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Avibase Page 1Of 15 Avibase Page 1of 15 Col Location Date Start time Duration Distance Avibase - Bird Checklists of the World 1 Country or region: Skåne 2 Number of species: 445 3 Number of endemics: 0 4 Number of breeding endemics: 0 5 Number of globally threatened species: 22 6 Number of extinct species: 0 7 Number of introduced species: 1 8 Date last reviewed: 2012-01-20 9 10 Recommended citation: Lepage, D. 2019. Checklist of the birds of Skåne. Avibase, the world bird database. Retrieved from .https://avibase.bsc- eoc.org/checklist.jsp?lang=EN&region=sesn&list=clements&format=1 [19/03/2019]. Make your observations count! Submit your data to ebird.
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