American Students at the University of Leipzig, 1781-1914 Compiled by Anja Werner,
[email protected] Last updated on June 5, 2013. This alphabetical list was taken from the register of the University of Leipzig, which is preserved at the Leipzig University Archives (LUA). It contains the names and registration information of American students between 1781 and 1914. Included are hearers and visitors who were traced in secondary sources, foreigners who were traced as regular students, and women whose names were found in the Leipzig hearer list, in the folders on female students, and in secondary sources. Some entries contain cross-references to other Leipzig-Americans and to Halle- Americans to highlight networking connections. The names that women acquired through marriage are added in square brackets; for the most part, women are listed under their maiden names. Biographical Information was added when available; abbreviated references refer to the bibliography (see also below) and list of dissertations of Leipzig Americans in the Transatlantic World of Higher Education. Dissertations typically contain brief vitas. Entries appear as they were, that is, as a mixture of German and Englis. Obvious spelling mistakes were corrected, information to some extent standardized, and contradictory additional information added in square brackets. In cases when students registered more than once, the information was molded into one entry. Abbreviations of Frequently-Used General Reference Works Albisetti Albisetti, Schooling German Girls and Women. ANB Garraty and Carnes, general eds, American National Biography. NAW James et al., eds., Notable American Women, 1607-1950. Appointment Card Appointment Card [name of faculty member], Columbia Univ NY.