open “I think Austria should be a Putting Williams at No. 25 up a spot to No. 1 yesterday, champion . her return to the workplace and champion Sloane Stephens is No. fairly decent track. It’s been a now means that she could face while top-ranked Rafael Nadal The US Tennis Association will seed her, regardless of what 4. Sharapova is seeded 24th. decent track for us in the past, someone seeded No. 1 through is seeded No. 2. says it does intend to seed Wil- her ranking is.” In the men’s draw, after so I don’t see why it should be No. 8 in the third round. When Williams entered the liams for the US Open, which One effect of Williams’ being Federer and Nadal, 2017 runner- any different now,” he told The draw for Wimbledon is French Open in May, her first begins in August. seeded at the All England Club: up Marin Cilic is No. 3, followed reporters after the French win. Friday; play begins on Monday. Grand Slam action in 16 months, That is part of a new plan, The 32nd-ranked Dominika by Alexander Zverev and Juan “I think the car should be Wimbledon and other Grand she was not seeded by the first reported by The New York Cibulkova, a Martin del Potro. good there. I think the Red Bulls have been particularly quick there in the past because it’s Wimbledon seedings quite a good downforce circuit, Men so it’ll be interesting.” Back on top, Nadal now gets 1 - Roger Federer (SUI) Past performance only goes 2 - Rafael Nadal (ESP) so far however, with Ferrari 3 - Marin Cilic (CRO) already ending several Mer- 4 - Alexander Zverev (GER) cedes sequences this season, ready to end Wimbledon woe 5 - J Martin Del Potro (ARG) and pole position will again be 6 - Grigor Dimitrov (BUL) crucial in the second of an AFP 7 - Dominic Thiem (AUT) unprecedented triple-header 8 - Kevin Anderson (RSA) of races on successive LONDON: Rafael Nadal remains 9 - John Isner (USA) weekends. Hamilton has been the king of clay, but the world Spain’s Rafael Nadal 10 - David Goffin (BEL) fastest in qualifying three times number one arrives at celebrates during 11 - (USA) so far in 2018 to Vettel’s four. Wimbledon harbouring only his match against 12 - (SRB) Bottas is still waiting but slender hopes of winning the Luxembourg’s Gilles Muller 13 - Milos Raonic (CAN) was close in France. tournament for the first time at Wimbledon in this July 14 - R Bautista Agut (ESP) Next up after Austria is since 2010. 10, 2017, file photo. 15 - D Schwartzmann (ARG) Britain, where Mercedes have Nadal extended his 16 - (AUS) won the last five in a row, fol- incredible record on the red dirt 17 - Borna Coric (CRO) lowed by Germany (Mercedes of Roland Garros earlier this 18 - Lucas Pouille (FRA) unbeaten in the V6 turbo hybrid month as he crushed Dominic 19 - Jack Sock era) and Hungary, where Thiem to win his 11th French 20 - Fabio Fognini (ITA) Ferrari and Red Bull have had Open title. 21 - P Carreno Busta (ESP) recent success. The Spaniard has enjoyed 22 - Kyle Edmund (GBR) On past performance Ham- another golden period on his 23 - Adrian Mannarino (FRA) ilton could expect to lead the favoured clay this year, claiming 24 - Richard Gasquet (FRA) way into the August break, but the Monte Carlo, Barcelona and 25 - Kei Nishikori (JPN) this season has already seen the Rome titles as well as his latest 26 - Chung Hyeon (KOR) end of similarly dominant triumph in Paris. 27 - P Kohlschreiber (GER) sequences for Mercedes in That dominant streak 28 - Denis Shapovalov (CAN) China and Canada. extended Nadal’s impressive 29 - Damir Dzumhur (BIH) Team boss Toto Wolff is renaissance after two years of 30 - Filip Krajinovic SRB) certainly not about to lower his injury woe. 31 - Marco Cecchinatio (ITA) guard given the numerous He has won three of the last 32 - F Verdasco (ESP) changes to the championship five Grand Slams, taking the Women lead. “It can swing so quickly,” French Open two years in a row 1 - Simona Halep (ROM) he told reporters. “A DNF (non and lifting the US Open trophy 2 - Caroline Wozniacki (DEN) finish) and the other guy in 2017. 3 - Garbine Muguruza (ESP) winning makes it swing in the But, while the 32-year-old’s 4 - Sloane Stephens (USA) other direction, so I don’t expect superiority on clay is unques- 5 - Elian Svitolina (UKR) this to change in whatsoever tioned, Nadal has found it far “I will certainly arrive suffered a scare after appearing to London as the reigning Wim- 6 - (FRA) way. harder to transfer that domi- at Wimbledon with to twist his ankle. bledon champion, with the Swiss 7 - Karolina Pliskova (CZE) “This is going to be the story nance to the All England Club’s But Nadal, who hasn’t played legend favoured to win the tour- 8 - Petra Kvitova (CZE) of the season,” added the less preparation 9 - Venus Williams (USA) lawns in the latter stages of his but I’m going with a competitive match since the nament for the ninth time after Austrian. career. French Open, appeared to resting during the clay season. 10 - Madison Keys (USA) Vettel finished a mere 0.6 The 17-time Grand Slam confidence high recover quickly and will take Although Nadal reached five 11 - Angelique Kerber (GER) behind Bottas in Austria last champion won the most recent because I played part in exhibition matches near successive Wimbledon finals 12 - Jelena Ostapenko (LAT) year, as the Mercedes man of his two Wimbledon titles eight London this week in a bid to from 2006 to 2011 -- discounting 13 - Julia Goerges (GER) wrestled with blistered tyres, very well through 14 - Daria Kasatkina (RUS) years ago and hasn’t been past hone his grass game. his 2009 absence due to injury and he needs to make up for a the whole clay-court 15 - Elise Mertens (BEL) the last 16 since 2011. Even so, his absence from -- the tournament has become costly collision with the Finn in 16 - Coco Vandeweghe (USA) Nadal has admitted in the season.” Queen’s and the subsequent lack a house of horrors for him lately. France. 17 - Ashleigh Barty (AUS) past that he finds it hard to make of grass game-time raises doubts His tale of woe started in Red Bull will also be a 18 - Naomi Osaka (JPN) the transition from clay to grass. about his chances of a third title 2012 with a stunning loss to threat, with Verstappen on a roll 19 - M Rybarikova (SVK) The low bounce on grass adapting physically and in my at Wimbledon, which starts its world number 100 Lukas Rosol. of three podiums in four races 20 - Kiki Bertens (NED) threatens to aggravate the knee tennis to the surface. 150th edition on Monday. There was worse to come for and Australian Daniel Ricciardo 21 - A Sevastova (LAT) injuries that have plagued him “I will certainly arrive at Nadal did receive a boost on Nadal in 2013 when unheralded the winner in China and 22 - Johanna Konta (GBR) for years. With that in mind, Wimbledon with less prepa- Sunday when he regained top Belgian Steve Darcis dumped Monaco and looking for a third. 23 - Barbora Strycova (CZE) Nadal decided to withdraw from ration, but I’m going with con- spot in the ATP rankings from him out and a year later Nick “We are a bit compromised 24 - Maria Sharapova (RUS) last week’s Wimbledon fidence high because I played Roger Federer after his old Kyrgios, ranked 144, inflicted yet on the straights but somehow 25 - Serena Williams (USA) warm-up at Queen’s Club to rest very well through the whole rival’s surprise defeat against more misery on the Spaniard. it was always not too bad,” said 26 - Daria Gavrilova (AUS) his aching body after the gru- clay-court season.” Borna Coric in the Halle final. Dread-locked Dustin Brown 27 - C Suarez Navarro (ESP) Verstappen of his past experi- elling clay campaign. Nadal has been preparing for Between them, Federer and was the next player outside the 28 - Anett Kontaveit (EST) ences at Spielberg. “I had a very intense cam- Wimbledon by training for the Nadal have won the last six top 100 to send Nadal home 29 - M Buzarnescu (ROM) “I’m also looking forward paign on clay and my body past week on the grass courts of major titles, the old rivals early in 2015 and last year’s 30 - A Pavlyuchenkova (RUS) to the weekend because I think needed rest because drastic the Mallorca Open near his home sharing them out with three calamity came against Luxem- 31 - Zhang Shuai (CHN) a lot of Dutch fans are coming changes are not good,” Nadal in Manacor. each. bourg journeyman Gilles Muller 32 - A Radwanska (POL) out so a lot of orange around, said. “I had to spend time During that training block he But it is Federer who heads in a five-set marathon. so that’s always good.” THURSDAY 28 JUNE 2018 SPORT 24

Brazilian players celebrate after Paulinho scored their The curse of first goal against Serbia during the FIFA 2018 World Cup Group E match at the Spartak Stadium in Moscow, Russia, yesterday. champions


KAZAN, RUSSIA: Germany have been elim- inated from a World Cup in the first round for the first time since the Second World War, as the holders are knocked out in the group stage for the fourth time this century. Leaving aside Uruguay -- who won the inaugural World Cup in 1930 before not travelling to Italy for the 1934 edition -- it is the sixth time in the history of the com- petition that the reigning champions have failed to make it past the first hurdle. Her is a look the previous sides to fall victim to the champions curse: ITALY 1950 Italy had won back-to-back World Cups before the Second World War got in the way, and much had changed by the time the 1950 tournament came around in Brazil. Their team also opted to travel across the Atlantic by boat after several Italian internationals were killed in the Superga air disaster of May 1949 that decimated the great Torino side of the time. Out of shape after the long journey by sea, the Italians played just two matches, losing 3-2 to Sweden before beating Par- aguay 2-0. Sweden topped the group, and Italy went home. BRAZIL 1966 Pele’s great Brazil side rocked up in England having won the previous two World Cups. They would win the 1970 trophy too, but 1966 was a disaster. Pele and Garrincha scored to secure a 2-0 win over Bulgaria at Everton’s Goodison Park home in their opening game. However, Bulgaria’s rough treatment of Pele forced him to miss their next match, a 3-1 defeat at the hands of Hungary. ‘O Rei’ returned for their decisive last group outing against Eusebio’s Portugal, but was the victim of another meaty tackle and was forced to limp his way through the remainder of the match as Brazil lost 3-1 Brazil outclass Serbia again to go out. FRANCE 2002 France came to the World Cup in Japan and South Korea with a wonderful side that had won the trophy on home soil in 1998 and then won the European Championship to set up Mexico clash in 2000. However, nothing went right for Les AFP Bleus as they went home with their tails between their legs having failed to score a MOSCOW: Brazil eased into goal never mind win a game. the World Cup knockout stages Zinedine Zidane was missing due to after defeating Serbia 2-0 injury as France were stunned 1-0 by yesterday, with superstar Senegal in their first game, and they fol- Neymar sparkling in a win lowed that with a 0-0 draw against which sets up a last 16 clash Uruguay, as Thierry Henry was sent off. against Mexico. Zidane was back in time for their last Paulinho put Brazil ahead group outing, but could not prevent a 2-0 with a superb dinked finish on loss at the hands of Denmark that had them 36 minutes before Neymar heading home after the worst trophy swung in a cross for Thiago defence in tournament history. Silva to header the Selecao’s ITALY 2010 second goal with 22 minutes After the miracle of 2006, when the left in Moscow. Azzurri won the trophy in Germany despite Having opened his Russia the chaos being caused in their domestic 2018 account with the second game by the Calciopoli scandal, 2010 in of Brazil’s two late goals in Fri- South Africa was a spectacular disaster for day’s 2-0 win over Costa Rica, the Italians. Neymar was again impressive. The presence of veterans like Gianluigi After the tearful emotion of Buffon and Fabio Cannavaro and that of Saint Petersburg, Neymar cut Marcello Lippi on the bench could not a more joyful figure after this SERBIA BRAZIL prevent Italy from being humbled in the win, blowing kisses to the group stage as they failed to win any of crowd as the five-time cham- their matches. pions celebrated. 0 2 After having to come from behind to As Group E winners, Brazil PAULINHO - 36' draw with Paraguay and New Zealand, will now face Mexico in Samara T. SILVA - 68' Paulinho scores Brazil’s first goal against Serbia yesterday. Italy’s fate was sealed as they suffered a on Monday, with group humiliating 3-2 loss at the hands of Slo- runners-up Switzerland taking vakia, who advanced at their expense. on Sweden in St. Petersburg on Neymar had the best Manchester United mid- arms of the Brazilian shot- SPAIN 2014 Tuesday. chance of the opening half hour fielder Nemanja Matic was the stopper. To cap Serbia’s frustra- Paulinho put The curse of the champions struck In the pre-match build-up when he forced Serbia goal- next Serbian midfielder to be tions, Sergej Milinkovic-Savic Brazil ahead with again four years ago in Brazil, as Spain’s Brazil coach Tite said Neymar keeper Vladimir Stojkovic to booked when he fouled Man- fired wide, then Mitrovic guided all-conquering side were stopped in their alone can not “shoulder the palm his shot away. chester City star Gabriel Jesus a powerful header straight at a superb dinked tracks. responsibility” for his team’s Tempers frayed when on 48 minutes. Alisson from a corner. finish on 36th Vicente del Bosque’s team arrived in World Cup hopes. Serbia midfielder Adem Ljajic Serbia’s brightest spell However, Brazil made sure South America having won three consec- However, the 26-year-old scythed down Neymar, in full came with half an hour left, of the win when Neymar swung minute before utive major tournaments between 2008 seemed content to carry Bra- flight on the left flank, to earn only to be let down by poor in a free-kick and his Paris Thiago Silva’s and 2012, but this proved a step too far zil’s attack, motoring through a booking on 33 minutes. finishing. Saint-Germain team-mate for a side lacking the hunger of old. Serbia’s midfield and crashing Brazil conjured the opener Ljajic stumbled to take a Thiago crashed home his header added the They knew they were going home after an early shot just wide of the from nothing when a beauti- return pass after a charging run header, unmarked at the near second. just two matches of a disastrous trophy post. fully lofted pass from Philippe into Brazil’s box and then fired post, on 68 minutes. defence, as a 5-1 humbling at the hands of The match at Moscow’s Coutinho found Paulinho, who over shortly after. With one eye on the last 16, the Netherlands was followed by a 2-0 Spartak Stadium began at a flicked the ball over Stojkovic’s Then with his defence Tite took off Countinho with ten Brazil secure top defeat against Chile at the Maracana. ferocious tempo and Brazil left- reach on 36 minutes to make it beaten, Brazil goalkeeper minutes left while Neymar spot in Group E as It was the end of an era for the likes back Marcelo was an early cas- 1-0 at the break. Alisson palmed a save straight twice went close to scoring the Serbia finish third of Iker Casillas, Xavi Hernandez and Xabi ualty, limping off after ten Serbia repeatedly struggled at Aleksandar Mitrovic, but the Selecao’s third late on, but the Alonso. A 3-0 win over Australia in their minutes to be replaced by Filipe to contain Brazil’s fleet-footed Serbia forward could only head Brazil coach can be happy with and go out. last game was scant consolation. Luis. attack. the ball back into the grateful his star forward.