/J ,o

fi.(Lu, JUN26 1894 *« J ' ERftcrom*. »-3Ay


. llii-iiitul Concert. COMMUNICATIONS. W A DD.O This concert on Monday evening next promises to be a -.rand success, li l3 U Tlio Sim Fax Concert Company nre We do not hold ourselves responsible for tlio WAn-iuLL opinions expressed by uur correspondents. well uud fitvorulily known from Allan- llE.M.UIl IX tic to I'acilic. As tho concert, is in aid Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, of the hospital wo have no doubt the The ll.C. Governmenl uinl I lie lutltuim turn out will bo large. Tito fallowing EAST KO'OTENAY, June 7, '"4. Hardware, Etc. t is tliu program me : Editor Goi.UI.N EllA i I'AllT l. MINERS' SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Piano Solo -• Pitritnni." Wishing to draw the attention of At.', I'NT Fin: TUB Miss Florence "VI. Ward. your readers to the policy, or lack ol Character Son;''.. "Waltzing; us she was policy p.irsuedby the B.C. Government Mr. Sim Tax. [Waltzed." California Giant Powder Company, Solo •• Should lie Upbraid." towards tlie Indians, I will carry vou of which ft full stool; is constantly on hand. ( Incorporated l>i"0.) Mi s AI. Trengloss Stevenson back some sixty odd years ago. Tlie Song Before Coliiinbus Lauded." old Kootenay war chief informed me Mr. Sim Fax, that they discovered a smoke at Sal­ Violin Solo "La Dorniere Rose," DRY GOODS mon river while bunting on tlie east Air. C. Franklin Ward. GROCEIlIESfi Subscriptions taken for all Canadian, American, British oi Yodel Song "Silver-Moon." side of the Columbia thinking some of Foreig-n Newspapers and Perioclioals* BOOTS ntitl SHOES, Mr. S.in Fax. the Blachfeet, their old foe, had peuo- Duet " Dream of Ale." CROQKERT, liated into their country they galliered Miss Stovonsouand Air. Ward, what men they could spread into a WINES, CHAS. A. WARREN. PART II. circle and worked up to the smoke they LIQUORS, Trio "A.K.C." found a brush lodge with a loan man Miss Stevenson, Messrs Ward & Fax CIGARS, and two women. He states they were Golden B C Piano Solo "Poet and Peasant." Elf. Eto. Miss Florence Al. Ward. very poor, neither horses nor blankets, Song '• Over the Billows." the only clothing the ladies wore was Mr C. Franklin Wnrd. a musk rat skin. I neglected to en­ Prices quoted and Bamplo's sit|i| lied on COLUMBIA HOUSW WJ i—1/F 9 Song "Soc Me Dance the Polka." quire whether the musk rat iu that iipijJJ.cnt.ioii. Air. Sim Fux. misty past was any Luger than at Solo --The Fairies," Golden, T» Cn. Miss S'pt-P'tsnn. present,, if not, what a very small por­ Special attention given to Violin Solo.. "Lust BOSH uf Summer." tion of their person was protected. Mr. C Friiliklin Ward. Well. Mr. Editor, they concluded to MAIL OIIDIRS. Write 111 Duet '-Muster nnd Pupil." let the ninn nnd his two women live, Aliss Stevenson nud Mr. Fax. Has been newly built and newly furnished. and he heaved a sigh as he said so, for Irlr't-rv^n Hi 15*1 •? fi p 'f* BfiW The entertainment will wind up LTeated throughout with hot air. Tlie •lliJtiiSo'O h-i',k.*,*5\, -i ti'Mi with a'dance, which should he another now that man's offspring are wealthy table is first class. Tlio bar is stocked attraction, Come eai'lj and moid the iu horses and cuttle,plenty of blankets, C;l' V C^T* nj- rush. well fed, well clothed, while we, the with choice Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Kootiiuays, are poor. Such is the •(', •••if-*-* j-W']< now ldl---'Miit'nl.. old chief's version of the start IC(am i luu©. The Golden Hospital Society beg to of the present tribe of Shuswap In­ acknowledge with thanks the receipt dians. Tlie foregoing will give your HUDSON'S BAY Co.o f the following articles : readers a good idea that the policy toi,....|vl0|^.eish?. - .Pvop* Two boxes of plants from Mr, Oily, pursed by the founder of this tribe was McWilliam Street Greenhouse, Winni­ a wise one, with n powerful tribe for NOTICE! peg. neighbors, and iu those days not too- Asparagus roots from Air. Keith, friendly, they have left their strong NOTICE is liori'liy given thnt David Winnipeg. neighbours far behind in the race for Oppeiiheiiuer nnd It. If. Alexander civilization. Never in all those yoarS; have iilvil with me uu application for a Rhubarb roots from Air. Jones, 4-4 Crown Grunt to their mineral location iRoss Street, Winnipeg, have they had any trouble with the situated on Copper Creek, in the Dis-1 Fresh vegetables from W. ( Neil- ICootennys. It remained for the white triot of East ICootPnny, known us the son. Beaver. man to plant the barb, and that man, Ju.-iititii clniin. Adverse appliciints, if according to the Indian's story, was n any, are required 'to semi in their ob­ Papers anil Periodicals from the Hon jections to mo within (10 days fro.n Col. Jus. Baker. B.C. official. Chas. Timbasket. tho this dnte. Sa^k of potatoes from .Mr. John AIc- present head of the tribe, last Slimmer Dunitld, Gth Doreiuli.il-, 18M, Kny, Columbia Valley. arranged witli Air. Warren of Golden for a wagon. He was on the way A. P. CUMMINS, H.UlltY Co.NNAcnmt, down with some cattle for that pur­ Govt. Agent, Eust Kootonay, B.C. Secretary. pose and hnd proceeded ns far as Mc- General Merchants, Rl-ilera I'loni Wn.li Out City. IKay's ranch, where he corralled the Tii™*;asseo i toia txiiac!- AVe have had n busy week up here stock foe the night, when a band of and have now got I he town into shape. inn, ff* •.. . ,• »-,,*,-"- ' Pr-*t l-in-n'-'i, i Kootenays swept down turned the Alexander Block. J f i '••-., -UU. 5.. lu. !*.'. Qf-.t.'Vlf. | .Mayor Campbell, (popularly known ns stock out of the corral, bound the old (Tlie M-'vArthur i-'tirresl Cyanide I'recos : Lne Chung, | bus his store ill good trim man and bis people on horses, nud in and has opened a bote! in connection rjxporiniciit louts nil | Is up tu ±!H'l!i- thnt man net' carried them back to the nttlo to hsccru.il1 1 1'IIMt I * t'Mi'i.ffiiiii .-.ml por ! with it. He expects to have his laun­ reserve. On arriving tliere they were fllt.'i'P ..'• B ill III Ivor iwovoioil li; i'...LI ut' -.lu? i_ yi.ui.,1! Process i.t tlio dry in full swing shortly and us his is stopped, both thumbs tied together the Testing Works oi above Co. a retail business the boys cun have line stretched over a beam until tlio their old under garments patched and For further [inrtii'iilurs npi ly to: poor wretches' toes just touched the IV. H'elleiv Kni-vc"}-, a\ O. S., retailed on the- premises. ground, then applied the lash while JUST ARRIVED A OAF VniicoHvei-, Tbo exhibition drawers and boots tlie blood flowed from their quivering ''opresotiinlivu '; Supoi'ititondetii for ll.C will be given to anyone who will give flesh, The old man was idigunnt at Information thnt will lead io the con­ such treatment. He applied to the agent if be had ordei.ed the flogging, ft IT) •,'"" ';-•! .'I -1 viction of Town Clerk Alai-Swayed for LOAD OF THE FINES"! .....-* I IUi.ll LiiH'i stealing the Mayor's Cough Alediciue. the uncut said "No." Ho then spoke Ml to the priest, asked the same question [NOT l> lK"l)!tATl:ii. | Alderman AVbitc is bavin's a sum­ mer residence erected, with just room and reoeived the same answer, Being OOJJWE*'' H.t'. enough for two. Conundrum--Who j determined to Iiml out, be applied to 10 GROCERIES. A general blinking business tratisnctud, is to be bis partner. *' KooUcnuys, who committed the outrage, by what authority they acted, 11,'piisiis r.'.'i'i'.vil iiiitl Interest nllowod. Chief Magistrate Dan MoDonnld bus thev told him Mr. ('oldie the recorder ordered all the members of Coxey's Collections on all points promptly at* ut. Windermere had instructed tbem to tended to, army to leave the camp, and fined iwo. do so. This staggered the Indian, ho cooks for drinking bug juice uu duty, j (.old dusl purchased nnd uncounted for did uut think it possible,, and laid a. at highest liiiirliet: rules. charge against tlie Indians with two BARBER, XOTIUK! well known Justices of the Peace, May I. 181.4. Manager. As the first year ot lhe Golden Hos- j Messrs. McKay and Johnston. They pital Society will close on July 1st,: pnoceeded to enrry out the law ns laid Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Harvey leave Air. Owen has rettirnod from the I'l-i'sli-i te I'i an Hor vice* and the directors wish to close the down in the B.C. Statutes for the [or Vancouver to-day, Const. Service will bu hold to-morrow subscription lists to thnt date, parties'nuidunee of magistrates,, when tho Don't lot-get the Sim l-'nx Concert in A now town bus sprung up recently morning in the Alex lor Hiill nt 101 wlio have subscribed but negleuted' to,. Government without a particle of on aid of tbo hospital on Monday evening a mile und n bulf oust of Golden, li is I pay up, will confer a favor hy liaiul- quiry, requests these gentlemen lo send next. o'clock, cttiultit'ii 1 In tbo liev. W. R. composed chiefly of boarding curs and Ross. i ing the amount of their subscription ' j„ their resignations, Had the matter Mr. Walter Hainan! is in town this camping outfits. Wo notice from our I to tbo treasurer, prior io that date. I stopped here all might be settled, but it correspondents notes that Iwo ex-resi- j week. HA UUY CuNXAi'itiiii, [ has not, tliis winter another outiiigu,. dents of Golden, who. tiro in business The mill started running ut-uiu on The coneel'I of I bo.season ou Monday tliere, have received civic honors. j Monday. .it-lit. Admission u.ilv ,JU cent?. Secretary. I (Continued on Page li) it..!-; i.Ool*-• ernor bus been pliiased to uppoint in 1880. Sannich. Tnp-ieu's Siding; Salmon Arm; Sica- next. the following persons to be Returning The works of Rabelais, printed by mous; Grand Prairie; Fullnrtou's store, I.N TB8T1MO.1V WIIKIIEOF, AVe have Electoral District South Victoria— Officers for the Electoral Districts or Unlet, brought $3,800 at the Techeuer sal* Stump Luke; Quilcheua, Nicola Lake. caused these Our Letters to be in 1887. Airiicult'ial Hall. South Saauicb; made Patent, and the Public Seal Ridings of Electoral Districts placed School-house, Royal O.tk; Tolmie Tlie Valdsrfer "Boccaccio," printed at Electoral District West Riding. of the said Province to be hereunto opposite their res-iective iiiiiiic-s.iuiuicly: Venice in 1471, brought at the Blaiifonl School. Moleskin Rind; School-house, affixed: WITNESS, the Honourable Yule-Agassiii; Popcuiu; St. Elmo; Walter B. Anderson. Comox. sale $10.40(1. Cedar Hill; Agricultural Hall, Cndboro EIIIIAB DBWUNBY, Lieutenant- Ho|ie; Yale; North Bend; Reefer's; Harry O. Wellburn, Cowichan-AI- "Entree de Henri II, a Paris et de Charles Bay Road. Governor of Our wml Province of Lytton; Silence's Britdue; Aslicroft; berni. IX." brought $4,000 at the Destailleur aale British Columbia, in Our City of Snvoiiii; Coutlie's, Lower Nicoln; Otter William J. Rant. Esquimau. iu 1801. Electoral District Victoria City— Victoria, in Our said Province, Valley; Government Office, Granite ' 'Monument d n Costnme," by Frendeberg PMlhurniunic Hull, Fort Street, this second day of June, in the George Thomson, Nanniino North. Cnck; Princeton. and Morean, brought $4,800 at the Bebagas year of Our Lord one thousand Jehu H. Hawthorn waite, Nanaimo sale hi 18811. Electoral District Cariboo Williams South. IN TESTIMONY WIIEIIBOK, We have eight hundred and ninety-four, "L'Office de la Tonasalnt" brought Lake; Soda (.'reek; Mclimes' House, William K. jLeighton. Nanaimo caused these Our Letters to he and in the fifty-seventh year of $3,0110 nt the IjiC-arelle sale. BaronPichou Alexandria; Qnesuelleinoiith; Light­ City. paid $11 fur it in 1847. made Patent, and the Gnat Seal Our Seign. ning Creek; Government Office, Forks Thomas William Mowat, Victoria of British Columbia to be hereun­ Ovid's "Metamorphose*," illustrated by Quesnelli; Mouth of Keithley Creek; North. Morean, I'mii-her ami Ei-eu, brought to affixed: WITNESS, the Honour­ Court House, Richfield; Riskie Creek; By Command. 'Thornton Fell, Victoria South. $2,000 at lhe Marquis sale ill 1890. able El-UAH DBWDNBY, Lieuten­ Suoivsboe Creek; Harper Claim. Horse­ James E. McMillun, Victoria City. The work, of Orlgeiie, Imtind with the ant Governor of Our said Province fly Claim, Horsefly River. JAMES C. PREVOST, arms uf Ih-nrv II. ami Diane tie P.iiiiers, of British Columbia, in Our City John Bowron, Cariboo, Registrar ol the Supreme Court. Robt. J. Woods, Cassiar. iin.u -lit S-l l!00 nlltlMl M.u.ler snle in lSili Electoral District Cassiur Court of Victoria, in Onr said Province, Stepheu Redgrave, . "I.* Aui.tiireix Trans-." by Jean Bnni'lief, House. McDame Creek; Court House, thi* ninth day of June, in the jrint i. it i.Iliitii. Quasi en niitl iw.-ioil Joseph D. Graham, Kootenay West, Dense Creek; Port Essington; Metla- year of Our Lord one thousand lur i, nt ihe Smith rlaltil wie iu i8S*!. North Riding. kiibtbi; Fort Simpson; Naas Harbour; eight hundred and ninety-four, T e I'niilir nf M.-nu Ml 14,17. I/uiis William J. Goepel, Kootenay AYest, Inverness Cannery, Skeena River; nnd in the fifty-seventh yenr of XVIII. i aid $-.'.4l»0 for II*" jr ..I it, wh ill South Riding. Masset, Queen Charlotte Island; Skide- Onr Reign. he -.iiiftetiteu I. the ntii.tiit.il library «« Frederick Soues, Lillooet, Eust Rid­ Par1*. 1,111 r Irli's price Sot the m-cuml edi­ gate, Queen Charlotte Island. ing. tion uf 14.-i0 is s-J.J.IK'i'. By Command. Electoral District East Kootenay— [f..s.] E. DEWDNEY. Casper Phair, Lillooet, West R'ding. COLONIZATION. H niter's Pass; Beaver; Donald; Golden; A. CAMPBELL REDDIE, CANADA. William B. Townscud, New West­ Palliser; Field; Windermere; Wasa; minster City. The Dnti-hco'uiii.. hare 24.000,000 in­ Deputy Provincial Secretary. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Fort Stejlc; St. Eugene's Mission. Charles Coldwell, Vancouver City. habitant*. Horatio Webb, Westminster, Chilli- Portngal haa 2,800,000 people ia her Elector. 1 District North Riding, VICTORIA', by the Grace of God, of the whack Riding. •colonies. Kootenay West -Government Office, United Kingdom of Great Britain Henry T. Thrift, Westminster, Delta Ibe German colonies hare a population Re e'stoke; Government Office, Na* and Ireland, QUEEN, Defender of Riding. of 1)85,000. kusp; r'efilb**vtii*t; Lttrdenii; Glacier; the Faith, &c , o**c, etc. David C. Webber, Wcstminstor, Oreai Britain s-oolotja** bane 88,090 mile* Trail Creel; Rolison; Fire Valley; Dewdncv Riding. at railways. To all to whom these presents shall Trout Creek, between Up|ierand Lower Frederick Schofield, Westminster, The collude* of France have 82,000,004- come. -GUBETINO. popiilntion. Arrow Lake; Sanderson'* Hut Springs, Richmond Riding. All Roman colonia*wanenndar perpetnal Upper Arrow Luke; Hull's Liinding; [I..S.] E. DEWDNEY. A PROCLAMATION. Leonard Nonis, Ynle, Eust Riding. Duirtiul law. T.ont Luke; Camp Creek. Downie William Dodd, Yale, West Riding. Abv-sinia i* under Italian protection, Creek, French Creek (Big Bend). CANADA. THEODORE DAVIE, \ UIHEREAS George C. Tunstall, Yale, North -established in 1889. Attorney-General, j «f Writs Riding. The French colonial poli*y wa* conceiv­ Electoral District, Smith Riding, PROVINCE OK BRITISH COLUMBIA for the Election of Members of the ed by R.chelien. Kootenay West Court House. Nelson; Legislative Assembly for the various The beginnings nf Ihe occupation of Ben* School-house. Knsln; New Denver; VICTORIA, hy the Grace of God. of the Electoral Districts in the Province gsl were made in 1053. Ainswuilh; Customs House, Kooieuay United Kingdom of Gie.it Britain have issued; C?J "HI.'.L FC" C3 C/-YS. The only export nf the German colony Boundary, mid Ireland, QUEEN Defcndor of And whereas it is expedient that the The finest, complete-It and latest line of Kleo-' of Tiigiiliind is p Im oil the Faith, Ac, &c, &e. places for the nomination of Candi­ Irlcal aim'i.n-.uualn tho world. Thov hava never Of the population of India, 52,000,000 Electoral District East Riding fa.ieiltocu.u. Y.'ecreto \ sitivuof it I hat wo dates in the said Electoral Districts are engaged ui agriculture. Lillooet Court House. Clinton; School To Onr faithful the Metnliers elected to will back our belief and send you any 1'lic rical should bo nppoiiitel; France dues an annual business with her home, Bonnpnrtp; Philip Oorindor's sere in tho Legislative 'Assembly Arplluiico now in the market and *'oii cm try il •colonies of £35,000,000. huiis'*. Big Bar; Joseph L. Place's of Our Province of British Col- And whereas, by the "Election for Three MiintliM. Largest list of trail m r.i Is house, Dog Creek; John Wright's Regulation Act," the Lieutenant-Gov­ on earth. Send for book r.nd Journal Fr-o. The most important product of British uiiibin. and to nil whom it mny XV. 'r. C-i'-r & •"'<., V."nc!so*', o-*t. Honduras i« mahogany. house. 127-Mile Post; ZL.-iunn Otto COIICU'll, GlIl-iBTJAl'l- ernor in Council is empowered, /rom NOTICE. Metal Itoport. •§xxaitxc8# ©iiv&o. We arc indebted to the Engineering "NOTICE is hereby -,'iveu that on and Mining Journal of New York for HON. J, A LouaiiEEi Q,C THE GOLDEN "Monday the 25th day of June, ltt.M, 1j the following quotations : G. S. McCAltTEli; will offer for mile by public auction, I tmgliee.l A McCarter, .that certain parcel of surveyed Inn,I NEW YORK, Juno S, 1894. Biii'i'istoi's Advocates, Solicitors, Notaries iknosvu as Lot 4S 1, Group 1, Kootenay Silver. Owing to renewed rumors of Etc., Etc, District, situated near Sinclair creek, the imposition of a ii p.c. duty on Solii itors for Bank nf Montre-il. East Kootenay, B.C., containing ill!) CAW ARY N.W.T. acres. The said land will be put up nt all Indian imports, including sil­ an upset price of One Dollar per acre, ver, but excepting of gold ami .SMI'IJfSO'-i; anil WIS HUM It, .mil in addition costs of survey. cotton, the silver market is again Alembers Assocn,'D.L,S. A I'.L.S. fur ISC. Terms cash, ill) days. DOMINION AND 1'KoVINCIAI, LAND demoralized. New York, (14 cents SURVEYORS, Civil Engineers, Draughts­ Above sale will Im liolden at the - iningi Smelting London 29Jd. men, Valuators, etc Calgary and New West­ 'Government Office, Windermere, at 11 minster, Correspondence solicited .of tbo clock ii.in. uu the date above R.J.JEI'lISON, D,|',8,jl'.L.S. uf B.C. KOnt. .mentioned. Copper. Manufacturers arc still com­ CAI.OARY, Alba. plaining about lack uf orders to A. O. WllEEI.EH, D.I,..--, k I'.L.S. uf ll.C. A. P. CUMMINS, enable tbem to work full time, ami NEW WESTMINSTER li.c. Asst. Commr, Lands i'i Wurki the prospects for a change for the McCarthy & EDarvc.v. hotter in tills direction are appar­ liiirristei-.s, Advociites, Nuturies, Ac, Solicf- COt (Limited) GEORGE GOLDIE, tiirs tort— ently not of a very promising 'llie Iniperiiil lliuik of ('.'uiiitla. Auctioneer. nature. G.M.B's. i'.'i!) 10-. Od. The Canada I'eruiaiiinit IjOiiu A SnvhigsCoi '1 he Yorkshire l.uan i-; iSccuritiesCorporiitlou Lead is shilling the fate of nil other 'i'lie Miijsey Harris Co. (Ltd).etc., etc. Ollices Siephen Avenue, Calgary. NOTICE! metals, the week showing another P. MCCARTHY, Q,C. decline. Spanish, £9 (is od., and IIORAOE llAiivnv, U.A. L.L.1).| In the Supreme Court of llritish r'ukiuliiii; English, £9 10s. Od. in the nit'.'lor of Areliihnld WcMmilo tlnnensed PURCHASERS + OF + ALL + CUSSES +0F anil iu the mutter of tint Official Administra­ LESLIE C. HILL* tors Act, Mulct! tit" Fifteenth day of May, A. D. ISiili II]I.JII rending.the affidavits of Arthur Assoc. AIIJ.M. INST, C.E. Patrick Cummins mid Herbert George Low NOTICE. It is ordereil that Ariliui' Patrick Cummin*1, .Ill SISG ESGISEER, Official Ailtniiii.-tratiir lor the County Court District of ICooieuay, shall be Atlu ii-istrntor COCHRANE, ALBA.-FT. STEELE, B.C. of till and siiitrul.-ii- the -roods, chattels nml Application for Certificate of Iin- credits of Ari'luliiiM McMurtlo rlncentod.iinil that this oriler liu pulilishotl iu lliu (toljiiBN provemonts. A. LEOFRED, ERA iioivs|i,'iper fur the period uf sixty Mays. i, Silver ftLea d Ores, (Graduate of Laval nml McGilf.) (Signed) W'M. WAKD Si'JNKS, MINIXft JUKUINEER. Local Judge of Siiproiiu! Court. SYENITE IlLUl'l* MINEBAL CLAIM. IIoiiil Office, QUEIIEI! ; Branch Ollices SiiEituiioOKE, & 17 Place d'Arines For full particulars apply to Take notice that I, H. G. Low, Free Hill. MONTREAL. Tiio creditors ot' Archibald AfcAIllfdo, late Miner's certificate No. ''.j."-9.i, intend, •of Guillen, in Ilia District nf K'nntenny, miner, MINES, & MINERAL PRODUCTS. deceased, aro re piireil ivlthin sii-fy ilays (i0 days from date 'hereof, to apply I.. from tlii.s date, to sou 1 me particulars of their tlie Gold Commissioner for a certificate H. B. ALEXANDER, MANAGER claims. A'ftor tlie expiration nl' the snid sixty of improvements for tlie purpose of Sarnie! S. Fowler, EJ.f days I shall proceed with thoillstiibiititni iif obtaining a crown grunt of above tiie snid estnto. MEM. AM. INS. M.E. Dateil at liiuiMM, iu tlio Districtof Kooto­ claim. uny, Ibis -iiirtl .May, 18!) i. And further take notice that adverse mi^rx-hr frj.Yc;ix!-,-KK. A. I'. CUMMINS, claims must be sent to tbo Alining Re­ Properties reported upon. Estimates and plans fur ad inetiitlui'girnl plants. Official AMniiii'ntriitiir. corder and action commenced lieforc the issuance of such certificate of im­ P. 0. Box 1, - Golden, B.C. provements. Dated this seventeenth day jf March, l V VMJ I. J ^-J IHJJ . 1894. ,--.>'i,':!-,: fl. .ljll«...:....--l&-l;i1-:;.i|^ n^ II. G. Low. W. PELLEW HARVEY. «!j£'J:-:i. In tlio County Court of Kootonny boldcti at F.C.S. (LONDON.) •tiie East Crossing of tint Cohuubiii Kiver; in Assay Ollices .V Chemical l.iilioratory. t House,, tbo nm'tei- of tits goo Is of Rol.ort Tltoytibnry iileconsnd, and iu the miittsi-of the UtHch.l «*"*-•«. 5*-> (Established In ll.C. iu 188!).) Administrators Act, dntod the Piftcautli May Viineonvei', - 1..C. •vififtj* H. Connasher, fraprietor. . tit'May, ISill: upun reading tlie atiiilavit ut Mr. Harvey will bo bin*; from England and George Qol-lio . re'itly for -vurWun Juno 1st. It is ordered thet Arthur Patrick ClttntniUs, "&^^A<\ Newly refitted a.ml famished. Strictly FIRS'3' Oilifiiil Ailiitinisii'iitur fur the ( iniuty Loiirt CLASS in every respect. Sample Rooms for District nt' IContotiiiv, shall l.o Ailmiiiistratoi- Goininercial men. Fire-proof safe for convenience" . of all ,-iii'l singular tho goods, chattels ami Bank Of Montreal. . credits nf Robert Tlinrnhury ile-teiisoil, i ml Notice to Taxpayers. CAI-ft-AKV. af guests. Headquarters for mining men nnd that this order bo published in Uio Gobi IBN miners. Convenient to Station and Steamboat .En. iiiiv.spapei' fur the period of sixty days, SAVINGS BANK DFjPARTAIENT Handing. Direct importer nnd wholesale and (Sighed) Wm. WAED SPINKS, As"jSS5m:r.t Act and Provincial Interest nt Current rates. retail' dealer in AVincs, Liquors, and Cigars, Special attention given to orders from UJJ the Judge. YV. E GRAVEIiEY. AIANAOEB. Rir/cnue fax. Columbia River. Tho creditors of If liert Tlnriilmry, Into of ' Win dor mere, in tlie District ot Kootonay, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, iu farmer, tie 'uiiscil,. re required, ivithiu sixty HAHUEL mum, , Mays front litis tb.te; tn sond me piii-tii-ulni's of accordance with tlio Statutes, thai 'their claims. Upon tliooxpiriitiqu of tlio snid Provincial Revenue Tax and nil Taxes Livory & Feed Stables, HARRY CONNACHER,. i sixty tinvs I sit'II proceed with tlm distribu­ levied under the Assessment Act nre tion of tho snid estate. duo for the year 1894. All of the above Saddle Kflraes for Hire. I GOLDEN, - B.C. Dated at Donald, in tiie District of Kooto , nay, this tori May, 18114. named Taxes collectible within the ('CI-IIKX. - JtU'. Eastern Division, of the District of A. 1'. CUMMINS, Kooteiiny, nre payable at my office, Official Administrator. Court House. Donald, Assessed Taxes are collectible at the following rates, MULL BROS & CO. FOR SALE viz : If paid on or before Juno ."iOtb, 1894: — BUTCHTRS. I COMMERCIAL :-:• PRINTING One of the most perfectly fitted up Provincial Revenue, 3:1,00 per capita, Laboratories and Assay Offices in Bri­ One-half of one per cent on Real Caff l a tish Columbia, with chemicals, furnace Properly. SJieep antl etc., at Fort Steele. No better open­ Two per cont on assessed value of IIors.o Dealers. ing for a reliable assayer. AVild Land. Job DGpeirtn3.c*r|t One-third of ono per cent on Personal GOLDEN, B. C. ALSO i-'OB n.\LE Property. near Fort Steele, nu Amalgamator with One-half of one per cent on income. _:o:— OF —:o:— rotatory pan, tbe latest and best pat­ ] J. SMARV& CO. {. If paid after Juno ilOth, 18C4*— tern, new nud beautiful machine for Two-thirds of one per cent on Ileal . Undertalcers and ' gold quartz, weight 14.G001bs. In sec­ Propertv. ! . • . Em-jali-rens, The GOLDEN El^A tions can lie moved anywhere, capacity Two and one-half per cent on nssoss- Cfilgiir.v jtlln. L •2 tons per day. Apply to : ed value of Wild Land. Ti'.l.i.llltAl'II ottlilSltS ruiijii't-i.v MltvHAEL PHILLIPPS, Ono-half of one per cent on Personal .\ I' I'll.N'l.l'.ll Til. i Property. Fort Steele, B.C.I Throe fourths of one per cent ou PlOJifjBjKJa PAIIJVT HZU'.V. Wore CITIES income. ** lnivo been cf- It'ynii want yunr hoilso l'liliitetl, I'npered noietl by ntv S. REDGRAVE, TruBseii with nr {'iilsiitiiineil, ni' .'iu i' Real ut usign I'nhltcd pprfprt crtso to wofiror, thnn by all oltior wrltetoJ. II. Mll.l.W.Mili. itAt.ii.Mtv.tl.u (li-Vlri'Mr.iluMn-ril. 1'huy if-tiiliiliii-ncHt .Assessor uud Collector. Lending Paint Shop iu the Lest, for good -5^ W. ALEXANDER lluj.turo utitlur tn-vcruiu utrnlii- A Bye- iiiiili ..nil pricos thai ure right. tcm of tit tuu: ban hoi n iiorfcutiul tlio A Donald, Feb 0th, 181)4. luul 9S yoarn. Tilly iiuutil to i>i -v.-mn-il A examination •*%• mull. 87 -.••i'mi.H IA WESGm DEFORMITY^ ill•"••••-.) rp IivillniiiiliriiKiDonri'i'i'ipt •••iiHitaiirTin'. ^^'TlTia'fii |r llfll *LIL<>). of It *!s|i|iup, ll rei'oipcl'ur a , in u,„.ai \\, in ^t-wnil^ie** GQ]J3H [!33j3;!a3 Society. siniple VEGETJMILE HAI.M lhat will re­ " It Is worth tbo prlca to every person laiciie Jewellery wbo even reads a newspaper."—llirllugton move 'I'"", -freckle*, I'liiiples. Ulotclieti Jouruab lllncklieiiila, etc.. leaving tho skin soft,. clear and beautiful. Address A. I). STEM- THE JOU1INAL IIEFEI18 TO THE HOSPITAL is now opon for tbo PEL, 60 Ann St., New Vork. * admission nf patients. and BLUE PENCIL RULES. TICKETS may be bad from the under­ UT signed or any nieiiibor of the Down With Hteh Prices For J«L. a. NBTVINB. committee. Electric. Belts. 91.55, $2.0',, s-vj.70 j former (trices $5, $7, A Pocke•y-mi'irn™-init Primer for- thmiel usune OofI ReportersKOTOnera, , imTr'TT' 'P„. Hilli.-ii um. I'lUi. ni' SI. Correspondents and Copy Choppers. i,''i('. Quaity reiiuiiiis tho same—Iii dif­ SilverMEs ShortCorrespondent, staple san and practicad Copy l choppersrales (or. . PltllDollar L ios npe JJOIlnrr half syear )ier. year oi tux ferent stylos* dry buttery aim ncitl belts makin""—- g•• an' d ' editin-" g newspapelie-" --r' copy- ---, ' - " ' " —•-* U a' --'—• '- -"55 who--116'"" '6 5 —tiiiltl or strong current. Las than null' *w*iuSiro?r ect SA.^"" "'* ' NO EXTRAS except private wards the price ol' any ot!iei company niiiiinoro Sent on receipt ot price. Price. 10 cent* home testimonials than ull tho nut to­ p«r eopy. ALLAN TORMAN, jPubllshet H.VRHY CONNACHER, gether. Full list IVi't. Mention tins 117 Nassau Btrottt, New York. Secretary. j pajior, W. T. BAEFi £ 0U..vVii dsur, Out. Box 7, Donald, BC Awarded little too small," worked like a Trojan, KOT1CI-: . but the splendid [lay uf tho Donald Navigation Highest Honors—World'* Fair. bull bank division held tbem iu check. The crowd were greatly interested nml The adjourned animal -iiei»titi«- ol* tbe enthusiasm intense when Culquliotin shareholders of tbo Golden. Lumber Co. Upper Columbia & TramWay w lb a line shot opened tlie score for Ll'd. Ly., will lie held in the Com­ Donald. Tiny kept right nt it tbe whole lenm playing a splendid game, pany's office, Golden, B.C, on Monday while the Golden boys seemed to lose the Hth prox, nt the hour of two, heart. Hotham and Lewis added two o'clock in tbo afternoon fur the elec­ more goals for Donald, this delighteu tion of Directors for the current year. the crowd and tlie yellow bovs inailj a Steamers will teavo Mm desperate effort toget a goal, the whole Dated nt Golden, B.C., loth dune, back division changing forward and a m:-i. * CREAM good run up by Taylor inul Rue ended 111 11 shot from llcSivayod going wide, ; Every Tuesday at 7 a.m. eliciting Tom Coughliu's favorite re­ Tc the Electors oi Easi mark, "they're hot un's." Tlie game BAKING was rapidly drawing to a eloso and the ftoofenay. Passenger Rates about 5c. per aalle. Eccls 5Cc. home lentil kept up a tegular rush on Golden goal resulting in a shot from MOST PERFECT MADE. Woodhoiiso slipping through Kiev's A pure Grape Cream ot Tartar Powder. Fret bunds Cheers for referee and teams GRNTLH.MEN, I haven-ruin the hon­ torn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. brought n |iiii-d game to a close iu 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. favor of Donald by 4 goals to U. or to offer myself as your representa­ tive In the Legislative Assembly. It Now lho Donald bovs 1:111110 forward Frei-ght I\Je\tes. FOOT LA I... anil invited the Golilenitcs to supper. 's needless fer mo ((/express my views, Hoth tenuis nnd their admirer's pro­ us we have lieen so long nnqnninted ceeded up to George Sutherland's hotel, witli each other thnt they nre familiar To Canal Flat A. $1.75; 15.1 GO; C. 1.40; P. 1.20. Coldun versus Donald. where a splendid repast of cold meats, to yon. My duties as Provincial Sec-1 To Fort Steelo J*V. 3.00; 15. 2.50; (J. 2.00; I). 11)0. Sittirday wns 11 field tiny in t'"* nn- ham, tongue, veal, fowl, etc., vegetables and "hoqnets" wero served in pro­ retiii'i- necessitates my presence in tlie ' nnls of football III the Kootonay Valley. fusion, liquid refreshments in abund- Fraser River valley to minister to tlie Rate A. to include Class I nnd 2 of Canadian* Freight Clussifkatn-Mi About 2 p.m. the C.P.R. station iias mice were put out by Messrs Sutherland wants of the people who have been so il. 11 nud 4 invaded hy llie pick of Golden wind Ijiinrenee ntiil Patmore, while Coughlin surely tiiTiicted bv Ihe recent inunda­ C. " 5 andK " " attended to the cigars, After dispos­ 1). •Mid muscle, iieooTiipnTHcd iy 11 retlnno tions, ami I must therefore throw my­ TiiiidS of S|IOTTS bended liy the genial Fred ing of supper tho boys proceeded to j bold a concert. Referee Petizer (with- self on your genrrusity to excuse my Healey. After the tisiinl fuss the pnr- : out the lint) wns iu tlie chair and filled absence from my district until those *t.y wees got, altourd safely. Donald jthe position with dignity-"He's nil duties are fulfilled. •trail reached in due time and the boys 1riirhr," right,"- - bihis s songsongs s were lirst. clnss. Shipments of 10,000 lbs., of lu-ixecl goods to be en­ lauded wearing a sort of " Seo the I Messrs, Woodhouse. Coighlin, Lnfleiir, JAMES BAKER. 9 titled to car load rates. Freight wiil be delivered ns far Conquering Hero Conies'," air, bit ivo |^"I^L^i.^* !!"^'...!!?""^.-^'! 01 Iters tlie choruses were, joined in nre sorry to say the conquering didn't j sang anil Th©-* Want "Vain***. south as navigation will permit and will be charged for heartily. Mr. Sutherland's " March of according to distance transported. .come off. The match was scheduled the Cameron Men" took well. Mr. Frank S. Taggart & Co.. 89 King (fur 7 o'clock nnd the Goidenites pro­ MncS'.vayed, in the absence of Capt. Street West, Toronto, Ontnrio, desire Taylor, thanked the Donald boys for ceeded to "(ill up" ihe intervening tbe names and addresses of a few peo­ time in a manner suited to their vari­ the pleasant time tlie Golden lads bad Express Rate to Fort Steele 5cts. per lb. ple in every town who are interested ous inclinations, Some of the lllooils bad uud nssnrred them that when they CM me to Golden that the lesson in hos- iu works of nrt, nnd to secure them of the party nin'e a tour of the public The Company's liability on express parcels- being limited to S2 per lb- pitnlity would not be forgotten. .As they offer to semi free, "Cupid Guides 1 per ecu*, will be charged on excess value liientiouei'.oii Bill of Lading. buildings, and judging by their appear­ ibe hour wns getting late the party ance tho job was an arduous and ex­ bad to break up. Many of the boys, the Boat," a superbly executed water hausting one. After dinner quite a however, continued the celebration till color picture, size 10 x 111 inches, suit­ T. B. II. C0CHHANE, President; F. P. A3MSfR0NG, Manag-er. number of people began wending their earlv morning, and tliere is no doubt, able tor framing, nnd sixteen other way to the sporting grounds. The but this spread cemented the friendship ladies with their white and colored pictures ubout same size, in colors, to between the two towns and we hope to any one sending tbem at oncetbe dresses werj dotted all over the Held, see a lot morn times like it. and it is no doubt owing to their names nnd addresses of ten persons presence that Dm..Id went nt it tooth (admirers of fine pictures) together nnd nail and gave Golden such a heavy with five three-cent stamps to cover beating. The game was culled and the Tin* 11.0.Government and the Indians jisiIM. B. LANG,: teams lined up 13 the whistle of Con­ expense of 1111111111:.', etc. Tlio regular ductor Penzer. This gentleman by (Continued from page 1.) price of these pictures is SI.CO, but his fairness and good humor soon this time on the old man's daughter they can all be secured free by any made himself a favorite with both and ber companion who were left person forwarding the names and pluyers and spectators. Ho i* a jolly to fcetl the stock while the family fellow, and is considerably over 2ft. (i stumps promptly. were ..way Two of the young bucks in height. His little straw hat came NOTE. —The editor of this paper bus in for considerable attention uud was thinking the opportunity a good ore Mppnes. portioned out to the players at nijtht to overpower a pair of unprotected already received copies of above pic­ ns a relic of the grout battle. The fol­ mu ills, tried to gain admittance into tures and considers them really "Gems lowing were the teams : the house. They found thedoor locked of Art." noi.iiKN. DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, PATENT MEDICINES no xi, An. from the inside; to save their own TINWARE, lMNCY TOBACOOES Keir Goal., Gallon Hospital Society. CLOTHING. t'oii-tldiii hides they changed the boots they hail HOOTS & SHOES, STATIONERY, PIPES, ETC., ETC. rm"e !-Hacks-! ... I'ntniiiro Taylor ) l —Aloxnnilor on for moccasins, brought a band of MOUltS FOH CONSULTATION. J. Kne i i Iliiines N.-Siniih [ Half Hacks ] Hi.in.s Kootonnys down, showed the trnckt From Ih'JO a.m. to 11 a.m. Fraser ) ( ... Laurence in the snow and. succeeded in making " 2 p.m. " 4 p.m. McSwayed ) Fight ... Colqi'houu | McTavish (wing. .... Cumulus them believe white men had been there .1 1 11 11 8 11 Eine Groceries a Specialty. .Ine Lnfleiir.. Centre Woedho'ise for immoral purposes, when the lash Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12 in., nnd H'. Hamilton I I oft I Until ,111 1). Hut ! wing. | Lewis wns again brought into play, notwith­ from 7 p. 111. to 8 p.m. standing the protesting of the fond old Donald won lhe toss nnd elected to visiriNO nouns. piny with thesitn in their favor, which father who wns compelled to witness From 2:110 p.m. to 8 p.m gave them a decided ad vantage. Gold­ this shameful proceeding. This wns a ally, en took up the running and pressed except Mondity and Saturday. Apples, Donald, but their buck division were stab the old man could not stand. He playing a solid game, and the waywishe d me to write to Ottawa and tell Bv ORDER. Cranberries, Patmore cleared his goal front was a the Department if it was not at once treat to witness. Bye after bye re­ stopped he saw no other why but to warded the efforts of the Golden for­ Oraqges, ward*, while at the other end thecam p behind their (tuns, and it looks A GENUINE OFFER. ns if the B.C. officials lire waiting Donald boys wero getting down to tlie r*j->Q I To introduce our beautiful 1G passing game and giving the Golden with folded hands until blood is shed MUD ! page Family Journal we will Lcmoi]s,. defence a lot of trouble, tbe play was befoie they move. A full enquiry send it il months for only 10 cents, and of a give aud take description. D. Rae f^lll****yail|»l 'ttmtXmVkJmJim^Uei 91 ar^tL^imtTrt »«••*•*-•> should lie made in regard to this mat­ also send you absolutely FREE all of and Hamilton on the Golden left wing the following genuine articles : — were right in the thick of it, they luul ter. The Kootenay's understand tbe a hard man to buck against in Lau­ Fine I8k Rolled-Gold Ring. Beauti­ nature of an onOi for at present the ful Breast Pin, Collar Button, Pen and H. B. LANG, Golden, B.C. rence, but they got their occasionally. people put the blame on the Magistrate '•Scottie" in goal repulsed some line P'ticil, Handkerchief nnd line Key hard shots from Colquhoun nml Wood- at Windermere, Mr. Goldie. Il be Ring and Tablet. This great package house, and the Doctor was breaking up gave no such order for the Kootonnys of goods sen" free lis above, or we for­ feit 5100. A genuine offer. Address: the combination between Lewis and to flog the Shuswiips, it is only fair Hotham in line style, Mchwayed, that be should lie cleared of the foul C. It. VICTOR & CO., P.O. Box IDM, Gulden's latest acqui-ltioii made somn GOLDEN SASH & DOOR FACTORY & nice runs on the right and had a good charge; if be did give such au order he NEW YORK. try for goal. Tom Coughlin was went far beyond h's limits nnd tics rves pleased to get a chance to show what he tnste of the «unio prescription. Now, could do and culled out thai McSwayed I.. Editor. I nppenl through your MACHINE SHOP. wns "a hot un, 100 in the shade," (it, niLAMJil-. is the favorite expression iu Gulden paper to every man und woman in East now), Half time wns called with the Kooteiiny who have tbo least drop of game standing clear. Tlie --Due" the milk of human kindness in their changed his team here. Currie partner­ system, to press this mutter home at *mm$ mCAVtAI 0,1 MUt MAKKS nf ing McTavish and McSwayed going to once. The Provincial Secretary is now ^F COPYRIGHTS.^ full back, this was a eood change OABf I OBTAIN A PATENT f For » Manufactures of £ash, Doors, Moulding* The Donald boys were on the bull and looking around for another four year's ipt answer and un Honest opinion, write to ...,- NN »fc OOM who have had nearly fifty year*1 meant business, their forwards fairly lease of power and at no time can jus­ experience in tlie patent bust new. Cnmraiinlca*- Turned and Sawn Balusters, Newel Posts, Hand Rails and tl.ins strictly cnnfldentlol. A lIuuiHim-k of Iu* waltzed around the Golden half backs, tice bo obtained like the present. Let formation concerning Patent*- and bow to ob­ and only the most strenuous exertions tain them sent five. Also n catalogue of mechan­ the people wipe such a stain as this is ical and sclent Wo bonk* Ment free. Brackets, besides continuing- the Machine Shop work. of Taylor, Fraser and McSwayed kept Patents taken thronr-ili Munn k Co, receive from our fair Province and let, justice special notice in the HrleittiHi* Atiietienii, and them from scoring. Want of training thus are brought, widely before the public Witli- out cont to the Inventor. This splendid paper. was telling on the visitors, while their be granted to a people who have in Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, hiw by far the Have on hand a lot of Wash Basin and Bath opponents' practised play kept tho ball largest circulation of any scientific work lu tUa * 93 oyear. Sample cor­ in Golden territory. Short spurts sixty years risen from n naked savage ing Edition.monthly,t2.ma..*•-•.., aiUH,v Fittings. were occasionally made by Hamilton, tribe to wbnt mny in a few years t;mo , ini cents. Kvcry number contains beau. J. Rae and Currie, and Joe, " while a houses, with plans, tmalilliii* tuii tilura fo HII.IW UIO be useful citizens. . latest deal-ms nml seoure ctmtriirta. Aflttrc.i* W.G.B. UIUNN a> UO, NSW Yuan, aiil lliioAjj.vA-r. HOUSTON &. CO.