Board Forms Program Aimed At
Property of the Watertown Historical Society League Report Shows Mire Women Now In Board Forms Program Aimed At Civic Affairs The fact that more wamem are Improving Community Resources growing interested In civic and educational matters is supported The Town Board of Education, by the incteasing membership to' which was: reorganized last. Sep- ' the Town League of Women IN MEMORY OF- ENSIGN' WADE tember when two, members re-' Voters. Seventy-three belong to signed in protest against , Step I tt cow. plan of the School Building Com- According to the report sub- mittee, has; formally drawn up mitted by Mrs. W, E. Pierpont, its school expansion progfnm. secretary, at the League's annual At, a special meeting' of the meeting last Thursday, the local Board on. March 22, all members chapter, headed by Mrs. Barry L. present unanimously adopted a Morgan, president, WJMJ, active in. plan aimed "to "kill two birds a number of public projects dur- with one stone." It seeks to over- ing the past year. come the "chief weak spot in, the In addition to its regular study .school system," "namely, the 7th group activities, the 'League par- and Mb grades, as pointed, out ticipated iii the following' affairs: by .all examining educational ex- DRAFT: About 25 .League perts. Also, their plan envisions members volunteered their aei'- supplying' the Oakville section vivea to assist in. the peace-time with its - first community re-. draft registrations. sources. — VOTERS' HANDBOOK: Com- The Building Committee has piled by Mrs. William E. Sulli- held firmly to the Step 1 'plan, van, publicity chairman, over "2,- '•laiming it was.
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