SPORT Thursday 28 June 2018 PAGEE | 1919 PAGESPAG | 20-21 Mexico sufferfer at FightFight for top spot as Sweden’s hands but both EngEnglandla meet Belgium qualify for lastast 16 iinn ‘s‘stranget match’ GERMANY S. KOREA 0 2 Y G KIM - 90'+3' H M SON - 90'+6 Holders Germany sent packing after loss to South Korea AFP Germany stumbled to a 2-0 loss to South Korea 2018 FIFA WORLD CUP - GROUP ANALYSIS that left them rooted to the bottom of Group F. Timo Werner, Marco Reus, Mesut Ozil and second-half Holders Germany suffer the biggest shocks in the M W D L GF GA PTS KAZAN, RUSSIA: Holders substitute Mario Gomez were Germany sensationally crashed tournament’s history - failing to make it past the among the Germany stars who GROUP A out of the World Cup yesterday opening round for the first time since 1938. failed to take goalscoring URUGUAY 3 3 0 0 5 0 9 in one of the biggest shocks in chances as the South Koreans RUSSIA 3 2 0 1 8 4 6 the tournament’s history -- defender Mats Hummels told “We’ve done a fantastic job defended with SAUDI ARABIA 3 1 0 2 2 7 3 failing to make it past the German broadcaster ZDF. today with this match,” he said determination. EGYPT 3 0 0 3 2 6 0 opening round for the first time Germany qualified for in Yekaterinburg, ahead of a The Asians, however, were since 1938. Russia with a perfect record of last-16 clash against either also dangerous on the counter- GROUP B Germany’s Julian Brandt, Marco In a stunning reverse by the 10 wins, but Hummels said the Brazil, Switzerland or Serbia. attack and more than once Reus and Mario Gomez look footballing superpower who last time the team had played Germany are the sixth carved opportunities to keep SPAIN 3 1 2 0 6 5 5 dejected after being defeated by haveave reached eac ed either e t e the t e final a wellwe was when w e they t ey wrapped w apped holderso de s in history sto y to fall a at the t e GermanyGe a y goalkeeper goa eepe Manuel Ma ue PORTUGAL 3 1 2 0 5 4 5 Korea Republic in their FIFA 2018 or semi-finalssemi-finals ofof everyevery WorldWorld up quaqualificationlification llateate llastast yyear.ear. firstfirst hurdlehurdle andand theirtheir demisedemise NeuerNeuer on hishis toes.toes. IR IRAN 3 1 1 1 2 2 4 World Cup Group F match played Cup since 2002, tthehe Germans HummelsHummels said came ffourour yyearsears aafterfter GermanyGermany suffered the first MOROCCO 3 0 1 2 2 4 1 at the Kazan Arena, yesterday. stumbledstumbled to a 2-02-0 loss to South thethe warningwarning signssigns defendingdefending championschampions Spain of severalseveral scaresscares afterafter South Korea that left them rooted to hadhad been there alsoalso failed to make it out ofof Korea won a free kick on the GROUP C thet e bottom bottom of o GGroupr oup F.F . afterateafter Germany Germ any thet e group gr oup stage in Brazil.Br azil. quarterquar ter hourhou our when wwhe en Sami Sami YESTERDAY'S RESULTS lost theirtheir Loew’sLoew’ss side side beganbeganthn theirtheir Khedira’sKhedira’ira s bootboot connectedconnected withwith FRANCE 3 2 1 0 3 1 7 GROUP F openingopenp iingg gamega e campaigncamppaign withwiti hha a 1-010 dfdefedefeatat toto theth head of Jung Wooyoung.WooWo youny ung. DENMARK 3 1 2 0 2 1 5 KOREA REP. 2-0 GERMANY MexicoMiMexico beforebeforf eere rekindlingrekindlingg theirtheh ir FromFr 30 yardsyards out,ouut, itit PERU 3 1 0 2 2 2 3 bidbd withih aal last-gasplastast-gaspgas 2-121 win shouldshould have haveav been fodfofodderodderd forfo AUSTRALIA 3 0 1 2 2 5 1 GROUP F over Sweden.Swedden.de Thee WorldWorlW rlldCud Cup-winningCupwip-wipp-winnnninnniningNeg Neuer,Neeuerueuer,rr, butut MEXICO 0-3 SWEDEN SwedesSdSwedessw won won the theh he fumbled fumblu bled Jung’s Jung’ungng’s dippingdippinpp g driveddrriveivivee GROUP D NeuerNeNeueueeu r andannd scrambledscs ramrambambbledle desper-deespspperr- GROUP E CROATIA 3 3 0 0 7 1 9 SERBIA 0-2 BRAZIL GermanyGeGermmannyy wentwenentnt intoininto thethe atelyately tot clear.clear.r gameggamgaame knowingkknknonoowwiwingngg thattthathhaat a winwinn by AfterAfteA er failingfailing to findfifinfind a waywwaaayy ARGENTINA 3 1 1 1 3 5 4 GROUP E twottwwwoo clearclecleaclclear goalsggoalsallss wouldwowouwoulouullddh havehah vee pastpaspa suberbsububeererbrbb KoreaKoKorKoreea ‘keeper‘keeepepper JoJo NIGERIA 3 1 0 2 3 4 3 SWITZERLAND 2-2 COSTA RICA seensseeenn themtththehem intoinntoo thethhee lastlaasast 16.1666. ButBBuutu HyeonwooHyeHyeoeoonwon ooo inn thethhe secondsecseccocondnd ICELAND 3 0 1 2 2 5 1 insteadiinnsteaeadadd iti waswaas SSwedenwwededeen andannd half,halfhalh f, GermanyGGeermmmaaanny TODAY'S FIXTURES MexicoMMeMexixico wwhohoo advancedaddvavananncecedd afteraafaftfteteer thethhe coccouldoulouulld onoonlynlly GROUP E SwedesSSweSweddess rompedrommmpeed tot a 3-03--00 winwiin grogrougroupp on lollookooookk BRAZIL 3 2 1 0 5 1 7 GROUP H overooveverer theththee MexicansMMeeexiicacananns in WednesdayWednesdaday afterafter onon inin JAPAN VS POLAND SWITZERLAND 3 1 2 0 5 4 5 5.00PM Yekaterinburg.YYekaYekekekakakatetereriinbnbunbbururrgg. beating MexiMexicoxiico 33-0,-0-0, GermanyGGeererrmmaanyy coachcocoacacch JoachimJJooaachim butbut thethe centralcentral Amer-Amemer- shockshohock asas USU refereereferefrefefeerreereeeee MarkMarkrkk SERBIA 3 1 0 2 2 4 3 COSTA RICA 3 0 1 2 2 5 1 GROUP H Loew,LoeLLooeoeww, whowwhho ledleed hishhiis sidessiided toto icansiicans also went through.throughgh. GeigerGeigiger calledcaallealllleed forffor thethhe videovviideeoeo SENEGAL VS COLOMBIA victoryvvicvivictiicticctctooryorrryy inintn thethehe 20142014014 WorldWWoWorlWororloorrldCdCud CupCuC p “First“First we needneed to con-con- assistantassia siistanssta t refereerreefereee toto interveneinnntteervrvveennee 5.00PM final,finffiininanaal,lwl, willwillll bebe underu nndeerr pressureprep essurs ure to gratulateggratulate our two opponentsopponeents afterafteftetteer thethhe unmarkedununmmaaarrkkeded KimKiimm GROUP F quit,qquuuiiitt, despiteddeesspispitpipitittehaehe havinghhaavvinving onlyonnln y signedsis gnedgnnenededed whow made it out of the group,”grououp,” YounggwonYounY unggwog wow nnha hadhahaddb bundledbbuunndddleleddhi hishihis SWEDEN 3 2 0 1 5 2 6 GROUP G aacoac contractccoontrnntratrtraaccttte extensionexxtexttetenenssioonn untiluuntilil 2022 20022222 saids Loew.Loew. shothott pastppaasstNt NeuerNNeuueruer fromffrroromomom aac cornercorornrrnnneer MEXICO 3 2 0 1 3 4 6 PANAMA VS TUNISIA lastlallasastasst month.mmomononnthth.thh. “For“For us it’s a hugehuge disap-disasap- earlyeearlrly inn stoppageststotopppagpagageet time.ttimmeee.. SOUTH KOREA 3 1 0 2 3 3 3 9.00PM “It’s“I“It“It’It’IItt’t’stos toottooo soonssoononf for for me meeto to ppointment.ointment. At ouourr trttrainingaining TheThhee goalggoa waswwaaass aawawaawardedwwaarrderdddeddeeded answananswer,nswwer, ittw wwillillilill taketake a fewfeww camp we preparedprepparedd wellwwewell andannd wwe becausebecabebececacaausee TTonini KKroKroos’ooos’s’s touchttooucoouucchhhhha hahhadd GERMANY 3 1 0 2 2 4 3 GROUP G ENGLAND VS BELGIUM hourshohouhourours to seeses thingsthihingsngs clearly,cleacleaarly, camecam hereherh e readyready to taketakkee onn thethe playedplapllaayed himhimm onside,onsinsididde,, and andnd 9.00PM thet disappointmentdisdisasasappopppoipopoiointmmentt isis rolerole ofof defendingdefendingchg champions.chammpioons. minutesminmiinnun teses laterlatel errGe GermanyGeGermanrmrm yyw werewweere GROUP G veryeryr dedeedeepeeeppipin in me,memme,”” sasaidid “But we didn’tdidn’t playplayy thetthhee top- 2-02-00 downd afterafter NeuerNeeueruerr ranrran upup ENGLAND 2 2 0 0 8 2 6 558-y58-year8-y-yeareaar LoewLoeew whwhewwhenn classclass footballfootball we neneedededededdeeded to.totoo. WeW thethhhee pitchpippitititch in aad desperatedespeespes erate attemptattattemptempmptmppt BELGIUM 2 2 0 0 8 2 6 askeaskasaaskedskek d iff hehe woulwowwouldoulu d createdcreaatedt chanceschanhances againstagainstns KoreaKoreK a too grab grabrab an equaliser.equalq iserisserer. TUNISIA 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 resign.resiess gn.gngn butbu we couldn’t coulduldn’tnt relaxrelaelaxxan andanddsc scoresccorerer AAlo longloongng punt puntt upfieldupfififieldeldd sawaww PANAMA 2 0 2 1 1 9 0 “We“W“WeW willwilwiwilll havehavhha eetoet to 1-0101 tottM Mexico. Mexicxicxi o.o SwedenSwedewededd n the goalsgoalsswe we needed.neeeeeded.d TottTottenhamottotot enham fofforwardorwarwarwarw d SoSSonn havehahava e discussionsdisdiscusscucuscussionsons coachcoaccoacach JanneJanne AnderssonAnderssorss n spokesppoke “Since“Sin“ cec 20062 006 we’vewe’v’ e beenbeb enn Heung-minHeunung-mig nnch chasechase aacl clearanceclc earancennccec tomotomttotomorrow,omom rrowrrorowoww, wewwe’ll’ll’lll ofof hishiss prideprideridiidde afteraftaffterr hishiss sidesideided amongamonmonmonng thetht e lastlaastt fourfouroour orrir ininnth thethhe too firefireiree intonton o anan emptyemptmptptptyyne netnenet andana d GROUP H South Korean defender Kim seessee howh w itttg goes.”g oes.oeoeess.” toppedtoppoppppppeded the theeeg groupgroupr up withwitwiwitthhse second-seecondconcond- final.finaffininanal.lTl This Thishhis timeimm wew didn’tdidnididdnn’t’t KoreaKoreKKororeahahua huhhungungnggo o onn foforr a famofamffamousamomom usus JAPAN 2 1 1 0 4 3 4 Young-gwon celebrates after “ItIItt isis a really,reaeally,lllyllyy halfhalalflfl goalsgoagogoalsssf fromf romroomm LudwigLudwLudwudwwigig performperfperppeere ormrm tot a levellevlleevvele sufficients uffiuffuffiiciencieieni nttto tot winwwi thatthhathatat wwilwiwillilllbel be aac consolationconsooononsn olatilatlatationon SENEGAL 2 1 1 0 4 3 4 scoring against Germany reallyrealrearerealeaeala lyly
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