Free Bare-Root Tree and Program - Available List Common name Height / Soil Moisture Scientific name Type Spread Light Level Notes Qty. Fragrant Sumac Dry-medium Rhus aromatica Small-medium shrub 6' / 10' sun/part shade Nectar for butterflies; for ; forms thickets Ninebark Dry-medium Physocarpus opulifolius Small-medium shrub 8' / 6' sun/part shade Nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds; seeds for birds Purple Beauty-berry Dry-medium Callicarpa americana Small-medium shrub 6’ / 6’ sun/shade Nectar for insects; fruit for birds Buttonbush Medium-wet Cephalanthus occidentalis Medium shrub 12' / 8' sun/shade Nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds; seeds for birds Ozark Witch-hazel Medium Hamamelis vernalis Medium shrub 10' / 15' sun/part shade Pollen; food for deer and rabbits; seeds for birds Spicebush Medium Lindera benzoin Medium shrub 12' / 12' sun/part shade Host for butterfly larvae; food for insects Southern Arrowwood Medium Viburnum dentatum Medium shrub 10’ / 10’ sun/part shade Nectar for butterflies; fruit for birds Carolina buckthorn Medium Rhamnus caroliniana Medium-large shrub 15' / 15' sun/part shade Showy eaten by birds Elderberry Medium Sambucus canadensis Medium-large shrub 15' / 15' sun/part shade Pollen; fruit for mammals and songbirds Eastern Wahoo Medium atropurpureus Large shrub 20' / 20' sun/part shade Showy fruits eaten by birds Gray Dogwood Dry-medium Attracts songbirds; strong root structure good for Cornus racemosa Large shrub 15' / 15' sun/shade streamside habitats Possum Haw Medium-wet Ilex decidua Large shrub/small tree 15' / 12' sun/part shade Fruit winter food for birds Serviceberry Dry-medium Amelanchier arborea Large shrub/small tree 25' / 25' sun/part shade Food for insects, mammals, and birds Eastern Redbud Medium Cercis canadensis Small tree 30' / 35' sun/part shade Host for butterfly larvae; food for birds Flowering Dogwood Medium Small tree 25' / 25' Host for butterfly larvae; food for birds Cornus florida sun/part shade

Please mark the desired quantity for each plant you are interested in. Due to limited funds, we may only be able to partially fulfill your request. Thank you!

Common name Height / Soil Moisture Scientific name Type Spread Light Level Notes Qty. Pawpaw Medium-wet Asimina triloba Small tree 30' / 30' sun/part shade Host for butterfly larvae; food for birds and mammals Wild Plum Dry-Medium Prunus spp. Small tree 25’ / 25’ sun/part shade Host for butterflies; fruit for birds Sand Bar Willow Wet-medium Salix interior Small tree 30' / 20' sun Strong root structure, good for streamside habitats Black Cherry Medium Prunus serotina Medium tree 65' / 35' sun/part shade Host for butterflies; food for birds Black Gum Dry-wet Nyssa sylvatica Medium tree 50' / 30' sun/part shade Host for butterflies; food for songbirds Persimmon Dry-medium Diospyros virginiana Medium tree 60' / 35' sun/part shade Food for insects, mammals, and birds Black Walnut Medium Juglans nigra Large tree 100' / 100' sun Food for insects, mammals, and birds Bur Oak Dry-medium Host for butterflies; food for insects and mammals; very Quercus macrocarpa Large tree 80' / 80' sun large acorns Chinkapin Oak Dry-medium Acorns highly desired by deer, turkey, and other wildlife; Quercus muehlenbergii Large tree 80' / 70' sun tolerant of rocky, slighty acidic sites Northern Red Oak Dry-medium Quercus rubra Large tree 75' / 75' sun Host for butterflies; food for insects and mammals Red Maple Medium-wet Acer rubrum Large tree 70' / 50' sun/part shade Host for butterflies; food for insects River Birch Medium-wet Betula nigra Large tree 70' / 60' sun/part shade Host for butterflies; fruit for birds Shagbark Hickory Medium Carya ovata Large tree 90' / 70' sun/part shade Food for mammals and birds Shumard Oak Dry-medium Quercus shumardii Large tree 100' / 80' sun Food for insects, mammals, and birds Sugar Maple Medium Acer saccharum Large tree 80' / 60' sun/part shade Host for butterflies; food for insects Sycamore Medium-wet Platanus occidentalis Large tree 100' / 100' sun Resistant to beavers; provides wildlife cover White Oak Dry-medium Quercus alba Large tree 85' / 80' sun Host for butterflies; food for insects and mammals