Forestry Handbook for British Columbia Fifth Edition, PDF Part 1 Editors Susan B. Watts, Ph.D., RPF Lynne Tolland, M.Sc. Published by The Forestry Undergraduate Society Faculty of Forestry University of British Columbia Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Forestry handbook for British Columbia / editors, Susan B. Watts, Lynne Tolland. -- 5th ed. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-88865-447-2 1. Forests and forestry--British Columbia. 2. Forests and forestry. I. Watts, Susan B., 1952- II. Tolland, Lynne III. University of British Co- lumbia. Forestry Undergraduate Society. SD146.B7F68 2005 634.9’09711 C2004-907361-3 Original Adobe Pagemaker layout by Patsy Quay Adobe InDesign CS layout ,vector diagrams and 2013 PDF by Jamie Myers UBC, Faculty of Forestry. Faculty of Forestry University of British Columbia Forest Sciences Centre 2005-2424 Main Mall Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4 CANADA Email:
[email protected] Web: Tel: 604-822-2727 Fax: 604-822-8645 © Copyright 2005 UBC, Faculty of Forestry Dedication John Worrall, or Worrall as he prefers to be known, is widely recognized and respected among alumni and current UBC students. Most of this reputation was acquired through teaching at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Worrall taught dendrology, public speaking and forestry in the Faculty of Forestry for 35 years. His academic achievements include five degrees, B.Sc. (1959) at Durham, B.S.F. (1963) at UBC, M.F. (1964), M.Phil. (1967) and Ph.D. (1968) at Yale. However, Worrall has not achieved notoriety solely for his academic achievements. His teaching methods and extra- curricular activities have made him a legend with the undergraduates in Forestry for over three and a half decades.