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8-12-1948 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1948). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2438.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1948 ---'------_ I BACKWARD LOOK I HALF CENTURY TEN YEARS AGO The True Memorial ' . Faom Bulloch Times, Aug. 11, 1938 SERVICE IS AN UNWRITTEN BUT ELO­ On local market hog prlcei"drQ'iiPed WHERE NEEDED while cwttle advanced; beel QUENT STOny OF ALL THAT prrces heifers, $709 to $7.40, No 1 hog" (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) IS BEST IN LIF:g. $825 , Cotton marketing' cards are now Bulloch Tim... ElltabIl.hed 18112 , 1117 Issued famers who io-operat­ State.boro E.tabllahed Conaolld.ted Juurr �7. Our work helps to .reflect the bemg Ne...,., 11191 I' STATESBORO. GA., AUGUST 1948 ed with the 1938 farm program, Stateaboro E.tabllahecl UI17-Conaolldated D_ber 1lIIIO THUR:_:'JAY, 12, sptrtt which prompts you to erect Eagle, II, Johnston wus U VISltOI' at Mrs D S Robertson, of Snvnnnah, ems must be presented by glower flDI!!'J:'rJJ/fl� the stone as an act of reverence lhns returned at time or sale. 'D '0 S.lVUllIUh Bench Fllday home aftCl a VISit and devotion .. Our experience Market shows that States­ c MI with. VI1&'(;'_IIIJUi' reyort c ureIy ersonaI Dun Groover, or Atluntu, IS VISit- and MIs Lester Edenfield sold 19 at your lCIervlC'e. boro warehouse last we,. 1,515,. ONE • MEFfS Statesboro Given his mother, Mrs Gecrge GIOO- ...... 100 of tobacco for I'" average IKII11bUIi \ pounds DEATH, Beauty �:; GI;;;��' �;'I��:e� ;�� :::s �:�al;;e:� price of $2404 per 100, ten Geor­ Rambler was a visitor at _.- Br�nson 1 THAYER MONUMENT COMPANY markete sold at lower Again -:wnrd glB average MI und Mrs Bernard MOIIIS were with MI und MIs. Bert Ramsey THREE �_� IN HOSPITAL Savannah Beach Sunday A Local SInce l.JI22 pnce. State visitors at Suvunnnh Bench Ft-iduy Nlis Gilbert Cone and ehlldren, Industry Highest Appraisal Juhan Tillman und Vun, An audience conservatively esti­ 1\h'S son, JOHN M, Road Crash Near everung Gilbert JI and Balliett, have return- THAYER, Proprietor mated at 1,500 stood attentively m Saturday Savannah .. Dubl�n silent 45 West Main Street PHONE while III be­ W•fltes ar MI und Mrs W S Hunner and Wert (rom A month's at Savannah 489 GL Eugene Talmadge spoke F'rOI11 stay Statesboro, A'f Early Wedne8dB�· _I�_ Morntng Bruce Olhff and MIS lis Heyward ,..-.-- half of his candidacy for the United S Hanner JI spent F'riduy at Savan- Beach. j,�l � [Lnpr-Lf ) Reader'. of the Times will Involves Local Citizens LOCAL TOBACCO In Ii_�� again Foxhall sp nt Tuesday Savannah States senate in opposition to WaI­ Huh Bench MI und Mrs Bernard Mo) liS wei e Will Mr and MI"S. Er nest Tootle an, ter George here Tuesday mornmg MI and Mrs Zach Smith spend H W Averitt of was u �inr. ;;tt� Jr, Millen, MI and MIs 01111 Smith spent dinner guests of MIss Trabue Daluy MR. AND MRS. SMITH VISITED IN AUGUSTA Social "vente At a lovell' party ��a�!b���te�t:��t�,h'b;1 VISIT a FARMERS TO POl- nounce the bir-th of Ernesb now III the week end with relatives ut sorr, man, foreign lands. Early lI1�tantly killed and three others were MARKET IS ACfIVE lust week ut tho Solms at the Dublin Olub Mrs Bruce Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Gilbert f'ew days Country Saturday at ARE HONORED orue, MI',. J E Done- last year, It Will Dr rot.t Edwin, July 20, the Bulloch Coun- members of bo recalled, sent to the a whose Cone entertained her hospital as result of Hotel, Savannah Beah averung !\lit und MI·o Zuch Smith, lloo and M,,,. Heyward Foxhall spent Pittman was In German terrttory Receipts To Date Have Gone Iiss Ann Turner, of Suvnnnnh, I: ty Hospital bridge club, thoe Three TIFfON COLLEGE highway accident which OCCUlTed on MI and MIS Ashton IntHI was II I eeant nt e be- In O'clocks./Mlss and regaled our readers With a !\it'S [ V Simmons and children, Simmons and • • • • rage event, Thursday Augusta as guests of "Martha Cowart, of Atlanta; MISS Well Past the Nine Million spending the week with MISS LOUise series of contributions of mterest President Donaldson Gives 'the highway beyond Dublin around and are the childi en, Eloise und Ashton JI and MI and Mts. H V Harvey, of entertained at a number of lovely MI and Mrs Carl Frances of Randy Putty, spending , Ing Sunders. They Parker, Tallahassee, Fla, More Record of Sales Olhff recently he has accepted ""- Invitation Which Has Been M,dlllght Wednesday mornmg Pounds MIS Horner Simmons announce the birth of a Thur MI. and and MISS J'osephine Kennedy, of Sa­ week at Savannah Beach 81 are spand- Hinesville, parties sday 'llenmg were accompa'ni-ed home by MISS Slgnment to do educatienal work Mrs Eugene DeLoach, of Col urn- shared honors at a Bureau Those Injured are the ","ad man'; were vannah, lovely In Accepted By Group Tobncco continued to loll' In D B Could has returned to At- ntg the week at Savannah Beach (buglt.tet, Jacqqul�lyn LOUIse, July MIS Horace Z. Smith Sr hosts Teresa Foy who has been spending Korea, and It IS from that far- steady bUI, S. C, spent last week with 1·.1- bridge and chinle..r-check party Wife and his father, H. W. Averitt streams and Mudte at the away land he IS now HIS Bulloch a Visit Tuesday night W\)dneo­ lnntr aftei a short VISit with his MIS Phillips and duugntei ll, at the Bulloch County Hospital at " delightful dinner party sometime With he� Sister, Mrs San­ afternoon at which MISS Sarah writing, county farmers plan .1tIVCS here day Tues-j Sr., both of und James day to the Stateabcrc I address, for the benefit of any who Millen, Plovd I1Jlu�at, lind mothel, MIS D B Gould i""cille, have retulned home aftel MIS Hal'Vey wail formerly MISS MII­ Forrest Heights Count! y Club With dets, while thell' moth'''', Mrs. J. P Poindexter was hostess -Mrs C P. to the Coastal Plains Expenmont thlough lust IIIght the nlluket Will WIsh to lS . or MI and MIS Wright Evelett und L. Mrs John may address hun, Depart- Colemun, Statesboro Thl! scene last IllOnth wIth of Statesbolo. and hiS bi Hie as honOI Olhff, Mrs J Mathews, Statton 25 and 26. hav. sold well Bvel nine million MldS Evalyn SImmon hus ('CtUI ned S{ endIng Capt and h ed Lee: theu son Foy: IS on a tOUl of European eoun­ ment of EducatIOn, Dtrector TTC, August George of the of vlsited and Miss J Ken­ colhslon Is reported to havo J son, Bill, Metter, Thlllsdny Kennedy osephme Abraham pounds t '0 New YOI" aftel spendlllg a month MI s J C at Camp L,- guests Cove,'. were placed for Mr tries MISS Foy IS aWhile Hq. USAMGIK, APO 235, care P Donaldson, preSident of \\Ith MIS John E"'.lett Schwalke, spendmg nedy motored to Athens Wednesday, been Allentown, bet""en Dub­ Monday the Statesbolo'market hud MIS SII11- N C and Mrs Zach Postma'ilter, Sun FrnRclsco, Cahf. BaldWin has IIlvlted the with hel mother, Homol Juene, VlRS. SEARS AT MAYO Smith, Bobby With her aunt, Mr'. Olltff where they Jomed Mr Kennedy upon College, hn and a fllll MI s A J Mdls, of Oakland Cahf • Joffersonville. Accordmg to sales, Belltng 610,000 pounds * * * • letter Farm some mons SI MIS',ms Matgazet DeLonc]l, Ann Fllends will be Interested to lealn Smith, MIS" Mary Janet Agan, hiS return from Washmgton. ,HIS received last weok for- Bureau to brmg forty Tl.l'asduy thete wae u In pound­ - reports, the Averttt car was ellOP a.; vlsltmg hel blothel, Dr E N I • • • • commg AT SAVANNA BEACH lows in the but found another Mrs LOllle hos letulned to Kelly, Clllolyn Waddell and DOli' MIS of MI' and MIS. H I' Jones J,', felloW'll down there and hve age, Wednesday and MIS Rigdon that Geolge Seat., Moultrie, YEARS AGO. toward Dublnl while tha other was BI'O\ 11, Blown D B Rem>r BI Arthur TWENTY full sales Through IU',t IlIght un·al u with of were Mr and Mrs' TUllier, ady, dormltol'les and eat III tha hall Tifton spending week Rldmgs, Atlanta, week-end IS at MISS Betty Smith, Seoul, 1948. dllling the an Clll 01 Jean Cal tel has I etul n- Mayo ClinIC, Rochester, Mmn, 1928 Korea, July 25, entollng I!lghway froln lIltOI'­ mOlo than �lJss TUI ner and MI ,und MI·s. John God­ From Bulloch TImes, Aug. 9, (Wednes\IIIY) $<1,250,000 s. of MI and Mts. W Brannen JI lind MIS Ed for two PreSident Donaldson hel slstel, IVII ROg"1 Holllllld, lind Sliests B Bowen 1\ hel e sha was Cnt lied last week Fol- Laster ,MI Bulloch County Friends days. "ectmg IlIghway weI e I)oid out on the local IJ"uket. cd to hOI home III Tnmpu, FIn, after bee the week at Mrs Lnu�a Bessinger, of Denmark, ut spent el1(l SlIvunnah stated that would have ta Latost mformutlOn from the hos­ thJ mnt­ Vlt Hollund Reglstel an after- Olltff, Mr and Mrs. J B Wllhams, the home of Here I am In Korea-more than they pay Thl'Ough Tuesduy Illg'ht, U With MISS Bunks lowtng Op""ltlOn yesteIClay S C, dr.d Monday at VISit Patty Beuch and wer" pltal m Dublm 10 that the ket here Ann IVIt ,md MIS. Bill MIS Walker MI and accompulll·.d homo a nommal for their meals. mJured had sol� 8,668,894 pounds MISS Attaway lind Emoty Alderman and ,oon whteh was lepOlted less sellous MI and Hill, hel' brother, M. J. Kinard. 11,500 miles from where I started In only charge Mrs JI111 R Donaldsoll and MI s B pel"Sons uI"a In "fair" condItion and Wednesday's sale of ovel bOO,Obv alld Mr und MIS Jlln by Mrs. D Tumer, Mrs Remer C E Sanders, of the Stllson com- director of the .ta- Bohlel and MISS LOUise Wilson and I duughtel, Beverly, MIS. D B than wus fealed she IS tn good con- MI s W R Lovett, Statesboro You Will be Interested George KlIlg, Funelnl sel'Vlces for Mr. Aventt Will the Chul".s PeIlY, of Savannah, spent bl'lng soason'l total to date Brady, MIS Arthul TUlne'r and MISS !nUllity, gave the editor a watermelon Fat'll! Bureau Will H.all11an Deal were Vlsltor.3 at Snvan- Gould were In LOUisville lecently, dltlOn Her MIS E T Den- Watson. Mr and Mts. Belnard Mor- to how I got here. Mrs H,n­ tlOn, has assured the bo conducted Frtday afternoon ut to uoproxlnlutely 9,269,000, 38 com� severnl thIs weele III Atlnnta SlstOl, which 61'h A whop- learn day.; Juhe Turner who weighed pounds. 4 O'clOck at m Wele Frank �pent last week ton that research workers wlth the reSidence Millen pared to 8,420,974 pounds soid at the flh Bench whar'e they guests oI'relatlves Fin I liS, Ml.3S MUlgalet Humm, With her took me variety, ?ttl nnd MI·3 R L of Su- SUllda] mUlk, of Marianna, accompanied \ perl Booth, DeSoto, R.v J W Holland, thera. Holland and Rev. E. C. samJ d.te last year The money lit It balbecue dmnel MlSS Fred W are for the con- cultivatIOn and m"ect con- pUld MI'\l OtiS Watel' and chlldlen and MI nnd MIS Sear. on the ttlp to the Aldred, Betty Tillman, Bids being sought 'to Savannah, where I took a tram [ertlhzer, Means Will Burial Will ba vanlluh, spent Sunday With her par- • • •• offlclUte out to date thiS yeur Will exceed last Dulton MI and Mrs R und Mr and Mrs G C of a $7,000 school bUlldmg for trol worl' would be available to con- In )Irs Kennedy and son, L,tr1y, p_ Stephens Moultrte Wednes- Hodges JI., Cole­ structioJ> Washmgton In Washington I the Millen cemotery lYell!'s ovel of a mlt­ ents, MI and Mrs B W Shellnut hOSPital, leavtng METHODIST YOUTH TO at thr·ae-qunrters Ghponreka. duct the tour of all the and HIS funersl Will be held two month's hon dollars leturned Satulday from a week's Bobby Stephens spent the week e"d of last week man, Ml' and Ml�5 W P BlOwn, MISS I took a plane and came all the crops MISS GWEN WEST �11s Sutler has leturned to day morwng CAMP Tobacco market gOing strong way, Phlltp ATT�ND MEETING 'to the after �.e married hiS child- are m ** *- * Itvestock local farme.. are lIlterest.- day Growera oomg u1ged ,by ware­ "MMa Georgia" stuy at Savannah Beach with Ii"lutlV'as Waynesboro and Ann Attaway, Billy Olhff, Belton Two-thtrds of a mlllton pounds \'Iold changing plan!!'. four ttmes and mnk­ Columbia, S C, after spendlllg last \ )lood sweetheart, the former' MISS housemen to house nil late tobacco, people of the M·.thodlst. ed m. MI'ss Barbara Franklm has return- were accompanted home by MIS IN SUNDAY Kimball Johnston, Robert Young first SIX market days (Was opelllng mg SIX enroute. I left Wash- Jo 6.-The bru­ w<'ok With Mr and Mrs Inman AUGUST;'\. Bl'Ilswell, stop� Donnte Reugan. of Millen. as thiS type of tobacco IS bl mglllg Columbus, Ga., Aug. Fpy Youth of Bulloch season for Statesboro a MIS W. B and Mr. and Mrs. Horace FelloWiihlp county market) on The Bulloch will ar-' Born Dee was a mem­ the ed from house at Stephens' mother, Ches- MI and MIS Bert � Mr. Gloover mgton morning " 18th county group 10, 1926, he highest pllce fot that nette head of a Statesboro wore SI party Oceanside, RamS'.y, WII- Tusday July particular girl sub-dlstrtet Will attend a meet­ Mlhtary boys (Floyd Akms, ber of the Millen church and e\"�l" a With Dr who IS their a camp and tn on nve in Tifton the last of Baptist type recorded to Georgul. .and VISit and Mrs. Dav,d tel', guest for few and Mrs Talmadge Ramsey, Mr. and Smith. ham Deal Harwell Ozburn Jack I arrived Seoul TtMmday af­ dunng day the crown 01 Geologia's reigning beau­ �lts K Johnston, Mfs Gor- at some Ute Millen Lions as well as The marltat IS tlnw m a GI'ady ing Tattn9ll camp glound 50 a sWllle short course and then be Club, §tllte!t, can be teken care of, Mr. Donaldson Army II, days to com·�. eatne lind children, Nuncy and Bucky, spent Mr and Mrs. FI,.d A. Br1080n, of Forbes, Mr and Mrs Gerald Groo­ Akins, of annonunce the Base, out of San Franclslo, IS Miss of 1948" Thurs­ Mrs Wilburn Woodcock and daugh- New and at Edwards, Ellabelle, 2,479 was overseas III the Phlllppmes for Hope NeVIls, begmmng stated. S WOme have Georgia. at Savannah Beach. announce Ann Mr Olhff and Mrs. Dew Groover enter­ of to (ar twenty a dash of humor Willatte and Bonme have Sunday Cochran, the ongagement ver, MISS Shirley Lanter, ma.rrla"" th�ir .daulfhter, Clara, miI�B; (rom there to Honolulu IS 2,- .0 thirteen months Followmg hl8 diS­ day night, mixing tel'd, Page, the age of 12, are ehglble to make - Rawdon M Mr and Mr3 James Bland and at the home of Mrs. Olhff, of I hsted their names WIth the county m he en­ with a •• of 80n, of theu Dianne of und M[";i. CeCil Waters Jr I Mr. and Itammg Ak11l'8, 463'' from there to Johnson I land is ,charge Decem""r, 1946, guile type beauty to win lcturncd from a of several weeks meco, Brannen, apphcatlOn. Only fifty from thiS coun­ Statesboro.-Of, s stay I cordtal Interest IS the marrIage of m for on holled Mercer hllve a VISIt which was decorated WIth agents reservatIOns the tnp. UllIverslty. SKr over fifteen from of can TEACHERS UP at third an­ Jllnmy, r�turned Mlaml, to Herbert Richter, of Orhng- Mrs Jim Watson and Mrs Charles attractlvely ty be accepted beca use of MISS Lilhan of Mr. 822, from there to WwaJalem IB 1,­ othe", the at Savannah Beach. lac� Beasley, daughter I One of the ma.t men .. popular mlx.. refresh­ of room. The '3ummer Others mterested are urged to mak" yeung several day. With MI and Mrs. 0 N and Miami. Th·. of Savannah, spant Sunday d garden flowers. Damty campalgrt pto and Mrs. J. P ta from there to Guam IS nual "MISS Georgia" pas-�an.t. Mrs Bill returned to ton, J, weddmg Perry, Beasley, Harry 639, 1,596; . of Millen, he ha. been for beauty Holzer has calls for attendance at employed consisted of a of sund­ gram camp which was reservatlOns as as convement. D Keown at Blue Sprmgs, Ga Will take m St. Paul's Church, m ments vartety Coakley, performed Sun- from there ta Tokio is from early the past several months as teller for Carol Cobb, who waa runner-up to hel home tn Haven, Pa, place Augusta for the first and several 1,55� FOR SCHOOL WORK Schuylkill meetmg ttme, dai mornmg \' Mrs F Ii Peacock and daughter, 011 22. MI�' Brannen wlches, potnto chips, cheese wafers � here to Seoul IS a. total "MI�s Columbus," took thIrd place, uft"l a VISit With her Mr. Miami, August pastors of churches report a much 637, makmg parents, Plans are complete for three-days School of Commerce �rnB:d:lti!nM;�lehls parente and hiS First of Conference - ale With Ice cream. Mon­ Jean, of Bladenton, Fla, and Mrs. IS the of a natIve of States- �UMMER V*IS*IT*O*RS and gmger larger enthuslUsm than In other years. from to Seoul of Day The petite blonde scored a hit J D Allen. daughter convention of Press Asso- Washmgton 11,190 . . IS wl� and Mrs Georgia ""' et he surviwd by two Sister, Mr. and Mrs N. B I}••I have as were to The program Will be under the direc­ Will Held a Durwood Fulford, of Swamsboro, boro, the late Dr. Cltff Brannen, who ogrammed napkms pre'sented ciabon commencing Mdnday; two hun- miles A In 0 t· rs. Juhan and Be Monday, jazz ballet exhIbition. MIS. Leloy Sh.aley and her httle tIOn of Rev Vernon of Sa­ gaIn pera IOn, Hine':d Mr. an'a Mrs Foy Waters and sona, 23rd great volume bu�mess, E Herbert Jr. has been en­ Will return Hodge. Youmans IS a III th� Manne Bailey On Frtday the teachel'il Her patIent son Mr Each farmer IS mude a club Sister, Elalllo W"st, represented and of St V1S­ D Outland McDougald, of of the overseas service to Amertcan­ who 1\ group spendmg the week end at Bobby Denms, Murya, gaged 10 promotlOnal actiVities for to their local ochools to and Hospital, Savannah, havmg I eccntly and Mrs J A left Tues- complete Statesboro in the telatlves here McDougald, IS done by planes members receive an attractive key 9pectecle. Savannah Beach Ited lust week Thay occupied territory sehral yoaUi'1! m Chicago, Atlanta and formulate to meet the needs undergone a maJor opelatlOn Mrs. to enter trammg m plans To the went the that to Ilnd pnd a certlficllte of jIlemi>ershl!l. the lucky girl $1,000 welO accompaOled home by their !.\Ion. belong the Army Navy. IS a native � BC1llard Dekle and hiS mother, Mrs Putllsh and Ml and Mrs. Lee Par­ �:rat��� �;h';�f elsewhere. Mr. Carney of the utJd commulllty Brc In- schqpl the ta Ftrst bale was If makes one of those branches county agent Bald, and all scholarship, right repre8'Jnt D R Dekle, went by plane Foy, who spent th>a (last month of new cotton proud Georgian and has had several years On tho Septem- durmg ker Fteeman spent Sunday With Mr. epllQwlng MondllY, the III the "MISS Am�rica" brought to market yesterday by John to see how elfi­ vlted to an annual meetmg where stllte as the gUe'ot 01 MI. and M1S J R of the 'g9vernment tn the week to Gre'ansbOl 0, N C Mrs Youmans ex�rlence the teachmg proresSlOn ber 6th, the schools will offiCially Powell, farming on the J. W. WI I- are beauty III Atlantic Donaldson. Clent and how �ourteou8 IS the serv­ keys and certificates presented p.ageant CIty, Dekle Will VISIt for somettme With her •• • • ham. farm at Adabelle Co-mCldentlally, all the new offiCials open With all th'a children present 'Ice These rules must be observed to three evelllng 'gowns and an enormous chlldlen m NOlth Carohna Mrs. LawrenC". Lockhn and sons, RETURNS FROM TRIP Street paVlng, mentIOned last week of the Am'arlcan School of Commerce All parents are urged to give their I be for trophy 88 about to boa '.uspended, lS bemg mte.....ted m a few eligtble membership Jlltss Domthy of EdWin and of are MlS W. S Hannel has returned You might be attended Mercer Umverslty. their children MOlgan, Savannnh, Jimmy, Chfcago, co-operatIOn by havmg In to a rapidly pushed, the government hav- At least ona acre of corn must addltton creatmg stir in ltems or mCldente which tnterested (1) spent last week With MI03S LOUise OU- het parents, DL and MrJ. flom a ttlp of ';everal days thmugh Headquarters of the newly organiz­ enroll III the school on the openlllg vlsltmg ing gIven conseni to proceed must enroll th e aud lence III bath lIIg SUIt d tn- be grown, (2) the farmer I me as I came over First, the ed school Will be m With as as a� 1ff, and together they VISited Jekyll R J H DeLoach Bobby Lockhn, the mountams of North Geol'glU and MOl" than 100 Bulloch county boY" Atlanta, day and attend regularly pos- I wlth the cost per evenlllg gown, MIS" WC'.t won the were advanced to No on of Stnoe I county agent, (3) Island for the week end With Mr and of Will arnve next week for North She was uccom­ class 1, first creased length the day. offlC'a locatIon to be announced later Sible every thereafter. Chicago, Ca�qhna day audience over With a hum�rou8 mono- hst was Hampton MJlher 4-c, three bushel must not exceed market value, Mrs A D and fllends (rom I a VISit With hiS Dr Mrs J W PeDcock Lamer, was traveling With the sun, persons 10tJrested In the Much work has been done on MOlgan gtandpalents, puntad by and Meanwhlle, repulr tribulatIOns of last on hst was George Cltfton, 4-a crop and .records must be logue concernmg the hours was added bb the from achool wnte BOl( (4) Yield Savunnah I Mrs. De�h MI s L P Sklllner of Eastman. Fees for Dem- dayhght may 1087, Atlanta, the school bUlldlllgB III Bulloch coun- and, forthcomtng county must be turned tn a befuddled lady who couldn't qUlte to the west three! "ept, (5) I'ecords ocrabc prtmary were fixed at Satur- Washington coast, Ga ty durlllg the summer so aB to have to the ExtenSion ServICe office at comprehend the she-namgatls that go commltooe the states to day's meetlng Congress, hours from Honolulu, tb!m I eady fOI' the Ol>elllng of school as and With a baseball game. / $80, Judge suparlor court, $65, rep- five pOSSible Athens by December i, persons flom Honolulu to Guam hours- on Septembet 6th Three new school resentatl"" tn $3250 Fourth. We have an all' base on wmnmg awards must do a major part ;h: l:gt."lature, that was the longest, queerest day of buses have been added to the fleet Johnson Island which IS not much of the work furmsh and Hiram _ capital Patterson's FORTY YEARS AGO my Itfe travelmg 4,057 miles alld or. and all old bus'as have been repulled If than the of hours of any larger campus superVl810D Home From Bulloch Times, 4ug. 12, 1908 twenty dayhght so a� to aVOid as much bUB tlouble Body Arrives Georgia Toaachers College The run- Fol' furthel' mfotmatlOn, Mr Dyer Foods At DaVid fOI mer cltlzen of as nfter school Prices Strange, Second One of the mteresttng opens posslbha of Htram an Low�r and end at the water'; Will be to talk With oil tntere'.ted The body Paltterson, B II h count ddTIe m exas a. ways begtn glad Quality y, t age was the "On at· 10 featur"", of experl- Fllday, September a, 3erVlce owr- tljat day done avmtol who fell In the I ot 8�c edge and the Illndmg has to be fatmers. were there Will be a of ull E A ence of sklpptng a day We o'clock, meetlllg seas the late war, arrived at Brannen and Paul Frankhn mstrument One has the 'there are 139 farmers m Bulloch durmg by flymg ta de­ purchased the drug busmess of S. J sal!tng along between Johnson Island school bus traml>oltatlOn and Ius home at Alamo last week and SUGAR All when that he lS com- county to 100 or more Cigarettes Ieehng landmg trymg grow Will be Crouch on state and QuaJaletn along about noon The patrolmen present Interment was In the Alamo cemetery . I mg down m the sea bushels of com per acre thiS year . C E Cone bought the B E Tur- The of the Friday, the 15th day 0f J u I y. At at th" meetlllg purpOBe wlth fittlllg ceremomes at 12 o'clock 5 42c carton I ner stock of merchandise valued at Fifth We flew over Iwo Jlma IS to formulate for pounds $1.79 a given mstant we cros�d an Imag1O- meetmg plans Saturday PrecedIng mterment, beau­ $14,000 but did not land. Some of the planes Show bus and to de­ �Zlet' Lunkly was larre�ted on ary hne called the InternatIOnal Student-Faculty school trtnsportatlOn tiful S'3rVICe, attended by a throng of land there It IS a halI-way murder had been m good buses to their was held m the charge; hldmg Date Lmc. On one s-acond It wa':l For Tomorrow Itver the t"spective approClatlve fnends, ...... All PL�T JARS, doz. 79c doz. 89c stnce 1890 pomt between Guam and Tokio Night Methodist church, directed by a for­ QUART JARS, 11' 56 mmutes and 41 second� drIVelS hours, now of Cor­ S., A. & N rruroad sae enJomed; of the.., "lands recall said and tragic Students at Georgia Teachers Col­ mer pastor, Rev Snell, on the next second It was objects to sale or mort- Frlday, dele e"ntractor experiences of the war They are not lege here have chosen Friday, Aug 25-lb. I gage of road. 11 hours, 56 mmutes Md 42 seconds Young Patterson was well and pop­ WAS THIS YOU? Money-Back I worth as outposts of to launch their student-faculty J H Elders, of Clayton, announces havmg except 13tlt, ularly known 10 thiS commuOity as a on Saturday. I had ta rub my eyeS our for VISitor some FIour Jus mtentton to run for congress on defense or as landmg places variety show, 'f'Nell's Bells," whICh You arc a populal' annual student at Teachers College _Guaranteed Bag und scratch my head over one ofl'ernoon went from $1.69 ticket OV'3rseas service that their was of to our city Wednesday elght or ten yeurs ago He Repubhcan t�at May be wrltvan by Jimmy Ounter, Annou_nced tha.t Judge H. D D I'll have another eye-opener you were charmmg hostess to a het:e for traIning 10 aVIation and for Well, only functIOn tn the future! Statesboro and four local students, Will address the Confederate number of fIlend. at brIdge You months was located at Tampa COOKING OIL ,WHITE POTATOES on return When I to saverat TW1�gs my trip get I am to b here chosen Veterans m r'aunton 20th going be very usy mcluding MISS Gwen West, wote a black dress With before oversea a HIS for now August crepe gomJ>; m�ther, sheer that 1m·. I Will filllsh one day and last and cans .$2.89 5 Jbs. . 19c they're Young son of Mr and Mrs. Eu- runnmg a speed-up teachers college "MISS GeorgIa" at Columbus rhmestone pm at neckhne crys­ Mr3 Millie Paterson, daughter lij the was drowned then all over agalll on another tal beads. late Hlrom of Alamo, 18 a gene Kmght Saturday begm for Korean t"achers. PractICally all week. The curtam wlll go up at 8 30 Se�ls, dark for later Flat near call at nur&3 and was III the service at Ford bridge, Sttlson the .ame name Now, am't If the lady de�cflbed ",11 tramed they'Ie day by of my ttme Will be spent tn Seoul The melodramattc burlesqu"" also Field Peas FIl"ilt bale of cotton was brought the Times office she WllJ be given durmg the war She IS now employed Lima Beans Long Grain Rice that queer? But that lS' the way I of mter- Tur­ ';.;0; to market by J I Aycock, of the may not see many th,ngs stars Statesboro students, Julte twa tlCk-ats to the picture, "On An at Porstmouth, Va � our IS so let It be. R calendar mude, e'ilt and what I ner as Evans With You" today .. Lockhart dlstnct. Slm- about showmg cans 25c 2 No.2 cans .25c Box resoues from lhe mld sununer heat With bought by which to write Ma Appleseed; Jimmy ,Island 2 No.2 25c T_ you . Alglon mons at 10,",' cents and at the Theater I Thll d Our government IS not en- do write, Uncle Dave may not thmk as Juda� and Bernard Friday Geotgla Flintheart, OUTDOOR SUPPER won sheers. I her If the two new, del ful rayon crepe Chatham county Democrats In con- .... Aftcr ecelvlng tickets, ta0 An.uraglngW wives to come any fu" her IS "fitt'"m t0 t btlusah II Wrl MOM'IS as Moo. ventlO!!, defeated resolutIOn pledgmg ptln, lady Will cull at the Stute.boro BREAKFAST BACON COCA-COLAS Left Gold Stnke. Non tormsbable metalhc thread glimmers not last Sliced to W J Bryan, DemocratIC west that Hawall, permlttmg to yqu If and when I do have some­ "Nell's Bells" 18 a sequel to Flol al Shop she w:ll be Illven a nosts at a lovely outdoor supper Mon­ ' 7 support Itttle littie waIsted nommee to and to Olcllld '�Ith of End coHo pkg., lb. 29c 6 bottles. .19c across the blouse of thiS collared, for pr""ldent many to go Jal>"n npne thmg that I thtnk might mterest tgprmg's popular college ptoductlOn, lovely comphments day evenmg at their lovely country; Cuts, I y The c('Owd ever' the Mr Whitehurst I what feel latgest car�led Korea No womJn can come here un- y.u. "He Am't Done Nell, 01 proprietor, hom"" With Mr and Mro A:rthur Ev­ to 20 Million. That's Right by dress. SIZes 10 Cool you'll on an excursion was lust week was �------�------Right from Statesboro \ 'rhe Indy d"sctlbed Jj less she h.s Important \'Iork to do. My next lette< Will deal With the He," the story of tIfe mortgage­ of S who are Aln.:t etett, Columb18, C., In tailored dress With taken the Savann(.h & Statesboro Mrs MI s Phil I-Iamtlton, who call­ • Itke and look hke too, thIS beaUlJfull� by have a on staff. ... Railroad thiS morn 109 ta Tybee [ dozen my Mo.t new pIe�ldent of KOl'aa, Syngman bu] d ned Applese'ad� whose daught ed for hat tickets El'lday afternoon, their guests thl3 week, and J.'Irs. Em­ trealment. Its soft shawl collul, "marl sleeves and lovely skirt In last ""ek Mettet's show and later I�glslature of the Amencan women who are here Zt:thee, and the. Korean gove nment went to the city and made good With attend the phoned ory F. Robmson, f Gamesville, who $14.95' move for �ounty was de- to satIsfaction With 12 to 11,1 Bolh 1Il black, and green Georgia are and I of VIlli Fhnt­ exp''''"" general .. SIZes brown, navy clerks stenographers ' and Your ambltng neighbor, tbe belp the ,Judas IS the guest of Mr. and M,'\l. Ev rett feated by vote of 20-19 (Metter to- the picture, the orchId and every­ Wives are as M. S. NTTI!(AN. heart. as hunor as Caadler I bemg rapidly Wllhams, guests. day gomg strung county.) se�t ?ut thIng H. MINKOVITZ & SONS / ..

THURSDAY, AUGUST 12,1948 . BUL1.ocB TIMES �'------__ �. --l. ...!!�__ �T_A_TE_S_B_O_R_O.,...N_E_W:"':�:""__h' -:- �:!!�= <, FOR lot on �'ailroad 12, 1949 I SALE-Larg"il THURSDAY, AUGUST CONEIREALTY co., INC. BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWlS 'G�".ass .ietlAds"IE. BROOKLET NEWS PULASKI N'EWS TWO (12augltp) About Prices on Why Worry High. Mr�. J. C. Preetorius is vi,.itillg Earl of the Twenty­ 0•• e••T .. wo.o ... laRIJ. I Lee viaited in Swainsboro Infantry mi e sou 0 wn. - ty-seventh F��e SA�EJ_��e acf"'to UJ·oSs· 13AOR1, relatives in S. C. I as Del.each Buried In Holly Hill, t W ednesday on business. Sgt. Division. On March 27, 1945, D. L. the fifth "0 AD TA ..a,. ro. L.ea TBA"N ZE'I!EROW�R. (12�g!.tp) Mrs. Aldennan spent of is . EI!"o Anderson, Chester, Pa., but recovered and Tw.".y-rna Cl."T8 A""" FOR wash- end with relatives in Atlanta. Andersonville Cemetery he was wounded NOW OPEN I II portable w.:eek Mr. and Mr•. I J SALE-:-Elec�rie ac­ PAYADL. 1" 109 wed. MRS. Paul Jones, of Pembroke, is spend- Southside in machine, shghtly Store was food hc killed J��\�:�g 1948 ELECfROLUX Funeral services for Staff on May 30, 1945, ...... A::�ser!':��nts, Sgt. &DVA"(J../ 341-L. (It) several with Mr. and Mrs. Super phone ing days Miss Altbau nt Snnta Bar­ OSC�R_JO,INER, . Hartley, of Augusta, Pierce DUl win DeLoach, 21, son of tion and was bur-ied Mik�lI. FOR . VISIted M,.. W. E, Owner SALE-Ice box;-76-po-undca- LeRoy I. and Mrs. Gordon Hnrtley JONES, and Manager Brook­ ra Phillipines . Mr. Mrs. J. L. SImon and for . ba Luzon, MI'. and Mrs. Clevy DeLoach, FOR SALE _ brass pucity ; good condition. MYR1'ICE �nd �I.S" the week end. Single bed, $40; were VISIt- Trim HOW Rt. 2. Nell Simon, of Savannah, lind Mrs. Fort 460 SOUTH MAIN STREET were held Auto and Rt. a ... ARDD, Ga., let, Ga., I, Shop small mnrble commo , $15; Brooklet, M_r. Cleaner Wednesday, top ors In Hartley of VaCUUln _ _ nre 1""11. car with our hand embroidered 4 (12augltp) Br.ooklet S,!n�ay. '("mlly, Orlando, Fla., VIsiting August I J, at 1 p- in Andersen­ Let us dress your Iarge panel RIchard Mrs up Wllhams. .. �har- Mr. and M,'" Gordon screen, $26; many other good summer WANTED-Job, day or night, from ,Mrs .. Hartley. \T A PR -"AR PRI E ville Nutlonul Cemetery, Anderson­ Wllhams and Wllhams Mr. CAN buys, furniture, china, Sundays until. afternoons. I�y. Nor�an. and Mrs. Levi Findley visitcd TAILORED SEAT r.:OVERS, bric-a-brac, Friday VISIted Mrs. Fred Lamer III Suvan- Mrs. ville, Go. silver, prints, pattern glass and tex- MRS. JACK MIKELL, 226 East Main FlIldley'. mother, Mrs. Emilia CORNED BEEF' HASH ,35c MATS I nnh . in He is survived by his parents, five HEAD LININGS :: FLOOR tiles. YE OLDE WAGON WHEEL- str-eet. (12augltp7 �onday. Edenfield, Toombs county Sunday Mrs. Homer Brinson, of TEND'ElR SKINLESS rOUND brothers and three sisters: Jack De­ ANTIQUES, 2� miles S.E. States- FOR SALE-Medium size floor -type Woodcliff; line of materials fro�rs� �is�'w����:;:da�n�t�e;UM;: the gU'Cst of her M,·. and See OUI' complete boro on Savannah ro�d. (5aug5tc) Universal vacuum parenta, cheap ... cleaner; ' Hardman', ,) .. Lanier Hardman a;,d , Dr.g .. Loach, Savnnnnh; Douglas Det.osch, �tsra E. S. Woods, last week for a FRANKS. 43c $69.75 :: Plastic RENT-Apartment. Call 314-R for cash. MRS. HARR.Y JOHNSON in :: Leatherette Covington few Bill DeLoach und Emory DeLouch, dnys. - Fibre rORor 271-R. ALL LEAN TOP LANIER. . 488-R. LINTON G. P}1_one 12augltpj Mrs. AIIi� Hutchinson, Raymond . QUALITY POUND Richard- DeLoach, Ft. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Phillips, of Brooklet: Sgt. (12aug2tp) FOR SALE _ Lot on West Jones Hutchinson and Ronny Brown, of Sa- H. BROWN were and GROUND .. J. Don States­ J. B. guests of Mr·. BEEF , 5Se Terry, N. Y.; Mrs, Hagan WANTD _ Unfurnished apartment, I7i2x200 .f....t; two vannah, viaited Rev. and Mrs. Yard avenue, pecan I �wamsboro,niter Lee and Bob Wilkes Sun- 2 East Broad Street M,',. 'Burnel Fordham and Mrs. Cann'on Wrecking See G. M. CURRY, 11 trees. CHAS. E. CONE REALTY Hutchinson this week. GRADE A bora; MARSH by couple. drs.ay aWfternoon. POUND HOLLIS CANNON • • ERNEST Courtland street. CO., INC. Friends of Bobby Lee will be glad Wulter Brooklet. (t2augltp) (12augltp) Mr. �_-\ '-_-\XNA Royal, to know he is in the Bul- and, Mrs. Julian Anderson nicelv BEEF . _ H,GEORGIA Phone 4303 FULLER BRUSHES-Mrs. Reppard GORDY, the key man, located No-:-1 doinll' a.nd ROAST .59c In Mny, 1943, MI'. DeLoach entered Savannah Highway after being son. Elmo, Chester, PIl., and DeLoach local East Vin.• sells loe� County Hospital �It .of MI�� phone .238-M street, Statesboro, Ruby attanded church In the urmy and wus sent overseos in dealer: by an automobile BOTTLE for sales and sel·Vlce. (22lultfc) gcneral bike parts for less; convince F,:day. �if�e�oo . Stutusboro�nler 1944. He while riding h,., Sunday. , AIl";I, BOWEN'S Izlu:r avenue Sa- yourself by checking prices. (t2augl) bICycle: HEINZ \vll_:;_�v2�..':':c.'rwen- I LODG'E Mr. und Mls. Foy WII'50n, of States- Mrs. Milton Sowell arid her little "57" SAUCE ... 24c vannah red bill Beach; a�artments, ro�ms; LOST-Lady's zipper fold, and Mr. nnd Mrs M. MoEI- Carol who have been \. boro, .. dnughtar- Ann, reasonable. Phone 9124. in McLellan". Tuesday' finder keep �. BOTTLE NEWS (29juI8tc). veen VISIted Dr. and Mr. of vlsltmg and Mrs Walt"r Lee ' LEEFIELD . Jr., Savannah, • -: PORTAL . and t_Urn billI f Id to D . L FOR refrigerator 10 Mrs. J. M. McElveen this week. nave returned to the"'IT horne 10 S ,.0 .. SALE:-;Electric money, at r:, Cafe. CATSUP. .' 19c week is visiting her cash. GORDON BILB)!, Mrs. J. H. Mikell, Mrs. K. K. Cook Antonio, Toxas. an, ?II iss G raee Bow en spent the M,s. Ophelin Kelly good condl.tlOn; $100 Fllel�dly (l�auglt.:2 B. route 2. BLOOO�ING SIZe Easter Ihy bulbs and children Laura Jean nnd Joey of in Atlanta. ist er, Mrs. J. Bradley. CRIBBS, StIlson, Ga., (ltp) ' .' I Mrs...W R Fore h and was hoatess I CAN end . or has returned from $125. per d ozen, sma IIer b u Ibs f and M,·s. Dan DaVIS, of Or- to I i.. in tOO Jack Lanier WANTED-House or three-bedroom Metter, the' sewing club thl e eI{ 'ti, Palu udda patient I 447 with Mr. TALL MILK Bulloch ouuly Hospital very business MRS. WALTER JONES, lando, Fla., spent Friday most of the .• d ".15c Bulloch aunt)' Eospitlll. the apartment by permanent members p":, wt w� d. sss.outh College, and Mrs. C. E. Williams. much impro man. TIMES. telephone (12al\: . visitor, Mrs. Milton Foss and Billie JAne CalL BULLOCH 432-_R. sow�li,nof'Tex;s� GOOD GUARANTEED 25 LB. BAG - MI'3S Miss Joyce W. Beasley .1r .. Diane FOR mrnlshed and Mrs. J. D. Clark and The Irs. D. Add Color and ------_'--1 RENT M�. hostcss ',,,rved delicious refresh- last week lit T),bee. Relu and Cool orrl Appetite Appul �,_. J5aug2tp) '!"our-room New Foss spllnt B�nsley arc visiting rel. available 1st or be- MaNun Hagan, of the Hope ments. and Robert Menull WUh .. Orbp Summer Sal.d, L_ _ apartment, Sept. 'I FLOUR ... to FOR SALE Pontiac by origin.1 .$1.69 DeLoa.,h. of Allanla, •ee_rg in the Bulloch 1\of Miss Margaret atives in Atlanta. fore, 344 North street. MRS. M,' a , MELLOW Crisp owner. Call 309 or 232-J. M. E. College com�unity, are. younty _nd ,Mrs. Mrs. John Saunders last week. und aWKET AND an automobIle col- GOOD visiled Mr. Ilnd Mr. Grndy Frawley 12.1.c NELLIE MILLER, 504.J. ltp- HospItal followmg Bill OWlS anc QUALl'l'Y PINTS 2 • GINN Statesboro Machine Co. phone . L r. an rs. IImey uch ...... , ,,,rls·M·E. Sd' WMoOdSB, Mrs. Fred Miles and son, childl-an visited Mr. nnd MI·s. Cccii AVOCADO PEARS w lision on tire highway SatUl'day night I Mr. nnd • 'CE '(5aug2tc FOR S ALE r us..d Miss Muttie Woods Brin"?n a.nd ...... , ") thc .Leigh 'ICE , Ightly. The Youth of M.,th: CREAM .. , .15c of Metter, visited her PRT­ Scott Inst SundllY· ne I -I)ne.� g�o: Fellowship of dtnncl' Jimmy", 19c WANTED-Twa-horse cotton farm; 'li �wn prlc-a. $149.00 sub.district MUlI,nt, Fin., wel''e guests Mrs. J. A. Stewart, of Snvannnh, ..spent Lb. . mower'lne� odist church uttended the F]'onk Bensley, . Mr. and sale \\ ALKER TIRE of Mr. and M,'s.,Austin ents, R'iPEuTrOMATOES -::� or more prJce, $100.00. Sunday Mr. rent or lease for one years. t" St teb MI' ht Sunday. the wet!k cnd with his parents, 472. '\ Wood'a in Metter. FREE re. __ PARKING Head 2 Box Savannah. _�_��:r::.r�R_Y: __ PLENry SPACE· of Au­ nnd Mr•. l. H. Bensley. Lb. 12c 1736, ���y'�Q.�!_,ph?_n.'I! �nJ ���'elOacco"��llan��� byO�h:[r ���d- Mr. nnd Mrs. Poe Trapnell, CABBAGE FA�MER, FOR unfurnIshed has returned to fANCY (22JuI4tp) RENT-;-One room, ers, Mrs, W. D. Lee and·Rev.'Hutch- visited relatives during the Amos Burroughs OPEN EVENINGS, gusto, n 01' will fumlsh for sleepers, conven- TILL 9:30 . linson. the fum­ N. C., oitor' spendin� FOR SALE-Purebred pointer pups REGISTER CLUB' week and ntl"nded Trapnell Kllnnnpolis, Lb. lent to close ""n be Mr. and Mrs. CABBAGE CALIF. BAKING at SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL, bath, up town, The Womanl, Society of Christian I at the Luke church Sun­ week with his parents, GREEl\t \ The ily reunion seen at 9 North Walnut St. (12aglt) church July meeting of the Registe,. E. D. East Parrish Street, phone 524. Servic" met .at the Methodist BWToughs. 14c W.S.G. w�s held at the o,f Mr•. duy. und Mrs. W. J. MELONS Each FOR SALE-One new LaRay pow�r Monday aftemoon .for their progrgm ,home Bloom­ M,,,. E. A. Alley HONEYDEW'A Potatoes (12aug2tp) T. L. and Doris Marsh, of 5Cl on Moore Jr. Mrs. Rutclill' gave Claude lust sacri- the was Wilkins were called to Atlllnta _ one small cycle, originnl price $249.95; meeting. program ".Thy Mrs. Bob and FOR SALE One large, the devotional. A bURinC'.s meet­ field, N. J., und Stringer of' Lb. fice at WALKER TIRE, & in Puerto Rico." Those taking short week 011 account oC the illness Bebler wardrobe suitable for $200.00., Way Billie und W. of Stnt"sbol'O, SEm'LESS GRAPES trunk, ing '\oilS hold. The miltter of sending C., n 33e SO"", th'o'Jir 1\11"s. A. B. Lunsford, 5 :,::; MRS. E. L. Barnes. BATTERY SERVICE, phone 472. (It part were Mrs. J. B. Hutchinson, READ TODAY'S NEWS TODAY and Mrs. Marsh motber, 23«:1 college. Tel. 465, to the con.ference at St. Mr. Jimmy visited of thh community. 19c Mrs. C. E. Williams and Mrs. Jack delegatep formor resident Z Lb•. (12augltp) FOR RENT_After Aug. 25th, very Simons in discussed. during the week. of Reids­ September was -IN_ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scott, comfortable bedroom with adjoin- Watta.. . \ M. Usher and FOR SALE-Large quantity blue hy- . Miss Betty White, Mrs. Carl<>a Brun- Mr. and Mr•. C. visited her Mr. nnd bath. MRS. W. L. CAlL 107 Mrs. J. H. accompal1led by villc, p'm'ents, cents dozen. MRS. 109 SR., HIOton: 80n and Mrs. W. R. Anderson and acinth bulbs 50 a F.H.A. the Brook- gave daughter, CUI'olyn, o� Savannah, Mrs. Leon Perkins last week end and North Phone 556. of glfls of THE AUGUSTA HERALD of J. M. 115 Broad str...t. College street, gro.up very talkR' on jlThe Chris- und Ma'S. Edwlll Brannen, M rs. 5·lb,8ulk MITCHELL, I e. Sc h I I e ft Mond ay f'or L8\l;e intCl'esting :Mr. w'arc accompanied home by P�l'­ (12augIt)p tHIgh 00, their Mrs. (24jun3m) week tinn, The Alcoholic and Public Health." Dougl_os, visited mother, who will spend a fow duys with wher" spend � 7 a ,Week 30c kins, and 6- FOR RENT-Three roo,m., hot and �ackson, The hostess sel"Ved delicious refresh- Days Ednu. Brannen, Sunday, FOR SALE-Farmall tractor .Ill camp WIth the.y.will girls them. cold with both; ,.ink in kitch- oth,., F.�.A. .of mcnts. ft. harrow. Call 309 or 23Z-J. M. water, the state. Those WIth Mrs. Hln- For Prompt and Courteous Delivery Write or See Co. en; freshly painl7ad. MRS. WALTEH The August will be at thc E GINN at Statesboro Machine ton were Ann Ag;;!nglOS, Sara Durden, meeting' NESMITH, 105 Woodrow avenue. hom', of Mrs. Ak,·ns. Lod,'es \\'£DNESDAY (5aug2tc) Mary Cook and Marthn Bell. EI,'l',h WILLIAM MARSH It - of ure in- (12aug p ) ------the Regi.'ter community ARCOLA NEWS NEVll.S SAVE AT COLONIAL­ FOR SALE-1040 International panel . FOR SIX rooms und FOR SALE-50 foot endless tractor vitcd to meet with us each Tuesday 311 WEST MAIN STREET in priced rea- SALE-House, ASSORTED FLORIDA truck, good conditi9n; shrub- belts. STATESBORO MACHINE "fter the fourth Sunday. Miss J-enn Lee hu'a returned home Mr. und Mrs. J. P. Waters and Mr. sOllable. SUPERIOR BAKERY, phone bath, lal'ge porch, garage, on heat. 309. REPORTER. WCI'C visitors bery, paved street; gas CO., phon" (29juI2tc) nftcl' v-isiting relatives in Suvannah. and Mt·s. Chancey Futch 31'7. (5aug2tp) Mr. and Mrs. Rabun Stricklul1d, of in Sllvnnnuh Ftiduy. Wft-� g were of and Mrs. Emera) Lani'a,', of �w�_n��o�� �:'J.OONEUA�YOO�rn�( p) guests Mr, . Snvunl1Hh, week-end weeks of prescrIptIOn " of MI'. ago, paIr FOR bIke, ���jti��ij���j��j���ai����i��jti���i�iiaiij�i�ji�i�ai��i��i���f M,'. ond Mrs. J. B. Akins. were g'l1estR Sunday -Citrus 198-M. Dcnmtll'lt, glasses; $5 reward. Call phone SALE-C?�e 24-lnl .boy. Mrs. Jim Ru.hing ond Mr. und and Mrs. L. C. Nesmitn. perfct condItIOn; orlgmal pnce,

------,-- (12aug2tp) .- Mrs. Bl'unson, of Register, Sun­ Miss Mittie Sue Davis, of Snvnn­ $54.50; secrance, $35.00. WALKER sp�nt, FOR no house, 20 with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Aktns. nuh. visited her mot.her, Mrs. C. p. SALE-;-189 ac�es, TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE, day acres bIg tabacco allot- Mr. Ilnd Mrs. W. E. Lester, Mrs. the wek enel. c�ltlvated, phone 472. (12augltc' Do\;iR, during . .Juices ZET- . JOSIAH and Mrs. Enl·1 Lest"r Mrs. G. T. Wat.ers a'nd ment; prICe $3,500. Mom L. D. Sunders Mr. lind (12augltp) F9R SALE-Busme!!li lot South in Savannah visited Sundny TEROWER. soda vi'aitot's Mond'lY. family, of Statesboro, freez- street, Idoal locatIOn for shop, Brooks FO"R SALE-Six-foot kero""ne Miss Eurldine Stevens and with Mr. and Mrs. Clate Denmark. restaurant or drug store; tf vis­ er in perfect condition; reasonanbly mtere,st­ of Savannah, have been Miss s Uldine Martin and Ramona ecl see W. E. at SputhSlde Std'V'ans, 6 ���. 2.50 CARL ILER, Rt. 1, Pem- JO,NES, Mrs. L. R. wel'e night priced. HENRY'S iting their grnndmother, NC'ilmith guests Sutul'duy Supel' Food Store. ... (lZaugltc� Walton Nesmith. III.lrL#/JRN CASE OF 24 CANS ttc broke, Ga. (5aug2tp) Lee. of Mr. nnel Mrs. FOR SALE.-One used nnd and bedroom and slightly' b�t- Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Ranch Mr, lind Mrs. Cohen Laniel' _It.!�e----'" FOR RENT-Fumished V{lth ,.0W "RICE in tery lawn mower, were week-cnd Jimmie WCfe TIns kitcher:atte llext to bath, private cOf!lplete Presents children, of Pembroke, daughtel', Lu, guests r..w $146.50, EFFEcT:t:V:E�TI:tt\:.:� in. 12 North Mulberry charged; price, of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. A. P. Dun­ SlllH.... of Mr. and Ml'S. Donuld Mar­ WUOLE RED 'home; close batter;.'. gllests .ly VALUEI-OCEAN8PRAY sule pnce $75.00. WALKER TIRE & ..treet phone 13-R (12augltp- nelly. tin, BATTERY SERVICE, phone 472. MI'. and Mrs. Ed Burton and SOil, M"l's. Burnsed and son, of 14-0z.' at Blitchton, (�t Henry ,\_ FOR 'SALE-32 �cres 10 to nft­ [\s FOR 100 aCI·es,. 7� David, huve ]"eturned Atlllnta Savannah, spent Tuesday night .... Jar on pav'.d road, adjoining Myricks �ALE-Fal:m C..anbe ies cultIvatIon, WIth store bUIldIng, .,_,. a few days with M,'. und of Mr. lind Clute Dcn- Service JO- spending gucst� AND NOURI8I11NG-FANCY Station; price $1,800. 10 "Miss THRIFTY 2.2/10 acr"s tobacco allotment, Mrs. D. '1'. Proctor. murk. , SIAH ZETTEROWER. (12augltp) - Georgia" with little M mIles of Statesboro; terms. CHAS. Aiter' two weeks Mrs. Llllienn Futch nnd yrn l·Lb. '- e I ev- spending FOR SALE 0 ne 1940 moc-ICh REALTY INC. of d�7ua�..?�- PEAS . E. CONE CO. , Mrs. A. P. Dan­ Itheir grandmother, 'rul'ncl' of Savannah, spent pnrt Cello TOlet 2-door sedan 10 excellent con- Conni·. Bruce Deal Mr. and Mrs. Buie (12augltp) nelly, Sherry und last w�el{ with Blackeye dition. HENRY BANKS, care City 10- We are to have u.J1iss accom­ FOR SALE-Farm of 411 aCI'es have returned to Savnnnnh, Nesmith. LB. 15c 3821. (5aug2tp) p'rotJd CROAKERS Dairy Farm�, phone and store by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce DellI. M,·s. H. T. H.atcher nnd sonl'l nnd No. 2 cated at Blitch; house panied - an d FOR LE 0utboard motor tobacco allot- Mr. Jlnd Mrs. W. O. Akins hnd "" Mr. und Mrs. C. F. Hatcher were �A building, 22/10 ocr... Can manne can be seen us M r: and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Coy SCorn plywood bo�t; moent; $25 per acre; terms, CHAS. with �o with dinner Whiie� gu·.sts Sunday guests Sundny Georgia" help LB. 25C IIAL\'£8 at Statesboro Machme Co., phono INC. C. W. Bynl and sons, Dwane and Nesmith. MUUET J,U8CIOU8 BARTLBTT E. CONE R.EALTY CO., 309 or 232-J. M. E. GINN. Charles; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams, Mr. und Mrs. Robbie Belcher and (12augltp) No.2! (5aug2tc)· Gary and Priscilla Williams and Mrs, children, of Brooklet, were gucsts "'P-=IA�N"'O""S"'T"'U�N=E=D�A-N=D�R=E=B=U=I='L=T-- your college wardrobe'prQblems ..s Can SALE - Lal'C model one-row C. P. Byrd, of Savannah. Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. Law:;on LB. 35c Pea FOR. We are again offering to the people Lib'by tractor our PERCH .. FJLLET WITII SAUCE The Lune's Bible class met at the Andoerson. FORK A.ND BEANS Alhs-Ch�lmep. of Statesboro and territory pre­ III� eq�IPd Mrs. L. A. Burnham and dllughter, ment, all good war ser'Vice for UPCHURCH hom.. of Mrs. B. S. McElveen Wednes­ I-Lb. tuning. n GORDON CRIBBgnce, Rt. nfternoon. Miss Murth.a Lou Gale, of Savannah, are spending reas�nable. 'PIANO CO., 225 E. Broughton street, We have an excellent selection in day ' with hel' mothe'r, LB_ 35C Cans 2, StIlson. I leading Grooms hnd charge of the itevotionul few doys thi<.3; __!veek :z. (12.QugltP) 'Savannah, Ga. (15juI4tc) WHITING FII:1ET rebUIlt on Bibli­ Mrs. C. P,. Davis. NEW AND .blcy- _ und nn interesting contest FACTORY, Last Thul'sday night, lines as seen in H,arper's Bazaar, Madem­ Mr. and Mrs. Walton Nesmith and for sole. GORDY S cnl characters. The c)uss discU'd8\On �Ies Ifeneral one light colored Jersey cow, "ear- lind Miss Uldine M,ll'­ �EANUT �UTTER WISCONSIN DAISY .and sales. 1 East Vme �- was led the presid nt, M,.s. Eal'l d.ughtCl·, Judy, LB. pair st,ree, fSTRAYEDmetal hook on leather tng, un­ and by 53c ing VogQ.�.. of MI'. and SHRIMP of Walker FurnIture oi�elle Hallman. Afte]" the the host­ tin WCl'oe guests Sunuay GREEN PAN 12-0z. 37e (back from J. H.' Joyner's pln.ce ( meeting PETER . marked, Mrs. H. W. Nesmith. StatC'.tx:ro (t2augltp) ess served ice cream, doughnuts and Co.). near Brooklet. Notify J. B. JOYNER, MISS GWEN WEST MI"·. J. Lawson Anderson sp-ent heatrola cir- punch. Jlal 13e CHEESE FOR SALE-One ID.tate Rot. 1, Stat-esboro. (12augltp( "Mi'5s Georgia." Thursday and Friday in Savannah used two anly _ The Home Demonstration Club m·.t culnting oil. heat·,.., SHARE CROPPER WANTED for and Mrs. J. P. lind new. Earl Hallman with Mr. Mobley months last ·,mter; good as See land cleared· at the home of M,·s. 10·0z. 1949' have 100 acres daughters, llazel und Viviun. STEW 10e Lb. DALTON KENNEDY at Coll"llge Thursday afternoon.' Mrs. George the, tobacc� allotm"llnt. cotton, corn and Mrs. Edd Hnm and children, La­ CLEANSER 650 of the devotional Pharmacy. on 50-50 basis or will let Chance had charge and (l�aug�!pl peanuts; monnie, Lu l'I'Y , Lindy Lonnie, �r Cans and also of an Indian head Jl""nny SUNBRITE Z 13e WILL THE PERSON who plck-ad up half to one family. MRS. J. W Savannah, visit'ad for n few days thiS in smTS AND·COATS DRESSES SWEATERS sun Ga. contest. Aiter the busincS'I; meeting Maltin. my prescription glasses FORBES, Rt. 2. Brooklet, (29ju13t week with 1IIr. and Mrs. Josh I TOMATO return By Miss Hnzoel Creasy, a 4-H club mem-" Bars Z5e LIBBY'S Minkovitz by mistake, please 50 By By M,'. and M,·s. J. L. Nesmith, Mrs. 3 FOR SALE-147 acres, cultivated, or GROVER C. n demonstration on prepar· STAR .·ANCY them there to MRS. room in ber, gave Thoefl'el Turnol' and duughter, M YJ'u, ARl\lOUR'S eight house good condition, Carlye Jantzen for the home and BRANNEN. (12augltp) Printzess ing n fryer freezer, of electricity, 1.5 acres tobacco allot­ and M1's, Luilean Futch, Savnnnllh, Lb. Pkgs, an int rest­ Slicod 2. 15e - Doris Dodson Miss Enna Spears gave of Mr. and Mrs. 750 .JUICE FOR £ALE Duplex house, eight 'ment; location, six miles north of • ••• werc Sunday \. Tish-u-Knit cOfl'est diet and feed­ "ucsts BaCON near new - ing talk on th·. rooms, two baths, 'School, Pembrok'2 on Statesboro Pembroke R. BUle Nesmith. ....:AN Ellen infant. A[ter the meeting \ FANeI" STREAlt-O- now Kaye of the ing Mr. nl1,cut fot; •••• at GSCW, Milledgeville for the post of . CHAS. E. house By:. fellowship"ed by the members the _year to pay balance. stove and slabs for '!rood" ,i has t.h·a administra­ 10-0z_ Ja, 10e Cans can -h.. four yem�, joined Little Lotts Cr""k (colored) Primitive :I 4'30 CONE REAL;Y CO., INC. (12augltp) delivered anywher:e, or you 11I; Tweedie fol' and this will not last tive staff at Georgia Teachers Col­ Baptist Association di�ord'ar, FOR SALE-190 acres, 65 cultivated, price realionable; HOSE has been asked for his aedentinls, hQuse in as regular hauler witr keep up BAGS here as to Denn Paul good land, six-room goo,d long, Airstep By Jcgc secretary ENRICHED now is the but he hus failed to give them up. CS condition, electricity, big tobacco ai- with it fall and winter; Carroll and R-egistrar Vibla Perry. nnd to wood for the winter. Cfaussner Shur-Tite This informs the public, county lotrrient, near Ash Branch church. ,time get Tramneze 31 Mulber- Priol" to her service at GSCW, MiS'5 state officials that his official work 10SIAH ZETTER.OWER. (12augltp) HOWARD LUMBER CO., d nd, was dean such ns marrying, -etc., is street. (12aug3tp) Norman in the office of the r�OUR FOR SALE-Farmall cub tractor, ry ELDER R. A. ANDREWS, Ballard's and at Norman Junior Col­ Tomatoes '48 model, with fuJI equipment; _ FOR SALE registI'8r ELDER J. H. DAVIS, lO-Lb. as as also on.. more or a good new; One lot 174,"" feet, l""s, lege at Norman Park for number SOLOMON MOORE. collection and lots more at lO-Lb. r.raeticallyS9 two-door Chevrolet ..edan in good and extending backward 200 feet; one You will find this wonderful of years. Bag Rt. .(5aug3tp) ... No.2 8ag 91C condition. C. B. STOKES, 1, house with both room and fixtures, Stilson. (5aug2tp) two sinks, three stove flues, wired Can. ',:Ie � �"'5c for electric ten lights, screen- 'GORDY'S general repair and sal.... stove, R. two chick­ TRIANGLE S. Headquarters for bicycles, tricycles, ed-in back and front porch; lot SWEET MIX PIOKLES lawn mowers, elec- en yards and hou5'E!sj large enough WEGNER'S RED l'tIl1S, locks, keys, MEN and WOMEN and to build another house on. Located B·Oz. Ja, trical appliancBS, zippers, radios and see No.2 GA. MRID 130 own that n...ds near church. Come (1)"t' BEETS 130 r..OUR most anything you Baptist NABISCO CRACKEilS (5aug2tp) MRS. W. E. RABITSCH. WESTON BANANA OIi.�AM reepairs. DO WANT MORE Lb. P.g. German Shep- Brooklet, Ga. ARE YOU DISSATISFIED'! �{)U 2.50 2S-Lb. FOR S.AI,E-Beautiful ' 7.·0z. Roll 2.50 PREMIUM COOKIES herd thoroughbred, I (.6jul�__ DON'T - income? WHY f�om ---- Your BI.UE f\ONNET YELLOWtq_UICK pups,. -- OUT OF LIFE? Your job? AND Bag BOY-AR�DEE i"ltEAT B(\LLS champion bloodlmes; stud and bItch HOME? We have. helped hun­ Lb. reasonable. YOU STUDY WITH US AT Can MARGARINE 450 AKC registered; pri""d DR H. M. JACKSON 2.30 208 Donaldson St. in the com­ SPAGHETTI BILL FRANKLIN, announ""s the of hi. ofllce dreds to better jobs, We can really help you "JUNK.ETt' BRAND GOLD' LABEL opening (12augltp) for the general practice' of a few minutes a mercial field -if you will spare day. No. 2 Pkg·110 Denti.. at 3 2.50 rREEZE MIX DO YOU USE AVON COSMETICS? try CS� .RiiC:EI OUILl CARNE wom.. n 8 East Vine Street, StatesbMo, Ce. rlNT SIZE �CON Well liked by evevywhere. low_ Write 'Don't wait. 1\J_A80N association with The cost is amazingly corrEE an for in t�day. Lb. Can , here is exclusive opportunity Do•. GEBHRRDT 3,30 DR. J HN·L. JACKSON FRUIT ..JRRS 690 you to be an Avon repllesentative in NUTREET. PUB� I-Lb. Write MRS. Phones: Office 32; home 31 Qu.... u'r S1Z.: MASON your neighborhood. to and 2 to Lb. ETTA FENTZEL, P. O. Box 645, All­ Hours: 9 1, 6 THE AMERICAN SCHOOL of COMMERCE Do•. 880 MARGARINE 32.0 45C FRUIT .JARS gus .a, Ga. (5aug2tp) (22juIMt{l) E_ HERBEItT BAILEY, CPA, Pres,ident , Box 1087, Atlanta, Georgia COLONIAL (J.2aug3t) AUGUST 12, 1945 THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1948 JroLLOCB TIll"!.S AND STATESBORO NEW! BULLOCH AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, FOUl! TIMEs - ... TIMES Dr. Little Employed High School Coach I �- BULLOCH As Department Head I Announces Practice :�:���N����:�H ��axht�n, o��; �:a. .. =�Cn[8:-:3:l-na17_:3Jima�=t=e=TTI)ti_aa:n:;"\�-a:=���=fF'0.:3:l�a�_:8J-�aa:nla=&:l, AND COMMUNITY GROCERY daughter, Barbara Jenn, to Aulbert �� II'U.Ud 1IIIf" �l1c1\l"U J..Q)� 'til ll"' !..!:.?���J.!.'\Jrnl1:1 ' -�.�:aCC=llt:a£.�,n��= Dr. Thomas C. Ken­ James D. Statesboro Little, young Hall, High Nesmith, son of Mrs. 'Wyl"y W. Ne- ALDRED • BROS. THE STATES»ORO NEWS , MRS. ARTHUR TURNIlR, .lUtor tuck y '2ducntor, has been named head School coach announces that the first 18 North Zetterower and the late W. , 11:1 smith Wyly Nesmith, - COLD -- - - of of nt .� - AND FRESH the education fall footbull will be on � GROCERIES department practice held at the = MEATS Statesboro, - - of August 4th, - - - .- �;-.... ._- - G Teachers here, Pres­ 16th. All candidates THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM orgin College Monday, August SHOP WHERE _ I home of EJdel' V. F. Agan, Mrs. Ne- II ident Znch S. Henderson has anncunc­ Jor teams are to assemble LANGS RlPTJON $:1..00 PER yEAR requested smilth finished school at Win- Z. BETH SUBS FOR ONE MORE TO PARK high Mr�. Whitehurst spent the week MISS ARNALL MARRIES JOHNSON'S BIRTHDAY I'll ed. H will succeed fir. Ralph M. ut the gymnasium at 9 a. m. for the I ter.Haven Fln., with the cluss of 1947. end in Jacksonville. MR. RAMSEY AT QUIET Little Beth Johnson, of Macon.. matter March Lyon, now dean of Teach", Coli ge try-out. Entered as second-class WEATHER MI'. Nesmith served in' the U.S. Miss Sara Woods who spent several days tbe SWEET MIXED PICKLES QUART JAR 25� Army visited friends CEREMONY IN AUGUSTA during at the postoffice at States­ at Aln. Coach H,,11 has the 23, 1905, Livingston, recently joined of which in ' week with her Mr. and under the Act of. Con­ twenty-five months, part LaFayette, last week. Mrs. Paul Esric Arnall, of Griffin, grandparents, bora, Ga., A graduate of Kentucky State High School organization for this all­ Ga., CAMPBELL'S FLOUR was overseas. Mr. Mrs. St Mr'S. J. M. was honored gre 6 of March 3, 1879. OF THE �T �:s.$1.79 time and S II h8S retumed from announces lhe marriage of her daugh. Thayer Sr., Tenchers College (AB), University important, ·having come to States-He QUEEN .. ev� e',"e NOW Nesmith are making their home in VISIt _WIth hIS unci" in Elerslie, Ga. 81 ter, Sail;', Patricia, to William Thom· on her fourth birthday with" delight- of and Col­ work, come to . Kentucky (MA), Peabody importnnt having . ,TOMATO.SOUP loe state'slioro. MrS'. B. c! ·grannen hns returned as ·(Tiny) Ramsey, of Griffin and Iul party given Tuesday afternoon leg" (PhD), Dr. Little has. had ver­ Statesboro earlier- in the us a PINTs 47e Interest In Babies sprinjt IS • Ram- her at on KRAFT- MAYONNAISE' from a visit with relatives in Bartow. Stutesboro. Miss Arnall and Mr. by grandmother her home I PURITA satile and administrative member of the Statesboro Pilots base­ experience DECKERS CLUB street. little is and Mrs. G. W. Hodges and Mrs. Cath- sey were united in a quiet ce.remony Grady Thirty guests en-I EVERYBODY interested, in Kentucky schools. He has taught ball team, TIME Mrs. J. G. Altman and Mrs. Dock erine at Methodist church 'eyed games, stories and their is talking about it­ Logue spent Monday in Savan- Sunday St. Johns having I 10 OZ. PKG. everybody elementary classes oi Paint Lick and DRESSING PINTS 37C Bt1Jnn"n were hostesses to the mem- MARSHMALLOWS KRAFf SALAD nsh. in Rev. Jack C. Hayes Jr., pictures made. Dixie cups and the trend in the birth Augusta present upward schools in and was TO club at a birth-I high Lebanon, bers of bridge delight- cake were DRY th�ir Bland is awhile in of the church and former pas- day served -. Mrs. Thayer in America. It i'S , 37c Bobby spending pastor rotc sup rintendent of Columbia City afternoon of Q�rts iul party Wedl1lsday Methodist church of was assisted Mrs. consider dis­ Pints 21c ,Newnan with his mother, Mrs. Caro- tor of the First by McCoy Johnson, 1 POUND 17c \howc\"�r, to the varying schools in Columbia. JUICE the Alt- SCIDMMEL GRAPE I t k t home of Mrs. of Beth's and Mrs. 'Phil Ham- - MAKE Iyn Bland. officiated in the presence mother, 2 POUNDS 3Se tance of this interest some MAKE· .• Griffin, BABY LIMA BEANS rang Dr. Little served in the U. S. Navy was attractively decor- ;:n,w:�ic� Bob Nolan, of Macon and Tech, is the immediate families. The bride i1ton and Mrs. Jonte Bauman. ncar, some remole. war. for two years during the ated with colorful z inniua and mari- •• •• GRATED Joe Anderson and wore a white tailored suit with brown At the luncheon club, the speaker CERTAIN PIMIENTOES 7 on dison Hazel and Caro­ Mrs. E. W. Barnes re- Minick, Creasy ginia Akins; to New h08tess. The room and SOAPFLAIOO WITH COUPON All millions of WILL APPLE JUICE QUARTS 13c spending sometime with her son, Joe sey left�for a. �ding trip apacioua IJving cational field. tl��-' from HeY-I 4-H club members lyn Tanner, roived a crystal bonbon dish for cut, of interest in enclosed six tables were into Trapnell, and family. York and. other _points porch where new pouring the I PURE .' youngsters Bulloch county, will attend too 15th for low Mrs. Hal Macon Jr. was BE and Mr. and Mrs. Frank of the East. Upon their return they will placed for bridge were attractively menn added school rooms and Olliff Jr., schools - nnnual State 4 H Club Council an ice bucket and tongs. Oth- given of Mr. reside at the Mashburn apartment'< decorated with dnhlias, zinnias and added teachers--and increased pay Athens, week-end guests 17 to on the cam­ were GEORGIA HONEY 2Y, LB. JAR meeting August 21, ers Miss Anna Sula. playing and Mrs. on West Griffin. potted plants. cologne for teaehers! Olliff Sr. Taylor street, for of State for WARM Miss Lois Miss Fra�k "US Georgia College Brannen, Stockdale, is the score was won Mrs. W. E. sat under his voice Wmton WIlson, Jacksonville, Mrs. Ramsey only daughter high by Too physician Women, Milledgeville, according to Mrs. Tom Smith, �f WHEN Inez Stephens, spent the week end WIth of Mrs. Arnall and the late. Mr. Ar- Cobb; a bridge set for cut went to and smiled as he pictured in his mind Pea.nut parencs, Lenthe.ric Pickers! Mrs. Bob Blanch- County Agent Byron DY"r. They Scott and �is are Dean and for low benefits which Bern.ard Mrs. WIlson. nall, Her I '!Irs. Anderson, the more immediate .¥r,.'a,!� H,ul\son maternal.·gJ:'1'ldpa!"'!ts will be accompanied by Robert Wynn COLD ette. Mr. and' Mrs. R. P. and the late R. H. Henderson and Nancy MrS. Eugene DeLoach, of to be with new babies Stephens Colu�bia, "\ ar; and Misses Irma Spears and Dorothy •• • • WINTER the week end Goble Henderson, of Brooks; her pa- S. C., received dusting powder. ]'!ore- pouring into at birth rates meas­ Let us Repair, Overhaul and convert your SIGMA CHI DELEGATES Bobby Stephens apent Johnson. with friends at S. C. ternal are the late Wil- paper as guest gifts were presented ured in increased dollars of profit, Lewell Akins, of Stotesboro; Dan Beaafort, grandpare11l.\1 All �b members will participate Ar- .Smith-Tillman WI,NDS Pickers and Presses from tractor driven to Mrs. Bill Smith and Bill Jr. and Iiam Arnall and Varn Haisten to Mrs. DeLoach, Mrs. Andy Quarles What'. a worth to a doctor? and Hubert Tucker, I baby in n mammoth recreation program, Smith, Augusta� on Miss of Savannah, nail, of Brooks. Robert Esrick Arnall and Mrs. Leaky !iull, both of North The price is vastly up as compared COME individual motors mounted direct your Ocilla, left Friday by motor for Se- Joyce Anderson, Mr. Dyer said. Georgia's 1948 cham­ The bride and Mrs. of ' . - G. W. is the bride's brother. Carolina, Clyde Mitchell, olden times when a will spent the week end with Mrs. only to those negro and the state machines. attle, Wash., where they repre- pion public speaker ....d from Griffin High School W. Va. An ice course used te a red hand­ Hodges. gradu Hu�ngdon, granny wrap officers for 1948-49 will sent the University of Georgia chap- 4-H Council from was served with mints and in­ Call 534 or write us Mr. and Mr•. George Lightfoot Sr., and received her A.B. degree nuts, I around her hend and delive.r at tilr's FOR furnished T.E.L. CLASS MEETS MAN WITH CAR Would you like RENT-Large newly and th" children BROOKLET CANNERY NOW SHOWlNG of the .T.E.L. in Decatur after visiting ber mother', ibalf years, including twenty-se""n ]946 and MI�. Stone fBee, doesn't it? room and private bath; pJ1vate The business meeting DAYS BEEN CHANGED I to increase your weekly income ,20 OV"t�eBS. He served in both him in ]�47. Mrs. Stone ; home. See VICKERY, Nu-Grape First church I Mrs. Donie Kennedy. month joined July, And the newspaper man sat silent "On An Island With You" Take Your alaSll of! the Baptist I J. F. Spence, who operate. th·. can- to ·$25 or more during your weekly Statesboro. theafers IS former MISS of Bottling Co., (12auglt) afternoon with Mrs. C. T. Hendricks and children the Pacific and European the Ruby Rocker, that time Products to •• he contemplated the days and years (technicolor) was held Thursday nery at Brooklet, ha. annollnced supplying Rawlielfh N Crowns was as a lieutenant P r-ta! At the Stones are on in Starts 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:12 uGrape WANTED __ Small furnished apart- Mrs. F. C. Parker Sr. To",mie and Alice, of Norfolk, Va., and discharged present the cannery will op'arate only consumer. the cJty of Ststesboro? which must before 00 receives Statesboro Machine Co. eight preseIit. .0: . elapse Write GAH-I040- ment for couple and one sllUllI Mrs. senior He was commissioned Vl81bn her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thursdays of each week until further Rawleigh'., Dept. of and to in the absence of the presi- "pent last week with her sister', grade. hi'S share the benefits. Eighteen, near R. presided Tenn. Saturday, August 14 Mon�y child, preferably college. J. Phone 309' school at Columbia E. L. at Portal. notice. 247, Memphis, (12aua:3t) • Le- E. of at midshipman's Rockel', \ Miss W. more Ga. dent, Mrs. W. H. Simmons. Brunson, Register. twenty-sometimes years--be­ Big Doubl" Feature! DeLOACH, Pembroke, he afte.r Mikell i" the University. Since his di8charg., fore the little squaller will get into "Louisiana" (12aug2tp) nora Hogarth led the prayer, Miss Gloria spending NUGRAPE :has been a member of the Griffin were called for. remainder of the summer Florence, reading circulation and come to the with Ex-Governor Jimmy Davis -- which the reports School faculty and coaching - No. of her High office with a couple of dollars (creator of 'You Are My Sunshine) Mrs. W. W. Jones, group captain S. C., as the guest brother, "nd t I Re- and Mrs. Mikell. staff. wifoe told me to come and sub­ Margar Lindsey BO'ITLING CO. 1, had charge of the program; E. L. Mikell, liMy • • • • - ALSO- No. soribe." frespments yrare served by group Mrs. Garland Smith and daughters, "Blondies' Anniversary" Ga. SCARBORO-AARON we see Statesboro, W. Lewis. Suzanne and of Emory Uni- And those are th� things 5, Mrs. S. Nancy, Friend� will be inOOrested to learn That "Second Wind" with and .11 the 'For • Dagwood Bu":'stead''; • •• are of her ...d which make us smile. There versity, Ga., gue.'!;s par'- Miss Clara Scar- (R�gular admission prevails) and Get Your Shirt of the marriage of RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. Jlnd Mrs. W. L. mUllt be a motive-and ""gree of in­ eilts, boro and T.. W. Aaron, of Millen. Cotton Producers! Jones: . and AndenlOn . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil C. chIld . · Mrs. and ran, terest depends upon the prospective Sunday, Au""st 15) Tupper SauS\lY Scarboro IS the eldest daughter have ,MISS daughters, Jean and Eddie Fay, T J L'111 d and B'1l1 y, f T measure of benefit. "Fun On a Week End" upper r." a�- of the late Mr. anli Mrs. L. A. Scar­ a. . �. a to Chattanooga, -Pause with Priscilla Lane, Eddie Bracken returned from trip have arrIved for a VISIt Wlth We are happy about this increased pa, Fla., boro, of Bulloch county. She has Starts 5:30 and 9:30 Lookout Mountain. They Refreshnient 2:00, 3:45, and for birth too. Tenn., J. rate, PORTAL THEATRE b..,n a popular teacher in the schools Sponsored by Jaycees Mrs. Oswald Ander- visited Mr. and he�mot�er,pl"S...M�:IIA.1 er an:ooney·sson, om- and Show open 6:4b week days and STATESBORO GINNEIRY of Bulloch, Candler, Bleckley Neal at son and Mr. and Mrs. Henry of A have been visiting Monday and Tu sday. Aug. 16-17 3:00 on Saturday and Sunday mers, tlnntn, Emanuel counties for a inumber of went THURSDAY and l"RIDAY Gu. While there they her Mrs. Jones, "Mr. Blandings Builds His Lindale, 'g!1lndmother, Jenny and at the time of her maT- Was It 'Cheap Politics?' and years, Dream House" "Crossfire" to Allatoona Dam, Cave Springs and Mr. and Mrs. Carson L. Jones. riag., �he held the position of visiting THIS NEWSPAPER does not wi'Sh with Robert Robert Mitchum Eeveral other places of interest. Mr. and Ml'8. Kenneth Cowart and Cary Grant, MYlna Loy Young, Iteacher in Emanuel county. Ml. to be as an and Melvyn Douglas COMEDY ADVANTAGES 0 F MODERN AND EFFICIENE next recognized apologi.t OFf'ERS YOU sons, Bill and Jerry, wi!1 arrive and hus- Storts 2:30, 5:28, 7:27, 9:26 Aaron is a prominent planter for that fellow Truman, president by FAMILY DI·NN·E·R· week to two weeks with h'is spend man of Jenkins The SATURDAY of J. F. Olliff met at iness county: who has placed himselI EQUIPMENT FOR The family Mrs. B. W. Cowart. . accident, and parents, Mr. and 111 en- Wednesday, Thursday Friday, "Santa Fe for a coupI'lle WI rnake th'elr home J full Uprising" Dasher's Sunday, August 9th, I v.rit)lOnt the bounds of approval August 18. 19, 20 M and MTS Dan. Shurn•n I eft Allan'Lane, Bobby Blake thoB\1,enjoy- .r. ... kins county. those of us Soutllr�G set forth til the secunty tIlstl'IJment � SILK CHAM­ .. of admin- rules governing the State Democnitic CONSISTING OF BEMBERGS, CREPES, r d rmanent lett rs i or note at 8th of J. Hob- secured thereby. llrimary to be held September the e'Iltate .the said Wathl� rs��ati�� ��on de- optIOn the gruntee. The next. BRAYS, PRINTED CO'ITONS, ETC. H d' I a te of said county pf son that do has defaulted in the pay­ -� am I winding up my second term ceuse ...I Ml"by given �mlth from den, r��, • To Be Sold n.o IC� d t my ment of the monthly paym'ants as solicitor general and I urn asking I b h 1948, wIuj March 1.6, 1948, july IS, for your vote for this office for on� e ina Sep- throu�h I saffiido ceapphcta�lonfi�1on M�nd:�r and Reconstruction Fmnnce Corporu- a more term as shull not be - only, ! 1948. . 3 DAYS ONLY 3 temb�r, tion has declared the entire indebted- candidate for this office again after t 2 1948 �aid sale ness du"" and pllyable and next '.tate This is a Ordinm'Y. the . , primary. . I ThlsFAulUvnLi.,lAMS will be made for the purpose of pay- to very important office the publ ic. due on o DISMISSION the of $1,276.43 it is the work of the Solicitor Gen­ PETITION FOR ing balanc.e BOY CHEVROLETS principal and mtel'est PEOPLE eral to prepare the indictments in ex­ GEORGIA-Bulloch County.. " t�·� MOBE admlntstl'U- til the amount of $16.08, togethe, actly the correct and legal fot'l11; to Whereas Bl'uCO Olliff 1948, with costs. of this sule. The SUI'plllS, submit evidence for the state to th.. t l' or M.l'�. F. D. Olliff, rapl'es�nt. filed if WIll be turned over to W'ast- grand jury; to make out th� state's t� the court his petition duly any, that he moreland case before til'e trial on record Bl'oth�l's. jl1l'Y with such· and enrered .h�s FINANCE; Mrs. F. D. Olhff s RECONSTRUCTION evidence and in such a way as to 5U'3· administered fully . IORPORATION. cIte all . CAR is therefo,,,, to OTHER toin a conviction where a conviction estate this \Vuldo Smith. THAN'ANY; and cred. As case an kindrecl Attorney-in·Fact.for is and in a.fter. - concerned, haC!, appeal -�: . �20if perso�s , FALL if they can, E. G. Jnclr.5on, verdict it is the duty of the Solicitor You.will find MANY EARLY DRESSES in ths as· Values from $3.95 to $10.95 itOl�3, to show cause, any A�t�rney, " be HIS RECO"D not 400 Healey BlIddmg, ••till not available in any other .1 G-aneral to the state in ar· administrator ., j represent sortment. racks have been built in order to 3 BIG GROUPS' why said sh�ul.d the values; compare the prices' •. quality aJoanta, Special . make· his Georgia. COMPARE those cases before the Court ' f.rom motor car in its field. guing discharged�ls�ratlon,on l\tlantu, . dIsmISSion, know that now more than 'of Appeals and the Supreme Court selling easier. and reC'Bive letters of DEED Do this and you'll SPEAKS $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 SALE UNDEU SECURITY is to know that of first Monduy in September, �948. CHEVROLET AND ONLY CHEV­ And to c'Jmpare the price. Georgia. the GEORGIA-Bulloch County . ever before FOR ITSELF! I have had considerable This 2,·1948 at low"t are the low"t in the field . .. expf stated his Itand Oft an issues of thi. represent Reg. $10.95 now All that certain hact 01' parcel the riding-smoothness more and more Dresses, .$5.48 for letters of adltl1ll1�tra- rolct brings you Big-Car �f the country are deciding, of the state before the grand jury permanent and in the 1209th Clmp.iln. There is no doubt aboMt e',tllte of A. Knight, land lying being and Knee-Action on. Number One, and in the trial courts with a� little tion upon the J; the original outstanding l!nitized that only i. that M. district of Bulloch county, enthusiastically, what he thinks or will do now is given G. and what he notice . the loss of time and with as little cost Reg. $12.95 Dresses, .$6.48 decea""d, one-half Ride .. the Big-Car performance depend­ Chevrolet i. will be at my Georgia, and locuted about only first. next two yun n Covernor. If y" to the counties as and at the said application he.ard a world'. Valve-in-Head engine possible Septem- mile northwest of the city limits of ability of champion on the first Monday In we too, will make this cannot attend his he" h. same time giving due consideration now office Route 80, and of the enviable That i. why believe you, meetings, Reg. $16.95 Dresses, .$8.48 Statesboro on Fed'llral. a�d ... the Big-Car beauty luxury to all the 8 when the value. and ill his radio w parties involved. on �ald of Fisher same decision you cO"1pare hlks each n . reve.lin, ..... 1948. having northeast frontage Fisher , . the safety . 'Big-Car I �hall your support, be�is19�u' ust 9, Body by win in way appreciate Route 80 of seventy-five (75) the , .• for you .aery Full WILLIAMS, 0t:

BODY OF GREGORY \ The True Memorial

MRR. ARTHUlt TURNER. Editor YoirrH RECOVERED C' • IS AN UNWRITI'EN BUT ELO­ 203 Conee Cowenrd • Enroute From New York • Clubs Personal QUENT STORY OF ALL THAT To Visit His Grandfather IS BEST IN LIFE. - (STATESBORO EAGLE) At Savannah Last June NEW�ATB8BORO Our work: helps \0 reflect the

of . Announcement of tile recovery 18111 VOL. 57-NO. 21 which to erect Bwloeh TIm_, IIlnablillhed I .. �7. 1fl., AUG. 1948 Bpirit promptseyou , Couolld ted JIID� STATESBOIlO, GA.. THURSDAY. 19, Mrs. Z. Whitehurst spent Monday TUESDAY BRIDGE CLUB of Edwin T. Gregory 3, the State.boro Ne.... Eotabllahed 111011 the stone as an act of reverence the bodr D_ber � of Stateaboro E.tahllahed 1lI17-CoDaOildated II. Suvunnuh. Members the Tuesday Bridge Ea8t- _Ie. in . . from I and devotion . Our experience thirteen.-year-old youth f Club and II few othen friends were Personal Gene of is spending , Iler, Savannah, iB at Ybur .ervice. who was lost sight Purely entertained aft­ hampton. Mass., .of FORMER COUNTY AGENT the week with B..nny and Johnny delightfully Tuesday to visit' hili granilfather in HEART ATI'ACK D� IN ernoon Mrs. Frank Williams at on a trip DIES OF Olliff. by HENDERSON LEADS COLEtwAN Carl of Au­ THAYER MONUMENT Schools MI'. and Mrs. Sanders. COMPANY to of Bulloch attractive new home near town. of interest many sud- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wutel's ur.. '1�1' Savannah. iB Friends regret to leara of the. were week-end visitors here. A Local Si_ gusta, zinnias and were Indll6try � death of E. P. .l08ey. former several duys this week in Roses, potted plants OUI' readers. den DUBLIN HOSPITAL PO\\>'\1 11 of D. spending UCATION GROUP of Bulloch county. at Mrs. , Washington, C., M. M'ateor ED' agent placed about tlie rooms, and refresh­ JOHI:' THAYER. Proprietor Placed upon the Silver by county Augustn. his home in S. C., Wedn"s- Passes is her mother, Mr3. George . the lad .\nderson. Saturday Night visiting menta consisted of punch, assorted 45 West Main Street PHONE 439 Statesboro. G.. hi8 in New Y,ork city, Conferenee Of that his Mr. and Mrs. LaFayette Flanders. parent. Summer day morning. It WRIt known In 'Sum when his Of njll.ries Received Record Beasley. Z individual cakes and Della the train for several Get' sandwiches, from of Savannah. are spending the week (lapr-tf) was missing Assoeiatlon Geor-'a8'''''ColIeg- health had been decllninlf Mrs. Mitchell. of Hunting- "" meet him announcement o,f hia Road Accident Wednesday Clyde Robia mints. Mrs. Arthur Everett, of called there At' Mountain yearB, and the Bulloch county received ,'"0,0'5.07 with relatives here. MI.. and Jim announce grandlather Be Held .,Lodge Mrs. Mrst �l1en , a Mrs. Tom don, W. Va. is Vi'3iting Ml', and S. of Mrs. Wil- on the eany death is not surprise. the John Godbe, Columbia. C., guest at the end of the jOUrn�os�:;:'�atut GR'OUP Have Seen Mrs. J. M. and other Miss Alva Mae Marti", of MIlS'!ley Mr. FORMERLY' TO $60.00 Mrs. were conference., . l..wo of Th�se mother, Murphy, $17.95 Both Mr. and Curry of Geor- BisJtop Frank,in Been. sington. Gu., were £he broad. deep. dinner rguests Monday evening at here. Mr. Registrar L1yod Chap'n, Former Service While m'ambers of the who were here Busir:ass College, Jacksonville, Fin., brought to the hospital kind Bulloch family Mrs. of thick kind of hogs-the home on Savannah avenue Mr. kne.. and is secretllry-treasurer FAIR As Spea�r ArA New In Ranks week end with' her' Ulcirt injury I gia Tech, ,Engaged ."Others the parents, Curry FOR COUNTY for the week end were Miss Grace I spent �ad. � breast ralBers like. ·Most of Mr. and IS about the ..I Association of Colleges. county hog A. and had llnd Mrs. Heyward Foxhall, Curry IIlJured tho3 Ce0 rgia A. Franklin. newly and Mr. and Mr. ll11d Mrs. L. Martin, Marvin were the six Atlanta, moved ------Women and Girls Bishop Two veterans among were also the ,red color Murphy., Mr. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Curry recently Club the Methodi,.t, them cherry !'.Jrs.1 her Miss Mrs. W. E. Cobb, and and elected bishop to Hall Miss Hilda Mur- a'a hel' guest roommate, ) Now from Dublin. . Statesbol'o Harv·.y to Statesboro To Perfect Plans ..nt ad- men enlisted by a local favorite. too. i THE 13TH BREAKS Named will deliver the commencem reC'antty tha� is Then. .and ,Nedda of Jacksonvill",. Joe Tillman. Funeral services for Dr. Aldermlln FRIDAY phy, JacksonVIlle. Casterina. position Teachers College and Air Force Recruiter Sgt. local realized that the 'Mill Creek Bap- For Proposed Ex. dress' at Georgia Army th� people top we,.. held at Upper LONG NO-F'IRE RECORD, here at 10 a. m. Thu,-sday, August Walter J. Wilson. in Duroc breed were tist church- with Rev. J. B. Jarrell, men, blood lines the I' w 0', fourteen Henderson has . d with A comml'tt- Zach S. man in e 13th comDlne Pl'.sident son Of Mr. . . I t 26, Rev J . E . C T'II Not that h Chari ... L. Conner. in the at a�'SISted by it w"D.'B named CpJ. being entered sale popular a hazard, yet and girls announced. of the Funeral was Frida.y c!llhstitutes women, boys G. Hunter Ilnd husband charge s�rvice.s. com- for will be award- and Mrs. J. to Mortuary. to know that the serve as the leaders Sixty-five diplomas p"';cse. conducted by SmIth-Tillman is interesting Saturday to .. . eleven Lee K mp, break a long 110- t' ed to grllduates, including of the fn[mer Miss Bella sold $45 bination worked to Fall' thO.IS yea. Th"fie twenty-five mille pigs $13.46 the Bulloch County who make up the en- in Statesboro Illst Frida)' Bullo'ch countians, of 12 Sharpe street, Statesboro, fi .... record for the coun- c1a�s in $86.70 average per head. the VISITING MI:«USTER BE blazed on North and to fO['R)ulate plans summer grllduatiQg .for when an oil stove largest listed for three yellr. in the armored Fair , seventeen young gilts brought $1U.32. Prices . South'3.stern lower CHURCH exhibit at the the college's history. Foods At METHODIST AT I street. Walnut ty's whom Conner has two years serv-I call Statesboro graduates, of forces. the twelve bred gilts av-eraged Bur-Mil Fab­ This was' the first in Atlanta in early October. 'rhe and Quality 100 cent wool to .. in education wa'il 8tationed per Tropicals, Dr. James E. miBsionary rec- a BS d to his credit. He Ellis, fir� dsince committee corri"'3 gree ice each. at the April �ig The membllrs of the and minor $1511 Brazil. will be guest preach'ar a. same with the subject major the First Armo,,,d we5th-whicdhconten. isDaurlllg \hgOtO in in the ETO with church next oni, a that met R. a local Duroc MQney-Back Etc. Hyde Statesboro Methodist fire de- were selecltad by group are: DOI'ris Cason, rics, Seersuckers, Worsteds, in 1947 Stawsboro indicated. Division Ilnd took in the cam­ period in 1946 for ParTish Blitch, business part 20 Sunday. had 10 calls, and the court. house to make plans Charles breeder for mQre than years, Guaranteed Flour a native of South Car­ pllrtment Clinton B. Davis, of Centr.. 1 Europe. $1.69 Dr. Ellis is it 13th .which of Ilnd mathematics; paigns 2:�:. Was Friday The members in this sale because A real calls. e ,fllirs. heavily Park and ,other famous makes. from Uni­ 9 th... -two and' Donald son of Mrs. bought olina, graduated Emory charm? the industrial arts history; S/Sgt. James A. Cone, b[oke the most all Ilnd th" blood lines an the type of lind is in of all the the com mitt... represent . industrial arts of versity charge Ashley Coleman, Aaron Cone. 220 South College street, OIL SAUSAGE Chri,.tia�education in th" th.t will Bert W. Fulford, Mr. Cason started COOKING OIL work of organizations in the county physical eduu wore amber combs ..v. J. pecially R. Scott Jr., Roger Allen, Lima Beans Field Peas Long Rice ba·g. Marvin Franklin and R of in the Democratic pri­ clude: Virgil Turkish Towels in lovely Bishop the agriculture ,for governor W. Zetterower. Ben ounce sanforized. Heavy hair. invited to display . and Eli Hodge'3, C. 8 your Hillis. will Mr. and V. R. Scott. Danny .25c Box the described will call at L. ana mary 'of S;'ptemb�r 8th, speak cans ... No.2 cans 25c If lady thestate' expense'; S. 2 No. 2 25c 2 this section of son of Mt". D. E. Screelf. J. L. Zetterower. Henry on E. Boddiford J'r.• patterns the Times office she will be given in Statesbol'O at the court 8qullre Usually $2.89 were assured. Ben H. Smith. the "Easter for the operation Both men attended Jack­ Blitch, Cyril Jones, two tickets to picture, J. FRANK UPCHURCH 12 noon. Mr. Rabun Boddiford. secretary of August :!1 at Max and Friday' Rufus G. Brannen, the. and listed their Emit Hollingsworth. Edenfield. We now have Colored in COCA-COLAS Pnrad-e," showing today died last son High Scllool Oleomargarine J. Frank U)Jchurch, 54, that is conducting, B 8tr�nUOU8 compaign at the Georgia Theater. local fair association, reported Charlie N·o.mith, G. B. Bowen, D. J. nome on �tterower homa atlllre8s a� Sylvania., blocks her ticltets, If the n�g'ht at his to 'avery county ill the state. fourth one . . pound sticks and pound 6 bottles 19c DURING TOBACCO SEASON After receiving are in the treasury covering A. P. Murphy, WEDNESDAY ife h'a is by ',orne $1,372 son of Mr. and Mrs. Riggs, Tyrel Minick, , his OPEN ALL DAY will clIII at the Statesboro Besides survi,:ed thIS three to five tim... daily. James F. Deal, I ludy extended Illness, fair with speaking John and an Cromley w!U be a avenue, after start off the 'county of Statesboro. qualified Milledge Smith. Flol'al Shop she !liven States- is Rabun travels in a 1940 model J. P. Deal, Jam.., and Jack, of fair Mr. • orchid 'With compliments of three sons, The Bulloch county "'- of the V. J. Rowe. lovely Atlanta. I'year. that reads, for one year in the Army and Wister, of to 30th. car carrying a large sign Mr. Whitehurst. bo"o, ,fo" October 25th of the group botlght everal the proprietor. services win be conducted scheduled United States, while Rufus H. R'lun­ Som� d'!!scribed last week was Funeral "From Rabun QIlP to Tybee t-ight, The lady ist after- �. un­ to rai'.e who called for t the church Friday He uBual­ h'ee selected the Field Artillery gilts, planning p�ebrod Sons Mrs. H. P. Foxhall, which newlS> It·s Rabun for Govelnor.'· Cash Minkovitz & RENT-La�e furn�shed AI of Shuman's following their noon at 3:30 o'C:ock. tour of for neighbors. H�� attended the pic­ a, FO� on t\ Dumcs Grocery tick<:.ts Frida_y, hath; prIvate 'three-year her M,othO