Video Abstracts Arm Levitation As Initial Manifestation of Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease: Case Report and Review of the Literature
Freely available online Video Abstracts Arm Levitation as Initial Manifestation of Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease: Case Report and Review of the Literature 1 1,2 3 1,2* Vinı´cius Boaratti Ciarlariello , Orlando G. P. Barsottini , Alberto J. Espay & Jose´ Luiz Pedroso 1 Department of Neurology, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Sa˜o Paulo, SP, BR, 2 Department of Neurology, Ataxia Unit, Universidade Federal de Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Paulo, SP, BR, 3 Department of Neurology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA Abstract Background: Arm levitation is an involuntary elevation of the upper limb, a manifestation of the alien-limb phenomenon. It has rarely been reported in Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD), less so as an initial manifestation Case Report: We report a 56-year-old right-handed man with rapidly progressive gait ataxia and involuntary elevation of the left upper limb. During the next few weeks, the patient developed cognitive impairment, apraxia, visual hallucinations, and myoclonus. He met diagnostic criteria for CJD. We evaluated additional published cases of early-appearance of alien-limb phenomenon in the context of CJD; there were 22 such cases and alien-limb phenomenon was the first and exclusive manifestation in only five of them. Discussion: Arm levitation may be a distinct presentation of CJD, appearing earlier than other clinical features. Keywords: Arm levitation, alien-limb phenomenon, acute ataxia, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, movement disorders Citation: CiarlarielloVB,BarsottiniOGP,EspayAJ,PedrosoJL.Armlevitationasinitial manifestation of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease: case report and review of the literature. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov. 2018; 8. doi: 10.7916/D80C6CGX * To whom correspondence should be addressed.
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