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GENERAL ELECTION to LOK SABHA-2019 PHASE-II LIST of CONTESTING CANDIDATES SR Candidate Name Party Name Symbol Allotted NO 5 GENERAL ELECTION TO LOK SABHA-2019 PHASE-II LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES SR Candidate Name Party Name Symbol Allotted NO 5. Buldhana 1 Abdul Hafeez Abdul Ajij Bahujan Samaj Party Elephant 2 Jadhav Prataprao Ganpatrao Shiv Sena Bow and Arrow 3 Dr. Rajendra Bhaskarrav Shingne Nationalist Congress Party Clock 4 Pratap Pandharinath Patil Bahujan Mukti Party Cot 5 Siraskar Baliram Bhagwan Vanchit Bahujan Aaghadi Cup and Saucer 6 Ananta Datta Puri Independent Tractor Chalata Kisan 7 Gajanan Uttam Shantabai Independent Key 8 Dinkar Tukaram Sambare Independent Pen Nib with Seven Rays 9 Pravin Shriram More Independent Helicopter 10 Wamanrao Ganpatrao Akhare Independent Television 11 Vikas Prakash Nandve Independent Diamond 12 Vijay Banwarilalji Masani Independent Battery Torch 6. Akola 1 Bhai B.C.Kamble Bahujan Samaj Party Elephant 2 Dhotre Sanjay Shamrao Bharatiya Janata Party Lotus 3 Hidyatullah Bharkatullah Patel Indian National Congress Hand 4 Arun Kankar Wankhede People Party of India (Democratic) Black Board 5 Ambedkar (Adv)Prakash Yashwant Vanchit Bahujan Aaghadi Cup and Saucer 6 Mrs.Pravina Laxmanrao Bhatkar Bahujan Mukti Party Cot 7 Arun Manohar Thakare Independent Helicopter 8 Social Workar Gajanan Onkar Harne (Anna) Independent Bat 9 Pravin Chandrakant Kaurpuriya Independent Battery Torch 10 Murlidhar Lalsing Pawar Independent Television 11 Sachin Ganpatlal Sharma Independent Tractor Chalata Kisan 7. Amravati (SC) 1 Adsul Anandrao Vithoba Shiv Sena Bow and Arrow 2 Arun Motiramji Wankhede Bahujan Samaj Party Elephant 3 Athawale Sanjay Hirmanji Bahujan Maha Party Television 4 GadeVinod Milind Ambedkarist Republican Party Gas Cylinder 5 Gunwant Deopare Vanchit Bahujan Aaghadi Whistle 6 Naredra Babulal Kathane Rashtriya Jansurajya Party Cup and Saucer 7 Nilima Nitin Bhatkar Peoples Party of India (Democratic) Black Board 8 Nilesh Anandrao Patil Ambedkarite Party of India Coat Page 1 of 5 SR Candidate Name Party Name Symbol Allotted NO 9 Panchshila Vijay Mohod Bahujan Mukti Party Cot 10 Anil Namdeorao Jamnekar Independent Room Cooler 11 Ambadas Shamrao Wankhede Independent Envelope 12 Navnit Ravi Rana Independent Spanner 13 Pankaj Liladhar Meshram Independent Air Conditioner 14 Pramod Laxman Meshram Independent Almirah 15 Pravin Mahadeo Sarode Independent Pen Nib with Seven Rays 16 Minakshi Someshwar Kurwade Independent Sewing Machine 17 Raju Bakshi Jamnekar Independent Auto-Rickshaw 18 Raju Mahadeorao Sonone Independent Bat 19 Raju Shamraoji Mankar Independent Camera 20 Raulbhau Laxmanrao Mohod Independent Computer 21 Vijay Yashwant Vilhekar Independent Battery Torch 22 Vilas Sheshrao Thorat Independent Laptop 23 Shrikant Ulhasrao Raibole Independent Diamond 24 Dyaneshwar Kashirao Mankar Independent Sofa 15. Hingoli 1 Dr. Dhanve Datta Maroti Bahujan Samaj Party Elephant 2 Wankhede Subhashrao Bapurao Indian National Congress Hand 3 Hemant Patil Shiv Sena Bow and Arrow 4 Altaf Ahamed Indian Union Muslim League Gas Cylinder 5 Asadkhan Mohammadkhan Bahujan Republic Socialist Party Air Conditioner 6 Uttam Bhagaji Kamble Prabudha Republican Party Cup and Saucer 7 Uttam Maroti Dhabe Akhand Hind Party Helicopter 8 Mohan Fattusing Rathod Vanchit Bahujan Aaghadi Key 9 Varsha Shivajirao Devsarkar Bahujan Mukti Party Cot 10 Subhash Nagorao Wankhede Hum Bharatiya Party Ganna Kisan 11 Subhash Parasram Wankhede Bahujan Maha Party Whistle 12 A. Kadir Mastan Sayed Independent Bat 13 Kamble Trishala Milind Independent Computer 14 Gajanan Haribhau Bhalerao Independent Refigerator 15 Jayavanta Vishwambhar Wanole Independent Auto-Rickshaw 16 Devji Gangaram Asole Independent Bucket 17 Prakash Vitthalrao Ghunnar Independent Coconut Farm 18 Makbul Ahemad Abdul Habib Independent Ring 19 Adv. Marotrao Kanhobarao Hukke Patil Independent Sewing Machine 20 Wasant Kisan Paikrao Independent Apple 21 Sunil Dasharath Ingole Independent Laptop 22 Subhash Kashiba Wankhede Independent Sofa 23 Subhash Maroti Wankhede Independent Gas Stove 24 Subhash Vitthal Wankhede Independent Television Page 2 of 5 SR Candidate Name Party Name Symbol Allotted NO 25 Santosh Maroti Boinwar Independent Pressure Cooker 26 Patrakar P. Sattar kha Kasim Kha Independent Foodball Player 27 Sandip Bhau Nikhate Independent Road Roller 28 Sandesh Ramchandra Chavan Independent Ship 16. Nanded 1 Ashok Shankarrao Chavan Indian National Congress Hand 2 Prataprao Patil Chikhlikar Bharatiya Janata Party Lotus 3 Abdul Raees Ahamed S/o Abdul Jabbar Ambedkar National Congress Almirah 4 Abdul Samad Abdul Karim Samajwadi Party Bicycle 5 Bhinge Yashpal Narsinghrao Vanchit Bahujan Aaghadi Cup and Saucer 6 Mohan Anandrao Waghmare Bahujan Mukti Party Cot 7 Sonsale Sunil Manoharrao Bahujan Republican Socialist Party Air Conditioner 8 Ashokrao Shankarrao Chavan Independent Hour Glass 9 Kadam Shrirang Uttamrao Independent Key 10 Dr. Manish Dattatray Wadje Independent Apple 11 Dr. Mahesh Prakashrao Talegaonkar Independent Lady Finger 12 Madhavrao Sambhajee Gaikawad Independent CCTV Camera (Panchsheel) 13 Ranjit Gangadharrao Deshmukh Independent Sewing Machine 14 Shivanand Ashokrao Deshmukh Independent Pen Drive 17. Parbhani 1 Jadhav Sanjay (Bandu) Haribhau Shiv Sena Bow and Arrow 2 Com. Rajan Kshirsagar Communist Party of India Ears of Corn and Sickle 3 Rajesh Uttamrao Vitekar Nationalist Congress Party Clock 4 Dr. Vaijnath Sitaram Phad Bahujan Samaj Party Elephant 5 Dr. Appasaheb Onkar Kadam Swatantra Bharat Paksha Pressure Cooker 6 Alamgir Mohd. Khan Vanchit Bahujan Aaghadi Cup and Saucer 7 Uttamrao Pandurangrao Rathod Bahujan Mukti Party Cot 8 Kishor Namdeo Gaware Bharatiya Praja Surajya Paksha Gas Cylinder 9 Ad. Yashwant Rambhau Kasbe Bahujan Republican Socialist Party Air Conditioner 10 Shaikh Salim Shaikh Ibrahim Bahujan Maha Party Whistle 11 Subhash Ashokrao Ambhore (Dudhgaonkar) Ambedkar National Congress Gramophone 12 Santosh Govind Rathod Bhartiya Bahujan Kranti Dal Television 13 Harishchandra Dattu Patil Sangharsh Sena Auto-Rickshaw 14 Kishor Baburao Munnemanik Independent Computer 15 Govind (Bhaiya) Ramrao Deshmukh, Independent Helicopter Pedgaonkar 16 Bobade Sakharam Gyanba Independent Sewing Machine 17 Sangita Kalyanrao Nirmal Independent Diamond Page 3 of 5 SR Candidate Name Party Name Symbol Allotted NO 39. Beed 1 Pritam Gopinathrao Munde Bharatiya Janata Party Lotus 2 Bajrang Manohar Sonwane Nationalist Congress Party Clock 3 Ashok Bhagoji Thorat Hum Bhartiya Party Ganna Kisan 4 Kalyan Bhanudas Gurav Bhartiya Praja Surajya Paksha Whistle 5 Ganesh Navnathrao Karande Maharashtra Kranti Sena Diamond 6 Ramesh Ramkisan Gavahane Dalit Shoshit Pichhada Varg Adhikar Dal Harmonium 7 Pro. Vishnu Jadhav Vanchit Bahujan Aaghadi Cup and Saucer 8 Shinde Chandraprakash Ganpatrao Ambedkarite Party of India Coat 9 Sayyed Mujammil Sayyed Jamil Samajwadi Party Bicycle 10 Sadek Muniroddin Shaikh Bahujan Republican Socialist Party Air Conditioner 11 Anwar khan Mirza khan Independent Chakki 12 Kalidas Pandharinath Apet Independent Kettle 13 Kolekar Ganesh Bhausaheb Independent Gas Cylinder 14 Khan Majahar Habib Independent Grapes 15 Galeb khan Jabbar khan Pathan Independent Batsman 16 Chavhan Sampat Ramsing Independent Ship 17 Jagtap Nilesh Murlidhar Independent Helicopter 18 Jamir Bashir Shaikh Independent Binoculars 19 Jubair Munshi Qureshi Independent Table 20 Tukaram Vyankati Chate Independent Bat 21 Nisar Ahmed Independent Battery Torch 22 Pathan Musakhan Yunus khan Independent Auto-Rickshaw 23 Pathan Sarfaraj Khan Mehtab Khan Independent Sewing Machine 24 Patil Yashashri Pramod Independent Bangles 25 Pandit Damodhar Khande Independent Tractor Chalata Kisan 26 Bajarang Digmabar Sonawane Independent Belt 27 Mujib Naimuddin Inamdar Independent Caroom Board 28 Rajeshkumar Annasaheb Bhadagale Independent Cauliflower 29 Vijay Rangnath Salve Independent Hat 30 Veer Shesherao Chokhoba Independent Foodball 31 Adv. Sharad Bahinaji Kamble Independent Ring 32 Shivaji Narayanrao Kavthekar Independent Truck 33 Shaikh Yashid Shaikh Tayyab Independent Road Roller 34 Shaikh Sadek Shaikh Ibrahim Independent Almirah 35 Sayyed Minhaj Independent Balloon 36 Sajan Raees Choudhari Independent Apple 40. Osmanabad 1 Omprakash Bhupalsinh Alias Pawan Shiv Sena Bow and Arrow Rajenimbalkar 2 Ranajagjitsinha Padmasinha Patil Nationalist Congress Party Clock 3 Dr. Shivaji Pandharinath Oman Bahujan Samaj Party Elephant Page 4 of 5 SR Candidate Name Party Name Symbol Allotted NO 4 Arjun (Dada) Salgar Vanchit Bahujan Aaghadi Cup and Saucer 5 Annasaheb Ramchandra Rathod Bhartiya Bahujan Kranti Dal Coconut Farm 6 Dipak Mahadav Tate Bhapase Party Road Roller 7 Phulsure Vishwanath Sadashiv Krantikari Jai Hind Sena Tiller 8 Aryanraje Kisanrao Shinde Independent Tractor Chalata Kisan 9 Gore Netaji Nagnathrao Independent Whistle 10 Jagannath Nivrutti Munde Independent Helicopter 11 Tukaram Dasrao Gangawane Independent Television 12 Dr. Vasant Raghunath Munde Independent Sewing Machine 13 Shankar Pandurang Gaikwad Independent Ganna Kisan 14 Sayyad Sultan Ladkhan Independent Gas Stove 41. Latur (SC) 1 Kamant Machhindra Gunwantrao Indian National Congress Hand 2 Dr. Siddharthkumar Digamberrao Bahujan Samaj Party Elephant Suryawanshi 3 Sudhakar Tukaram Shrangare Bhartiya Janata Party Lotus 4 Arun Ramrao Sontakke Bahujan Republican Socialist Party Air Conditioner 5 Dattu Prabhakar Karjikar Bahujan Mukti Party Cot 6 Ramrao Garkar Vanchit Bahujan Aaghadi Whistle 7 Rupesh Shamrao Shanke Swatantra Bharat Paksha Cup and Saucer 8 Kamble Madhukar Sambhaji Independent Almirah 9 Papita Raosaheb Randive Independent Camera 10 Ramesh Nivruti Kamble Independent
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