95 bus time schedule & line map

95 Bury - Shopping Centre Via Unsworth, View In Website Mode , Carr Clough

The 95 bus line (Bury - Salford Shopping Centre Via Unsworth, Prestwich, Carr Clough) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Bury: 6:20 AM - 9:40 PM (2) Pendleton: 5:47 AM - 10:40 PM (3) Prestwich Hospital: 7:00 PM (4) Whiteeld: 10:40 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 95 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 95 bus arriving.

Direction: Bury 95 bus Time Schedule 57 stops Bury Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:40 AM - 9:40 PM

Monday 6:20 AM - 9:40 PM Salford Shopping Centre, Pendleton Hankinson Way, Tuesday 6:20 AM - 9:40 PM

Pendleton Church, Pendleton Wednesday 6:20 AM - 9:40 PM Broughton Road, Manchester Thursday 6:20 AM - 9:40 PM Cobden Street, Brindle Heath Friday 6:20 AM - 9:40 PM Broughton Road, Manchester Saturday 7:40 AM - 9:40 PM Langley Road South, Charlestown 11-13 Cromwell Road, Manchester

Cromwell Road, Charlestown Littleton Road, Manchester 95 bus Info Direction: Bury Blossom Way, Charlestown Stops: 57 Thurseld Street, Manchester Trip Duration: 52 min Line Summary: Salford Shopping Centre, Pendleton, Racecourse Hotel, Lower Kersal Pendleton Church, Pendleton, Cobden Street, Brindle Heath, Langley Road South, Charlestown, Cromwell Bradley Avenue, Lower Kersal Road, Charlestown, Blossom Way, Charlestown, Racecourse Hotel, Lower Kersal, Bradley Avenue, South Radford Street, Kersal Vale Lower Kersal, South Radford Street, Kersal Vale, Oaklands Road, Kersal Vale, Kersal Vale, Moor Lane, Oaklands Road, Kersal Vale Kersal Vale, Myrtle Bank, Kersal Vale, Chapel Road, Rainsough Brow, Jewish Cemetery, Rainsough Brow, Kersal Vale Swarbrick Drive, Carr Clough, Woodward Road, Carr Cowling Street, Manchester Clough, Cawley Avenue, Carr Clough, Gale Road, Carr Clough, Sandy Lane, Carr Clough, Prestwich Hills, Moor Lane, Kersal Vale Prestwich, Bury New Road, Prestwich, St Ann's Road, Prestwich, Red Lion, Prestwich, Longeld Centre, Myrtle Bank, Kersal Vale Prestwich, Tesco, Prestwich Hospital, Willow Road, Myrtle Bank, Manchester Prestwich Hospital, Bury New Road, Besses O Th Barn, Sefton Street, Besses O Th Barn, Moss Lane, Chapel Road, Rainsough Brow Whiteeld, Hamilton Road, Whiteeld, Whiteeld Kersal Close, Manchester Interchange, Whiteeld, Morrison'S, Whiteeld, Mather Avenue, Whiteeld, Moss Lane, Hillock, Jewish Cemetery, Rainsough Brow Stanley Road, Hillock, The Elizabethan, Hillock, Lune Butterstile Avenue, Manchester Drive, Hillock, Oak Lane, Hillock, Calder Crescent, Hillock, Parr Lane, Unsworth, Unsworth Pole, Swarbrick Drive, Carr Clough Unsworth, Bloomeld Drive, Unsworth, Community Centre, Sunnybank, Service Station, Sunnybank, Woodward Road, Carr Clough Manchester Road, Sunnybank, Sunny Bank Road, Kershaw Avenue, Manchester Blackford Bridge, Blackford Bridge, Nuttall Square, Blackford Bridge, Mount Zion Road, Fletcher Fold, Cawley Avenue, Carr Clough Manchester Road, Fletcher Fold, Swan & Cemetery, , Redvales Road, Redvales, Radcliffe Road, Gale Road, Carr Clough Fishpool, Parliament Street, Fishpool, Town Hall, Carr Avenue, Manchester Bury, Bury Interchange, Bury

Sandy Lane, Carr Clough 140 Butterstile Lane, Manchester

Prestwich Hills, Prestwich

Bury New Road, Prestwich

St Ann's Road, Prestwich

Red Lion, Prestwich 413 Bury New Road, Manchester

Longeld Centre, Prestwich 459 Bury New Road, Manchester

Tesco, Prestwich Hospital

Willow Road, Prestwich Hospital Bury New Road, Manchester

Bury New Road, Besses O Th Barn

Sefton Street, Besses O Th Barn Stone Pale, Manchester

Moss Lane, Whiteeld

Hamilton Road, Whiteeld

Whiteeld Interchange, Whiteeld

Morrison'S, Whiteeld

Mather Avenue, Whiteeld Parkside Mews, Manchester

Moss Lane, Hillock

Stanley Road, Hillock

The Elizabethan, Hillock

Lune Drive, Hillock

Oak Lane, Hillock

Calder Crescent, Hillock Mersey Drive, Manchester Parr Lane, Unsworth

Unsworth Pole, Unsworth

Bloomeld Drive, Unsworth

Community Centre, Sunnybank Sunny Bank Road, Bury

Service Station, Sunnybank Wastdale Avenue, Bury

Manchester Road, Sunnybank

Sunny Bank Road, Blackford Bridge Sandy Close, Bury

Blackford Bridge Blackford Bridge, Bury

Nuttall Square, Blackford Bridge Barlow Fold, Bury

Mount Zion Road, Fletcher Fold Mount Zion Street, Bury

Manchester Road, Fletcher Fold 480 Manchester Road, Bury

Swan & Cemetery, Redvales

Redvales Road, Redvales

Radcliffe Road, Fishpool

Parliament Street, Fishpool Olivant Street, Bury

Town Hall, Bury

Bury Interchange, Bury Haymarket Street, Bury Direction: Pendleton 95 bus Time Schedule 58 stops Pendleton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:54 AM - 8:40 PM

Monday 5:47 AM - 10:40 PM Bury Interchange, Bury Tuesday 5:47 AM - 10:40 PM Town Hall, Bury Knowsley Street, Bury Wednesday 5:47 AM - 10:40 PM

Parliament Street, Fishpool Thursday 5:47 AM - 10:40 PM Friday 5:47 AM - 10:40 PM Holy Cross College, Fishpool Saturday 7:12 AM - 10:40 PM Gigg Lane, Fishpool

Redvales Road, Redvales

Shakespeare Avenue, Fletcher Fold 95 bus Info Direction: Pendleton Manchester Road, Fletcher Fold Stops: 58 Trip Duration: 53 min Mount Zion Road, Fletcher Fold Line Summary: Bury Interchange, Bury, Town Hall, Bury, Parliament Street, Fishpool, Holy Cross College, Fishpool, Gigg Lane, Fishpool, Redvales Road, Nuttall Square, Blackford Bridge Redvales, Shakespeare Avenue, Fletcher Fold, Manchester Road, Fletcher Fold, Mount Zion Road, Blackford Bridge Fletcher Fold, Nuttall Square, Blackford Bridge, Blackford Bridge, Bury Blackford Bridge, Blackford Brow, Blackford Bridge, Manchester Road, Sunnybank, Unsworth Library, Blackford Brow, Blackford Bridge Sunnybank, Community Centre, Sunnybank, Bloomeld Drive, Unsworth, Unsworth Pole, Manchester Road, Sunnybank Unsworth, Parr Lane, Unsworth, Harris Drive, Manchester Road, Bury Unsworth, Calder Crescent, Hillock, Oak Lane, Hillock, Lune Drive, Hillock, Parr Lane, Whiteeld, Mather Unsworth Library, Sunnybank Avenue, Whiteeld, Morrison'S, Whiteeld, Whiteeld Interchange, Whiteeld, Whiteeld Metrolink Stop, Community Centre, Sunnybank Whiteeld, Hamilton Road, Whiteeld, Moss Lane, Sunny Bank Road, Bury Whiteeld, Sefton Street, Besses O Th Barn, Bury New Road, Besses O Th Barn, Bury New Road, Bloomeld Drive, Unsworth Prestwich Hospital, Tesco, Prestwich Hospital, Longeld Centre, Prestwich, Red Lion, Prestwich, St Unsworth Pole, Unsworth Ann's Road, Prestwich, Bury New Road, Prestwich, Prestwich Hills, Prestwich, Butterstile Lane, Carr Parr Lane, Unsworth Clough, Carlford Grove, Carr Clough, Carr Avenue, Carr Clough, Kershaw Avenue, Carr Clough, Harris Drive, Unsworth Butterstile Lane, Carr Clough, Hilton Lane, Kennedy Drive, Manchester Rainsough Brow, Chapel Road, Rainsough Brow, Myrtle Bank, Kersal Vale, Moor Lane, Kersal Vale, Calder Crescent, Hillock Gargrave Street, Kersal Vale, Oaklands Road, Kersal Vale, South Radford Street, Lower Kersal, Post Oak Lane, Hillock Oce, Lower Kersal, Racecourse Hotel, Lower Kersal, Blossom Way, Charlestown, Cromwell Road, Lune Drive, Hillock Charlestown, Langley Road South, Charlestown, Cobden Street, Brindle Heath, Pendleton Church, Pendleton, Salford Shopping Centre, Pendleton Parr Lane, Whiteeld

Mather Avenue, Whiteeld Parkside Mews, Manchester

Morrison'S, Whiteeld

Whiteeld Interchange, Whiteeld

Whiteeld Metrolink Stop, Whiteeld

Hamilton Road, Whiteeld Salisbury Road, Manchester

Moss Lane, Whiteeld

Sefton Street, Besses O Th Barn

Bury New Road, Besses O Th Barn Bury New Road, Manchester

Bury New Road, Prestwich Hospital

Tesco, Prestwich Hospital Stanhope Avenue, Manchester

Longeld Centre, Prestwich 458 Bury New Road, Manchester

Red Lion, Prestwich 391 Bury New Road, Manchester

St Ann's Road, Prestwich

Bury New Road, Prestwich

Prestwich Hills, Prestwich

Butterstile Lane, Carr Clough 140 Butterstile Lane, Manchester

Carlford Grove, Carr Clough

Carr Avenue, Carr Clough Cawley Avenue, Manchester

Kershaw Avenue, Carr Clough

Butterstile Lane, Carr Clough Venwood Road, Manchester

Hilton Lane, Rainsough Brow Butterstile Avenue, Manchester

Chapel Road, Rainsough Brow Kersal Close, Manchester

Myrtle Bank, Kersal Vale Myrtle Bank, Manchester

Moor Lane, Kersal Vale

Gargrave Street, Kersal Vale Oaklands Road, Kersal Vale

South Radford Street, Lower Kersal

Post Oce, Lower Kersal

Racecourse Hotel, Lower Kersal

Blossom Way, Charlestown Reading Street, Manchester

Cromwell Road, Charlestown

Langley Road South, Charlestown

Cobden Street, Brindle Heath Cheltenham Street, Manchester

Pendleton Church, Pendleton Broughton Road, Manchester

Salford Shopping Centre, Pendleton Hankinson Way, Manchester Direction: Prestwich Hospital 95 bus Time Schedule 26 stops Prestwich Hospital Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:00 PM Salford Shopping Centre, Pendleton Hankinson Way, Manchester Tuesday 7:00 PM

Pendleton Church, Pendleton Wednesday 7:00 PM Broughton Road, Manchester Thursday 7:00 PM Cobden Street, Brindle Heath Friday 7:00 PM Broughton Road, Manchester Saturday Not Operational Langley Road South, Charlestown 11-13 Cromwell Road, Manchester

Cromwell Road, Charlestown Littleton Road, Manchester 95 bus Info Direction: Prestwich Hospital Blossom Way, Charlestown Stops: 26 Thurseld Street, Manchester Trip Duration: 22 min Line Summary: Salford Shopping Centre, Pendleton, Racecourse Hotel, Lower Kersal Pendleton Church, Pendleton, Cobden Street, Brindle Heath, Langley Road South, Charlestown, Cromwell Bradley Avenue, Lower Kersal Road, Charlestown, Blossom Way, Charlestown, Racecourse Hotel, Lower Kersal, Bradley Avenue, South Radford Street, Kersal Vale Lower Kersal, South Radford Street, Kersal Vale, Oaklands Road, Kersal Vale, Kersal Vale, Moor Lane, Oaklands Road, Kersal Vale Kersal Vale, Myrtle Bank, Kersal Vale, Chapel Road, Rainsough Brow, Jewish Cemetery, Rainsough Brow, Kersal Vale Swarbrick Drive, Carr Clough, Woodward Road, Carr Cowling Street, Manchester Clough, Cawley Avenue, Carr Clough, Gale Road, Carr Clough, Sandy Lane, Carr Clough, Prestwich Hills, Moor Lane, Kersal Vale Prestwich, Bury New Road, Prestwich, St Ann's Road, Prestwich, Red Lion, Prestwich, Longeld Centre, Myrtle Bank, Kersal Vale Prestwich, Tesco, Prestwich Hospital Myrtle Bank, Manchester

Chapel Road, Rainsough Brow Kersal Close, Manchester

Jewish Cemetery, Rainsough Brow Butterstile Avenue, Manchester

Swarbrick Drive, Carr Clough

Woodward Road, Carr Clough Kershaw Avenue, Manchester

Cawley Avenue, Carr Clough

Gale Road, Carr Clough Carr Avenue, Manchester

Sandy Lane, Carr Clough 140 Butterstile Lane, Manchester Prestwich Hills, Prestwich

Bury New Road, Prestwich

St Ann's Road, Prestwich

Red Lion, Prestwich 413 Bury New Road, Manchester

Longeld Centre, Prestwich 459 Bury New Road, Manchester

Tesco, Prestwich Hospital Direction: Whiteeld 95 bus Time Schedule 26 stops Whiteeld Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:40 PM

Monday Not Operational Bury Interchange, Bury Tuesday Not Operational Town Hall, Bury Knowsley Street, Bury Wednesday Not Operational Thursday Not Operational Parliament Street, Fishpool Friday Not Operational Holy Cross College, Fishpool Saturday Not Operational Gigg Lane, Fishpool

Redvales Road, Redvales

Shakespeare Avenue, Fletcher Fold 95 bus Info Direction: Whiteeld Manchester Road, Fletcher Fold Stops: 26 Trip Duration: 22 min Line Summary: Bury Interchange, Bury, Town Hall, Mount Zion Road, Fletcher Fold Bury, Parliament Street, Fishpool, Holy Cross College, Fishpool, Gigg Lane, Fishpool, Redvales Road, Nuttall Square, Blackford Bridge Redvales, Shakespeare Avenue, Fletcher Fold, Manchester Road, Fletcher Fold, Mount Zion Road, Blackford Bridge Fletcher Fold, Nuttall Square, Blackford Bridge, Blackford Bridge, Bury Blackford Bridge, Blackford Brow, Blackford Bridge, Manchester Road, Sunnybank, Unsworth Library, Blackford Brow, Blackford Bridge Sunnybank, Community Centre, Sunnybank, Bloomeld Drive, Unsworth, Unsworth Pole, Manchester Road, Sunnybank Unsworth, Parr Lane, Unsworth, Harris Drive, Manchester Road, Bury Unsworth, Calder Crescent, Hillock, Oak Lane, Hillock, Lune Drive, Hillock, Parr Lane, Whiteeld, Mather Unsworth Library, Sunnybank Avenue, Whiteeld, Morrison'S, Whiteeld, Whiteeld Interchange, Whiteeld Community Centre, Sunnybank Sunny Bank Road, Bury

Bloomeld Drive, Unsworth

Unsworth Pole, Unsworth

Parr Lane, Unsworth

Harris Drive, Unsworth Kennedy Drive, Manchester

Calder Crescent, Hillock

Oak Lane, Hillock

Lune Drive, Hillock

Parr Lane, Whiteeld

Mather Avenue, Whiteeld Parkside Mews, Manchester

Morrison'S, Whiteeld

Whiteeld Interchange, Whiteeld 95 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved