Captain Samuel Reed Mary Winship Reed
A Gell'.ll.ealog:n.cali RecrnrJ Coll'.ll.cerll'.ll.ii.ll'.ll.g CAPTAIN SAMUEL REED all'.ll.J MARY WINSHIP REED Alli of Their Descell'.ll.Jall'.ll.fs fo January 11 1953 *** CAPTAIN SAMUEL REED AND MARY WINSHIP WERE MARRIED, NOVEMBER 30, 1783, WOOLWICH, MAINE. *** Compiled By WORRALL DUMONT PRESCOTT Member Maine Historical Society 1953 Copyright, I953 WORRALL DUMONT PRESCOTT Printed in U.S.A. by W ebberprint, Inc. New York Captain Samu.el ReeJ AJtnerican Patriot anJ Pioneer \ \ j \ j This Genealogical Record concerning Captain Samuel Reed and Mary Winship Reed is dedicated to the many people whose friendly and helpful co-operation made its preparation possible. WORRALL DUMONT PRESCOTT. FIRST GENERATION Capt. Samuel Reed, son of Jonathan Reed and Keziah Converse Reed. Born, 1756, in the Garrison, at Chopps Point, North Woolwich, Maine. Died, Feb. IO, 1833, Woolwich, Maine. age, 77 Married, Mary Winship, Nov. 30, 1783, Woolwich, Maine. Mary's father, Rev. Josiah Winship, performed the ceremony. Mary Winship, dau. of Rev. Josiah Winship and Judith Goss Winship. Born, May 20, 1767, Woolwich, Maine. Bapt. by her father, May 24, 1767. Died, Apr. 30, 1825, Woolwich, Maine. age, 57 Both Capt. Samuel and Mary are buried in the N equasset Ceme tery, Woolwich, Maine. This cemetery adjoins the Nequasset Con gregational Church where Rev. Josiah Winship preached from 1765 to 1824. In Rev. Winship's church record it says, "Samuel Reed and Mary ford, wife of Samuel Reed, -Admitted Into Ye Church, June r8, 1786-." Mary's baptism record and her marriage record give her name as M aryford Winship, but in most records it is found as just Mary Winship.
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