THE FRAMP~fON FAMILY WITH ESPECL\L REFEREKCE TO WILLIAM FRAMPTON REGISTER GEXERA.L PR(ffIXCE OF PEXXSYL\-_-\XL\. 1686 _-\~D HIS DESCEXD.-\XTS By J. S. WRIGHTNOUR, D. D. FRAMPTON CREST CHAPTER I I~TRODlTTION \\'hen \Yashington Irving, under the name of Deitrich Knickerbocker, wrote the history of New York City, he felt it incumbent on him, in order to make his history com plete, to begin with speculations as to the origin of the earth, and its geological eras, and then, by easy transitions, get down to Adam and £ye, and finally to the earliest inhabitants of l\fanhattan Island. In tracing ,vhat we can learn of the Frampton family, it is not necessary to go quite so far back as this. Nor is the undertaking as difficult as writing the history of the Smith or the Jones family would be. Yet far less common as the name of "Frampton" is, the full list of all who have borne that name, to say nothing of all the descendants .of other names, would fill several volumes the size of this. I shall be content ,vith the general outlines, and re sen-e for individual descendants the filling out, at least in most cases, the names of members of their own immediate family. and their descent, \vith the data proYided. For this purpose, blank pages are here and there provided in this book. Suffice it to say that in all the writer's mnstigations, he has never found any one bearing the name, who has been found guilty of any crime, or been incarcerated in jail.
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