
14 The Clinton Courier August 20, 2019 Clinton native Oliver Garrett fi lms to be part of Red Brick Roads fi lm festival Special to The Clinton Courier ovation for the fi lm and its producer. Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu is a Clinton native Oliver Garrett will be full-length fi lm, with Garrett serving as a featured fi lmmaker at this year’s Red producer. It is an artsy horror fi lm based Brick Roads Film Festival. on H.P. Lovecraft’s writing and is popular Hosted by the Arts Council of Clinton, with millennial audiences. It was one of the fi lm festival will be an enhanced ad- only fi fty independent fi lms selected out dition to the popular of thousands for participation in the Slam- Clinton Chamber of Commerce/Main dance Film Festival, which has replaced Street event August 23 and 24. Sundance as the festival for smaller bud- Garrett, who graduated from Clinton get independent fi lms. Garrett and his High School and received a fi lm degree colleagues were recognized on the Slam- from The University of Southern Missis- dance red carpet in Park City, Utah. sippi, is now an assistant director with Garrett says the fi lms of Tim Burton, Disney Studios in Burbank, California. such as Beetlejuice and Edward Scissor- He began his career in independent fi lms hands, as well as Steven Spielberg’s In- and as a production assistant and then diana Jones movies awakened his desire assistant director with Stu- to be involved with fi lmmaking. He grew dios. His eleven-year stint at Nickelode- up making movies with his brother Walk- on included the hits , iCarly, er and cousins, Patrick and Randy Puck- Victorius, Sam and Cat, , ett, and a video arts class with Anthony and Game Shakers, working with Jamie Thaxton cemented his interest. Garrett Lynn Spears, Miranda Cosgrove and off ered advice to others wanting work in Arianna Grande. He was inducted into Hollywood. He said probably his biggest the Director’s Guild of America, fi rmly Special to The Clinton Courier step was in moving to L.A., where there establishing himself as a credentialed Oliver Garrett in his offi ce at CBS for Superior Donuts. is a lot of work going on, which helped Hollywood director. him build his network much faster. He Tapped as Assistant Director for the Disney Studios’ Coop and Cami Ask the Film Festival, The Jimmy Stewart Crys- added that one of his biggest thrills was CBS sitcom, Superior Donuts, Oliver World. tal Heart Memorial Award at the 2007 working with the Muppets on two epi- had the opportunity to work with icon- Garrett was recently nominated for Heartland Film Festival, the Directors sodes for a Disney show. Garrett’s par- ic actor Judd Hirsch, and then later with outstanding Directorial Achievement for Guild of America Award at the 2006 ents, Jesse and Ricki Garrett, say they Vicky Lawrence, Leslie Jordan, and oth- his work as part of the director’s team on Moondance International Film Festival are very proud of him and are excited to ers on Fox Studios’ The Cool Kids. He The Late Late Show. and the Audience Award at the 2006 watch him live out his dream. He is mar- is currently serving as As- Two of Garrett’s early independent Newport International Film Festival. ried to Hollywood makeup artist Valerie sistant Director for fi lms will be featured at the Clinton fi lm When it showed at the Crossroads Film Garrett and is the father of Layla, four, festival, Queen of Cactus Cove and Festival in Jackson, Missis- and Ozzie, three. Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu. sippi, it received Queen of Cactus Cove is an in- a standing dependent short fi lm on which Garrett served as producer. It won the Triumph Award at the 2006 Angelus Awards Student

AUG 28, 2019.

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