Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 8-12-1948 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1948). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2438. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2438 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1948 ---'----------- ---------- --_ I BACKWARD LOOK I HALF CENTURY TEN YEARS AGO The True Memorial ' . Faom Bulloch Times, Aug. 11, 1938 SERVICE IS AN UNWRITTEN BUT ELO­ On local market hog prlcei"drQ'iiPed WHERE NEEDED while cwttle advanced; beel QUENT STOny OF ALL THAT prrces heifers, $709 to $7.40, No 1 hog" (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) IS BEST IN LIF:g. $825 , Cotton marketing' cards are now Bulloch Tim... ElltabIl.hed 18112 , 1117 Issued famers who io-operat­ State.boro E.tabllahed Conaolld.ted Juurr �7. Our work helps to .reflect the bemg Ne...,., 11191 I' STATESBORO. GA., AUGUST 1948 ed with the 1938 farm program, Stateaboro E.tabllahecl UI17-Conaolldated D_ber 1lIIIO THUR:_:'JAY, 12, sptrtt which prompts you to erect Eagle, II, Johnston wus U VISltOI' at Mrs D S Robertson, of Snvnnnah, ems must be presented by glower flDI!!'J:'rJJ/fl� the stone as an act of reverence lhns returned at time or sale. 'D '0 S.lVUllIUh Bench Fllday home aftCl a VISit and devotion .. Our experience Market shows that States­ c MI with. VI1&'(;'_IIIJUi' reyort c ureIy ersonaI Dun Groover, or Atluntu, IS VISit- and MIs Lester Edenfield sold 19 at your lCIervlC'e. boro warehouse last we,. 1,515,. ONE • MEFfS Statesboro Given his mother, Mrs Gecrge GIOO- ....... 100 of tobacco for I'" average IKII11bUIi \ pounds DEATH, Beauty �:; GI;;;��' �;'I��:e� ;�� :::s �:�al;;e:� price of $2404 per 100, ten Geor­ Rambler was a visitor at _.- Br�nson 1 THAYER MONUMENT COMPANY markete sold at lower Again -:wnrd glB average MI und Mrs Bernard MOIIIS were with MI und MIs. Bert Ramsey THREE �_� IN HOSPITAL Savannah Beach Sunday A Local SInce l.JI22 pnce. State visitors at Suvunnnh Bench Ft-iduy Nlis Gilbert Cone and ehlldren, Industry Highest Appraisal Juhan Tillman und Vun, An audience conservatively esti­ 1\h'S son, JOHN M, Road Crash Near everung Gilbert JI and Balliett, have return- THAYER, Proprietor mated at 1,500 stood attentively m Saturday Savannah .. Dubl�n silent 45 West Main Street PHONE while III be­ W•fltes ar MI und Mrs W S Hunner and Wert (rom A month's at Savannah 489 GL Eugene Talmadge spoke F'rOI11 stay Statesboro, A'f Early Wedne8dB�· _I�_ Morntng Bruce Olhff and MIS lis Heyward ,..-.-- half of his candidacy for the United S Hanner JI spent F'riduy at Savan- Beach. j,�l � [Lnpr-Lf ) Reader'. of the Times will Involves Local Citizens LOCAL TOBACCO In Ii_�� again Foxhall sp nt Tuesday Savannah States senate in opposition to WaI­ Huh Bench MI und Mrs Bernard Mo) liS wei e Will Mr and MI"S. Er nest Tootle an, ter George here Tuesday mornmg MI and Mrs Zach Smith spend H W Averitt of was u �inr. ;;tt� Jr, Millen, MI and MIs 01111 Smith spent dinner guests of MIss Trabue Daluy MR. AND MRS. SMITH VISITED IN AUGUSTA Social "vente At a lovell' party ��a�!b���te�t:��t�,h'b;1 VISIT a FARMERS TO POl- nounce the bir-th of Ernesb now III the week end with relatives ut sorr, man, foreign lands. Early lI1�tantly killed and three others were MARKET IS ACfIVE lust week ut tho Solms at the Dublin Olub Mrs Bruce Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Gilbert f'ew days Country Saturday at ARE HONORED orue, MI',. J E Done- last year, It Will Dr rot.t Edwin, July 20, the Bulloch Coun- members of bo recalled, sent to the a whose Cone entertained her hospital as result of Hotel, Savannah Beah averung !\lit und MI·o Zuch Smith, lloo and M,,,. Heyward Foxhall spent Pittman was In German terrttory Receipts To Date Have Gone Iiss Ann Turner, of Suvnnnnh, I: ty Hospital bridge club, thoe Three TIFfON COLLEGE highway accident which OCCUlTed on MI and MIS Ashton IntHI was II I eeant nt e be- In O'clocks./Mlss and regaled our readers With a !\it'S [ V Simmons and children, Simmons and • • • • rage event, Thursday Augusta as guests of "Martha Cowart, of Atlanta; MISS Well Past the Nine Million spending the week with MISS LOUise series of contributions of mterest President Donaldson Gives 'the highway beyond Dublin around and are the childi en, Eloise und Ashton JI and MI and Mts. H V Harvey, of entertained at a number of lovely MI and Mrs Carl Frances of Randy Putty, spending , Ing Sunders. They Parker, Tallahassee, Fla, More Record of Sales Olhff recently he has accepted ""- Invitation Which Has Been M,dlllght Wednesday mornmg Pounds MIS Horner Simmons announce the birth of a Thur MI. and and MISS J'osephine Kennedy, of Sa­ week at Savannah Beach 81 are spand- Hinesville, parties sday 'llenmg were accompa'ni-ed home by MISS Slgnment to do educatienal work Mrs Eugene DeLoach, of Col urn- shared honors at a Bureau Those Injured are the ","ad man'; were vannah, lovely In Accepted By Group Tobncco continued to loll' In D B Could has returned to At- ntg the week at Savannah Beach (buglt.tet, Jacqqul�lyn LOUIse, July MIS Horace Z. Smith Sr hosts Teresa Foy who has been spending Korea, and It IS from that far- steady bUI, S. C, spent last week with 1·.1- bridge and chinle..r-check party Wife and his father, H. W. Averitt streams and Mudte at the away land he IS now HIS Bulloch a Visit Tuesday night W\)dneo­ lnntr aftei a short VISit with his MIS Phillips and duugntei ll, at the Bulloch County Hospital at " delightful dinner party sometime With he� Sister, Mrs San­ afternoon at which MISS Sarah writing, county farmers plan .1tIVCS here day Tues-j Sr., both of und James day to the Stateabcrc I address, for the benefit of any who Millen, Plovd I1Jlu�at, lind mothel, MIS D B Gould i""cille, have retulned home aftel MIS Hal'Vey wail formerly MISS MII­ Forrest Heights Count! y Club With dets, while thell' moth'''', Mrs. J. P Poindexter was hostess -Mrs C P. to the Coastal Plains Expenmont thlough lust IIIght the nlluket Will WIsh to lS . or MI and MIS Wright Evelett und L. Mrs John may address hun, Depart- Colemun, Statesboro Thl! scene last IllOnth wIth of Statesbolo. and hiS bi Hie as honOI Olhff, Mrs J Mathews, Statton 25 and 26. hav. sold well Bvel nine million MldS Evalyn SImmon hus ('CtUI ned S{ endIng Capt and h ed Lee: theu son Foy: IS on a tOUl of European eoun­ ment of EducatIOn, Dtrector TTC, August George of the of vlsited and Miss J Ken­ colhslon Is reported to havo J son, Bill, Metter, Thlllsdny Kennedy osephme Abraham pounds t '0 New YOI" aftel spendlllg a month MI s J C at Camp L,- guests Cove,'. were placed for Mr tries MISS Foy IS aWhile Hq. USAMGIK, APO 235, care P Donaldson, preSident of \\Ith MIS John E"'.lett Schwalke, spendmg nedy motored to Athens Wednesday, been n.ar Allentown, bet""en Dub­ Monday the Statesbolo'market hud MIS SII11- N C and Mrs Zach Postma'ilter, Sun FrnRclsco, Cahf. BaldWin has IIlvlted the with hel mother, Homol Juene, VlRS. SEARS AT MAYO Smith, Bobby With her aunt, Mr'. Olltff where they Jomed Mr Kennedy upon College, hn and a fllll MI s A J Mdls, of Oakland Cahf • Joffersonville. Accordmg to sales, Belltng 610,000 pounds * * * • letter Farm some mons SI MIS',ms Matgazet DeLonc]l, Ann Fllends will be Interested to lealn Smith, MIS" Mary Janet Agan, hiS return from Washmgton. ,HIS received last weok for- Bureau to brmg forty Tl.l'asduy thete wae u In pound­ - reports, the Averttt car was ellOP a.; vlsltmg hel blothel, Dr E N I • • • • commg AT SAVANNA BEACH lows in the but found another Mrs LOllle hos letulned to Kelly, Clllolyn Waddell and DOli' MIS of MI' and MIS. H I' Jones J,', felloW'll down there and hve age, Wednesday and MIS Rigdon that Geolge Seat., Moultrie, YEARS AGO. toward Dublnl while tha other was BI'O\ 11, Blown D B Rem>r BI Arthur TWENTY full sales Through IU',t IlIght un·al u with of were Mr and Mrs' TUllier, ady, dormltol'les and eat III tha hall Tifton spending week Rldmgs, Atlanta, week-end IS at MISS Betty Smith, Seoul, 1948. dllling the an Clll 01 Jean Cal tel has I etul n- Mayo ClinIC, Rochester, Mmn, 1928 Korea, July 25, entollng I!lghway froln lIltOI'­ mOlo than �lJss TUI ner and MI ,und MI·s. John God­ From Bulloch TImes, Aug. 9, (Wednes\IIIY) $<1,250,000 s. of MI and Mts. W Brannen JI lind MIS Ed for two PreSident Donaldson hel slstel, IVII ROg"1 Holllllld, lind Sliests B Bowen 1\ hel e sha was Cnt lied last week Fol- Laster ,MI Bulloch County Friends days.
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