Mongolian Red List of Reptiles and Amphibians
Mongolian Red List of Reptiles and Amphibians Compiled by Terbish, Kh., Munkhbayar, Kh., Clark, E.L., Munkhbat, J. and Monks, E.M. Edited by Munkhbaatar, M., Baillie, J.E.M., Borkin, L., Batsaikhan, N., Samiya, R. and Semenov, D.V. THE WORLD BANK i ii This publication has been funded by the World Bank’s Netherlands-Mongolia Trust Fund for Environmental Reform. The fi ndings, interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily refl ect the views of the Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / the World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colours, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgement on the part of the World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) have contributed to the production of the Mongolian Red List of Reptiles and Amphibians, providing technical support, staff time, and data. IUCN supports the production of the Mongolian Red List of Reptiles and Amphibians, but the information contained in this document does not necessarily represent the views of IUCN. Published by: Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4RY Copyright: © Zoological Society of London and contributors 2006. All rights reserved. The use and reproduction of any part of this publication is welcomed for non- commercial purposes only, provided that the source is acknowledged ISSN: 1751-0031 Citation: Terbish, Kh., Munkhbayar, Kh., Clark, E.L., Munkhbat, J., Monks, E.M., Munkhbaatar, M., Baillie, J.E.M., Borkin, L., Batsaikhan, N., Samiya, R.
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