Appraisal of Rural Banditry In" Kamuku" Forest in Birnin Gwari Local
Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology Vol. 18, No. 1, 2018 A22RAISAL OF RURAL -AN,ITRY IN K;A1UKU“ FOREST IN -IRNIN GWARI LOCAL GOVERN1ENT AREA OF KA,UNA STATE, NIGERIA 1-adzama, 2. ., 2Saddiq, N. 5., 3Oduehie, T. C. and 2.ariya, C. J. 1.epartment of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ahmadu 4ello niversity, Jaria, Kaduna State 2.epartment of Agricultural Extension and Rural .evelopment, Faculty of Agriculture, Ahmadu 4ello niversity, Jaria, Kaduna State 3National Agricultural Extension and Research 3iaison Services, Ahmadu 4ello niversity, South East Jone, mudike1Nigeria Correspondence contact detailsA, M2348165560660 A-STRACT The study examined rural banditry, causes and its perceived effect on the rural economy in Kamuku forest in 4irnin -wari local government area of Kaduna State. 2t used Duantitative tool (questionnaire, to collect data from 300 randomly selected respondents (i.e. 30 respondents each from 10 districts in 4irnin -wari 3-A while qualitative data (in-depth interview, were sourced from ten (10) knowledgeable informants (i.e. one each from the ten districts purposively selected,. .ata collected were analy6ed using descriptive statistics. The result shows that 72.3N were male respondents and 88.2N had attained the age of 30 to 45years while 69.3% respondents were married and they had 6 to 15 children. Facilitating factors to rural banditry were poverty (57.2%,, greed (11.9N,, corruption (18.3%,, and poor security (12.GN,. Overwhelming proportion (92.2N, of the respondents indicated that bandits are prevented them from farming (27.4%,, hunting (25.FN,, obtaining forest food (14.3N,, firewood and medicinal herbs (24.8%, while 67.4% of the respondents agreed that rural banditry affects the rural economy.
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