Complete Plant Database

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Complete Plant Database Complete Plant Database Order O# G/S# Dis Type Family Common Family Genus Species Common Name Origin Loc Mosses 10 105.0101 1 M Fissidentaceae Fissiden bushii Pocket Moss N Mosses 10 110.0101 1 M Dicranaceae Dicranum scoparium Broom Moss N Mosses 10 115.0101 1 M Leucobryaceae Leucobryum glacum Pincushion Moss N S+ Mosses 10 200.0101 1 M Entodotaceae Entodon cladorhizans Flat Glaze Moss N Mosses 10 200.0102 1 M Entodotaceae Entodon seductrix Cord Glad Moss N Mosses 10 210.0101 1 M Thuidiaceae Thuidium delicatulum Fern Moss N S+ Mosses 10 215.0101 1 M Amblystegiaceae Platydictya subtilis Algal Thread Moss N Mosses 10 220.0101 1 M Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium salebrosum Golden Foxtail Moss N Mosses 10 220.0301 1 M Brachytheciaceae Steerecleus serrulatus N Mosses 10 220.2101 1 M Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium surrulatum Beaked Comb Moss N Mosses 10 225.0101 1 M Anomodontaceae Anomodon minor Rounded Tongue Moss N Mosses 10 295.0101 1 M Polytrichaceae Atrichum angustatum Slender Starburst Moss N Mosses 10 296.0102 1 M Polliaceae Weissia spp. N S Ferns 15 309.0106 2 F Ophioglossaceae Adder's Tongue Botrypus virginianus Rattlesnake Fern N Ferns 15 310.0101 2 F Equisetaceae Horsetail Equisetum hyemale Scouring Rush N Ferns 15 310.0102 2 F Equisetaceae Horsetail Equisetum arvense Field Horsetail N Ferns 15 318.0102 2 H Osmundaceae Royal Fern Osmunda cinnamomea Cinnamon Fern N Ferns 15 320.0401 2 F Onocleaceae Sensitive Fern Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive Fern N Ferns 15 320.1207 2 F Aspleniaceae Spleenwort Asplenium platyneuron Ebony Spleenwort N Ferns 15 322.1102 2 H Woodsiaceae Lady Fern Deparia thelypteriodes Silvery Glade Fern N Ferns 15 322.1103 2 F Woodsiaceae Lady Fern Athyrium filix-femina Lady Fern N Ferns 15 330.1001 2 F Dennstaedtiaceae Bracken Dennstaedtia punctilobula Hayscented Fern N Ferns 15 330.1207 2 H Polypodiaceae Spleenwort Asplenium platyneuron Ebony Spleenwort N Ferns 15 331.0701 2 F Thelypteridaceae March Fern Parathelypteris noveboracensis New York Fern N Ferns 15 331.0802 2 F Thelypteridaceae March Fern Phegopteris hexagonoptera Broad Beech Fern N Ferns 15 331.1801 2 F Pteridaceae Maidenhair Fern Adiantum pedatum Northern Maidenhair Fern N Ferns 15 332.0806 2 F Dryopteridaceae Wood Fern Dryopteris carthusiana Spinulose Wood Fern N Ferns 15 332.0808 2 F Dryopteridaceae Wood Fern Dryopteris intermedia Intermedate Wood Fern N Ferns 15 332.0901 2 F Dryopteridaceae Wood Fern Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas Fern N Conifers 20 350.0109 3 W Pinaceae Pine Pinus virginiana Virginia Pine N Conifers 20 350.0702 3 W Pinaceae Pine Juniperus virginiana Red Cedar N S+ Conifers 20 360.0102 3 H Typhaceae Cat Tail Typha latifolia Common Cattail N Monocots 25 365.0203 3 H Potamogetonaceae Pondweed Potamogeton crispus Curly Pondweed I Monocots 25 370.0301 3 H Alismataceae Water Plantain Alisma subcordatum Common Water PlantainN Monocots 25 370.0409 3 H Alismataceae Water Plantain Sagittaria latifolia Arrowhead N Monocots 25 375.0301 3 H Poaceae Grass Miscanthus sinensis Chinese Silver Grass I S+ Monocots 25 375.0401 3 H Poaceae Grass Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass I S Monocots 25 375.0701 3 H Poaceae Grass Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem N S Monocots 25 375.0801 3 H Poaceae Grass Agrostis perennans Upland Bentgrass N S Monocots 25 375.0802 3 H Poaceae Grass Aristida dichotoma Three-awn Grass N S Monocots 25 375.0803 3 H Poaceae Grass Aristida purpurascens Three-awn Grass N S Monocots 25 375.0901 3 H Poaceae Grass Sorghastrum nutans Indian Grass N S Monocots 25 375.1807 3 H Poaceae Grass Dichanthelium oligosanthes Few-flowered Panic Grass N S Monocots 25 375.1809 3 H Poaceae Grass Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon Round-fruited Panic GrassN S Monocots 25 375.1813 3 H Poaceae Grass Dichanthelium clandestinum Deer Tongue Grass N Monocots 25 375.1906 3 H Poaceae Grass Panicum capillare Witch Grass N S Monocots 25 375.3603 3 H Poaceae Grass Sporobolus vaginiflorus Poverty Grass N S Monocots 25 375.4301 3 H Poaceae Grass Sphenopholis obtusata Praire Wedgegrass N S Monocots 25 375.4902 3 H Poaceae Grass Danthonia spicata Poverty Grass N S+ Monocots 25 375.5101 3 H Poaceae Grass Festuca elatior Meadow Fescue I S+ Monocots 25 375.5201 3 H Poaceae Grass Phalaris arundinaceea Reed Canary Grass I Monocots 25 375.5404 3 H Poaceae Grass Poa pratensis Kentucky Bluegrass I S Monocots 25 375.5605 3 H Poaceae Grass Eragrostis spectabilis Purple Lovegrass N S Monocots 25 375.5607 3 H Poaceae Grass Eragrostis capillaris Lacegrass N S Monocots 25 375.5901 3 H Poaceae Grass Tridens flavus Purple-top N S Monocots 25 375.6501 3 H Poaceae Grass Phragmites australis Wild Reed I Monocots 25 375.9976 3 H Poaceae Grass Pennisetum spp. Fountain Grass I Monocots 25 375.9995 3 H Poaceae Grass Microstegium vimineum Japanese Stilt Grass I S+ Monocots 25 375.9996 3 H Poaceae Grass Oplismenus hirtellus Wavyleaf Basketgrass I Monocots 25 375.9996 3 H Poaceae Grass Elymus hystrix Bottlebrush Grass N Monocots 25 375.9996 3 H Poaceae Grass Sorghastrum nutans Indian Grass N S Monocots 25 375.9996 3 H Poaceae Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides Chinese Fountaingrass I Monocots 25 380.0115 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Cyperus squarrosus Awned Flatsedge N S Monocots 25 380.0115 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Cyperus strigosus Umbrella Sedge N S+ Monocots 25 380.0604 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Fimbristylis annua Annual Fimbry N S Monocots 25 380.0712 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Scirpus georgianus Georgia Bulrush N Monocots 25 380.1305 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Scleria pauciflora Nutsedge N S Monocots 25 380.1402 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex swanii Swan's Sedge N Monocots 25 380.1403 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex digitalis Slender Wood Sedge N Monocots 25 380.1404 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex crinita Fringed Sedge N Monocots 25 380.1405 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex tribuloides Blunt Broom Sedge N Monocots 25 380.1405 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex laxiflora Broad Looseflowering Sed N Monocots 25 380.1405 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex complanata Hirsute Sedge N Monocots 25 380.1406 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex laxiculmis Spreading Sedge N Monocots 25 380.1407 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex glaucodea Blue Sedge N S+ Monocots 25 380.1408 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex frankii Frank's Sedge N S+ Monocots 25 380.1409 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex umbellata Parasol Sedge N S+ Monocots 25 380.1415 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex muhlenbergii Monocots 25 380.1421 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex lurida Sallow Sedge N Monocots 25 385.0101 3 H Araceae Arum Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-pulpit N Monocots 25 385.0501 3 H Araceae Arum Symplocarpus foetidus Skunk Cabbage N Monocots 25 386.0204 3 H Lemnaceae Duckweed Lemna minor Smaller Duckweed N Monocots 25 400.0101 3 H Commelinaceae Spiderwort Commelina communis Asiatic Dayflower I Monocots 25 410.0101 3 H Pontederiaceae Pickerelweed Heteranthera reniformis Mud-plantain N Monocots 25 410.0101 3 H Pontederiaceae Pickerelweed Pontederia cordata Pickerelweed N Monocots 25 415.0109 3 H Juncaceae Rush Juncus tenuis Path Rush N Monocots 25 416.2301 3 H Ruscaceae Ruscus Maianthemum racemosum False Solomon's Seal N Monocots 25 417.1101 3 H Colchicaeae Meadow Saffron Uvularia sessilfolia Sessile-leaved Bellwort N Monocots 25 418.1301 3 H Xanthorrhoeaceae Day-lily Hemerocallis fulva Orange Daylily I Monocots 25 419.1802 3 H Hyacinthaceae Lily Ornithogalum nutans Star-of-Bethlehem I Monocots 25 420.1401 3 H Liliaceae Lily Hosta sp. Hosta I Monocots 25 420.1601 3 H Liliaceae Lily Erythronium americanum Trout lily N Monocots 25 420.3305 3 W Smilacaceae Greenbrier Smilax rotundifolia Horse Brier N Monocots 25 421.3301 3 W Smilacaceae Greenbrier Smilax glauca Glaucus Greenbrier N S+ Monocots 25 425.0101 3 H Dioscoreaceae Yam Dioscorea quaternata Wild Yam N Monocots 25 426.0101 3 H Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis Allium vineale Field Garlic I S+ Monocots 25 426.0107 3 H Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis Narcissus pseudo-narcissus Daffodil I Monocots 25 426.0111 3 H Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis Galanthus nivalis Snowdrops I Monocots 25 427.0301 3 H Iridaceae Iris Sisyrinchium augustifolium Blue-eyed Grass N S+ Monocots 25 427.0301 3 H Iridaceae Iris Iris pseudacorus Yellow Iris I Monocots 25 430.1001 3 H Orchidaceae Orchid Tipularia discolor Cranefly Orchid N S+ Monocots 25 430.1101 3 H Orchidaceae Orchid Spiranthes lacera Slender Ladies Tresses N S Monocots 25 430.1301 3 H Orchidaceae Orchid Aplectrum hyemale Puttyroot N Monocots 25 440.0101 3 W Salicaceae Willow Salix nigra Black Willow N Dicots 30 440.0205 3 W Salicaceae Willow Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood N Dicots 30 450.0103 3 W Juglandaceae Walnut Juglans nigra Black Walnut N Origin N-Native, I-Introduced,?-Native to Eastern US, but not native to Md piedmount Loc S restriced to serpintine, S+ In serpintine and elsewhere Rare S1 Very Rare, S3 state watch list Complete Plant Database Mosses 10 105.0101 1 M Fissidentaceae Fissiden bushii Pocket Moss N Dicots 30 450.0102 3 W Juglandaceae Walnut Juglans cinerea Butternut N Dicots 30 450.0202 3 W Juglandaceae Walnut Carya cordiformis Bitternut Hickory N Dicots 30 450.0203 3 W Juglandaceae Walnut Carya tomentosa Mockernut Hickory N Dicots 30 450.0204 3 W Juglandaceae Walnut Carya glabra Pignut N Dicots 30 450.0204 3 W Juglandaceae Walnut Carya illinoinensis Pecan I/N S Dicots 30 455.0301 3 W Betulaceae Birch Carpinus carolinana Hornbeam N Dicots 30 455.0502 3 W Betulaceae Birch Alnus serrulata Smooth Alder N Dicots 30 460.0101 3 W Fagaceae Beech Fagus grandifolia Beech N Dicots 30 460.0301 3 W Fagaceae Beech Quercus alba White Oak N S+ Dicots 30 460.0302 3 W Fagaceae Beech Quercus stellata Post Oak N S Dicots 30 460.0309
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