Band 71, 2. Supplement

Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz, Suppl. 1-27

Redaktionsschluß: 11. 11. 99 Bibliographia Oribatologica Nummer 30 Contents

Abbreviations ...... 4 Publications ...... 5 Nomina nova ...... 22 New species, new subspecies/n. sp., n. ssp ...... 22 New genera/no gen ...... 25 New combinations/n. combo ...... 26 New synonyms/no syn ...... 26 New status/no stat ...... 27 Conferences ...... 27 Wanted ...... 27 Book review ...... 28

AuthOl"s address: Dr. T homas Schwalbe, Staatliches M useum für Naturkunde, Postfach 300 154, 02806 Görlitz

ISSN: 0863- 1794

Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. W. Xylander Redaktion: Dr. K. Voigtländer Eigenverlag des Staatli chen Museums für Naturkunde Görlitz A ll e Rechte vorbehalten Druck: MAXROI Graphics GmbH, Görlitz


In den ABHANDLUNGEN UND BERICHTEN DES NATURKUNDEMUSEUMS GÖRLITZ wird jährlich ein e Auflistung der neuesten gedruckten oder geplanten Publikationen liber Oribatei veröffentlicht, soweit sie uns bekannt wurde n. Die Zusendung Ihrer Publikati onen sowie In fo rmati onen liber gerade laufe nde Arbeiten sind di e Basis di eser Bibliografie. Vorschl äge und Kritiken sind zur Verbesserung sehr will komme n. Es wird ein e Kostenbeteili gun g von DM 10.- erbete!l. Bitte sc hi cken Sie den Betrag per Eurocheque in einem Brief oder liberweisen Sie auf das Konto 6165 be i: Niederschlesische Sparkasse, BLZ :850 501 00. Bitte geben Sie bei Verwendun gszweck Bibliographia Oribatologica an. Um Geblihren zu ersparen. schl agen wir vor. die Beträge für di e Nummern 29-32 zu sammen zu liberweisen. Sind Sie an der Bibliographi a in Di skettenform interessiert , legen Sie bitte ein e Di skette 3.5"" und eine In fo rmati on über den vo n Ihnen gewünschten Dateityp Word 8 oder Word 6 Ihrer Post bei.

In ABHANDLUNGEN UND BERIC HTE DES NATURKUN DEMUSEUM GÖRLlTZ, current printed or planned publications o n Oribatei are li sted every year as far as th ey have co me to our knowledge. The basis of thi s bibliography are your publi cati ons as weil as informati o n about your current work . Proposals fo r improvement and criti cism are very welcome. A small fee of 10.- DM is requested. Pl ease remit by eurocheque or to the account 6165 at Niederschlesische SpaI'kasse BLZ : 850 501 00. Pl ease note Bibliographia Oribatologica as purpose 01· payment. To reduce charges we suggest remitting the fe es fo r the numbers 29 up to 32 togeth er. I f you are interested in receiving the bibliography on a di sk, pl ease send a 3S· eli sk anel state type o f fi le Word 8 or Word 6 as desireeI.

Par les A BHANDLUNGEN UND BERICHTE DES NATURKUNDEM USEUMS GÖRLITZ est publiee chaque annee une li ste eI'articles les plus recents se referant au travail concernant les Oribatei, tant que nous en avons conn aissance. L'envoi ele vos publications ainsi que ei es informati ons sm des travaux en cours sont la base de celle bibliographie. Des propositions et des critiques visant a I'ame li orati o n sont les bi envenues. Une participation aux frai s d ' un montant de 10.- Deutsche Mark no us parait necessaire. S'il vous plait expedi ez un Eurocheque en letu·e ou veuill ez verser le paiement a I' intitule du compte sui vant: Niederschlesische Sparkasse BLZ: 850501 00 Numero de compte : 6165. Comme but d' uti lisation veuillez ecrire: Bibliographia Oribatologica. Pom economi ser des taxes, nous vous proposons de virer ensemble les montant s pour les numeros 29-32. Si vous etes interesse a la bibliographia sur di scette, veuillez join dre une eli squette 3,5" et un e informati o n sm type Word 8 ou Word 6 a votre courri er.

3 Abbreviations and explanations

PI aces 01' storage 01' new species are mentioned onl y il" they are c it ed in this bib li ography:

Shanghai In stitute 01' Entomology, ~cadcm i a ~ini ca, ~han g h a i , China Qi shop Museum !!onolulu, Hawaii Qritish Museum !,ondo n, United Kingdom !;.o ll ege 01' .!);n vironmental ~ci e n ce and Eorestry, State Un iversity of New York, U.S.A. !;.oll ecti o n of ~e rd Weigmann. ßerl in , Gennany !;.entro de !nvesti gationes !;.ientillcas X de Iransl'e rencia de Iechno logfa a la rroducion de Di amante, Argentille !;.anadian tiational !;.ollection of In sects and , Agriculture and Agri food Canada, Ottawa, Canada !;.o ll ecti on of Dr. r erez-!iiigo, Madri d, Spain !;.oll ecti on 01' J. G . ralacios-Yargas, Mexico, Mexico !;.oll ecti on 0 1' R oy A. tiorton, S. U.N. Y. , College of Environmental Science & Forestry, Syracuse, New York, U.s.A . .Qe panment 01' ~nimal Iaxonomy and .!);co logy, Adam Mickiewicz Uni versity, Poznali, Polancl .Qepartme nt 01' ~y s t e m a ti c ~o o l ogy and .!);co logy 0 1' the Eötvös Lorand Uni ve rs it y, ßudapest, Hungary Eield Museum , .Qi vision 01' !nsects, !;.hi cago, II lino is, U.S.A. The Eield Museum of tiatural !!istory, Chi cago, U.S.A. !!ungari an tiatural !!istory Museum, ßudapest, Hungary !nstituto de ßIOLogfa, Mexico !nstilllto tiacional de ßiodiversidad, Sant o Domingo, Costa Ri ca !,ab. de ~ca r o l og fa dei !nstituto r oli tec ni co tiacional. Mexico, Mexico !,aboratory 01' rlant rrotecti on, College 01' Agri culture, Wonkwang Uni vers it y, Iksan, Korea Museo Na ti onal de !;.iencias tiaturales, M ad ri d, Spain Museum d'!!istoire tiaturelle ~e nev e, Switze rl and Museo de !!istori a tiatural de la C iu dad de Mcxico, Mexico Museum national d'!!istoire tiawre ll e, Laboratoire de Zoologie (Anhropodes), raris, France Museum o f Comparative Zoology, !!m'vard !lniversity, Cambridge, Massachusett s, U .S.A. Musee R oyal de' l ~friqu e !;.entrale, Tervuren. Republic o f Celltral Africa Acaro logical Coll ection o fthe tiational MuseumQloemfonte in , Republic 01' South A l"ri ca tiational ~cie n ce Museum , Iokyo, Japan Acarology coll ection 0 1' the Department 0 1" Zoology, tiational !lnive rsit y o f M ongolia. Ulaan-baatar, Mongolia Acarology Laboratory, Qhio ~tltt e !lniversit y, !;.OIUlllbu s, Ohio, U.S.A. Laboratorio de Artropodos, Departalllento de ß iologfa, !lniversidad tiacional de Mar dei rlata. Argelltine ~e n cke nb e rg Museum, frankfurt am Main. Germany Laboratori o de Ecologfa y Si stematica de Mi croarrropodos. Depto de ßio logfa. Fac. des Sciencias, UNAM, Mexico, Mex ico US tiational Museum. Washington. D. C., U.S.A. ~ oo l og i c al Museum o f the !lniversit y o f Iurku, Fi nl and

4 HT - Holotype PT - Paratype "*" these titl es were onl y founel as citati ons 0 1' abstracts The aelelress of the corresponelin g author is given foll ow in g the year of publication. Changes of aelelress - printeel in boieI s. For your convenience the ISSN for peri oelical s, ISB N for books, respecti vely, are given following the literature numbers of my co ll ecti on in {brackets}. Nomina nova: Here all oribatiel names are li steel as far as they came to our knowleelge. Their valielity coulel not be examineel here. Type-material informations as foli ows : Zetomil11l1s naias Behan-Pell eti er, 1998 (6258 : 37 I I) [HTE - INBio + (20 PT E+r) - INB io, 2 CNC, FMNH, CRN ] I - literature number in my coll ecti on ineli cateel in brackets behinel thj e titl e, with the first page of th e elescription 2 - 1ll1mber of ho lotypes anel paratypes with th e place of storage respecti ve ly The authors of new combinat ions anel new sy nonyms with the corresponeling titles are written in [brackets].


Aelelington ; R:N. & T.R. Seasteelt ( 1999): (Department 01' Environmental, Population anel Organismic Bi ology anel In stitute 01' Arctic anel Alpine Research, Un iversity of Coloraelo, Bouleler, CO 60309, U.S.A.) "Activity of soil microarthropoel s beneath sno wpack in alpine tunelra anel subalpine forest. " Peelobiololgia 43: 47-53 (6265) {003 1-4056 }

Alberti , G. ( 1998): (Zoological In stitute anel Museum, University of GreifswaleI. lohann-Sebastian-Bachstr. I 1/l2, 17489 GreifswaleI , Germany, E-mai l: albeni @rz.u ni- greifswalel .el e) "Fine structure of receplor organs in oribatielmites ( )." In: Ebermann , E. (eel. ): Biosystemati cs anel Ecology Series No . 14 - Austrian Acaelemy of Sciences Press, Vi enna: 27-77 ( 6300) {ISB N 3-7001-275 7- X}

Alberti , G. , A. Klimek & S. Seniczak (1999): "Fine sU'u cture of th e humeral organ of juvenil e Edwardzeres echvardsii (Ceratoze tiel ae. Oribatiela). " In: Bruin, 1. , L.P.S. van eier Geest & M.W. Sabeli s (eel s.): Ecology anel Evoluti on of th e Acari.- Kluwer Acael emi c Publishers Doeirecht/Boston/Loneion 1999 : 587-592 ( 6256) {ISBN 0-7923-565 8-6}

5 Andres, P. ( 1999):'" (Centre de Recerca Ecologica i Aplicacions Forestals (CREAF), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain) "Ecological ri sks 01' th e use 01' se wage slud ge as ferti li zer in so il restoration : Effects on the so il microarthropod populations." Land Degradation and Development 10 ( I ): 67-77 (6286) (1085-3278J

Andres, P. & F. Athias-Binche ( 1998):* "Decompositi on 01' the organ ic matter in two rorest ecosystems (Natural Park of Montseny, Spain). l. Abundance, biomass and distributi on of the so il mi cro ." [Ori g. : French; Res.: French + English] Vie et Mil ieu 48 (3): 215-225 (6296) {0240-8759 }

Arill o, A. & L. Santos Subfas 1998): (Departamento de Biologfa An imal I [Zoologfa-Entomologfa], FaCLil tad de Biologfa, Universid ad Complu tense, 28040 Madrid, Spain) "Neoteny characters in legs chaetotaxy in th e subgenu s Oxyoppia (Dza rognela) Kul iev, 1978 (Acari, Oppiinae, Oxyoppiinae)." [Orig. : Spanish; Res.: Spani sh + Eng li sh] Bo letfn de la Real Sociedad Espaiiola de Hi storia Natural 94 (3-4): 41-43 (6 193) (0366- 3272)

Bayartogtokh, B. ( 1998): (Unti! March 152001: Department of Soil Zoology, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Yokohama National University, Tokiwadai 79-7, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan, Fax: 81-45339-4375, E-mail: baym·@iname.com) "A new species of oribatidmite (Acari: Banksinomidae) from Mongoli a." Internati onal Journal 01' Acarology 24 (2) : 125-129 (620 I ) {0164-7954 }

Bayartogtokh, B. ( 1998): "A new species of oribatid (Acariformes: ) from Mongoli a." Acarin a 6 ( 1-2) : 3 1-33 (6 199) {O I 32-8077 }

Bayartogtokh, B. & J. Aoki ( 1997) : "Oribatid mites of the genu s Bipassalozeles Mihelcic, 1957 (Acari: Oribatei: Passalozetidae) from Mongo li a." Acta Arachnologica 46 (2): 87-99 (6203) {OOO 1-5202 }

Bayartogtokh, B. & J. Aoki (1998): "Newand linie known species of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from Mongoli a." Bu ll etin of the In stitute of Environmental Science and Technology, Yokohama National University 24 (I): 121 - 135 (6202) (0286-584X J

Bayartogtokh, B. & J. Aoki ( 1998): "Oribatid mites of the fami ly Ceratozetidae (Acari : Oribatida) from Mongoli a." [Ori g.: Engli sh; Res .: English + Japanese] Bu ll etin of the Biogeographi ca l Society of Japan 53 ( I): 1-12 (6200) {0067-87 16}

6 Behan-Pell eti er, V.M. ( 1998): (Biodive rsity Section. Research Branch. Agri cliitu re and Agri -Food Canada. K. W. eatby Bldg. , Ottawa, Ontari o, Canaela K I A OC6, E-mail: behanpv@elll. ag r. ca.) "Ceratozeto iel ea (Acari: Oribatida) of lowlanel tropical rain fo rest, La Sei va, Costa Rica. " [Orig.: Engli sh; Res.: Engli sh + French] Acarologia 39 (4): 349-38 1 (6258) {0044-586-X}

Behan-Pell eti er. V.M. & G. Newton ( 1999):* "Linkin g soil biodiversity anel ecosystem fll nction: The ta xo nomi c eli lemm a." Bioscience 49 (2) : 149-15 2 (6293) {0006-3568}

Berg, M.P., J.P. Kn iese, J.J .M. Bedall x & A. H. Verh oef ( 1998):* (Departlllent of Ecology anel ECOloxicology, Soi l Eco logy Section, Vrije Uni versity, Oe Boell eaan 1087. 108 1 HV Amsterel am, The Nelherlanel s) "Dynamics anel stratification of flln cli onal groll ps of mi cro- anel mesoarth ropoels in the organi c layer of a Scüts pine forest. " Bi ology anel Fenility of Soil s 26 (4): 268-284 (6282) {O 178-2762}

Bloszyk, J. & Z. Olszanowsk i ( 1997): (Department of Taxo nomy and Eco logy, Aelam Mickiewicz Uni versity. POZIliUl , Polanel) "Colllpareel chorologic analysis of moss mites (Acari : Oribati ela) of Karkonosze and Gorce National Parks." [Orig.: Po lish; Res.: Poli sh + Engl ish] Geologiczne Problemy Karkonoszy 2: 109- 11 4 (6209) {ISB N 83 -85340-5 3-X }

Bloszyk, J. ( 1998):'" "East Carpath ian geograp hi cal elements in lh e mile faun a of Polanel." Biological Bull etin oFPoznaJ135 (2): 137- 147 (6284) {1426-5656}

Bückin g, 1. , H. Ern st & F. Si emer ( 1998): (U ni ve rsität Bremen, In stitut für Ökologie und Evo luti onsbiologie (Fachbereich 2), Leobener Strasse - NW 2, 28359 Bremen, Germany. E-mai l: jbueck@uni -bremen.de) "Population el ynamics of phytophagous mites inhabi tin g rocky shores - K-strategists in an ex treme en v i ron men t?" In : Ebermann , E. (eel. ): Bi osysremar ics anel Ecology Series No. 14 - Austrian Academy 01' Sciences Press, Vienn a: 93- 143 (630 I ) {ISBN 3-700 1-2757-X }

Caball ero, Ana Isabel, Juan Carl os Itu rronel obeiti a & Marta Ines SaloI1a ( 1999): (Depa.rtalllenro de Zoologfa y Dinami ca Cellil ar Anim al, Fac ul tad de Ciencias, UPV-EHU, 48940 Leioa (V icaya), Spai n) "A bi ometri cal stuel y 01' Beminiel/ CI serraliroslris (Acari: Oribatei) anel so me re lateel species. " In: Bru in , J., L.P.S. van ei er Geest & M.W. Sabelis (eels.): Ecology anel Evoluti on 01' the Acari.- Klu wer Academi c Publishers Ooelrecht/Boston/Lonel on 1999: 569-579 (6254 ) {[SB N 0-7923-5658-6}

7 Choi, S.-S . ( 1998): (Coll ege of Ag ri culture, Wonk wang Uni versily, Iksan, 570 749 Ko rea, E-mail: [email protected].) "Two new spec ies of oribatid mi tes from Baekrockdam of Mt. f-I all a in Cheju-do, Korea." Journal 0 1' Asia-Pac ific Ento mology 1 (2): 2 11-2 16 (62 10) {n ot ascertain able )

Chu , Y. -1. & J. Ao ki (1997):'" (Department 01' Plant Pathology and Entomology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan) "Faun a of oribatid at Fu-shan forest Iitter anel humu s layer. " [Ori g.: Chinese; Res .: Chinese + Engli sh] Zhonghu a Kun chong 17 (3): 172-1 78 (628 1 ) {0258-462X)

Deleporte, S. & P. Tillier ( 1999):'" (Lab. eI 'Ecologie el u Sol et Biologie eies Pop ul at ions, Station Biologique, UMR CN RS 6553 ECOBlO , 35380, Pa impont, France) "Long- term efTects 01' min eral amenel ments on so il fa una anel humus in an ac iel beech fo rest fl oor. " Forest Ecology anel Management 118 ( 1-3) : 245-252 (6283) (0378- 11 27 )

Ebermann , E. ( 1998): (Institute of Zoology, Uni ve rsity of Graz, Uni versitätspl atz 2, 80 I 0 Graz, Austri a) "Arth ro poel bi ology : Contributi ons to Mo rphology, Eco logy anel Systematics." In : Ebermann , E. (eel .) :Biosystematics and Eco logy Seri es No. 14. - Austri an Acaelemy of Sc iences Press, Vienn a, 384 pp. (6 198) {ISBN 3-7001-2757-X )

Eberm ann , E. ( 1998): "Pro f. R. Schu ster - a Laud ati o." In: Eberm ann , E. (eel. ):Biosystemati cs anel Ecology Seri es No. 14.: 2-25 - Austrian Acael emy of Sciences Press, Vienn a, 384 pp. (6299) {ISBN 3-700 1-2757-X)

Enami , Y. & J. Aok i ( 1998):* (U pl anel Farming Division, Tohoku National Experiment Station, Arai, Fu kushima-shi , 960-2 1 Jap an ) "Damaeid mites (Acari : Oribatei) from the Kushiro wetland of Hokkaielo, North Japan." Journal of the Acarological Society 01' Japa n 7 (2) : 99- 106 (62 13) (0044-5 134 ) Franklin , E.N., S. Woas, H. O.R. Schubart & J. U. Adi s ( 1998):* (lnst. Nac l. Pesquisas Amazo ni a, CPEC, Cx . Postal 478, 690 11-970 Manu as, AM, Brazil ) "Arbori phil ous oribatid mites (Acari: Oribati ela) in two f1 00deel fo rests from central Amazoni an." [Ori g.: Po rtuguese; Res. : Portu guese + Engli sh] Rev ista Bras il eira el e Biologia 58 (2) : 3 17-335 (6276) (0034-7 108 )

8 Frouz, J. , B. Kepl in. K. TajovskY. Y. Pi z!. 1. Stary, J. Lukesova, A. Novakova, Y. Balfk , Y. Hane l, J. Materna, C h. Düker & 1. C halupsky ( 1999): (Institute 01' Soil Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republi c, Na Sadkach 7, CZ- 370054 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republik) "Soil bi ota development in two contrastin g post mini ng chronosequences." Ecological E ngi neering, El sevier Science Publishers

Fujikawa, T . ( 1999): (Dannokoshi 30-5(20 I). Arai. F ukushima-shi 960-2 156, Japan) "Indi vidual vari ati ons of two reared species, Teclocepheus ve/mus (MICHAEL, 1880) and Oppella nova (OUDEMANS. 1902)." [Orig.: Engli sh; Res.: Engli sh + Japanese] Edapho logia 62: I 1-46 (6264) (0389-1 445}

Gerecke, R. & P. Reutimann ( 1999): (Zoologische Staatssammlungen Mün chen. Mün chh ausenstr. 2 1, 8 1247 M ün chen, Germany) "Carl Bader, 1910-1 997. Ein Nachru f." [Orig.: German] Acarologia 39 (4): 195 -20 1 (62 11 ) (044-586X}

Gi l-Martfn, J. & L.S. Subfas ( 1997): (Departamento de Bio logfa Animal I [Zoologfa-Entomo logfaJ, FaCLiltad de Biologfa, Uni versidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain ) "Cons iderati o nes sobre la biogeograffa de los Oribatielos (Acari , Oribatida), de la Sierra de G redos (Ävil a)." [Ori g.: Spani sh] Cuadernos Abulenses 23: 137- 15 1 (6 190) ( not ascertainable }

G il -Martfn , J. & L.S . Subfas ( 1998): "Cons ideratio ns about biogeography and biodi versity 01' Oribatid M ites from West Mediterranean." [Orig.: Spani sh; Res. : Spanish + Eng li sh] Boletfn de la Real Sociedad Esprulola de Hi sto ri a Natural 94 ( 1-2): 89 -10 1 (6 192) (0366- 3272}

G il -Martfn , J. & L.S. Subfas ( 1998): "Faunisti c stuel y of O ribatiel s (Acari. Oribatida) from burned pine forests of a sector of the South slope in the Sierra de Gredos (Avil a) ." [Orig.: Spanish, Res.: Spani sh + Engli sh] Boletfn de la Asociacion Esprulola de Ento mologfa 22 ( 1-2): 185-2 10 (6 196) (02 10- 8984}

Gremmen, N.J. M. , S.L. Chown & D.J. Marshall ( 1998):'" (NIOO-CEMO, Postbus 140, 4400 AC Yerseke, The Netherl ands) "Impact 01' the introduceel grass Agroslis sl%ni/era on vegetation anel soil fauna communities at Mario n lsland, sub-Antarcti c. " Bio logical Conservation 85 (3): 223-23 1 (6269 ) ( 0006-3207}

9 Grisina, L.G., A.ß. Babenko & YU.l. Cernov ( 1998):* (In stitute 01" Animal Systematics and Ecology, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Frunze I I, Novosibirsk 63009 1, Russia) "The oribatid mites (Sarcopti formes, Oribatei) of Taimyr Peninsula western coast." [Orig.: Russian; Res. : Russian + English + Ukraini an) Vestnik-Zoologi i 32 ( 1-2): 116- 11 8 (6268) {0084-5604}

Halliday, R.ß. ( 1998): (CSIRO Di vision of Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra ACT 260 I, Australia, E-mail: bruceh @ento.csiro.au) "Mites 01' Australi a: ACheckli st anel Bibliography (Ol'eler Aeariformes, Suboreler Oribatida: 30-38). " Monographs on Invertebrate TaxonolllY Vo l. 5, CSIRO, Collingwooel , 3 17 pp. (6179 ) {ISBN: 064306370-6}

Hag, M.A. & N. Ramani ( 1997):'" (Divisio n 01' Acarology, Department of Zoology, University 01' Cali cut, Keral a 673 635, India) "Oribatid mites from Lakshadweep: I. A new speeies of Leptidacarus Csizar, 196 1 (Acari: Lohillanniielae). " Entomon 22 (2) : 11 9- 123 (6274) {0377-9335 }

Henegham, L. & T. Bolger ( 1998):* (Environ. Sei. Progralll, DePaul Uni v., 2320 N. Kenillore, Chicago, IL 60614-3298, USA) "Soil microarthropoel contribution to forest eeosystem processes: The importance of observational scale." P lant and Soil 205 (2) : 11 3- 124 (6289) {0032-079X}

Hubert, J., J. SmrZ & V. Sustr (1998): (Department of Zoology, Charles University, Vinicml 7, 128 44 - Prague, Czech Republic, E-Illai I: slllrz@ beba.cesnet.cz) "Feeding of oribatid mite Scheloribates laevigalus (Acari: Oribatida) in laboratory experiments: Preliminary results." In: Pi i l, V. & K. Tajovsky (eel s.): Soil Zoological Problems in Central Europe. Ceske Buelejovice, 1998: 51-57 (6 155) {ISBN 80-902020-4-7} lchisawa, K. & J. Aoki ( 1998)"" (Institute of Environmental Science anel Technology, Yokohaill a National University, 156 Tokiwaelai, Hoelogaya-ku , Yokohama 240, Japan) "A new species of the genus Cosmopirnodus (Oribatiela: Oripodidae) caught by water pan traps settled on th e rooftop of builelings in Kanagawa Prefecture, central Japan." Journal of th e Acarological Society 01' Japan 7 (2) : 135- l38 (62 14 ) {0044-51 34}

JO [chi sawa, K. , N. Kaneko. V. Behan-Pell eti er & J. Aoki ( 1998): "ArboreaJ oribatid fauna 01' Japanese Red Cedar (Cn plOl11eria japollica)." [Orig.: Japanese; Res.: Japanese + Engli sh) Bulletin 01' the Institute 01' Environmental Science and Technology, Yokoha ma Nati onal University, 25 ( I): 49-53 (6261) {0286-5 84X)

Ir o, Y. & J. Aoki ( 1999): (present adelress: 2908, Kaguj ama 2-cho me, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0 134 Japan, E-mail: [email protected]) "Species eliversity 01' so il-Ii vin g oribatid mites in Yanbaru. the northern part of Okinawa Honto, and the effects o f unelergrowth removal on it. " Peelobiolog ia 43: j 10-1 j 9 ( 6263) {0031-4056 )

Iturronelobeiti a, J. c. & M .1. Saloiia ( 1998):* (Departamento el e Bi o logfa Animal y Genetica. Facul tad el e C ienc ias, Universiel ael el e l Pafs Vasco, B O San'iena, 48940 Le iml Vizcaya. Spain) "A new species 01' Corynoppia (Acari , Oribatiela, Oppiidae) from Bi scay (The Basque Country, Northern Spai n)." Zoological Science Tokyo 15 ( I): 15 3- 157 (6280) {0289-0003 )

Ivan, O. & N. Vasiliu ( 1997): (Institutul ele Cercetari Biologice, Bd. Copou, nr. 20A, 6600 Ia;; i, Ro umania) "New species of the famil y Oppiielae Grandjean, 1954 (Acari: O ribatiela)." [Orig.: Engli sh; Res.: Engli sh + Roumanian + French abstract] Traveau du Museum eI ' Hi sto ire Naturell e "Grigore Antipa" 39: 7-29 (6 150) {0068- 3078)

Jain, K.L. , M. Si ngh & D. Dogra (1998):" (Department 01' Zoology, CCS Haryana Agri cultural Uni versity, Hi sar- 125 004, Inelia) "Composition of acarin e fauna inhabiting so il anel litter in Dalbergia sissoo plantation under semi-ariel conelitio ns in Ineli a." Journal 01' Entomological Research New Delhi 22 (2) : 147- 152 ( 6295) {0378-9519 )

Kajak, A., B. Galecka, S. Stanuszek, O. Stefaniak, M . Szanser & A. Wasylik ( 1998): (Institute of Ecology PAS, 05-092 Lomianki, Dz iekanow Lesny, Polanel. E-mail: ekolog@warman. com.pl) "Biomanipulation of macroarthropods - e rfect on el ecompositi on anel cO llllllunity structure." In : Pi zl, V. & K. Tajovs ky (eel s.): Soil Zoological Problems in Central Europe. Ceske Buelejovice, 1998: 7 1-78 ( 6 156) (ISBN 80-902020-4-7)

Khalil, M.A., L.H.M. Abelel & A.N.I. AI Assiuty ( 1999): (Department of Zoology, FaCLilty 01' Sciences. Tanta Un iversity, Tanta, Egypt) "Changes in oribatiel faunal structure associateel with lanel conversion from annual crop into orcharel." Pedobiologia 43 ( I): 85-96 (6288) {003 1-4056)

11 Klimek, A. & S. Seni czak ( 1998): (Department of Ecology, Uni versity of Technology and Agriculture, ul. ks. Kordeckiego 20, 85225 Byelgoszcz, Poland. E-mail: [email protected]) "The mites associateel with salty soil s from South Polanel. " In : Pi zl, V. & K. Tajovsky (eel s.): Soil Zoological Problems III Central Europe. Ceske Buelejovice, 1998: 87-9 1 (6 157 ) (ISBN 80-902020-4-7)

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Mahunka, S. ( 1998):* (Zoological Department, Hungari an Natural History Museum, Baross utca 13, 1088 Buelapest, Hungary) "New elata on Oribatiels (Acari: Oribatiela) from St. Lucia (Antilies). (Acaro logica Genavensia LXXX IX). Revue S ui sse de Zoologie 105 (4): 839-877 (6294 ) (0035-41 8X )

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Mahunka. S. ( 1999): "Oribatiel s from Singapoore 1!I (Acari : O ri batiel a) (Acarologia Genavensia XCII)." [Orig .: Eng li sh; Res.: Eng li sh + French] Archi ves ei es Sciences (physiques et nature ll e) Geneve 52 ( I): 1-8 (6298) {0003-9705 }

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Marsha lI , DJ. & P. Convey ( 1999): (Fitz Patri ck In stitute, Uni versity of Capetown, Ronelebosch 7700, South Africa - present Adress: Department of Zoology, Uni versity 01' Durban-Westville, Pri vate Bag X5400 1, Durban 4000, South Africa) "Compact aggregati on and life-hi story strategy in a contine ntal Antarctic mite. " In: Bruin, J., L.P.S. van eier Geest & M.W. Sabeli s (eel s.) : Ecology and Evolution of th e Acari . - Kluwe r Acaelemic Publishers Doelrecht/Boston/Lonel on, 1999: 557-567 (6253 ) (l SBN 0-7923-5658-6)

12 Marshal l, D.J., N.J.M. Gremmen, L. Coetzee, B.M. Oconnor, P.J.A. Pugh, P.D. Theron & E.A. Ueckermann ( 1999):':' (Department of Zoology, Universit y Durban Westville. Pri vate Bag X5400 I , Durban 4000. South Africa) "New records of Acari from th e sub-Antarctic Prince Edward lslands." Polar Biology 21 (2): 84-89 ( 6290) {0722-4060)

Monson, F.D. ( 1998): (37 Hill foot Road, Woolton. Liverpool L25 7UJ, England , U.K.) "Oribatid mites (Acari: Cryptosti gmata) from Slapton Wood and the vicinity of Slaplon Ley." Field Studies 9: 325-336 (6 186) {0428-304X)

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Niedbala, W. ( 1998): (Department 01' Animal T axonomy andEcology, Adam Mickiewicz Un iversity, Szamarzewskiego 9 1 A, 60-569 Poznali , Po land) "Euptyctima (Acari: Oribatida) 01' the Hawaii an Jslands." Proceedings 01' the Hawaiian Entomo logical Society, 1998, 33: 125-146 ( 6 187) {0073- 134X )

Niedbala, W. ( 1998): "Ptyctimous mites 01' th e Pacifi c Jslands. Recent knowledge, ori g in , descriptions, redescriptions, di agnoses and zoogeography (Acari: Oribatida)." Ge nus, International Journal of lnvertebrate Taxonomy 9 (4): 43 1-558 ( 6 188) [PL ISSN 0867-1 7 10]

Niedbala, W. ( 1998): "Ptyctimous mites of the Ethiopian region. l. Euphthiracaroidea (Acari, Oribatida)." [Orig.: Engli sh; Res.: Engli sh + French] Journ al ofAfri can Zoology 112 ( I): 15-75 (6 189) {025 1-074X)

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Ramani, N. & M.A. Haq ( 1998):'" "Oribatid mites from coconu t palm 5. A new species of Scapheremaeus Berl ese, 1910 (Acari : Cymbaeremaeid ae) fro m Kerala India." Entomon 23 ( I): 55-60 (6267) {0377-9335}

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Salazar-Martinez, A. ( 1998):'" (Department of Cientific Entomology, Museum La Pl ata, Paseo dei Bosque, 1900 La Plata, Argentine) "S uccessio n of acarifauna in monospecifi c li tter 01' peumo (Cryprocaria aL ba) and boldo (Pewnus boldus). [Orig. : Spanish; Res.: En gli sh] Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 57 ( 1-4): 57-65 (6275 ) {0373-5680}

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Sautter, K.D. & E. Trevisan ( 1994): "Stuel y of the population 01' Oribatei (Acari: Cryptosti gmata) anel Coll el11bo la (Insecta) on three eli stinctly sites 01' organi c accumulation under population 01' Pillus weda L .. " [Orig.: Portuguese; Res. : Portuguese + Eng li shl Rev. Set. C ienc. Agr. (Agrarias, Curitiba) 13 ( 1-2): 167- 169 (6 175) {not ascertainable }

Sautter, K.D. , B.C.B. Tanck, J.A. Di onfsio & H.R. elos Santos (1994): "Population stuel y 01' Oribatei (Acari: Cryptostigl11ata), Coll embola (In secta) anel Oligochaeta at elifferent ambients 01' a el egradeel soil schi st mineel at open sky." [Orig.: Portuguese; Res.: Portuguese + Eng li sh] Rev. Set. C ienc. Agr. (Agrarias, Curitiba) 13 ( 1-2): 17 1- 174 (6 172) {not ascertainable}

Sautter, K.D. , J .A.M. Neto, A. el e Moraes, H.R. dos Santos & P.J. Ribeiro Junio r ( 1998): "Population 01' Oribatei anel Coll embola i pastlll'es for reclamation 01' elegraded lanel s in a schi st mine. " [Orig.: Portuguese; Res.: Portuguese + Engli sh] Pesq. agropec. bras., Brasilia, 33 (9): 1509- 1513 (617 1 ) {not ascertain abl e }

Schatz, H. ( 1999): (Institute o f Zoology anel Limnology, Un iversity of Innsbruc k. Technikerstrasse 25, 6020 Innsbruck, Austri a) "Oribatid mites of the Galapagos Islanel s. " In: Bruin, 1. , L.P.S. van der Geest & M.W. Sabeli s (eds.): Ecology anel Evolutio n of the Acari.- Kluwer Acaelemic Publishers Doelrecht/Boston/Lonelon, 1999: 499-530 (625 1 ) {ISBN 0-7923-5658-6}

Schelvis, J. ( 1997): (A lkumahee.·d, Wirdume.·weg 1, 9917 PA Wirdum, Die Niededande, E-mail: scarab.schel vis @wxs.nl) "Remaills of mites (Acari) as palaeo-ecological in el icators: dwelling mounds alld meeli eval reciamations in The Netherl ands." In: De Boe, G. & F. Verhaeghe (eel s.) : "Environment and subsistence in Meeli eval Europe. - Papers of the "Meelieval Europe Brugge 1997' Conference" - Volume 09: 6 pp ( 6181) [ 1372-0007]

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Schelvis, J. ( 1998): "M ites." In: Preece, R.C. & D.R. Bridgland (eds.): "Late qllartern ary enviro nm ental change in No rth- west Europe: Excavations at Holywell Coombe, South-easr England. - Chapman & Hall , Lo ndon, 1998 : 234-24 1 (6 180 ) [0-4 12832305]

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Seni czak. S. , J. Dqb rowski. A. Klimek & S. Kaczmarek ( 1997): "Effect 0 1' pollu tion prodllced by cement and lime factOI'y Klljawy on mites (Acari ) associated with young Scots pi ne fo rests in Bi elawy, Poland." Bu ll etin 0 1' the Poli sh Academy of Sciences Biological Sciences 45 ( I): 1-6 (6 168) (0867- 1656 )

Sen iczak, S. , J. Dqbro ws ki . A. Kli mek & S. Kaczmarek ( 1998): "Effects 01' air poll uti on prod ll ced by a nitrogen fac tory on the mites (Acari ) associated with YO lln g Scots pine forests in Poland." App li ed Soil Ecology 9: 453-458 (6 165) (0929- 1393 )

Seniczak, S. , J. Dqbrowski . A. Kli mek & S. Kaczmarek ( 1998): "The mires (Acari ) associared with YO lln g Scots pine forests polluted by th e "Wi stom" chemi cal factory, Poland. " In : Pizl, Y. & K. Tajovsky (eds.): Soil Zoological Problems in Central Europe. Ceske Budejovice, 1998: 207-2 13 (6 161 ) (I SBN 80-902020-4-7)

Seni czak. S. , J. Dqb rowski . A. Klimek & S. Kaczmarek ( 1999): "Effect of alk aline depositi on on th e mites (Acari ) associated with youn g Scots pin e fo rests in Poland ." Water, Air and So il Polluti on 109 ( 1-4) : 407-428 (629 1 ) (0049-6979 )

17 Seni czak, S ., S. Kaczmare k & A. Seni czak ( 1998): "So il mites of ecotones between a shelterbelt and cul tivated field s in the agri cul tural landscape near T urew, Poland." Bulletin of the Po li sh Academy of Sciences Bio logical Sciences 46 ( I): 7- 12 ( 6 166) (0867-1656)

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Shtirts, A.D. ( 1998): "On th e day activity of oribatid mires (Oribatei) under stone-steppe conditions." [Orig.: Russian ; Res.: Russian + Engli sh] Izvestij a Kharkovskogo Entomologiceskogo obscestva (Reports of th e Khark ov Entomological Society) 6 ( I): 103- 107 (6207 ) (not ascertainable)

Skubata, P. ( 1998): (U ni versity 01' Silesia, Department of Ecology, 40-007 Katowice, Banko wa 9, Poland) "Oribatid mite communities (Acari: O ri batida) on postindustri al dumps of different kinds. Il. Community organi sati on." Fragmenta Faunistica 41 ( 14): 193-207 (6167) (5601)

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18 Stary, J. CL 998):'" "Torpacarus spec ies (Acari: Oribatiela: Lohmanniiel ae) from Cuba." Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 62( I): 57-68 ( 6278) ( 12 11 -376X }

Stary, J. & W. Block ( 1998):'" "Distribu tion anel biogeography of orib atiel mites (Acari: Oribatiel a) in Antarctica, th e sub­ An tarctic islanel s anel nearby lanel areas." Journal of Natural Hi sto ry 32 (6): 86 1-894 (6279) (0022-2933}

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Wang, H. , R.A. Norton & J.Q. Lu ( 1999):" (Institute ofZoology, Academi a Si ni ca, Beijing 1000 80, C hina) "Notes on the el evelopment of Afronolhrus incisivus, with new el istribution records from Asia anel Austra li a." Systematic anel Appli eel Acaro logy 4: I1 1-1 20 (6205) { 1362-197 1)

20 Wang, Z., Z . Li & Y. Zhang ( 1998):'" (Land Institute, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 4 100 8 1, C hina) "lnvestigation of soil anima l community 01' artificial conifer forest in Lushan." [Orig.: Chinese; Res.: C hinese + Engli sh] Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Uni versitati s Normalis Hunanensis 21(4): 83-88 (6287) ( 1000-2537 )

Wanner, M., W . Dunger, H.-J. Schulz & K. Voigti änder ( 1998): (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz, Postfach 300 154,02806 Görlitz, Germany) "Primary immigration 01' soil organi sms on coal mined areas in Eastern Germany." In: Pi zl, V. & K. Tajovsky (eds.): Soil Zoological Problems in Centra l E urope. Ceske Budejovice, 1998: 267-275 (6 163) {ISBN 80-902020-4-7}

Wauthy G., M. Leoponce, N. Banai, G. Sylin & J. -c. Lions ( 1998):':' (Departme nt of Entomology, Belgian Royal Institute o f Natural Scie nces, Rue Vautier 29, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, E-mail: [email protected]) "The backward jump of a box moss mite." Proceedin gs of the Royal Society 0 1' London Seri es B Biological Sciences 265 ( 14 1 I): 2235-2242 (6303) (0962-8452)

Weigmann, G. ( 1998): (Institut für Zoologie, AG Bodenzoologie und Ökologie, Freie Uni versität Berlin, Grunewaldstraße 34, 12 165 Berlin, Germany) "Segmentatio n of oribatid mites fro m phylogenetic and the o ntogeneti c points 01' view." [Orig.: German; Res .: Gerll1an + Engli sh] Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz 70 (2) : 178-1 79 (6 183) (0373-7586 j

W eigmann, G. ( 1999): "Morphological vari ability in populations of a thelytokous nute, Trh ypochthonie/lus longiselOsus (Oribati da), w ith notes on synonYIl1Y." In : Bruin , J. , L.P.S. van der Geest & M.W. Sabeli s (eds.): Ecology and Evolution of the Acari.- Kluwer Academic Publ ishers Dodrecht/Boston/London, 1999: 58 1-586 (6255) (ISBN 0-7923-5658-6)

Weigmann, G. & L. Miko ( 1998): "Taxonoll1Y of European Sche lori batidae. 3 Remarks on Scheloribates BERLESE 1908 with description of two new species 01' the subgenus Topobates GRANDJEAN 1958 (n. stat.) (Arachnida: Acari: Oribatida)." Senckenbergiana biologica 77 (2): 247-255 (6 176) (0037-2102)

2 1 W oas, St. ( 1998): (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Postfac h 6209, 76042 Karl sruhe, Germany) "Mosaic di stribution o f the characteri stics o f basic hi gher O ribatids - The genera Passalozeles and Seulovertex (Acari, Oribatei)." [Orig. : German, Res.: German + E ng li sh] In: Ebermann, E. (ed. ): Biosystematics and Ecology Seri es No. 14 - A ustri an Academy of Sc ie nces Press, Vi enna: 29 1-313 (6302) {I SB N 3-7001-2757-X)

Yama moto, Y . ( 1998): (Wakayama Pre fectural School fo r the Blind, 949-23 Fuchu, W akayama-shi , W akayama,649-6338 Japan) "Two species of Oribatid mi tes of the genu s Malaeonolhrus from Sic llLl an Provin ce in the western Part of C hina (Acari: Oribatida: Malaconothridae)." [O ri g.: Eng li sh; Res.: Engli sh + Japanese] Acta Arachnologica 47 ( I): 45-52 (6 15 3) {OOO1- 5202 )

Yamamoto, Y. & J. Aokj (1998): "Two new Oribatid mites of the genus Trimalaconothrus from Y unnan Provin ce in C hina (Acari : Oribatida: M alaconothridae)." [Orig.: Eng li sh; Res.: Eng li sh + Japanese] Edapho logia 61 : 15-2 1 (6 152) {0398-1 445 )

Nomina no va

New species, new subspecies/n. sp., n. ssp. Allozeles alas Behan-Pe ll eti er, 1998 (6258: 356) [HTE -INBi o + I PT - CNC] Apoplophora solomonensis Niedbata, 1998 (6 188: 442) [HT - ZMUT + J PT -DATE] Astegistes hallaensis C ho i, 1998 (62 10: 2 J 2) [HT + 5 PT - LPP] Atropaearu s (Alropacarus) pergratus Niedbala, 1998 (6 188: 535) [HT - Z MUT + 2 PT - D AT E] Atropacarus (HoplophoreLla) dissimilis Niedbala, 1998 (6 188: 527) [HT - ZM UT + I PT­ D AT E] Banksinoma longisetosa Bayartogto kh et Aoki , 1998 (6202: 125) [HT + 3 PT - NUM + 2 PT - NSMT] BerninieLla berninii l van et Vasiliu, 1997 (6 150: 19) [HTE + 7 PT - no information] Bern iniellafissurata lvan et Vasiliu, 1997 (6 1SO : 16) [HTE + J PT - no informati on] Berniniella hauseri oscensis Caball ero, Iturrondobe iti a et Saloiia, 1999 Caba ll ero, Iturrondobe iti a et Saloiia, 1999 (6254: 578) [no in formations availabl e] BerninieLla robusta Ivan et Vasiliu, J 997 (6 1S O: 13) [HTE + 1 PT - no information] Bipassalozeles deserl icus Bayartogtokh et Aoki , 1997 (6203: 94) [HT - NUM] Bipassalozeles mahunkai Bayartogtokh et Aoki , J 997 (6203: 93) [HT + I PT - NUM + 2 PT - NSMT] Bipassalozeles m.icrosculptratus Bayartogtokh et Aok i, 1997 (6203: 91 ) [HT + 3 PT - NUM + 2 PT - NSMT]

22 Bipassa/ozeles mongolicus Bayartogtokh et Aoki, 1997 (6203: 96) [HT + 3 PT - NUM + 2 PT - NSMT] CaLopp ia sejugmus Ramani et Haq , 1997 (6273: 125) [no informati on] Carabodes ca/ifornia Reeves et Behan-Pe ll eti er, 1998 (6262: 1908) [HTE - CNC + ca. 700 PT E+f - USNMW, MHU, CNC. CRN] Carabodes c% rado Reeves et Behan-Pell etier, 1998 (6262: 1906) [HTE - CNC + 66 PT on slides, ca. 200 PT E+f - USNMW, MHU, CNC, CRN] Carabodes dickill solli Reeves et Behan-Pell eti er, 1998 (6262: 1912) [HTE - CNC + ca. 800 PT E+f - USNMW, MHU, CNC, CRN] Carabodes /1Oh Reeves et Behan-Pell etier, 1998 (6262: 190 I) [HTE - CNC + ca. 500 PT E+f - USN MW, MHU, CNC, CRN] Ceraloppia clavisensillala Choi , 1998 (62 10: 2 11 ) [HT + 2 PT - LPP] Ceratozeles ambiguus Behan-Pe lJ eti er, 1998 (62 58: 35 1) [HTE - INB io + (20 PT E+f) - INB io, CNC, FMNH, CRN] Corynoppia papiLLiseliger Iturrondolbeitia et Sa10l1a, 1998 (6280: 15 3) [n o in fo rm ation] Cosmozeles jaccoudi Mahunka, 1998 (6294:839) [no informati on] Eporibalula prominens Bayartogtokh et Aoki, 1998 (6202 : 121 ) [HT + 14 PT - NUM + 14 PT - NSMT] Eremaeozeles hanswursli Mahunka , 1999 (6298: I) [HT + 18 PT - MHNG + I I PT - HNHM] Eremaeozeles roguilli Mahunka, 1998 (6294:839) [n o informati on] Eupelops spongiosus Mahunka, 1998 (6294:839) [no information] Euphrhiracaru s (Pocsia) dispari/is Niedbala, 1998 (6 189: 52) [HT + 6 PT - MRAC + 6 PT -DATE] Euphthiracarus nasulus N iedbala, 1998 (6 187: 126) [HT + I PT - BMH + I PT - DATE] Graproppia (Graproppia) paradoxa Ivan et Vasiliu, 1997 (6150: 22) [HTE - no information] Haplozeles u/ykpani Bayanogtokh et Aoki, 1998 (6202: 123) [HT + 7 PT - NUM + 4 PT - NSMT] Hermannobales cubanus Stary, 1998 (6277: 69) [no information] Hermannobares hammerae Stary, 1998 (6277: 69) [no information] Herl17annobates ruseki Stary, 1998 (6277: 69) [n o informati on] Helerozeles he/eios Behan-Pell eti er, 1998 (6258: 366) [HTE - INB io + (20 PT E+f) - INB io, CNC, FMNH, CRN] H% norhrus ar/us Olszanowki, 1999 (6206: 249) [HTE + 2 PT - FMDIC + 1PT - CRN + 1 PT - CZO] HolonOlhrus nOrloni Olszanowki , 1999 (6206: 233) [HTE + 3PT - OSUC + 2 PT - FMDIC + IPT - CRN + I PT - CZO] H%nolhrus venelio/anus Olszanowki, 1999 (6206: 238) [HTE + 14 PT - CNC + I PT - CRN + 2 PT - CZO] fndorriria (fndolrilia) paulyi Niedbata, 1998 (6 189 : 4 1) [HT - MRAC] Indorrilia (fndolrilia ) lriparlira N iedbata, 1998 (6 189 : 44) [HT + 7 PT - MRAC + 7 PT - DATE] Klapperiches penicillus Mahunka, 1998 (6294:839) [n o informati on] Lame/lobares relicu/allis Behan-Pell eti er, 1998 (6258: 358) [HTE - PT E+f) - rNB io, CNC, FMNH, CRN]

23 Lepidacarus ennarpi Haq et Ramani , 1997 ( 6274 ) [no info rm ati on] Malaconothrus marginatLis Yamamoto, 1998 (6 153: 46) [HT + I PT - ASS + 6 PT - NSMT] Malaconothrus pygl11aeusYamamoto, 1998 (6 153: 46) [HT + 1PT - ASS + 6 PT - NSMT] Medioppia heterotricha Iva n et Vasiliu, 1997 (6 1SO: 7) [HT + 20 PT - no info rmation) Mesotritia exobothridialis Bayartogtokh et Aoki, 1998 (6200: 7) [HT +6 PT - NUM + 7 PT NSMT] Mesotritia ruwenzorii Nieclbala, 1998 (6 189 : 30) [1-lT + I PT - DATE] Microtegeus hauseri Mahunka, 1998 (6294:839) [n o in formation] Microtegeus lucianus Mahunka, 1998 (6294:839) [no in formati on] Microtritia tumida Nieclbata, 1998 (6188: 488) [H T - ZMUT + I PT - DATE] Montizetes rarisetosus Bayartogtokh , 1998 (620 I: 125 ) [HT + I PT - NUM + I PT BML +1 PT - USNMW + 3 PT - NSMT] Moritzoppia subfallax Mahun ka, 1998 (6294:839) [n o in formation] Notophthiracarus benroni Nieclbala, 1998 (6 188 : 5 11 ) [H T + 10 PT - ZMUT + 12 PT - DATE] Notophthiracarus curiosus Nieclbata, 1998 (6 188: 5 13) [H T + 60 PT - ZMUT + 59 PT - DATE] Norophthiracarus heterosetosus Nieclbala, 1998 (6 188: 5 15) [HT - ZM UT + 1 PT - DATE] Notophlhiracarus paracuriosus Niecl bala, j 998 (6 188 : 5 18) [H T + 10 PT - ZMUT + 19 PT - DATE] Notophrhira carus parvulus Nieclbala, 1998 (6 188: 5 19) [HT - HNHM + 2 PT - DATE] Notophthiracarus solomonensis Nieclbata, 1998 (6 188 : 52 1) [HT - BMNH] Norophthira ca rus tohivea Nieclbata, 1998 (6 188: 52 1) [HT - ZMUT + 1 PT - DATE] Oppiella (Perspicuoppia) rara Iva n et Vasiliu , 1997 (6 1SO : 10) [HTE - no in fo rmation) Oribotritia puLia Nieclbata, 1998 (6 187 : 125) [HT - BMH + I PT - DATE] Oribotritia sal110aensis Nieclbala, 1998 (6 188 : 445) [H T + 3PT - ZMUT + 3 PT - DATE] Oribotritia succincta Nieclbala, 1998 (6 189: 25) [HT +ca. 300 PT - MRAC + ca. 300 PT - DATE] Oxyoppia antillensis Mahunka, 1998 (6294:839) [n o inform ati o n] ParacarinogalulIllla ..... Mahu nka, 1998 (6294:839) [n o in fo rm ationJ Parakalwnrna piton Mahunka, 1998 (6294:839) [no informatio n] Paralamellobates striatus Behan-Pelleti er, 1998 (6258: 363) [HTE -[NBio + (36 PT E+l) - INB io, CNC, FMNH, CRN] Pergalumna cucheae Mahu nka, 1998 (6294:839) [n o in fo rm ation] Phrhiracarus cu riosus Niecl bala, 1998 (6 187: 125) [H T + 3 PT - ßMH + 2 PT - DATE] Phthiracarusfi·aternus Nieclbala, 1998 (6 188: 49 1) [HT + I PT - ZMUT + 1 PT - DATE] Phthiracarus inacessus Nieclbala, 1998 (6 188: 493) [H T - ZMUT + 25 PT - DATE] Phthiracarus persimilis Nieclbala, 1998 (6 188 : 497) [H T + I PT - ZMUT + 1 PT - DATE] Phthiracarus ple/nts Nieclbala, 1998 (6 187 : 132) [HT + I PT - BMH + 2 PT -DSZE +2 PT ­ DATE] Phrh iracarus reductus Niecl bala, 1998 (6 187: 140) [HT + 2 PT - ßMH + 2 PT - DSZE + 2 PT - DATE] Phthiracarus swiftae Nieclbala, 1998 (6 187 : 142) [HT - BM H + IPT - DATE] Pilogalul11na antillensis Mahu nka, 1998 (6294:839) [n o information] Procorynetes lsendsureni ßayartogtokh, 1998 (6 199: 3 1) [HTE + I PT - NUM]

24 PlIllctoribates brevicuspidatus Bayartogtokh et Aoki_ 1998 (6204: 40) [HT + 20 PT - NUM + 12 PT - NSMT] Rhysotritia anchislea N iedbala, 1998 (6 188 : 468) [HT + I PT - ZMUT + 2 PT - DATE] Rhysotrilia lucida Niedbala_ 1998 (6 188: 475) [H T + 2 PT - ZMUT + 3 PT - DATE] Rhysolrilia reji-aCla Niedbala, 1998 (6 188 : 479) [HT + I PT - HNHM + I PT - DATE] Rhysorrilia sterigma Nieclbala, 1998 (6 188: 483) [HT + 4 PT - ZMUT + 4 PT - DATE] Scapheremaeus nuciferosa Ramani et Hag, 1998 (6267:55) [no in fo rmation] Scapheremaeus lonaliuh Palacios- Vargas, Rios et Vazguez, 1998 (6259: 384) [HTE + 20 PT + 5 PT on sli cles - UNAM] Scheloribates (Topobates) ca rpathicus Weigmann et M iko, 1998 (6 176: 249) [HT + I PT ­ SMF + I PT CGW] Scheloribales (Topobales) circulllcorinalils Weigmann et Miko, 1998 (6 176: 247) [HT + 4 PT - SMF] Selvazeles sylvanus Behan-Pell eti er, 1998 (6258: 35 1) [HTE - [NB io + (15 PTE+r) - INB io, CNC, FMNH, CRN] Singabodes rarus Mahunka, 1998 (6266: 307) [H T - M H NG + I PT - HNHM] SUll1atrolritia lI1urphyi Mahunka, 1999 (6298: I) [H T + 18 PT - MHNG + 11PT -HNHM] Torpacarus cylindricus Stary, 1998 (6278: 57) [no in formation] Torpacarus elegans Stary, 1998 (6278: 57) [no information] TOipacamsj'oliatus Stary, 1998 (6278: 57) [no information] Torpacarus lobatus Stary, 1998 (6278: 57) [no in fo rmation] Torpacarus pseudocal/ipygus Stary, 1998 (6278: 57) [n o in forma ti on] Torpacarlls schalzi Stary, 1998 (6278: 57) [no information] Trichoribates lalirostralils Bayartogtokh et Aoki , 1998 (6200: 5) [HT + 9 PT - NUM + 6 PT - NSMT] Trichoribates rolundicuspidatus Bayartogtokh et Aoki, 1998 (6200: 4) [HT - NUM] Trimalacollothrus breviseliger Yamamoto et Aoki, 1998 (6 152: 18) [HT + I PT - ASS + 4 PT NSMT] Trilllalaconothrus Ylllln anensis Yamamoto et Aoki, 1998 (6 152: 15) [HT + I PT - ASS + I PT NSMT] Trun cozetes ru gosus Mahu nka, 1998 (6294:839) [no information] Un guizetes similis Mahunka, 1998 (6294:839) [n o in fo rm ati on] Zachvatkinibates latilamel/atus Bayartogtokh et Aoki, 1998 (6204: 37) [HT + 5 PT - NUM + 3 PT - NS MT] Zelomimus lIaias Behan-Pell etier, 1998 (6258: 37 1) [HTE - fNBio + (20 PT E+r) - INB io, CNC, FMNH, CRN]

New Genera/n. gen. Paracarinogalu/llna Mahu nka, 1998 (6294: 839) Typ. spec.: Paracarinogalwlllla [n o information] Selvazeles Behan-Pe ll etier, 1998 (6259: 35 1) Typ_ spec. : Selvazeles sylvallus Behan-Pe ll eti er, 1998

2S New combinations/n. combo Beminiella hauseri oscensis Caball ero, Iturrondobeitia et Salol'ia, 1999 [Caba ll ero, Iturronclobeiti a et Saloiia, 1999 - 6254: 578] Oribotritia spinosa (Mahllnka, 1988) [Nieclbata, 1998 - 9 189: 23] Sabahtritiafoveolata (Hll et a l. , 199 1) [Lions & NOI'ton, 1998 - 62 12: 283] Sabahtritiafurcata (Hll et Wang, L992 ) [Li ons & Norton, 1998 - 6212: 283] Sabahtritia tianmuensis (Hll et al. , 199 1) [Li ons & Norton, 1998 - 6212: 283]

New synonyms/no syn. Berniniella ra{alskii (Oplotna et Rajski , 1983) [Caball ero, lturrondobeitia et Saloiia, 1999 - 6254: 579] = species inqllirendllm Indotritia (Indotritia) krakatauensis (Sellni ck, 1923) [Ni ecl bata, 1998 - 6 189: 39] = Tndotritia heterotri cha Mahllnka, 1984 = Inclotritia septentrionalis Mahllnka, 1987 = Tndotritia tropica Stary, 1993 Indorritia (Indotritia) ltuda Mahlln ka, 1988 [Nieclbata, 1998 - 6 189: 39-] = lnclotritia lI slimbarensis Stary, 1993 Licnerem.aeus discoidalis (Willmann, L930) [Mahllnka, 1998 - 6294: 839] = Li cnere mae ll s antille nsis Mahllnka, 1985 Microtritia hauseri Mahlln ka, 1993 [N iedbata, 1998 - 6 189: 67] = Microtritia altissima Mahlln ka, 1994 Mi crotriria tropica Märkel, 1964 [Niecl bala, 1998 - 6 189: 67] = M icrotritia ethiopica Mahllnka, 1988 Oribotritia I acot, 1924 [Nieclbala, 1998 - 6 189: L9] = Philotritia Mahllnka, 1988 Oribotritia aji'icana Stary, 1993 [Niedbala, 1998 - 6 189: 19] = Oribotritia bicarinata Nieclbata, 1993 Scaphere l1l aell s nllcife rosa sp, Sobacarus corneri Ralll say et Sheals, L969 [Niedbata, 1998- 6 188: 447] = Sobacarll s ranokaoensis Hammer, 1970 Sobacarus corneri Ramsay et Sheals, 1969 [Nieclbala, 1998 - 6 188: 447J = Sobacarus ranokaoensis Hammer, 1970 Topobares Granclj ean, 1958 [Weiglllann & Miko, 1998 - 6 L76: 253] = Setobates ßalogh, 1962 Trhypochthoniellus longisetosus (ßerl ese, 1904) [Weigmann , 1999-6255: 585] see also ß ibliographi a 29! = Tr. tri choslis (Schweizer, 1922) = T r. setosll s Willmann, 1928 Zetomimus HlIlI , 19 16 [Behan-Pe ll eti er, 1998-6258: 375 - agrees to Shaldybin a (1969)] = Halllobates Hammer, 1962

26 New status/nostat. Topobales Graneljean, 1958 anel Hemileius Berlese, 191 6 are subgenera of Scheloribates Berlese, 1908 n. stat. [Weigmann & Miko, 1998- 6 176: 253]


EURAAC Acarology Symposium in Italy 2000 will meer in S ie na, Italy 24.-29. July 2000 http://www.unisi.it/ateneo/elipart/bio-. further informati on at the web page: evol/sitoeuraac/sie na 2000.html

XIII International Coll oquium on Soil Zoology: "Bioel iversity of soil organi sllls anel ecosystem functioning" will be he lel in Ceske Buelejovice 14 - 18 August 2000 Themes: Bioeli versity, its function in soil , Contribution of soil zoology to integrateel ecosyste m stuelies, Trophic relationships anel fooel webs Di sturbance anel resili ence of soil organi slll cO llllllunities Effects of environmental changes on soil organi sms Two mini workshops coulel be prepareel : ecophysiology as mechani sm triggering ecological responses, keystone species anel interactions in so il , evolutio n of animal-microbial interactions, or oth ers.


Wauthy, Georges: Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Naturwetenschappen/ Institut Royal des Sciences Naturell es de Belgique, Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 BrusseIl rue Vautier 29, B-1000 Bruxelles, E-mail: [email protected], Fax: +322627.41.32) "Professor J.-c. Li o ns has ceaseel all oribatol ogical activities sin ce he retireel in November 1998. He th erefore invites all hi s penfrienel s to stop senelin g any elocument or paper. For informati o n abo ut hi s coll ections anel hi s works, pl ease contact Dr Georges WAUTHY, Belgian Royal In stitute of Natural Sciences, el epartment of Ento lllo logy, ru e Vautier 29, B- 1000 Bruxell es (Belgium)."

27 Book review

N orton, Roy A. (1997): (S .U.N. Y., Coll ege of Environll1ental Science & Forestry , Syracuse, New York, NY 132 10, U.S.A.) "Les Acariens Oribates. Etudes en acarologie No. l: A book review. Trave, Joseph, H. M. Andre, G. Taberly and Fabio Bernini ( 1996). 110 pp, paper cover. ISBN 2-87257-002-0. AGAR Publishers, 39 Venell e du Bois de Saras, B-1 300 Wavre, Belgiull1. Price: BEF 580; USD 20.00 (NOllh All1erica onl y)." (see: Bibliographia 28: 13) Intern ational Journal of Acarology 23 (3): 22 1-222 (590 I ) (0164-7954)