ABHANDLUNGEN UND BERICHTE DES NATURKUNDEMUSEUMS GÖRLITZ Band 71, 2. Supplement Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz, Suppl. 1-27 Redaktionsschluß: 11. 11. 99 Bibliographia Oribatologica Nummer 30 Contents Abbreviations ....... ... .. ...... ........................ ... ................................. .. .... .. ... .......... .. ...... .... .4 Publications ........... .. ......................... ..... ......... ....... ............ ......... ... ...... ............ ...............5 Nomina nova ..... ......... ......................................................................... ..... ............ ..... ....22 New species, new subspecies/n. sp., n. ssp ........................................ ..... .... ...... ....... .... ... 22 New genera/no gen . ...... .................................................. ............. ........... .. ................... .... 25 New combinations/n. combo ........................ ......... .. ..... ..................... ..... .. ................ 26 New synonyms/no syn ......................... ... ....... ..... ........ ...... ........ ........ .. ........ ......... ... .... ..... 26 New status/no stat .................................... ............................................................. ........... 27 Conferences .................... ...... ........ ....................... .. .... ..................... .. .................... ......... 27 Wanted ...................... .... ............ .......... .. ............... .. ........................................................ 27 Book review ................................ ... ...... ............ ... ... .. ...... ... .. ...... ....... .... ..... ..... ...... ... ......28 AuthOl"s address: Dr. T homas Schwalbe, Staatliches M useum für Naturkunde, Postfach 300 154, 02806 Görlitz ISSN: 0863- 1794 Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. W. Xylander Redaktion: Dr. K. Voigtländer Eigenverlag des Staatli chen Museums für Naturkunde Görlitz A ll e Rechte vorbehalten Druck: MAXROI Graphics GmbH, Görlitz 2 BIBLlOGRAPHIA ORIBATOLOGICA Von THOMAS SC H WAL B E In den ABHANDLUNGEN UND BERICHTEN DES NATURKUNDEMUSEUMS GÖRLITZ wird jährlich ein e Auflistung der neuesten gedruckten oder geplanten Publikationen liber Oribatei veröffentlicht, soweit sie uns bekannt wurde n. Die Zusendung Ihrer Publikati onen sowie In fo rmati onen liber gerade laufe nde Arbeiten sind di e Basis di eser Bibliografie. Vorschl äge und Kritiken sind zur Verbesserung sehr will komme n. Es wird ein e Kostenbeteili gun g von DM 10.- erbete!l. Bitte sc hi cken Sie den Betrag per Eurocheque in einem Brief oder liberweisen Sie auf das Konto 6165 be i: Niederschlesische Sparkasse, BLZ :850 501 00. Bitte geben Sie bei Verwendun gszweck Bibliographia Oribatologica an. Um Geblihren zu ersparen. schl agen wir vor. die Beträge für di e Nummern 29-32 zu sammen zu liberweisen. Sind Sie an der Bibliographi a in Di skettenform interessiert , legen Sie bitte ein e Di skette 3.5"" und eine In fo rmati on über den vo n Ihnen gewünschten Dateityp Word 8 oder Word 6 Ihrer Post bei. In ABHANDLUNGEN UND BERIC HTE DES NATURKUN DEMUSEUM GÖRLlTZ, current printed or planned publications o n Oribatei are li sted every year as far as th ey have co me to our knowledge. The basis of thi s bibliography are your publi cati ons as weil as informati o n about your current work . Proposals fo r improvement and criti cism are very welcome. A small fee of 10.- DM is requested. Pl ease remit by eurocheque or to the account 6165 at Niederschlesische SpaI'kasse BLZ : 850 501 00. Pl ease note Bibliographia Oribatologica as purpose 01· payment. To reduce charges we suggest remitting the fe es fo r the numbers 29 up to 32 togeth er. I f you are interested in receiving the bibliography on a di sk, pl ease send a 3S· eli sk anel state type o f fi le Word 8 or Word 6 as desireeI. Par les A BHANDLUNGEN UND BERICHTE DES NATURKUNDEM USEUMS GÖRLITZ est publiee chaque annee une li ste eI'articles les plus recents se referant au travail concernant les Oribatei, tant que nous en avons conn aissance. L'envoi ele vos publications ainsi que ei es informati ons sm des travaux en cours sont la base de celle bibliographie. Des propositions et des critiques visant a I'ame li orati o n sont les bi envenues. Une participation aux frai s d ' un montant de 10.- Deutsche Mark no us parait necessaire. S'il vous plait expedi ez un Eurocheque en letu·e ou veuill ez verser le paiement a I' intitule du compte sui vant: Niederschlesische Sparkasse BLZ: 850501 00 Numero de compte : 6165. Comme but d' uti lisation veuillez ecrire: Bibliographia Oribatologica. Pom economi ser des taxes, nous vous proposons de virer ensemble les montant s pour les numeros 29-32. Si vous etes interesse a la bibliographia sur di scette, veuillez join dre une eli squette 3,5" et un e informati o n sm type Word 8 ou Word 6 a votre courri er. 3 Abbreviations and explanations PI aces 01' storage 01' new species are mentioned onl y il" they are c it ed in this bib li ography: Shanghai In stitute 01' Entomology, ~cadcm i a ~ini ca, ~han g h a i , China Qi shop Museum !!onolulu, Hawaii Qritish Museum !,ondo n, United Kingdom !;.o ll ege 01' .!);n vironmental ~ci e n ce and Eorestry, State Un iversity of New York, U.S.A. !;.oll ecti o n of ~e rd Weigmann. ßerl in , Gennany !;.entro de !nvesti gationes !;.ientillcas X de Iransl'e rencia de Iechno logfa a la rroducion de Di amante, Argentille !;.anadian tiational !;.ollection of In sects and Arachnids, Agriculture and Agri food Canada, Ottawa, Canada !;.o ll ecti on of Dr. r erez-!iiigo, Madri d, Spain !;.oll ecti on 01' J. G . ralacios-Yargas, Mexico, Mexico !;.oll ecti on 0 1' R oy A. tiorton, S. U.N. Y. , College of Environmental Science & Forestry, Syracuse, New York, U.s.A . .Qe panment 01' ~nimal Iaxonomy and .!);co logy, Adam Mickiewicz Uni versity, Poznali, Polancl .Qepartme nt 01' ~y s t e m a ti c ~o o l ogy and .!);co logy 0 1' the Eötvös Lorand Uni ve rs it y, ßudapest, Hungary Eield Museum , .Qi vision 01' !nsects, !;.hi cago, II lino is, U.S.A. The Eield Museum of tiatural !!istory, Chi cago, U.S.A. !!ungari an tiatural !!istory Museum, ßudapest, Hungary !nstituto de ßIOLogfa, Mexico !nstilllto tiacional de ßiodiversidad, Sant o Domingo, Costa Ri ca !,ab. de ~ca r o l og fa dei !nstituto r oli tec ni co tiacional. Mexico, Mexico !,aboratory 01' rlant rrotecti on, College 01' Agri culture, Wonkwang Uni vers it y, Iksan, Korea Museo Na ti onal de !;.iencias tiaturales, M ad ri d, Spain Museum d'!!istoire tiaturelle ~e nev e, Switze rl and Museo de !!istori a tiatural de la C iu dad de Mcxico, Mexico Museum national d'!!istoire tiawre ll e, Laboratoire de Zoologie (Anhropodes), raris, France Museum o f Comparative Zoology, !!m'vard !lniversity, Cambridge, Massachusett s, U .S.A. Musee R oyal de' l ~friqu e !;.entrale, Tervuren. Republic o f Celltral Africa Acaro logical Coll ection o fthe tiational MuseumQloemfonte in , Republic 01' South A l"ri ca tiational ~cie n ce Museum , Iokyo, Japan Acarology coll ection 0 1' the Department 0 1" Zoology, tiational !lnive rsit y o f M ongolia. Ulaan-baatar, Mongolia Acarology Laboratory, Qhio ~tltt e !lniversit y, !;.OIUlllbu s, Ohio, U.S.A. Laboratorio de Artropodos, Departalllento de ß iologfa, !lniversidad tiacional de Mar dei rlata. Argelltine ~e n cke nb e rg Museum, frankfurt am Main. Germany Laboratori o de Ecologfa y Si stematica de Mi croarrropodos. Depto de ßio logfa. Fac. des Sciencias, UNAM, Mexico, Mex ico US tiational Museum. Washington. D. C., U.S.A. ~ oo l og i c al Museum o f the !lniversit y o f Iurku, Fi nl and 4 HT - Holotype PT - Paratype "*" these titl es were onl y founel as citati ons 0 1' abstracts The aelelress of the corresponelin g author is given foll ow in g the year of publication. Changes of aelelress - printeel in boieI s. For your convenience the ISSN for peri oelical s, ISB N for books, respecti vely, are given following the literature numbers of my co ll ecti on in {brackets}. Nomina nova: Here all oribatiel names are li steel as far as they came to our knowleelge. Their valielity coulel not be examineel here. Type-material informations as foli ows : Zetomil11l1s naias Behan-Pell eti er, 1998 (6258 : 37 I I) [HTE - INBio + (20 PT E+r) - INB io, 2 CNC, FMNH, CRN ] I - literature number in my coll ecti on ineli cateel in brackets behinel thj e titl e, with the first page of th e elescription 2 - 1ll1mber of ho lotypes anel paratypes with th e place of storage respecti ve ly The authors of new combinat ions anel new sy nonyms with the corresponeling titles are written in [brackets]. Publications Aelelington ; R:N. & T.R. Seasteelt ( 1999): (Department 01' Environmental, Population anel Organismic Bi ology anel In stitute 01' Arctic anel Alpine Research, Un iversity of Coloraelo, Bouleler, CO 60309, U.S.A.) "Activity of soil microarthropoel s beneath sno wpack in alpine tunelra anel subalpine forest. " Peelobiololgia 43: 47-53 (6265) {003 1-4056 } Alberti , G. ( 1998): (Zoological In stitute anel Museum, University of GreifswaleI. lohann-Sebastian-Bachstr. I 1/l2, 17489 GreifswaleI , Germany, E-mai l: albeni @rz.u ni- greifswalel .el e) "Fine structure of receplor organs in oribatielmites (Acari )." In: Ebermann , E. (eel. ): Biosystemati cs anel Ecology Series No . 14 - Austrian Acaelemy of Sciences Press, Vi enna: 27-77 ( 6300) {ISB N 3-7001-275 7- X} Alberti , G. , A. Klimek & S. Seniczak (1999): "Fine sU'u cture of th e humeral organ of juvenil e Edwardzeres echvardsii (Ceratoze tiel ae. Oribatiela). " In: Bruin, 1. , L.P.S. van eier Geest & M.W.
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