Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ARCHDIOCESE GIVES 7,702 70 ARMED SERVICES

Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1943—Permission to Reproduce, Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue' '40. Denver Sends 4,418,

CHRISTMAS GREETINGS •B Over Half; Ontside DENVER CATUaiC % B % B We celebrate again th6 birthday of our Divine Savior and B Redeemer. The Infant Christ in the cave of Bethlehem is our B Parishes Have 3,284 God. His every action is the action of a God. Every precept and B command He gave to the world has the stamp of Divinity upon it. B Tabulation Year Ago Showed 5,254; Pastors We adore Him today who came to earth for love of us. B I 4 k Asked to Keep Lists Complete The NationalREGISTER Catholic Welfare Conference News Seervice Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We B Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Aim This Christma.s is a day of joy and of sorrow. It is a day B For Record Services, Photo Features, And Wide World Photos. \ of joy because the Second Person of tlie Blessed Trinity becahae B VOL. XXXK. No. 17. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, DEC. 23, 1943. $1 PER YEAR man in order to redeem us. It is a day of s6rrow because the B Men and women in the service of the armed forces of whole world is engaged in fratricidal combat. Scarcely a home the United States from parishes in the Archdiocese hf Den­ B ver total 7,702, it is announced by the Chancery office". This rll 11 O A rlAifinn tn Sacred Scripture collection in the library o f St. Thomas’ in our land but feels the absence of some dear one in the armed B figure is incomplete, it is thought, for some parishes show V x x U .U 'I'l.l'ly IS H / seminary, Denver, is the two-volume set o f the hisihistorical books forces of our country. Some have paid the supreme sacrifice that o f the Old Testament, with illustrations by James Joseph Tissot, French painter o f the late 19th century. B little or no change since the first parish reports were made The tomes were presented to the seminary by Mrs. Vemer Z. Reed in memory o f her daughter, Margery, our liberties and the freedom of Bie world might be guaranteed a year ago in October. Pastors are urged to turn in com­ and will eventually be put on display in the seminary iibrary. The text o f the books, in French, is printed and established. May we confidently hope that before another plete lists and additional names as received, so that records on Japanese paper, which is bound in handsomely tooled leather showing symbols o f both Old and New may be full and accurate. Testament subjects. The volumes were published in Paris in 1904.— (Photograph by Half, Denver) _____ Christmas comes a secure peace in justice and charity will en­ First reports in October, 1942,U9 ------circle the globe. B showed a total o f 5,254 persons in the service, o f whom 2,669 were Denver Sister Our fighting forces, our hallowed dead would appreciate B from Denver parishes and 2,585 B from outside the city. The Den­ nothing as much as our remembrances in prayer this Christinas 'B ver figure now is 4,418 and that day. Receive Holy Communion for them and their intentions as of parishes outside the city 3,284. Reported Safe B The Chancery office report did frequently as you can within the Chri.stinas season. Pray ear­ B not list the number of casualties or nestly to the Christmas God of Pgace for an early and just peace. o f those who have died in the In China Camp B service. The figures, presented by parishes below, list first the num­ My intention at Holy Mas.*? on Christmas day is that Almighty B ber reported in 1942, then the First-hand information of the God our armed forces, that He give each and every home B increase,-and finally the total: safety of Loretto Sisters in Shang­ DENVER PARISHES hai, China, was brought to Amer­ and individual in the archdiocese His special graces and consola­ Cathedral ...... 209 313 522 tions. May the God of peace grant us peace. Annunciation .... 138 70 208 ica by Sister Mary de Lellis, Mary- 5% Blessed Sacrament 72 120 192 knoll nun. A repatriate on the Holy Family...... 146 l i e 260 Gripskolm, the religious, who lives Holy Ghost ...... 135 50 185 f URBAX J. VEHR, in Lexington, Ky., informed the B Holy Rosary ...... 52 52 Archbishop of Denver. Our Lady of Loretto mother-house in Nerinx B Mt. Carmel .... 198 274 472 about members of the order. Presentation ...... 50 40 90 •Among the sisters spoken of was 4 k Sacred Heart Sister M. dementia, daughter of and Loyola...... 172 159 331 Mrs. S. E. Abell of 2229 Grove St. .Anne’s street, Denver. Mrs. Abell had not (Arvada) ...... 23 28 51 heard from her daughter since the Call V S O ISCCS St, Cajetan’s ...... 90 162 252 Gripsholm made its last previous \Cluh, KE. 1338 Rev. Earl L. Dieter, S .J., Is St. Catherine’s.... 131 185 316 trip from the Orient in August, St. Dominic's...... 149 121 270 1942. St. Elizabeth’s.... 49 45 94 According to Sister ; Mary de LAS! CHiCt III St. Francis Lellis "enemy alien” religious were de Sales’ ...... 255 143 398 interned in Shanghai April 1.3 of Appointed Army Chaplain St. James’ ...... 50 44 94 this year, but the Lorettines were St. John the allowed to wait 10 days to complete Evangelist’s __ 76 139 215 graduation in their school. Sister 10 The Rev. Earl L. Dieter, SJ., call to military service in April St. Joseph’s dementia and another Lorettine assistant principal and student o f 1942. (C.SS.R.) ...... 172 67 239 had been compelled on a day’s no­ St. Joseph’s tice in June, 1942, to leave Han­ counselor in Regis high school, Succeeding Father Dieter in the (Polish) ...... 30 .33 63 yang for Shanghai. Denver, for the past year and a office o f assistant principal and o n DEC.» St. Leo the The nuns are studying and work­ half, Sunday evening received of­ student coun.selor in Regis high Great’s ...... 10 _ 10 ing in every possible way to pre­ ficial notification o f his appoint- school is the Rev. Lawrence L. St. Louis’ pare for renewed mission activity (Englewood) 74 73 Arrangements have been made mfent to a chaplaincy in the United Cusack, S.J., professor o f philos­ 147 while in the Sacred Heart camp, St. Mary Magda­ by the USO-NCCS at E. 16th and Shanghai. There is no hot water, States army with the rank of first ophy and religion in Regis college. lene’s (Edge- Grant to make the club a clearing- except for dishwashing, oftener lieutenant. Father Dieter leaves His appointment was announced water) ...... for those who wish to invite 50 82 132 than every second fortnight. All Thursday evening for Cambridge, St. Patrick’s ...... service men into their homes for Monday morning by the Very Rev. 137 98 235 bathing and washing of clothes 9.9.^ Christmas dinner. Those who de­ John J. Flanagan, S.J., president St. Philomena’s.. 157 72 must be done "in cold water. There St. Rose o f Lima’s 29 24 sii sire to invite the soldiers are asked of Regis college. Father Cusack, are nine other camps in Shanghai to call KE. 1338 on or before St, Therese’s maintained by the Japanese. There who has been stationed at Regis (Aurora) ...... Dec. 24. 16 16 were 97 nuns of 19 communities for man^ years, came in 1930 from St. Vincent Hundreds o f soldiers from the in the Sacred Heart center. At the St, Mary’s college, St. Marys, de Paul’s ____ 51 77 128 time of the latest repatriation the Denver area are expected to at­ Kans., where he held the office of exchange rale had risen to 85 pesos tend the Christmas eve social and principal in the high school. Previ- Total ■...... 2 .669 2,585 5,254 or Mexican dollars to one Ameri­ entertainment in the club from 5 (T uni to Page 3 — Column 3) (Turn to Page 3 — C olum n e) can dollar. p.m. lintil midnight. A program of continuous entertainment has been arranged. Refreshments will be served, together with candy ind C. J . McNeill of Register cigarets, for every service man who comes into the club, and there will be numerous awards. Un­ der the general chairmanship of Staff in Army Service Mis.'^ Frances Belford and the di­ rection o f Misses Margie and Jerry Charles J. McNeill, associate O’Neil, the program promises to his wife. The discussion texts ar* be the most successful ever staged editor of the Register and a mem­ The Sacrameyitals and Prayers, which McNeill wrote for publica­ by the local NCCS group. ber of the staff since April, 1934, STRESS RELIGION tion by the Catholic .Action com­ In order to accommodate the leaves Dec. 27 for Fort Logan to mittee of Wichita, Kans.; and soldiers who are expected to use enter army service. He is the sev­ three, The Apostles’ Creed, The the new NCCS-K. o f C. dormitorj' enth memlier of the editorial staff A varied program o f Catholic Commandments, and The Sacra­ over the weekend, additional cots to enter the armed forces in the Gifted Lowry Sergeants Christmas broadcasts will be car­ ments, of which he is co-author BU lUMBS are being set up in the Catholic present war. The total from the ried over Denver stations. Of great with the Rev. Gregory Smith of Charities building. Saturday interest is the talk by Pius XII on Denver, a national leader in Con­ approximately .300 men were given I the NBC network at 5:15 a.m. fraternity of Chri.stian Doctrine ■sleeping facilities in the club. All Create Unique Crib Scene i (M W T) Dec. 24. The Holy Father work. The trio of booklets make remodeling work has been finished will deliver a special Christmas up a complete treatise of doctrine and the dormitory is now in opera­ message to the world. An English and are correlated 'with the re­ tion every night o f the week. Chaplain Earl L. Dieter, S.J. (By T. Sgt. John F. Connors) ter work supplied by Sgt. Barti summary of his talk will follow. vised Baltimore catechism. The KOA will carry the event. Press Two Lowi-j- sergeants, one an gian. Carol Singing to Be Mas.s., where on Jan.«6 he will be­ Sacramentala has been transcribed gin his five weeks’ training in the reports mention the broadcast of a in Braille. BIMBS.BEBBelectrical genius and the other a The figures were cut from ply­ wood that Sgt. Bartigian managed NCCS-Wb Feature army school for chaplains attached Midnight behind the battle The son of a railroad conductor, recognized painter - artist, have to scrape together. An interlink­ Christmas e v e in the USO- to Harvard university. Father lines in Italy and holiday songs by McNeill was horn in Newton, NCCS, women’s division, 1772 Dieter is the second Regis Jesuit a chorus of 200 American soldiers Kans., Dec. 1, 1912. He attended Valuable additions to the Scrip­ completed one of the most inter­ ing chain of supports keeps them esting Christmas displays in the together, and on each a multi­ Grant street, will be highlighted to become an army chaplain, Lt. in the Holy Land. The times of schools in Newton and was grad­ ture collection in the library o f St. region— a life-size stable with the colored masterpiece of painting by the singing o f Christmas carols Leo J. Bums, S.J., former profes­ these were not available. uated from St. Benedfet’s college, Thomas’ seminary, Denver, are two Babe in the manger, His Mother, (Turn to P a ges — C olum n i ) (Turn to Page 2 — Column i) sor in Regis college, answering the Station KOA will broadcast the .Atchison, Kans., in 1933 with an volumes o f a Ti.ssot Bible pre- shepherds, wise men, donkeys, Solemn Pontifical Mass from the A.B., magna cum laude. He did Denver Cathedral, starting at 12 considerable publicity work in col- sented by Mrs. Verner Z. Reed in at chapel 940, and continuing until the conclusioh (TurnioPageZ— Column 3) memory of her daughter. Margery. The work is a masterpiece of Christmas Music in Denver Churches of the Mass. It will also carry a The volumes, which contain the art and lighting. It measures three-hour program beginning at historical books of the Old Testa­ some 10 feet high and 24 feet 12 noon Christmas day. This will ment, are outstanding example.s of include 4 presentation o f The Shep­ Pontifical Mass wide, with life-size figures rang­ Following are the programs of organist. Pietro Yon's Msss in Honor upper Krade., will be eupplemeoted by the bookbinder’s art, and form part former member! of St. ElliabeUi'i ichool. herds, a Mexican miracle play, ing from 18 inches to six feet. Christmas services in churches of of St. Vincent Ferrer. Propers of the o f a deluxe edition made by M. de Even bits o f disheveled straw on Mass srranged by Joseph Bachmann. Loretta Gowan will ain, **Chn»t Child,** originating from San Antonio; a Bninoff & Co., I’ari.s, 1904. Denver and vicinity: Offerlor>’, “ Adeste Fidelet.” At the by C. W. Coomb., A* a prelude to the reading of the Beatitudes in Ara­ For Late Bishop the ground, a couple o f horseshoes CATHEDRAL Communion, ” Jesu Redemptor,” by Mail, well-known Chrlatmas hymn, will The principal value of the vol­ he aun, by the .anctuary choir, and will maic, originating from Bethlehem; hung oil a post, cart wheels, a rake, E. Colfax at Lofan Street Pietro Von. Christmas carols before and after Mass. be continued during the lait two Maaiet. umes lies in the 400 illustrations, broken yokes are there. A donkey Most Rev. (Jrbao J. Vehr, D.D., and a ‘ short speech by Archbishop many of which are full page in stands by 'wonderingly. A few Archbishop of Denver Low Mass at 6:90, at which Christmas (Turn to Page 2 — C olum n 2) ST. CATHERINE’S CHURCH Is Slated Jan. 14 both color and black and white, .sheep rest nearby. It is the per­ Rt. Rev. Monsifnor Hufh L. McMenamini carols will be sung by* a group of high Rector school girls. 4200 Federal Boulavard Ckarlet J. McNeill by .lames Joseph Tis.sol, a French fect setting for the newborn Babe Rev. Dr. D. A. Lemieua, Pailor Press Reports The Cathedral vested choir, under the High Msss at 8 o'clock, sung by the Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will painter and illustrator wh died in the manger, for His anxious Indicate direction of the Rt. Rev. 4. J- Bosetti. combined boys and gtrls*''choirs. Boys Uidnight Solemn Maai, 6. 7 :S0, t, whole plant is 24, the service hav­ celebrate a Solemn Pontifical Mass in 1902. Known throughout the Mother, for the shepherds and wise V.G., will render Joseph DesChermier's in cassock and surplice will Xing the 10:30, and 12.15. ing drawn 17 from the mechanical for the repose o f the soul o f world for his Li;V o/ Christ, a men who have come from afar to Mass with instrumental accompaniment, processional before the eanctuary. which Mu.ical program for Midnight Ma>a: will be an ancient carol. **A Virgin Most departments. On^ of these, Joseph Bishop J. Henry Tihen, third series of water colors that brought pay tribute to the King of Kings. ineludinir organ and string quartet, in At 11:46. ‘*The Angel'i Me.Mge,'* by the Solemn Pontifical Midnight Mass. Pure.” Propers of the Mass in recita­ Herbert, aolo and chorua; M i«!a Pon- Fr.Chas. Forsyth Bauer, Jr., a member of St. Vinr Bishop o f Denver, Jan. 14", the the price of 1,100,000 francs from The builders— S.Sgts. John W. tive tone. Aloystus Rhodes’ Missa The service will be broadcast by KOA. tiftcalit Frima, by L. Pero»i; Offertory, cent de Paul’s parish, Denver, died fourth anniversary o f his death. the Parisian firm of Lemercier at Sullivan and Sarkis Bartigian— Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will celebrate Regina Paris will be sung by the com­ •'Quid Vidietit Pattoret," by A. Mori- bined choirs. Offertory, "Adeste Fi- in a plane crash in the Pacific The Mass will be held in the Ca­ the turn o f the century, Tissot arc armament instructors in the the Solemn Pontifical Mass, assisted by coni; Communion, " A Solii Ortut Car- area. the Rev. Francis Kappea, assistant priest: deles.” The recessional, sung by the dine.” by A. Moriconl. WithU.G.Troops thedral starting at 10 o’clock. All went to Palestine and spent months •A.rmy Air Force Training Com­ boys’ choir, will be ’’Silent Night.'* the Rev. Arthur Lucy and the Rev. Choir membera: Mmea. eimily Hanra- Mr. McNeill, besides his work priests, the religious, and mem- in a careful study of geographical mand schools at Lowry Field. The Frederick McCalHn, deacons of honor; Other Low Masses at >:80, 10:45. and han, Anna CotUIo, Elizabeth Sterry, and for the Register, has written 12 noon, at which organ music will be of the laity arc invited to attend. and ethnographical backgrounds of former is responsible for the light­ the Rev. Michael Kavanaugh. deacon of Beatrice Porch; Mi.aea Rita Roberta, widely for Catholic magazines, is the Mass; the Rev. Subdeacon John played by Mrs. Frank Guiry, Maria Battaglia, Thereie Sullivan, Ann In New Britain Parly for Nuns Dec. 17 the Holy Land. He was 10 years ing effects that lend an unusual / author or co-author of five pam­ (Turn to Page f — C ol umn 5) Walsh, subdeacon of the Mass: and the Thereae ' Lyona, Alrina Bruno, Collette The annual holiday party for vividness to the art and carpen- Rev. Dr. David Maloney, matter of ST. ELIZABETH’S CHURCH Shee, Patricia STobodt. Betty McGinn. phlets for religious discussion club sisters in Denver and other towns ceremonies. 11th and Curtis Streets Margaret Proie, Virginia Ginn, Philo- texts, and wrote an appendix on The music of the Midnight Mass wilt Franciscan Fathers, Very Rev. Crispin Father Charles Forsyth, O.S.B., in the archdiocese will be given mena Klamann, Dorothy Heaney, Evelyn the story of the Church in Colo­ be repeated in the Solemn Mass, coram PBrman, Superior Caranci, Harlan Sullivan, Rosemary army chaplain with the rank of in the Cathedral gymnasium Dec. Archlepiscopo. at 10. in which Father Solemn Msss at midnight. Otbe* rado for a history of the state PRIEST’S MISSION IS PEACE, Kirk, and May Doyle; John Bum i, Peter captain, apparently was with 27 under ,the auspices of Arch­ Kappes will be celebrant. Low Maescs Msises at 12:45, 1:15, 6, 8, 9:15, 11. and Battaglia, Jerry l,eone. Dominic Negri, American forces who fought, died, published by Dr. LeRoy Hafen and will be offered at 6, 1, 8, 9, 11:90. 12:15. Vito Puglieae, Paul Burnt, E. Vernon, bishop Vehr and the Rev. Hubert and 12:30. W. J. Marsh's Mass in Honor of the Joe Kochevar, Gene Marcello, J. Prose, and won in the bloody battle at Newell, archdioce.san superintend­ Sacred Heart will be aung by the chil­ Nick Lawlor, P. Frank, and F. Mohr, Arawe, New Britain. A news­ National Philippine ent of schools. About 200 nuns ASSERTS MONSIGNOR HIGGINS HOLY GHOST CHURCH dren'! choir at midnight, with the Proper Orgabiit, Mill Betty Lewie; choir di­ paper correspondent, who gave a are expected to attend. The get- I9lh and CalHarnia Streets of the Hass taken from Tocer. The rector, the Rev. B. John Paolazii, graphic account of the initial ac­ Rt. Rev, Monslgnor John R. Mulroy. choir, which Is composed of the flee 9 o'clock Matt; School choir under together will begin at about 11 tion, in which Yanks died like flies Independence Day to “ The mission o f Sacred Orders Pastor direction of Sitter Loyola Marie. 7 :30, a.m. and last through the after­ stroyed the peace which reigned Solemn Mass at Midnight, Masses on 10:30, and 12.:15 H aites: Caroli by in withering cross-fire from Japa­ is peace,” declared the Rt. Rev. noon. between creatures and their Christmas day: 8, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15. members of the senior choir. nese lying in waifa for the boats, Be Kept With Mass William Higgins in his sermon for 10:15. 11:16, and 12:15. Day of Recollection New Prietta Aaaiat in Pariihet Creator. Surely the tranquillity Program for Midnight Mass: Process said: “Father Forsyth, our chap­ The Rev. Michael F. Kavanaugh the first Solemn Mas.s of the Rev. For Women Slated ST. FRANCIS DE SALES* CHURCH lain, is here now. He’s going Francis J. Syrianey in St. Philo- of order was and is broken in sional. *’Silent Night.’* Gruber: Missa Altmedn and S. Sharman National Philippine Independ­ will assist ill Annunciation parish Cantata. Richard Keys Biggs: Offertory. Rav^ Gragary Smith, P^ator down on the beach to bury the mena’s church Sunday. “Peace,” "‘Gesu Bambino.” Pietro Yon: Com- ence day or Rizal day will be com­ over the Christmas season, and man’.s heart by sin. To restore it Mri. T. M, Carroll, preident M ttica: Midnight, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, wounded who died tonight.” he went on, “ has been brilliantly the Savior endured and perpetu­ munlon. ” 0 Quam Suavia Kst,” Pietro and 12 noon. memorated with a Solemn Mass in the Rev. Francis J. Syrianey will Yon: i^cessional. selected music by the of the Laywomen’t Retreat at- S. M. Forsyth o f Boulder, the and profoundly defined as ‘tran­ ated Calvary, sending other Muaie for the Solemn M ail at midnight Holy Ghost church, Denver, Thurs­ assist in St. Philqmena’s. It has Holy Ghost mixed choir; the Rev. Ber­ tociation, withet to announce will be Maaa of the Angela and Credo priest’s father, and other members quillity of order.’ Peace is a priests in His Name. nard Kelly, director; Miss Wilma day morning, Dec. 30, at 10 o’clock. not been announced, however, that the annual day o f recol­ III, Gregorian; PropefV A. Edmunda o f the family feel sure from this blessed gift, a word o f sweetest, “The Feast of the Nativity Gerspach, organist. Toaer. The Gregorian choir include! The Rt. Rev. Monsignor John R. where the five young priests or­ There will be music during all the Low lection for the women of the and other accounts that the chap­ holiest meaning. Sensible joy is is almost with us. Angels from Jerry Miller, Andrew Seyata, Richard Mulroy, pastor of the church and dained Dec. 18 will be stationed. Masses on Christmas day. archdioenke will be held in Lo­ Ruhiand, Anthony Rummelhart. Jerry lain is Father Charles. They knew director of the Archdiocesan Cath­ the privilege o f children, but heaven announced what the prin­ Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament They are ordered to report for retto Heifhtt college Sunday, Magera, Donald Farry, Robert Mulvihill, that he had left the mainland o f adults burdened with life's cares cipal fruit of the Incarnation was after the 12:15 Mass. and Paul Joitea. olic Charities bureau, will be the duty ip the latter part o f the first Jan. 30, 1944, itarting at 8 Australia but did not Itnow just and sorrows know the value of to be: ‘Glory to God in the high­ Benediction and reposition at 7:80 p.m. "Jubilate Deo,** by Montani, will he celebrant o f the Mass and will de­ week in January. a.m. and doting at 5 )>.m. Spe­ aung by the girli* Gle« club. Carola where he was stationed in New peace. In largest sense, peace is est and on earth peace to men of liver the sermon. All Filipinos in ACCELERATED PROGRAM BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH cial arrangement! have been will be aung before and after the Mid­ Guinea. When located in the -the object of Our Lord’s work in good will.’ The risen Christ might Denver are invited to attend the WILL BE DROPPED 4930 Montviaw Boulevard made with the Tramway Co. night Maaa by the girla* Glee club. United States in the sacrifice. have used other greetings o f tri­ Very Rev, Harold V. Campbell, Paster Muaicat programs o f traditional Chriat- Mass, and a delegation of state Archbishop Vehr announces that for but trantportation to and area. Father Charles was described “ It was the sin o f the angels umph and love, but He chose Solemn Mass at midnight sung by mai hymns will be tendered during the and city representatives is expected the accelerated program in St. and of our first parents that de­ ■dull choir, under the direction of Jos­ from the college. Low Maasee at 9, 11, and 13, o'clock by in a feature article for the Phila- to join in the observance. Mon- Thomas’ seminary will be discon- (Turn, to,Page Z — C olum n s ) eph Baehmaan, M n . Frank Guiry, (Turn to Page 7, — 'Column 1) (Turn to Page Z — Column 4) 1 (Tum to Page Z— Column V (Tum to Pages —Column h) 1 PAGE TWO Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DEN\^ER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Dec. 23, 1943 - r r The Denver Catholic CHRISTMAS RADIO PROGRAMS hdependence Day PRIEST'S MISSION IS PEACE, Register CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Publiabtd Weekly by the STRESS THEME OF RELIGION Of Philippines ASSERTS MONSIGNOR HIGGINS Catholic Preu Society. Inc. 938 Bannock Street, Denver, (Continued From Page One) (Continued From Page One) daya even to the consummation of Colo. SISTERS WILL GIVE Will Be Observed Edwin V. Byrne, speaking in the SPECIAL PROGRAM ‘Peace be to you.’ He dedicated the world. In what marvelous way, Snbscriptiom 81 Per Year San Miguel church, Santa Fe. For the first time on the air, a His priests for all time to the you know brethren, you know this Entered as Second Class Matter (Continued From Page One) morning, in this morning's cele­ Station KMYR will present a formal choir of nuns will broad­ at the Post O ffice, Denver, cast a pageant of religious songs signor Mulroy announced that the ministry of highest peace when bration. special play, Le Jongleur de Notre Colo. as a part of a special pre-Christ­ Mass wvuld be offered for the He said, ‘As the Father has sent “ Christ could have used many Dame, beginning at 6:30 Christmas mas program to be heard over the restoration o f peace on the islands Me, I also send you. Receive you means of carrying on His divine eve. KMYR will broadcast music by Mutual network Dec. 23, at 2:30 and for the speedy liberation of the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you work. He could have used the to 3:00 p.m. and locally over the American service men who Ford & Mercury Service the Holy Ghost choir on Christmas shall forgive they are forgiven angels. , . . But no, infinite love KPEL. -Originating from St. were captured in the fail of the decreed even as God had become Large Ports Stock day. Because of a sports program X avierV school in Chicago under islands to the Japanese.* them, and whose sins you shall man, and become likened to us in Nint Skilltd Mecbuilct Sunday afternoon, Dec. 26, the the direction of Father Finn, di­ The islands, which were dis­ retain, they are retained.’ all things except sin, so also, His Sacred Heart hour will be on the rector o f the Paulist choir, the 150- covered by Magellan in 1521, have “ The promise and gift of peace priesthood would be from among SWAYNE-WIMBUSH air from 3:30 to 4 p.m. instead of voice nuns’ choir will illustrate the a rich Catholic heritage and the men. His Incarnation would be 2:30 to 3. The change is for this Filipino people have long been are a lovely refrain all throifgh 830 Bannock TA. 6113 type of tone quality and blend that continued by mortal men to carry Sunday only. ______promotes the ideals of the Renais­ predominantly Catholic, They were the Mass. Just before the Conse­ on His w ork .. . . * sance chorus. In addition the conquered by Legaspi for Spain cration, the priest reads, ‘This ob­ “ And so, there is . reason for Chancel choir of St. Philip Neri's in 1565, In 1898, at the close lation of our- service, we beseech our rejoicing this morning—it is of . the Spanish-American war, church, Chicago, will be used to Thee, 0 Lord, graciously to the priesthood of Jesus Christ, a SHRADER^S show the similarity between the the 7,083 islands were ceded to con^uation o f the Incarnation on accept; and to dispose our days trained voices of boys and the the U. S. by the Treaty of Paris earm. It ia our God with us con­ Service Station Jyric female voice. • v for 820,000,000. Their national in Thy peace.’ At the Memento tinued in mortal beings. Yes, in Archbishop Francis J. Spellman hero, Jose Rizal, dikd a Catholic o f the Dead he prays, ‘To these the language of the Fathers of the 1st Ave. & Logan St. SP.9930 of New York has written a special death after renouncing member­ and to all who rest in Christ, Church, the Catholic priest is an­ Christmas prayer that will be read ship in a secret society. The famous grant, we pray Thhe, a place of other Christ, and that is why we JnmES CiARKE document in which Rizal disavowed refreshment, of light, and of MOBILGAS — OILS — GREASING on the “ Minute o f Prayer’’ over say this morning, ‘This day is born the Mutual network Christmas day affiliation with the forbidden or­ peace.' to you a Savior who ia Christ the ganization is preserved in the ar­ at 4 to 4:01 p.m. “When the Sacred Host is Lord’.’’ Headquarteri for chives of the Archdiocese /of Ma­ CHURCH The stirring story of the cre­ broken we hear the celebrant nila. Rizal was exiled in 1886 as a CHURCH REJOICES ation of the traditional Christmas intone, ‘Pax Domini sit semper ARTICLES OF DEVOTION re.snlt o f his political philosophy. AT FIRST MASS MOVING-PACKING-STORAGE hymn, “ Silent Night,’’ will be told vobiscum.’ Three times he ad­ CHURCH FURNISHINGS GOODS When he returned to nis native “Not only the family and by Father Mohr on the special dresses the Lamb of God, finally BOOKS FOR THE CATB- land in 1896 he wa.s arrested, friends of the newly ordained “Household Goods To and From Everywhere Christmas party, titled “The Spirit asking what is best, ‘Grant us O U C LAITT AND CLERGY charged with instigating Philip­ priest, but the parish, too, rejoices HOUSE of Christmas,’’ presented at 6:30 Thy peace.’ With Skill and Care” pine insurrections, condemned, and on the occasion of the first over KFEL. “The new priest is indeed, shot. He is today venerated as his Solemn Mass o f one o f its sons,’’ 1636-38 Tremont Street Phone TAbor 3789 therefore, like his Master, the Archbishop Edwin V. Byrne of nation’s greatest patriot. said the Rev. John R. Vidal, C.M., bearer and p v er o f peace. His Santa Fe will Introduce the famed director o f students in St. Thomas’ THE JOHNSON STORAGE charter is divine, unconditioned Montezuma seminary choir in a seminary, Denver, in his sermon broadcast of Christmas music over by space or time. He will not only at the Mass o f the Rev. James F. FR. CHAS. FORSYTH preach an evangel divinely sanc­ a network of some 126 NBC sta Moynihan in St. Catherine’s Houni 9 to 12; 1 to 6. Phone UAln 1487 tioned but produce it effectually, AND MOVING CO. tions from KOB in Albuquerque be­ church, Denver. IN NEW RRITAIN a grander and more practical Since 1905 ginning* at 10:05 p.m. ■ Christmas Developing the same theme, the service in truth than any merely eve. KOB later will carry in full preacher showed that such an oc­ Dr. J. J. OWeil, Dentist human contribution' toward this 221 Broadway PEarl 2433 the Solemn Pontifical Mass to be (Continued From Page One) casion affonls reason for the en­ end, however learned or sincere 1 celebrated by Archbishop Byrne in delphia Record as the “ monk tire Church to rejoice, for another He will bless us at the close with Suite 722 Mack BuildinsTi 161th,. and California Streeti old St. Francis’ Cathedral, Santa chaplain on wheels.’’ is thus empowered to offer the the sign of the cross. The cross Fe. The Forsyth family is pre­ perfect sacrifice for the living and of Jesus Christ is the real instru­ eminent in Colorado for vocations the dead. Father Vidal 'had a to the religious life. Besides the ment of peace on earth and in special word of commendation for heaven. In reciprocity we humbly G. J.M eNEILL IS army chaplain there are two other the parents of the newly ordained, beg God to increase daily the Benedictine priests, the Rev. John whos« sacrifices had made the at­ peace that fills the young priest’s Forsyth, stationed in Pueblo, and tainment of the priesthood pos­ LET EIGH BE IN ARMY SERVICE soul this morning. Through Christ the Rev. Brendan Forsyth, a mis­ sible for Father Moynihan. Our Lord, I’rince of Peace!’’ sionary in the Bahamas. Three of Present in the sanctuaiy fo r the YGUR SANTA! (Continued From Page One) the girls became Sisters of Charity ANOTHER CHRIST Mass were the Very Rev. John J. lege. His ability as a journalist of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the IS BORN TODAY Flanagan, president of Regis col­ YotPll Love Our Gifts in i; brought him rapidly to a position order that conducts Mt. St. Ger­ lege, Denver; the Rev. Bernard The gift they The Rev. Coerver, C.M., who WATCHES - DIAMONDS it' of responsibility on the Regiefer trude's academy in Boulder, They spoke at the first Solemn Mass of Karst, S.J., and the Rev. Lawrence staff. A t the time of his induction are Sisters M. St. Ida, M. Lam- the Rev. Francis D. Theobald in Cusack, S.J., both o f Regis college; JEWELRY - ROSARIES really want he was in charge of makeup and berta, and M. Rose. A cousiil, Rita St. Mary’s church, Colorado and the Rev. Edward A. Breen of BULLET-PROOF BIBLES copy handling for the National Dolan o f Cheyenne, joined the or­ Springs, chose the angelical salu­ St. James’ parish, Denver, CROSSES - RINGS edition and all diocesan editions of der also. Other members of the tation in the Nativity for his Monsignor Htigh L. McMenamin for Christmas the Regieter except the Denver family are Joseph and George For­ theme. Recalling the blessed sea­ traced the glories of the priest­ Catholic Register. He has studied syth, and Mrs. J. J. Jacobucci of son when Christ became incarnate hood in'his sermon at Father Mi­ Ujm. EICH dogmatic theology for almost three Denver. The mother died one year for the sins of man and thereby be­ chael F. Kavanaugh’s first Solemn i years in the Regieter college. before her eldest son was ordained. gan His divine mission upon this Majw, sung in the Denver Cathe­ CH 2 1 8 8 t BAUR’S McNeill was married Nov, 6, The father of the family is a con­ earth, the speaker asked, “ Was this dral. He recalled the glorious 1935, to Mary E. O’Neill of St. vert. divine mission to be merely a tem­ lives o f the missionary saints and 1520 LAWRENCE Paul, Minn. Their home is at 1490 Another relative in the religious porary one? Was Christ born sim­ Bishops and declared that the famous S. Columbine, Denver. Harry ranks is the Rev. Charles Saunders, ply for the men and women of His young priest has a high heritage O’Neill, a brother o f Mrs. McNeill C.M., who was ordained Dec. 18 own time?’’ in his chosen calling. in Penryville, Mo., and sang his Father John Halloran of Willis- and a former member of the Reg­ Such might have been, the case, first .Solemn Mass in Reno, la., ton, N. Dak., injected a personal ister staff, is a sergeant stationed he went on. “ But divine love knew, Dec. 2i. Father John Forsyth acted note into his sermon on the oc­ CANDIES and FRUIT CAKE in Lowry Field. An older brother another way, beloved in Christ. as deacon for the Mass. Father casion o f the first Mass o f his of Mr. McNeill, the Very Rev. Christ said, ‘My desire is to be with Saunders made his home in Boul­ nephew, the Rev. James F, Hallo­ Monsignor Leon McNeill, is direc­ the children of men,’ and He ful­ .YES... you can still send tor of education and of the CCD der with Mr. Forsyth, his uncle, ran, in St. Francis de Sales’ CASH filled thia desire by an act of love in the o f Wichita, A sister. while attending high school. church. He told how his mother Baur’s Famous Candies that takes our very breath away. had always wanted her three boys I Will Pay Cash for Small Sister M. Silveria, is a nursing Down through the ages the angel’s nun of the St. Joseph order in to become priests. -Two o f them and Fruit Cake LasI Chance lo Invile canticle will be heard, ‘This day Is did. He declared that the mother’s Homes in or Near Denver. Wichita. born to you a Savior, who is Christ To Service Men and Women wish wa.s now fulfilled in that the Soldiers for Christmas the Lord.’ Down through the ages son of the third became a priest. Quick Action—Call or See did the Master will to walk He also outlined the responsibili By discontinuing parcel post and amongst men, once again to heal (Continued From Page One) ties and the consolations of the mail order sales to civilians, we are the sick, to give sight to the blind, POHNDORFS by candlelight before Midnight priesthood in his sermon. and to call the dead forth from able to fill all orders for Christ­ Mass. their sepulchres. Ohee again did T. E. GREENE mas delivery to service men and After Mass hot chocolate will be CHRISTMAS Christ show forth the immensity $ served and the service women will 5 0 CARDS 1.00 1643 Stoat TA. 6266 wom en. of His Sacred Heart, by continuing NAME PRINTED FREE open their gifts from home under His Incarnation forever and ever 24-HR. SERVICE the Christmas tree at the club There is no sweeter gift to say down through eternity. Yes, Christ’s Spsclsl AtUntion to Churches After a slumber party for the Merry Christmas, nor is there any truth would be spoken, Christ’s WACs, breakfast will be served sacraments would be administered, CAPITOL HILL gift they’ll appreciate more. at 8:30 in the club for men and Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary would PRINTING CO. GUARANTEED women in service. ^ renewed and reiterated. The | (U E. COLFAX KE. t S » Uncle Sam Says: For Your Country's Sake Please place your order early to There will be open house all Incarnation divine would go on all avoid disappointment. day i.Christmas, climaxed by WATCH It * it it * it buffet supper of roast turkey, cran­ FORD REPAIRS Three Stores to Serve You , berry salad, dressing, mashed po- REPAIRS tatoes, peas, mushrooms, coffee, EASY TIME PAYMENTS and fruit cake. Informal dancing D iB ii n s ORDER COAL NOMT; will follow for the evening. STOVALL-HILLIKER Pfc. Josephine Zawadzki enters Toar Sooth Denver Ford Denier MAINSPRINGS tained members o f the WAC sta­ 290 fioath Braadwnj PE. 1424 * * L50 tioned in the army air forces r«pltc*<], u low u ._ eilf SEMHII western technical training com­ mand at dinner last Sunday eve­ We Feature Best Coals in Both Bituminous and ning in honor of her birthday, . (Continued From Page One) Miss Madalene Weber, director preparing the large number Uplown Downtown May Ca. Baar*a in Lignite Groups of the USO-NCCS-WD, returned (866) of illustrations that com­ M A I N 5 3 3 5 Use Our Budget Plan 18th at Blanarm 1512 Ourtii 1621 Cartia last week from Des Moines, where pose his Life of Christ. Your purchase of War Bond* she was attending a USD and The painter, who is said to have and Stamps Helps Secure Your NCCS convention. ni turned from , profane to religiouse ELK COAL CO. Future. The USO-NCC^WD was host to 1 subjects as the result of a bereave S635 Blake JOHN nNKBEINER. Mgr. the staff conference of the Denver Iment, next turned hia attention PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS USO Monday, when it entertained to the Old Testament. He retired 10 staff members at luncheon. A to the Abbey of Buillon, Prance, spaghetti dinner was served and where he exercised the same pains­ was prepared by Mrs. Vera Phil­ taking scholarship that character­ lips, a war wife who is a guest o f ized nis work on 4he New Testa­ the club. ment, which latter work has been characterized as “a revolution in religious art.” Pontifical Mass for Late 'The merit o f his illustrations, ac- cording to the Rev. William Ken ^ Bishop Slated Jan. 14 neally, C.M., head o f the St. Thomas Sci'ipture department, is Hl-Q BAKERY (Continued From Page One) primarily in their accuracy of sur­ tinued at the end of the next se­ roundings and vividness of charac mester because it is felt that the ter portrayal rather than in the benefits sought for the period of religious emotion that usually Holiday Specialties the war emergency will have been characterizes sacred painting. achieved. Ten men will be or­ Father Kenneally expressed a con­ dained fo r the Archdiocese of viction that the two volumes will Denver at the end of the semester. be of immense aid to the semina­ Diaeonat* to Be Given Jan. 16 rians in helping them to visualize EGG XOG CAKE These 10 and 11 others, all of the country, characters, and cos­ whom received the subdiaconate tumes o f Old Testament times. Dec. 19, will be ordained deacons The text of ^ e tomes, In French, Sunday, Jan. 16, in St. Thomas’ is set in Cheltenham, old style, 4 0 * chapel "by Archbishop Vehr. They type on Japanese paper. The bind­ are as follows: The Rev. Sub­ ing is o f finely tooled leather, with deacons John Ebel, Omer Fox- both Old and New Testament sym­ APPLE STRUDEL COFFEE CAKE, ea....25c hoven, Leonard Redelberger, Al­ bols— Tables, of the Law, grapes, bert Puhl, John Walsh, Robert and wheat— appearing on its front. Kekeisen, Theodore Haas, Donald Tissot was bom in Nantes, Oct. CHRISTMAS BREAKFAST ROLLS, doz. 30e McMahon, Robert Hoffman, and 15, 1836) and was taken by death Charles Salmon, Archdiocese of in Buillon Aug. 8, 1902, while he Denver; Ma.** Valdez and Joseph was completing his Old Testament Charewicz, Archdiocese of Santa illustrations in the abbey. He MINCEMEAT PIES, ea... 26c and 35c Fe; Joseph Stremel and John Hor­ studied in Paris at the Academy of ton, Diocese of Wichita; Marcus Fine Arts and in the studios of Haeg, Diocese of Bismarck; John Ingres, Flandrin, and Lamothe. PUMPKIN PIES May the spirit of Christmas Deane, Diocese of Peoria; Francis In the earlier part o f his career Powers, Andrew Bia^as, Arthur he devoted his talento exclusively 25c and 35e Lenrise, and Francis White, all of to profane subjects in relation to Each the Viatorian order. both his private and his profes­ bring Happiness to you UneUs Assist Naw Priests sional life. Hia first exhibition at­ Thirty-five clergymen “ imposed tracted wide attention, although hands” on five new priests o f the Tissot fled to England shortly after and yours archdiocese last Saturday when in fear of political reprisals that Archbishop Vehr ordained in the might have been directed against Cathedral. The new priests are him. His painting o f a figure o f Fathers Francis J. ^ ia n e y , Mich (Jhrist marked a change in both ael F. Kavanaugh, Francis Duane his painting and his way o f life, Theobald, Francis Moynihan, and and it was shortly after this that James F. Halloran. Priest uncles he departed for Us researches in BOUIEURRD mORTURRV came from other dioceses to assist Palestine. ' Fathers Theobald, Moynihan, and Tissot’s Life of Christ, the_ work Halloran in the con-ralebration of upon which his reputation is pri­ Mrs. James P. McConaty the Ordination Mass with the marily basfd, was published in Archbishop. They are the Rev. Tours in 1896. It brought 5,000 Federal at No. Speer Telephone GRand 1626 George Theobald o f Bode, la.; the francs in the Japanese paper edi­ Rev. C. J. Moynihan of Stapleton, tion, 1,600 francs in vellum. A| Nebr.; and the Rev. John Halloran cheaper later edition with English} SUPER BIHBKETS of WiiliitoDi N. Dak -• ; text w u alao publiabsd.

A /

Thursday, Dec. 23, 1943 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THREE GIFTED LOWRY SERGEANTS FR. IIFIFR IS IM LISTFl Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Findeisen Invite You CREATE UNIQUE CRIB SCENE To an Old-Fashioned

(Continued From Page One) trols its brilliance. Attached to christihrs DinneR All iMPORnm psotMi the unit is a loudspeaker that plays gives the passerby the impression appropriate Christmas music and COMPLETE WITH ALL THE DELICACIES OF THE SEASON Thoughtful men and women realize the im- that they are real, live people. SERVED CONTINUOUSLY FROM Hits A.M. TO lit» P.H. lends an ear-inspiring as well as (Continued From Page One) (Continued From Page One) Through this, Sgt. Bartigian has j^rtance of Future Need Protection. Under an eye-inspiring tone to the dis­ OUTSIDE DENVER— Reservations ChilsPs Dinner ous to his being stationed at St, managed to preserve his work play. Akron— iVou) $1.50 $1.15 Olingcr's Future Need Plan, there is no Mary’s, Father Cusack was prin­ from the customary artificiality Chaplain Obtained AeceMoriat St. Joseph’s ... 20 8 28 cipal of St. John’s in Toledo, 0 Aiding in the new project was j problem o f financial worry to add to the usually associated with such dis­ Aspen— ic Parkins $50 StaU St. Mary’s ___ 11 11 22 Large Tebleo (or Partlco Father Cusack for some time has plays. Next Door burden o f bereavement. Every member of been instructor in psychology and olie chaplain at Lowry No. 2, who j Boulder— Feature lighting effect 18 a solicited nearby farmers for the Sacred Heart.. 60 80 90 •She the family, regardless o f age, is protected . . . sociology to the student nurses of movable star on the top o f the horseshoes, cart wheels, straw, and Boulder. South- St. Joseph’s and Mercy hospitals. stable, that alternately glows other stable accessories that make Sacred Heart at a cost o f only a few cents a day. To learn Well known to Regis students and the Lowry display so vivid. o f M a ry __...... 15 15 Golden I Lantern alumni, Father Cusack will assume bright or dim. A rheostat con- “ Our neighbors were more than every detail of this sensible, trustworthy plan Burlington w...... 12 2 14 RESTAURANT his new duties as assistant princi­ co-operative," Father Ludder sap, Brighton— i pal immediately after the Christa “ ana one old Italian in particular St. Augustine’s 80 80 i « . . consult Olinger’s Advisory Department. 1265 Broadway, Near 13th Ave. KEystone 1205 j mas holidays. He will also take was more than grateful at the Brush— over some of the teaching assign­ J chance to help.” St. Mary’s __ 37 37 o ^ // Departments, Call GlENDMl 3663 ments vacated by Father Dieter, This man is well up in his sixties, Calhan— Before proceeding to Cam­ and, when Father Ludder entered St. Michael’s _ 19 20 bridge, Father Dieter will spend his farm yard and told the farmer 1 6 th at SPEER at Cheyenne Wells— several days with relatives and his plans, the old man burst into 29 29 BOULDERi SHERMAN ClIR Films 10 Sacred Heart.. le / L friends at his home in Vail, la. He tears. jYears ago, he had lived in Colo. Springs— is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. John Northern Italy, where the custom Corpus Christi 66 33 89 mORTUHRIEi Dieter, both of whom are deceased. Sacred Heart.. 29 38 67 Born July 13, 1903, he attended St. Mary’s ...... 95 63 158 Catholic members of our personnel and the fin­ St. Mary’s parochial high school St. Paul’s est equipment and facilities are assigned to every and Creighton university before (Broadmoor).. 28 8 36 entering the Society of Jesus at Catholic Service. ^ ^ Craig— Florissant, Mo., Sept. 2, 1925. He (St. Vincent da Paul’s, Denror) St. M ichael's.. 12 13 reived his M.A. degree from St. The Junior Newman club will Cripple Creek— VICE PaESlDENT MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER hold a business meeting on Thurs­ S t Peter's ...... 18 18 The morebaata represented in this section ere boosters. They are day, Dec. 23, at 8 p.m. A new Crook— St. anxieui to work with you and ara deserTing of your patronage. Co* plan will be inaugurated by the Peter’s (Iliff) operate witb them. II members to increase the enroll­ Deertrail— ment by sending out notice of (Hugo) ------7 1 8 meetings. Elbert— J o h n ' ^ N Sacred Heart.. 11 6 16 Sanctuary workers f o r the Fleming— r a f h e d r a l month of December are Mrs. L. A. OLI V E R ^ S West, Mrs. Charles Courtney, Mrs. S t Peter’s ___ 15 151 B EN NETT’S P. G. Nestor, and Mrs. MurVay Fort Collins— i>l A R K E T Wolz, Miss Phylis Kohler, and Holy Family .. 45 20 65' H O M E & C.4R St. Joseph’s 69 33 102! CONOCO SERVICE Grain-Fed Aleats Ecenemy Liquer Stere Mias Marion Doud. 1 Fort Logan— t 1 Waxhing and Creasing Fish and Poultry RADIO REPAIRING Nazt to Clarkt'a Cburtb Good. Members of the Altar society St. Patrick’s.... 6 6 Your RuiincM ApprociaUd “ When lose In spirits call Jerry*' who will assist with the cleaning Fort Morgan— 6th Ave. & York EA. 9932 1312 East 6th Ave. PICKED UP — DELIVERED — and decorating o f the altar are St. Helena’s.... 20 20 Phone PE. 4629 48 HOURS I 1634 Tremont KE. 4554 Mrs. Joseph Heaton, Mrs. Jdan Georgetown— CASH FOR TABLE FREE DELIVERT FREE PARKING Johnson, Mrs. T. T. Aull, Mrs. Our Lady of vSta Vincent de Paul\<9 Parish AN'D CAR RADIOS Charles Minor, Mrs. J. D. Mix, Lourdfs ...... 4 4 Mrs. Louis Sullivan, Mrs. Frank Glenwood Springs— Kohler, Mrs. L. A. Higgins, Mrs. — Lowry Field Photo. St. Stephen’s .. 71 33 104 WASHlAGTOiY When buying from the VALAS MOTOR & HateheH Drug Store L. A. West, and Mrs. J. A. Mc­ S.Sgt. John W. SulliTan Golden— PARK HARKET firms advertising in this Slora of Qaality and Sorylea** 1 Donald. St. Joseph’s 16 16 BILL HUGHES. Prop. RADIO CENTER | Mrs. Harry Shanahan enter­ at ChristtQas time was much the Greeley— paper, please mention that r.,* ?rS ™ , 701 GRANT 1 tained St. Francis' circle Dec. 14. same as the Christmas display Complete Fond Service Colfax at Downing 1 St. Peter’s ...... 45 33 78 you saw their advertise­ Compounding preacriptlona U lha moat | Mrs. Frank Muto, Mrs. Fred Har­ undertaken by Sgts. Sullivan and Holyoke— TA. 6557 { 598 South Cilpin important part of our bualneaa, i rison, and Mrs. J. 0. Jarvis were Bartigian. And tiien the old man St. Patrick’s _ 10 2 12 n t ’i Bm in to Bo Thrifty" ment. guests. The awards were won by told his story. Hugo— Rev. Lawrence L. Cutack, S.J Mrs. Muto and Mrs. Leo McGrath. “ In the old c o u n ^ we used to S t Anthony’s.. 29 5 34 The next meeting will be with university in 1931 and have roadside shrines like this Idaho Springs— Krug’s Meal Market J; Mrs. Leo McGrath, 1302 S. Eliza­ every year. On Christmas eve St. Paul’s ...... 17 5 22 beth Btre,eX, on Jan. 4. we’d take the cattle out to the Iliff— Quality Meats, Poultry ^ St. Mary’s circle met Dec. 7 crib and leave them there all St. Catherine’s 46 14 60' BONNIE BRAE F ish 2 with Mrs. George EvansT 1601 E. night. It was very beautiful in- Julesburg— dei^.’’ An old tradition says that, • COLrdictOaOtN 4 isSORTED LUNCH HEATS q Concordia, Kans., and, after 14th avenue. Awards won by Mrs. S t Anthony’s.. 31 31 — ^ ,J -otHvta,, Colo. Felix Pogliano and Mrs. Fred if you peek out at midnight, the Keenesburg and iShopping District I$SS Eaat I$th Axa. Phona TAbor $471 C( npleting his year o f tertians! St. Stanislaus’ in , Lohner were donated to St. Vin­ cattle will be kneeling in adora­ Roggen— cent’s orphanage party. The next tion by the crib. Holy Family .. 16 5 21 WINES — LIQUORS Nearly three weeks' work went SI high school, where he held meeting will be Jan. 11 with Mrs. Lafayette and H. B. Mullins, 1320 York street into the display, with Sgts. Barti­ Erie—St Ida’s 93 93 Preisser’s Red & White CONOCO PRODUCTS JES. 1. HANSEN gian and Sullivan w;orking at night Nadorff Liquors, Inc. >'[»d director o f athletics. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Leadville— Lubrication, Car Wathing, Balleries NEW LOCATION and on their off-duty hours, and Annunciation.. 102 61 163 Grocery and Market Father Dieter came to Denver circle met Dec. 16 with Mrs. Recharged, Tire VulcanizlBg Home of Good Spirits several interested soldiers pitching St, Joseph’s .... 50 18 306 STEEL BLDG. i August, 1942. Prominent in Frank Kohler. Awards were won 68 FANCY MEATS. VEGETABLES. AND (16tb and Welton) in when they could. Generous con­ Littleton— QUALITY. GROCERIES AT WHERE TOU GET THE MOST OF g thletic work, the priest was by Mrs. Joseph Schrefer and Mrs. BONNIE BRAE WiUh, Clock. Jrwalrj and Scicstlfle Anton Brugenthiesec. The next tributions by the soldier workers St. Mary’s ___ 27 29 66 LOWER PRICES t h e BEST FOR THE LEAST CONOCO SERVICE Inotnjment Repairing meeting will be on Dec. 29 with and openhearted civilians made Longmont— Freo Delivery SPruce 4447 EM 9677 Colfax at WUliaaa S the project possible. Mrs. Schrefer. S t John the :$$1 B. Ohio Ato. (Bo. UnW. and Ohio) 724 So. Unlvertily . PE. 9909 u Such work is not new to Sgt. Prescription ^ Sunday, Dec. 26, will be general Baptist’s ...... 109 53 162 Bartigian. Time was, when as a Louisville— Y 0 Pharmacists ^ Communion day for the men in civilian, he decorated the Veter­ Bonnie Brae The firms listed here de­ Jamta F. Danabtrry, Owner a the service. The men will receive St. Louis’ ...... 71 71 F o o d l a n d ans o f Foreign Wars’ park in Loveland— serve to be remembered r . 13th Ave. at Vine Si. r work, giving in hi.s in the 6:30 Mass. a Rhode Island city every year Dru^ Co. S t John’s ..._ 28 ,.10 38 when you are distributing F O O D * F O R • FREEDOM PHONE EAST 7799 t Beginning Jan. 1 the time of and built Yuletide displays for Meeker— 1 Downtown Prires Denver, Colorado if the Sunday Masses will be 7, 8:30, churches and business houses. He (Craig) ------2 2 4 1 Prescriptions a Specialty your patronage in the dif­ 341 E. Colfax .Ave. TA. 5375 10:30, and 12 noon. is recognized as one of the field’s Peetz— Wines and Liquors ferent lines of business. VINE PHARMAOY 1 The alumni choir of St. Vincent best soldier-artists. His paintings, Sacred Heart.. 12 3 15 A sister o f Father Dieter, Sis- de Paul’s will resume regular “ Madonna of the Soldier” and Platteville— 763 So. University PE. 2255 STAUFFER SYSTEM A REPUTABLE DRUG t ir M. Zoe, is a member o f the practice every Friday after Bene­ “ For Peace on Earth,” have been S t Nicholas’.... 26 26 REDUONG and POSTURE S T O R E E diction, beginning Jan. 7. reproduced as postcards, and thou­ Rifle— S t Correction ’ Pack 34 o f the Cub Scouts held sands o f copies have been sent Mary's (Craig) 4 14 18 En route to the Chaplains’ school home by appreciative Lowry sol­ FOR WOMEN ONLY its monthly meeting in the school, Steamboat ; Harvard, Father Dieter will diers. SOUTH GAYLORD Free Courtesy Treatment Monday evening, Dec. 20. Christ­ Springs— Holy mas carols were sung and gifts Nor is Sgt. Sullivan any stranger Name and 414 Es.t Colfas ( CsthedrsI) to such a task. His prize Christ­ PHONE CHERRY 1864 * exchanged. The boys presented Missions ____ _ 33 12 45 Colfax at Downing . . . Denver MRS. SUSAN McGILL, Mgr. with the provincial, the the mothers with gih s of handi­ mas pageant was done at the fam­ Sterling— Shopping District KEyitone 3217 \ craft. Philip Gubek received his ily home in Nagautuck, Conn., St. Anthony some years back, on a family Bear Silver arrow. o f Pad\ia’s ...... 138 138 1080 So. Phono 20lh AVE. GARAGE Christmas tree. When anyone Stoneham and CASH FOR pressed a button, a loudspeaker The Chrysler Cajlord BOB’S SP. 0574 l-STOP SERVICE Father Dieter’s appointment to Briggsdale— FURNITURE - STOVES - DISHES • ETC- , Over 75,000 Cookies quietly played “ Merry American St. John’s 10 10 EXPERT REPAIRING Christmas” and then faded into .Oth and Downing TA. 9761 Stratton— Grocery Company Grocery and Market “Babes in Toyland.” The many .8 A M. to 9 P. M. NEW TRADING POST | Donated to USO Club St. Charles’ __ 49 49 —Eiubiuhtd nos— Groceries, Meats and Fancy WASHING AND GREASING At the present time, there hundreds o f lights on the Christ­ Victor— GULP PKODICTS — W. L. MATTHEWS MA. 921$ ' mas tree faded into danung lights Vegetables GENERAL REPAIR 4 St. Victor’s .... 30 30 CORN FED MEATS Bondrd $$$ E. COLFAX j Eager co-operation was given in a doll house set in tree. As Hare Your Car fTinlerised Welby— The Store of Oualitr and Price the song ended, the tree turned, 093 So. Oaylord Call PE. 4801 by the Denver parochial schools, Assumption 77 77 STEAM AND WATER many societies, and Catholics of all lights blending into a lighted Wray— Father Dieter’s new address will star atop the tree. Then "Silent Denver in making the Christmas S t Andrew’s .. 29 13 42 AL JOHASOrV H O \ < ; k O a\ < ; HEATING ^ J cookie drive a success. More than Night" would play, and, as it Yuma— St. John’s HARDWARE! RADIO SERVICE neared the end, the star dropped CHINESE AND AMERICAN 1,830 packages of cookies, packed (Akron) _____ 7 3 10 to the bottom and seemed to ex­ FURNACE CLEANING AND REPAIRING FOODS in attractive cellophane bags, were SHEET METAL AND GUTTER WORK We Service Any Make plode brilliantly into a number distributed to army chaplains this Total ______1,749 699 2,448 H om e or Car Radio 320 E. Colfax MA. 9556 week to be given to the soldiers o f smaller lights framing a tableau So. Gaylord Hdw. Co. Open from 11 a. m. to * m. o f the manger. Blue lights slowly 1067 So. Gaylord RA. 1232 Take Bride Qjn Dec. 24 who are ill in the army camps Grand Total....4,418 3,284 7,702 JU S T CALL CH. 2 2 2 2 More than 75,000 cookies were re­ went on, and the music was Kate 1055 So. Gaylord SP. 2961 SNAPPY SERVICE FREE ceived, which, together with those Smith singling “ God Bless Amer- ** NEW LOCATION ^SOUTH GAYLORD JACK SPEEGLE. Prop. THOMPSON’S The marriage of Miss Doris Jean being brought to the USO-NCCS ica. club each day, will provide plenty Perhaps the best comment on CLEANERS ARGOA’AUT WIIVE & DRUG STORE i for the service men who call at the Christmas stable display at Gaylord Drug Go. 1025 SO. GAYLORD 17tb and Waabington KEyatona 0712 1 of air force the club during the holidays. One Lowry Field was given by a group 1059 So. Gaylord SP. 3345 LIQUOR CO. hundred dozen cookies were sent of school children looking out a Direct Plant Service FRESH DRUGS ^ Prescriptions Carefully Filled by IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES to the Women's division o f the passing Lowry school bus. Finest Quality Dry Cleaning FOUNTAIN SERVICE Registered Pharmacists CHAMPAGNES AND LIQUORS Lt. Fpley is the son of Mrs. Milo USO. The committee thanks all “Gee,” one yelled excitedly, At Reasonable Prices 1 Toar Patronage Appreciated ^ FINE WINES AND LIQUORS Phont CH.rry 4666 SU Eail Colfax who took part in making the drive “ look at Christmas!” PEarl 1350 Marjorie Arnold " “ ^ a success. + + + Holy Family Ste Josephus Parish

d , JU.ST GOOD MEAT NATIONAL BRAND ^ WTien buying from the by Army Air Forres Tmlnine t^nunnnd) BOB & VAN’S 1 POULTRY AND FISH STDRES 1 firms advertising in this Meat Market TExWYSOxX paper, please mention that TWO QUALITY POOD STORES 780 SANTA FE DRIVE TO SERVE YOU 1 Meat Market you saw their advertise- , 1 4016 Tennyson GR. 0442 m ent. Finer Foods for Less F R E S H F IS H 1904 Be. Gaylord 741 Santa Pa North Denver Poultry Billy Van’s Grocery CDNOGD STATION For Quality B a k ery Goode and Market 571 SA.VTA FE DRIVE Try Supply Co. iCor 6tb Ave.l 38th & Stuart GL. 2671 THE MARKET OF QUALITY HARRY E. NORRIS. Prop. WEISS BAKERY ALL KINDS OF FEEDS 16 oza. to the Pound CREASING — WASHING POULTRY A RABBIT REMEDIES TIRE REPAIRING •4021 Tennyson St, SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS 820 Santa Fa Dr. Pbooe TA. 0638 Tour BaiitiMi Apprtelated UNION SHOP Quality Bakery CHRISTMAS TREES Call VICK'SI ( ^ d a at QUALITY LIQUOR STORE Reaionable Prirea For Beer, IVines MAX’S BAKERY A'<) Advance in Prices BOTTLE w CASE 719 W. 8th KE. 8625 w r e a t h s — ROPING AND 140 Stala P„Dr1v» KE. 794T MAX LOWOERMtLR. Prop. GRAVE BLANKETS FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Sam Buchanan Lucille Gargan The firms listed here de­ SANTA FE SHOE Cedar and Logan Expoaltian and So. Unlyartlly serve to be remembered HOSPITAL when you are distributing Shoo Repairing (or (ho Wholt Family FEATURING INVISIBLE HALF your patronage in the dif­ SOLING St. Mary Magdalene Wo Appreciat* Parcel Poit Ordert ferent lines of business. 74$ SANTA FE DRIVE I

0 D IAM O iSD FARRELL’S GRILL tLFAAFRS WHERE THE WHOLE FAMILY GOES BUY WAR BONDS LUCIAN STRIPLING. Prop. CLEANING - PRESSING B EE R * L IQ U O R . W IN ES ALTERING 5 2 0 6 a l AND STAMPS $414 W, C oU u Lakawood 14$ W. Colfax Sherldma PAGE FOUR Office, 988 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Dec. 23, 1943

* = 1 0 I t .

Home Economics— Defense ‘ \

Joseph henry, all o f the Permanent Cookie committee; Aileen Richard- ( Sweets for Soldiers son, St. Francis de Sales’ sodality; Marie Schiffer, C D. o f A., Cathe- I ' amounlpo lo 1,830 packages of dral; JoAnn Rose, Young I.adies' sodality, (iathedral; Catherine Mall, FOR Montclair Youths cookies packed by a group o f industrious workers in the Catholic Char­ Archbishop's guild; Thomas Allen, pack 23, Blessed .*vacrament parish; ities annex, E. 17th avenue and Grant, Denver, Dec. 16, 17, 18, and 19. back row, left to right; Kathleen .Vfurphy, Cjithedral sodality; Eileen | FAMOUS DIRECTIONS Shown, left to right, front row, are Celeste Arth and Mollie Raskal, Jepkes, (^tholic Charities; Sylvia Keller, Archbishop’s guild; Helen| immaculate Conception sodality; Elvina Phillips, L'SO-NCCS, Women’s Flynn and Virginia Cj u t o II, both o f St. Francis de Sales’ sodality; and Given Promotions division; Mary Doran, Cathedral parish; Flora Jo Wenzinger, Arch­ Helen Allen, Blessed .Sacrament parish. (Not pictured are seven mem­ bishop's guild; Mrs. William C Kimmins, Mrs. Milton Allen, and Mrs. bers o f St. Dominic’s parish sodality who also helped.) TO RELIEVE Symptoms of COLDS FAST THAT ADD TO (St. James’ Parish, Denver) THE FUN OF BAKING Word has been received in Den­ SiepA , itt P icid iA el, .. ver . that two former St. James' I p Sura to get quick-acting Ba y e r Aspirin Pikes Peak is so white and parishioners have been promoted in the army air forces. William fine you’ll see the difference O’Shea, 21, son of Mrs. Marguerite immediately. Smooth, easy O’Shea, 1S73 Ulster, has been made a captain. He is serving with mixing and tip-top results the armed forces in New Guinea. make cake baking a pleasure. David Murphy, son o f Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Murphy, .1566 Locust, Buy Pikes Peak today. has been commissioned a first lieu­ tenant in the air forces. His twin t* brother, Daniel, is also a first lieu­ tenant in the air forces. Patsy Young, Pat Behrens, and Thomas Murray are spending Christmas vacations in the homes of-their parents. Bernard Lammerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Lammerman, was inducted into the navy Dm . 18. His wife and younj: son will mgke their hbrae with his parents. Confessioris will be heard in St. 1. To rtlitvo h««J«ch«. bo Foi Mrg threat fretn eokf, 9. Chack ttmparature. II yog James’ church on Friday, Dec. 24, (tiacoffifort and ache*, taka 2 diaaolvt 3 Bayer Aspirin Tablets have a fevar and temperature Bayer Aspirin Tablets and drink In jiasa of water and larile. does not so down - it threat from 3 to 6 p.m. and in the eve­ a lull glass of water Repeal rewness ar* eased in i pain is not quickly reileved. call ning beginning at 7. Parents are traatmant in 1 hours. ' rtmsrkibly short time. your doctor. asked not to bring children to the Midnight Mass. The 8:30 Mass 5ore throat from colds eased in a hurry! No Christmas morning will be the strong medicines to upset system. children’s Mass. Don’t wait if .you even suspect you Mrs. J. PeifFer of Blue Earth, are catching a cold. At the first sign, WHY BAYER ASBIRIN S T A im Minn., is visiting with her daugh­ SpninrfLirnf blessed SACRAMENT PARISH iiH ie Sisters Extend faithfully follow the directions in TO WORK SO F/U t ter, Mrs. Perry Holcomb. the pictures above—the simplest Drop (genuine Baytr A » pirin Tiblet in water T. Srt. Stephen Kay is home on and among the most effective furlough to visit his wife in this jciiior tuuir oi Qgj^gjjQUS WITH USO COOKIES Almoat instantly it sUrta methods known to modem science. to disintegrate— ia read^ parish. to go lo irortr. Maka thii Pvt. Robert Pirisky, son of Lt. The Little Sisters of the Poor, S t t Your D octor. Even though teat, and see for you reel/ Col. Joseph Pirisky, is expected w’ho operate the home for the he m ^ wholeheartedly approve why Bayer Aspinn acta St. P a trick s to (BU iied Sacrament Parish, Grandparents o f the infants are ao quickly.' using Bayer Aspirin to’ relieve pain­ home on furlough for Christmas. Danvar) aged at W, 30th and Meade, Den­ Mr. and Mrs. William Austin and ful symptoms, you should not fail Among those currently on the ver, wish to express sincere thanks Mrs. Milton Allen, chairman in Supreme Court Justice and Mrs. to see your family physician,,be- Ask for Bayer Aspirin by the full parish sick list are Mrs. 6. A. and appreciation to all their bene­ cause.many colds may lead to senous name, not for just “ aspirin” And Gates, John R. Ruth, Philo Hewitt, charge of donations for the cookie ij^e Knous. factors who have, through their consequences. Largely with medical see that you get it. »INI(U'(NGRAVIU and Mrs. William Haffey. Present Program jar in the USO club, acknowledges Mrs. R. K. Gebhart will enter­ generosity, helped to make the « / « IB ft, ST. approval, this simple, scientific way I MERRITTS contributions of 227 dozen cookies tain 'members o f St. Ann’s circle year successful and enabled the sisters to provide and take care of relief has taken the place of old- (St. Patrick’s Parish, Dtnver) from the school and parishioners with a luncheon and bridge in her fashioned "shot-gun” medicine for home on Tuesday, Dec. 28. o f the home’s residents. The sis­ Cathedral Group Christmas day will be observed and thanks the women who assisted ters extend hearty Christmas colds, which may upset the system. 15« with all o f the solemnity and her in sacking the goodies to be Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Mulligan eetings and every good wish for Litendly millions have adopted it. m It Tuim and their son, John, leave next beauty of the Church ritual. The presented to convalescing soldiers haappiness in the New Year to all. Try it. You will say it is un- tFluiiza W i Hold Party senior choir, under the direction in the army hospitals on Christ­ week to spend several weeks in squaUed, we are sure. When you of Roger Seick, will sing at the mas. Many packages were re­ Chicago. • buy, however, be sure you get the 2 5 « The annual Christmas party of Solemn Midnight Mass. Masses ceived without names and so per­ The Very Rev. Harold V. Camp-, MERRY CHRISTMAS fast-acting Bayer produrt you want. the Cathedral Altar and Rosary will follow at 6, 7:30, with the sonal acknowledgments cannot be bell, who* has been a patient inj AND A society will be held Tuesday eve­ boys’ choir assisting; 9, the junior printed. The following persons sent Mercy hospital the past week, has HAPPY NEW YEAR ning, Dee. 28, at 8 o’clock in the girls; 10:30, a High Mass, with donations: H. B. Deering, R. B. returned home and is much better, Catholic Charities annex, E. 17th the senior choir; and 12, wij:h the Marr, Louis Dispense, S. Stauffer, better. avenue and Grant, Denver. Miss senior choir singing Chnstmas Charles Roberts, M. J. Foley, C. C. Members of St. Joan of Arc’s! ARGONAUT HOTEL Nell Ryan is chairman of the party carols. Confessions-exclusively for Fellers, Carlos Fuermann, H. M. circle were guests o f Mrs. Ed Udry VASHOLT Whsre Denver's Society Enterteina for Luncheon* end Dinner* and will be assisted by Mmes. Re­ children o f the parish will be McGrayel, Charles Crapo, D, B. and Mrs. Paul Dwyer in the Udry gina Cole, R. W. W'ettstyne and heard on Thursday afternoon from Douglas, W. E. Dolan, J. C. home on Friday, Dec 17. Hostess FOR SPECIAL RESERVATIONS FOR BP-IDGE PARTIES, and Grace Cassidy; Misses Ann 3 to 5 o’clock. Adult Confessions Gannon, C. A. Haskell, J. W. and bridge prizes were won by j DANCES AND DINNERS PHONE MAIN 3101 Limacher, Grace Palmer, Alice will be heard on Friday afternoon Carpenter, W. C. Thornton, Ed Mrs. Ray Courtney and Mrs. I McCabe, Agnes Hansen, Helen Splear, Glenn Volzke, D. G. FURS from 3 to 5 and in the evening Emmett Dolan. j Beantifnl Ballrooma Private Dining Rooms Steffes, and Catherine McGrail. commencing at 7:30. Mulligan, C. V. Gooding, G. K. Bridge and other card games will Miss Ella Horan is spending aj 1510 CALIFORNIA Boxes have been placed in the Mahl, William Vollmer, E. J. two-week v a ca tio n with nerl be played. Guests are ask4d to O’Connor, G. U. Bracore, B. J. CH. 1901 bring their own cards. Refresh­ church for the contributions of mother, Mrs. E. J. O'Flaherty, inj parishioners to the flower fund for Rohrer, Miss Phyllis White, Rose­ Lake Wales, Fla. I PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ments will be served at the close mary Cahalon, Anne Brookover, of the party. decorating the altars and cribs. School closed for the holiday and St. Joseph’s circle. vacation on Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Kathleen H. Mertens o f with a Christmas party sponsored Cleveland, 0., arrived recently to Baby Chicks by the Mothers’ club. Gifts were spend several weeks wth her exchanged and refreshments were mother, Mrs. Sarah Henry, and BLOOD-TESTED — DENVER served. Plans for the party were her sister and brother-in-law, the HATCHED completed at a special meeting A. H. Rampes. HONE PUBI.ICMARKET No Chans* in Pric* of the Mothers’ club held Tuesday St. Norbert’s circle enjoyed a Order .Now for 19+4 Delivery, Park Free Sh and 8aie afternoon, Dec. 14. The Mothers’ luncheon and bridge on Friday, j Demands Exceed Supply club is also sponsoring a cash Dec. 17, in the home o f Mrs. W. C. I shower for the nuns of the school. Redfield. Bridge and hostess COLO. HATCHERY The Rev. J. J. Mojmihan of prizes were won by Mrs. James W. | T-ilfi Tjirinier M.A. 6767 Stapleton, Nebr., and the Rev. Cracmer and Mrs. Thomas D. Ord. | DISPERSE BROS. Edward Prinster of Steamboat Mrs. Thomas O’Neill was welcomed Springs were recent nsitors in the as a new member. Election of rectory. officers nam?d Mrs. Harry Seiden-; SUPREME Both the Rev. Achille Som- Strieker as new captain for the maruga, pastor, and the Rev. coming year and Mrs. Thomas Thomas Barry have been ill of the Cain, secretary and treasurer. { flu. COAL CO. Mrs. J. Raymond Kline, chair-j WE SPECIALIZE IN Father Barry, spiritual director; Miss Virginia- Battaia, prefect of man, and Mrs. Emmett Dignan,| president of the ^ A , thank STOKER COAL the Young Ladies’ sodality; and everyone who assisted or con­ WE RECOHMEND Misses Gloria Billings, Bernice tributed to the success of the Columbine & Industrial Archer, Antoinette Pastore, Viola games party held Dec. 10. JERRY BREEN For Furnace Coal Cinea, Vera Hyatt, and Itilia Cinea PE. 4679 1144 So. Penn attended the dinner sponsored by St. Rita’* End* Y*ar | FBED’S FLORIST the Parish Sodality union recently. The last meeting of St. Rita’s These members o f the senior circle for the current year will be BI-LOW MEATS W* Mtk* Old Bhsn Leak LIk* N«w sodality will also assist in prepar­ held on Tuesday, Dec. 28, with 1456 Califomie MA. 2279 COMPLETE LIKE OP SHOE ing and serv'ing the Sunday night Mrs. Frank J. Guiry entertaining ADDISON’S 8UFPUES I repast in the USOiNCCS club on the group in her home. ‘ Dec. 26. The sodality is filling MASTER SHOE Members of St. Joseph’s circle Home Public Market Iseveral baskets for needy families. enjoyed the hospitality o f Mrs. TA. 2758 'They will be distributed under the REBUILDER James E. Eakins in her home on direction of Father Barry and Friday, Dec. 17, with Mrs. Adrian S03 15th St. Phone TA. 0812 Gloria Billinp. Maguire and Mrs. James Mc­ Ensigns Laura Chiolero and Carthy as co-hostesses. Mrs. J. Sarah Grosso, left here on Tues­ MASTER KEY SHOP Raymond Kline and Mrs. William day, Dec. 14, and have reported M*mt>«r NatlensJ Loelnmith*' Hagerty won bridge honors and for duty at Mare Island, Calif., in Buy W ar AitoeiaUon the hostess prize. Mernbers voted the nursing corps o f the naval re­ SERVICE CALLS • AUTO KET8 a $5 donation to the USO-NCCS EXPERT LOCK SERVICE serve. Both are graduates o f the club to buy cookies for the sol­ S03 ISth 8tr«*t Phon* TAbsr SI12 1943 class o f St. Anthony’s hos­ diers. SIAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED pital training school. Bonds John Negri, brother of Miss Lt. (JG) and Mrs. Robert L. Dorothy Negri and Mrs. C. J. Kndus (Betty Lou Austin) are the Bowland, is spending a furlough parents of twin girls, born last with his family. week -in St. Joseph's )iospital. MARKET The members of the Holy Name COLPAX AT society and the Altar and Rosary Capt. Becker Tops List MARION society wish to express their In Civil Service Exams thanks to all who in any way con­ tributed to the success o f the Capt. Arthur J. Becker, 4250 The firms listed here de­ games party held on Friday eve­ Stuart street, Denver, and a mem­ Clark’s Flowers I ning, Dec. 17. ber o f Holy Family parish, is the .1 serve to be remembered Complete Line o f Cut Flowers high man on the eligible list and Potted Plant* when you are distributing Uoldes Parish Will created by the civil service com- YOU Floral Sprays and your patronage in the dif­ mission_lor assistant, fire chief. I Corsages Have Midnight Mass Other mtholic fire captains who ferent of business. . passed The examination are John CAH’T HOLD Deliver T.4. .3662i • T. Horan and James W. Dempsey. Golden.— High Mass at midnight will open the Christmas festivities Tb* B«*t la A CAHDLE ^erry Phone WE SHIP in St. Joseph’s parish. Low Masses USED will be celebrated at 8 and 10 FURNITURE Christmas Tabor ‘1776’ ROCKY MTN. o’clock on Christmas mornjng. TO ALSO KBW TROUT Catechism classes fo r the chil­ dren will resume on Jan. 9 follow ­ C ub *r Cr*dll A FULL LINS Prepaid All Ovtr ing the Christmas and New Year Broadbreasted holidays. or orncB STOP HERE FOR U. S. A. _ . .... ^ FURNITUSS Pvt. Roy Gurule spent his fur­ Eat, tu g QUALITY JESS’ 1110 Eut C«l(iz lough here with his parents, Mr. Wt boy y«ar hoouboM and sffle* (am l- DENVER FRUIT TURKEYS Armu* and Mrs. Louis Gurule. Pvt. Jos­ (ur* far CASH. «r tzchaat* tb iu f*i eph Hess is enjoying a furlough ■nythiag in atock. REE DELIVERY AT 10 A. M. AND J P. M4 W* rant Folding Chaira. Card and Ban- QUALITY here with Mrs. Hess. qoat Tabla. Diihaa, SIlTtrwar*. any- chins In atoek. FLORIDA FRUIT r PRODUCE Your Purchase o f War Bond* EaUblUbad IHS and Stamp* Help* Secure Your PHONE KEYSTONE 4852 PRODUCE CO. MEATS TA. 1369 LOOP MARKET Future. OPEN PBOH t A- U. t* I P. M. FIFTEENTH AND LAWRENCE MERRY CHRISTMAS AND Free Parkins With Parchate o f SOe or More at 1429 Lawrence HAPPY NEW YEAR WIRTH Bl-Lotf? BUY WAR BONDS W .B .B l VOSS AIVD STAJUPS FOOD i t I BROS. CENTER

SjlOSWash. K E . 0205 iff Thursday, Dec. 23, 1948 Telephone, KEystone 4205 THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Office, 988 Bannock Street PAGE FIVE

Sheets, Blankets for New Soldiers’ Knights o f (Aliimbiis ami their friends in the K. o f C. ballroom, 1S75 Grant, Denver. A 12,600 bill is due on the equipment o f the unit, shown in use. I^eft to right, Pfc. Walter Janus, Chicago; S, Sgt. George Grafton, Stoneham, Mass.t and Sgt. Robert J. Kyme, Fort Dodge, la., relax and talk, while Ralph R. Horan, New York, roinnirnts from the upper deck.

Out of tke Ordinary—

It has never been the policy of W . P . Horan & Son to specialize in serving any particular income group. Pother we have Gash for Your Gar . . . Any Make done all in our power to make Horan Service adaptable to the needs of everyone. How­ O’Meara Motor Co. ever, those who require something out of Denver*g Largest Ford Dealer Two Stores— Both at Civic Center %■ the ordinary, or the use of special equip­ 1314 ACOMA ST. • 1335 BROADWAY ment or facilities, will find us well prepared MAin 3111 DENVER, COLO. to fulfill their requirements.

Oar 1944 tuppljr o f th« OFFICIAL ART CALENDAR is now aTailabU . You may obtain your copy by calling Preferred Parish at the mortuary. / Tradiii{$ LisI

BleNwed flacrament AND SON CHAPELS 22nd & EA. Kearner St. LAWSGN DRUG GG. 1 8 2 3 KEystone 6297 # KEystone 6296 ALSO TSINIDAD. COLO. — LiqUORS tSZ7 OevetaMl Ptaoe ACADEMY OPERETTA TITLE SERVICE EEIC IS We Specialize In Permanent SI f^ESTOVER Guarding Forever our Founder^ Ideab Waving and Hair Styling Welcome) Hie Friend* TO BE ‘ASK THE PROFESSOR’ THELMA HASSON NOW OPEN BEAUTY SALON Glencoe Service Station Colorado Springs.—Ask the Pro­ corps. He is now stationed over­ IlfSIlEEED IN CONOCO PRODUCTS. WASHING, St. Francis de Sales* THELMA KAS80N. H*naa«r GREASING fessor is the title of the annual op- seas. Resides her husband, Mrs. 2875 COLORADO BLVD. peretta to be given April 24 and 26 Powell is survived by a daughter, PRONE DEXTER 1188 Glencoe and Eaat Colfax in the Fine Arts center by the stu­ Elizabeth of Colorado Springs. DENVER, COLORADO EA. 9777 Open 9 to 3 SondlJ Forget-Me-Not Milliken’s dents of S t Mary’s school, Father Funeral services were held Mon­ WEERV CRURGR William Kelly announced. The day, Dec. 20, in the Glockner John C. Wardrobe Exchange CASH STORES Flower Shop SOLE! MASS 111same operetta was produced by the chapel. Interment was in Ever­ Scholl W« •zchtnft alightlr oted rtnaento for S CaNVENIENT LOCATIONS school in 1936. green cemetery. Wellw.— An impressive cere­ new or need merrhandiM. il3 0 E. Alameda A Maryknoll mission play, Ari- Patrick Jones died Thursday, mony took place Dee. 12 when the Largo Awortmont Sheer Hoeiarp Choice Flowers other Christmas, was presented Dec. 16, in a local hospital. He nN Etrr 50e to 98e 1201 E. 9th Ave. service flag was installed in the MEATS AND for All Occasions 2357 E. Evans Ave. Sunday, Dec. 19, in St. Mary’s was more than 80 years old and had church. Officials, members o f the GROCERIES school auditorium by students of lived in Colorado Springs 50 years. American Legion, and service men 8818 P airfu Birch Street Dress Shop S t M a il’s. The cast included He was born in Ireland. He is sur­ from local camps took part in the Ritamaria Remington, Betty Ann vived by his wife, Winifred; a son, BU S7M 1476 Birch EMerion 1523 HARPER’S Boulder.— (Sacred Heart Par­ ceremony. Father Gayjer, O.F. SEASON’S Berls, Joseph Malloy, Gerald Mad- Harry Jones of Colorado Springs; U* Explain Our SAVE TIRES—BUY AT OLSON’S iah)— Solemn Maas will be cele­ M., chaplain o f Lowry Field, said RADIO SERVICE dock, and Dean Kumba. and a sister in California. Winterizing brated at midnight on Chriatmaa, Mass and preached the' sermon. GREETINGS WE SERVICE ANTT MAKE Two Make Profeiaion Requiem wa.s offered in St. Program F(X5D ROME OR CAR RADIO with the Rev. Paul Fife, O.S.B., aa Boys in service from the par­ On Wednesday, Dec. 8, two of St. Mary’s church Monday, Dec. 20. In­ CLOSED ON STORES Downing at Alameda Work Guaranteed celebrant; the Rev. Englebert ish had the honor o f carrying the Mary’s alumni participated in the terment was in Evergreen ceme­ WEDNESDAYS OLSGN’S Dufner, O.S.B., deacon; the Rev. flags. Pvt. Sylvester De (jiacomo, OPEN SUNDAYS 525 E. Exposition SP. 9857 profession ceremonies in the Lo- tery. Phone RA. 1818 Bertram Niggemann, O.S.B., sub­ home on furlough, carried the Olfldal Tire Inapectloa SUHoa retto mother-house, Nerinx, Ky., Miss Hildagard Hoeckel has en­ 2750 W. 29ih GL, 3613 deacon; and Norbert Mellccher, service flag. Cpl. (jarmen G. Ci- when Sister Michael Mary, Fran­ listed in the Air-WACs. She is to 1918 £. Colfax EH. 2721 GEO. IW. master o f ceremonie.s. The four ancio, who is stationed in Colorado Bailey’s Texaco Service ces Dea, and Sister Mary Elsie, leave soon for Des Moines, la., IOIOE.8tti EA. 1181 servers will be Gene Becker, Neil Springs, carried the American flag; 28th and Fairfax EottraoB 8125 Katherine Monsimer, made their where she will receive basic train­ BROADWAY Doherty, Pat Zimmerman, and and a soldier from Lowry Field first religious vows. They were ing. Miss Hoeckel is a graduate' FASTEN Frank Brady. There, will be .30 carried the Papal flag. After Mass graduated from St. Mary’s school, of St. Mary’s high school. When buying from the CREAMERY OPTOMETRIST small altar boys in the sanctuary. a dinner was served to all who Season's Greetings June, 1940, and entered the novi­ A group of carols, including The first anniversary of Miss participated. firms advertising in this QUAUTY DAIRY FOODS 5 Broadway tiate in Jun$, 1941. “ Gesu Bambino,” will be sung by Mary Kelleher’s ballroom dancing Frank A. Giancio, master of BOARD WALK Mrs. Margaret Louise Powell, caper, please mention that 61 SO. BROADWAY the adult choir, under the direction classes in the USO club, 106 N. ceremonies, introduced the speak­ SHOE REPAIR o f Mrs. Annabel T. Barr, organist, wife of Maj. Henry M. Powell, Tejon street was celebrated ers, who included t h e pastor. you saw their advertise­ died Friday, Dec. 17, in her home, We Specialize in preceding the Mass. The Kyrie Wednesday, Dec. 15, with a formal Father John Giambastiani, O.S.M.; ment. 4716 E. 23rd at Dexter CONOCO STATION and Gloria j>f Gregorian No. 10 Beverly place, after a short ill­ dancing party. Miss Kelleher’s Harry Sullivan, Henry Green, Leo Pastries for 10 and the Sanctus, Benedictus, ness. Mrs. Powell was born Aug. classes in the year averaged about Leyden, and Lt. Col. L. D. Marshall. Your Parties JOS FARRENKOPF, Prop. and Agnus Dei o f Mass No. 4 will 9, 1894, in Montreal, Canada. She 50 a week or more than 2,500 sol­ Singers who entertained at the din­ 299 So. Logan PE. 9810 be sung. The Proper is to be sung came to Colorado Springs in 1925. dier students. Special guests for ner were Paul C. Harrington and Courteous and Prompt Serrico by the tenor and bass section, with She was graduated from the the evening were the nurses from Henry Ferris, accompanied by SELLIi\G OUT MARY ANNE BAKERY Woman’s Medical college of Penn­ Glockner hospital. Wa Ezchanra Slirhtir Uaad Garm.nta for New or Uaed Merchandiaa WASHING & GREASING a supplementary Offertory of the Tuttle. LARGE ASSORTMENT SHEER HOSIERY 50e to BSe A SPEQALTY Gregorian “ Resonet in Ijiudibus.” sylvania. She and Maj. Powell First Solemn Mats 25i Broadway SP. 7413 were married in Philadelphia in The dinner wa* prepared by the “Adeste Fideles,” with soprano The Rev. Francis Duane Theo­ BIRGH STREET DRESS SHGP 1923. Maj. Powell wag a physician PTA committee. A special treat solos by Miss Mary Elizabeth bald celebrated his first Solemn of fresh homemade bread served of Colorado^ Springs before he was 1476 BIRCH EMERSON 1523 KROONENBERG COAL COMPANY Archibald and “ 0 Mira Nox,” with Mass in S t Mary’s church on Sun­ commissioned in the army medical at the dinner was baked by Mrs. COAL AND FEED Raymond Curarine as tenor soloist, day, Dec. 19. The assistant priest Tony De Giacomo. will be rendered during the re­ Phone SPruce 4478 1909-11 So. Broadway was the Very Rev. William Kipp; The Young Ladies’ .Auxiliary ft** fTisd to Buy at ception of Holy Communion. “ Hark an uncle, the Rev. George Theobald sodality o f St. Guiliana served. the Herald Angels Sing" will be Christmas Mass from Bode, la., was deacon; and BOARD WALK The PTA war committee pur­ JACKSON’S Alameda Drug Store recessional hymn. Music o f the the Rev, Norhert J. Walsh was sub- WEISS DRUG chased 100 dozen cookies, which SHOE REPAIR V. 0. PETERSON. Prop. Midnight Mass will be repeated at deacon. The sermon was preached Preicription Specialiits Cut Rate Drugs Hours Announced will be sent to the Catholic USO 10 on Christmas morning. Other by the Rev. Robert Coerver, C.M., Qaalitp Material and Beat Workmanihip Fre* Delirerr Cnt Rate Drags to be distributed to the service Liquors • Sundries Masses on Christmas day will be of St. Thomas’ seminary. —AH Work Guarantaod— BAUR’S ICE CREAM Wines and Liquors at 6 and 8. Lafayette.— The first Mass on men. CUT RATE Father Theobald was graduated The children o f the school re­ 4716 BAST 23rd AVB.--AT DEXTER Prescriptions Fountain Service • School Supplies Choir members include the fol­ Christmas day will be said at 5 from St. Mary’s high school in cently presented a program of EAft 1814 Colfax and Elnt Free Prompt Delivery lowing: Misses Mary Elizabeth o’clock. This Mass will be offered 1936. After the a dinner was C .n SP S44& Downini and AUm.da Alameda and Broadway songs and dances. The high school Archibald, Maxine Bartle, Betty for all parishioners in the service. given in the Broadmoor hotel, and pupils .sang Christmas carols, ac­ FURNITURE. RUGS, DRAPES and Perry, Mary Marguerite Pej-ton, The second Mass will be said in a reception was held from 4 to 6 3-OAY SERVICE companied at the piano by Annunciation Roccina Moschetti, Dorothy Gar Erie at 7:30. The third Mass of o’clock at 1012 Wood avenue, the CURTAINS thoroughly cleaned. Let IF NECESSARY Lucille Domenico and on the violin barino, Betty Brady, Mary Mar­ the day will be in Lafayette at home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. us do your house cleaning for yon. Hre u good aa any. and better garet Monyhan, Marian Vogel, 9:30. by Betty Dursey. AT LOWEST than many.” Conway. Jane Varos, Gloria Schram, Jace- St. Ida’s guild held election of The sisters thank all the parents DRUGS PRICES IN DENVER DE SELLEM The annual Christmas party was who were so generous in their do­ queline Rrakkage, Anna Marie officers prior to their Christmas held in St. Mary’s assembly hall on FUEL AND FEED CO. KESTERSON nations for the pantry shower that Bittner, Mary Ann Dome, Barbara party on Dec. 16. The following Friday, Dec. 17. CHARLES A. DaSELLEH CLEANERS Voegtle, Jo Ann Jones, and Bar­ was given on Dec. 14. were chosen: Mrs. Edith Brugger, On Friday, Dec. 17, S t Mary’s We Ship by Rail Repairing and AlUratlona bara Smith, and Mines. Louis Me president; Mrs. Joseph Corian, mwWWW ww' STORE a.EANERS AND DYERS grade school pre.sented a Christ­ PHONE TA. 8281 328 Bro« Are Home them running. J & L Radio Service Edmund Schram, Jr., has en­ Students of Loretto Heights col­ listed in the navy and is now sta­ lege home for the holidays are: We’d like to see yoa dropping in Electrical Appliances Greeley.— Miss Lillian M. Perry tioned in Camp Farragut, Ida., for Misses Alicia Butler, Virginia once or twice a month. Then we can Repaired Ted Chase ZECHA & ADAMS of Salisbury, Md., became the bride his initial training. He is a grad­ Thieler, Catherine Duffy, and Rose­ keep a watch over your car battery. . . 3205 E. Colfax jivrnue USED CARS Conoco Service Station of T. Sgt. Wilbur W. Heniser in a COLE DRUG 00. uate of the parochial .school and mary O'Leary. add water and make sure nothing is PHONE EM. 6063 COLFAX AND DETROIT ____ ceremony performed before the Boulder high and has been work­ Miss Nancy Repetti, daughter of wrong. There is no charge for this PICK-UP AND DELIVERY AeroB* from E u t High L 96n V 6r !\ ej:t Door In West End Rev. Eugene T. Stout, pastor of St. ing as an auto mechanic for the Mr. and Mrs. George Repetti of service. Post Office Francis de Sales’ church, Salis­ past year. Broadmoor, arrived home Saturday. 2312 W. Colorado Ave. bury, in November. Sgt Heniser is Mr. and Mrs. John LaTorra of She attends Sacred Heart convent Conoco Sonrieo Station a former parishioner of St Peter’s Phone 1083 Los Angeles, formerly of Boulder, in Norton, Conn. riaa 5> H. 8. CASEY church, Greeley, where he was o f­ are here to spend the holidays in Miss .\nn Conway, daughter of eacaaary yw can E. COLFAX St COLORADO BLVD. N.rtda Atc. *l Cteb. la Pondra fice manager of the Public Service the home of Evelyn LaTorra. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conway, a stm rsgUe* wM e Co. before enlisting in the army in Vests, the predeel Oyan 7 A. M. Till 10 P. M. They were accompanied by Chief student of SL Mary’s college, e t 46 yrsn a/ heisir LUBRICATION - TIRE REPAIRING Specialist Vernon Miller, his wife, March, 1942. He is now stationed Notre Dame, Ind,, arrived home FOOTWEAR heUsTf heiU imt WASHING - POLISH AND WAX the former Miss Marian LaTorra, in C ^ p Campbell, Ky., and served Saturday, Dec. 18, BEST IN QUALITY. NEWEST IN .six months in Hawaii. • BATTERY SERVICE | STYLE and their infant son, David. John and Arthur Gallagher, sons 52 Year. In th. Pike. Peak Regton Mr. and Mrs. Gene Jacobucci and o f Mrs. John Gallagher, who are COLFAX at WASHINGTON two children have returned to make LHG Alumnae to Have attending Phillips academy in An­ THEVORHESSHOECO. their home in Denver as Mr. Jaco­ dover, Mass., arrived Saturday, Vl€ HERBERT KEM-TONE _ wuS3 18"” KE. 4576 COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO bucci has been transferred there Yule Banquet Dec. 29 Dec. 18. Th* Modem UlricU Wall Fintkh from the New Y ,rk branch of the Irvin B. Bruce, Jr., son of Police Automotive Service CSXAID LINOLEUM Federal Works administration, in Chief and Mrs. I. B. Bruce, and 9 8 e oq. yd. FUR STGRAGE which he is connected with the in­ Dr. Paul J. Ketrick, president of Charles A. Gillis, son of Mrs. Mae 3659 Downing 3660 Downing Loretto Heights college, ■will be the Gillis will arrive Wednesday, Dec. ANDERSON BROS. Remodeling • Repairing Patronize Theae Fiirna. They vestigation department. Hi.s wife is the former Josephine Forsyth, guest speaker at the annual 22, from Campion high school in dk A A A A . Colfai end Joeephint BA. H4I Are C o -o p e ra tin g With Your INVEST IN FURS VILLAGE INN daughter of S. M. Forsyth of mas banquet of the Ixiretto Alum­ Prairie du Chien, Wise. Paper. Boulder. nae associatioD, which will be held Aiden Mullett, son of Dr. and \Vhen buying from the Mis.s Betty Becker, a mfimber of on Wednesday evening, Dec. 29, in Mrs. Aiden Mullet, has arrived St. Domini€*s PROMPT SERVICE th'. W AVES with the rating of Billie Blake’s, 1000 Grant, Denver. from New Mill|prd, Conn., where IN firms advertising in this storekeeper third class, visited her Miss Ellen Mary Campbell, who is he is a student in Canterbury WATCH REPAIRING parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Becker, in charge of the arrangements, re­ school. B ILLY’S INN paper, please mention that for a few days on her way to a ports that reservations for 40 have On Thursday, Dec. 23, Miss Ethel new location. One of her brothers, already been made. Those who Garber entertained with a cock­ CHAS. HITT and ARNOLD JENSEN DIEDRIGH JEWELRY you saw theiT advertise­ Charles Becker, seaman second wish to attefld and who have not tail party in her home; on Sunday, Good Foods 3226 E. Colfax ment. class, is also at home spending a notified Miss Campbell may call Dec. 27, she will entertain a group And Your Favorite Drinks 15-day leave from hia duties in her at EM. 4751. All reservations of friends In the Broadmoor ice Camp Farragut, Ida. moat bt maila by Monday, Dec. 27. palace. 44th & L5>w«U Phone CL. 9733 BUX WAR BONDS AND STAMPS I I

PAGE SIX Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KE3rstone 4205 Thursday, Dec. 28, 1943

penonagM aUending the annual Chriitmai Informal QUmpse of Principal party o f the Archbiihop'a guild it thown here. Reception Held Mitt Mary Nadorff, left, pretident o f the guild, it tpeaking to Father Gregory Smith, moderator o f the mittionary organixation for 13 yeart. Mitt Clella Carter, chairman o f \’estmentt, ihowt a hand-made Gothic 1 chaauble to Archbithop Urban J. Vehr. A complete report o f activitlet trat read by each o f the 25 circle BUY A HOME in the 1 pretidenti attending. 1 For New Priest -i5 j Parish of Your Choice List Your Property For Sale With Any of These Realtors 3 (St. Phiiomena’t Parith, Denrer) ]i More than 3 0 0 'guests attended T the reception given by Mrs. M. Syrianey in her home, 1083 Colo­ rado boulevard, Sunday evening in honor of her son’s ordination. Mrs. ST. PATRICK’S TO FIND A GOOD HOME IN ANY DENVER PARISH Syrianey was assisted by her SSTH UMATILLA— $4.#50 Loveljr S-rooin hom«. tlltd b»Ui. TELL YOUR NEEDS TO VAN SCHAACK & CO. daughter, Patricia, and Misses fihowtr, itoker. fenced bnckyard, frilt Gertrude O’Brien, Virginia Lam- treee. I 8T. VINCENT OE PAUL S PARISH Mre. Cnriion. EM, 8M 1-CH. 641T. berty, and Alice McCurdy. 1976 BO. WILLIAMS. Owner leaving, immediate poueiiion, attraetiva The Rev. Francis Joseph Syrianey BLESSED SACRAMENT 2-)>«droom bungalow. Excellent condition, hardwood floori. automatic gat celebrated his first Solemn Mass heat, garage. Almost new stove, 7-cu.-ft. refrigerator, washing machlna ISS FAIRFAX Sunday, Dec. 19, in St. Philo- 4.Tr,-old banftlow . den, ca i heat, att. and all furnishings included. 2 blocks from trsni. and stores. Botch, mena’s church. The Rev. Roy Fig- carate. Black. MA. 76T8.CH.S41T. BAcc 1270. lino was assistant priest; the Rev. James Hamblin, deacon; Robert ST. PHILOMENA’S ST. PHILOMENA'S PARISH 4-RM. BR. BUNGALOW, 26.760— 960 Steele hat been reduced In pries tor Syrianey, subdeacon; and the Rt. 812 GARFIELD quick sale. Gas hot water heat, amusement room, good exposures, new roof, Immediate poaceaiion. Good S-room Rev. William Higgins delivered the (St. Lonit* Pariih, Eatlawood) F. W. Bimey, Jr., EM. 6863. sermon. Charles and William bung., breakfau nook, newly deco­ In the past week the interior of rated. 26,850. Jones, Walter Jaeger, and Howard jthe church was completely redeco­ Mri. Van Sickle. EA. 4511-CH. 541T. ANNUNCIATION PARISH Quinlivan, seminarians from St. rated. Members of the Altar soci­ 8608 GAYLORD— Railroaders, etc., with targe families will be Interested In Philomena’s parish, filled the minor ety, the organization that spon­ ST. JOHN’S this commodious 6-room bungalow with S sleeping rooms. Please do not offices. (See Page One.) sored the project, a.ssisted in clean­ 241 ST. PAUL ST. disturb tenant. For inspection call Ernst- ing the stations and caring for the Immediate jMMCifian. Spicloui 6 Confessions will be heard Thurs­ roomi. breakfaat room, cat heat, cedar 8T. DOMINIC'S PARISH day from 3:30 to 6 and from 7:30 sanctuary furnishings. room and maid’s room in basement. 2934 FOSTER CT. 2-atory, 3-bedroom home. First floor hat been com­ to 9 p.m.: on Friday from 3:30 to The Very Rev. Joseph P. Mrs, K esm sbtrger EA. 51S5-CH. 6417 pletely modernised and it very charming. Stoker, Owner has bought new 6 and from 7:30x0 9 p.m. O’Heron, pastor, will be celebrant home and will maka attractive deal. Call Fisher. of the Christmas Midnight High PRESENTATION Miss Dorothy Ann Fisher, who CATHEDRAL PARISH is a student o f College o f Mt. St. | Mass, at which the adult choir will OWNER CUTS PRICE Several hundred dollars for quick 472 WASHINGTON. Good home for large family. Easy and inexpsnslva Joseph-on-the-Ohio, arrived in sing. The sermon will be preached sale. Vacant. Ntwljr decorated. New to maintain with its new stoker, new hot water heater, and new Johns- Denver Friday to spend the Christ­ by the Rev. Maurice E. Reardon. furnace. 6 rooms. H block to car. Manville roof. 2-car garage, 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs. Evans, DE. 1224. mas vacation with her parents, Other Masses on Christmas day Taka car for part. Terms. Shelton. KE. 8862-CH. 5417. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Fisher. will be celebrated at 6, 7, 8, 9, and ST. JOHN'S PARISH 10 o’clock. Confessions will be Mrs. Henry Cooper and chil­ 759 MILWAUKEE. This brick bungslow hti a 24-foot living room, 3 good 'heard on Thursday and Friday ST. CATHERINE’S bedrooms, tile floor bath, light, airy music room, full btsement with floored dren, Claudia and Charles, left afternoons from 3:30 until 6 4911 IRVING den and maid's room; stoker hot water heat, 2-car Iront-driv'a garage. Ail Monday to visit Mr. Cooper in for 39,750. Bosch, RA. 1270. o’clock. Large 8 rooms- Completely redeco­ California. rated. FuU basmt. Coal furnace. i A Christmas letter to all the 16.100. Capt. and Mrs. Albert Keenan^ men and women of the parish in have come to Denver from his post I service was distributed to the par. V a n & to spend the Christmas holidays ents in the Masses on Sunday, Dec. SiHAACK Co. R e a l t o r with Mrs. Keenan’8>sister, Mrs. 19. Mrs. William Arend and Miss JACK DUNTON J. R. Plank, 200 S. Eudora. Josephine Herzog assisted in mim­ Loans Insurance PropertY Management Miss Margaret Guenther, 942 eographing the copies. IICALTOll Madison street, assisted by Peggy CUIIMIIIIIUIIUI1 iMissionary Work of Guild The parish Boy Scout troop will 724 17th St. KE. 0131 CH. 5417 Hickey and Mrs. Jack Hickey, en­ hold a seasonal party for parents 410 Midland Sav. Bldg. tertained at a buffet supper and and friends in the school hall linen shower Sunday evening in Thursday evening, Dec. 23. An honor of Miss Kathleen O’Meara, IS D [ C. 1E FIIII Lauded by Archbishop Vehr exhibition of scout practices will whose marriage to Robert Stewert be staged by the troop. The scouts Let Us Sell Your Home will _ take place Dec. 27 in St. 13713487 provided the Fort Logan chaplain. John’s church. Terming the work a strong in­ son was hostess. The Christmas Father Thomas J. Melican, with a We have many Buyers for Homea fluence on morale, as well as a The guests present were Mmes. ST, theme was carried o u t One mem­ crib for his chapel. in South and North Denver. T. W. Stauter. F. H. Tarbell, J. B. thriving home-front support of ber, Mrs. Elwina Jorgenson, who The ^Vomen’s organizations of Furstenberg. Jr.; and Misses Mary archdiocesan missions, Archbishop has been in Norfolk, Va., is visit­ the parish will sponsor a social for ALSO A NICE LIST OF HOMES Urban J. Vehr paid tribut* to the ing in Denver. the soldiers in the Englewood rec­ Catherine O’Fallon, Sydney and (St. Joeeph’e Parieh, D e n T e r ) FOR SALE Ann Monaghan, Mary Lou Mor­ activities of the Archbishop’s guild Isabelle McNamara, a member reation center on Sunday evening, rissey. The Young People’s club will re­ at its Christmas party meeting of the Archbishop’s guild council, Dec. 26. The young people of the Our Men Are Competent ceive Holy Communion in the 7:30 last week. The presence of His is recovering in her home from a and Willing to Ssrva You Mrs. H. J. Struck entertained parish are asked to assist. Mass Sunday, Dec. 26. Excellency at the annual holiday recent operation. A Christmas party was held by her bridge club at a Christmas gathering has become traditional Sancta Maria circle celebrated party in her home Sunday evening. Monday night at 8:30 the 100th the Daughters of Mary sodality C. L SUTTER & GO. games party will be held in the in the past 12 years the Yule season at a party given and the Junior Holy Name society r e a l t o r hall. Special attractions will be in addressing the group for the by Mrs. William J. Flanagan, 1655 in the school hall Tuesday evening, 1061 So. Gaylord RA. 0913 featured. first time since the former Junior Sherman, on Dec. 16. A new mem­ Dec. 21. Miss Lorraine Twining, 3756 Federal Blvd. CL. 4780 Air-WACs Enjoy Tuesday the Perpetual Help no­ Tabernacle society adopted the ber, Miss Bertha Kaup, was wel­ sodality president, was in charge vena services will be held at 3 name o f the Archbishop’s guild, comed to the group. of arrangements. REAl ESTATE M E D Here are a few o f our specials and 7:30 p.m. Because of New- the prelate spoke informally to the If you have a bungalow or cottage to sell, Christmas Party Year’s day coming on a Saturday, more than 100 girls present of the ST. JAMES' PARISH the usual weekly Mass for those influence wielded by the organiza­ GLENWOOD PARISH WILL HAVE MAYFAIR SPECIAL or if you have a friend that has a hunga- in the service will be offered on tion. “The work done by you vol­ A varr attractive 6-rm. brick. lest * low or cottage to sell, call There are no sentimental dif­ unteers is tremendous,’’ Arch­ than 2 yrs. old. L. R.. D. R.. compact Wednesday. kitchen. 2 large hedrmi. Full fln- ferences between Air-WACS and bishop Vehr said. Besides supple­ civilian women— at Christmas­ Nuni Fete Gridderi MIDNIGHT MASS ON CHRISTMAS ithed basement with spacioua bedrm., menting Church work in the arch­ amusement rm., Idy. rm., storage. time, particularly— and when the Sunday night the Sisters of diocese, he explained, the guild has Attached garage. Immed. possession. J O l W. GEIGERS CO... TA 7293 cards go out. and the gifts are Mercy gave a Christmas party to become a great influence for Glenwood Springs.— The Masses resided in Aspen for many years ST. VINCENT DE PAUL’S exchanged, and the tree is deco­ the grade school and high school morale by its close co-operation on Christmas in St. Stephen’s will and had visited in Glenwood for WASHINGTON PARK rated— the feeling o f good cheer is several summers since going to football teams, at which the priests with army and prison camp chap­ be at midnight, 8, and 10 o’clock. A lovely 3-bedrm. home, completely St. FrancU d* Sal**' ParUh Sales • Insurance - Loans the same the world over. were present. The sisters did the California to make her home. She renovated and decorated. Textured 10«room brick. *xccll*nt Incoihe propo­ lains. He gave a first-hand in­ At midnight and 10 o’clock there sition, completely furnf*heH, Holland Property Mana>;ement Air-WACS stationed at army serving at table. All pronounced it is survived by four daughters, one walls in L. R . and D. R. Priced at sight into the endless details that $6,300 on terms. Immediate pptset- furnace coal heal, stoker fired. Monthly Suburban and Farm Lands posts near Denver will enjoy a a wonderful success.vpne of the go through an army chaplain's of will be High Masses and at 8 a son, and four grandchildren. income $99.^0 plu* caretaker's apt. Subdivisions sion. CtaraRe. parkin® apace. Priced to eell- Christmas dinner unusually lush trees «n the hall was given the fice, and said with certainty Low Mass. Mrs. George Stevens ii visiting IMMEDIATE POSSESSION next day to some tubercular pa­ immediately. Excellent location to church. for in these rationed times. Turkey that the influence of religion is Masses in the mission o f Min- relatives in Los Angeles, Calif. A weU-buIlt 5-rm. bung, with iarge school, and ^Ioepp. will rule the roost, liberally tients in the Denver General hos­ growing in the army. She went West to benefit her rms., large windows, lovely interior, RMcrson pital. Coach Joe Loffreda gave an tum will be at midnight and 6 breakfast nook, new Universal range, SARAH RICE, Realtor 6 7 6 7 sprinkled with mince pies, choco­ The Archbishop's guild will be health. new linoleum, full bsrot.. amusement East Colfax R[IL ESIflIE o’clock, and in Eagle at 9 o’clock. late nut-cakes, fruits, candy, and inspirational talk to the boys at a part, His Excellency added, of C. D. of A. Elections Held room with flreplare. Attached ga­ 440 So. Broadway PE. 3785 nuts. At Lowry Field the per­ the party. The high school football The choir will sing Rosewig’s rage. Reaaonably priced. the expansion the Denver arch­ St. Terese’s court 1084, C. D. of ijust say: “ I saw it advertised manent detachment held a Christ- team will be honored Thursday Mass in F. Pvt. F. W. Lovett ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH HAVE YOU diocese will achieve after the war. A., held reception ceremonies for party Tuesday. Homesick night at a dinner. of Camp Hale will sing “Adeste CLOSE IN INCOME in The Denver Cath­ mas New priests will help supply the new members in St. Stephen’s hall MODERNIZED YOUR girls from every state in the Union Fideles” at the Offertory. Pre­ 6 apti., 2 baths, 3101 per month in­ olic Reffister.” Fathers John Buttimer, C.SS.R.. mission fields and the young Monday^ Dec. 13. District Deputy searched out chums to share their and Eugene Witte, C.SS.R., and ceding the Mass, Miss Mary Frost come. 3-rm. apt. lor owner. Priced INSURANCE? women of the guild will provide Miss Catherine McNulty, Grand at only 34.600 on terms. gifts. The party was quite a sue will sing " 0 Holy Night.” Choir Brother Raymond, C.SS.R., who some of the equipment needed in Regent Mrs. Mary Frost, the o ffi­ Protect ynurtelf agalrut new cess— and demonstrated once members are Mrs. Douglas Cross, were patients in- Mercy hospital chapels throughout the state. cers, and a degree team were in hatardt. again that the differences between organist and director; sopranos, have all returned to the rectory. A complete round-up o f guild charge. During the ceremonies A B R IG H T Air-WACS and civilian women are The Rev. Willard Berberich, Mmes. Joseph Ryan, Lena Clark, HORACE W. BENNETT activities in the past three' months Miss Mary Frost sang Gounod’s ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' negligible where sentiment is con­ Peter Tonso. and Severen Peder­ &CO. C.SS.R., formerly stationed in the showed spiritual offerings for the “Ave Maria.” Father Kessler ad­ 6-room brick modem, very clo.e tp parish, is here visiting his par- sen, and Misses Mary Frost, Rose church and school; 2 bedrooms and M E R R Y cerned. missions to number 19,399. Show- dressed the group, exhorting the n o Tabor Bldg. Phone TA. 1271 And It might be mentioned that ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ber- ing of layettes for charity, a DeMaestri, Patricia Guadnola, and bath upstairs, enclosed rear porch: new members to be true to the coal hot air furnace; garage. Price FRANK ENGLAND. Jr.. Manager there is no difference in the spe­ Katherine McCarthy; altos, Mmes. berich, pioneer members of St. I large display o f vestments and principles o f the order, “ unity and 33.760. PE. 2448. Intaranc* Department cial menus prepared for the Air- Albert Kessler and Wayne Mc­ CHRISTMAS Joseph’s. I small linens, detailed reports on charity.” A lunch was served by W.\CS in their own mess halls and Donald and Miss Julia Frost. The ANNUNCIATION PARISH I social service work done, and the Mmes. P. Bershenyi and C. Mar­ those served up to the men sol­ Your Purchase o f War Bonds Rev. C. E. Kessler will celebrate 4727 WILLIAMS— 6 rooms on first serving of refreshments around tino and Miss Julia Frost. A AND diers— all alike will enjoy a re­ and Slampt Helps Secure Your the Masses and preach the ser­ floor, liv. room. din. room, kitchen. the lighted Christmas tree occu­ lighted Christmas tree contributed 2 bedrooms, laundry room; full base­ past to keep the enzymes busy. Future. mons in Glenwood. ment. with 8 extra rooms. New pied the evening. to the hall decorations, and the A VICTORIOUS At the 8 o'clock Mass the junior composition roof; double metal ga­ Circles Promote annual exchange of gifts was part rage: frame and glass chicken coop choir will sing “Silent Night” at o f the evening s entertainment for 100 chickens. Price 63,600. PE. the processional, the “ Adeste Fi­ 2448. Christmas Cheer The new members are Mmes. HAPPY deles” at the Offertory, “ 0 Holy The president of St James’ Mary Rosa and Katherine Mack, PRESENTATION PARISH Night” at the Communion, and circle, Miss Dorothy LeBois, re­ and Misses Ethel Himes, Stella 286 SO. NEWTON— 6-room frame KEEP UP THE HOMES “ See Amid the Winter Snow” after N E W Y E A R signed from office in the circle's Kuryla, and Ann Richards. Mrs. house, coal hot air heat, full base­ Communion. Miss Mary Guadnola ment, S bedrooms, plenty closvi., meeting Dec. 16, because o f her Jennie Gresanti Rosa, recent bride, SEE is director; Miss Julia Frost, or­ hardwood floors; inlaid linoleum I approaching marriage and de- was presented with a lovely con­ kitchen and bath. Enough coal for ganist; and Miss Jeanette Blue, YOU’RE FIGHTING FOR ' parture from Denver. The new sole bowl and eight water glasses all winter. Price $4,600. PE. 2449. violinist. Members are Betty and A. G. WALKER resident is Miss Angela Schell. as a gift from the court Rose Marie Rosa, Dorothy and Bairdt-BroinliElil Phe group held a corporate Com­ CH. 1778 R e a l t o r CH. 6930 Katherine Neislanek, Rose Baroni, Mrs. Mary Tawney has been Original George Rice Patronize These Reliable Firms munion Dec. 19 in St. James’ Virginia Root, Patty Lou Patton, receiving medical attention in a R e a l t o r S' church-in the 8:30 Mas.s. Sharon Donegan, Phylis Peder.sen, local hospital. Her condition is re­ MAIN OFFICE, 230 SOUTH BDWY. Mary Hickey entertained mem­ RealtoR Loyette Gamba, Alice Mae ported to be much improved. CONSULT A REALTOR 'E A R L J." UNFINISHED FURNITURE bers of the Holy Innocents circle Schutte, Joan McDonald, Phylis Mrs. P. J. Morgan was taken to i in her home Dec. 21. Schroeder, Anriie, Irene, and Mary a hospital last week. Her condi­ The Precious Blood circle’s Just say: “ I saw it advertised FRONI FACTORY McCarthy; Donis Gallagher, Mary tion is better. Her sons, Ray I Christmas party will be held Dec. in The Denver Cath­ STROHMINGER DIRECT TO YOU Pat Mullen, and Mildred Rule. Morgan o f the navj’, who is spend­ 28 in the home o f Wilma Gerspach. olic Register.” WHEN YOU CHESTS OF DRAWERS Cpl. John and Mrs. Tessadri ing his furlough hepe; Tim, and Electrical Contracting Mrs. A1 Simms of Our Lady of arrived in Glenwood Monday from George o f Johnston, were here Licensed tod Bonded in City of Denver 3 DRAWERS ...... $ 9 . 2 5 Lourdes circle announces the Texas. Cpl. Tessadri had been sick this week. Phont KE. U'tl birth of a girl in Fitzsimons hos­ 817 14th St. Eng. 2)4 W 4 Drawera ...... S 1 1 . 9 5 in a Texas hospital. They will Mrs. Philyis Moscon was taken pital Dec. 11. The baby’s father FINANCE CONSULT A REALTOR 5 Drawers ...... © 1 4 . 9 5 visit relatives here during his fur­ very ill at her home in the Sayre is serving overseas. Members of A M uter Keyintr Saw Films Key» by Code Gate-Leg Tablea ...... $ 7 . 9 5 lough. apartment Friday morning. Her Lock Btlet and Service Bovs' Wagons ____ „.._„_...S8.95 the circle had a Christmas party condition is now better. Homes Wanted YOUR HOME rc Door and Floor Check Sen. Iee Dec. 20 in the home of Mrs. Mary Miss Patricia Guadnola, daugh­ Steel Tape ~ Parta and Repair* Wardrobes ...... S 1 7 .5 0 ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Guadnola Dennis Boyle was taken to the O’Connor, 2700 King. A gift ex­ W« have ieveral C4*h eaitomer* ^ ardrobes ...... $ 3 4 . 5 0 and a student at Colorado State Community hospital Friday for change was the feature. Mrs for good borne* and ineom* prop* Denver Key & Lock Co. Special Csblnsts. All SUcs Teachers’ college, Greeley, was re­ medical care. F Billie Lou Weber, circle president ertUi near Catholte achooU and FHA LOANS Lockticiani cently pledged to Delta Gamma Sacred Heart Parith iVl Day and Night SerrUa Colorado Fixture is ill o f pneumonia in SL An­ church**. If you want to **11. w# thony’s hospital. chapter of Delta Omicron, national 2818 ARAPAHOE STREET—$2,980.00 to Buy, Build or Refinance PHONE KEYSTONE 43S0 & s. would appreciate a call from you. Furniture Nlfgi At the Little Flower circle meet­ honorary musicians’ organization. 7 rooms. 3-ear garage, 1 tk lots. Good 811‘ lSth St. Denter. Colorado 60 8. BROADWAY RA»E 2650 Members are accepted into Delta brick home, gat and coal combination at 4l/i% IN T E R E S T R ing Dec. 21 Miss Margaret Robin ranga; and circulator heater included. ■raE FREDERICK R. ROSS STOVE AND FURNACE PASTS STILL Omicron on the basis of high scho­ 1031 LOVER YOUR KITCHEN v a c a n t . S u rt the NEW YEAR in your INVESTMENT CO. (AVERAGE TEN YARDS) AVAILABLE—DON'T WAIT lastic average, personality, and OWN HOME. With 110 vs. NATIONAL BANK ability to give satisfactory public GENERAL REALTY CO. Sodality Group BLDG. CH. 4481 OTHER GEO. A. PULLEN performances. Miss Guadnola is R e a l t o r Are you certain that j Armstrong Inlaid Linoleum vice president, business manager, 624 ISth SL - Denver - MA. S3S5 home is yours? Can you del INSTALLED— SIS.OO STOVE & FURNACE and librarian of the student a cap- LOAN PLANS REPAIR COMPANY Holds Meeting pella choir and a talented voice any and all claims that maj STANLEIGH’S * 1152 Lawraaca Straat student o f Dr. D eforest Cline. We have all loan plana made against your title? 1528 E. COLFAX MA. 6922 TABOR 1321 DENVER. COLO. The monthly meeting o f the Ca­ Marcella Keagan Honored LLOYD G. STEINMETZ COMPANY available: Straight Ixiuna, Tho* Drop in and talk with us thedral Young Ladies’ sodality was Miss Marcella Keegan, junior at 601 SOUTH LOGAN STREET. DENVER. COLO, Amortixed Ixiana, I^ing Term 108 held in St, Paul’s chapel Dec. 15, about Title Insurance, it pro­ Western State college, was initi­ Real Estate Monthly Redurtion Loana Specializing in Quality Plumbing and with 24 girls in attendance. Father tects you against costs and ated into Chi chapter o f Kappa Sides, Rentals, Loans, Trader Francis J. Kappes, moderator of Delta Pi, honorary education fra­ (60 to 240 montha). Heating Repairs FIRE AND LIABILITY INSURANCE losses of title dispute. the group, spoke on “ The Spirit ternity, at the college recently. SPruce 0904 of Christmas,” after which Christ­ Miss Keegan, younger daughter o f ■k Let ua adviae you about mas carols were sung in prepara Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Keegan, is procedure and neceaaary SmnERY & COMPANY tion for carolingng 01on Christmas .majoring in history. She is presi­ qualification!. KE. 1251 eve in t h e USO-NCCS club. dent of the Newman club, secre­ PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTORS Sodalists assisted the USO-NCCS tary of Sigma Sigma Sigma, treas­ tO^WAY-BOtiUE cookie committee in packing urer of junior class, ami a member 720 17th St., Realtor 1726 MARKET STREET cookies and will donate cakes for of Cecilian chorus. At a recent Monisof\& Morrison Title Guaranty Go, I JOHN J. CONNOR. President PHONE KEYSTONE 1441 the dinnet to be pven by the meeting of the student body she CAN SELL YOUR HOME— OCR R e a l t o r Archdiocesan Parish Sodality was elected one o f the three most 1660 Broadway TA. 4226 union at the club on Dec. 26. outstanding students on the SERVICE TO YOC INCLUDES 1711 California— Denver Communion was offered by the campus. Bhirl.y-Saroy Bldg. DVEBTISINO YOUR HOME AT OUR EXPENSE. E l sodalists Sunday, Dec. 19, for the C. R. McCarthy o f this city left Linoleum Installations intention of the Holy Father. PICTURE OF YOUR HOME IV OUR VflNDOW. Bt Saturday for Little Rock, Ark., WINDOW THAT X.600 PEOPLE PASS DAILY. Up to a Standard— On Dec. 2, members o f the so­ where he was called by the death COMPETENT STAFF TO BETTER SERVE YOU. dality attended a Holy Hour in o f his mother, Mrs! Katherine Mc­ A hot Down to a Price COMPLETE FINANCING SERVICE. the LowTy Field chapel as guests Carthy, who had visited in Glen­ FOR THE BEST IN REALTOR SERVICE LARGE SELECTION o f Capt. Clatus Snyder, chaplain. wood many times and had many MEN TO INSPECT YOUB PROPERTY WHO WILL HONESTLY AND SALES — LOANS — INSURANCE INTELLIGENTLY ADVISE YOU AS TO ITS MARKET VALUE OF friends here. I PUBCHASE BEAL ESTATE. MORTGAGES. OR CONTRACTS FOR CASH A council meeUng was held Dec. TODAY. Thoms Linoleum Studio 10 in the home o f Florence Smith, Paul Toomey of Glenwood secretary, at which time prepara- Canon received word o f his moth­ TO LIST YOUR PROPERTY CALL MAIN 1277 BENNETT HORTON is io E. Coliax MA. 6ioo 1538 Stout St. Mein 2288 tiona were made for the December er’s death in her home in Los meeting. Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Toomey bad

V Thursday, Dec. 23, 1943 Office, 98S Bannock Street THE DEm^ER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyttone '4205 PAGE SEVEN

1 Panorama of Newly Dedicated St. Joseph's Provincial House, Denver, of Sisters of St. Francis Seraph p E U A J & A

i 4


St. Dare's Hall Main Administration Building St. Francis' Hall Christ the King Chapel Nazareth Hall St. Joseph's and W. CtMell, and Miaae* £l*ie Lorenxlorill ting the following program at the be heard at the Midnight Mass. The Maas solo snd chorus, and "Ninna Nanna." A. (St. Eligmbatli’t Pariah, Denwor) Father Albert, O.F.M., Ogallala, New Year’s Ball Jand and Mr*. Monica Hood, respectively. and Bemadine Hainea; altos. Hra. An­ Boltmn Mft**: MUm 8«W« Rtglnx, in honor of the Sacred Heart by Turton, 6. Dimtehino. Father Crispin Pfirman, O.F.M., Nebr.; Father Anselm. O.F.M., St. thony Morron! and Mlaa Cecilia Pat**y: Stable; Credo «nd Proper, Grcgorixn: with Gregorian propers; Offertory, "Geau The senior choir will be accompanied Stephen’s, Glenwood Springs; and ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST’S tenor*. Elmer Grant and Franei* Camp­ Offertory, "Adeate Fidelei," trxditloiixl; Bambino." Yon: Communion. "Adeate by organ and string orchestra. will be the celebrant for the Christ­ CHURCH bell; ba>*e*. Jamc* McMullen. W. F. rece**lonftl, "Ge«u Bambino," Yon. Fideles," air. Adam; reeeaaional. "Noel." 9 o'clock children’s Mass: Choir boys. mas Midnight Mass. Father Con- Father Aemilian, O.F.M., St. Bene­ A New Year’s eve bail will bo traditional, will be sang. Procession to the crib singing "Come to £. Fifth Avenue and Jotephine Street Hcnne**ey. and Paul Dunn. Introit, A. The choir, accompanied by Patricia fitantine, O.F.M., will be deacon, and dict’s, Sterling. Father Ludger, sponsored by Denver council, Choir members include: Soprano*. the Manger.** Hymns during Mass by the Rev. John P. Moran, Pastor Edmund* Toxer; Kyrie and Gloria. Rich­ Satterwhite, will alng aarola before tlH O.F.M., will assist over Christmas Mas*. Father Fridolin, O.F.M., subdea­ Solemn Midnisht Mass— Ma*a in Honor ard Key* Biggs; Gradual, Toxer; Credo, Mmea. Ray Tharp, P. Brennan. J. Mul- children’s choir, "Geau Bambino." Pietro Knights o f Columbus. The price is Biggs; Offertory, Toxer; **Adeste Fi­ The girU* choir will eiDC hymn* at queen. G. Bann, E. Kavan. and Misses G. Yon: "0 Holy Night," Adams; "0 (^me con. The sermon will be preached at the Cathedral o f the Madeleine of Mary Immaculate. Richard Keys $5 per couple. Reservations may Bifcir*: Proprium dc Tempore. A. Ed> deles," John Reading; Sanctus and Bene-']the 9 o'clock Mass, and the boys' choir Kemme. M. Munx, V. Bianco. A. Ma­ to My Heart Lord Jesus," snd recessional, by Father Crispin. Other Masses in Salt Lake City, Utah. Angels Adore Him." munds Toxer. OrKanlst, Mia* Helen dictus. Biggs: Communion, Toxer; "Gesu at the 10 o’clock Mass. honey, and M. App: altos. Mmea. F. be made at the K. o f C. office at Bimblno," Pietro A. Yon; recessional. Kohler. J. Waefael, J. Maginn, R. Fenton, 11 o'clock High Mata: Children's choir. on Christmas are at 12:45 a.m., Peter Jonke was elected presi­ "Gloria in Excelsis Deo." J. A. Koran. ANNUNCIATION CHURCH and Mias C. Haney; tenors. H. Diemer, Christmas Carol M ass: Dee. C. P .; Of­ 1:16 a.m., 6, 8, 9:16, 11, and dent of the Holy Name society for E. 16th avenue and Grant street Low Masses at 6. 7, 8. 9. 10, II. and E. 36th Avenue and Humboldt Street J. DcGroot, F. Campbell. D. Phillips, and fertory, "Verbum Caro," Cagnaeci; re­ 12:15. the coming year. Other officers or by calling the club office at TA. 12 o’clock. i Rt. Rev. Menaignor Cherle* H. Hague, J, Buckmaater; basses, J. Maschinot. R. cessional, "Sweet Christmas Bella." Masses on Sunday will be at the are vice president, George Oberst; Christmas hymn* Ho be sung by grades Patter Fenton, and J. Maginn. Organist snd di­ 1480. The entire proceeds of the Ave and six: "Shepherd* in the Field rector, Mrs. Al Bonino. usual time: 6, 8, 9:16, 11, and treasurer, James Hofsetz; secre­ Solemn Mae* at midnight. Low Ma**e* ST. CAJETAN’S CHURCH affair will be used to buy blankets Abiding" (old French Noel), "A Virgin The alumni choir, accompanied by An­ 9th and Lawrence Streets 12:15. tary, Ralph Evans; marshall, Jos­ Moat Pure" (old Engllah carol). "Silent ^t 6, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, and 12 o'clock drew Day at the organ, will sing Christ­ noon, with Ben^iction after the iaat Thestitts Fathers, Vary Rev, John The monthly meeting o f the eph Winters; and banner-bearer, for the NCCS-K. of C. dormitory. Night," Gruber; and "0 Come AH Ye mas carols at ths 8 o’clock Mass. Mass. High Maas at 10:45. Ordinas, C.R., Superior Faithful." traditional. The boys' choir, with Joseph Maschinot Third Order o f St. Francis will be Edward Reidel. Before the crib from 11:30 to 12, the Donates $100'to Service Men at the organ, will sing hymns at the 12 The Masses on Christmas day will be held Sunday, Dec. 26, at the reg­ boy*’ vested choir will ling "Silent A surprise shower o f fruits and o'clock noon Mass. at follows: High Mast at midnight. Low The Denver council of the order ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Night," "O See In the Crib," "What Masse* at 8:80 a.m. and 12:16 p.m. High ular time. canned goods was appreciated by W. Sixth Avenu. xnd CxUpx.o StrMt Lovely Infant Can ThI* B e t" "Dear Mass at 10:30 a.m. Christmas day. The Christmas crib, known has donated $100 that is being ST. DOMINIC'S CHURCH the Sisters of St. Elizabeth’s. It • 1521 CURTIZ/TREET • Rcd.mptori.t Fxth.r.. V.iy R»v. John Little One," and "Angela We Have At the High Misses SU Cajetan’s choir over the city for its beauty and proved a Christmas gift for which used to purchase cigarets for the Buttim.r, Suporior Heard on High." Kyrie, Gloria, and 2608 Federal Boulevard will render the following*program: elaborate detail, has been erected Mobbo. xt 7. 7:30. 8:30. Credo. Rotal: Offertory, "Adeate Fi- Dominican Fathers, Rev. V. R. Hughes. ’Noche de Pas" (Silent Night), trsdi- the room mothers were responsi­ Christmas entertainment for serv­ 0:30. 10:30. 11. and 11:30. M as. alto dele*," Novello; Sanctua, Benedictua, Superior tionsl; "Angels We Have Heard on before St. Joseph’s altar. ble. For Better Pictures and Agnu* Del, Roaai; Communion. High"; Kyrie (from Mas* In honor of Our Father Pacificus, O.F.M., will ice men in the USO-NCCS club. in St. Annc'a chaprl at 8:30. Christmas Holy Hour, Friday, 7 :80 p.m. Mrs. Tovrea was awarded the Christmaa carola arill be aunE at 11:30 Adeate Fideles" and '*0 Holy Night," Solemn Mass at midnight celebrated Lady of Guadalupe), Bernard: Gloria give a mi.ssion and celebrate of Family Groups Chrittmas eve. Music for the Solemn iung by the hoya* vetted choir; reeta- by the Dominican Fathers. (from Mass in honor of Mary Immacu NatMty group. •ional, "Angel* We Have Heard on Christmas Mass in Fort Warren, Your Purchase o f War Bonds Ma.K as midnight: Kyrie. Gloria, and Low Masse* on Christmas day at 5:80. late), Bernard; Credo (from Mass in E All the children wore presented Credo. "RoBa Mystlca.” Carnevali: Offer­ High," old English melody. flit), Leonard: Offertory, "Adeste Cheyenne. and Stamps Helps Secure Your and Children 7:30, 9, 10:30, tnd 12. with candy and nuts as they left tory, "Adcste Fidel*,." Novello: Stnctoi, Choir members: Soprino*. MUiei Program of traditional Christmas carols Fideles," traditional: Sanctus (from The following appointments for Margaret Robinfon and Phyllis Gibbons Missa Stella Matutina), Cim evalll; Bene their classrooms for the beginning Future. Benedictua, and Agnus Dei. Carnevali. at 11:30 p.m. Christmas eve preceding Christmas have been announced: Choir membera: Sopranos, Mrs. Rosa­ and Mrs. Hsrry T sylor; altos. Misses Midnight mass. "When Blossoms Flow­ dictus (from Mass in honor o f Our Lady of the Christmas vacation. lie Hoffman. Mitaes Ursula Wobido. Josephine Engtlhsrdt snd Eifriedi of Guadalupe). Bernard; Agnus Del (from ered 'mid the Snows," "0 Dear Little hers include Mmea. Loretta Millard, Yvonne Greiacn. and Dorothy Cox; Riedei and Mra. Floyd Tucker; tenors, Children." "See Amid the Winter'e Snow.' 12lh Mass), Moxart; organ solo, Christ- The sale o f war bonds and W’e Wish You a George Miroslavich and William Meach: mss Pastoral; "Gesu Bambino" (during Bernice Boom. Helen Powell, Emma Appointment altos. Miaaea Dorothy Hoelsken and "Sleep, Holy Bebe." "Angels We Have Dixon, and Virginia Thompson: Misses stamps for the month o f December Merry Christmas Dorothy Walab; tenora, Lawrence .Gillen, basiea, Harry Taylor and Ferdinand Cain Heard on High," "Silent Night," "The Holy Communion); "Vamoa Todos totaled 8270..30. Organist, Mr*. Frank Simington; di­ Helen" (during Adoration): "Marche Anastasia and Shirley Oiltx; and Harold IS'ecessary Lee McUvain, William Boehler, ■ Arthur First Noel," "O Little Town of Bethle­ Dilts and Joseph Petrash. and Ivaraon, and William Smilanich; bail. rector, Mr*. Harry Taylor. hem." "The Birthday of a King,*' and La Sollcoelle," Gounod; organ solo. Wil­ Thi* choir will also alng for the noon­ liam Bernard. The school children’s choir will sing Happy New Open Eveninga George Kellogg. Organist, Mrs. Eileen "Come All Ye Faithful." Mass, Missa carols at the 8 o'clock Mass. I.araon N ieto; director, Mrs, Helen Blair day Mss*. Choir members: Sopranos. Grace Gal­ and Sunday* To Deum Laudamus, by Pietro Yon; At 10 the young people's choir will Year Sedimayr. Members of the Altar and Rosary Hymn at Preparation of Chalice. "Geau legos, Florence Gallegos. Pacita Carrera, DON’T society choir will sing the following at furnish the music. A * JajiSL The girls' choir will aing Christmas Bambino," by Pietro Yon; Offertory Edna Barbero, Margaret Moyt, Annunejo the 9:30 Mas*: "Adeate Fideles," "0 special 25c carol! at the 8:30 Meat. hymn. "Psnis AnfeUeut,'' by Cesar Alrid, and Leona Medina; altos, Petra FORGET Holy Night." "Angci* W e Have Heard On Ladies* There will be a High H ati at 9:30 Franck: Communion hymn, "Adeate Torres and Mella Carrera. William Ber­ PRESENTATION CHURCH on High." " Silent Night," and "Sleep Chriitmta morning. Fideles," arranged by V. Novello; reces nard Is organist snd director. W. Sevtoth Avtnua xnd JulUn Strsst heel. Holy Babe." Choir member* are Mmea. FLOWERS for 11:30 o'clock Maas: "Silent Night,” sional. "0 Holy Night." Rev, Msttbixs Bltnkusb in ehxrge Put on in 5 gttBlmagSE4ffiHB0ATi J. Monckton. A. Moot^, J. Murphy, V, Franx Gruber: "Geau Bambino.” Yon; Choir members: Sopranos—Rosemary HOLY ROSARY CHURCH Masses: High Mass at midnight. Low minutvs Hebert, T. Johnson, J. Grebenc. £ . St. CHRISTMAS ^'Holy Night.” Adam; "Adeate Fidelea," Bastar, Mary Frances Campbell. Rose­ £. 47th Avenu* and Pearl Street Masses at 6:80, 8, 10. 11. and 12 o'clock. Quick Serv­ GLANMIMA5E5 "Angela We Have Heard on High," Peter. W. Anderson, and E. Gates and mary Close. Eileen Conboy, Marjorie Rev, John Judaic, Pastor Midnight Mass will be preceded by the ice on Shot "Joy to the World,” arrangement from Misses Mary Alexander, Marie Murphy. following Christmas carols sung by 24 Floral Telegraph Service Repairing Qette. Ann Hughes. Mary Hughe*. OcUia Hivh Mas* at midnight and at 19 [j^ D R R W F d t G. F. Handel by L. Mason: "The Prince Maryann Grebenc, Mary Lott Sears, and Moore. Mrs. Eileen Roger*. Dorothy Ro*t, altar boys: "Silent Night," "What ot> of Peace," William Edwin Aabmall. Mary Lee Sear*. Director. Mrs. Leo o'rloek: Low Mass at 8 o'clock. The We Sharpen Ice Skatei -25e Mrs. Jennie R oii, and Mrs. F. H. Sim childreh's choir, under the direction of Lovely Infant Can This B e?" "Come All Afikm*. iUr Trr*r. CaUrrS. Choir membera: Sopranos, Rosalie Ryan: organiat. Miss Helen Byers. mons: altos, Roleda Belts. Gloria Bulger. Ye Faithful," "0 Holy Night," "0 Bright Spot SIbju. HradtrKa, Hoffman, Virginia Greenfield. Mari. Sister Mary Magdalen, will sing for the Kri'i S'*'***. Tmi« Mrs. Mary Lou Ferguson. Gloria Grlscntl, 8 o'clock Mass, Lovely Infant, Dearest Savior," "0 •'itiiu. Ejr* a Ear Carbrey. Lucille Lee, Sylvia Leonard, ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH Progressive Mrs. Bernice Henry. Dolores Jensen, Christmas hymns before Mass: "Angels Come Little Children. Come," "Venite in CaUrart. ArthritU. Kauritla, and Theresa Kellogg; tenor, Vincent W. 33rd Avenue and Pecos Street . gK«.;q)at.«iB, rrt*aiaU, OelU*. Dorothy Jensen, Emms Lombard. Mrs We Have Heard on H igh," "Glej svex Bethlehem." Director, Sitter Mary Flower Shop t( r. a Sark fatitf. O'Connor; altos, Cleo Klabunde and Ruth Rev. Achille Sommiruga. Pastor Shoe Shop SarroBitt A Sarri>>OrclpiUl Mary O'Connor, Doris Pils, snd Helen dl ce," "0 Holy Night," "Svetg Noe, ‘ Dominica; organist, Mrs. Charles Miller. Therapy. O’.o»4 Prtaaurt. Hoffman. Director, Mrs. Rosalie Hoff Solemn Mass at midnight Low Masses Voile; tenors, Valens Jones. Edward Mast in Honor of the Blessed Sacra­ I Josephine at 5th Ave. EM. 2745 j glar»ror>ie EiamiAittaai c( th* man: organiat, Mra. Lorelto Schneider- "Adeste Fideles," and "Angelsko." Mass 288 So. Penn. SP. 9986 Tbanpr tot at 6. 7:30, 9, and 12. High Mass at 10:30. Lyons, gnd John Ross: basses, -Adolph in D by L. F. Rossi; Offertory, "Adeate ment, Theo. de La Hache; Offertory, iBtrmal Padp D>*<4>r«. aa N*rv« Music for the Solemn snd High Masses Brackton, Henry Burlsehtr. Jerry Durrie. "Gesu Bambino," Pietro Yon; Com­ Patalyak^TiKBori.

V i- PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock' Stree! THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone '4205 Thursday, Dec. 23, 1943

Fresh Charm o/ CKmtmos 3 Allis Donated promiiing young Denver artiil, M!m Elaine Davis, whose sketidies Parish Donates CHRISTMAS GREETINGS MERRY CHRISTMAS possess a sparkle. National publicationa have accepted draw­ ings from Miss Davis, a freshman in Ixvretio Heights college and the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. William R. Davis o f Blessed Sacrament parish. Your friendship and confidence, so generously ex­ Cookies to USD tended through the years, are deeply appreciated. In To St. J o b ’s

return we sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas. ’ (St. Jobn'i Parith, DeiiTar) (Sacr«d Heart-Loyola Pariib, 'The Altar society has presented Denver) the church with three albs for On Tuesday evening, Dec, 28, H. W. Swigert, Sr. Christmas. Sacred Heart parish will have its Solemn Mass will be suns' annual Christmas party* for the H. W. Swigert, Jr. Bert Evans midnight. The Rev. Donald Mc­ Ladies’ sodality and^ their hus­ Mahon, who was ordained a sub­ bands, the Young Ladies’ sodality, G. J. Schaeuble Golda E. Lilley deacon on Sunday, Dec. 19, by the senior choir, the ushers, and Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, will as­ St. Vincent de Paul men and their David O. Evans Kitty Barry sist in the Solemn Mass. Other wives. Mrs. Pauline Ojnlon is in seminarians of the parish who will charge of the refreshments. Mrs. assist are Robert Freudenstein, William Dolan and Mrs. Martha RATIONED Edward Madden, and Thomaa Me Smith are in charge of the enter­ DEL MONTE Coffee Mahon. tainment. The PTA entertained the sisters On Christmas there will be a [3 0 ] Fruit CocktaiP^*^ 31c AIRWAY 9 1 1 % REQUIESCANT and priests at a Christmas dinner Solemn Mass in Sacred Heart 1 lb. bag...... t I 0 ; THEODORE on Monday evening. church at midnight. The music will D tX MONTE E. G. Five converts will be received be by the senior choir, under the [18] Asparagus I__ 34c EDWARDS O C t% IN PACE into the Church on Christmas eve. direction of Father A. S. Dimi- 1 lb. bag...... CDU Charles Daniel, son of Mr. and chino, S.J. The hours for thd other R o a n e Briarnta Cut' iHACKETHAL Mrs. Charles E. Smith, Jr., was will be at 6, 7, 8:30, and [ 5 ] oeans j 16c NOB HILL CHARLES CONNOR HOTZ, 27 S. baptised Sunday by the Rev. Roy 10:30, with Benediction of the 1 lb. bag...... C w l # Olden street. Surviving are hit par- Figlino. Sponsors were Laurence Blessed Sacrament after the 10:30 MkU Com [10] NibbletsS'“ c«n...... DEL MONTE Air Conditioned enti. Mr. and M n . Charles H. H ots; a D. Floyd and Mrs. Garice Saun 13c brother, Leo HoU. Mass o f tKe AngtU o’clock Mass. Confessions will be ders. I heard Friday afternoon from 3:30 was* scheduled for .Thursdsy at 9 in R o o f t Monte Whole ...... 3 2 c ' MORTUARY St. Francis de Sales* church. Internment Stephen Michael, son of Mr. and until 5:30 and in the evening from [ 4 ] UCC19 303 _ 15c Ml. Olivet. W. P. Horsn A Son service. Mrs. John Gilbreth, was bapt^ 7:30 until 10:30. BLUHILL 1449.51 KalamaUi Sk PETER CURCIO, Denver. SurvivinR Sunday by Rev. John P. Moran. The Young Ladies’ sodality will Phone MAin 4006 sre his wife, Mrs, Roie Curcio; six sons, [ 12] Veg All 303 tin .... 15c 1 lb. gls...... w O C Jsmes, Sslvstor, Clydt, Frank. George, John Conway and Mrs, Marjorie receive Communjon in the Midnight and Joe Curcio; six daughters. Mrs. Conway were sponsors. Mass on Christmas instead of on Francis Sutton. Mrs. Ann Colamina. Edward Wolfe, son of Mr. and their regular Communion Sunday. [1 5 ] Pumpkin Jean, Theresa, Mary, and Grace Curcio. Kuner. Requiem Mass was offered in St. Leo's Mrs. Howard Wolfe, left Sunday Thursday evening at 8:15 there church Saturday. Interment ML Olivet. to join the navy. will take place the regular games! No. 2Va c*n,. 2 for 25c Sugar W. P. Horan A Son service. Miss Judy Biller has returned party in the school hall. WILLIAM M. EGAN. Arvada. Sur­ Paac Kvoef Tender Gar- 1 O from Webster Groves college to A new tile floor ha.s just been [16] * den. No. 308 can ....1 f-C C & H viving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Ellen spend the holidays with her laid'in the sacristy. After the hoL Egan; two sons, John F. and Charles E. POWDERED Q m Egan: a daughter, Mrs. Catherine mother, Mrs. Walter Biller, idays, the woodwork will be refin­ 1 lb. ctn...... OC Chambers. Requiem Mass was offered ished. Other donations will be very [ 8] Cranberry Sauce Conwty or Minot* 1 Wednesday in St. Catherine's church. In­ much appreciated, because the hall BROWN terment Mt. Olivet^ Boulevard aervica. No. 300 Un...... and stairway leading to the sac­ 1 lb. ctn. .. 8c DOROTHY LILLIAN STERLE. 6UI risty will have to be repaired. Clarkson street. Surviving are her j?ar- [ ] Ration stamp ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sterle; two Catholics Mahe The Sacred Heart Ladie.s’ sodal­ 12 Fig Jam 3 rr].;^ .r.4 3 c required. sisters, Julia and Betty Jean Sterle. ity has presented to Father Ed­ ALTAR BREADS Requiem Mass was offered Tuesday in Holy Rosary church. Interment Mt. ward J. Morgan, S.J., $25 worth of SEWING Olivet. Boulevard service. linens for the new rectory. RAHOI\ED HORRACE J. SWEENEY. Colorado War Front News Joe Kilker and Joe Lynch, both LfttU GirU* Dr«w«t. EvsbrottUrr, Springs. Surviving are his wife, Mra. in the navy, will serve in the High Raisins Monoffr&jttioc, Etc. Lulu Sweeney; a daughter. Mrs. Maxine Mass next Sunday, which is being Ripe Olives Ochs; a ton. M. Sgt. Jack Sweeney, THE SISTERS OF THE with the armed forces; and a brother, The Markeys o f St. Francis de offered for the boys in the service. SUN MAID GOOD SHEPHERD Cherald Sweeney. Requiem Mass was Sales' pari.«h, Denver, made the FR. CONWAY RETURNS FROM Loyola to Have Midnight Mai6’ Ripe Olives ^1^ 303” :;!^....24c Seedless offered Wednesday in St. Joseph's church. front page of the Post last week In Loyola church there will be a 15 oz. pkg... TBLEPBONE PEARL Interment lJ4l, Olivet. George P. Hack- Solemn Mass at midnight. The 12c ethal service. when it was revealed that their choir will be under the direction of Ritz ______,.2 4 c MARY C. CROWLEY. 2080 Emeraon husband and father, Lt. James POST WAR PLANNING MEETINGS SUN MAID street. Surviving are three sisters, Miss Markey, in England, is setting a- Werner Burkhardt, organist. The Puffed Tessie Crowley. Mrs. W. E. Brown, and record and bidding for the title hours for the other Masses in this Salad Wafers f r r * .....18c 15 oz. pkg... I “ If Mrs. D. J. Sullivan; two brothers, John (Regia Cxtilege, Denver) to take part in a discussion o f Spillane Mortuary and Frank Crowley. Requiem Mast was of Denver’s best correspondent. church will be at 6, 7, 8:30, 10:30, 4 points per offered Saturday in Holy Ghost church. The Rev. Edwtird A. Conway, American post-war co-operation on and 12, with Benediction of the package. 1545 So. Broadway PEarl 0723 Once each week Mrs. Markey re­ Jan. 15. Pop Corn Kemp...... 10c Interment Mt. OliVet. George P. Hack- ceives a long letter from her hus­ S.J., professor of religion in Regis Blessed Sacrament after the noon ethal service. college, has returned from a ten- Father Conway is one o f the Mrs, John H. Spillano band, and once each month each Mass. Confessions w ll be heard DOROTHY AGNES ZILK. 20 S. Sher­ day trip in the East. In connec­ leading Catholic figures and one Friday afternoon and evening. No Funeral Director and Embalmer man street. Surviving are her parents, of the eight children receives a let­ Walnuts 43c tion with the educational cam­ of the best informed clergymen in Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zilk; two brothers, ter from their father. The chil­ Confessions will be heard on the country on the important Currants James and Jack Zilk; and a sister. Pau­ dren, Betty, 17; Rosalie, 16; Joan, paign on the tri-faith “Pattern Christmas in either Sacred Heart line Zilk. Requiem Mass was offered problems o f peace and post-war Peanuts 28c 13; Jimmy, 11; Mary, 10; Bar­ for Peace’’ on which he worked or Loyola. Friday in St. Francis de Sales* church. last summer, Father Conway vis­ aims of the United States. In con­ Wednesday evening at 8:30 the Call a Interment Mt. Olivet. Day service. bara, 9; Joe, 7; and Regina, 6, SUN MAID ited Chicago, Detroit, New York, nection with this work he spent Figs Reeding White CalimymM ...... 32c MARIA DEL SOCORRO GALLEGOS. have made their classmates and usual games party will take place Zante. 4 many months in New York and Denver. She is survived by her husband. the sisters teaching in the school Boston, Washington, and St. Louis. in Loyola hall. 11 oz. pkg... I O w Washington working in collabora­ ZOIVE €AB Frank Gallegos. Requiem Mass was sharers in the letters, and the ar­ In Boston he participated in the There will be a New Year’s party offered Wednesday in St. Cajetan’s tion with important leaders of the Grapefruit Juice Nl"«n .l4c 3 pts. per pkg. rival o f the monthly letters has Boston Peace institute on Dec. 13 for the children of St. Peter Cla- MAIn 7171 church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Hierarchy and the United States IRENE JARAMILLO. Denver. Sur­ now become a school event. Birth­ and 14. The Foreign Policy asso­ ver’s summer school in the home Protipt, CourtMOi Scrrlc* government. viving are two sons, Ernest and Joseph days bring an extra letter to the ciation of Boston has invited him of Mrs. Essie Mays, 2745 Lafay­ CHEAPER RATES Jaramillo. Requiem Mass was scheduled ette street, Sunday, Jan. 2, from for Thursday at 9 in St. Cajeian's church. children.' Regl.tration Date Set CLEAN NEW CABS 3 to 5 p.m. Interment Mt. Olivet. The Walter F. Durocher family High school seniors will again be JULIA KLEINERT. Franktown. Sur­ viving are her husband, Paul: two of 1050 Cherokee street, Denver, given an opportunity to register Miles • Dryer ■ Asller daughters. Mrs. Theresa Hein, Frank­ and members of St. Joseph’s par­ Midnight Mass in the accelerated program now in town, and Mrs. Hattie Porter, Denver; ish, were notified that their son, force in Regis college, according Sodality Holds a son. William Kleinert. Franktown; a Walter F. Durocher, Jr., a marine to an announcement made by the Printing Go. sister, Mra. Hattie Thuet. Golden: and three grandchildren. Requiem Mass was warrant officer stationed in Camp Very Rev. John J. Flanagan, S.J., offered Monday in St. Francis of Atsisi's Pendleton, Calif., would be home president. A special date, Jan. 10, Christmas Party Programs and Circulars church. Castle Rock. To Be Celebrated for the holidays. Another mem­ a week later than the semester CLARE F, MELROY. Denver View. Tickets for Surviving are her husband. F. M. Melroy; ber o f the family in the service is begins for upper-classmen, has (St. Catberine’i P«ri»h, Denver) Bazaars and Carnivals a daughter, Madonna: and her parents, Margaret E. Durocher of Fort been set for the beginning of the The annual Christmas party of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulhem. Requiem Lawton, Wash. She is a member o f semester for such high school sen­ B Quickly Produced Mass was offered Monday in the Shrine the Young Ladies’ sodality was of St. Anne, Arvada. Interment Mt. the WAC and was recently pro­ For Service Men iors. This will permit a week after Reasonably Priced held Thursday, Dec. 16, in the Olivet. moted from corporal to master the Christmas recess for these sen­ home of Miss Helen Gannon, with BRECHT CHOCOUTES R RAMON TRUJILLO. U. S. navy. Sur­ sergeant. iors to take examinations and com­ UNION LABEL IF DESIRED (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish, Miss Rita Roberts as co-hostess. viving are hit parents, Mr. and Mr^. plete their work in the high schools Juan Trujillo. Littleton. Requiem M ail Miss Helen Katona o f St. Jos­ Denver) Bunco was played and gifts were 1936-38 LAWRENCE ST. they are now attending. was offered Monday in St. Mary's church. eph’s parish, Denver, was among Masses on Christmas will be at exchanged, after which sand­ Make Life Siceeter E KEystone 6348 Littleton. Interment Littleton. It is expected that a number the first 50 members o f the marine midnight, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 wiches, cake, and coffee were SARAH JANE COLE. Golden. Sur­ of seniors'will avail themselves of viving are four daughters. Mrs. Alice corps women’s reserve to be com- o'clock noon. At midnight a Sol­ served. The following were pres­ thi.H opportunity to complete some SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS C Miller and Mrs. Margaret Gibbony. mi.ssioned from the enlisted ranks. emn Mass will be offered for the ent: The Rev. George Spehar, mod­ Golden, and Mrs. Marie Mitchell and college work before their induc­ She now holds the rank of second safe return of the service men of erator, and Misses Mary Catherine DR. R. W. PRITZ Mrs, Anne Simpson, Denver: five grand­ tion into the armed forces. A sim­ children. and two great-grandchildren. lieutenant, and has a sister in the the parish. Benediction will be held Kirk, Florence Porter, Yolanda and H ilar program last year attracted a And .4s§ociates Requiem Mass was offered Friday in St. WAC who holds the same rank. after the 11 o'clock Mass. Rose Marie Pomponi, Lucille and large number o f students. RREOHT OANOY 00. Joseph's church, Golden. Interment Lead- She is Zella M. Katona, and is sta­ The following societies will re­ Betty Ann Archer, Kathleen Mor­ D entists villc. tioned in Ft.- Sheridan, 111. Registration for students now T LOUISE WELFENBERG. 1S4 Poplar ceive Communion in a body in the row, Frances Schweiger, Rita Ro­ «0« ISth S tr«t 1206 ISth StrMt street, Littleton. Surviving are four Joe Petrash o f St. Francis de attending Regis will be held Jan. KEriton. 8721 TAbor 6761 Midnight Mass: The Mt, Carmel berts, Helen Gannon, Therese Hal- daughters, Mrs. Ruth Beamer, Mrs. Sales’ parish, Denver, one of the 3. Regular classes will begin Jan. linan, Julia Lupfer, Catherine DENVER. COLORADO Redena Youngberg. Mrs. Regent Sum­ Alumnae club, St. Theresa’s club, 4. Final examinations, concluding first marines on Guadalcanal, ar­ Klamann, Loretta Phelan, and Vir­ ner. and Ruby Gabriel; five grandchildren, and the Holy Name society. the work o f the first semester, and one great-grandchild. Requiem Mass rived home Tuesday for an unex­ ginia Grout. Confessions will be heard Fri­ were taken Dec. 20-22, inclusive. was offered Friday in St. Mary’s church, pected visit with his mother. day from 10 a.m. to 12 noon for The class leaders for the past Littleton. Interment Littleton. Named Astociation’t Officer STELLA L. MURPHY. SlO E. 16th children and 2 p.m. to 5:45 and period were: Eighth grade, Mary pflv no moHEv nouji BIRDS­ avenue. Requiem Mass was scheduled 7:30 p.m. for adults. The Rev. Louis T. Keenoy, S.J., Ann Hendrick and Dolores Niel­ for Thursday at 8:15 in St. Philomena's Valverde Group The banner of troop 175, Mt.' professor of chemistry in Regis sen; seventh grade, Daniel Cronin, EYE church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Carmel parish Boy Scout troop, college, was elected vice chairman Rodney Louton, and Georgia Win­ JOSE G. SANTISTEVAN. Denver. The of the Denver section o f the Amer­ Order ALL Your Coal FROZEN Rosary will be said Thursday at 8 p.m. was blessed Sunday, Dec. 19, be­ ter; sixth grade, Sally Burns; fifth at U 2 E. 14th avenue. Requiem Mass Elects Officers fore the 9 o’clock Mass by the Rev. ican Chemical association Friday grade, Frank Kafka; fourth grade, THEN PAY O.NLY $3.00 PER MONTH FOODS will he offered Friday In Si. Cajeian's in a meeting of the Denver section Jacqueline Dell; third grade, Ce­ church at 8. Interment Mt. Olivet. Gaetano Del Brusco, O.S.M. WASHINGTON MORRISON At the last regular meeting of at the University of Denver gov­ cilia Smith and Charla Crain; and ernment center. MRS. MARY FRANCES LOGAN (St. Roae of Lima’i Pariah, the Altar society (English section) second grade, Rosalie Slattery and Lump or ^ Ort Lump or ^ ftC Groceries • Meats - Bakery Mr«. Mtry Fr»nc*i LoK*n. 62. 8i«d Denver) the election of officers was held. All available Jesuits of the fac­ Darlene Tanka. Egg...... I -OU Egg...... I Friday in Mercy . hospital alter beina ulties of Regis college and Regis Patricia Ann, infant daughter of stricken Thursday in Chicaio on i The regular meeting o f the The following were chosen: Presi­ STEAM AND DOMESTIC COALS— All Grades MURRAY’S dent, Mrs. Susie DiJiacomo; vice high school will assist in various Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Novak, was Denver-bound train as she and her hua Altar society was held in the par­ parishes and chapels on the Feast Foonded by M. T. Marrty^l883 band, James P. Loaan, were returning president, Mrs. Lena Sutley; sec­ baptized Sunday, Dec. 19. The from a visit in and ish hall on Thursday, Dec. 9. In retary, Mrs. Goldie Sanpietro; of the Nativity. The a.ssigmments sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Mi­ Phone . . . FUEL SERVICE Phones GR. 1613-14-15 Boston. Mrs. Logan was the daughter spite of the inclement weather all treasurer, Mrs. Florence Di Tolla. as announced by the Rev. Charles chael J. Foley. Wcft 32nd & Jnif&n of Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan of E. Zachman, S.J., minister of the Superior. Nebr. She was born in Ne­ officers and 13 members were •4fter the meeting a Christmas For the past week Miss Lucille CORPORATIOiV Regis community, are as follows: S P .7 4 I5 braska April 4. 1901. and had lived in party was held. Flaherty has had as her guest a Denver 20 years. She was a graduate present. The sick committee re­ Cathedral, Father Stephen R. 864 SOUTH BROADWAY St. Julianna’s study group gave former college roommate. Miss of the Mercy hospital school of nursing. ported much sickness in the parish Krieger; Holy Ghost, Fathers Surviving, besides her husband and par a pantry shower for the sisters of Betty Brown of Wapokoneta, 0. Louis T. Keenoy, Bernard S. ents, are three daughters. Mary Ellen. and among the membership. the Karst, and Thomas F. Singleton; Kathryn, and Virginia Logan; a son, The committee in charge of the The PTA gave the nuns a table­ cr* NOTICE ^ James P. Logan, Jr. Requiem Maes Loyola, Father John J. Gibbons; w y y w w w ▼ w w w w w w w w w w w w w ▼ ▼ w y w w w a; cloth for Christmas. New York Life Ins. Co. was offered Monday in Blessed Sacra­ children’s Christmas party on Sun­ Marycrest, Father Karst; Mercy ment church. Interment Mt. Olivet. On Wednesday, Dec. 29, St. day, Dec. 19, Mmes. E. N. Haney, hospital. Father Mark S. Gross; FR.4NK CONW.4Y, REPR. W. P. Horan A Son service, r Theresa’s club will hold its regu CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING ; L. F. Sengenberger, and E. M. Mt. Carmel, Fathers William J. 861 Symu BMg.. 826 - 16th SL. at Champ* lar meeting followed by a New TA. 6281 Dtnvtr. Colo. Ret. PE. 1685 MRS. ELIZABETH 'GIBBONS •Moore, reported a donation of six Stackhouse and Irwin G. Urn MrR. Eiitabeth Gibbons. 81. 760 S. dozen Hershey bars from .Mrs. Year’s party. hoefer; Mullen Home for the Aged Policie* for Men, Women and Wnshington street, pioneer resident of Mike Costabile and Mrs. S. J. Mc- The following were baptized in (3iildren 4Ias.«iried Ads Colorado, died Thursday in her home. Father Conrad Bilgery; Queen of the church in the past week ASK FOR LITEBATL’RK It will pay yoa to read ALL of the following advertiaementa. ^ Mrs. Gibbons and her late husband. Queary, also that Mrs. John Pe- Heaven orphanage. Father Henry Thomas Anthony Schulty, son of Bartholomew Gibbons, operated a ranch trun promised to furnish 60 pop­ P. Hecken; St. Joseph’s, Father near Idaho SprinKS for half a century. corn balls for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. George D- S d iu lty:^ ^ ^ McCallin; St. Joseph’s hos- Mr. Gibbons died in Denver 12 years axo. Elia Frank Garone, son of Mr. andH.;,’!,*' t q* Erickson Memorial Co. TOWN SERVICE Surviving are five daughters. Mrs. Louia In the anual election o f officers, pital. Father Elmer J. Trame; St. PHOTOGRAPHS MONUMENTS - MARKERS Often a 1-yuar certified GUARANTEE on PICTORI.AL SYMBOLISM Roy. Denver; Mra. Howard Roy, Ever­ Mmes. E. N. Haney and E. M. Mrs. Frank Garone; James Rocco Leo’s, Father Hugo J. Gerleman; green: Mrs. John Roy. Golden, all of Andanon photo*. 1266 ISth St. at Law- all makea ot washing machinea, relrigera- Moore were re-elected for the sec­ Garramone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Prom pt Erection ton, including new part*, regardleaa ot ag*. whom married brothers; Mrs. Martha St. Mary Magdalene’s, Father Jos­ renea. MAin 1373. Fra* otwt eota. of the branch of military ser­ ond year to the offices o f president Louis Garramone; Grace Eliza­ eph V. Downey; St. Vincent’s, Fa­ from OB* of tba niott eompltt* TA. 7592. Landress. Evergreen; and Mrs. Nellie beth Marranzino, daughter of Mr. dUpUyt lo this region, vice with which an American Work. Los Anxeles. Calif. Requiem and treasurer, respectively. The ther Thomas F. Singleton; and SL ill Sp««r Blrdwg Oppoelte Sonkta PHOTOGRAPHY HELP WANTED Mass and Interment took place in Idaho other officers, having served two and Mrs. Ernest Marranzino. Therese’s, Father Irwin G. Um- Gordciu. CHenry 4721 Sprinss Saturday, W. P. Horan k Son WANTED—Prical’a Houaekeeper for aul^ life is identified, is available to service, s years, were succeeded by Mrs. hoefer. PHOTO TINTING and Oil Coloring for urban rectory. Box 777, The Regiater. Henry Crump, vice president, and Assignments outside Denver any size picture up to 8 x 10* 50c. 24-hour lyou through our new granite service. TA. 1948. THOMAS LEE Mrs. J. C. Haszier, secretary. The Sport Social Held are as follows: St. Joseph’s, Ak­ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Requiem Mast will bo offered Friday at auditing committee, Mmes. E. N. ron, Father Lawrence L. Cusack; DRUG STORES etching process. 9 in Sacred Heart church for Thomaa PROMPT DELIVERY Reconditioned ptano*. playan, grand*, Lee. 66. pioneer resident of Denver, who Haney, L. F. Sengenberger, E. M. St Augustine’s, Brighton, Father organa (pipe and reed), orcheatral inatm. Come in at your convenience died Monday in St. Joseph's hospital Moore, Henry Crump, and J. C. By Junior Group Emmanuel T. Sandoval; St. Jos­ ment*. T. R. Walker. 238 Broadway. SP. after a long Ulneat. Born in Ireland Haszier, is to meet in the home of eph’s, Golden, Father Edward H. Pike View Lump, Egg , Hutchinson’s Pharmacy 7364. and see samples of this new de­ Oct. 16. 1866. he came to Denver in Mrs. Moore at a date to be an­ Wintcrgalen; St Peter’s, Greeley, Your Naborfaood Druggiit MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES 1887. Before hia illness Mr. Lee was a The Junior C. D. o f A. gave a PhoD* BPruc* 0588 700 So. Faarl nounced later. Father Edward T. Conwayt & Nut - - Columbine, velopment, etched in the beau-j street paver. Surviving are bia wife, holiday sport dance in Oscar Malo JAMES HUTCHINSON BEAUTIFUL whit* tablatop gas rang* and Mrs. Ellen Lee; tw’o sons. Martin F. and Kremmling, Father L. Francis The meeting was followed by a hall, Denver, Dec. 18. The music Boulder Valley and whit* porcelain coal range, 716 Santa Fe. Frank X. Lee, both of Denver: a daugh­ luncheon with Mmes. S. J. Mc- Cunningham; St. John’s, Loveland, tiful color granites of the ter. Mrs. L. J. Dunne. Omaha, Nebr.; for the evening was played by PRINTING Queary, Frank Bender, Kathryn Father Edmund J. Stumpf; St An­ PAINTING S t PAPERING a sister, Mra. P. J. Madden, Denver; Jordan McFarland. Crown Lump & Egg Rainbow Line. We would lil« and three grandchildren. The Rotary FuncHeon, and Magdalena Groh- thony’s, Sterling, Father Florence Ceiling price* on buiinesa cards, letterheads, Troops 1 and 2 are postponing Painting and Pnpanna taaaonabla t T. will be recited Thursday at 8 p.m. in the man, and Miss Frances Grohman H. Mahoney; Holy Trinity, Trini envelopea, wedding and aehool announes- to tell you all about it., Horan chapel. Interment Mt. Olivet. their socials until after the holi­ STOKER AND STEAM Yaagar, 17 W. Map]*, SPme* 2964. menta. Rodgen Printing Co., 611 14th St. acting as hostesses. Entertain­ dad. Father John F. Bergin; St W. P. Horan k Son aervlee. days. ment was given during the lunch­ Patrick's, North Platte, Nebr., Fa­ COAL . . . WITH OR WANTED TO BUY FURNITURE Troop 5 had a social in the home MRS. MAY R. SNYDER eon by 28-month-old Judith An ther Victor Winter. o f Barbara Croft, 1151 S. Jose WITHOUT COKING. WILL PAY CASH for 5 roonu of fumi- Beautiful bedroom, livingroom, and break, M n. May R. Snyder, a r.aident of Cowgill, who sang “Pistol Pack­ The following scholastics will fast set: sacrifice. 734 Santa Fa. phinc. The prize was won by Mar­ tura, piano and sewing machine. KE. 8944. Danver for 62 yean, died Saturday in ing Mamma’’ and “ In My Arms.” JACQUES BRUTHERS Mercy bo.pital following an illneaa of lene Mensik. Members are also assist as subdeacons or as masters three months. Surviving are three aona, o f ceremonies at Midnight Mass Victory Chemical­ and 19 grandchildren and 12 great­ planning a Christmas party, but Clark and Lealie Snyder, in the merchant on Christmas: Mercy hospital, sub­ marine, and Fred Snyder, Denver: two grandchildren. Interment waa in Flagler, no definite date has been set. ly Treated. daughtera, U r., Ruth Gartland, Denver, where Mr. and M n . Quinn mada their deacon, John W, Lilly; master of When in Doubt Buy Quality home for 66 yean. Since 1902 and Mra. Helen Kavenaugh, L o. An- ceremonies, William J. Kane; Mt. Free from Iron, Dirt, Dut{ gelea, Calif.; two brother., M. B. Thanks Are Extended for Carmel parish, subdeacon, Law­ CEDAR CANON — GORDON Waldron, Denver, and Lea Waldron, MRS. VIRGINIA VELASQUEZ JONES rence W, Fri^rich; and Sacred Pueblo; and a aiater, Ann Waldron. Mn. Virginia Vclaiquex Jonn, 24, a Successful Yule Party ROCKVALE — KEBLER — LUDLOW Pueblo. Requiem Maaa waa offered Heart parish, subdeacon, Joseph 28 E. 6lh .\ve. T.4bor 6468 native ot Antonito, whoae hnaband it re- Wednetdar in St. Oominie'a church. I«- ported mitiing in action, died Frldag In The sisters and boys o f SL Vin F, Gregory. terment Mt, Olivet. Boulevard aarvict. Waihington, D. C., after the -birth o f a son. She was secretary in the Venesne- cent’s home, Denver, and the THE PIKES UNITED FUEL—KE. 6391 MRS. ANNA QUINN lan embassy in Washington. She wax hostesses of the CHiristmas party Requiem Matt waa offered Fridav in married in December, 1942. Surviving given by the Annunciation Aid DO.YLE’S . Pick of the Mine Preparation Preientation church for Mra. Anna Quinn are her parents, Mr. and M n . J. N. society thank all who helped to whoae death was reported last week in Vtlaaquea, Antonito: three brothera, Vin the Regitter. M n . Quinn waa horn in cent and Orlando. Denver; Arthur, with make it a success. PHARMACY PEAK FUEL Urbant, O., Sept. T, 1868, the daughter the armed forces; three siaten. Mn. The Afgan was won by Mrs Tho Partlaular Draggtat COLD SPRING of Jamet and Mary Reid Boyd of Ireland. Joiephine Rivera and Dora Velasques. Sarah Kimme, the pillow cases by Antonito; and Stella, Rio Arriba county. 17TB AVE. AND GRANT 635 Curtis MA 6181 MONUMENTS She was married Mgy 6, 1878. in Wash­ ■Mrs. Rose Kindall, and the cake IKAUTIFUL fiMMllTCS ington, la., to Michael Quinn. Mr. Quinn N. Mex. Requiem Mass and Interment t 1887 ra n OKUVIBT BUY WAR BONDS FOR VICTORY dJ»d ia 1918. Sorviviug aza 10 ahildrta ware aebaduUd to' taka plaea la Aatoaito. by Mn. ^at Fowan. Thursday, Dec. 23, 1943 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone. KE3rstone 42(fl5 PAGE NINE

Goes 2,440 Miles in Month The Denver Catholic Register President.. Most Rer. Archbishop Urbtn J. Vehr, D.D. Montana ‘Traveling Padre’ Bt. Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D„ LL.D.. Joar.D. Managing Editor______Hubert A. Smith, Jout.D. Associate Editors— M. P. Everett, Jour.D.; Charles J. McNeill, A.B., Grace Through Mary The Gravy Train Why Did God and visions o f the prophets were Is St. Thomas’ Alumnus Joar.D.; Rev. Walter Canavan, J.C.D., LittD.; Rev. John Cavanagh, the dignified unfolding o f the cere­ Mary “ rveeiverf within her Him Has Passed* Wait So Long? monial that was to prepare and lead M.A., Litt.D.: Rev. Edward A. Breen, M.A., U ttM .; Leonard Tangney, who in full o f all grace, and, hr A United States employment o f­ We have often heard people ask up lo the entry o f the “ Desired o f To provide Sunday Masses for Register and resides at St. Ann’s bringing Him forth, ahe in a man­ A.B.. Joar.D.; Max Greedy. why God wailed at least 40 cen­ Nations,” the ^ n nf Cod Himself. Catholics living in rural districts ner diapenaed grace to all,” wrilea ficial described the grms plant situ­ Cathedral in Great Falls, has left turies before making His appear­ There is yet another answer that of the Diocese of Great Falls, St. Tliomaa Aqiiinaa. Ciiriat i« the ation bluntly but accurately when for Glasgow every Saturday morn­ Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. ance in the world. Why was it that seems lo us lo have a satisfying Mont., the Rev. Miartin S. Whalen, author o f all grace, but He dia- he said in a radio address i “ The the culminating event in creation power when we try lo give a reason an alumnus o f St. Thomas’ semi- ing after first sending the next penaea it liirough Hii mothrr. St. gravy train has passed and it isn't look place not immediately after for the tardy coming o f Jesus. Man nat , Denver, traveled 2,440 miles week's edition of the paper to Published Weekly by Ephraem the Syrian, who died in 7 the sin o f Adam but generations yielded lo the Satanic suggestion In the past month. 373, beara wilneaa to what the an­ coming back again.” There has press, and has traveled all day later in a Bethlehem stable? We do that he could by himself, by his in order to arrive in Glasgow for THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY (Inc.) cient Church held: “ All aanctity been a steady weekly layoff in the Since last month, when one of not presume In read the mind of own powers, carve out for himself waa, ia, and ever ahall he derived Denver plant for some time. Some the priests of Glasgow, Mont., was Confessions on Saturday evening. God, but it does seem that (k>d's a high destiny and find in his own 938 Bannock Street from Mary” — that ia, through her S,.*)!*) workers were discharged a taken sick, Father Whalen, who is On Sunday mornings he travels dignity demanded ce n tu rie s o f resources the elements lo create an as a channel from CJiriat and God. month ago and about S,000, it is editor of the Eattem Montana another 50 miles to offer Mass in Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 reported, more recently. .Similar preparation before His manifesta­ ideal life. The lapse o f many cen­ the missions of Glasgow, Nashua, Mary Ever Virgin plants in other parts o f the coun­ tion. St. Thomas writes with great turies and the efforts o f succeeding Mrs. Bernard W. Magor and Fort Peck. appositeness that it was eminently civilizations were needed lo make 'T his gate shall be shut, shall try have closed completely, and it After offering the Sunday Subscription; ?1 per year. is likely that such will be the rase hemming, because the more august man realize the utter hopelessness Is Visiting in Denver not be. opened, and no man shall o f his efforts and the folly o f his Masses, Father Whalen has to re­ here. the. dignity o f the judge that was Mrs. Bernard W. Magor is a pass through it; because the I>ord endeavors. Man could not in a few turn to Great Falls in time for Thursday, Dec. 23, 1943 For some people in hard eircum' to come, the more extended should visitor at the home of Mr. and Cod o f Israel hath entered in by years try out all his experiments. classes for prospective converts in slanres employment in the ord­ be the line o f prophets that were Mrs. 0. W. Magor, Denver, until it.” — Er.echiel xliv, 2. On this St. He needed generations. Through St. Ann's Cathedral. He thus nance plant was a Godsend. For deputed to announce His coming. after the holidays. She will then Aiiguatine. comments i “ What means the Greek and Roman civilizations makes a 610-mile round trip every OFFICIALt ARCHDIOCESE QF DENVER many, however, it meant merely Men's minds had to be educated proceed to Chicago, 111., where she a closed gate in the house o f the God allowed man's reason to reach weekend, to establish what is close easy money. Serious eases o f juve­ lo have a just conception o f the will reside for the duration with The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. Ix>rd, except that Mary is ever to perhaps t h e utmost heights to to the record f o r missionary nile delinquency and other evils at' extraordinary mystery itself, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael We confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What- be Inviolate? W'hat does it mean which, in the actual order o f things, priests. tendant upon lack o f proper home o f the bewildering condescension Tallon. Lt. (JG) Bernard Magor ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or that 'no man shall pass through it can, without the light o f faith, The Diocese of Great Falls has those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. it,’ save that Joseph shall not know care followed in the wake o f moth­ and goodness o f the Creator, A is expected in Denver for Christ­ an area of almost 95,000 square ers' taking work there unneres- people had lo be set apart and attain. In this way man was forced We hope The Register will bo read in every home o f the her? And what Is this— ‘The Ix»rd lo the practical conclusion that nf mas, after which he will return to miles. sarily. .Some persons used their placed under a speeial providence the fleet in his capacity o f aero- Archdiocese. alone enters in and goeth out by himself he is unable lo achieve his Father Whalen attended St. greater income wisely and saved the in order that the primitive, tradi­ logical officer. Wo urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in it,’ except that the Holy Ghost shall own happiness. Gregory’s seminary. Cincinnati, be­ the children of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. pregnate her, and that the Ixtrd o f excess. Rut for far too many it was tion should be preserved inrorrupl. Ensign Robert Magor has re­ fore completing his theological .Vugeis shall be bom o f her? And “ easy come, easy go.” Through an The destinies o f that people were Man had sinned through ambi­ turned- to the fleet after a short + u r b a n j . v e h r . studies in St. Thomas’ seminary, what means this— 'It shall be shut evening in a tavern, splurging on meant lo typify the wanderings o f tion; he aimed at severing himself visit with his parents. Ensign Denver. He was ordained in 1938 Jan. 29, 1942. Archbishop of Denver. from his dependence on God. He forever more,’ but that Mary ia a buying clothes and other things it humanity in search of a Savior. Robert is a gunnery officer and has and offered his first Solemn Mass came lo believe in his own self- virgin before Hia birth, a virgin does not take long to get rid o f a ,\nd all the riles and reremonies seen 13 months of combat duty. in St. John’s church, Foster, 0. ill Hia birth, and a virgin after Hia dirjible pay eheck. We were told sufficiency, The world seemed lo him lo promise all he needed. He birth?” about persons making gotui money RETURNS ANNOUNCED IN wrho were laid off Dee. 15 that did could afford, hr believed, to dis­ Vowed to Virginity not even have enough money saved pense with his Oealor. Failures did After the annunciation tliat she to buy CJiridtmas gifts. Let some not at first discourage him, but re­ CATHOLIC U. COLLECTION was to b.' the mother o f God's Son, one Bcrnse us o f retailing mere gos­ morse, relapses into sin, loss o f ra­ Mary said to the angel Gabrieli sip or hearsay evidence, we might tional control, degradation, and all “ How shall this happen since I do add that we live less than two miles the foul creations o f a fallen, Returns in the annual collection SU Joseph's (PoliRh)...... 10.65 St. th* Great'*...... 18.65 not know man?” (Luke i, 34). from the plant, we know personally vicious nature finally forced man to for the Catholic University of St. (Englewood).— ...... 40.46 “ This she surely would not have many who have worked there, and admit the stupidity of pride and America taken up in the Arch­ St. Mary Magdalene'ii .said,” observes St. .Augustine, “ un­ we have watched with concern the arrogance, the killing insanity of (KHgewater) ...... 40.00 perverted pleasures, and the malig­ diocese o f Denver Nov. 28 are an­ St. Patrick’* ...... 13.36 less she had first vowed to God that general effect on the Ijikewood St. Phllomona’* ...... 108.20 she would remain a virgin.” community, Jefferson county, and nity o f outlawing God. When we nounced by the Chancery office as 7.10 PIlMEniNG A BOOK REVIEW...! St. Ro*e of Lima'*...... contemplate in retrospect how wide follows; Denver. Si. Therc*e’* (Aurora)...... 9.20 Her Immaculate the gales of hell had been opened DEKVBR PARISHES St. Vincent dc Paul'a ...... 87.65 .As the employment official said, by man's haughty, sinful behavior Catheriral ...... tSlS .60 PARISHES OUTSIDE DENVER Conception the fart that a person has learned (Holy Family Parish, Denver) in the years before the first Christ­ This is a Book Review of two of AnnunriRtioD ...... 48.35 Akron— St. Joaeph'a ...... 5.00 And ihr I.ord aaid lo the aer- one operation on one machine does A large attendance at the PTA mas, we realize the timeliness of .‘'BPrRment ...... A*pen— St. Mary’* ...... pent • . . will put enmilief be­ not make him or her a ronipeteni meeting Monday evening enjoyed Holv KRmily ...... 60.00 62.29 Christ’s coming, and should readily the most important little volume! Boulder— Sacred Heart ...... tween thee and the woman, and ihr niaehinidt. The worker cannot read­ the Christmas play put on by the H olv r.hrtromiae o f tlierniore, most big ritirs with war of towels, for the sisters were on A Hand, a Ring, St. Cftjotan’R Castle Kook— St. Kraneia* a R«*deemer, diatinct reference i* indiistries already fare terrific display. Mrs. C, C. McCarthy, YOUR SAYINGS St. Cafhorino’R ...... 7.6.00 (Elbert) ...... 5.00 made to the role Hi* mother wa* lo And a Kid Sailor 59.60 housing problems and do not want president, and Mrs. Blalack, chair­ St. Dormnir’a ...... Central City— Assumption play in the drama o f aalvation. ACCOUNT BOOK! St. Kliiahcth'a ...... 60.00 (Idaho Springs) ...... - persons coming there looking for man, thank all who co-operated in Great wars produce great litera­ St. Franria dc Sales'...... 190.00 Cheyonno Well*— Heart...... Pin.* IX ihu* interpreter! the text: jobs. The official said, in fact, that making this gift possible. ture. The heroism and tragedy, the 40.00 St. .Iam**s* ...... COI.ORADO SPRINGS The holy virgin .Mary, joined iinlrsd they were sent there by the The Holy Family PTA is partici­ siaugliler and sacrifice o f the bat­ Its mounting columns of sa\ings St. .John Ihc KvanKoIiit’a...... 165.00 to*’ (Jirial “ bv the cloaeat o f indi* St. JoFcph's K '.S S .R .)...... 52.67 (’orpu* Chrisli ...... 38.60 eniploynieiit service — there are pating in the PTA cycle of Masses tlefield bmiighl lo life within the Sacred Heart ...... 26..S0 aoluhle hmid*, and being one with some p o sitio n s available — they for the boys in the service. These covers o f a book by a piercing pen promise more opportunities and St. Mary’s ...... 60,00 Him and through Him, after mnin- would be stranded and the service St. Parti’s ( Broadmoor)...... 28.00 Masses will be said once a month have won acclaim for many writers. more peace of mind — for your Craig— St. Michael'* ...... laiiiing everlasting enniily aguiiial would lake no interest in them. The on a date to be set later between But often there is a tniirh o f artifi­ Cripple Creek— St. Peter'*...... the venonimi* *er|>enr’ Satan, *^and esiablishmrni o f new industries, the first and fifth of every month. ciality and planned drama in such tomorrows! Open a SAVINGS Parisli Schedule of (*rn«k— St. Peter's ( IUff 13.12 gaining at laat a perfect triuiiiph, such as plasties, in ronvrrtrd war All members are urged to attend. works. The truly great literature of East I.ake— ha* brtiiaed hi* head wrilh her iiii- St. Catherine’*—'Denver ...... plants id problenialiral anil, even The PTA tournament winners a war is, we believe, written by the ACCOUNT today! By making Elberl^— Sacred H»**rt ...... lU.OU maciilale foot." There i* roniro- if runsuiiinialrd, will be done on a were: Bridge, Mrs. Lila Warner fighting men themselves in letters Erie— St. ScholaKtica's ver*y over tlie wording <»f the text, much lower wage basis. and Mrs. M i c h a 1 o w g k i, and intended for the eyes o f only a few. ^regular deposits—you save system­ (f.afayette) ...... 1.12 Devotions Given and one tran.*lation make* the llie main remedy advanced for pinochle, Mrs. L. Givan and Mrs. A combat-weary soldirr, unburden­ atically—the easy, safe way! Estes l*ark— St. Walter** ...... Evergreen— Christ the King rriiahing «>f the aerpent’a head the most persiins in Denver and vicin­ D. E. Griffith. Winners for the ing his soul and mind after a day (Golden) ...... work o f the wuniair* *eed, that ia, ity who had been in the plant was evening were Mrs. B. M. Caulfield o f action, often, unknowingly, by Fleming —St. Peter'* ...... (Pretentalion Pariah, Denver) o f ( ’.hri*l. 'Hii* doe* not afTert the to face the fart that the soft job and L. Brunner, in bridge, and his simple and direct style and sin­ FORT COU.INS— iiilrrprelalion o f Pin* IX, for en- The schciJulc for Christmas is as had gone and seek employment at Verona Gruninger and C. A. Torr, cerity produces a word picture YOUR CHECK BOOK! Holy Family ...... intly existed per*oiially between follows: Two priests will hear reasonable rales in other work in pinochle. Otnsolation prizes for keyed lo stir the human heart. ,Sl. Joseph'* ...... 27,50 Mary and .Satan ihroiigti her never Confessions F r i d a y afternoon Fort I.ady of Peace...... ('.aniirle* iv, 7 muat be under*lood that I am where I want to be and music for this Mass will be fur­ St. Peter’* ...... 25.00 grimlled. The eventual effert, how­ at midnight. Other Masses Christ­ CHECKING ACCOUNT today I o f Mary: *^hoii art all fair, O my doing what I joined the corps to nished hy the senior choir under Haxtun—Christ the King] love, and there i* not a *poi in ever, may be for the best. W'e are mas day will be the same as on (Holyoke) 1 21.25 do. 1 feel that whatever happens All deposits are insured by the Fed­ the direction of Miss Mary Hur­ lliee.*’ getting into the really hard part o f Sundays. Hymns will be sung at ley, Low will be offered at ______from here on out is God'sGod'i good Holyoke— St. Patrick'* J the war, the long, heavy pull that the 9 and 10 o’clock Masses. Con- eral Deposit Insurance Corporation 6:30 and S; a Hiffh Mass at 10 Hugo— St. Anthony'* ...... 12.60 Mirror of God must be met In gel us over the fessions wiif be heard Friday from I price is too great lo pay, Idaho Spring*— St. raul'i ...... 4.15 nwr any xocrifice too much to o'clock, with music by the chil­ “ She id the mirror o f llic hcav- hump. False ideas o f easy times 10 to 12 a.m., 3:30 to 6, and 7:30 with $5000 maximum insurance for Iliff—St. Catherine's ...... 15.13 make, for tomorrow'! peace. dren’s choir; Low Masses at 11 ciiiy pnlacc, into which all the doiild during the war nr after are danger to 9 p.m. Jiilexhiirg— St. Anthony’* ...... 15.00 “ Out here we «ee things from a and 12 o’clock, followed by Bene­ Kremling— St. Peter'* Olid. The sooner we face reality, the Father Edward Frarzkowski bap­ each depositor! o f the elect gaac with an infinite vantage point. No man can know diction. Hymn.s will be sung by the (Steamboat Spring*) ...... longing, ami which reflecld and belter off all will be.— Millard F. tized the following on Sunday, Dec. Young Ijadies' sodality choir. Koenenbiirg *nri K oggen— Everett. 18: David Eric, infant son of Mr. hia destiny; so we do not worry. If Holy Family ...... illiiniined the faced o f all the daintd, The altar boys’ vested choir w'ill and Mrs. Stanley Johnson, and those we love and dream of in our r,afayette— St. Ida's ...... 4.16 whence it wad »aid of her, iddom rationed hours o f ease are spared But these are just two of the fing Christmas carols during the LKADVILLE — vii, 26: 'She id the briglitnedd of Sandra Kay, infant daughter of 12 o’clock on Sunday. Even Noted Poets Sgt, and Mrs. Edward Randall the violence o f this age o f violence, Annunciation ...... 24.54 eternal light: and the iindpotted then our exile from them, however MANY modern banking facilities St. Joseph'* ...... 2.50 Churchill. There will be no ('onfe.s.sions mirror o f (oid'a niajedty, anil the Have Their Flaws temporary or lasting, shall well be Littleton— St. Mary's ...... 20.00 image of Hi* goodnedd.’ ” writed Cpl. Francis Dertina, on fur­ heard on Christmas day. I/ongmont — worth our struggle. Please, do not available to you at this bank—come St. Albert the (ireat. “ She id the “ Earth gets its price for what Earth lough, is visiting his parents, Mr The Sunday school classes will St. John the Baptist's ...... 22.95 worry. All of us must have faith. Ii4»iil*ville— St. Loui.*' ...... gives us; and Mrs. Jerry D. Dertina. rot he held until Jan, 9, and the 11.05 mirror o f all perfection,” dayi St. We must be solid in all that we be­ in and inquire about ALL of them Loveland—St. John's ...... 3.10 Tlie beggar is taxed for a comer The perpetual novena to the Junior Newman club meetings will Kernard. .St. Thomad Aqiiinad ad- lieve in— because this crusade and Mead and Frederick ...... 8.30 lo die in, Sacred Heart is held every’ Friday be resumed on Jan. 10. Peet*— Sacred Heart ...... dcrtd: Slic id “ a mirror that id the 'deeds o f valor o f American at 7:30 p.m. More parishioners today! IMattevillc— St. Nicholas* and brighter than the brightedt, purer The priest hath his fee who comes youths will live in immortality only Fred Kurtz, president o f the Ft. Liipton ...... 13.35 are asked to take advantage of and more redplenilent than the and shrives us. . . .” if our faith is strong.' Holy Name .society, thanks the Rifle— St. Mary's (Craig) ...... deraphini, and of durh purity that this devotion. Stcamlmat Spring*— That third line from a stanza of The marine goes on lo recount committee that had charge o f the a purer roiild not be conceived, iin- turkey party held in Rodmen hall. Holy Name ...... l-owell's “ The Vision o f Sir l.aun- the story o f a kid sailor o f 17 who Sterling — ledd it be (iod. Thid mirrvir the Su­ fal" offends. Is it a blanket charge had the kind o f faith that no one The The party wa.s the largest in the St. Tnlhony of Padua** ...... preme Artidt favliioned to dhow Stoneham and Briggsdale— o f simony against all priests? Be- could help but be inspired by. In history of the parish. A special forth Hid handiwork more per­ Nurses’ Sodality meeting was held Monday evening St. John's ...... raiise o f our lark o f literary depth jured in a naval encounter, the lad Stratton— St. Charles' ...... 8.76 fectly.” to make final reports. Superior— St. Benedict’s we do not prestime lo answer, hut was assisted to the sick bay by the The floor in the church has been (Si Boulder) ...... The Creature Apart Inm the problem over to a non- Sponsors Party marine who watched a navy sur­ Victor— St. Victor's ...... “ Mary," writed the Redrmptoridt ('.alholir author whose published geon, working swiftly and skill­ varnished and r c f i n i s h e d for Welby— Assumption ...... American National works make an imposing list. fully, amputate the boy's shattered Christmas. Wray— St. Andrew'* ...... 6.50 theologian, Father Herrmann, “ id Yuma— St. John’* (Akron)...... S.Oft a creature apart, ineomprehendible. Augustus Hopkins Strong says of Members of the sodality at St. left hand. When the young sailor SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Rev. W aller S tr id e !...... 5.00 and capable o f b rin g compre­ the great James Russell Iziwelli Joseph’s hospital entertained the regained consciousness, he called Telegraphed Anywhere hended by (iod alone.” “ He was a moralist and a patriot, ■sodalists from Mercy hospital at an for the marine whom he remem­ blit his morality and patriotism informal party in the Catherine bered as having served Mass in DENVER Coriage* — Cut Flower* — Plant* Bank of Officers Announced Fit for Her Role were not siiffirienlly grounded in re­ Mullen Memorial nurses’ home, Pearl harbor when a priest from Completa Wedding Serric* GimI prededtined .Mary from all ligions faith.” Strong rails I-owell's Denver. the Maryknoll mission celebrated THE eternity a< the mother of Hid Son. “ The Vision o f Sir Ijiiinfal” “ the Jean Cassidy, president nf the the Holy Sacrifice on the quarter­ For Jubilee Mass LISTEy TO FVLXON LEWIS, JR. University He made her fit to be Hid mother. most perfect o f all his poems.” .society in St. Joseph’s, introduced deck. “ He told me he had been W e adore the .Son. W e give to Mary Father Elmer Trame, S.J., the wearing a ring on his third Of Father Yersavel In 50 pages devoted lo Ixiwell in Daily, Monday thru Friday, 9i30 PM ., KFEL Flower Shop the liighedi honor that ran be ae- moderator. A special guest o f the finger and wanted me to look for corded a created perdon.— Mondi- /4meriran Poets anil Their The- evening was Chaplain Stephen Ma­ it on the boat dork. 'A miraculous- nlofr, -Strong makes these perti­ SP. 9561 2371 E. Evan* honey from Fitzsimons, who gave medal ring— I'd like lo get it back. Officers o f the Solemn Ma.s.s| nent eommenls: “ He ignores man's FRANTi KIRCHHOF ADOLPH KUNSIVHLLER a short address on his experiences. I ran still wear it on this hand, see,' being celebrated Thursday, D ec.;., ~ .'in. . . . I>owell seems lo have no Vit*-Presi4ent and Cashier Father John Regan, another, and he doubled up his right fist President 23, by Father Arthur F. Vcrsavel. Not ToO Merry for personal experience of his need as and smiled. ‘I'll find it, kid, if S.J., to mark the 50th anniversary C n m o P o rsn lo a sinner. He has no proper con­ spoke. The musical program was begun we have lo hold a shake-down from of his oriiination to the ^ ... ception o f God as the haler and Tiic old familiar “ Merry Chrisi- by Sue Brady, chairman of the stem to slrrn,’ I assured him. hood are the Rev. Edward J. piinishrr nf sin, nor o f Christ as niHs'’ greeting will be making the social committee, who introduced After a long search, with the aid of I Morgan. .S.J., assi.slant priest; the the divine Savior from its guilt and rounds on Saturday. It is going li a flashlight and St. Anthony, the ;Rev. Anthony G. EIzi of Colorado defilement. I-owell's God will be a those who participated in the pro­ b<> a different CJiristmas this year, ring was found, smashed but re­ Moving and Storage j Springs, deacon; the Rev. .Martin God o f infinite good nature, who gram as they appeared. Dorothy but the happiness it brings In pairable, in the garbage barrel. A. Schiltz, S.J., subdeacon; and makes no moral distinctions . . Kriche played a piano solo, “ Prel­ SPRICK 2071 youngsters will be preltv much the The marine had the ring rounded I the Rev. William M. Markoe, S.J.. and no Mediator will be needed lo ude.” “The Sodality Nurse,’’ de­ RES. PHONE; SPRfCE 94S1 same, despite the fact that the toys and polished in Honolulu. “I'll ma.ster of ceremonies. Chaplains make propitiation for men's sins.” signed to show the purpose and 1250 SOI TH PEARL ST. are dislinrily on the ersatz side. benefit o f the sodality to the nurse, never forget that boy's gratitude !to Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, who After scriitin ia in g several of i.s presiding over the Mass, are the The old«lers who are home with was read by Selma Levine. Two when he saw it— and I’ll never for­ their children will gel their share l-owril'g poems. Strong says: “This I Very Rev- John J. Flanagan, S.J., numbers, “ HI Be Home for Christ­ get the faith o f a kid who lost a D U in 5 3 1 4 o f material happiness out o f see­ may be theism, but it is not Chris­ I and the Rev. Francis X. Hoefkens, mas” and “ Star Eyes,” were sung hand nut here, but instead o f curs­ ing the kiddies' delight. Old Santa tianity,” a n d he declares that SPECIAL RATES TO ROLKIERS ;S.J. Vehr is giving the by the girls’ sextet, made up of ing the medal that did not save his is hampered, but he is not going lAiwell'a verses express little hope LO\t EST PRICE.S IN THE sermon. Father Vcrsavel, a native Helen Almquist, Lillian Niebaucr, hand, cherished it and wore it on to let us down. o f im m o rta lity fo r mankind. the other hand. F . J . K i r c h h o f CITY ON STORAGE of Belgium, was ordained in the Virginia Kunkel, Mary Alice Hen­ Not so bright will be the day for “I.«well," conrliides Strong, “ was Ghent Cathedral on Dec. 23, 1893. ry, Blanche Ziola, and Vivian New­ “ When we reached San Franciaco most members o f our armed forces. a moralist, and not a theologian; a comer. Two humorous musical and the lad was about to go down YOU PAY OMIY 5 0 < AflOOMAMOHTH He came to the United States in For some o f them there will be iheisi, and not a Christian. . . . But CONSTRIH TIONJ Co. 1894. The jubilarian is offering readings were given by Vivian the gangway for the last time, he death or permanent injury; there his ignorance o f sin and his mit- Your purchase of War Bonds the Mass at 10 a.m. in Sacred Newcomer. This was followed by dropped over lo the marine com­ will be the dirty mud o f Italy nr iindrrstanding o f the character o f partment to 'shake hands.’ I no­ and Stamps Helps Secure Your Heart church, Denver, where he is Marjorie Hinton’s interpretation the infested jungles nf the Paeific God have sad effects in prartiral ticed he was wearing the ring and Future. a.ssistant pastor. of “ Old Black Magic,” in a modern BUILDERS nr the dangerous skies over Ger­ morals as well as in abstract the­ (lance. Marie Balliger accompanied asked, ‘Going to keep wearing it, many. Even for those outside the ology.” Mary Jane Pilcher in her trumpet kid?' ‘Sure, it saved my life, didn't We Appreciate Your Patromge danger areas there will be the Whether the unfortunate line in .solos, “ Sugar Blues” and “ Rose it, .Sarge?’ heart-siekness that will eonie bc- “ Sir Ijiunfal" w a s an intended Room.” “Tea for Two” and “Stars “ That was real faith.” — Rev. 708 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. We Wish Our Patrons and m eaiisc they cannot see their mother, smear o f the prieslhuod, we do not and Stripes Forever” were played Ma iirice E. Reardon. their dud, their wife, their rliil- know; but it has made us realize as duets by Betty and Marie Bal­ Friends a Merry Christmas dreii. or the girl they left behind. that Ixiwell and too many o f iiis liger. The girls’ sextet returned With such a pirliire, it seems to ronleinporariea were shallow in re­ to sing “ Santa Claus Is Coming to KSTABUBBB3> gWCX IIOI and a Blessed and Happy us that there slioiild be little urg­ ligion, and we fear that their works Town-” With the soft strains of MORCAN, ing needed lo make our people helped ravage the faith o f many. “ Silent Night” in the background, New Year realize t h e neeesaily o f greater Tliey had tlie opportunity, for as Mary Ellen Ross read “ St. Joseph’s spiritual feeling this year. Wliat- .S. Ijiw Wilson writes: ‘^ lie the­ Reverie.” Betty Young furnished LEIBMAN The American Fixture Co. ever our plight, even our sorrow ology which has the largest and piano accompaniment throughout Manofactartn of C O iPLETE LINE OF RELICIOUS ARTICLES FOR CHURCH AND HOME where loved ones have been taken most direct arrest to the popular the greater part o f the program. and HICKEY from us, we should turn lo our mind i* that which finds expression Many students were receiveil as CHURCH PEWS AND ALTARS Eucharistic God and ask His merry in the polite literature o f the day. members of the sodality on the CHURCH FURNITURE for the world. Christmas is the an­ The theology whirh has the widest Feast of the Immaculate Concep­ A. P. W agxer niversary o f the Prinee o f Peace. circulation is that which in solu­ tion. Insurance Since 1897 BANK, BAR, AND STORE FIXTURES iia turn lo Him, then, in sup­ tion is tfiffiised through the poetry, ■The sodality at St. Joseph’s also MiUworJt of All Kinds CHi'iirii uoons

A -V. i PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannoclf Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Dec. 23, 1943


(St. Franeia de Salet* Pariah, Keller, has moved into the parish Durango.— (St. Columba’s Par­ Mrs. Earl Lawrence, the former Beautiful Selection DenTer) from Wichita, Kans., since the ish)— Masses on Christmas day Marguerite Elkins, arrived from Requiem Mass was offered tragedy occurred. include a Midnight High Mass, at Camp Hale, Pando, to spend the o f Wednesday morning by Father A Christmas party will be held which the senior choir will sing; holidays with her mother, Mrs. Gregory Smith, pastor, for Robert by the Young Ladies’ sodality at High Mass at 8:30 with the chil­ Anna Elkins. Mrs. Lawrence may Watches Diamonds FORMALS F. Keller, who died in an airplane their monthly meeting on Tues­ dren’s choir; Low Mass at 10 remain here, since her husband, crash in the Aleutians last June. day evening, Dec. 28, in the as­ o'clock with Christmas hymns, fol­ who is with the Seabees, is now COATS and He had been reported missinz in sembly room of the rectory. Mem­ lowed by Benediction o f the overseas. action until the crashed airplane bers are asked to bring a 26 cent Santa Claus in person brought Lockets Rosaries DRESS SUITS. Blessed Sacrament. Confessions Pupils on the honor roll include: with seven bodies was found re­ gift, and also a spoon to replenish presents and entertainment to all on Thursday evening and Friday Grade eight— Frances Butell and Haduni Minltaala, cently. His mother, Mrs. Nellie the supply o f silverware in the the Catholic orphanages of Den­ afternoon and evening. Jean Clifford; grade seven— Anna Datignar kitchen. ver, in addition to the Denver Robert McCormick, son o f Mr. Schoenbei'ger and Nora Quinn; Identification Bracelets The members o f St. Joseph’s Orphans’ home and the State and Mrs. Steve McCormick o f Ani­ grade six— Mary Eileen Piccoli WEDDING OUTTITS Regis Conducts circle will hold their annual Home and training school at Ridge, mas valley, is home on furlough and Patricia McCormick; grade BRIDESMAIDS Christmas party Wednesday, Disc. last Sunday for the 29th year from Farragut, Ida., where he five— Mitzi Lou Quintana and Military Jewelry 29, at 1 o’clock in the home o f Mrs. through the generosity of the local completed his basic training. Helene Harrington; grade four— READY-TO-WEAR Knighta of Columbus. One-Day Retreat A. H. Lampert and Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gabbe left Teresa Cummins, Ronald Chit­ CUSTOM MADE Under the chairmanship of Joe Kelly, 460 S. Logan. last weekend for Los Angeles, wood, and Billy Pearce; grade LADIES' APPAREL At the last meeting of the Altar Dryer, eight vaudeville acts trav­ On Sunday, Dec. 19, the Rev. Calif., where they expect to spend three— Stephen Ryan and Kenneth and Rosary society Friday, Dec. eled ihe rounds of the homes where Theodore J. Schulte, S.J., con­ the winter months with their Norton; grade two— Dicky Mier- JOS. M. FISHMAN 17, Mmes. Hansen, O’Grady, and excited youngsters were enjoying ducted a day of recollection for daughter^ Mrs. Louis Swartout, nyk, Margaret Ann Hedderman, 628 16th St. Thompson were welcomed as new the individual gifts and the socks Mr. Waller J, Kent in, now CH, 2013 the soldiers stationed in Regis and family. and Mary Margaret Quinn; grade Jeweler -and- Optician members, and Mr. and Mrs. Fran­ full o f candy, nuts, and fruits aMocialed with Jos. M. college and El Jiebel temple. There one— Alice Mae Aspaas, Tommy cis P. Hynes were enrolled as per­ that a special 11,200 K. of C. col­ The C. D. o f A. heH a Christ­ Fishman, invitea his manr were about 30 soldiers present. Ryan, and Iris Wilcox. GLASSES-ON-CREDIT , petual members o f the society. lection made possible. mas party Tue.sday evening, Dec. old friends and ciislomeri Four conferences were given by The nrogram for Midnight Mass At the meetipg of the League 14, la the parish hall. A turkey to visit him for auggrs- Father Schulte. The rest o f the 3rd Degree to . follows: 807 15th St. TA. 0029 o f the Sacred Heart, the following dinner was enjoyed by the mem­ tions on Christma* gifts. order of the day was taken up with “ SUent Night.*’ Mast in Honor of th* volunteered to take care of the Treat Sick Soldiers bers, A fter dinner carols were the Stations, the Rosary, and Ben­ sung and an exchange of gifts was Holy Angel*, hy W. J. Marnh; lermon candelabra: Dec. 27, Mrs. C. L. On Christmas day members of by the Very Rev, F. P. Cawley: Offer­ C 4> A L ediction of the Blessed Sacrament. held. Hostesses were Mrs. John Store it now — Bo pre­ McKay and Miss Dewar; Jan. 3, the third degree knighta will dis­ tory. "Adcftte FiUele*:*' recetiional, *’A Another such day of recollection Mienij’k, Mrs. Ed Brennan, Mrs. Carol of Good Tidingi/* Cyr de Rranc. Mrs. Ida Dyon; Jan. 10, Mrs. M. P. tribute through the wards of Fitz- pared for possible fuel will be held before the third term Art Pearce, Miss Mary Sheehan, The choir membere include Winifred Masterson; Jan. 17, Mrs. H. J. simons General hospital cigarets, Conway, Joyca Cummina, Catherine “ DENVER'S MOST PRUGRES.SIVE LAUNDRY" shortaf^e. expires, possibly in April. and Miss Sadie Sullivan. Yeager: and first Friday, Mrs. W. candy, fruit, and nuts to every GaiitTan, Helen Gorman. Margaret Gor­ man. La Verne Hubbard. Jennie Parqua. ALL POPULAR GRADES — ALSO Schrodt and Mrs. M. Brackish. ill soldier. THE 4 AKf ABE I.AIIMIHY STOKER COALS 40 HOURS’ DEVOTION Edward Brennan, John Mierhyk, Herbert New Superior General McGregor, and PhiJHp O’Rourke. Augueta “TRY OUR NEW SERVICE" ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER McGregor Davidion ia organitt. Ray Coal Co. Week of Dec. 26: Good DENVER DEANERY LAYS PLANS Of Nuns Is Elected Complete Laundry Service PE 4604 1165 So. Penn. Shepherd convent, Denver, and Mercy hoipital, Denver. Walsenburg Students 1147 SUrkti WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER FOR CENTERS’ YULE PARTIES Dubuque, la. — (Special) — Mother Mary Josita was elected Conduct Paper Drive superior general of the Sisters of At the monthly meeting of the Vail Community center at 4 p.m. TO THE ARMY AND OUR ALLIES Charity of the Blessed Virgin Denver deanery of the ACCW on on Thursday, Dec. 23. Mary Wednesday, Dec. 8, in Mt. St. Mary’s school have taken over On Land— Sea— in the Air Monday afternoon, plans were The athletic program for the Carmel convent here. She succeeds the city paper drive for Walsen- Wherever You May Be ^ completed for the Christmas par­ boys of Little Flower center, under Mother M, Gervasc, who held the hurg, with funds realized to be Wishing You ties to be held in Little Flower so­ the direction o f Frank Farrell, is post 12 years. Councilors elected used to finance student activities, cial center at 11:30 a,m. and in very popular. It ia hoped the girls’ at the same time are Mother M. CUristmas A m e r r y CHRISTMAS AND according to an announcement activities will include a basketball Gervase, Sister M. Redempta, Sis­ made by L. H. Kirkpatrick, Huer­ A HAPPY NEW YEAR team. ter M, Albertona, and Sister M. fano county salvage chairman. May God Be With You and Bring You Safely Home to Us Leo Donavon o f Vail center is Mona. The general secretary is PM SUTES directing a good-sized group which The students have organized regu­ Sister M. Clemenza and the lar routes of collection and ga­ is also using thagym at Fairview eeonome is Sister M. Realmo. ther the waste paper every Friday. school. The Sisters of Charity conduct The waste is bundled and shipped Mrs. Thomas Garrison, who at­ Mt. St, Gertrude's academy in to a Pueblo market. Several tons HiR FOR tended the convention of the Na­ Boulder, Colorado. •et’s give gen- m are now on hand for shipment. tional Catholic School of Social This community is engaged in Service, gave a few highlights of teaching exclusively. It has a mem­ ergusly all that is OCCTONTS the meeting. ' bership o f 1,931 professed sisters Mrs. Thomas Kerrigan called at present.*’Two colleges— Clarke within our power TO EVERYONE who has enjoyed Occioni’s during 1943— F the roll and Mrs. L. J. Holmes in Dubuque and Mundelein in Chi­ Greetings n K H R P liO I I gave a resume of the luncheon cago— 42 high schools, and a large to hasten the da'y meeting of the Council of Social BE SURE TO MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY FOR number of grade schools in 16 1543 Larimer it. V cMfiin 226L: (St. Dominie’, P.rith, Denver) •Agencies. Thomas Lantz spoke on NEW YEAR’S EVE — LIMITED RESERVATIONS Christmas services will begin in states o f the Union ’are under the “ The Importance of Recreation in supervision of these nuns. St. Dominic's church with a Denver.” Discussion followed. 0 ^ Christmas eve Holy Hour for the Mrs. Leonard Swigert asked for 40 HOURS’ DEVOTION BOBIIIB MW spiritual and temporal welfare of closer co-operation of local de­ those in service. The devotion fense chairmen in keeping her in­ DIOCESE OF PUEBLO will begin Friday evening, Dec. formed o f their work. A Mass of Dec. 26, 1943 MAUItU E 24, at 7 :30. Confessions will be Requiem was offered on last Sunday Within the Octave of heard during and immediately Wednesday for Miss Kellie Len­ (Jiriatmai STUDIO§ after this Holy Hour. non at the request o f the deanery. Grand Jnnclion ...... RmusEmenTS— Dinins At midnight Christmas, a Sol­ ...... St. .Mary’s hospital Personality Portraits emn Mass will be celebrated by the Rev. V. R. Hughes, O.P., pas­ Program Held by Requiescant in Pace 3 STUDIOS TO RECRERTIOn tor, assisted by the Rev. J. B. SERVTE YOU Schneider, O.P., as deacon, and the Rev. J. F. Connell, O.P., asi DIOCESE OF PUEBLO 1328-30 Broadway CURIALE— Mri. Joirphine CocsetU of PINE LIQUEURS subdeacon. Music for the Mass La Kota Society CB.rrr 3B2S Excellent Coitin* ArulUr. Died Dee. 10. Reeident of will be provided by St. Dominic’s Aguilar for 26 years. Survived by her 811 Sixteenth St. P otter senior choir. husband. Carmelo; two sons, Tony and Mrs. W. G. Loberding enter­ CH.rrr 4T87 Low Masses on Christmas day tained LaKota Study club of Den­ Pete, of Aguilar: two daughters. Mrs. Max Tessitnre and Mrs. Sam Brocato of 613 Fifteenth Sk TWINS LOUNCE Landers will be at 5:30, 7:30, 9, 10:30. ver with a luncheon in her home Aguilar. Brothers are Tony Niceoli of OF DENVER 1619 Tremont and 12 o'clock. Christmas carols Thursday, Dec. 16. Mrs. Sam H. Trinidad and Charles NiccoH of Ludlow. **A Pltcw for tho Dltcrirainatinc" will be sung by St. Dominic’s Weher presided. Mrs. Paul V. A *i«ter. Mrs. Louise Fiorella. resides in British Columbia. Member of St. Jos­ DRINKS - SANDTITCHES Toltphone EM. 981T junior choir at the 9 o ’clock Hodges gave an article, entitled eph’s society. Requiem Mast St. An­ £. COLFAX at 6TEELE Benediction of the Blessed Sacra­ “Truth,” by Geoffrey Chaucer. “ A thony’s church, Aguilar, Dec. IS. Inter­ ment will follow this Mass. The Hymn for All Poor Mothers,” by ment Catholic cemetery, Aguilar. senior choir will sing Christmas TRUJILLO— Juan V. of 1100 Boule­ Meet Your Friends at John Lewis Bonn, S.J., was pre­ vard. Trinidad. Died Dee. 10. Survived carols for the 12 o’clock Mass. sented by Mrs. J. J. O’Neil. Mrs. by his wife, Desidina: a daughter, Sally, The Rosary will be recited and Peterson gave “ Morning Prayer,” and four sons. Raynaldo. who is a pris­ LLOYD’S of DENVER Confessions heard on Christmas by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. oner of war of the Japanese: Pfe. Louis evening at 7:30 p.m. Trujillo of Camp Swift. Tex.: and Padre 1617 COURT PLACE TA. 9274 Miss Nora Brophy presented "A and Vincente, both of Trinidad. A sis­ The Third Order o f St. Dominic Ballad for Christmas.” by Charles ter is Mrs. Clorinda Bernal of Chacon. We are Famous for our Delicious Food will receive Holy Communion Sun­ J. Quirk, S.J. Mrs. Theodore Kit- N. Mez., and three brothers. Alfred. day, Dec. 26, in the 7:30 Mass. %figuel. and Daniel, reside In Taos. N. tleson gave “ If We Were King,” Mex. Requiem Mass Holy Trinity church RIVE — BEER mXED DRINKS 25c General absolution will be given by the editor of St. Anthotiu's Mes- Dee. 14. Interment Catholic cemetery. ^wwwwwwwwwwwww w w w w w w w w w’ w w to members after Mass. Those I sender. Mrs. F. H. Kerame pre Trinidad. receiving absolution may gain a sented a story, There Will Atwaj/s RUDDY— Catherine C., Beulah Star route. Pueblo. Died Dec. 14. Mother of plenary indulgence on the|B« n Chrietmae, by Nancy Blick Mrs. Katherine Telfer. Grandmother of > Anditoriiim Hotel usual condition. There will be ley. Mrs. F. X. Krabacher recited three, and aunt of Pat Ward of Salt no meeting Sunday afternoon, a poem, “A Soldier’s Prayer,” by l>ake City. Requiem Mass St. Francis Denver’ s Favorite Dining Room and Coffee Shop Dec. 26. Xavier's church, Dec. 17. Interment James L. Grill. Mrs. Rose DeRose Mountain View. Complete Turkey Dinner, $1 Valens Jones, president of the read “ Bambino Is Venerated in KALIjASH. Mark. Died in Pueblo OTHER ENTREES 65c UP parish Holy Name society, wi.shes Bethlehem Basilica.” Dec. 16. Resident of P u ^ lo 63 years. to thank those men 'w ho worked “ God Rest Ye,” by Burges John­ Member of First Catholic Slovak union. Banquet Room for Bridse and Private Partiea Survived by his children, Fred, of I.»os on the recent Christmas party 14TH & STOUT — PHONE KE. 1341 — DENVER son, was read by Mrs, Mary Dalton .Angeles: Mrs. J. G. Andrews. Mrs. under the leadership o f Phil Ma­ Walsh. Mrs. W. G. Loberding ren­ Charles J. DeNeice. Steve J, Ballash. and A A A A A A . A . A . A . A . A A . A A A. A A A. . honey, John Reilly, James Cour- dered two of her own original Mrs. James N. D^nlon. all of Pueblo: a niece. Shirley Ann Ballash: nephew. sey, Edward Abromeit, and poems, entitled “ Death Rides the Daniel J. OeKeiee. also of Pueblo; one ITe fncite You to Fifll TRE PARK Thoma.s Farrell. Wind Today” and "The Day Must siller. Mrs. Mary Hyak of Cseeho- St. Dominic’s PTA completed a Dawn,” which have been published Slovakia: one brother. Stephen Ballash, successful drive for cookies Pueblo. Solemn Requiem Mass St. An* THEATER under her pen name, Edna Hattcn- thony of Padua church. Dec. 20. Ingram’s Cafe for the USO. More than four bach. MF.STAS— Mrs. Eva. of WaUenburg. 1028 So. Gaylord PE. 9877 bushels of cookies were delivered. Mrs. Elizabeth Hutchison read Died Dec. 9. Survived by her husband, Mrs. A. F. Zarlengo, president Solomon: three daughters. Priscilla. An­ rHUR. - nil. - SAT., D«c. 2S-:4-JS “ The World’s Greatest Christmas drea. and Viola, all of W’alsenburg: her and Bar IN TECHNICOLOR o f the parish PTA, extenis thanks Song,” an article by David Ewen. mother. Mrs. Gertrude Vallejos of Wal- o f the parish to the' following senhitrg. Requiem Mass 8U Mary's RALPH E. INGRAM. Prop. telling that the author of “ Silent “ Sweet Rosie O’Grady” women who served refreshments Night” was Franz Xaver Gruber, ehureh Dec. 11. Interment St. Mary cemetery. Walsenburg. ALSO at the Christmas party Dec. 15: For Better Foods son of a linen-weaver, born in MARTINEZ—Victor Valentin, son of Th« Pcrffct ChriftinM Picturt Mmes. John T. McDermott, G. A. 1796 in a poverty-stricken hut in Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Marlines of Wal­ “ CHRIST.MAS CAROL” Bugg. Joseph McCloskcy, Otto J. Unterweizberg, a hamlet near the senburg. Died Dec. 8. Survived by and Drinks Pribyl, Allan Reid, Thomas Far­ three sisters, and two grandmothers, Mrs. Hochberg of Upper Au.stria. Valentin Marlines and Mrs. Gertrude SUN. - MON. - TUE. - WED. rell, and 0. J. Mengelkamp. .Mrs. W. J. McGettigan read a OPEN A l l NIGHT DEC. 2S-27-J8-:» VallfjOB, all of Walsenburg. Services At the monthly meeting o f the poem, “ To My Captain,” by Pa- SL M»ry'» church Dec. tl. Inurment ROBT. DONAT - VALERIA HOBSON 58 BROADWAY PTA in St. Dominic’s school Dec. tricia Dewell.TN SI St. Mary’i cemfl«rjr, WaUenburg. SANTILLANES. Bridal Son of 16. the hostesses were Mrs. Pat­ Gabriel Santillanea of Walsenburg. Died rick Hoare and Mrs. Nicholas R. in W'alienburg Dec. 6. Besides his “I “ Adventures of Tartue” Hospital Guild to Meet 16536525 ALSO Pietrafeso. The winner o f the father, he is survived by his wife» Stella In Technicolor In Nurses’ Home Dec. 27 one son. Eloy; one daughter. Earlda. both pecial prize Was Mrs. J. R. of WaUenburg: one slater, Amelia “SWEET ROSIE O’GRADY’’ Wilson. St. Anthony's Hospital guild Agu irre. of Walsenburg. Requiem Ma*a Miss Norma Lee Larkin has will hold its monthly meeting on St. Mary’s church Dec. 9. Interment FOR CIVILIANS ONLY MATINEE— TUBS. A THUR. completed her third contribution Monday, Dec. 27, at 2 p.m. in the North Vela. THRU HOLIDAY SEASON’ auditorium. 16th and Quit- n.E S K — Pvt. Theodore F. Died Dec. to the Red Cross blood bank. Miss 17 in New Orleans, I.A. Son of Mrs Orchestra and Floor Show PpEgy Ryan won second prize for man street, Denver. Mary Plese and brother of Frank and Fine Food.s consecutive hours of ser'vice in William. Pueblo; Joseph. San Diego: Mrs. John Sabo, Midland. Tex.: end Miss Your Favorite Drink the Denver junior canteen. LEGAL NOTICE I.oitie Plese, San Francisco. Father of Yonrs to Enjoy DalUs W. Plese. Member of St. Mary’s NOTICE TO CREDITORS church. Pueblo. Did Heidelberg Inn Por added picuure. entertain at the Junior Red Gross ESTATE OF WillUm L«wii. DECEASED. VERCEI.T.T— Mrs. Theresa, of 2088 E. CoeraopoliUn — PIONEER DINING No. 72817 Routt. Pueblo. Died Dec. 18. Mother C-OIJAX AT CLARKSON Notic* Ix hereby civen on the 12lh d.y o f Mrs. Josephine Leri. Mrs. Mary Riva. ROOM Wraps 10,000 Gifts of November, 194S, letter, of xdmintetr.- Miss Jean Cercelll and George Vereelll 741 Ea>l Colfax TA. 9S35 COFFEE tion wer. iuued to the undertiined u *d- ail of Pueblo; Mrt. Minnie Clerieo in SHOPPE minl.trator of th. ■bor. named eataU and France; Tony Vercelli. Needles, Calif.: BAMBOO The Denver chapter of the all peraona havinx claim, asainst said and Louis of San Francisco. Sister of American Red Cross has an­ eataU are required to file them for allow­ Vincent Desutti. McKeesport. Pa.: grand­ ROOM. Ree. ance In the County Court of the City and mother of seven, and great-grandmother ommend t h e nounced that the Junior Red Cross County of Denver, Colorado, within tlx of two. Member of Mt. Carmel church, Coemopolitaa of all the public and* parochial month, from said data or laid claimi will Pueblo. 4 schools has 10,000 Christmas gifts be forever barred. WILLF.RS— Gerhard o f Grand Junc­ to eut-of-towB B. C. HillUrd. Jr.. tion. Died Wednesday. Dec. 15. In the frienda. wrapped and ready for delivery at Adminiatrator. home of his son at 935 N. First street 2023 E. Colfax. These gifts will NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND Funeral services were held ia 8 l Jos Cosmopolitan Hotel be sent to the convalescent hospi­ DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP eph’s church Friday. Dec. 17, with the tals in and around Denver and, Rev. F. G. Faistl officiating. Mr. Wlllers J. a BEHNOON. JH„ Gen. Her. came to the United States In 1882 from also, to Camp Hale, Pan j, and ESTATE OF John Otaon, Deceaaed. No. 71722 Germany, and. after living in Okla­ Camp Carson, Colorado Springs. Notice ia hereby tiven that the lat day homa and in New Mexico., settled in of February, 1944, I will preaent to the Grand Junction in 1987. He was a mem­ County Court of the City and County of ber o f the Knights of Columbus. Sur­ BEA MAR Denver, Colorado, my accounta for final viving are a son, C. Willers of Grand •ettlement of the adminiatration of aaid Junction, and five grandchildren. Burial eatate, when and where all peraona ia was in Calvary cemetery. CAFE CIIVNA intcreit may appear and object to tlwm. If 1003 Broadway they ao deaire. CHRISTMAS Complete Dinnere, 40e up Notice ia alto hewby xiven that there hat 50 CARDS $ 1.00 been filed in aaid eatate a petition takiax NAME PRINTED FREE Completo Fountain Serrlce CHICKEN CHOW-MEIN for n judicial aacertainment and determin­ 24-HR. SERVICE ation of the hciri of tuch der.aied, and Special Attantion to Churcbea Cri*py, Golden Brown Noodle, aeltinx forth that the namea, adriraaaea and OPEN 11 A.M. t, 2 A.M. relationahip of all peraona, who are or claim to be heir, of aaid deceaaed, ao far CAPITOL HILL at known to the petitioner, ate ai foHoara. PRINTING CO. Merry Christmas From Optometrist and Optician to-wit; Unknown. I l l E. COLFAX KK. 1121 Accordinxly, notice la atao hereby tiven that upon the date tforeiaid. or the day to Helen Walsh which the hearing may be continued, the Court will precoed to receive and hear HANSEN & HANSEN proofa concemini tha heira o f aueh dai- EDELWEISS Aaaoelal., and, upon the proofa lubmittad, will JEWELERS • W. R. JOSEPH enter a decree in aaid aetata detarmininc GLENARM Open 11 a.m. ’til 3 a.m. who are the hetri of tuch deeeyted peraon,- EYES EXAMINED I t which hearing all peraona claiming to 1628 17th St. be heir, at law of aueh deceaaed may appear ONE STORE ONLY Phona TAkor t t * 0 and prcfent their proofa. ttS -S lt lUiMtU BUS. B. C. HILLIARD, JR.. Adm. Thursday, Dec. 23, 1943 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE ELEVEN ^ ^ Mt Carmel Unit in its Nativity Attire BISHOP TO SING PONTIFICAL i i l l t V U I lU V I v i l l i Jamei J. Haggerty, Catholic chaplain, who has been busy for weeks arranging the Christinas festival program. In order Take the to have the MUta Cantata, Chaplain Haggerty made arrangements with some of the girls of Pueblo Catholic high school MIDNIGHT MASS CHRISTMAS to organize a choir for the occasion under the toda7. Ko ob- been stationed in Fort Francis E. cently received a shipment of New to Walsenburg for Christmas from ilration. Ball Clinla, Dept 7080. Exoelaiof Taka it tonight, according to the di. day evening^ Dec. 17, in the home Rae Lita Moses underwent an Warren for 20 months, has been Guinea souvenirs from their son, various colleges are: Christine GuartnU«d Chawing. Smoking or Clgantt*, Sprinft. M& tections. And tomorrow, see how much of Mrs. J. A. Create, with Mrs. given a medical discharge and has anpendectomy in a local hospital Cpl. Leonard V. Claar. He writes Musso, Webster College, Webster Fiv* Ib. 11.75, Ten 53.00. Pay poatinan brighter the whole world seems to be. Martin J. Vezzetti as hostess. Auc­ returned home. He was ill for five Tnursday, Dec, 9, and is getting that it is hot in New Guinea and Groves, Mo.; Nadine Ariano, Mt. KENTUCKY TOBACCO CO. B-8 tion bridge was played with prizes months with rheumatic fever. along nicely. She is the daughter rains a lot. St. Scholastica college, Atchison PADUCAH. KY. being awarded to Mrs. Albert o f Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moses. How this ''Double-Freshenar" Miss Christina Aluise, daughter Ensign Paul Anna arrived in Kans.; Elsie Lenzini, University of OUR COLORED MISSIONS RHEUMATISM worki its overnight wonders Becco and Mrs. J. B. Trabucco. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aluise, was Sgt. Clair Schmitt, son o f Mrs. Canon City Sunday, Dec. 12, to Colorado. Sandy I/enzini, Jr., has NEED PRIESTS & BROTHERS ArthritU NeoHtie Sciatica Gifts were exchanged by the mem­ married to T. Sgt. Steve Perri of Bertha Schmitt of Denver, has returned home for the holidays Wo'jid you Ilk* to Or con.acrat* 7^ 2 continue to euffer tha spend a couple of days with his aronUing paine of thaae dia- 1 • IT AIKAUZES almost Instantly ...twsatsni bers and gifts were also brought Long Branch, N. J., in St. Joseph’s been attending gunners’ school in from the New Mexico Military in­ ba • pri*.t—train­ your Ufa ai a odd sourness, that causes stomach dis­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Anna, ing men lor th* LAY BROTHER eaaea when the uaual remediaa for the Camp Carson hospital church, Dec, 12. Miss Marie Perri, Las Vegas, Nev. He is now a stitute in Roswell. Students of have (ailed? Learn about a tress, heartburn, gas_and restless nights. Sr„ and his wife, who came from miulon.; or be a . . htiping th* patients. Later in the evening, re- sister of the bridegroom, was maid gunner, air force mechanic, and Grand Junction to be with him nursing who are visiting here are mieiionary your- prieeU, tapeclally new, tnutworthj* modem, oon-eurgicai 2 . A MUD lAXATIVE;:;ic gentleihafwlth- freshments were served by the •elft in th* million.. treatment method- Thi« marveloue treatment of honor, and Sam Aluise, brother aerial engineer. He has received here. Paul was en route to Miami, Ann Arline Yourick and Mona Mae if eompletelr explained in the Ball Clhile*a out any thought of emborraulngurgency, hostess to Mmes. John Balagna, . Superior of the bride, was best man. Sgt. several sharpshooting medals. Fla., where he was to report Dec. Swift, both of St. Joseph’s hospi­ F«tHer.ofSLWmund. oew FREE Book. Write today. No obileatioa. you can take II any time. Write to: Louis Gallio, Albert Becco, J. B. Perri has been in the army air Clair is on a furlough at this time 18 for advanced schooling. tal, Denver, and Thelma Perse, Rindolph. Vermonr Ball Clinic. Dept. 7000. ExcelelerSnringe. Ha, Trabucco, John Becco, N. J. Cola- forces for two years and has served Barbara Bellotti, Elizabeth Zsno- 75i—4 on and spent a few days in Tulsa, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jerrard and relli, Mary Madone, J. A. Cresto, one year in England. The couple Okla., vi.siting friends. He will two children, who have been visit­ telli, and Mary Colnar from Cor­ 8 0 ^ — la o x . and Bud Fazzino, and the Rev. will make their home in Laredo, ing in'the home o f Mrs. Jerrard’s win hospital, Pueblo. Phnilpt* Altk pf Aogrmlo Edward Vollmer, O.S.B. Tex., where he is now stationed. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Anna, OofMi In tobint form oi The Immaculate Conception so CaMicT^earEist lOel^ire Aijociation 01 llQuId. Hondy box Mary Elizabeth Parker of Sa­ Sr., retymed to their home in St. Mary’s Soldier Is Moat Rav. Franela J. Spellman, D.D., Prealdent efiobl«iild«olfor pockot dality met Dec. 14 in the Brookside lida, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P Monarch Wednesday, Dec. 15. or pVTM. church. Joe Tisone presided over Rav. fhomaa J. McMahon, S.T.D., National Secretary W. Parker, became the bride of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Seitz an interesting meeting. .Sgt. Richard J. Hutton of Denver Killed on Maneuvers Rev. Joeeph J. Tennant. S.T.D.. Aesletant Seeretiry Joseph Balagna, son of Mr. and are now located at 316 E. street. in a ceremony performed Dec. 12 Salt Lake City. Mr. Seitz, before Mrs. John Balagna, has finished in St. Jo.seph’s rectory. Mrs. Peggy his basic training in Camp Fan­ being transferred, was the Social (Continued From Laet Page) Kurtz was matron of honor and Security repre.sentative for this nin, Tex. He won sharpshooter and Robert L. Durand, cousin of the his newely ordained priest-friends. Oar Christmaa Crib expert marksmanship medals. district, with headquarters in After St.iFrancia built tha firit Crib at Greccio, Italy, bride, was best man. The couple Pueblo. Father FlorUn Bales, O.S.B., from will make their home in Wichita La Junta.— (St. Patrick’s Par­ he approached it lovingly during Maat. Tha Infant came Joe Duca of the Canon Zenith the abbey, will temporarily take II til GRAND _ II III NIACARA Falls, Tex., where Sgt. Hutton is ish)— The Midnight Mass program to life in hit arrai. To you, kind friend* of our miaiiona, we GAATOa • “ tm g j | u .S is as follows: Organ music, D mine and family have been ill his place in St. Mary’s. lay, “ God love you at Chriatmail May your heart, ba worthy stationed. with the flu the past week. II I II SOUTH in Prussia: "Gesu Bambino,” by Pvt. R. E. Butler, Jr., has criba, where tha Divine Baba will come to live.” The Christmas Mass schedule is Pietro Y on ; Propers o f the Mass John Fontecchio, now in the % .to as follows; First Mass and ser­ finished his training and has been •tv; choir; Kyrie, Millard's Mass in G maintenance department o f the mon, Christmas carols. 7 a.m.; promoted to private first class. He Gloria, Rosewig’s in G army engineers corps, came to is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Children’s Mass and sermon, chil- r Canon City Dec. 19 to spend his CHRISTMAS SCENES AMID STURDY MANGER dren’s choir, 8:30 a.m.; High Mass Butler, Sr. ’ ■ ’ - Sanctus, Rosewig s Mass in G; Of­ seven-day furlough. His wife, who WAR-WRECKED WORLD and sermon, singing by adult choir Build a sturdy little manger for fertory, “ .Adeste Fideles,” by V is now living in California, had Sgt. Bernard Koller is spending Rome, Church of St. Mary Ma­ at 10:30 a.m., followed by Benedic­ His coming on Christmas mom . *?l o ii o a i uNoiiwA’m rAiiruND“ Novello; Agnus Dei, Rosewig’s arrived here previously to be with his leave from an overseas base jo r: Priests offer Mass over a few «nv Ku o«is •• r«a PMiu tion of the Blessed Sacrament. Mass in G; Communion, “ Christus her husband during his stay. Tvith relatives and friends. sticks of wood, the only relics of This will be your Mass, devoutly Confessions. r, will oo .fhe heard r, on on Natu.s Est,” M. A. Melail; reces- Christ’s Crib left in the world. heard. A Near East chapel, where Thursday, Dec 23. from 7:30 to ^ -praise Ye the Father,’ Overhead, in the ceiling, is the Mass is offered every day, is a 9:30 p.m.; Friday morning, Dec. Gounod. first gold brought from America 24, for all grade and high school sturdy manger. Can you build one DEL XOKTE A Low will be offered at by the Spanish kings. In a cor­ children from 10 a.m. to 11:30 WE EXTEND .TO ner is the statue of the Queen of for seven hundred and fifty dol­ a.m.; and from 2:30 p.m. to 9:30 10 o’clock. at the air base lars? will be at 5:30 o ’clock. Peace, Our Sorrowful Mother, p.m. holding the dead Body of Her A priest from the Benedictine The Altar and Rosary society OUR CUSTOMERS'AND Baby Boy, She performs the min­ DOWNY PILLOW abbey will a.ssist with the services. held its last meeting o f the year istrations o f Bethlehem on Cal­ The dear Lord Jesus will find a Christmas Greetings in the parish reejory.. vary. The priests say to the peo­ Dillow for His Sacred Head in a In the business meeting the fol­ FRIENDS ple: “The Lord be with yqu— Do- leart made strong by mortification lowing officers were elected: Presi­ minus vobiscum!” and sacrifice. The war has taught dent, Mrs. Clyde Abbott; vice'pres­ CHRISTMAS GREETINGS * • * us unselfishness. We have given BUY WAR BOlVDS ident. Mrs. .Arthur Dc Haven; sec­ Cologne, Germany, amid the those dear to us. But missionaries are unselfish too. If you join our V DEL NORTE MOTOR CO. AND STAMPS’ retary, Mrs. Adam Matem; and ahambleai Priests guard precious V treasurer, Mrs. D. W. Warnock. AND BEST WISHES relics, the heads of the Three Students’ Support club, sending V ★ Following the meeting, a social Kings. They were once bowed in one dollar a month, you can help u hour was enjoyed and gifts were veneration before Prince of Peace. us to send more priests to the Sales Service exchanged. A luncheon was served FOR A Today they are mute symbols of missions. y by Mrs. Emma Miller, assisted by how peace can be won— by loving y y Mmes. De Haven, Caffelt, and VICTORIOUS NEW YEAR obedience to the Babe of Bethle­ STRAW THE PROPHETS Warnock. hem. Your straw for the manger will * * • V AND OUR TllHES The yearly envelopes will be be visits to the Crib on Our Lord’s y DEL NORTE, COLO- (Stcond R«Tl»d Editi.n) placed on a stand in the vestibule Bethlehem, In the Grotto of the birthday. A crib without people AM th* pdbll. and prfv.t* prophKiM, o f the church, and each adult pa­ > Nativity I Faithful pilgrims, among before it is like a chapel with four*d, .xpl.intd and Indtxad, that ap- rishioner is asked to take his them American soldiers, represent walls and no furnishings. One siet3is»»ai9i»st»: parantlf appl; to tha praaant «v*nta and home with him. They will be ar­ the humble shepherds in the awe­ hundred and twenty-two dollars thoa* to follow. Publiahtd with Church ranged alphabetically. struck audience of that First Night. will buy nearly all that is needed approval. Cloth binding t $2.50: Papar: S. Sgt. Sylvan Sciumbato is now A Bishop stands at midnight over in a Near East mission. tl 50. iCharltabla Inatltutioni and Rallgioos, stationed at Kingman armv air the star around which is written: 12.00 and $1.25. raapoctlv.lg), pottpaid. field,* Ariz., where he will be The Pueblo Savings “ Here, o f the Virgin Mary, Jesus BLANKETS trained in the air force. Sylvan is Chris; wa4 bom.” He turns toward STEAMBOAT SBRIXOS Canada 25o additional. Na mart availabla Blankets to warm His little the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Albert the people tb say, “Peace be to altar prtaan. luppljr tihauitad. Ord*r Body! Warm and affectionate Sciumbato. you— Pax vobis!” from author I Rav. Gorald Cullaton, Box prayers will do this on Christmas William Sisson, son o f Mr. and 0 0 0 1051. Taft. Calif. morning. Then notice the elegant Mrs. T. W. Sisson, was graduated And Trust Company In Amarice’a Churebaat Gold vestments with which Christ’s from the Colorado utiiversity med­ star mothers, war wridows, wives FERLONG’S priest is clothed. In the land where ical school in Boulder Dec. 21. and sweethearts, loved ones, Christ was bora many of our mis­ After a short furlough he will PLTBLO, COLORADO crowd in spirit to Bethlehem’a Would TOO Ilka sionaries are nearly in rags. ^Can .serve in the marine hospital In Mass to pray. Fox holes, pill boxes, you send thirty dollars to give San Francisco, Calif. sand dunes, jungle bases— there YOUR BOY Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation them a set of vestments? soldier boys remember the Prince IN THE SERVICE of Peace, whose thora-wrreathed head smiled from the Cross on SWADDLING CLOTHES • Haridware remembered In Enroll Now conquered world: “ Peace bo to you A fervent Holy Communion will all: God is with you!” enfold Jesus in the crib of your A Gonlinual Novena 0 0 0 heart. The priest will bring Our WALSEi\BUK4. In your sorrow, in your loneli' Lord to you in a golden Ciborium. lo Ihe Sacred Hearl THE SACRED HEART ness, go, like the shepherds, to Why not send one as a memorial • Furniture Bethlehem. You will come away of your loved ones to a needy mis­ in our Honaiterr lifaapel for MASS LEAGUE contented! but you will never be sion chapel? One costs only ten the duretlon of the war? It* mtinb*n (both living and <>a.airf) The firms listed here de­ contented to come away. dollars. Slmplr atnd ta Wa aaraa and wo will •har. la thb rick .plritoal baatfits of • The First National Bank gladly IndDda him la thia arrtna. A Kata n id dally, ts tha and of diaa. aw serve to be remembered paelally for th* membart of th* L«iga* of Walsenburg •mall affartni la waldoau but not aoaaa- 8*m< afl oomnuniocthm* U • Por Informatioa writai MEMBER F. D. L a when you are distributing aary. TBB PRIESTS OP THB SACRED WM. M. WARD, Pres. your patronage in the dif­ STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, COLORADO Ifritai laerad Raart Hoaailary HEART. Aacrad Star. UlaaloB Bam C. L. MANN. Vice Pres. Catholic Tl«ar East U)elfara Assodatfon Halaa Catdara. Wtia. Sta. Harta. lU. M. E. COWING, Csahigr ferent lines of business. 480 Lexington Ave. at 46tb SU -New York 17, N. Y. IVF.WS OF IH E PFEBI^O DIOCESE CHRISTMAS PASTORAL IS ISSUED BY BISHOP

CiYflniYtPn Sacred Heart Cathedral is pictured below with Bishop Joseph C. Will-1 Bishop Makes Strong X I O v I C-oV V-/I iXiX f l/CIX ging^ ordaining prelate, and three young men who received the major ■ ^ order of deacon, the last step before the priesthood. At this ceremony Pueblo witnessed for the first time in its own Hope for Peate Is H I IM A n t ^ Cathedral the impressive rites of the laying on of hands, by which the young man becomes a priest ^‘forever accord- 11^3 lOa lasllllwl III w II LS order of Melchisedech.” Left to right are the Rev. Kevin Carr, O.S.B., master of ceremonies; the Very Rev. Nicholas Bertrand, uncle of the new priest; Fraler Claude Rolierls, O.S.B.; the Rev. Alnysius Bertrand, the new priest; Bishop Willging; Frater William Thompson, O. S.B.; Frater Iternard Cervais, O.S.B.; and the Rev. Gerard Expressed in Yule Of Women in Air-W AC Goetz, O.S.B., master of ceremonies. Fratnss Carvais, Thompson, and Roberts were ordained to the diaconate.

Pointing out that final victory training base in this vicinity, and Message of Ordinary In this war will depend on the de­ the large defense industries in this gree of the sacrificing spirit of our region, employing a vast proportion present civilians in givinif them- of the population, should be vitally aelves personally and entirely to interested in contributing to the ‘When King of Peace Is Glorified Above All the war effort, the Most Rev. Jos­ woman power of the war through eph C. Willging, Bishop of Pueblo, enlistment in the women’s divi­ Rulers of Earth,’ His Dominion Will Gome finds it difficult to explain the as­ sions o f the service. serted indifference or indecision of The Bishop issued the following the young women of Pueblo to en­ statement relative to the matter: On Globe, Prelate Says list in the WAC. Bishop Willging “ What reasonable objections of the made several observations at the Pueblo women to enlistmient in the The wish that the anniversary of the first coming of solicitation of the WACaravan WAC are seems difficult to deter­ when he was interviewed by two mine, unless it is the common aver­ the Prince of Peace will presage His coming soon again into o f its members, Capt. Campbell and sion of any peace-loving people to a world at peace is contained in the Christmas pastoral of Lt. Margaret Lowery. war and its accomplishments. But The Bishop believes that Pueblo we must face the fact that we are the Most Rev. Joseph C. Willging, Bishop of Pueblo. The women, made conscious of the man at war and peace-time sentiment prelate warns the faithful, however, that there will not be power of the war through the air cannot prevail. “ With the exception of those peace until the whole world accepts the Savior with contrite families who have members on the heart. His message follows: Durango Youth casualty lists, few of us have felt the real sting and terror of the war. We are not sufficiently con­ The cry of ancient Israel for the Savior during the long scious of how much the war has years of the first Advent is intensified in the world today. "Stir Is Unscathed in affected w'omanhood in the coun­ tries dominated by the Axis op­ up Thy power, O Lord, and come and save us." It is an im­ pressors, the outrages directly com­ patient supplication from a people not inured to suffering, for­ Gilbert Battle mitted against the girls and women of our Slovenian and Croatian and getful of God except in the day of trouble. When the cry is Polish brethren, and the terrors Durango.— (Sacred Heart Par­ taken up by all the nations, converted to Got! and repentant, they have had to witness in the suf­ ish)— Good news is received by the ferings of their relatives and in when "the K ing of Peace is extolled, whose face the whole earth family of Cpl. J. Thomas Roybal, the utter destruction of their prop­ in Durango. Cpl. Roybal, son of desireth," and when "the King of Peace is glorified above all erties. Our women should wish to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Roybal, v-rites the rulers of the whole earth," then may the world expect the answer the inhuman and barbar­ that he survived, uninjured, the ous atrocities of these enemy new coming and the re-enthronement of the Prince of Peace. Gilbert island campaign, considered fiends by doing all in their power It is not until the longing has become universal that He w ill be one of the bloodiest of the Pacific to make it impossible to continue battles. received, even by H is own nations, and that H is dominion w ill their ruthless crimes and by help­ be recognized. Cpl. Roybal also participated in ing to bring them to an early jus­ the Guadalcanal battle. He has a tice. Our wish at this anniversary of the first coming of the brother, A. J. Roybal, radioman, “ The more man power that can Prince of Peace into a world at peace is that He may soon come third class, in the marines, who is be released for the fronts by women again into a world at peace. Instead of praying with Israel also serving somewhere in the Pa­ doing the jobs of men in camps and cific. Once, some little time ago, industry as WACS and WAVES, that God would stir up H is power and come, we should accept the two brothers met in New Zea­ and other branches of the service, the spirit of the Church in her Advent prayer: "Stir up our land and crammed a review of all the sooner will the war be won, and hearts, O Lord, to prepare the ways of 'Hiine only-begotten the major happenings of two years the sooner will our boys come home Son: Tliat through H is coming wc may attain to serve Thee with o f service in the marine corps in to us, the sooner will they be taken one half-hour interlude. out of the dangerous situations on IS SIIIIIElBishop to Celebrate Pontifical Mass purified minds." This must he the spirit of the holy Chri.sfmas Prt. Fred Quintana, son of Mr. land and sea. .season that w ill carry us through the future years, in the hope and Mrs. Raj-mond Quintana, has “ No one wants to see our women that the peace of Christ may triumph in the reign of Christ sent Christmas greetings to his in military camps, in defense over the individual hearts and over the minds of earthly rulers, parents from England. plants, or in the battle zones. Their P^'t. Philip Gallegos, son of Mr. proper place is among the peaceful FOR MRS. 0010 At Midnight in Sacred Heart Cathedral that these may never again disturb the peace of the world, and and Mrs. Lizardo Gallegos, spent a pursuits of the home and society. that there may be perpetual glory to (jod in the highest, and few days’ furlough with his par­ But, unless this war is won by our peace on earth to all men through their attuncment to the w ill ents. Philip was a former member (Sacred Heart Cathedral Pariih, I the Rev. John Forsyth, O.S.B., Edward Flanigan, William West, armed forces, we will have no of God. of the senior choir. homes or society. Pueblo) deacons o f honor; the Rev. John and Howard Barger. 4. JOSEPH C. WII.T.GING, Music of the Mass of the Guar­ “ It is difficult to envision refined [ Solemn Pontifical Midnight Mass J. Kelley, Chancellor, deacon; the Members o f the boys’ choir are dian .Angels by Arthur T. McEvoy girls and wontien in a setting of on Christmas will be celebrated Rev. Francis Wagner, subdeacon; William Talbow, Samuel Mitchell, Bishop of Pueblo. will be sung at midnight Christmas war, and yet it is only girls and by the Most Rev. Joseph C. Will­ the Rev. Bernard Cullen, master Frank Kinnard, Robert Click, John by the Sacred Heart senior women of refinement who can meet Brookside. — In St. Anthony’s ging, D.D., in the Sacred Heart of ceremonies at the throne; the Lacy, James Carson, John Hudson, choir. At the Offertory “ Adeste the qualifications stipulated for church, for which she played an im­ Cathedral. The Bishop will preach Rev. W. D. McCarthy, master of Edward Santistivan, Robert La- Fideles" will be sung. The organ­ the W.AC, and other branches of portant part in founding and build­ and bestow the Papal blessing. ceremonies at the altar. Foe, Walter Eberling, Frank Cis­ ST. MARY’S SOLDIER KILLED the service. No girl or w’oman who The officers will be: Bishop ist is Mrs. Sophie Romero. Mem­ ing, Solemn Requiem Mass was The minor officers are: Book- neros, Paul Flores, Gilbert .Mar­ bers of the choir are: Ruby Sando­ cherishes the finer things of life Willging. celebrant; the Very Rev. bearer, George Subotich; bugia- tinez, Pasqual Robles, John Tru­ val, Agueda Sanchez, Rose Can- need fear that she wdll lose them celebrated Friday morning, Dec. A. J. Miller, V.G., assi.stant priest; bearer. James Venuto; thurifer, jillo. Anastacio Urrutia, Gilbert IN ACCIDENT ON MANUEVERS deleria, Lilly Gallegos, Isabel Gal­ in the service. If her home and 17, for Mrs. Marianna Zontine Bo- the Rev. Thomas Fitzgerald and Paul Menderick; acolytes, George Martinez, Charles Granata, An­ legos, Caroline Contreras. Mary school training have given her nino, former Brookside resident i Holland and Bernard Griesemer; drew Kerestine, Frank Lopez, Ar­ Garcia, Philbert Martinez, Junior character, that character will bring who died on Dec. 11 in Los Angeles, train-bearer, Edward DeRose; mi­ thur Lucero, Anthony Mulay, Leo (St. M«rjr’» Pari*h, Pueblo) Christmas vacation for the Sanchez. Luisa Marquez, Gene­ her through. Every extemal pro­ Calif., after a long illness. tre-bearer, William Donnelly; cro- Sanchez, Louis Valdez, and Paul Pvt. Theodore Plese was killed school children began Tuesday, tection is given her by her military Junior Choir of vieve Roybal, and Helen Aragon. Father -Augustine LaMarche, zier-bearer, Charles Mayernick; Lucero. in Louisiana when a boat takin;; Dec. 21, after a visit from Santa A Christmas party was given to superiors. If a young woman has gremial - bearer, Fred Hegler; him and other soldiers on nianuev- O.S.B., was celebrant of the Mass; The director is Francis Buser, Claus. The school program con­ the Indian children of Ignacio Fri­ high ideals in private life, she will I torch-bearers, Edward Sajbel, and the organist is Leona Herder. ers overturned. Pvt. Plese is the carry those, ideals through military Father Vincent Peter, O.S.B., dea­ St. Patrick’s to sisted o f making gifts for the poor, day, Dec. 17, by their catechists, con; Father Claude Roberts, Richard Mudrone. William Hart­ The Papal blessing will be im­ son o f Mrs. Mary Plese. He is sur­ life, and they should be even inten­ receiving candy and nuts from the Mercy Sisters. Besides other O.S.B., subdeacon; and Father Jus­ man, Donald Landorf, Jack Jag- parted by Bishop Willging after vived by his small son. His wife gifts each of the 80 boys and sified. ger, Thomas Jagger, Bill West, the Maas. All the faithful who died two years ago when the baby Santa, and a presentation o f a “ American womanhood has a dis­ tin McKeman, O.S.B., master of Give Program Nativity play. The candy and nuts girls received a box of candy ceremonies. and Bob West. (TumtoPagell — Column 7) was born. donated by Sister De Lourdes of tinct contribution to make to the Solemn Mass, coram Pontifiee, were furnished by various organ­ Mrs. Bonino was born in Italy Mercy hospital. wdnning o f this war.” will be celebrated at 11 o’clock. izations o f the parish. and with her first husband, the (St. Patrick'* Pariih, Pueblo) Santa Claus visited the pupils of; Low Masses will be at 5:45, 7, and I In the recent letter contest late Amabile Zontine, came to Music for the Christmas Masses Sacred Heart school on Wednesday,! Midnight Mass to Be Sung I sponsored by the Propagation o f Family Night Closes Brookside in the days when it was in St. Patrick’s church will be fur­ 9. The children o f the Sacred Dec. 22, giving to each one a box of Heart school will sing the tradi­ the Faith, Eileen Mae Kocman, a flourishing mining camp. For nished by the junior choir under candy donated by the Knights of the direction o f Sister Mary Rita. tional Christmas carols at 8. 'fourth grader, and Beverly Ann Columbus. 1943 K. of G. Activity a number of later years she had Papish of the third grade won made her home in Denver with a For the Solemn Mass at 5 o ’clock, Music *Progr«m Given Christinas in Walsenburg Mrs. Joe Fanto arrived Monday, Mrs. Dorothy Meister will be at .statues for the best letters from daughter, Mrs. Felix Pogliano. Re­ The sacred music for the Mid­ Dec. 13, in Durango after spending The 1943 activities o f the the organ. The choir will sing the school. John Anzick, seventh cently she went to Los Angeles, night Mass and the Solemn Mass several weeks visiting her daugh­ Pueblo K. of C. closed Tuesday, the Mass in Honor of the Little grader, and Betty Sabo, eighth where she died in the home of an- at 11 will consist of the Mass of Walsenburg. — Midnight Mass I/’ a/ot/in, school paper, was issued ters in Tacoma, Wash., and Farra-, Dec. 21. with a Christmas “ family Flower by Father Felix Ziccardi. grader, sold the most Christmas otheVdaughter, Mrs. John Sartoris. the Angels, by Pietro A. Yon. gut. Ida., and friends in Cheyenne night.” in the Cathedral hall. Be­ S.J., with the traditional “ Adeste will be offered in St. Mary’s church Rftornoon, Dec. 17. ! seals. She is also survived by two sons, with the men’s choir singing the and Denver. She reports Mrs. sides a varied program of enter­ Fideles” as an Offertory hymn. here this Christmas for the first The four troops o f the Junior Father John I’orsyth, O.S.B., Jim Wiggins, the former Mary Joe Zontine and Placido Zontine, classical polyphony and the boys’ Catholic Daughters held their is vi.sitinsr in Iowa. While there he tainment and a Christmas party, both of Los Angeles. The same program will be re­ time in many years, it was an­ Fanto, and her new son, baptized motion pictures of the Pontifical choir the Gregorian chant. Christmas party in the Knights o f w-itnessed the first Mass o f one of Mrs. Felix Pogliano, Denver; peated at the High Mass at 11 nounced in the annual Christmas James Joseph, are doing well at Field Mass celebrated in the City o ’clock, with Dorothy Secora at The complete program follows: (TumtoPagell — Column S) (TumtoPagell— Column 6) Mrs. John Sartoris, Joe Zontine, letter o f the parish. The high their home in Tacoma. Lt. Louise park in October were shown. The the organ. Carols will be sung be­ Christmas carols on the organ, Fanto is a navy nurse stationed in and Joan Zontine, Los Angeles, school choir, under the direction Daughters of Isabella, Our Lady ginning at 4:30 a.m. and continu­ Mrs. Ed Smith; processional, “ The Farragut. Calif., were guests in the home of o f Sister Tarcilia. will sing at the of Victory circle, were guests of ing until time for the Mass. First Noel;” “Silent Night,” tra­ PUEBLO Father Miguel Pascual, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Beltramo when Midnight Mass. The other Masses C.R.. the knights on this evening. Vacation for the CTade and high ditional; Intrnit, Gradual. Alle- w-as in Frances, a country place On Dec. 24 the K. o f (i., headed they were in Brookside on Dec. 17 luja verse. Offertory, and Com­ will be the same as Sundays, 6, to attend the funeral of their school started Wednesday morn­ 7:307 8:30, 10, and 11 o ’clock. close to La Piedra river, preaching by James A. Cline, will present ing, Dec. 23. Classes will be re­ munion, by Rossini; Kyrie, Gloria. AI^DY AND JOHN mother, Mrs. Marianna Zontine There will be singing by the REAMAN a mission that ended Sunday, Dec. to the children of the Sacred Heart sumed on Jan. 3. Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei, 12. In spite of the snow almost Bonino. Mrs. Barney Milano was school choirs at the morning home playground equipment and A Christmas gift o f a spiritual Mass o f the Angels; Offertory ROOFING § A C K M A i\ all the families attended. a guest of her uncle. Max Vezzetti. Masses. Mass will be offered in toys purchased for the occasion bouquet of 1,000 days of prayer motet, “Adeste Fideles;” Com­ Rouse at 9 o’clock. Confessions Intulation • fPeptherttrip All forms of Insurance Man Sung for War Victim and study was presented Bishop munion anthem. “ Ave Verum;” will be held Thursday and Friday S9S Grand Av*. Patblo, Colo. A Requiem High Mass was recessional, “ Birthday of a King.” 321 THATCHER BUILDING Joseph C. Willging bv the pupils in the afternoons at 3 p.m. and in celebrated Sunday, Dec. 19, for PHONE 305 PHONE 757 PUEBLO. COLO. PIIEBLO of the Catholic schools of Pueblo The members of the men’s choir the evenings from 7 to 10 p.m. the repose of the soul of George as a token o f their gratitude and are Frank Carroll, Glen Sutton, Receivei Hutband'e Croe* Your Butineti It Appreeiatod (TumtoPagell — Column S) appreciation. Charles Herder, Joseph Neary, JOE’S SUPER Ceremonies held at the Pqeblo THATCHER ST. MARY’S The Palace Drug Co. air base Saturday afternoon. Dec.' Mt. Carmel Unit Soldiers’ Faith Inspiring, 19, honored Capt. Johqi White, I BLOCK DRUG HOSPITAL SERVICE husband o f Mrs. Lucille Salibal SHELTON BRYAN. Hfr. CONDUCTED BY T he GULF CAS & OILS White of Walsenburg. The Dis­ “ AN ETHICAL PRESCRIPTION r"8 so. MAIN PH. I7JI tinguished Flying cross wa.s pre­ PHARMACY” Sisters of Charity Phones 27-28 406 N. Main St. GREASINO WASHING Of Third Order pf_ gjitier w rite s Bishop sented to Mrs. White, whose hus­ PHONE a a 415 QUINCY PHONE 4750 band was reported missing follow­ ing a raid over the Ploesti oil fields Elects Officers the latter part o f the summer. He P h on e 8 6 2 The following V-mail letter re­ i; Camera-Graft Shop : JA G G ER ’S island. We are rapidly going into was a lieutenant at the time, serv­ ceived by the Most, Rev. Joseph C. ROBERT S. FARIGY action and soon shall have our ing as a navigator With the Eighth PRICE CLEANER ^ 905 N. .Main Si. , Ph. 437 (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Shoe Repair Willging tells the hopes and ambi­ quota o f patients. It has been a and Ninth air force. The citation MONUMENTS Parish, Pueblo) tions of Father Francis Bottler, little slow up until now, but things AND DYER PORTRAITS 610 N. Main Phone 470 accompanying the award read: NO ODOR—NO DELAY—NO FINISHING - BLUE CRAVE MARKERS In the meeting of the Third Or­ chaplain in the army, who evi­ are definitely sure to progress. ‘For extraordinary achievement REGRET PRINTS - PHOTOSTATS ISew for Old dently is stationed in some island PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES der of St. Francis held this month The chapel facilities are none while serving as navigator of a 707 S. Main St. • Phona 260-W 625 Court St., Pueblo Fr#* Pick-Up and Dvllvtrr Serrtea the following were elected officers in the South Pacific: too good at present, but that is to B-24 bomber on 26 missions over for the coming year: President, Chaplain F. J. Bottler 0513866 be expected. With the aid of en­ enemy-occupied Continental Eu­ Mrs. Elizabeth Cardinale; secre­ 29the Gen. Hosp., A.P.O. 502 listed men and the commissioned rope. Displaying great courage and Pachak Hardware tary, Mrs. Paolina Passanante; C /0 PM San Francisco, Cal, officers and nurses, however, we skill and fighting from his gun & Farnitore vice secretary, Mrs. Angelina Por- Dec. 7, 1943 hope to be sufficiently prepared position, he has warded off many iRobinson Bros.l JOHN M. filio; treasurer, Mrs. Marie Par- Most Rev. J. C. Willging, D.D. to hold Christmas Midnight Mass. Stev«i - Hatter* enemy attacks.” Capt. White’s par­ MAJOR Shenntn-WlIliuBi Prodoct* rino; master of novices, Mrs. An- Bishop’s House The co-operation of the various in­ ents reside in Hillsboro, 111. Linolcun end Linoleum Rort gelino Dalio; auditors, Mrs. Ber- 326 West 15th Street dividuals o f the unit has been St. Mary's high school basket­ MACINDOE Sportinr Gsod* nardina Battaglia and Mrs. Maria amazing to say the least. One of DAIRY 1 Pueblo, Colo. ball team, under the direction of WE BUT. SELL AND TRADE Pagano; usher, Mrs. Catherine the Mrgeants has prepared kneel­ * 1 Most Reverend and Dear Bishop, the Rev. Franci? Papesh, is busily 'J Pur«! M ilk and Cream ? C Plumbing and Cor. Northwett uid Evan* Are. Cristiano; marshal, Mrs. Tony Another letter to inform you ing benches for the makeshift practicing pre^ratory to the Pagano. chapel; another enlisted man has '1 ‘Untouched b; Human Hand* i that all is going well here on the opening of the newly organized sketched and made the altar; and Healing In the monthly meeting held Quint County Prep league, spnday Home Delivery v still another is making the taber­ Thursday evening, Dec. 18, mem­ two practice games were played FLOUR Special Attention Given D. of I. to Mark 1st nacle, A group of nurses has WE SELL FRANCIS | We Wish You a bers of the Holy Name society dis­ with the A ^ ila r high school teams. :: to Repair Work formed a choir and will be pre­ cussed plans for the reception and The Pep club held a rally in the i ICE CREAM I The standard of quality for pared to sing for the High Mass Phone 964 110 W. 2nd initiation of new members. The Anniversary by Rite school Friday afternoon, Dec. 17. on Christmas day. All of this is perfect baking. Happy Christmas new members will be received in The Christmas edition o f the 0 Phone 59 713 E. 4th St. | indeed gratifying, for it is the re­ the 8 o’clock Mass Sunday. After The Daughters o f Isabella, Our sult of a great deal of sacrifice Mass there will be a Com­ Lady of Victory circle,^ plan to Germ MercantUe of their own personal time. munion breakfast for all in the celebrate their first birthday in the Altar Society Formed and a Victorious My daily Mass has been well at­ DUIVDEE & Liquors Minnequa club. In the evening the Diocese o f Pueblo with an initia­ THE D. E. BURKE tended, and the large number of society is sponsoring an entertain­ tion o f new members some time CLEAiVERS Everything to Wear Confessions and Communions has In Morley Mission & ment in St. Joseph’s hall, A war in January. Plumbing & Heating Co. and to Drink N ew Y ear bond will be given away. been, until now, beyond my great­ DYERS Membership in the Daughters of Trinidad.— An Altar society of llth a Elizabeth St*. Pboa* 2U1 318-320 N. Santa Fe Ave. Phone 930 817 E. C Street At the close of the business ses­ est hopes. Shortly after the begin­ Isabella is open to all women who ning o f the New Year we shall the women of the mission in Mor­ P. E. W YNDLB, Prop. Repair tPork a Specialty PUEBLO. COLO. sion, some 50 members gathered are practical Catholica, and such WB RETURN EVERYTHING BUT start the novena in honor of Our ley has been organized under the THE DIRT Office Ph4»ne 909 for refreshments and a social eve­ women may receive application ning. Lady o f the Miraculous Medal. In direction of the Rev. Joseph PUEBLO HARDWARE blanks by getting in touch with short, their religion has been awe­ Sheehy, S.J., assistant pastor o f Petros Motor Sales Members of St. Therese's sodal­ Mrs. Charles Digby, president- inspiring. Holy Trinity church, Trinidad, of CO. ity met in the church hall Sunday The organization will hold a Can you arrange to have the which Morley is a mission. 211 Nerili Vleto,lt Ave • Pheae Ittl afternoon. Dec. 19, for their busi­ Christmas party in the Cathedral Register sent weekly? It will The officers elected ,in a recent ness meeting and annual election of please me very much. GROVE DRUG STORES USED CARS JACK ADAMS. Mgr. hall Tuesday, Dec. 28- This is one meeting are Mrs. Mary Cassio, officers. All joined in a hearty of the regular meeting nights. A Merry Christmas and a Happy president; Mrs. Joseph Morasky. GenenJ Auto Repeln, Gre«*Inc. resolution of thanks to the young nVE BETTER DRUG STORES Car W uhint gift exchange, with « f t s not to New Year. secretary; and Mrs. Mary Bubui- PHONE 100 women who have served the sodal- CENTRAL BLOCK nFTH & MAIN 8TORAOS OPEN 2« aOlTBS A OAT exceed 26 cents, will be an added Sincerely yours in Christ, ach, treasurer. Monthly meetings 24TB a GRAND 726 E. 4th MESA JUNCTION ‘ (TumtoPagtll — C olum n t) Kartww. FAtber Bottlw. are planned.
