1932-05-13 [P C-7]

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1932-05-13 [P C-7] KDKA, WBAL and and Bill. 3:30—Monologues by William H Ar- WWNC, 8:00a—Nancy WRVA. PLAN DANCE RECITALS 9:00a—The Record Album. MAINZ CATHEDRAL berltone 9:15a—Science and Education. 3:45—David D. Pugh, 7:00—Victor Moore, comedian, and s Liia Gardiner to on the Radio 9 :30a—Luray and Elkton program. 4:00—Children program Leonard Joy's Orchestra—WJZ, Group Appear TO MAKE Fair. 4:15—Songs by Betty Thompson. WLS. WHAM, WBZ TREASURES SHOWN HARPISTS Today 9:45a—The WREN, Tomorrow Night. 10:00a—Modem Living. 4:30—Jacob Sokol, baritone and WLW. Eastern Standard Nell Lewis Stafford (All program* scheduled for Time.) 10:30a—Household Chat. 4:45—Readings, by 7:30—B A. Rolfe's The Lisa Gardiner Dancers will ap- John J, Daly. Orchestra—WJZ, 11:15a—Musical parade. 5:00—"Radio,” by WBAL, WHAM, WBZ and WJR. Pair of Eleventh Century Gold Fil- pear In a recital of claaeical and mod- 12.00m—Woodstock program. 5:05—One-Time Opportunities. em ballots tomorrow at |:M Meters. 9:00—Beau Bachelor. 7:48—Sisters of the Skillet, night TONIGHT lj’n/' 315.6 12:15—Walter Doe's entertainer*. 5; 18—The Stradley Playere. specialty o’clock the AIR DEBUT Brooches Quaint at Wardman Park Thea- W I\l. 9:15—Adventures in Health. and igree Among 950 Kilocycles. 12:45—Lou Wiehles "Tales Told in 5:30—Melody Moments. songs dialogue—WJZ, WJR, ter. 9:30—Nat Shilkret's Orchestra WBAL, WLW and Notes,” Betty and Secret." KDKA. The 3:00—"Decora tinj by Alex Gray, baritone. Exhibits. dancers are preparing for a re- Hour. Town. dramatic Moore. 9:45—The 1:00—Sacred 8:00—Friendship cital to be presented at the Sylvan The- Funnyboners. — Salzedo Ensemble to Be the Radio Guild. 1:30—Naval program. sketch, and music WJZ, ater soon as a of the Summer fes- 3:15—"Camille." by 10 00—Howard Barlow's Orchestra. Hospital Radio Features part 2:00—Studio feature. Major WHAM. KDKA, WREN. WBAL, tival program of the Cen- 4:15—"Skippy." 10:15—The Tune Blenders. LONDON (N. AN. A.) .—An interesting Community on 4:30—Songs bv Dolly Connelly. 2:15—Rodifer Wilson, tenor. WBZ. WHAS and WJAX. ter Department. Heard Week End Hour 10:30—Morton Downey. exhibition now held in London 4:45—Dramatic sketch, "Friday, the 2:30—Popular Ballads. 8:30—Roy Shields' Orchestra and Irvin being 10:45—Don Redman’s Orchestra. SPEECHES. consists of treasures lent from the! 13th.” 3:00—Paradise Serenaders. S. Cobb-WJZ. WHAM, WMC. 11:00—Fox's Orchestra. cathedral of the ancient Rhine of G. A. Venables Llewellyn and H. Ing- on Columbia Chain. 5:00—Correct time 3:45—Charles King. “The Lure of the Great Northwest." KDKA, WBAL, WJAX and city 11:30—Madriguera’s Orchestra. Mainz. ram. Oxford undergraduates, have Just 5:01—Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra. 4:00—Children's Hour. 10:00. WREN. 12:00—Weather Forecast. by Prank B. Riley, WRC, The oldest exhibits are a of been paid oft at Plymouth. England, 5:15—Dance Orchestra. 5:00—The Professor. 9:00—Paul Whiteman and His Orches- pair eleventh brooches, after working a month In the engine Minstrel Show. Early Program Tomorrow. 5:15—Culpeper program. DRAMA. tra—WJZ, KDKA, WBZ, WSM, I century gold filigree The celebrated Salzedo Harp Ensem- 5:45—One-Man room of a Transatlantic liner to 5:45—News flashes. WBAL. WHAM and i star-shaped and set with amethysts. gain l»le will make its radio debut tonight 8:00—Amos n' And}'. 8:00a—Little Jack 5:30 to WJR. Little. Myrt and Marge, WMAL 6:00; the 9:45—The Pickens I pearls and sapphires, which were found experience. during the Week End Hour to be broad- 6:15—6:30 P.M. 3:15a—The Sisters; harmony Commuters. W'i \ t 228.9 Meters. in a rubbish heap near the cathedral cast 8 WMAL and a net- WRC, 6:45. duo—WJZ. KDKA and WBZ. | at o'clock by Advtj 8:30a—Tony's Book. ” Goldbergs, Scrap 1,310 Kilocycle*. 10:00—Slumber ! in 1896. and the gold ring of Arch- work of associated Columbia stations. Artells Music; Laurier's En- WILKINS’ COFFEE 8:45a—Songs by Dickson. 3:00—Sports Hour. VARIETY. I bishop Aribo. who was primate of Mainz The ensemble is composed of seven 9:00a—Melody Parade. semble—WJZ, WBAL, WJR and 3:45—Paul Widmayer. I in 1021. This is inscribed with his; outstanding harpists. Its program In- ORCHESTRA 9:15a—The Cromwell and Harold WCKY. Ambassadors. 4:00—Mabel Owens, soprano, and Marguerite name and was found in his coffin when cludes "Deep River" and Handel's 9:30a—New World Salon Veo's Orchestra, WRC, 6:15; the Bath 11:00—Cab Calloway's Orchestra, dance With C ornwell Orchestra. it was excavated in 1926. ECapudinel Marguerite Nevin Fisher, pianist. "Largo." Thelma Kessler, soprano, and 10:00a—Adventures of Helen Club. WMAL, 7:00; Service Hour, WRC, music—WJZ, WGAR, WENR and Mary. 4:30—John J. O’Connor. Its plain moonstone cabochon con- a male quartet will be heard on the 10:30a—Columbia Revue. 7:00; Week End Hour, WMAL. 8:00: and WREN. IT'S “JUST WONDERFUL” 4:45—Special program. forms with the enactment of the Synod •ame broadcast. 11:00a—Ted Brewer's the Eskimos, WRC. 3:00; Gus Van and —— Orchestra. 5:00—Paul Gable, organist. of Milan, which decreed that episcopal Edgar Allan Poe's fantastic balloon Hall's Brusiloff’s Orchestra, WMAL, 8 45; Monday—Wedneaday—Friday 12:00m—George Orchestra. 5:30—The Bartfield Players. ring* should be of gold set with a plain flight hoax will be dramatized a* a fea- 12:30—Armand Nat Shtlkret's Orchestra and Alex Gray, Vecsey's Orchestra. 5:45—The Bottlers. The Dial gem. ture of the “Today and Morton WMAL, Log. [ Yesterday” 6.30—The Sparklers. 1:00—Saturday Syncopators. 6:00—Dinner concert. WMAL, 9:30; Downey, There also are In the exhibition two program. Don Voorhees' Orchestra, a 1:15—New York 10:30. i 6 45—The Goldbergs, Electrical Society 6:15—Jimrav Harbison, pianist. thirteenth century painted panels from quartet and Mabel Jackson, with Jessica soprano, 7.00—Service Hour, Program. 6:30—Vincent Lopes's Orchestra. DANCE MUSIC. Stations Heard in Washington the Museum of Worms, two wonderful will provide the musical and Cavaliers Quar- 1:30—Columbia Salon | Regularly. setting. Dragonette Orchestra. 6:45—"Tall Stories," by Uncle George. silver lectionaries, one with a relief of 2:00—Boston Don Redman's Orchestra. WMAL, Bath Club tet. Variety Hour. Simon Sisters. Keys. Keys. the crucifixion, and another of the Program. 3:00—Ann Leaf at the 7:00—Simple 10:45; Don Bestor’s 860 8:00—The Eskimos. organ. 7:20—News flashes. Orchestra, WRC,s WABC WMAQ 670 Virgin and Child, of the fourteenth Willard C. Amison, tenor, will 8:30—Leo Reisman's Orchestra. 3:30—Spanish 11:05; Ted Black's Orchestra, WRC, WBAI 1060 WNAC .1230 sing Serenade. 7:30—Rhymes and Rhythms. | century, a small but exquisite "Boole of “Mv Want Kisses" the Bath 9:00—National Oratorio Society. 4:00—"Festival of Youth.” 11:31. WBA1 ... 1000 — Lips during 7:45—Sportorial by Bryan Morse. oOiTHJKfiP,. Hours" and a silver Club program. Other musical numbers 10:00—“The Lure of the Great North- 4 :10—Eddie Duchin's Orchestra. CLASSICAL. WBT,.1080 WOR 8:00—Radio Night Court. .rTraffi show^Ut, aff-Tbus monstrous will be played by Prank Ventree'a west," by Prank B Riley. 4:30—George Hall's Orchestra. 1 WBZ. 990 WPG .1100 8:30 to 9:00—Community Chest Olrl. National Oratorio Society. WRC, creatures”* Orchestra. 10:15—Last Minute News. 4:45—Connie Boswell. WCAR.1220 560 9:00; Howard Barlow’s Orchestra, WQAM j (Copyright. 1932. by the North American Tito Guizar, tenor, and Leon Be'.as- 10:17—Slumber Hour. 5:00—"Making Washington Early Program Tomorrow. WCAC. 600 WRVA Newspaper Beautiful,” WMAL, 10:00. .1110 Alliance. Inc ) oo's Orchestra will a 10:30—Vincent Orchestra. by Mrs. Lillian 660 present variety Lopez Wright Smith. 7:00a—Musical Clock. WEAF. WSB 740 from 8:30 to 8:45. Guizar’s 10:45—Beale Street 5:10—Snooks Friedman's Orchestra. WON. 720 W8UN program Nights. 8:00a—Chimes and Birthdays. 620 Jamaica's economic condition is im- solo numbers Include two com- 5:30—Old Ironsides HIGH LIGHTS ELSEWHERE. 790 Spanish 11:00—Ralph Kirbery. program. 8:05a—Musical Clock (continued). WGY. WTAM .1070 proving. "Mare and “Lolita." 11:05—Don Bestor’s Orchestra. WHAS. 820 positions, Quiare” 9:55a—Police Bulletins. 5:30—The Vagabonds: "Hack” Wilson WWJ 920 The orchestra specialty will be "O Don- 11:30—Weather Forecast. 205.4 Meters. and Artxt's Orchestra— WHK.1390 WWNC 570 wrjcvn ^ v 10:00a—Request hour. Billy na from "Wonder Bar.” 11:31—Ted Black s Orchestra. J 1.460 WIOE.1300 WWVA Clara,” Kilocycle*. 11:00a—Red Cross program. WJZ. WBAL, WHAM, WLW and ! .1160 Gus Van will sing "It's in the Papers" 12:00—Earl Hine's Orchestra. 3:00—United States WMAQ. WJR. 750 KMOX .1090 Or- Marine Orchestra. 11:15a—Dance Melodies. as a feature of his with Nat 12:30a to 1:00a—Terrace Oardens WJZ .. 760 KOIL program 4 00—Rhythm. Sense and Nonsense. 11:45a—Program by the Tuberculosis 6:15—Robert L.
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