Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ARCHDIOCESE GIVES 7,702 70 ARMED SERVICES Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1943—Permission to Reproduce, Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue' '40. Denver Sends 4,418, CHRISTMAS GREETINGS •B Over Half; Ontside DENVER CATUaiC % B % B We celebrate again th6 birthday of our Divine Savior and B Redeemer. The Infant Christ in the cave of Bethlehem is our B Parishes Have 3,284 God. His every action is the action of a God. Every precept and B command He gave to the world has the stamp of Divinity upon it. B Tabulation Year Ago Showed 5,254; Pastors We adore Him today who came to earth for love of us. B I 4 k Asked to Keep Lists Complete The NationalREGISTER Catholic Welfare Conference News Seervice Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We B Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Aim This Christma.s is a day of joy and of sorrow. It is a day B For Record Services, Photo Features, And Wide World Photos. \ of joy because the Second Person of tlie Blessed Trinity becahae B VOL. XXXK. No. 17. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, DEC. 23, 1943. $1 PER YEAR man in order to redeem us. It is a day of s6rrow because the B Men and women in the service of the armed forces of whole world is engaged in fratricidal combat. Scarcely a home the United States from parishes in the Archdiocese hf Den­ B ver total 7,702, it is announced by the Chancery office". This rll 11 O A rlAifinn tn Sacred Scripture collection in the library o f St. Thomas’ in our land but feels the absence of some dear one in the armed B figure is incomplete, it is thought, for some parishes show V x x U .U 'I'l.l'ly IS H / seminary, Denver, is the two-volume set o f the hisihistorical books forces of our country. Some have paid the supreme sacrifice that o f the Old Testament, with illustrations by James Joseph Tissot, French painter o f the late 19th century. B little or no change since the first parish reports were made The tomes were presented to the seminary by Mrs. Vemer Z. Reed in memory o f her daughter, Margery, our liberties and the freedom of Bie world might be guaranteed a year ago in October. Pastors are urged to turn in com­ and will eventually be put on display in the seminary iibrary. The text o f the books, in French, is printed and established. May we confidently hope that before another plete lists and additional names as received, so that records on Japanese paper, which is bound in handsomely tooled leather showing symbols o f both Old and New may be full and accurate. Testament subjects. The volumes were published in Paris in 1904.— (Photograph by Half, Denver) _____ Christmas comes a secure peace in justice and charity will en­ First reports in October, 1942,U9 ----------------------------------------------------- circle the globe. B showed a total o f 5,254 persons in the service, o f whom 2,669 were Denver Sister Our fighting forces, our hallowed dead would appreciate B from Denver parishes and 2,585 B from outside the city. The Den­ nothing as much as our remembrances in prayer this Christinas 'B ver figure now is 4,418 and that day. Receive Holy Communion for them and their intentions as of parishes outside the city 3,284. Reported Safe B The Chancery office report did frequently as you can within the Chri.stinas season. Pray ear­ B not list the number of casualties or nestly to the Christmas God of Pgace for an early and just peace. o f those who have died in the In China Camp B service. The figures, presented by parishes below, list first the num­ My intention at Holy Mas.*? on Christmas day is that Almighty B ber reported in 1942, then the First-hand information of the God ble.ss our armed forces, that He give each and every home B increase,-and finally the total: safety of Loretto Sisters in Shang­ DENVER PARISHES hai, China, was brought to Amer­ and individual in the archdiocese His special graces and consola­ Cathedral ........... 209 313 522 tions. May the God of peace grant us peace. Annunciation .... 138 70 208 ica by Sister Mary de Lellis, Mary- 5% Blessed Sacrament 72 120 192 knoll nun. A repatriate on the Holy Family........ 146 l i e 260 Gripskolm, the religious, who lives Holy Ghost ........ 135 50 185 f URBAX J. VEHR, in Lexington, Ky., informed the B Holy Rosary ...... .... 52 52 Archbishop of Denver. Our Lady of Loretto mother-house in Nerinx B Mt. Carmel .... 198 274 472 about members of the order. Presentation ...... 50 40 90 •Among the sisters spoken of was 4 k Sacred Heart Sister M. dementia, daughter of and Loyola...... 172 159 331 Mrs. S. E. Abell of 2229 Grove St. .Anne’s street, Denver. Mrs. Abell had not (Arvada) ...... 23 28 51 heard from her daughter since the Call V S O ISCCS St, Cajetan’s ...... 90 162 252 Gripsholm made its last previous \Cluh, KE. 1338 Rev. Earl L. Dieter, S .J., Is St. Catherine’s.... 131 185 316 trip from the Orient in August, St. Dominic's...... 149 121 270 1942. St. Elizabeth’s.... 49 45 94 According to Sister ; Mary de LAS! CHiCt III St. Francis Lellis "enemy alien” religious were de Sales’ ........ 255 143 398 interned in Shanghai April 1.3 of Appointed Army Chaplain St. James’ .......... 50 44 94 this year, but the Lorettines were St. John the allowed to wait 10 days to complete Evangelist’s __ 76 139 215 graduation in their school. Sister 10 The Rev. Earl L. Dieter, SJ., call to military service in April St. Joseph’s dementia and another Lorettine assistant principal and student o f 1942. (C.SS.R.) ...... 172 67 239 had been compelled on a day’s no­ St. Joseph’s tice in June, 1942, to leave Han­ counselor in Regis high school, Succeeding Father Dieter in the (Polish) ........ 30 .33 63 yang for Shanghai. Denver, for the past year and a office o f assistant principal and o n DEC.» St. Leo the The nuns are studying and work­ half, Sunday evening received of­ student coun.selor in Regis high Great’s .......... 10 _ 10 ing in every possible way to pre­ ficial notification o f his appoint- school is the Rev. Lawrence L. St. Louis’ pare for renewed mission activity (Englewood) 74 73 Arrangements have been made mfent to a chaplaincy in the United Cusack, S.J., professor o f philos­ 147 while in the Sacred Heart camp, St. Mary Magda­ by the USO-NCCS at E. 16th and Shanghai. There is no hot water, States army with the rank of first ophy and religion in Regis college. lene’s (Edge- Grant to make the club a clearing- except for dishwashing, oftener lieutenant. Father Dieter leaves His appointment was announced water) ............. hou.se for those who wish to invite 50 82 132 than every second fortnight. All Thursday evening for Cambridge, St. Patrick’s ...... service men into their homes for Monday morning by the Very Rev. 137 98 235 bathing and washing of clothes 9.9.^ Christmas dinner. Those who de­ John J. Flanagan, S.J., president St. Philomena’s.. 157 72 must be done "in cold water. There St. Rose o f Lima’s 29 24 sii sire to invite the soldiers are asked of Regis college. Father Cusack, are nine other camps in Shanghai to call KE. 1338 on or before St, Therese’s maintained by the Japanese. There who has been stationed at Regis (Aurora) ........ Dec. 24. 16 16 were 97 nuns of 19 communities for man^ years, came in 1930 from St. Vincent Hundreds o f soldiers from the in the Sacred Heart center. At the St, Mary’s college, St. Marys, de Paul’s ____ 51 77 128 time of the latest repatriation the Denver area are expected to at­ Kans., where he held the office of exchange rale had risen to 85 pesos tend the Christmas eve social and principal in the high school. Previ- Total ■.......... 2 .669 2,585 5,254 or Mexican dollars to one Ameri­ entertainment in the club from 5 (T uni to Page 3 — Column 3) (Turn to Page 3 — C olum n e) can dollar. p.m. lintil midnight. A program of continuous entertainment has been arranged. Refreshments will be served, together with candy ind C. J . McNeill of Register cigarets, for every service man who comes into the club, and there will be numerous awards. Un­ der the general chairmanship of Staff in Army Service Mis.'^ Frances Belford and the di­ rection o f Misses Margie and Jerry Charles J. McNeill, associate O’Neil, the program promises to his wife. The discussion texts ar* be the most successful ever staged editor of the Register and a mem­ The Sacrameyitals and Prayers, which McNeill wrote for publica­ by the local NCCS group. ber of the staff since April, 1934, STRESS RELIGION tion by the Catholic .Action com­ In order to accommodate the leaves Dec. 27 for Fort Logan to mittee of Wichita, Kans.; and soldiers who are expected to use enter army service. He is the sev­ three, The Apostles’ Creed, The the new NCCS-K. o f C. dormitorj' enth memlier of the editorial staff A varied program o f Catholic Commandments, and The Sacra­ over the weekend, additional cots to enter the armed forces in the Gifted Lowry Sergeants Christmas broadcasts will be car­ ments, of which he is co-author BU lUMBS are being set up in the Catholic present war.
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