Public Officers of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
1973-1974 Public Officers of the COMMONWEALTH of MASSACHUSETTS Prepared and printed under authority of Section 18 of Chapter 5 of the General Laws by NORMAN L. PIDGEON Senate Clerk and Parliamentarian and WALLACE C. MILLS Clerk of the House of Representatives SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES FROM MASSACHUSETTS IN THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES U. S. SENATE EDWARD M. KENNEDY Hyannisport, Democrat. Born: Boston, Feb. 22, 1932. Education: Milton Acad.; Harvard College; Int. Law School, The Hague; Univ. of Virginia Law School; Hon. degrees: Emanuel; Lowell Tech.; Assumption; Suffolk; Boston College; Northeastern; Santa Clara; Boston Univ. Profession: Lawyer. Organizations: Trustee: Boston Univ.; North- eastern Univ.; Children's Hosp.; Lahey Clinic; Mus. of Science; John F. Kennedy Memorial Library, Exec. Bd.; Bd. of Visitors Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Public office: United States Senate 1962-'64 (to fill vacancy), 1965-76, (Majority Whip) 1 969-7 1. U. S. SENATE ->m- EDWARD W. BROOKE 535 Beacon St., Newton Centre, Republican. Born: Washington, D. C, Oct. 26, 1919. Education: Howard University B.S. 1940; Bos- ton University LL.B. 1948, LL.M. 1949. Profession: Lawyer. Military: Captain, U. S. Army (World War II) Infantry. Organizations: AMVETS; Fellow of American Bar Assn.; Chrm. Bd. Boston Opera Com- pany; Trustee, Boston University. Public office: Boston Fin. Comm. (chm.); Mass. Attorney General 1963-'66; United States Senate 1967-78. U. S. HOUSE EDWARD P. BOLAND 100 Mooreland St., Springfield, 2nd District, Democrat. Born: Springfield, Oct. 1, 1911. Education: Classical High School; Bay Path Institute; Boston College Law School, Public office: Mass. House 1935-'40; Hampden County Register of Deeds 1941 -'52; Repre- sentative in Congress (83rd - 93rd) 1953-74.
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