Minnesota's Mineral Resources
CHAPTER • 9 Minnesota's Mineral Resources IN MINNESOTA the production of iron ore is far more valuable economically than the total of all other mineral products, but im portant industries are based on Minnesota's other geological forma tions as well. Architectural, monumental, and structural stone are produced from granite, limestone, dolomite, and other Minnesota rocks. Gravel and sand are excavated and processed, and clay is used for many ceramic products. :Manganese in important amounts occurs in the iron ores of the Cuyuna district. Finally, although they are often not thought of as mineral products, two of our most im portant mineral resources are water and soil. The iron ores and mining operations of the Mesabi, Vermilion, and Cuyuna iron-bearing districts and of the southeastern lYlinnesota counties will be discussed in detail in later chapters, but a few sta tistics on Minnesota's iron ore industry may remind us how impor tant this geological heritage is. The following is an estimate of Min nesota's iron ore reserves, made on lYlay 1, 1961: Gross Tons Mesabi Range 500,799,179 Vermilion Range 9,755,974 Cuyuna Range 36,530,000 Fillmore County 'il,860,337 Total iron ore 549,945,490 172 MI NESOTA'S MINERAL RESOURCES The total production of iron ore in Minne ota to January 1, 1962, was 2,529,737,553 tons. Total taxes paid on iron ore to January 1, 1961 , were approximately $1,257,448,400, a very important source of funds for the state government. Slightly over 60 per cent of the total iron ore produced in the United States has come from l\1inne- ota.
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