Voir Dire Bv Counsel in Federal Courts
APRIL 1984/VOLUME 13, NUMBER 10 JOURNAL OF THE TEXAS CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYERS ASSOCIATION REGULAR FEATURES PAST PRESIDENTS OFFlCERS Editor's Corner . 3 President; Thomas Gilbert Shape, Jr. FmnkMaloney, AustiU President's Report . 4 Btownsde . President-Elect: Clifton L. Holmes 1971-1972 Significant Decisions Report . 9-28 C. Anthony Friloux, Jr., Houston Longview Thoughts from Beh~ndthe Walls . 34 First Vice President: Louis Dugas, Jt. 1972-1973 Phil Burleson. Orange Dallas Second Vice President: KnbxJones 1973-1974 George E. Gilkerson, Lubbock McAUen VOICE Interview: Semetaxy-Treasurer. CharlesD. Butts 1974-1975 C. DavidEuans, San Antonio Judge Sam Houston Clinton San Antonio by Brian We . 6 Asst. Secre~ry-Treasurer:Edward A. Mdett 1975-1976 . Houston Weldan Holcomb, Tyler Voir Dire by Counsel in 1976 1977 Federal Courts Emmett Colvin, Houston DIRECTORS by 3 1 1977-1978 John E. Ackeimm . Richard Alan Anderson, Dallas George P. Luquetfe, Hoastrm Cecil W. Bain, San Antonio 1978-1979 David R. Bires, Houston Vincent Waker Per4Dallas Copper Mountain Spring Seminar . 5 J.A. "Jim" Bobo, Odessa 1979-1980 lohn C. Bosmn. Austin Robert D. Jones, Ausm DWI Report-Blood Alcohol 1980-1981 Accuracy Questioned . 30 G& W. cafd;& Tyier Charles M. McDonald. Waco J.A. "Tony" Cades, Corpus Christi 1981-1Y82 Allen Cazirr, San Antonio Clifford W. Brown, Lubbock Joseph A. Connots In,McAUen 1983-1983 Gene de Bullat, Jr., Fort Worth M.P. "Rtrsw" Duncan 111. Denton Editor: Stanley Weiubcrg STATE BOARD OF Bob ~stradi,Wichita Falls LEGAL SPECIALIZATION Tim Em,Fort Worth "Slgnifmnt Decis~msReport" Filing Period is Open P.R. "3uck" Files, Jr., vier F&r' Kern P.
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