Editorial Convention Report

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Editorial Convention Report PUBLISHED BY TIIE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR CYBERNETICS, VOLUME 111, NUMBER 4, DECEMBER, 1970 NEVVSLEITER POST-CONVENTION ISSUE Editorial Convention Report The Newsletter will publish any letters FOURTH ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM HELD IN WASHINGTON addressed to the following topic Ed. A convention must be called a success There was a qualifying opinion, how­ when it breaks evcn fin anciall y, when ever, which should not go unrecorded. We are cyberneticists and we recognize some o f the papers given refer to, o r are Each year the meetings are held in a ster­ "cybernetics" when wc comc across it, built upon, work presented at previous ile audito rium far removcd from a sur­ but so far no one has defin ed "cyber­ meetings of the Spo nso ring society, and rounding environment wh ich easily pro­ netics" so that academicians are able to when the turn-out is the largest in several motes individual discourse. All audito­ specify a curriculum fo r it. Such is the years. All of these conditions were met at riums are sterile, perhaps, but it seems thesis of this editorial : The ASC sho uld the Fourth Annual Symposium of the that there are never amiable coffee shops, devise a curriculum for students majoring Society, which was held in Washington on or pastoral enclaves where quiet talks can in cybernetics. lt should define the October 8 and 9. Equally important was take place. Perhaps we just don't live a general principles to be included in such a the fact that five invited international style of life which any Ionger can gener­ curriculum, and then illustrate the appli­ speakers attended, but that they were ate enough demand for them. A high cation of these principles by reference to balanced by many younger, previously registration fee, coupled with an expen­ particular courses. u nknown scientists getting their first sive hotel may dissuade many from com­ Cybernetics is the science of control of exposure within the ASC. Most of the ing. It certainly makes li fe difficult for !arge systems. Heinz Von Foerster defines attendees were able to go home fee ling the student attendees. Four parallel ses­ a !arge system as one in which "The that they had seen o ld friends again, sions are also hard to follow, especiaUy accepted methods of solving sets o f first transacted some business, attended sev­ when they do not adhere to their time order differential equations Iead to solu­ eral outstanding talks, gotten some new schedules. The lecture format is a well­ tions which are opaque." Von Foerster ideas, and bee n involved in the workings known method for one-sided dialogue. then suggests the development ofa se ma­ of a new society which is starting to gain Certainly a cybernetics society ca n pro­ tic Ievel of analysis of modcls. Stafford some mo mentum in an exciting subject mote interaction to a greater extent than Beer, o n a different approach, argues that area. it has so far managed to do. (Ta page 2) computer models today do not really give us any close association with reality in !arge systems and to correct the Situation we should begin by first developing a theory of computer models. This gives us two parts o f a curriculum - the theory and practice o f !arge systcm computer models, and the theory and practice of solutions of differential equa­ tio ns. Since both Beer's and Von Foerster's arguments are based on the inapplicability of such methods, any Cur­ riculum must thirdly include adequate training for the rejection of well-tested me thods. Now comes the difficult part - what width of experience of complex systems should be included in a curriculum? Should business students only be con­ cerned with business-type problems? Sho uld biology majors only be concerned wi th ecosystems? The answer would appear to be "no," since a cybernetics Crayton Walker, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, UCLA, delivers curriculum which,(Continued on page 2) his paper, "Steady-State Behavior in a Class of Camplex Systems." DECEMBER 1970/2 Editorial Personals Society Co­ (from page 1) was too specifically Sponsors Meeting directed in its breadth of examples would New Publications by Members end up as just a set of Operationsresearch The American Society for Cybernetics adjuncts to present academic Sub­ Leonard C. Silvern has written a new will join with the Institute of Manage­ divisions. A better answer would be to book, "Principles of Computer - Assisted ment Sciences, the Ame rican Society for attempt a maximum breadth o f experi­ lnstruction Systems," the six th book in Public Administration, and the Opera­ ence without such a width leading to an the se ries Systems Engineering of Educa­ tions Research Society of America, under inadequate degree of depth. tion, from Education and Training Con­ the primary sponsorslu p of the National sultants, Los Angeles. Bureau of Standards, to hold a joint The abovc discussion is neither definitive meeting in Gaithersburg, Maryland, May nor necessa rily complete. But there is Ed Dewan has a paper " Dynanuc Sta­ 24- 26, 1971. Title of the conference is enough to make the point. This news­ bilization o f the Van der Po l Equation," The Fourth Joint Meeting of Operations letter could usefully accept the function coming in Proceedings o f the Symposium Researchcrs in the Federal Government of a dialogue towards the d esign of a on Feedback and Dynamic Control of and the Private Research Sector. Also much needed cybernetics curriculum. Plasmas. cooperating are the Association for Com­ Al ex S. Fraser puting Machin ery, and the Mathematical University-ofCirrcinn11ti- On NSF Committee AssDciat1on of--America. Myron Coler and Larry Fogel have been For further info rmatio n, write or invited to se rve on the Subcommittee on phone: Dr. Roy 1-lerrmann, Department Meeting Communication and Education for the of Management Science, Hall of Gove rn­ NSF-sponsored National Institute of ment - Room l 03, The George Washing­ The Institute of Management Seiences Ecology. ton University, Washington, D. C., 20006. (TIMS) will ho ld its XVUI Internatio nal (202) 676-6072. Meeting in Waslungton, D. C ., on March 23 - 25. Title of the meeting is "Interna­ Prexy Gives Talk tional Horizons of Management Science." Carl Hammer, ASC President, addressed For m ore informatio n contact J ack the fifth annual conference of the Pierre Moshman, Moshman Associates, lnc., Teilhard de Chardin Society in October in 6400 Goldsboro Road, Washington, D. C. London. Also o n the program were Frank OFFICERS 20034. (202) 229-3000. George and Stafford Beer. Carl Hammer - Presidcnt Edmond M. Dewan - Vice President, Awards Program Roy Herrmann - Vice President, Symposia and Convention Report Programs Douglas E. Knigltt - Vice President, Publi­ Awards and Federation cations and Public Affairs 01arles P. Lecltt - Vice President, International Relations (Continued from page 1) William C. Moore Vicc President, Project The in vited speakers and sessio n chair­ national cybernetic groups. Ross Ashby Development men must be given great credit. Meredith A. Brickman Brown - Treasurer and Stafford Beer will continue negotiat­ Lewey 0. Gilstrap, Jr. - Secretary Thring, Gordon Pask, Ross Ashby, Heinz­ ing the topic with tho.sc o ther--societies Von Foerster, Julian Bigelow and Stanley who have shown interest. About 125 DIRECTORS Auerbach set the tone for the whole con­ members voted, with almost no dissenting Heinz vo11 Foerster Chairman ference. Stafford Beer, in his keynote votes. John J. Ford - Executive Director address, challenged all to join in the solu­ Lawrence J. Fogel - Immediate Past President The Wiener Medals were not awarded Sau/ Amarel tions of the problems of mankind. He at the conference as has been the custom Alexander Fraser provided a framework for the understand­ Harold K. Hughes in the past. The committee decided that ing which will be needed, and titled his George T. Jacobi the two day time which they had for talk " The Liberty Machine." It sh ould be Douglas E. Knight consideration was too sho rt, and that a Robert Pos required reading for anyone who still has better choice could be made by waiting Herben 1\1. Robinson that curious trait called "concern." Com­ until year's end. The 1970 award will be Stephen 1-. Sherwood ing issues o f The Journal will carry the EDITOR many high quality presented papers. They made at next year's symposium. Stafford Beer was give n th e first Warren will prove to be a continuing treat until Jolzn D. White - Honeywcll , lnc., 2701 rourth Avenue South , Minneapolis, Min­ next year's conference. M cCullough Memorial Plaque, a new award created in memory of our ASC nesota 55408. founder and first President. Heinz Von The ASC NEWSLETTER is published four Among the highlights: lt was decided Foerster, in maki.ng the presentation times a ycar by the American Society for at one of the noon luncheans that the stated: " His numerous accomplishments Cybernetics, c/o Dr. Carl Hammer, 2121 Wis­ consin Avenue N.W., Washington, D. C. 20007, ASC would participate in the establishing are well-known to all of us and of such for ASC members. Single copies free. Annual of a loose international federation excellence that the choice was unani­ dues are $15 for mcmbers and $5 for student between the different national and inter- mous. members. Prlnted in U. S. A . by MCBA ASC NEWSLEITER/3 Journal of Cybernetics Letters Scripta Publishing Corporation has an­ Action-Oriented Memory for a Perceiving To the Editor: nounced a new "essential serics in elec­ System: The Basic Model," by Michael A. Everyone knows that the whole nation is tronics and cybernetics." This series will Arbib, University of Massachusetts, and hurting financially; whether we are in include the Journal of Cybernetics, which R.ichard L.
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