Board Forms Program Aimed At
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Property of the Watertown Historical Society League Report Shows Mire Women Now In Board Forms Program Aimed At Civic Affairs The fact that more wamem are Improving Community Resources growing interested In civic and educational matters is supported The Town Board of Education, by the incteasing membership to' which was: reorganized last. Sep- ' the Town League of Women IN MEMORY OF- ENSIGN' WADE tember when two, members re-' Voters. Seventy-three belong to signed in protest against , Step I tt cow. plan of the School Building Com- According to the report sub- mittee, has; formally drawn up mitted by Mrs. W, E. Pierpont, its school expansion progfnm. secretary, at the League's annual At, a special meeting' of the meeting last Thursday, the local Board on. March 22, all members chapter, headed by Mrs. Barry L. present unanimously adopted a Morgan, president, WJMJ, active in. plan aimed "to "kill two birds a number of public projects dur- with one stone." It seeks to over- ing the past year. come the "chief weak spot in, the In addition to its regular study .school system," "namely, the 7th group activities, the 'League par- and Mb grades, as pointed, out ticipated iii the following' affairs: by .all examining educational ex- DRAFT: About 25 .League perts. Also, their plan envisions members volunteered their aei'- supplying' the Oakville section vivea to assist in. the peace-time with its - first community re-. draft registrations. sources. — VOTERS' HANDBOOK: Com- The Building Committee has piled by Mrs. William E. Sulli- held firmly to the Step 1 'plan, van, publicity chairman, over "2,- '•laiming it was. the "mandate of the Hay 25th .meeting. •(.Continued on -Page' 9) Whether the School Building Committee will a c c e p t the Board's plan, or offer one in op- position will become known after'" April 12. Both group?' are sched- - Children Excited uled to meet in joint session on. this date. , Meanwhile,- the 'School. Board About Heir Own has definitely resolved upon the PAUL CRUIKSHANK, headmaster of Waft school, addressing' the assembly which, gathered at fO'l lowing plan: the dedication, ceremonies of the Wade House .last February. The .bouse ta the gift of firs. John OAKVILLE. New building to' Newspaper At South Howard Wade, Gl*n Ridge, N. J., to' the Taft school In grateful memory off Howard Voyer Wade house' Junior High pupils (gi'.des who died In. the service of Us country at MB, North Atlantic Are*, U.S.S. Reuiben Junes, October 7-8-9); 224 pupils (Sept... 1048')'. What was only an idea of Mrs. •Ml. Ktt*4«n Wade was a member of'the Utg class, Taft school, .and was the first of ID alumni to' 7 ClasTOoms . - Clifford Beltmay, South . school lose their lives hi World War IL 'The Wade Memorial will eerve as a soohd house for members off 1 Audi to Hum-Gymnasium . teacher, six: months ajjo., .'has the: Seals* daw. Left to right: JtevereM John Westbrook, Reverend! Robert Appfeyard; Head Moni- 1 Cafeteria grown fnto a. stimulating reality tor of the Miami Body, and Mr. Crutksbjuik. 1 Science' Laboratory for sixth graders at South. Mrs, 1 Library Bellmay believed the children. 1 Art .Room, "- were not sufficiently aware of 1 GuTs Homemaking Honor " the many things going on at the Spirited Debate- Over Who Winneaaug Owners 1 Boy's Industrial Arts Boom. school, such as. operettas, drives Cost—$4*0,000. and .activities' In. " other class- South-, .Folk and Falis Are. rooms. Schools—N6 major changes at She decided that a. newspaper Should Pay For Sidewalks Confer Iii Turn pi went. - - | used, as the medium for getting' One Vote Margin Makes WATEBTOWN. An addition to out the information could•' have the present High School, to house a two-fold purpose, Children Owners Responsible For Waterfown Center . and Rural, would become more observant of Rev. Appleyard On Snow And Ice Removal Immediately followln g the pupil*. the things going on and, 'by writ- Senior High (grades 10-11-12)— ing them up. they would im- A. lively, but 'Orderly town, meet- adoption of the new regulations ; prove their abilities for expres- ing on sidewalks was stopped fovernin? the subdivisions of 2:50, sion. Program Will 3 ohn from becoming a. dragged out land, 'the Town Planning Com- Junior' High (grades 7-WW— The idea finally developed into affair when Dan. Sullivan arose mission notified the America o itU'.: 'Total (Sept. IMS)' pupils—389. an English project for 101 chil- and observed, "We're just get- .Development Co. "not to sell any dren in the sixth grade classes Dulles & Dr. Fosdick ting out of our rompers on the mare lots at the Lake Winne- 6 Classrooms sidewalk question and 'we -can't Imaug Estates on unapproved Cafeteria of Miss Irene Bussemey, Miss Rev. Robert, B. Appleyard, rec- Catherine Scanlon and Mrs. Bell- .settle all things .at. one little subdivisions." The Company. is Auditorium (.seat 500) tor of Christ Episcopal Church meeting.*" This remark put a owned, by Kenneth 'Gorman of Estimated Cost, (350,000 may. will, .be in New York on Saturday Massachusetts. The newspaper" was" 'named •halt to' the numerous questions Baldwin School. No major A pi 11 2, speaking 'at a conference over technical details, which, be- This area raise* general fears j changes at present "The Chronicle". VoJtune I, No. cm the Christian. Ministry for I. appeared, last week and was gan popping up.' o'»er the development of a health j. 'Costs not estimated: College Students in the Eastern The' 'Ordinance* providing foi Feasible purchase of Hoffman prepared "by Miss Busaomey's Universities. claaa. Patty Fisher and. Ruasel inst.altatlon of sidewalks and. the (Continued On Page 9) property •• • ' Wheeler were editors-in-chief; Other notable! speakers will 'be removal »f snow and ice was i Sewage and' water service.a Ann Magnuson and Kenneth Joan Foster Dulles, United adopted, at Monday night's meet- Greason, assistant editors-in- States representative at the U. ing which lasted an hour and chief; Nancy Wasilewsky, social N., and Dr. .Harry Emerson Foa- Perry Home Sold To dfck fait (Riveracidte Church, in (Continued on Page Nine) Teachers'Views New York. (Continued On Page 9} Coco-Cola President Horse Plays Like Dog Youngsters Rehearse For the fourth ' time in its Offered Tonight By If you. happen to be riding by 200 Prizes Await eighty-Jive years of existence, the the home of Leon W. Banks in home now occupied by the Sher- Bethlehem and note, in. a pas- man Perrys" 'Ownership | Forum, Action Com, For Joint Concert last week... The site was origin- J ture adjoining' his home, a riding > This Thursday 'evening, a. looal horse cavorting' about the 'Held Sportsmen « Banquet Once again the younger musi- ally" the location of the ' old Bishop's - 'Tavern which was educator will Inade- with a plank firmly gripped 'be- The 38th* annual dinner of the cians from all over the Town quate facilities: handicap the ef- tween his teeth, you may be sur- je-in in a Combined Spring Con- moved, to .Echo Lake Road and is Fish and Game Association at now the Daveluy Tavern... fectiveness'' of the teaching- pro- prised, but Mr. Banks won't be. the Hotel Elton next Thursday cert. 'Under the direction of Carl gram. A.s a matter of fact he haa frown, evening: is being awaited, with Richmond, Musical Supervisor, Built in 1:864' "for Hornet Hem- " Summer Libber, Vice-Principal used to the antics of the horse, great expectations. Over 200 may of the upper grade chl.ldi.ttn of in way, this mansion was first oc- of South School, will discuss "the one' of a. half dozen saddle horses attend and one " of the main at- Baldwin and. South. Schools offer cupied 'by him, and then was most neglected group" in th* pastured there. For in recent tractions will, be the handing out a program of. songs, dance* and lived in for a few years by H. school .system, "the- Junior-High weeks the horse has been gallop- of .wrtees., instrumental numbers at the M-o r t o 'it. Merr iman who pur- children." According to Mr-Lib- ing about carrying' various sticks 'Everyone may be a win net* as High School on Friday, April 8. chased the hou*e fiom his sis- bey, progress in education is Ilka between, his teeth which he en- 200 useful, prizes, presently dis- 6 p.' m. ter. Hammond Knowlton and. his P'.ro.'gttoss " In. medicine. When, a •deavors to pass to the other played in Qulgley's window, will Last ..year's concert was gl.ven_ family were the third party' to new method Is discovered, the horses in the playful manner of toe presented at the sportsmen's befo.i% a packed auditorium and 'Occupy te house and almost 33 hospital does not. eliminate ~~tlw a dog. banquet. Prizes range Tram an was highly praised. Those In years ago, the Sherman Perrys regular cures. 'So with, school. Only last week, the same horse outboard motor, steak dinners, charge of rehearsals predict, purchased . the house' from mn 'The three: R's are still funda- launched a more ambitious ven- traveling- clocks, electric broileis "this year's performance will b§ agent and have raised their fam- mental, however, there are naw ture when he attracted attention and cigars, to Three Feathers, even better than the last one." ily there. thingtf that need to be added as by running' about the field with gasoline, fly rods and candy.